Geo Hec

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Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad/raj/Syllabus/Geography

(Subject Code-36)

1. Geomorphology : Fundamental concepts; Endogenetic and Exogenetic forces; Denudation
and weathering; Geosynclines, continental drift and plate tectonics; Concept of
geomorphic cycle; Landforms associated with fluvial, glacial, arid, coastal and karst

2. Climatology : Composition and structure of the atmosphere; Heat budget of the earth;
Distribution of temperature; Atmospheric pressure and general circulation of winds;
Monsoon and jet stream; Tropical and temperate cyclones; Classification of world
climates; Koppens and Thornthwaites schemes.

3. Oceanography : Ocean deposits; Coral reefs; Temperature and salinity of the oceans;
Density of sea water; Tides and ocean currents.
BioGeography : World distribution of plants and animals; Forms and functions of
ecosystem; Conservation and management of ecosystems; Problems of pollution, ozon

4. Geographic Thought : General character of Geographic knowledge during the ancient and
medieval period; Foundations of Modern Geography; Determinism and Monarch
Environment possibilism; Areal differentiation and spatial organization, Quantitave

5. Population Geography : Patterns of world distribution; Growth and density of population;
Patterns and processes of migration; Demographic transition, Population resources
Settlement Geography : Site, situation, types, size, spacing and internal morphology of
rural and urban settlements; Cityregion; Primate city; Ranksize rule; Settlement
hierarchy; Christallers Central Place theory; August Loschs theory of market Centres.

6. Economic Geography : Sectors of Economy : primary, secondary, tertiary and
quaternary; Natural resources: renewable and non-renewable, conservation of resources.
Measurement of agricultural productivity and efficiency; Crop combination and
diversification; Von Thunens Model. Agricultural systems and regions of the world.
Classification of industries : Webers and Loschs approaches; Resource based and
footloose industries.
Models of transportation and transport cost : Accessibility and connectivity.

7. Political Geography : Heartland and Rimland theories; Boundaries and frontiers; Nature
of administrative areas and Geography of public policy and finance.
Social Geography : Ethnicity; tribe; dialect; language, caste and religion; Concept of
social well-being.
Cultural Geography : Culture areas and cultural regions; Human races; Habitat;
Economy and Society of tribal groups.

8. Regional Planning : Regional concept in Geography; Concept of planning regions; Types
of regions; Methods of regional delineation; Regional planning in India; Indicators of
development; Regional imbalances; Evolution, nature and scope of town planning with
special reference to India, and Fundamentals of Town and Country planning.
U.P. Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad/raj/Syllabus/Geography
9. Geography of India : Physiographic divisions; Climate : Its regional variations;
Vegetation types and vegetation regions; Major soil types; Irrigation and agriculture;
Population distribution and growth ; Settlement patterns ; Mineral and power resources;
major industries and industrial regions.

10. Cartography : Types of maps : Techniques for the study of spatial patterns of
distribution; Choropleth; Isopleth and Chorochromatic maps and pie diagrams; Mapping
of location specific data; Accessibility and flow maps.
Remote sensing and Computer application in mapping; Digital mapping; Geographic
Information System (GIS) .
Statistical Methods : Data sources and types of data; Frequency distribution and
cumulative frequency ; Measures of central, tendency; Selection of class intervals for
mapping; Measures of dispersion and concentration; Standard deviation; Lorenz Curve;
Methods of measuring association among different attributes; Simple and Multiple
correlation; Regression.
Nearest neighbour analysis; Scaling techniques; Rank score; Weighted score; Sampling
techniques for Geographical analysis.

Note- Geography syllabus is divide into 10 sections. Select minimum 5 questions in each section. The question
paper will consist 70 questions. The candidate will be required to attempt all questions. Each questions
carries 2 marks. The entire test is based on objective type questions (multiple choice, matching type,
True/False, Assertion-Reasoning type) carrying 140 marks.

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