Industrial Worker - August - September 2009
Industrial Worker - August - September 2009
Industrial Worker - August - September 2009
O f f i c i a l n e w s p a p e r oF T h e I n d u s t r i a l Wo r k e r s o f t h e Wo r l d
False Advertising?
ization and no outsourcing. belief that police would not fire tear gas
The Korean Metal Workers Union canisters into the highly flammable area.
(KMWU) supported the occupation but This plan stems from an incident in
tried to channel negotiations strictly Continued on 9
MPG Lays Off Workers While Profits Grow
French Auto Workers To Blow Up Factory? By Diane Krauthamer I’m surviving off unemployment ben-
By “Auto,” Workers are claiming that there On Wednesday, June 17, members efits and food stamps.”
CHATELLERAULT, France — are 2 million euros (almost $3 million) of the New York City IWW protested In an attempt to encourage Kmart
Workers at collapsed French car parts worth of parts in the factory and a brand against the callous layoffs at Havas Me- to stop advertising with MPG until a fair
maker New Fabris in Chatellerault, near new machine belonging to Renault of dia Planning Group (MPG), a multi-mil- severance package is negotiated, nearly
Poitiers in central France, threatened to similar value. They are threatening to lion dollar media agency whose clients a dozen IWW members handed out
blow up their occupied factory if they did blow up these parts and equipment if include some of the largest corporations leaflets at a Kmart store in Astor Place
not receive payouts by July 31 from auto they do not receive an acceptable redun- in the world. in the Village. Sears Holdings—the par-
groups Renault and Peugeot to compen- dancy package. MPG recently cut 11 percent of its ent company of both Kmart and Sears,
sate for their lost jobs. “The bottles of gas have already been staff, primarily at its headquarters in and one of MPG’s biggest clients—spent
New Fabris was declared to be in placed at various parts of the factory and New York. But the media giant did $590 million on ads in 2008.
liquidation in April, so the 366 work- are connected with each other,” CGT not anticipate that a former employee, MPG laid off approximately 50 of
ers stand to get no redundancy money, (Confédération Générale du Travail) Joseph Sanchez, would publicize its anti- its 460 employees in New York, Boston
although they are entitled to draw state trade union official Guy Eyermann told worker practices. and Chicago on April Fool’s Day. The
unemployment benefits. France Info radio. “This extremely profitable corpora- company said that it needed to free up
Ninety percent of the work at the fac- “We won’t let PSA and Renault wait tion laid me off just to put extra money resources to support growth. However,
tory is for Renault SA and PSA Peugeot for August or September to pick up their in their pockets,” said Sanchez, who according to a report in Media Buyer-
Citroen, and the workers have demanded stock and machinery... If we get nothing, worked in the client accounting depart- Planner, the CEO of MPG-North
that the companies finance a payment then they won’t get anything at all,” he ment. “Instead of making a living wage, Continued on 11
Industrial Worker
The Voice of Revolutionary
IWW directory
Industrial Unionism
Australia Peterborough: c/o PCAP, 393 Water St. #17, K9H 3L7, Hobe Sound: P. Shultz, 8274 SE Pine Circle, 33455- New Mexico
Organization IWW Regional Organising Committee: PO Box 1866, 705-749-9694, [email protected] 6608, 772-545-9591 [email protected] Albuquerque: 202 Harvard SE, 87106-5505.
Albany, WA Toronto GMB: c/o Libra Knowledge & Information 505-331-6132, [email protected].
Education Svcs Co-op, PO Box 353 Stn. A, M5W 1C2. 416-919- Georgia
Sydney: PO Box 241, Surry Hills. Atlanta: Keith Mercer, del., 404-992-7240, iw-
Emancipation 7392. [email protected] New York
Melbourne: PO Box 145, Moreland 3058. [email protected] NYC GMB: PO Box 7430, JAF Station, New York City
Québec: [email protected]
British Isles 10116, [email protected].
Official newspaper of the Denmark Hawaii
IWW Regional Organising Committee: PO Box 1158, Honolulu: Tony Donnes, del., [email protected] Starbucks Campaign: 44-61 11th St. Fl. 3, Long
Industrial Workers Newcastle Upon Tyne NE99 4XL UK, Aarhus / Copenhagen: [email protected]; +45
2386 2328 Island City, NY 11101 [email protected]
[email protected], Illinois
of the World
Finland Chicago GMB: 37 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60607
Post Office Box 23085 Baristas United Campaign: Upstate NY GMB: PO Box 235, Albany 12201-
Helsinki: Reko Ravela, Otto Brandtintie 11 B 25, 312-638-9155.
National Blood Service Campaign: 0235, 518-833-6853 or 518-861-5627. www.
