This document provides an overview of useful Java libraries and collections for programming contests, including common interfaces like List, Set, Map, and their implementations like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet. It also discusses methods for sorting, searching, and manipulating collections as well as useful classes like Random, Scanner, String, and regular expressions. The document is intended as a reference for important concepts and code snippets related to Java collections and utilities that are common in programming competitions.
This document provides an overview of useful Java libraries and collections for programming contests, including common interfaces like List, Set, Map, and their implementations like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet. It also discusses methods for sorting, searching, and manipulating collections as well as useful classes like Random, Scanner, String, and regular expressions. The document is intended as a reference for important concepts and code snippets related to Java collections and utilities that are common in programming competitions.
This document provides an overview of useful Java libraries and collections for programming contests, including common interfaces like List, Set, Map, and their implementations like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet. It also discusses methods for sorting, searching, and manipulating collections as well as useful classes like Random, Scanner, String, and regular expressions. The document is intended as a reference for important concepts and code snippets related to Java collections and utilities that are common in programming competitions.
This document provides an overview of useful Java libraries and collections for programming contests, including common interfaces like List, Set, Map, and their implementations like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet. It also discusses methods for sorting, searching, and manipulating collections as well as useful classes like Random, Scanner, String, and regular expressions. The document is intended as a reference for important concepts and code snippets related to Java collections and utilities that are common in programming competitions.
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Programming Contest Preparation
Useful Libraries and Information
USACO High School Programming Competition Online Tests: ACM: !aa Collections"oo#s/tutorial/collections/inter$aces/inde%.html A set can onl& contain one o$ a particular element. There is also a sortedSet 'treeSet( that e%tends set and adds an ordering. A list can contain more than one element and is sorted. A map has #e&s and alues) li#e a hash ta"le. There is also a sortedMap 'treeMap( that e%tends a map and adds an ordering. Collections use *enerics:"oo#s/tutorial/jaa/generics/inde%.html Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(); Use$ul classes) ta#en $rom the AP CS A+ hand"oo# 'http://,,,.college",nloads/ap/students/compsci/./01. 2/3APCompSci-4oc#ed.pd$( 5interface java.util.List<E> boolean add(E x) int size() E get(int index) E set(int index, E x) // replaces the element at index with x // returns the element formerly at the specifed position void add(int index, E x) // inserts x at position index, sliding elements // at position index and higher to the right // (adds to their indices) and ad!usts size E remove(int index) // removes element from position index, sliding // elements at position index and higher to the // left (subtracts from their indices) and ad!usts size // returns the element formerly at the specifed position "terator#E$ iterator() %ist"terator#E$ list"terator() class ja va.util.ArrayList<E> implements java.util.List<E> class ja va.util.LinkedList<E> implements java.util.List<E>, java.util.Queue<E> ðods in addition to the %ist methods' void add(irst(E x) void add%ast(E x) E get(irst() E get%ast() E remove(irst() E remove%ast() interface java.util.Set<E> boolean add(E x) boolean contains()b!ect x) boolean remove()b!ect x) int size() "terator#E$ iterator() class ja va.util.HashSet<E> implements java.util.Set<E> class ja va.util.TreeSet<E> implements java.util.Set<E> interface java.util.ap<!,"> * put(+ ,ey, * value) * get()b!ect ,ey) * remove()b!ect ,ey) boolean contains+ey()b!ect ,ey) int size() -et#+$ ,ey-et() class ja va.util.Hashap<!,"> implements java.util.ap<!,"> class ja va.util.Treeap<!,"> implements java.util.ap<!,"> 'Use treeMap i$ &ou ,ant a sorted Map) HashMap i$ &ou ,ant a $ast Map. Same ,ith Set.