Hair Script

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ACT 1 The only one


!"#$ &'$&(# )(*+ "##,-'&. /,'-# ,+,$"$,'- (",' 01 23,24,'- ),'-&(# "'. +"4,'-
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#"2(,),2&5 :# $7& #2,##*(# (,#& $7& '*,#& .,&# "'. $7& $(,0& #&$$3&# *' $7& -(*9'.5


When Lhe moon ls ln Lhe SevenLh Pouse
And !uplLer allgns wlLh Mars
1hen peace wlll gulde Lhe planeLs
and love wlll sLeer Lhe sLars

1hls ls Lhe dawnlng of Lhe age of Aquarlus
1he age of Aquarlus

Parmony and undersLandlng
SympaLhy and LrusL aboundlng
no more falsehoods or derlslons
Colden llvlng dreams of vlslons
MysLlc crysLal revelaLlon
And Lhe mlnd's Lrue llberaLlon

When Lhe moon ls ln Lhe SevenLh Pouse
And !uplLer allgns wlLh Mars
1hen peace wlll gulde Lhe planeLs
And love wlll sLeer Lhe sLars

1hls ls Lhe dawnlng of Lhe age of Aquarlus
1he age of Aquarlus

"#$%#$& (sung) 1ranscendenLal medlaLlon on Lhe ocean of reallLy ls love.

'$()#& Love

"#$%#$& Love

'$()#& Love

"#$%#$& (Spoken) Love

'$()#& Love

"#$%#$& Love

'$()#& Love!

"#$%#$& Love!
Pello! My name ls Ceorge 8erger, buL l don'L really dlg Ceorge, so you
can [usL call me.banana 8erger, or cheese 8erger, karma 8erger, or
unzlpper 8erger.pull 'em down 8erger! 1ake 'em off 8erger! Any
8erger and l'll answer you. l know whaL you people are Lhlnklng, of
look dear lsn'L LhaL a cuLe one. WhaL ls lL Agnes a boy or a glrl, whaL ls
LhaL goddamn Lhlng!? 1hree Lhousand pounds of nava[o [ewellery.
Pahaha. Pey lady, could you hold my panLs for me? MoLher?! Pey
man, could you spare a handouL? A nlckel, a dlme, a quarLer?
AnyLhlng for a psychedellc Leddy bear llke me, me, me. 1o keep my
chromosomes danclng, danclng up a MeLhedrlne rlver. l came over vla
Poboken.Poboken, Lhe Lrle Lakawana lalry boaL, and ln Lhe mlddle
of Lhe Pudson rlver, Lhrough Lhe lndusLrlal haze, l LhoughL l saw
uonna. My donna! SLandlng ln Lhe waLer! 8uL lL was only democracy's
daughLer, Lhe sLaLue of llberLy, wavlng aL me!


Cnce upon a looklng-for-uonna-Llme
1here was a slxLeen year old vlrgln
Ch uonna oh oh uonna oh oh oh
Looklng for my uonna

l [usL goL back from looklng for uonna
San lranclsco
sychedellc urchln
Ch uonna oh oh uonna oh oh oh
Looklng for my uonna

Pave you seen
My slxLeen year old LaLLooed woman
Peard a sLory
She goL busLed for her beauLy oh oh oh
Ch oh!

Cnce upon a looklng-for-uonna-Llme
1here was a slxLeen year old vlrgln
Ch uonna oh oh uonna oh oh oh
Looklng for my uonna

l've been Lo lndla and saw Lhe yogl llghL
ln SouLh Amerlca Lhe lndlan smoke glows brlghL
l'm relncarnaLed and so are we all
And ln Lhls llfeLlme we'll rlse
8efore we fall
8efore we fall

Cnce upon a looklng-for-uonna-Llme
1here was a slxLeen year old vlrgln
Ch uonna oh oh uonna oh oh oh
Looklng for my uonna

And l'm golng Lo show her
Llfe on earLh can be sweeL
Conna lay my muLaLed head aL her feeL
And l'm gonna love her make love Lo her
1lll Lhe sky Lurns brown
l'm evolvlng l'm evolvlng
1hrough Lhe drugs
1haL you puL down

Cnce upon a looklng-for-uonna-Llme
1here was a slxLeen year old vlrgln
Ch uonna oh oh uonna oh oh oh
Looklng for my uonna
Looklng for my uonna


*++,& 1hls ls Lhe body and Lhe blood of !esus ChrlsL.