Cincinnati OH 45223 USA 00650. [email protected] Central Ill GMB: 903 S. Elm, Champaign, IL, 61820.
Bradford: [email protected], [email protected],
513.591.1905 • [email protected] German Language Area 217-356-8247 Rochelle Semel, del., PO Box 172, Fly Creek 13337,
Burnley: [email protected] IWW German Language Area Regional Organizing Champaign: 217-356-8247. 607-293-6489, [email protected].
Cambridge: IWW c/o Arjuna, 12 Mill Road, Cam- Committee (GLAMROC): Post Fach 19 02 03, 60089 Hudson Valley GMB: PO Box 48, Huguenot,12746,
bridge CB1 2AD [email protected] Frankfurt/M, Germany [email protected] Waukegan: PO Box 274, 60079.
845-858-8851, [email protected],
General Secretary-Treasurer: Dorset: [email protected] Indiana
Chris Lytle Dumfries: [email protected] Austria: [email protected], www.iwwaustria. Lafayette GMB: P.O. Box 3793, West Lafayette, IN Ohio 47906, 765-242-1722
General Executive Board: Hull: [email protected] Ohio Valley GMB: PO Box 42233, Cincinnati 45242.
Frankfurt am Main: [email protected]. Textile & Clothing Workers IU 410, PO Box 317741,
London GMB: c/o Freedom Press, 84b Whitechapel Iowa
Sarah Bender, Nick Durie, Goettingen: [email protected]. Eastern Iowa GMB: 114 1/2 E. College Street Cincinnati 45223. [email protected]
High Street, London E1 7QX. [email protected]
Jason Krpan, Bryan Roberts, Koeln: [email protected]. Iowa City, IA 52240 [email protected] Oklahoma
Leicestershire GMB and DMU IU620 Job Branch:
Heather Gardner, Stephanie Basile, Unit 107, 40 Halford St., Leicester LE1 1TQ, England. Munich: [email protected] Maine Tulsa: PO Box 213 Medicine Park 73557, 580-529-
Koala Lopata. Tel. 07981 433 637, [email protected] www. Luxembourg: [email protected] , 0352 691 31 99 71 Barry Rodrigue, 75 Russell Street, Bath, ME 04530. 3360. (207)-442-7779
Switzerland: [email protected] Oregon
Editor & Graphic Designer : Leeds: [email protected] Maryland Lane County: 541-953-3741.
Greece Baltimore IWW: c/o Red Emmaís, 2640 St. Paul
Diane Krauthamer Manchester: 0791-413-1647 education@iww- Portland GMB: 311 N. Ivy St., 97227, 503-231-5488.
Athens: Themistokleous 66 Exarhia Athens Street, Baltimore MD 21212, 410-230-0450, iww@
[email protected] [email protected],
[email protected]
Norwich: [email protected] Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Printer: Netherlands: [email protected] Boston Area GMB: PO Box 391724, Cambridge Lancaster GMB: PO Box 796, Lancaster, PA 17608.
Saltus Press United States 02139. 617-469-5162. Philadelphia GMB: PO Box 42777, Philadelphia, PA
Nottingham: [email protected]
Worcester, MA Arizona Cape Cod/SE Massachusetts: PO Box 315, West 19101. 215-222-1905. [email protected]. Union
Reading: [email protected]
Phoenix GMB: 480-894-6846, 602-254-4057. Barnstable, MA 02668 [email protected] Hall: 4530 Baltimore Ave., 19143.
Send contributions and letters Sheffield: [email protected] Western Mass. Public Service IU 650 Branch: IWW,
Arkansas Paper Crane Press IU 450 Job Shop: papercrane-
to: IW, PO Box 7430, JAF Somerset: [email protected] Po Box 1581, Northampton 01061. [email protected], 610-358-9496.
Fayetteville: PO Box 283, 72702. 479-200-1859,
Station, New York, NY 10116, Tyne and Wear: PO Box 1158, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Western Massachusetts GMB: 43 Taylor Hill Rd.,
[email protected]. Pittsburgh GMB : PO Box 831, Monroeville,
United States. Montague 01351. 413-367-9356. PA,15146. [email protected]
NE99 4XL [email protected].
West Midlands: The Warehouse, 54-57 Allison Street DC GMB (Washington): 741 Morton St NW, Washing- Michigan Rhode Island
Next deadline is Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5TH [email protected] Detroit GMB: 22514 Brittany Avenue, E. Detroit, MI
ton DC, 20010. 571-276-1935. Providence GMB: P.O. Box 5795 Providence, RI
September 7, 2009. 48021. [email protected]. 02903, 508-367-6434. [email protected]
York: [email protected] California Grand Rapids GMB: PO Box 6629, 49516. 616-881- Texas
US IW mailing address: Los Angeles GMB: PO Box 811064, 90081. (310)205- 5263.