( interface java.util.#terat$r<E> boolean has.ext() E next() void remove() interface ja va.util.List#terat$r<E> e%tends java.util.#terat$r<E> ðods in addition to the "terator methods void add(E x) void set(E x) class java.util.Stack<E> E push(E x) E pop() E pee,() boolean isEmpty() interface java.util.Queue<E> boolean add(E x) E remove() E pee,() boolean isEmpty() class java.util.&ri$rityQueue<E> boolean add(E x) E remove() E pee,() boolean isEmpty() !aa.util.6ector resi7a"le lin#ed list8si7e and capacit& can ar& .add'inde%) o"j( .add'o"ject( .get'inde% i( .remoe'inde% i( is9mpt&'( remoe'o"ject( clear'( Arra&4ists are similar to 6ectors. :ou"le-ended ;ueue < Stac#s com"ined ,ith ;ueues class;ue=9> e%tends ;ueue - ne, ,ith !aa ? Methods) $rom;ue.html 'special alue $unctions return null or $alse appropriatel&(: First Element (Head) Last Element (Tail) Throws exception Special value Throws exception Special value Insert addFirst(e) offerFirst(e) addLast(e) offerLast(e) Remove removeFirst() pollFirst() removeLast() pollLast() Examine getFirst() peekFirst() getLast() peekLast() Collections implementations and methods) $rom the Sun !aa Collections Oerie, Site) :
Implementations Has Table Resi!able "rra# $alan%ed Tree Lin&ed List Has Table ' Lin&ed List Interfa%es (et HashSet
LinkedHashSet List ArraList
)e*ue Arra!e"#e
+ap Hash$ap
LinkedHash$ap Collections sort(List) - Sorts a list using a merge sort algorithm) ,hich proides aerage-case per$ormance compara"le to a high- ;ualit& ;uic#sort) guaranteed O'n@log n( per$ormance 'unli#e ;uic#sort() and stability 'unli#e ;uic#sort(. 'A sta"le sort is one that does not reorder e;ual elements.( sort'4ist) comparator( binar#(ear%(List, -b.e%t) - Searches $or an element in an ordered list using the "inar& search algorithm. reverse(List) - Aeerses the order o$ the elements in the a list. suffle(List) - Aandoml& permutes the elements in a list. fill(List, -b.e%t) - Oer,rites eer& element in a list ,ith the speci$ied alue. %op#(List dest, List sr%) - Copies the source list into the destination list. min(Colle%tion) - Aeturns the minimum element in a collection. max(Colle%tion) - Aeturns the ma%imum element in a collection. rotate(List list, int distan%e) - Aotates all o$ the elements in the list "& the speci$ied distance. repla%e"ll(List list, -b.e%t old/al, -b.e%t ne0/al) - Aeplaces all occurrences o$ one speci$ied alue ,ith another. index-f(ubList(List sour%e, List target) - Aeturns the inde% o$ the $irst su"list o$ source that is e;ual to target. lastIndex-f(ubList(List sour%e, List target) - Aeturns the inde% o$ the last su"list o$ source that is e;ual to target. s0ap(List, int, int) - S,aps the elements at the speci$ied positions in the speci$ied list. fre*uen%#(Colle%tion, -b.e%t) - Counts the num"er o$ times the speci$ied element occurs in the speci$ied collection. dis.oint(Colle%tion, Colle%tion) - :etermines ,hether t,o collections are disjoint) in other ,ords) ,hether the& contain no elements in common. add"ll(Colle%tion12 super T3, T444) - Adds all o$ the elements in the speci$ied arra& to the speci$ied collection. ne0(etFrom+ap(+ap) - Creates a general purpose Set implementation $rom a general purpose $ap implementation. asLifo5ueue()e*ue) - Aeturns a ie, o$ a !e"#e as a 4ast-in-$irst- out '4i$o( %#e#e. Aange-ie, operations on a sorted set di&tionar's#(Set()f)* )g))'&lear(); 's#(Set(+f,*,g,)'si-e() dictionar&.headSet'o"ject n( up to n) e%clusie dictionar&.tailSet'O"ject n( .$irst'( last'( Bor each-loops$oreach.html Dnstead o$ void &an&elAll(.olle&tion<TimerTask> &) / for (0terator<TimerTask> i = &'iterator(); i'has1e2t(); ) i'ne2t()'&an&el(); 3 we &an #se void &an&elAll(.olle&tion<TimerTask> &) / for (TimerTask t 4 &) t'&an&el(); 3 // a is an array of integers for (int i 4 a) res#lt 5= i;
:oes not ,or# $or collections i$ &ouEre remoing elements 9%ample ,ith a map: for (6eTpe ke 4 m'keSet()) Sstem'o#t'println(ke); and ,ith an iterator: 77 Filter a map (ased on some propert of its kes' for (0terator<Tpe> it = m'keSet()'iterator(); it'has1e2t(); ) if (it'ne2t()'is8og#s()) it'remove(); Sorting an arra& 'code ta#en $rom http://,,, ) !aa :eeloperEs Almanac( Arras'sort(strArra* String'.AS9:01S91S0T0;9:<=!9=); 77 >a* .* -?
