School Happenings: 13726 N.State Road 245 Lamar, IN 47550

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13726 N.

State Road 245

Lamar, IN 47550 twitter: @Lincoln_Trail

Principal: Mr. Ben Lawalin
Secretary: Mrs. Mary Roos
Phone: (812) 937-2400 ext. 5
Fax: (812) 544-2930

August 14th, 2014

WOW! This first day has come and gone and the new school year is off to a great start! The kids have
such great energy, and are already settling into school routines nicely. I am confident that our staff will be
able to match it! It was wonderful to meet and see so many of you at registration and/or Open House.
Your involvement in your childs education is vital to their continued growth and school success.

School Happenings
Transportation: Please know your childs safe return to you each evening is a top priority for us. For
this reason, we ask that parents notify us each day of transportation changes. All calls and notes
regarding afternoon transportation changes need to be made by 2:30 each day. If we do not hear from
you we will send them home as normal. You may call, email, or send a note with your child. Thanks for
helping us get everyone home safely. Unless prior arrangements have been made, the office must be
notified by 9:00am each day if students are staying for the after school program. Remember, the after
school program is always a safe place for your child to be. If a student gets on the wrong bus, misses the
bus, or anything else that disrupts the normal plan, we will keep him or her at school until a parent can
come and pick them up.

Pickup/Drop Off Procedures: Parents who drop their children off at school should do so around the
back of the building between 7:20-7:40. If your child is dropped off earlier than 7:20 you will be billed for
the before School care program. Morning preschool parents need to walk their child into the daycare
classroom. After school car riders will be dismissed around the back of the building. Preschool students
will be walked out by Mrs. Guthrie and brought to each car. Please know that we will load all
preschool students before we begin dismissing K-6 students.

School Schedule: Parents from time to time want to come in and eat lunch with their children. Please
know that you are always welcome at Lincoln Trail. We will operate on the following schedule this year:
9:30-9:45 AM Recess for K-6 students
11:00-11:30 - PS, KDG, & 1st grade lunch
11:00-11:30 = 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grade recess
11:30-12:00 = PS, KDG, & 1st grade recess
11:30-12:00 = 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grade lunch
12:15-12:45 = 5th & 6th grade lunch
12:45-1:15 = 5th & 6th grade recess
1:45-2:00 = KDG, 1st, & 2nd grade recess

Reminders & Upcoming Events
For new families to LT: Each week your child will be bring home a Thursday folder. We try to save
all important papers for Thursday. We ask that you go through your childs folder each week and
send it back on Friday.
Reminder Minutemen Football Sign-ups are tonight from 5:30-7:30 at the HHHS cafeteria. Flyers
went home yesterday, but if you need more information please visit
Little Patriot Cheer Clinic = Open to any child in grades K-6. One day clinic focuses on football
cheers, technique, jumps, and leadership. All participants will be invited to perform a short pep
rally dance. Date is Saturday, August 23rd from 9-3. Registration begins at at 8:30 & the pep
rally will take place at 2:30. Kindergartners will only attend from noon to 3. Everything will be held
at the HHHS Red Gym. Cost is $25 and includes a camp t-shirt. Forms are available in the
school office. Parents can also email or call Alyssa Sermersheim at 812.630.6890 and
[email protected].
Cross Country Forms are available in the school office and is open to students in grades 4-6.
Meets are held on 3 Tuesdays in September (9, 16, & 23).
Thursday, August 21st = Summer Box Top Challenge Reward - The classroom that brings in the
most box tops wins a special treat from the LT PTO.
Thursday, August 21st = PTO meeting @ 4:30. All parents invited!
Friday, August 22nd & Monday, August 25th = DIBELS testing (Reading Fluency)
Monday, August 25th = School Board Meeting @ 7:00
Harmony = Be sure and keep your childs unique login. Did you know that you can see your childs
discipline records, lunch account balance, and even how nurse visits? If you have lost your childs
information just email or call the office and we can send it to you again.

Is your child having trouble adjusting to the back to school routine? Check out these tips from!
1. Make it a team effort. Involve your child in conversations about school, particularly what they
enjoy and what causes them stress.
2. Keep a positive focus. Reassure your child that what he or she is feeling isnt anything new or
different than countless other kids.
3. Encourage and model school involvement. Your kids will see how important it is to you and
will likely follow suit.
4. Get enough zs. Start the year with a sleep routine and try to keep it.
5. Learn as much as you can about the school and the way it operates. This will enable you
to answer questions your child has with confidence.
6. Prepare the night before. To avoid the morning rush, organize what you can the night before.
Lay out clothes, make a lunch and assemble any supplies your child may need. Be sure to get
everyone up extra early so you'll have plenty of time to calmly get ready and get out the door on
7. Get a healthy start. Encourage your child to eat a good breakfast and pack a healthy snack to
help her get through the day.
8. Communicate with your childs teacher. Teachers can often be helpful in making sure kid are
comfortable. Make them a partner in what you are trying to accomplish.

Inspire Challenge Achieve Nurture

A Note From Mr. Robison
Physical Education
Lincoln Trail Elementary

Introduction: First of all I would like to take a chance to introduce myself as the new physical education teacher at
Lincoln Trail Elementary School. My name is Clay Robison and I am a graduate of Western Kentucky University with
a bachelors in physical education and a minor in health. Last year, I was the physical education teacher at Nancy
Hanks, Chrisney and David Turnham. I am very excited to get the opportunity to teach your childs physical education
class this coming school year at Lincoln Trail. It will be my goal to prepare my students to live a healthy and active
lifestyle. I am very excited to get this school year started and begin teaching your child what I have a passion for,
physical activity.