"#$%#$& Ch, your rosary beads baby!

*++,& And l'm golng Lo eaL you. l swear Lo Lell Lhe LruLh, Lhe whole LruLh and
noLhlng buL Lhe LruLh so help me god. ln Lhe name of Lhe faLher, Lhe
son and Lhe holy ghosL, Amen.

'$()#& Amen!



laLher, why do Lhese words sound so nasLy?

Can be fun
!oln Lhe holy orgy
kama SuLra

*++,& My name ls nell Woof ;/*3) 7*/3< uonovan. l grow Lhlngs.

"#$%#$& Pere are your seeds, baby.

*++,& See, l have sunflower seeds, and beeLs, and corn. LhaL's whaL Lhe
lndlans are abouL. and sweeL peas, and moonvlnes. look aL Lhe
moon, look aL Lhe moon, look aL Lhe moon.

'$()#& Look aL Lhe moon. look aL Lhe moons

"#$%#$& 1eddy look, look aL Lhe moon, look!

*++,& .and poppy seeds. and mornlng glorles, Cermalne's heavenly blue.
l eaL Lhem and Lrlp ouL. and l'm golng Lo sow Lhe balcony aL Lhe end
of Lhe flrsL acL. l love flowers and Lhe fuzz and Lhe Lrees and Lhe sun
and Lhe moon, and Lhe sLage, and Lhe llghLs and my llLLle broLher and
all my faLhers and my blg faL cab-drlvlng moLher. And l love you. l love
you. We are all one!

-./01#& Cock-a-doodle-do! Pello! l'm a human belng number 1003963297
dash !, area code 609, maybe you've seen me around. !usL anoLher
number. My name ls Claude Pooper 8ukowskl, 1he mosL beauLlful
beasL ln Lhe foresL. l come from ManchesLer, Lngland.

2(+33#& no, he comes from llushlng!

Manchester England

ManchesLer Lngland Lngland
Across Lhe ALlanLlc Sea
And l'm a genlus genlus
l belleve ln Cod
And l belleve LhaL Cod
8elleves ln Claude
1haL's me LhaL's me

Claude Pooper 8ukowskl
llnds LhaL lL's groovy
1o hlde ln a movle
reLends he's lelllnl
And AnLonlonl
And also hls counLryman 8oman olanskl
All rolled lnLo one
Cne Claude Pooper 8ukowskl

now LhaL l've dropped ouL
Why ls llfe dreary dreary
Answer my weary query
1lmoLhy Leary dearle

Ch ManchesLer Lngland Lngland
Across Lhe ALlanLlc Sea
And l'm a genlus genlus
l belleve ln Cod
And l belleve LhaL Cod
8elleves ln Claude
1haL's me (LhaL's he)
1haL's me (LhaL's he)
1haL's me (LhaL's he)
1haL's me

*++,& And l'm bralnwashed people, !esus saves.

"#$%#$& And l'm Lhe alumlnlum coxman, and you'll eaL me up, up, up.

-./01#& And l'm Aquarlus, desLlned for greaLness or madness.

*++, 4 "#$%#$& =>7&' $7& +**' ,# ,' $7& #&?&'$7 7*9#&@5A

5+6 77& SLarL faclng reallLy.

-./01#& Whlch reallLy mom? 1hls reallLy, or LhaL reallLy, Lhe vold, Lhe asLral.

5+6 777& ?our faLher and l love you, buL how long do we have Lo supporL you?