Scotland Dallas & Fort Worth: 1618 6th Ave, Fort Worth, TX
IW, PO Box 7430, JAF Sta- 2667. [email protected] Central Michigan: 5007 W. Columbia Rd., Mason 76104.
tion, New York, NY 10116 Aberdeen: [email protected] North Coast GMB: PO Box 844, Eureka 95502-0844. 48854. 517-676-9446, happyhippie66@hotmail. Washington
Clydeside GMB: [email protected] 707-725-8090, [email protected]. com.
ISSN 0019-8870 Bellingham: P.O. Box 1793, 98227. BellinghamI-
San Francisco Bay Area GMB: (Curbside and Buyback Freight Truckers Hotline: 847-693-6261, [email protected] 360-920-6240.
Periodicals postage Dumfries IWW: 0845 053 0329, iww_dg@yahoo. IU 670 Recycling Shops; Stonemountain Fabrics [email protected]
paid Cincinnati, OH. , Job Shop and IU 410 Garment and Textile Worker’s
Tacoma IWW: P.O. Box 2052, Tacoma, WA 98401
Edinburgh IWW: c/o 17 W. Montgomery Place, Minnesota [email protected]
Industrial Organizing Committee; Shattuck Cinemas)
Postmaster: Send address EH7 5HA. 0131-557-6242, [email protected] Twin Cities GMB: PO Box 14111, Minneapolis 55414. Olympia GMB: PO Box 2775, 98507, 360-878-1879
PO Box 11412, Berkeley 94712. 510-845-0540.
changes to IW, Post Office Box Canada 612- 339-1266. [email protected]. [email protected]
Evergreen Printing: 2335 Valley Street, Oakland, CA Red River IWW: POB 103, Moorhead, MN 56561
23085, Cincinnati OH 45223 USA Seattle GMB: 1122 E. Pike #1142, 98122-3934.
Alberta 94612. 510-835-0254 [email protected].
218-287-0053. [email protected]. 206-339-4179. [email protected]
Edmonton GMB: PO Box 75175, T6E 6K1. edmon- San Jose: [email protected].
Missouri Wisconsin
SUBSCRIPTIONS [email protected], Colorado
Individual Subscriptions: $18 Kansas City GMB: c/o 5506 Holmes St., 64110. Madison GMB: PO Box 2442, 53703-2442. www.
British Columbia Denver GMB: c/o P&L Printing Job Shop: 2298 Clay, 816-523-3995.
International Subscriptions: $20 Vancouver IWW: 204-2274 York Ave., Vancouver, BC, Denver 80211. 303-433-1852.
V6K 1C6. Phone/fax 604-732-9613. gmb-van@iww. Montana Lakeside Press IU 450 Job Shop: 1334 Williamson,
Library Subs: $24/year Four Corners (AZ, CO, NM, UT): 970-903-8721,
ca,, Two Rivers GMB: PO Box 9366, Missoula, MT 59807, 53703. 608-255-1800.
Union dues includes subscription. [email protected].
[email protected] 406-459-7585. Madison Infoshop Job Shop: 1019 Williamson St. #B,
Manitoba Florida
Published monthly with the excep- Winnipeg GMB: IWW, c/o WORC, PO Box 1, R3C 2G1. Construction Workers IU 330: 406-490-3869, 53703. 608-262-9036.
tion of March and September. [email protected], garth.hardy@union. Gainesville GMB: 1021 W. University, 32601. 352- [email protected]. Just Coffee Job Shop IU 460: 1129 E. Wilson, Madi- 246-2240, [email protected] son, 53703 608-204-9011,
Pensacola GMB: PO Box 2662, Pensacola, FL 32513- New Jersey
Articles not so designated do Central New Jersey GMB: PO Box: 10021, New GDC Local 4: P.O. Box 811, 53701. 608-262-9036.
Ontario 2662. 840-437-1323, [email protected],
not reflect the IWW’s Brunswick 08904. 732-801-7001 xaninjurytoallx@ Railroad Workers IU 520: 608-358-5771.
Ottawa-Outaouais GMB & GDC Local 6: PO Box
official position., [email protected] [email protected].
52003, 298 Dalhousie St. K1N 1S0, 613-225-9655 St Petersburg/Tampa: Frank Green,P.O. Box 5058,
Fax: 613-274-0819, [email protected] French: Gulfport, FL 33737. (727)324-9517. NoWageSlaves@ Northern New Jersey GMB: PO Box 844, Saddle Milwaukee GMB: PO Box 070632, 53207. 414-481-
Press Date: July 29, 2009. [email protected]. Brook 07663. 201-873-6215. [email protected] 3557.