General Rules and Regulations:

1. Be prepared for class:
Students will be required to wear appropriate physical education attire along with appropriate footwear on the
day their class has physical education. (Appropriate footwear does not include Sandals, Crocs, Boots, High
heels, Sperrys, Toms, Etc..) Tennis shoes only will be allowed for gym class. If your child does not have
tennis shoes, he or she will not be allowed to participate in gym class that particular day.

2. Listen while the teacher is speaking

3. Always give your best effort!
Students will always be asked to try their best at every skill, game or sport we are working on in physical
education class. I believe the only way to improve at a skill, sport, game or activity is to practice and perform
the task over and over again.

4. Respect all classmates, teachers, and property:
Students will be asked to respect the schools property which consists of the school, the gymnasium and the
equipment we are using. I will also ask students to respect their classmates and teachers property along with
their own property.

5. Follow safety tips to keep yourself and classmates from getting hurt!

6. The gymnasium is a gum, candy, food and drink free environment!

Proper Dress/Attire for Physical Education:
At Lincoln Trail Elementary School, your child should come to physical education prepared to participate on
the day they have class. This will require your child to be dressed appropriately for physical activity. This
would include tennis shoes, t-shirts, shorts, jeans, or sweatpants. These requirements are needed to ensure the
students' safety and fitness development. If these requirements are not met, students will get a "No Dress" for
the day. After the second "No Dress" in the grading period, a supervised study will be given.

Participation is required by all students. Progress reports will be based on the Indiana Academic Standards
and assessed through student participation (appropriate dress), individual progress, and any written tests or

Parental and Medical Excuses:

In order for you child to be excused from participating in physical activity, students must have a doctor's
written release or parent written request for specific health reasons (for example: returning from an illness,
sprained ankle, etc.). After two consecutive physical education classes have been missed with a parent
release, a doctor's excuse will be required to continue non-participation for a specific medical condition. In
such cases, a specific limit of time should be indicated by the doctor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this contract and go over it with your child. I am looking forward to a
great school year. If you need to contact me, you may email me at the address listed below.

Email: [email protected]

Family Fun with Spencer Girl Scouts!
AEP Honey Creek Farm, US 231 & CR 500, Rockport
Sunday, September 21, 2014, 2 5 p.m.

All Spencer County girls, grades k-12, and their immediate families, are invited to attend an event that will
feature games (obstacle course, tug of war, Cornhole) and on-land water games. Also included is face
painting and refreshments. Wear a swim suit under your clothing for water games and bring a towel to dry off
with. Each girl must attend with an adult.

Direct questions about this event to Rachel J aggers (812) 306-7405 or email: [email protected]
(Subject: Spencer Girl Scout Games Day)

Event cost for girls grades K 12, includes refreshments and a patch, is $5 per person.
Cost for parents, pre-kindergarten girls, and boys, includes refreshments, is $2 per person.
The national membership fee for girls/adults wanting to join Girl Scouts is $15 per person.
Financial assistance of up to $7.50 toward the GSUSA membership fee may be available for girls or adults
who qualify.

Reservation deadline is September 12. To make a reservation, complete the form below, and mail a check,
made payable to Spencer County Service Unit, to LaDonna Bolin, 11 S. Railroad Street, Chrisney IN 47611.
Here is our reservation for:
____ Daughter(s) grades K 12 @ $5 =$______
____ Parents ____ Pre-kindergarten girls ____ Boys @ $2 each =$_________.
____ My daughter(s) wants to join Girl Scouts @ $15 each=$____
____ We need financial assistance for the membership fee of up to $7.50 per adult / girl @ $_____
Total amount enclosed is $_________.

Daughters name: _________________________________DOB___________ Age: _____ Grade: ______

School: _________________________ Email: ________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________ Phone #: ________________________________

List food allergies: _______________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact and Phone #: ___________________________________________________________

Print Name of Parents: ________________________________ Signature: ___________________________
I want to help with this event.
I want to help the troop that my daughter / granddaughter / niece join.
I am interested in helping organize a troop for my daughter / granddaughter / niece.














[email protected]

Girls, grades K6 invited to join Girl Scouts!
Come and register
Lincoln Trail School Cafeteria
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
3:00 5:00 p.m.
Girls in grades K 3 are in need of a leader team.
Contact Crystal Cline (812) 686-6519 with questions.

Girl Scouts enjoy:
Twilight Camp
Take Action Projects that create sustainable change in the community
Girl Scout Cookie Program
Earning badges and awards
You can join a troop or can participate individually in events, series, trips/travel, and camping.

Girl Scouts in troops have a voice in selecting what will happen during their meetings; badge work,
guest speakers, local trips, and how they will spend their cookie proceeds (ex. Build-A-Bear, Gattitown,
Movie Night, Pump-It-Up, service projects).
Troop Meetings: The adult leader team determines how often the troop meets and the length of the
meetings. Most troops meet weekly or every other week; however, teen troops can meet monthly.

Adult involvement: Parents and other interested adults can help--as leader, co-leader, assistant leader,
program consultant, troop cookie chair, or helping hands during meetings. Adults helping during
extended trips, overnight activities, or on a regular basis with a troop must complete a background check.
GSSI will pay costs related to the background check.

I cannot make the meeting, but my daughter wants to join Girl Scouts. So, I am returning this
completed form to the school office.

I would like to help my daughters troop. Check all that apply: ___ assist with meetings, ___ plan trips,

___ troop cookie parent, ___ schedule guest speakers, ___ plan crafts, ____ help the girls earn badges

Daughters Name ____________________________ Grade ___ DOB (1/1/2014) __________________

Address ____________________________________ City _____________________ Zip code________

Parents Name ______________________________ Signature ________________________________

My email ___________________________________ Telephone _______________________________

Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana, 223 NW 2
Street, Evansville, IN 47708,
Donna Hodge T: 800-757-9348 or 812-421-4970, Ext.313

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