-./01#& l was born rlghL here ln dlrLy.

8 5+69& .slummy.

8 2/19& .mucky.

-./01#& .polluLed.

"#$%#$ 4 *++,& .llushlng.

5+6 7& Look aL Lhose Lrousers.

-./01#& l'm Aquarlus, desLlned for greaLness or madness.

5+6 77& So's your faLher. uon'L shame us Claude.

-./01#& CuL onLo Lhe sLreeLs wlLh me daffodlls.

5+6 777& 1he army'll make a man ouL of you.

2/1 77& ?our drafL noLlces arrlved Loday.

5+69 4 2/19& CreeLlngs.

-./01#& .Lambourlng lL up and everyone lookln' aL elecLronlc me.

8 5+69& 1he Army

-./01#& SLep aslde sergeanL.

8 2/19& 1he navy.

-./01#& l'm sleeplng ouL LonlghL.

5+6 77& 1hls ls where lL's aL baby, noL ouL Lhere.

Dead End

uead end
uon'L walk
keep ouL
8ed llghL
SLeep cllff
Mad dog
8llnd man
Warnlng land mlne
Plgh volLage llne
uon'L make a pass
keep off Lhe grass
WeL palnL
Pands off
uead end, lL's a dead end
Men worklng
uead end
no sLandlng
uead end
no parklng
uead end
no smoklng
uead end
no [oklng
uead end
Well lL's a dead dead end.
Well lL's a dead end y'all.
My frlend.

"#$%#$& lL's !oan of Arc!


:;#(./& WhaL do we wanL?

'$()#& eace!

:;#(./& When do we wanL lL?

'$()#& now!

:;#(./& WhaL do we wanL?

'$()#& lreedom!

:;#(./& When do we wanL lL?

'$()#& now!

<.=#$3/=(3% '$()#& eace now!
lreedom now!
eace now!
lreedom now!

8lack, whlLe, yellow red
CopulaLe ln a klng slzed bed
8lack, whlLe, yellow, red
CopulaLe ln a klng slzed bed

Pell no we wonL go
Pell no we wonL go

>>>& WhaL do we Lhlnk ls really greaL? 1o bomb, lynch and segregaLe

'$()#& WhaL do Lhey Lhlnk ls really greaL? 1o bomb, lynch and segregaLe

:;#(./& eace now!

'$()#& lreedom now!

:;#(./& eace now!

'$()#& lreedom now!

:;#(./& eace now!

Aint Got No Grass

burned lL
burned lL burned lL
Aln'L goL no earLh
Aln'L goL no fun
Aln'L goL no blke
Aln'L goL no plmples
Aln'L goL no Lrees
Aln'L goL no alr
Aln'L goL no waLer
Aln'L goL no grass
Aln'L goL no acld
Aln'L goL no cloLhes
Aln'L goL no pad
Aln'L goL no apples
Aln'L goL no knlfe
Aln'L goL no guns
Aln'L goL no garbage
Aln'L goL no drafL card
Can'L Lake no Lrlp
Can'L blow my mlnd
?ou're full of puss
?ou're full of plss
We goL balls
Can'L cuL you up
We goL bananas
WhlLe Lrash

machlne guns
alr force
M-1 (bang bang bang)
M-2 (bang bang bang)
A bombs
P bombs
C bombs
Chlnese checks
ups and downs
vleLnam, !ohnson, hlgh school, sex,
coffee, books,
food, sclssors, magazlnes, news, clgareLLes,
Pollywood, 1v, 1uesday Weld, 8urLon-1aylor,
pop arL, pop off, popcorn, popslcle,
Andy Warpop, pop paper, pop up,
opeye, poppers, napalm, Lngland, ouLer space,
asLronauLs, !esus, alr, alr, alr, alr, alr, alr...


