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The Business Model Canvas
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On : Day Month Year No. Iteration: Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key cti!ities "o partners perform? motivations for partnerships: Optimization and economy Reduction of risk and uncertainty Acquisition of particular resources and activities What Key cti!ities "o our #alue Propositions require? $ur Distri%ution &hannels? &ustomer Relationships? Re!enue streams? categories Production Prolem Solving Platform!"et#ork What !alue "o we "eli!er to the customer? Which one of our customer's pro%lems are we helping to sol!e? What %un"les of pro"ucts an" ser!ices are we offering to each &ustomer (egment? Which customer nee"s are we satisfying? characteristics "e#ness Performance Customization $%etting the &o 'one( 'esign )rand!Status Price Cost Reduction Risk Reduction Accessiility Convenience!*saility What type of relationship "oes each of our &ustomer (egments e)pect us to esta%lish an" maintain with them? Which ones ha!e we esta%lishe"? *ow are they integrate" with the rest of our %usiness mo"el? *ow costly are they? examples Personal assistance 'edicated Personal Assistance Self+Service Automated Services Communities Co+creation +or whom are we creating !alue? Who are our most important customers? ,ass ,arket "iche ,arket Segmented 'iversified ,ulti+sided Platform Key Resources Channels What Key Resources "o our #alue Propositions require? $ur Distri%ution &hannels? &ustomer Relationships? Re!enue (treams? types of resources Physical -ntellectual .rand patents/ copyrights/ data0 1uman 2inancial ,hrough which &hannels "o our &ustomer (egments want to %e reache"? *ow are we reaching them now? *ow are our &hannels integrate"? Which ones work %est? Which ones are most cost-efficient? *ow are we integrating them with customer routines? channel phases: 34 A#areness 1o# do #e raise a#areness aout our company5s products and services6 74 8valuation 1o# do #e help customers evaluate our organization5s Value Proposition6 94 Purchase 1o# do #e allo# customers to purchase specific products and services6 :4 'elivery 1o# do #e deliver a Value Proposition to customers6 ;4 After sales 1o# do #e provide post+purchase customer support6 Cost Structure What are the most important costs inherent in our %usiness mo"el? Which Key Resources are most e)pensi!e? Which Key cti!ities are most e)pensi!e? is your business more: Cost 'riven .leanest cost structure/ lo# price value proposition/ ma<imum automation/ e<tensive outsourcing 0 Value 'riven . focused on value creation/ premium value proposition0 Revenue Streams +or what !alue are our customers really willing to pay? +or what "o they currently pay? *ow are they currently paying? *ow woul" they prefer to pay? *ow much "oes each Re!enue (tream contri%ute to o!erall re!enues? sample characteristics: types: fixed pricing dynamic pricing 2i<ed Costs .salaries/ rents/ utilities0 Asset sale =ist Price "egotiation. argaining 0 Variale costs *sage fee Product feature dependent >ield ,anagement 8conomies of scale Suscription 2ees Customer segment dependent Real+time+,arket 8conomies of scope =ending!Renting!=easing Volume dependent =icensing )rokerage fees Advertising ww w .busin e ssmodel g ene ration .c om ,his work is license" un"er the &reati!e &ommons ttri%ution-(hare like ../ 0nporte" 1icense. ,o !iew a copy of this license2 !isit http3 44creati !ecommons .org4li censes4 %y-sa4. ./4 or sen" a letter to &reati!e &ommons2 565 (econ" (treet2 (uite .//2 (an +rancisco2 &alifornia2 785/92 0(.