Colour Is Part of Everyday Life
Colour Is Part of Everyday Life
Colour Is Part of Everyday Life
Colour is wonderful, without colour, life as we know it would be drab and dreary.
Colour is life, from the environment to clothes and makeup. Some people react
very badly when the are in a certain coloured atmosphere. Others, on the
contrary, are deeply attached to a favourite colour, giving it a beneficial
connotation. Because colour can have both a positive and negative effect, colour
therapies have been acknowledged as part of alternative healing for many
Sunlight and artificial UV have been used for over a century to restore physical
and psychological health. Science has recognised the important role light plays in
regulating the body!s biological clock, which controls hormone production, sleep
and behavioural patterns. "hen light enters the eye, it stimulates nerve impulses
to the hypothalamus, part of the brain responsible for mood, appetite, sleep,
temperature and se# drive. $hese neural impulses travel to the pineal gland in
the brain, which regulates hormonal balance.
$hese same impulses are stimulated by colour% the physiological effects of colour
on the human body &first of all moods' are well recognised according to colour
therapy theory.
So you see, we don(t )ust notice colours, we feel them. *entally, physically,
emotionally and spiritually, they empower us. +awn to dusk, they rule our world,
transforming nature(s energy into personal realisation, having an extremely
powerful influence upon all our minds and emotions.
Some colours are warming% red, orange and yellow, some are cooling% blue violet
and gentian, while green is neutral% the middle or balancing colour.
Orange is joy, energy Yellow is detachment, intellect Pink is love, life Green
is balance/equilibrium, harmony and sympathy urquoise is immunity !lue
is rela"ing, religious inspiration #iolet is dignity, self$respect, spirituality
%agenta is dissolving, letting go, &ed is passion, determination and
Colours of the new surroundings we find ourselves in often impact first
impressions and these colours become part of our memories. ,f it was a colour
that we found attractive the chances are that we would have been rela#ed and
happy and may have overlooked other less desirable aspects of the new
$he first impressions a new client has when she walks into your clinic will be long
lasting and will determine whether or not she returns for a second appointment.
*ake colour part of that first impression, look around your reception area is it
welcoming with warmth of colour-
"hat about you, do you have your lipstick on- .re your uniforms attractive and
colourful- ,s the treatment room linen a restful colour- +o you have fresh
flowers, aromatic candles and oil diffusers. Believe it or not, but fragrance is part
of the memory of colour, and will have as e/ually as big an impact on the senses.
( practical aspect of the application of colour in salon
Using coloured gels over light bo#es is a great way to give a room0coloured
ambience, which can be changed for each mood. $hese have been available
for some time now, but are having a renaissance and once more become
readily available from beauty therapy suppliers. $he use of coloured gels with a
light bo# removes the problem of having your reception or treatment rooms
painted in colours that will date and not be appealing to all. $hey are
ine#pensive and easily maintained. $he coloured gels are also easily obtained
from a lighting shop or supplier of e/uipment to the entertainment industry. One
e#cellent on0line source
$o gain full advantage from this use of colour the treatment room walls and
ceiling must be of a neutral colour. ,t will be during the consultation that you will
ascertain the client type, and what colours would be of benefit to her rela#ation.
$he whole room is not bathed in your colour choice, but will radiate up from the
corners of the room where the light bo# has been placed. ,t is acceptable to use
two colours but ensure they have the same psychological effects. $he
complimentary0associated shades can be used in linen and towels. $he
associated fragrances will be used in the essential oil diffuser1burner.
How is the brain efected by visual art?
You may or may not know it, but colors efect your emotions everyday. Certain colors
bring on certain emotions and have physical efects. Heres a list of some colors and
the emotional efects they have.
Increases blood pressure, increases stamina
Causes relaxation
Increases sexual urges, improves digestion, works as an antidepressant
Makes you more alert, energetic, happy, optimistic and open minded
Causes relaxation and deeper breathing, also associated with sickness
owers blood pressure, regulates sleep
!eels soothing, peaceful, stimulates creativity
!eelings of stability and security, nature
Color of death, silence, night and lack of change
"ymboli#es purity, peace
"ymboli#es boredom, loneliness, independence
Colors also have some other efects when used in diferent ways. !or instance, eating
on a pink table cloth makes you eat more. Here ares some examples of practical uses
of color.