Welcome! Sulphur dloxlde
Pello! Carbon monoxlde
1he alr, Lhe alr
ls everywhere

8reaLh deep, whlle you sleep
8reaLh deep

8less you, alcohol bloodsLream
Save me, nlcoLlne lung sLeam

lncense, lncense
ls ln Lhe alr
8reaLh deep, whlle you sleep
8reaLh deep

CaLaclysmlc ecLoplasm
lallouL aLomlc orgasm
vapour and fume
AL Lhe sLone of my Lomb
8reaLhlng llke a sullen perfume
LaLlng aL Lhe sLone of my Lomb

Welcome! Sulphur dloxlde
Pello! Carbon monoxlde
1he alr, Lhe alr
ls everywhere

8reaLh deep, whlle you sleep
8reaLh deep! (Cough)

ueep! (Cough)

ueep, da-deep! (cough cough)

?#/3(#& l wlred my parenL for money. l Lold Lhem l was pregnanL. 1hey sald,
sLay pregnanL.

2(+33#& 1haL's !eanle.

?#/3(#& And LhaL's ulonne.

-;$(99@& And l'm Chrlssy.

?#/3(#& l llve wlLh a whole bunch of people on 1eeny 8opper lsland.

2(+33#& And !eanle loves Claude.

?#/3(#& l dlg Lhls groovy, hlp, beauLlful llvlng hunk of gold, blonde, blue-eyed
man, muscle of all muscle, smooLh skln anlmal. Claudlo, l'd dle for
you. l am losL ln Lhe unfaLhomable lnflnlLles of your mysLlcal Lhlrd eye.
l wlsh lL was your baby lnslde my body. l was knocked up by some
crazy speed freak. Wouldn'L ya know? Claude ls my acld, Claude ls my
Lrlp. MeLhedrlne's a bad scene, and Claude loves me.

"#$%#$& Claude.Claude?

'$()#& Claude. (laughlng and reacLlng Lo hls Lrlp)

-./01#& WhaL happened?

"#$%#$& lace reallLy Shakespeare

-./01#& Ch my god, whaL dld you puL ln LhaL [olnL? 8erger, l feel lonely. LeL's
go Lo Mexlco Ceorge.

"#$%#$& l'll go wlLh you.

-./01#& l wanL Lo sleep ln Lhe mushrooms and eaL Lhe sun. l know where lL's

:;#(./& ?ou know where lL's aL!

-./01#& (1o 8erger) l know where lL's aL!

"#$%#$& B know where lL's aL. We all know where lL's aL.

-./01#& l can'L make Lhls momenL Lo momenL llvlng on Lhe sLreeLs.

"#$%#$& l dlg lL. l dlg lL.

-./01#& l don'L. l don'L.

"#$%#$& uLLlng on hls peace palnL he sald: Cn wlLh Lhe groovy revoluLlon.

-./01#& l don'L wanL Lo be a denLlsL or a lawyer or a bum or an l8M machlne,
or a rock 'n' roll hero, or a movle sLar. l [usL wanL Lo have loLs of

"#$%#$& l'm gonna go Lo lndla.bake bread, brownles.l'm gonna sLay hlgh.
1hey'll never caLch me. l'm gonna sLay hlgh forever.

-./01#& l know whaL l wanL Lo be.lnvlslble. l don'L need drugs. An lnvlslble
man, l could floaL around and sllp lnLo people's mlnds and know
exacLly whaL Lhey're Lhlnklng. l could go anywhere, do anyLhlng. l
could perform mlracles. 1haL's Lhe only Lhlng l wanL Lo do or be on
Lhls dlrL.

"#$%#$& Pe's Lhe lnvlslble man!

'$()#& Zap!

-./01#& Ch, my god. lL's one o'clock. 1onlghL ls Lhe lasL nlghL of Lhe world. We
sLlck LogeLher.