August/September 2009 • Industrial Worker • Page 3
The working class and the employing he IWW is a union for all workers, a union dedicated to organizing on the the sacked workers:
class have nothing in common. There can job, in our industries and in our communities both to win better conditions “GMB condemns the action of Total.
be no peace so long as hunger and want today and to build a world without bosses, a world in which production and Total has for a full week refused to
are found among millions of working distribution are organized by workers ourselves to meet the needs of the entire popu- meet the union to resolve the problems
people and the few, who make up the em- lation, not merely a handful of exploiters. through ACAS. It seems pretty obvious
ploying class, have all the good things of that there is a mass case of victimiza-
We are the Industrial Workers of the World because we organize industrially –
life. Between these two classes a struggle tion taking place here. Locking out the
that is to say, we organize all workers on the job into one union, rather than dividing
must go on until the workers of the world workforce at Lindsay will not solve the
organize as a class, take possession of the
workers by trade, so that we can pool our strength to fight the bosses together.
Since the IWW was founded in 1905, we have recognized the need to build a truly problem. It will escalate it.”
means of production, abolish the wage
international union movement in order to confront the global power of the bosses The conflict was getting hotter and
system, and live in harmony with the
and in order to strengthen workers’ ability to stand in solidarity with our fellow hotter as rhetoric intensified and other
workers no matter what part of the globe they happen to live on. protests were staged. On the eve of a
We find that the centering of the man-
agement of industries into fewer and fewer We are a union open to all workers, whether or not the IWW happens to have mild English summer and the deadline
hands makes the trade unions unable to representation rights in your workplace. We organize the worker, not the job, recog- to re-apply for the jobs, workers for the
cope with the ever-growing power of the nizing that unionism is not about government certification or employer recognition Lindsey site burnt their dismissal notices
employing class. The trade unions foster but about workers coming together to address our common concerns. Sometimes in furious anger with the reaction of
a state of affairs which allows one set of this means striking or signing a contract. Sometimes it means refusing to work with management and 3,000 other workers
workers to be pitted against another set an unsafe machine or following the bosses’ orders so literally that nothing gets done. from plants across Britain walked out in
of workers in the same industry, thereby Sometimes it means agitating around particular issues or grievances in a specific support.
helping defeat one another in wage wars. workplace, or across an industry. Total’s main dispute was that the
Moreover, the trade unions aid the employ- Because the IWW is a democratic, member-run union, decisions about what issues walkout was staged illegally, as a wildcat
ing class to mislead the workers into the to address and what tactics to pursue are made by the workers directly involved. strike is performed without the autho-
belief that the working class have interests rization of trade union officials, and
in common with their employers. TO JOIN: Mail this form with a check or money order for initiation the talks reached a stalemate on how to
These conditions can be changed and and your first month’s dues to: IWW, Post Office Box 23085, Cincinnati OH resolve this particular issue.
the interest of the working class upheld 45223, USA. Just passing the 41st anniversary of
only by an organization formed in such the famous French May 1968 protests,
Initiation is the same as one month’s dues. Our dues are calculated
a way that all its members in any one in-
according to your income. If your monthly income is under $2000, dues which virtually shut down the country
dustry, or all industries if necessary, cease
are $9 a month. If your monthly income is between $2000 and $3500, for a brief period, the wildcat strikes
work whenever a strike or lockout is on in
dues are $18 a month. If your monthly income is over $3500 a month, dues appeared to have worked for now as a
any department thereof, thus making an
injury to one an injury to all. are $27 a month. Dues may vary outside of North America and in Regional tentative deal was reached and ratified
Instead of the conservative motto, “A Organizing Committees (Australia, British Isles, German Language Area). by the GMB on June 29, 2009. Details
fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work,” we include reinstatement or reassignment
__I affirm that I am a worker, and that I am not an employer. of almost everyone who had lost their
must inscribe on our banner the revolu-
tionary watchword, “Abolition of the wage __I agree to abide by the IWW constitution. jobs in the dispute. With no punitive
system.” __I will study its principles and acquaint myself with its purposes. actions being taken against the laborers
It is the historic mission of the work- Name:_________________________________ reported aside from a few jobs having
ing class to do away with capitalism. The been lost, it appears a new honeymoon
Address:_ ______________________________
army of production must be organized, for a new shotgun wedding has begun.
not only for the everyday struggle with City, State, Post Code, Country:________________ So, if labor-management disputes do
capitalists, but also to carry on production Occupation:_ ____________________________ really in fact follow the pattern of holy
when capitalism shall have been over- matrimony, well then, at least let us pray
thrown. By organizing industrially we are Phone:_____________ Email:________________
with all that is at stake here for workers
forming the structure of the new society Amount Enclosed:__________ home and abroad that they don’t follow
within the shell of the old. Membership includes a subscription to the Industrial Worker. the example of Elizabeth Taylor.
