Keep Sowing
Keep Sowing
Keep Sowing
Church Growth Lesson 14
the latter reign of revival and outpouring of the Why was the master insistent on sending his
Spirit as Joel prophesied in Joel 2:28‐29. servant again? “Compel them to come in, that
my house may be filled” (verse 23).
“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same
shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom Jesus has prepared a great feast; all things are
shall be preached in all the world, for a witness ready; and He is compelling all to come in so
unto all nations; and then shall the end come” His house (the church) will be filled. Jesus
(Matthew 24: 13‐14). declared, “upon this rock I will build my
Church” (Matthew 16:18).
Note: Endure: “...The race is not to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong...” (Ecclesiastes 9:11); In 1 Corinthians 3:6 Paul reveals the partnership
but the race is won by the one who runs with role we have with God when it comes to church
patience (Hebrews 12: 1‐2). growth. “I have planted, Apollos watered; but
God gave the increase.”
Have you ever wondered what you are doing on
earth that you cannot do in heaven? Praying, The Psalmist said, “They that sow in tears shall
singing, worshipping, fellowshipping, listening reap in joy. (This is the law of the Harvest.. sow,
to the voice of God, etc. can be done in heaven. then reap) He that goeth forth (you must go if
However, sin and witnessing will not be done in you expect results) and weepeth, (denotes a
heaven. Which one are you continuing to do? burden) bearing precious seed (the Word of
God), shall doubtless (for sure; without a doubt;
God wants His Church to grow because He is it’s a promise) come again with rejoicing,
the God of the Full House. Some say God is bringing his sheaves (you will have Church
concerned with the quality of our members Growth) with him” (Psalm 126:5‐6, emphasis
rather than the quantity. Surely God is mine).
interested in both; a glorious church without
spot or wrinkle and a great host of men and We must continue doing our part and our great
women who serve Him. After all, before He left Partner will do His part. At times the road is
for heaven, He proclaimed, “In my Father’s rough and there are setbacks but we must press
house are many mansions...” (John 14:2). He also on toward the mark (Philippians 3:14). As the
came because of His love for the world (John song says, “Onward Christian Soldiers.”
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for
In Luke 14 Jesus tells a convincing story of His whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
desire for churches to be full and to experience reap. And let us not be weary in well doing: for
Church Growth. A man had prepared a great in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”
feast and invited many. The servant was sent (Galatians 6:7,9).
with a message, “Come, for all things are now
ready” (verse 17). Those invited gave foolish “Quitters never win; winners never quit.” It’s
excuses and refused to come. When the servant always too soon to quit! “If thou faint in the day
informed the Master, he sent him out quickly to of adversity, thy strength is small” (Proverbs
bring the poor, blind, halt, and withered. The 24:10). Also read Isaiah 40: 29, 31.
servant brought those but there was still room
for more. The master sent the servant out again. The songwriter wrote:
Church Growth Lesson 14
“He didn’t bring us this far just to leave us.
He didn’t teach us to swim, to let us drown. 2. Who wants your church to grow more than
He didn’t build His home in us just to move anyone else? _______________________________
away. He didn’t pick us up, to let us down.”
3. What lesson can we learn from the story of
DON’T QUIT the two frogs? _____________________________
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, ___________________________________________
When the road you are trudging on seems all ___________________________________________
When the funds are low and the debts are high, 4. Where do we find a prophecy of a revival in
And you want to smile but you have to sigh, the last days? ______________________________
When care is pressing you down a bit, ___________________________________________
Rest if you must ‐ but don’t you quit.
5. Is God interested in quality or quantity?
Life is queer with it’s twists and turns, Explain! __________________________________
As every one of us sometimes learns, ___________________________________________
And many a failure turns about ___________________________________________
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow 6. What do we learn from the story found in
You might succeed with another blow. Luke 14? __________________________________
Success is failure turned inside out, ___________________________________________
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt. ___________________________________________
And you can never tell how close you are, ___________________________________________
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit, 7. What does 1 Corinthians 3:6 reveal?_________
It’s when things seem worse ___________________________________________
Then you must NOT QUIT. ___________________________________________
We must do as the Early Church: They
continued! 8. In one word describe what the Early Church
did. They __________________________________
Ecclesiastes 11:1, 4‐6 is an encouraging Scripture
of sowing until church growth happens! 9. For what reason has the Lord allowed us to
remain on earth? __________________________
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap ___________________________________________
but by the seeds you plant” (Robert Louis ___________________________________________
10. What is an encouraging Scripture when it
comes to Church Growth? ___________________
Study Questions
1. Who can cause the church to grow?