Good Morning, Starshine

Cood mornlng sLarshlne, Lhe earLh says hello
?ou Lwlnkle above us, we Lwlnkle below
Cood mornlng sLarshlne, you lead us along
My love and me
As we slng our
Larly mornlng slnglng song

:;#(./ A '$()#
Cllddy glub gloopy nlbby nabby noopy
La la la - lo lo
Sabba slbbl sabba nooby abba nabba
Lee lee - lo lo
1ooby ooby wala
nooby abba nabba
Larly mornlng slnglng song

Cood mornlng sLarshlne, Lhe unlverse rlngs
WlLh Mllky Way muslc, our blue planeL slngs
Cood mornlng sLarshlne, we're happy and sLrong
We send you love from above
Cur early mornlng slnglng song

:;#(./ A '$()#
Cllddy glub gloopy nlbby nabby noopy
La la la - lo lo
Sabba slbbl sabba nooby abba nabba
Lee lee - lo lo
1ooby ooby wala
nooby abba nabba
Larly mornlng slnglng song

Slnglng a song, hummlng a song
Slnglng a song
Lovlng a song, laughlng a song
Slnglng a song

Slng Lhe song
Song Lhe slng
Song song song slng
Slng slng slng song

Song song song slng
Slng slng slng song

Aint Got No (Reprise Claudes death)

Aln'L goL no.
Aln'L goL no.
Aln'L goL no. (Cun shoL)
Aln'L goL no. (Cun shoL)

'$()#& Pell no we won'L go! Pell noL we won'L go!
uo noL enLer lnducLlon cenLre! uo noL enLer lnducLlon cenLre!

"#$%#$& Shella! Shella! Where were you? We LhoughL you weren'L gonna
make lL.

*++,& Where's Claude?

"#$%#$& ?eah, where ls he?

:;#(./& Pe should be here.

"#$%#$& Claude! Claude!

-./01#& l'm rlghL here. Llke lL or noL, Lhey goL me.

Flesh Failures (Let The Sun Shine In)

We sLarve-look
AL one anoLher
ShorL of breaLh
Walklng proudly ln our wlnLer coaLs
Wearlng smells from laboraLorles
laclng a dylng naLlon
Cf movlng paper fanLasy
LlsLenlng for Lhe new Lold lles
WlLh supreme vlslons of lonely Lunes

lnslde someLhlng Lhere ls a rush of
Who knows whaL sLands ln fronL of
Cur llves
l fashlon my fuLure on fllms ln space
1ells me secreLly

-./01#& 8erger, l feel llke l dled.

"#$%#$& Claude!

-./01#& l'm here!

:;#(./& Where ls he?

-./01#& lf l am unseen, l can perform mlracles..

"#$%#$& Claude.

'$()#& (unlson) Claude.

-./01#& 1haL's Lhe only Lhlng l wanL Lo do on Lhls dlrL.

.ManchesLer Lngland, Lngland

ManchesLer Lngland, Lngland
Across Lhe ALlanLlc sea
And l'm a genlus, genlus
l belleve ln god, and l belleve LhaL god
8elleves ln Claude
1haL's me
1haL's me
1haL's me
Lyes look your lasL
Arms Lake Lhelr lasL embrace
And llps, oh you Lhe doors of breaLh
Seal wlLh a rlghLeous klss
Seal wlLh a rlghLeous klss
1he resL ls sllence
1he resL ls sllence
1he resL ls sllence
We sLarve-look
AL one anoLher
ShorL of breaLh
Walklng proudly ln our wlnLer coaLs

Wearlng smells from laboraLorles
laclng a dylng naLlon
Cf movlng paper fanLasy
LlsLenlng for Lhe new Lold lles
WlLh supreme vlslons of lonely Lunes

Cur space songs on a splder web slLar
Llfe ls around you and ln you
Answer for 1lmoLhy Leary, dearle

LeL Lhe sunshlne
LeL Lhe sunshlne ln
1he sunshlne ln
LeL Lhe sunshlne
LeL Lhe sunshlne ln
1he sunshlne ln
LeL Lhe sunshlne
LeL Lhe sunshlne ln
1he sun shlne ln.

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