77 =everse@order sort Arras'sort(strArra* .olle&tions'reverse<rder()); .onvert an arra to a .olle&tion 77 Fi2ed@si-e list List list = Arras'asList(array);
77 Arowa(le list list = new LinkedList(Arras'asList(array));
77 !#pli&ate elements are dis&arded Set set = new HashSet(Arras'asList(array)); Conerting a Collection to an Arra& .toArra&'( returns an arra& o$ O"jects. D$ &ou ,ant an arra& o$ a particular #ind) &ou hae to cast it as $ollo,s. 77 .reate an arra &ontaining the elements in a list <(Be&t>? o(Be&tArra = list'toArra(); MyClass>? arra = (MyClass>?)list'toArra(new MyClass>list'si-e()?);
77 .reate an arra &ontaining the elements in a set o(Be&tArra = set'toArra(); arra = (MyClass>?)set'toArra(new MyClass>set'si-e()?);
77 .reate an arra &ontaining the kes in a map o(Be&tArra = map'keSet()'toArra(); arra = (MyClass>?)map'keSet()'toArra(new MyClass>set'si-e()?);
77 .reate an arra &ontaining the val#es in a map o(Be&tArra = map'val#es()'toArra(); arra = (MyClass>?)map'val#es()'toArra(new MyClass>set'si-e()?); Su"arra&s ,ith !aa ? int>? newArra = Arras'&op<f(a* newLength); p#(li& stati& int>? copyOfRange(int>? original* int from* int to) $ath'=andom() =andom'ne2t0nt(int) returns F3)int( float nextFloat() F3.3)C.3G (trings, Cara%ters, and I6- Use the Scanner class $or reading input. .ne%tDnt'( ne%t4ine'( hasHe%t'( ne%tBloat'(I ne, Scanner'ne, Bile'5pro".inJ((I -tring substring(int from, int to) // returns the substring beginning at from // and ending at to/ String charAt'char( String8#ffer (#ffer = new String8#ffer(CDE); 1ew String(String8#ffer); o#rString8#ffer'append(string); String'toLower.ase() toFpper.ase() e"#als() .an #se G.H IGAH 5 GaH to &onvert to lower &aseJor .hara&ter'toLower.ase .an also #se &hara&ter &odes as a(ove to inde2 an arra of &hara&ters instead of intsJ(e &reativeK 'startsLith(string) trim() 'inde2<f(&har) 'inde2<f(string) Hum"erBormat8can use $or output Hum"erBormat n$ K ne, Hum"erBormat'(I nf'set$inim#mFra&tion!igits( M ); nf'set$a2im#mFra&tion!igits( M ); nf'set$inim#m0nteger!igits( C ); nf'set$a2im#m0nteger!igits( CN ); string K n$.$ormat'int(I 9as& toString: concatenate starting ,ith a string) Or an empt& string: 5J L &ourint < no toString needed <f &o#rse o#Hre familiar with 0nteger'parse0nt(String) and related &lasses''( .is4etterOr:igit'( .is4etter'( isSpace'( String FG K &ourString.split'( instead o$ to#eni7er < uses regular e%pressions Mou can use .split'( on the ne%t4ine'( $rom a Scanner. Split'5NNsJ( splits ,ith spaces as separators Ns stands $or spaces) NN is so the "ac#slash is recogni7ed NS all "ut ,hitespace Fa"cG onl& characters a)")c O negation Fa-7A-PG inclusie range union ACM/Programming Contest !udge Beed"ac# Accepted 'AC( Presentation 9rror 'P9( < The D/O is o$$. The&Ere pic#& ,ith this8"e care$ul. Accepted 'P9( < Accepted ,ith presentation error) li#e e%tra "lan# at end o$ line Qrong Ans,er'QA( < +e sure to loo# at "oundar& cases and ensure &ouEre soling the right pro"lem. Mou ,onEt "e a"le to #no, ,hat the judgeEs input is to test. Compile 9rror 'C9( Auntime 9rror 'A9( Time 4imit 9%ceeded 'T4( < Mou pro"a"l& ,onEt hae to ,orr& a"out this $or the contest. Ma#e sure &ouEre outputting to S&stem.out. Memor& 4imit 9%ceed 'M4( Output 4imit 9%ceeded 'O4( < Bor this and the t,o a"oe) ,atch out $or in$inite loops. Aestricted Bunction 'AB( < Dn the real contest) some $unctions ma& "e restricted) li#e +igDnteger. Chec# ,ith the judges $or details. Su"mission 9rror 'S9( < Mou gae an incorrect user D: or pro"lem num"er 8the automated s&stem ,e use ta#es care o$ this. Mou can hae more than one pro"lem ,ith &our program and onl& hae one error message reported to &ou8thereEs a hierarch&. MouEll get a P9 "e$ore a QA) $or e%ample.