"eeing something red will get you motivated.
$ blue lightbulb in your refrigerator will make you eat less.
Yellow alerts your visual system, so writing on yellow paper will make you
remember it more %which is why sticky notes are commonly yellow&.
'urple makes you more creative, so writing with a purple pen will really help
you get your creative (uices )owing*
+iferent colors have diferent efects, but to really understand visual art you need to
look at what your visual brain does not understand,
"hen a person is e#posed to red, the pituitary, an endocrine gland, is activated. On receiving
a signal from the pituitary, the adrenal gland in turn secretes adrenalin. ,t is this adrenalin that
flows into the blood stream and triggers off the whole range of physiological activity listed
below. Of course the time within which they manifest depends on the individual(s level of
physiological e/uilibrium $he blood pressure increases.
2' $he pulse rate increases as a result of higher blood flow.
3' $he respiratory rate picks up.
4' $he autonomic nervous system starts functioning and the reactions become involuntary.
5' $he taste buds become more responsive.
6' $he appetite improves.
7' $he sense of smell is intensified.
*en are drawn towards yellow0based reds but females find blue0based reds more attractive
.ccording to $he "agner ,nstitute for Colour esearch, Santa Barbara, colours can be of two
types8 a classifying colour that (holds position( and thus appeals to a few people% and a
declassifying colour that alters its position in order to increase its appeal to more people. $he
status of orange, being a blend of red and yellow, would thus depend on its varying shades of
light and dark. .s a classifier, orange is of immense importance to a person who intends to make
a buying decision. Orange induces the following physiological effects
$he appestat elevates and the appetite improves.
,nduces sleep.
$he rate of blood flow decreases.
"hen fused with blue, orange induces a feeling of tran/uility
9ellow being a declassifying colour, appeals to a large number of people and its effects on the
body are as follows8
9ellow is the most comple# colour for the human brain to process but it is also the most
prominent colour that we can see. $he presence of yellow, more than other colours,
affords us the /uickest vision of an ob)ect.
9ellow in nature, when combined with black elicits a guarded response, inherent in
9ellow evokes a brief response from a person under stress and adds to it by preparing
him1 her to face it or flee from it.
Children, who are kept in rooms painted yellow, tend to cry more often.
*any people suffer from fre/uent allergic reactions when e#posed to yellow surroundings.
Since different shades of green arouse unfavourable reactions in many people, it is generally
thought of as a classifier colour. Of course greens with more white and less yellow are found to
have a wider appeal. $he positive physiological effects of green are8
,t facilitates the production of blood histamine, a compound found in almost all body
tissues. ;istamine performs the important functions of dilating the blood vessels and
contracting smooth muscles like the lungs. ,t is also an important mediator of
,t reduces allergic reactions to foods and hypersensitivity to additives like monosodium
,t halts the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils, even under stimulation ,t
is very effective in reducing the discomfort arising from ailments like ec<ema, diarrhoea
and gastrointestinal problems.
$he presence of green stimulates the release of vision chemicals that improve the
eyesight. $he reverse colour of e#posed body tissue &which is mostly red' is surgical
green, a shade, which facilitates the doctor(s vision. from antigens. ,t stabili<es the mast
cells and basophils.
Blue is the most soothing of all the colours. $he presence of blue stimulates the brain to release
eleven neurotransmitters, which are hormones that induce a calming effect on the body, manifest
Slowing down of the pulse rate, accompanied by deep breathing.
educing the levels of perspiration and a lowering of body temperature.
.n absence of the fight or flight response induced by yellow.
=resence of blue in food would induce an abrupt termination of appetite
$he most environment friendly of all the colours, brown, inspires a sense of security. ,t induces a
favourable atmosphere for carrying out daily activities. $he positive presence of brown helps the
body and the mind.
+iminishes mental depression by reducing feelings of fatigue and irritation.
=romotes the synthesis of serotonin, a neurotransmitter.
Stimulates the release of prostaglandin >, a hormone0like substance, in the tissues and
body fluids. $his in turn plays an important role in the functioning of the womb, brain,
lungs, kidney and semen.
,ncreases the production of tryptophan amino acid that affects sleep, migraine headaches and
immunity levels.
The Color Psychology of Purple
Purple is the symbol of royalty and wealth.
Purple also represents wisdom and spirituality.