Page 4 • Industrial Worker • August/September 2009
Book Review
A Love Story In Post-World War II Germany or “soft hearted” or because the system opened to them by great literature. Both
demands that you pay attention to the are also social products of their own Ger-
important things of life like obeying man culture, with its various and sundry
your bosses and keeping order? Besides, facets of puritanical, psychological re-
"What can a lowly person like myself do pression. This includes a kind of reserve
about the situation?" and perhaps you're which leads to the peculiarly German
too busy speculating on what the real es- goodness of keeping one's mouth shut
tate market will be doing in the coming in public about things political—things
months and or finding a pair of jeans at which the authorities have well in hand.
Jeans West which will fit. Hanna's fear of exposing her own il-
Michael meets Hanna when he is 15. literacy and Michael's fear of public
Unbeknownst to Michael, he is coming condemnation as a young law student at
down with scarlet fever. He is throw- speaking up for Hanna in a court of law
ing up in an alley on a very rainy day are the stuff of tragedy.
when Hanna, the tram conductor, stops Even after many steamy sexual en-
to offer him a warm place to rest until counters, Hanna is shocked by passages
he feels better. Hanna also cleans up in D.H. Lawrence's “Lady Chatterly’s
his vomit from the pavement. Hanna Lover”—she tells Michael that it is the
Hollywood actress Kate Winslet plays Hanna. Photo: believes in orderliness and cleanliness. equivalent of smut and that he should
This penchant for order is apparent from stop reading from it, almost as his
Director: Daldry, Stephen. “The Read- on preventable diseases. Is this not a the beginning of their relationship and mother would have. But clearly, Michael
er.” The Weinstein Company, 2009. 123 holocaust? these traits lead her to offer Michael is not attracted to Hanna because she is
minutes. $15. An old Soviet piece of gossip had baths and to bathe herself as well and a mother replica.
it that Comrade Khruschev was inter- as the movie progresses the motherly However, it is “klip und klar” that
By Mike Ballard rupted during his famous 'secret' speech Hanna and her son-like friend begin to Hanna loves Michael and he loves her
"Every single day—365 days a year— before the Communist Party elite when explore the attractions which flow from but, unbeknownst to them both when
an attack against children occurs that is he denounced Stalin's crimes in 1956, such erotic circumstances. they are together, their love runs very,
10 times greater than the death toll from three years after Stalin's death. A voice Both Hanna and Michael are full of very deeply. They might believe that they
the World Trade Center...We know how from the audience shouted, "Why didn't hidden passions. Michael could have will get over their summertime romance
to prevent these deaths -- we have the you speak out against these crimes when been a Heydrich in Prague, had he been as time goes by, but the reality is that
biological knowledge and tools to stop Comrade Stalin was committing them?" born 15 years earlier. He is clearly “offi- such love does not die, no matter what
this public health travesty, but we're not Khruschev looked up from his speech cer material.” Hanna, on the other hand, happens: there are no conditions for it.
yet doing it." - Jean-Pierre Habicht, pro- and asked loudly, "Who said that?" A is a working-class woman born 30 years There are elements of Fassbinder's
fessor of epidemiology and nutritional long silence ensued after which Khrus- earlier into a society which told women "Ali, Fear Eats the Heart" and "Berlin
sciences at Cornell. chev observed, "That is why." that their highest aspirations could be Alexanderplatz" in "The Reader." "So-
Eight million of the 11 million When you see "The Reader," ask fulfilled by staying in the kitchen with phie's Choice" also comes to mind. See
childhood deaths a year could easily yourself why you are doing nothing the children when they weren't engaged this movie and be prepared to cry for
be prevented. This is because almost about the holocaust which is happening in taking in a church service. Education humanity because as Thoreau observed,
60 percent of deaths of children under every year to the poorest children of the was unnecessary. Both Hanna and Mi- "Most men lead lives of quiet despera-
five in the developing world are due to world. Is it because you are afraid to be chael are intelligent and attractive. Both tion and go to the grave with the song
malnutrition and its interactive effects seen as being “silly” or too “socialist” are turned on by the doors which are still in them."
