AVERRHOA CARAMBOLA Linn. Averrhoa Pentranda Blanco
AVERRHOA CARAMBOLA Linn. Averrhoa Pentranda Blanco
AVERRHOA CARAMBOLA Linn. Averrhoa Pentranda Blanco
Analyses of the fruit show it to be a fairly good source of iron but deficient
in calcium. Hermano and Sepulveda report that it is a fair source of vitamin B.
Read adds the fruit also contains vitamin C. According to Correa, the fruit
contains oxalic acid, and potassium oxalate. Sanyal and Ghose say that the
seeds contain an alkaloid, harmaline (C13H14N2O).
Regnault reports that the Chinese and Annamites use the flowers against
cutaneous affections.
Sanyal and Ghose report that the drug acts an as a stimulant to the
reproductive organs in both male and the female. In the female it also increases
the fluid of milk and the menstrual fluid. In large doses, it acts as an
emmenagogue like ergot, and produces abortion. It is generally administered in
the form of an infusion or decoction of the crushed seeds through it may also be
given in the form of a tincture. Like Cannabis indica, it has slight intoxicating