Purple does not often occur in nature, it can sometimes appear exotic or
? )ndian scientific architecture$ #astushastra
$he influence of different cultures was not only the leading element in the architecture of the
,ndian forts. Vastushastra, the ,ndian science of locating architectural structure in respect to
direction, philosophy, ergonomics, time, astronomy, proportion and surrounding environment
was implemented. Colors played a very crucial role after the construction of these sites. ,n all
the principles of Vastushastra provide structural permanence and grandeur and good /uality
of sound and light in the space while the colors play a role in every day actions. ?or e#ample
in an ,ndian palace the entrance porch is semi open in order to allow ma#imum light to enter
into space. .lso, according to Vastushastra the foyer has limited light for pleasant welcome
of the guest and to show the change in the space.
Colors in the interior space govern the role of the area assist in improving an individual!s
mood and increase productivity at work and in creating better mental and physical health.
.ccording to Vastushastra color can have an effect on our day to day activities in good and
bad manner. ;ence, color inspires our emotions and ultimately configures our behavior in
:reen and =ink color conveys energy, liveliness and red signify impartiality and
wholesomeness. =ink color denotes love and affection, delight, bliss when used in interior
spaces. !lack represents a sense of trepidation, splendor and insightfulness. ;ence, Color
is the feature of an ob)ect that is caused by differing character of light reflected or emitted by
that substance and is defined in terms of the viewer. Creates an energy around us. $he
visible spectrum formed in our sight created a physiological response between the brain and
the eye.
,n all the comple# )ourney of light through the retina in the back of our eyes and the rods and
cones reaction to dark and light creates a reaction, by which the brain interprets color. ;ence
there is no color without light and the color reflect by an ob)ect depends on the material. .s
mentioned about light /ualities in Vastushastra, the topography and climate of ,ndia make an
individual feel that the colors are very concentrated and vibrant due to the light /ualities in
,ndia. $he visual perception is different in varying light /uantities.
(**+**),G -+ .(,/$ 0O.O& O1 *O).
$here are various methods of assessing the land before starting construction. One of the
most important phases is to assess the color of the soil. ?or Brahmans that is people who
are teachers, intellectuals, priests and scientists with soil should be white or light grey. ?or
@satriyas that is people who are rulers, administrators and soldiers the soil should be red in
color. ?or Vaisyas or people who are farmers, businessmen or bankers should build their
houses on yellow soiled land and people who are sudras that is artisans, servants, laborers
should build on black color soil land. .lso, to check the soil as to wether it is good for building
purpose, one can dig a 23 feet deep hole and if there is black soil till three feet down and
white or red below then that land can be used for building a house
Impact of Colors
Colors inspire our emotions and behavior. These have great impact on our life. The
following colors are considered auspicious for the enhancement of astu! of a building.
Red: "t symboli#es bravery and power. "t!s dramatic, emotional and active. "t
should not be used in bedrooms because of its energi#ing $uality. "t can also be stressful
for those who are nervous.
Orange: This color inspires spirituality and power. "t encourages positive feeling,
happiness, %oy and good social relationship. Peach color can also be used as it is a cool
Green: "t represents nature, hope, freshness. "t brings harmony, $uick healing, good and
healthy environment to the room. Most of the hospitals are using this color because of its
$uick healing $uality. &reen color is good for study room as it re%uvenate the ideas.
Yellow: "t gives a sense of patience and wisdom. "t represents sunlight which
symboli#es power. "f a room gets direct sunlight, do not paint the walls with yellow color.
'or !Poo%a! room, yellow color is perfect.
Blue: "t symboli#es spring, new growth and rela(ation. This is cool color can be used for
bedrooms or meditation room.
Purple) This color inspires faith, respect and trust. *ever paint entire room in purple color
as it may be overpowering. +owever a light purple color can be used for a calming
hite: it!s an elegant color and looks good when combined with other colors. ,hite
ceilings are suggested by most of the people as it reflects the light and brightens the
room. This color can be used in north-west bedroom.
Pin!:This color represents %oy, happiness and pure feeling. "t can be used in master
bedroom and bedrooms in the .outh and .outhwest.
Blac!: it indicates lack of hope and confidence. "t gives us depressed and tensed feel.
/void black and gray color in house as these may cause frustration and hopelessness.