August/September 2009 • Industrial Worker • Page 9
in another fire set off during a confron- Ever since the June 26-27 attack
tation with police, sparking weeks of aimed at isolating Ssangyong’s struggle
outrage. and breaking the strike, solidarity
The following day, the company is- actions took place outside the plant,
sued a statement to the effect that there attempting to build broader support.
had been enough violence, but in reality These included a street campaign,
following recognition of the tenacious mainly from family organizations in the
worker resistance, and police and thugs center of Seoul and Pyeongtaek areas,
were withdrawn. The company urged and a four-hour general strike by the
the government to involve itself directly KMWU during which metal workers
in negations. All water in the plant was from nearby plants rallied in front of
nonetheless cut off at the end of June. Ssangyong factory gate. Also, on July
Following a court order, the forces 4 and on July 11 the Korean Confed-
of repression struck again on July 11 as eration of Trade Unions (KCTU) held
the riot police moved to seize the factory nationwide labor rallies in support of
area with the exception of the paint the Ssangyong’s struggle. These actions
were poorly attended and the
leadership of the KMWU has
hesitated in declaring an all- Police spray tear gas at occupiers on July 16. Photo:
out strike in response to the
attacks on the plant. Activists
Korean Police Fail To Break Ssangyong Factory Occupation
think the KMWU and KCTU From
leaderships are more preoc- South Korean police were not able to carry through with a pledge to enter a
cupied with upcoming union Ssangyong Motor Co. factory, which has been occupied by fired workers for almost
elections. two months, as the carmaker tries to resume production at the plant.
Finally, on July 16, 3,000 On July 20, about 800 fired employees were still in a paint shop, confronting
KMWU members gathered to more than 3,000 police as in Seoul, Ssangyong spokesman Cha Ki Woong said by
support the Ssangyong strike phone at the plant in Pyeongtaek, where the automaker is based.
in front of the Pyeongtaek City Ssangyong came under court control in February, after facing a “serious” cash
Hall. When they tried to move shortage as the global recession damped demand for the automaker’s sport-utility
to the factory after the rally, vehicles while it lost domestic customers to Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia Motors
they were blocked by police Corp. The occupation has caused production losses of about 10,800 vehicles worth
and 82 workers were arrested 230 billion won ($183 million) as of July 15, according to the automaker.
on the spot. The Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency said earlier today it will enter the factory
All in all, chances for a to assist a court officer demanding the former employees leave the factory. The court
serious generalization of the officer left after failing to deliver the document, said Ssangyong’s Cha. Police spokes-
struggle to other factories look man Kim Dong Ho declined to comment.
remote. Activists on the scene A strikebreaking Ssangyong worker was hit by a projectile from the occupied fac-
feel that even if the KMWU tory and was sent to the hospital.
called a general strike, only a Ssangyong plans to eliminate 36 percent of its workforce to return to profit and
few districts would follow it. meet a Sept. 15 court deadline to submit a restructuring plan to avoid liquidation.
The Hyundai auto workers are About 800 workers are still in the plant and they’ll resist “in the face of death”
in the midst of wage negotia- if police tries to forcibly disperse them, union spokesman Lee Chang Kun said by
tions themselves. Nearby sup- phone.
plier plants have already gone The output losses at Ssangyong will rise to 14,590 vehicles worth 316 billion won
through structural adjustment by the end of July if the former workers continue the occupation, which has stopped
Occupiers use defending the factory. Photo: and are not likely to mobilize. Ssangyong’s production entirely.
Just Passing Through
by Paco Ignacio Taibo II
In this elegant and literate mystery
adventure novel set in 1920's post-
revolutionary Mexico, Paco Ignacio Taibo
II is searching for a hero, specifically a
leftist hero, and he thinks he has found him
in the person of Sebastián San Vicente. But
everyone, including the baffled novelist, is
trying to figure out exactly who San Vicente
really is. There is some record of San
Vicente in FBI records during the Wilson
era, and some mention of him in anarchist
records and rumors, but the rest has to be
filled in. And who better to do this than Women’s Cut IWW T-shirts
Taibo? Meanwhile, with Taibo busy in the Sabo-cat design printed
background trying to resolve the mystery on union-made taffy pink
of his hero's identity, San Vicente goes or olive green shirt
about his heroic avocation of organizing
strikes against the capitalists, dodging Sizes S-XL $15.00
Sizes run small, order up a size for a looser fit.
thugs and hiding out from the Mexican Specify color and size when ordering.