Choosing the Paint Color according to
Bedroom : Pink is an auspicious color for bedroom. 0ight blue and light green are also
good for bedroom. Choose green color for children!s bedroom because it can helps in
study of children.
#i$ing Room: Yellow, blue, green, tan and beige are best colors for living room as these
colors are pleasant for guests.
%itchen: The white is the best color for kitchen. Yellow, orange, rose pink, chocolate and
red colors are also good colors for kitchen.
Bathroom: "t can be of white or a mi( of black and white or gray colors. Pink and other
pastel colors are also good.
&ining Room: The Pink, green and blue colors are good for dining room as this place
needs to be painted in refreshing colors for the family eats and entertains there. /void
black and white or mi(ture of black and white in the room.
Is Your 'ome 'ealthy(
&ood health is above the wealth. That!s because you cannot truly be a wealthy
person if you do not have a sound health. "n todays environment, staying healthy
and fit is vitally important.
/s our lives are certainly not getting easier, the need to create a healthy and vibrant
home environment cannot be overestimated. ,e have to have a safe, peaceful and
energetically balanced space where our bodies can let down the daylong protective
shield and focus on regenerating and self-healing.
1nderstanding some very basic vastu arrangement inside the
house can help you to make profound changes toward better health for you and your
loved ones. +ealth is the foundation stone for creating wealth and the ability to en%oy
the wealth created. Your health is directly connected to your environment. You can
improve your life and business by proper planning of home and work environment
with the help of vastu shastra.
)nergy &rain
"n addition to the bad habbits and sedentary lifestyle , there are other factors which
also are e$ually responsible for the poor health. Your home environment could be a
key element in the health condition of the family. Make your home clutter free.
Clutter is defined as unorgani#ed things you do not love, that are unfinished and take
up space within your home 2 life. Clutter free environment makes you stress free.
+owever, there are a number of vastu techni$ues that you can use to stop the
energy drain.
Good colours and lightings
Colour has a powerful effect on your mood 2 behavior. 3ach color is an e(pression of
the certain kind of energy. Color is able not only to affect our mood, but also has an
influence at our health. "f you have too dark colour in your home then you could
suffer from depression, allergies 2 colds.
0ighting transforms a space.The use and moderation of light, be it natural or
artificial, is important in vastu , as it influences and defines a homes atmosphere. "t
also has a powerful effect on our personalities and can depress, stimulate or rela(
us. 4ooms that are poorly lit are depressing and can strain the eyes. Create a more
restful environment with lights, and rooms become soothing and comfortable,
helping us to unwind from outside stresses in a calming and nurturing environment.
Chec! at your health sector(
The health corner of the home is located in the east sector, a direction of sun 5 a
vital energy force. "s there a bathroom6toilet there7 "s there a store room 7 "f so,
you will want to make it as clean and clear as possible. 1se of rock salt, crystal , sun
painting and colours in this area can effectively neutrali#e the negatives of the
wrong placement.
Is your *ed room is located in proper direction (
The bedroom is one of the critical areas of the house. Make sure the bed is
positioned correctly and in the positive direction. 3liminate views to the bathroom or
toilet or mirror or water feature. Clear off surfaces regularly, making the room as
clean and clear as possible. Make this room as healthful as possible.
"f you suffer from insomnia, it is a good idea to look at your bedroom and determine
how you can improve its energy flow in order to promote a good night!s sleep. .ome
common causes of sleep problems include too many mirrors in the bedroom, colors
that are too bright instead of muted or ob%ects that tend to create 8poor energy ,8
and ob%ects stored under the bed, which generate stagnant, negative energy that is
absorbed by your body when you!re in bed.
+re there health sym*ols around your house(
/ccording to vastu 2 even feng shui, certain ob%ects and symbols promote longevity
and good health. These includes sun, deer, bamboo plants, crystals, fountains etc.
3ven pictures that feature the elements of vastu are considered to be auspicious
health symbols.
.ome people puts fish tanks or water fountains either for decoration or suggested by
consultant. Make certain you have clean fish tanks or fountains. 9irty water e$uates
to poor health and vitality, poor energy and it can affect your finances, too:
Create a healthy environment with astu shastra and begin to change the way you
These are general guidelines which can be safely applied to your house. +owever, if
you are serious about achieving a sound health, then a personali#ed consultation is