173 pages, published at $21.95,
on sale: $8.00
Order Form
such as the Lawrence and Paterson strikes, the fight
for decent conditions in the Pacific Northwest timber
fields, the IWW's pioneering organizing among
Mail to: IWW Literature, PO Box 42777, Phila, PA 19101
harvest hands in the 1910s and 1920s, and the war-
time repression that sent thousands of IWW members Name:______________________________________________________________________
to jail. But it is the only general history to give
substantive attention to the IWW's successful Address:_______________________________________________________________
organizing of African-American and immigrant dock workers on the Philadelphia
City/State/Zip Code:_________________________________________________
waterfront, the international union of seamen the IWW built from 1913 through
the 1930s, smaller job actions through which the IWW transformed working
conditions, Wobbly successes organizing in manufacturing in the 1930s and
1940s, and the union's recent resurgence. Extensive source notes provide guidance
to readers wishing to explore particular campaigns in more depth. There is no
better history for the reader looking for an overview of the history of the IWW,
and for an understanding of its ideas and tactics. 255 pages, $19.95
Static Cling Decal In the U.S., please add $3.00 for first item
& $1.00 for each additional item
3.5” black and red IWW logo, suitable for car windows Canada: Add $4.00 for the first item,
$1.00 for each additional item
$2.50 each Overseas: Add $5.00 for the first item,
$2.00 for each additional item
Total Enclosed:______________
August/September 2009 • Industrial Worker • Page 11
The IWW formed the International Solidarity Commission to help the union build
the worker-to-worker solidarity that can lead to effective action against the bosses
of the world. To contact the ISC, email [email protected].
By Michael Ashbrook and John to protest their plight. Some commenta-
Kalwaic tors see the action in Sverdlovsk as being
inspired by the one in Pikalyovo. Workers
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Open across Russia are adopting more militant
up, it’s the police! tactics to bring attention to their working
People under contract with the Eurest conditions and unpaid wages in the midst
Catering Service often found themselves of economic collapse. Graphic: Mike Konopacki
working up to 16-hour days, which is
illegal in Germany. The yellow union SAC Supports Wildcat in Sweden Striking Garment Worker Killed In Bangladesh
NGG (Food and Allied Workers Union Workers of Sweden’s state-owned By Ret Marut, factory for 1.5 hours, during which time
-Germany) and the works council turned alcohol monopoly in Stockholm, System- SAVAR, Bangladesh — In June, they set fire to the factory’s warehouse
a blind eye to these unlawful sweatshop bolaget, have been on a wildcat strike since 1,800 workers at a sweater factory in and torched a company pick-up truck.
conditions. Because the IWW job branch June 2009. Systembolaget management Ashulia walked out on strike, demand- The workers then broke into the
at Eurest is still getting off the ground, we have been trying to replace workers with ing a pay increase and settlement of hated Ansars’ camp situated in the fac-
decided to simply call the cops, like good a “casualized”(temporary) work force on outstanding wages. Management agreed tory grounds—and promptly set fire to
citizens. The three officers who came to short-term contacts. The union workers to the demands on June 25, but upon it. In response, the Ansars fired more
inspect the premises of the Deutsche Bank have been trying to resist this move by returning to work on June 27, three rounds, enraging the growing numbers
canteen at 9:00 p.m. found several of our management without much help from workers who had taken leading roles in of workers as factory property continued
colleagues on duty who had begun their the mainstream Landsorganisationen the agitation and negotiations—repre- to be attacked. The officer-in-charge of
shift at 6:30 a.m. Now the boss faces a stiff i Sverige (LO) union, which represents senting the Ready Made Garment (RMG) Ashulia police station said, “We picked
fine and our colleagues are happy to be these workers. A meeting was supposed union—were told they were sacked “on up the Ansars personnel along with their
free of excessively long hours. The bosses to take place between LO representatives charges of leading the demonstrations.” arms to ease the situation and save them
at other Eurest job sites are beginning and the monopoly’s management, but this Upon learning this, the workforce im- from the angry mob.”
to worry about more IWW job branches meeting never occurred. Workers began mediately left the factory to demonstrate Forty workers and police were in-
forming because for some of the workers a wildcat strike without much support and demanded the reinstatement of their jured in the clashes. The surviving shot
this was the first time they saw resistance from the mainstream labor movement.. three fellow workers. This led to fierce worker remains in critical condition.
paying off. They are beginning to demand Systembolaget’s striking workers got the arguments and scuffles with the factory The Ansars in Savar have a history
the 25percent overtime bonus that Eurest help and support of the local branch of bosses, two of whom were beaten up. of clashes with RMG workers in recent
has simply “forgotten” to pay until now. Sweden’s anarcho-syndicalist SAC union Soon after police and Ansars—a civil- years and are sometimes deployed
as well as other groups from the “extra- ian volunteer defense group, an auxiliary within factory compounds as a semi-
Sacked Polish Worker Climbs Chim- parliamentary left.” Police took this as to the professional security forces—ar- permanent paramilitary presence.
ney In Protest a threat and labeled their protests as a rived, police began firing tear gas shells The police eventually brought the
A sacked Polish steelworker climbed demonstration, rather than a workplace to try to disperse the demonstration, unrest to an end, aided by deployment of
the chimney in protest of wage cuts and dispute, thereby giving themselves more which now blocked a main highway. the notorious Rapid Action Batallion—an
firings on June 29. He remained in the authority over the workers. Police helped Workers responded with hails of stones elite anti-crime/anti-terrorist paramili-
chimney for seven hours, until police scabs come in the back entrance of the and bricks. Then the Ansars opened tary force famous for summary execu-
intervened. The 40-year-old worker, building that the strikers were picketing. fire with live rounds of bullets into the tions, known as “crossfiring.”
identified only as Rafal S., claimed that the Police have often used these tactics against crowd. Two workers were shot—one, As they have admitted, the RMG
management of his factory had betrayed the SAC but usually not workers from the Al-Amin, 26, died at 12:30 p.m. in the unions really have a very limited influ-
the workers by offering concessions and mainstream LO union. Wildcat strikes hospital. ence over workers’ struggles. Most gar-
wage cuts to keep the factory open. The continue to be supported by the SAC in As news of Al-Amin’s death spread ment sector struggles are expressions of
Buczek mill in Sosnowiec in southern Po- state-owned alcohol stores. during the afternoon, the workers’ num- quite capable workers’ self-organization.
land was hit hard by the global economic bers swelled. They were joined first by But the unions have organized protests
crisis and its government funding was Guest Workers Wildcat in Bahrain workers from other factories striking in against the Savar killing to take place the
cut after the European Union ruled that More than 5,000 guest workers went solidarity, and then by the employees of following day across the country.
it violated the free market. on a wildcat strike on June 10, protesting other RMG factories which were closed This incident is only the latest in a
two months of unpaid wages. The strike early by bosses due to fears of the unrest series of recent similar clashes in the
Workers Take Control of Plants Fi- took place at the Al-Hamad construction spreading to their premises. The insur- Bangladeshi garment sector. As the eco-
nances in Sverdlovsk, Russia company in the Persian Gulf country of gent crowd then occupied the Ashulia nomic crisis hits harder one can expect
Factory workers in Russia’s Sverd- Bahrain. Unpaid wages was just one rea- factory, smashing windows and wrecking more of the same—and a likely escala-
lovsk Ural mountain region have seized son for the anger among guest workers. offices. They continued to occupy the tion.
control of their plant’s finances. The work-
ers formed the Council of Labor Collective
to oversee the finances of the Baranichi
The other issue is that the body of Gulab
Sigh— a Punjabi Sikh worker who was
killed on the job—was not repatriated to
CNT-PTT Regains Its Rights In France
By John Kalwaic çaise Démocratique du Travail (CFDT),
Electro-Mechanical Factory to recover his family in India. The striking work- A French labor court has recently Confédération Française des Travailleurs
lost wages, boost factory sales and save ers feared that the body would never be ruled the CNT-PTT (postal service Chrétiens (CFTC), Force Ouvrière (FO)
their jobs. The Baranichi factory is the returned to its rightful place. One worker workers union) once again has a right to and the Union Nationale des Syndicats
dominant firm in the region and employs even feared that if any of them died on the represent postal workers. The CNT-PTT Autonomes (UNSA), which represented
more 1,000 workers. It is now on the verge job their bodies would not be flown home. is the postal workers branch of the syn- a minority of postal workers in the
of bankruptcy and owes its workers up to The employers of Al-Hamad Company first dicalist CNT-F union in France. Its right industry—signed an agreement with the
208 million rubles (approximately $6.7 threatened to arrest the workers, but the to represent postal workers was revoked Post Office, canceling the right of the
million). workers refused to cave in to these empty in 2006.Problems started in the late CNT-PTT to represent workers. The two
The Sverdlovsk Regional Governor threats. The company then promised to 1990s when the government took a neo- more left wing “majority unions”—the
Victor Koksharov claimed that he supports pay the workers after 15 days, but the liberal turn and started to dismantle the Solidaires Unitaires Démocratiques
the Council of Labor Collective, and stated workers hadheard that excuse earlier, PTT public postal system in France. This (SUD) and the Confédération générale
there was no reason law enforcement when they had gone on strike during the created France Telecom and the Post du travail (CGT)—did not sign the agree-
should establish ties with the council. For previous year. This is not the first time Office, which were semi-public institu- ment, but also refused to veto it. With
now, it seems that the government is not workers went on strike: 2,220 workers tions. These institutions tried to enforce the stroke of a pen the CNT-PTT was
pursuing any actions against the workers walked out in April 2008 for pay raises. . new labor contacts, many of which were stripped of its bargaining rights and
at the Baranichi Factory. This comes at a One worker commented, “we are working illegal under French labor law, that were postal employers began targeting CNT-
time of great labor unrest in Russia. Work- out negotiations but they don’t seem to be much worse than the ones under the PTT members, firing its members and
ers in Pikalyovo blocked federal highways listening to us.” PTT. Postal workers, of course, resisted removing CNT bulletin boards. There
these new contracts: the fiercest resis- were further moves towards downsizing