Website DuFord CV

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Rochelle H.


University of North Carolina Wilmington [email protected]

Bear Hall (909)-213-3088
5174 Randall Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28403


2016 Ph.D. in Philosophy, Program in Social, Political, Ethical, and Legal Philosophy, Binghamton
University, Binghamton, NY, May.
Dissertation: “Considering Global Government: Legitimacy, Human Rights, and Global
Democracy” Chair: Max Pensky

2012 M.A. in Philosophy, Program in Social, Political, Ethical and Legal Philosophy, Binghamton
University, Binghamton, NY.

2010 B.A. Concentration in Philosophy and Political Science, New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL.

Areas of Specialization:​ Social & Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law (esp. International Law),
Critical Theory
Areas of Competence:​ Normative Ethics, Applied Ethics


Fall 2017-Present Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and

Religion, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Spring 2016-Spring 2017 Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Visiting Assistant Professor of
Fall 2015 Molloy College and Farmingdale State College, Adjunct Instructor of

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

2017 “Must a World Government Violate the Right to Exit?” ​Ethics & Global Politics,​ 10
(1). DOI:10.1080/16544951.2017.1311482

“Daughters of the Enlightenment: Reconstructing Adorno on Gender and Feminist

Praxis,” ​Hypatia
(Online First: ​​)
“An Expanded Conception of Sentimental Value,” ​The Journal of Value Inquiry​, 51
(1), 1-11. DOI: ​10.1007/s10790-016-9550-0.

Invited Presentations

2014 “Can there be a Government Without a State?” Institute for the Advanced Study of the
Humanities, Binghamton University, October.

Conference Presentations

2018 “Building Solidarity in Neoliberal Times: The Role of Conflict in Solidarity” Colloquium on
Philosophy and Social Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ, May.

“‘​The Silent Conspiracy of All Men with Each Other: Solidarity in the Patriarchal Psyche,”
Resistance: Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory, Villanova University, Villanova PA, April.

“Solidarity….for Nazis? On the Limits of Liberal Solidarity,” Joint Meeting of the South
Carolina Society for Philosophy and North Carolina Philosophical Society, Winthrop University,
Rock Hill, SC, March.

2016 “What is Critical about Political Solidarity?” Critical Theory Round Table, Pennsylvania State
University, State College, PA, November.

“​I'm With Her: Solidarity as the Basis of a Feminist Theory of Global Democracy,” 33​rd
International Social Philosophy Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, July.

2015 “The Need for a Concept of Government,” 3​rd​ Annual Philosopher’s Cocoon Philosophy
Conference, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL, November.

2014 “Legitimate Global Government,” 8​th​ Biannual Radical Philosophy Association Conference,
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, November.

“Tyranny, Legitimacy, and Global Government,” Critical Theory Round Table, Hanover, NH,

“Loyal to Whom? Liberal Statism and Cosmopolitanism,” Presented on the Global Democracy
Panel at the 72​nd​ Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il, April.

“Loyalty to Whom? A Critique of Liberal Statism and Liberal Cosmopolitanism,” 8​th​ annual
Telos Conference, New York City, NY, February.

2013 “​The Amoral Status of Humane and Humanitarian Laws,” Co-authored with Aaron Bell, 30​th
annual International Social Philosophy Conference, Quinnepiac University, Hamden, CT,

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“The Amoral Status of Humane and Humanitarian Laws,” Co-authored with Aaron Bell, 12​th
Annual Conference for Critical Animal Studies, Minnesota Community Technical College,
Minneapolis, MN, June.

“Talking about the Devil: Adorno, Women, and Feminist Practice,” Society for Women in
Philosophy Eastern, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR, May.

2012 “Saintly Supererogation and Structural Injustice,” 29​th​ annual International Social Philosophy
Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, July.

Commentator on Serena Parekh’s “Towards a Phenomenology of Global Displacement,” SPEL

Binghamton Colloquium, May.

Teaching Experience

Instructor of Record:

University of North Carolina Wilmington

Invitation to Philosophical Thinking (2 sections Fall 2017, Spring 2018)

Introduction to Ethics (Fall 2017, Spring 2018)

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Introduction to Philosophy (2 sections Spring 2016, 2 sections Spring 2017)

Environmental Ethics (Spring 2016, Fall 2016)
Cosmopolitanism and Global Ethics (Fall 2016, Spring 2017)

Molloy College

Advanced Medical Ethics ​(Graduate)

Bioethics in the Contemporary World ​(Honors)

Farmingdale State College

Introduction to Ethics

Binghamton University

Markets, Ethics, and Law (​Online​)

Cosmopolitan Political Theory (​Online​)
Introduction to Political Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy (​Online​)
Methods of Reasoning

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Teaching Assistant, Binghamton University

Environmental Ethics
Introduction to Philosophy
Contemporary International Law ​(Political Science)
Formal Logic
Philosophy of Law
Law and Justice

Fellowships and Awards

2016 Society for Applied Philosophy Grant (Duties: Serve as an applied philosophy editor for
the Diversity Reading List project at Edinburgh University, add 50 new entries in applied
philosophy, completed April 2016.)

2014-2015 Doctoral Fellow, Institute for the Advanced Study of the Humanities, Binghamton
University, Fall.

Dissertation Assistantship, Philosophy Department, Binghamton University.

Honorable Mention, Ford Dissertation Fellowship for Diversity.

Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Teaching, Binghamton University.

Telos-Paul Piccone Institute, Graduate Student Award.

2010-2014 Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Philosophy Department, Binghamton University.

Professional Service

2017 “Exit Rights: International Law and Migration” Philosophy and Religion Society, University of
North Carolina Wilmington, September.

2016 Faculty Advisor, ONE Campaign, Hobart and William Smith Colleges.

Section Editor in Applied Philosophy, Diversity Reading List. (​​)

2015 Judge, Northeast Regional Ethics Bowl Competition, St. Joseph’s College.

Faculty Sponsor, Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Team, Molloy College.

Minorities and Philosophy Chapter, Founding Member, Philosophy Department, Binghamton

University, 2013-2015.

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Distance Learning Coordinator, Binghamton University Philosophy Department, 2013-2015.

2014 Co-Chair, Minorities and Philosophy Resource Development Project, “Philosophy Classroom
Best Practices Document.” (​​)

Chair of SPEL Graduate Student Professional Development Committee.

2013 President of the Binghamton University Philosophy Graduate Student Organization. 2011-2013.

Additional Professional Experience

2013 Harpur Workshop for​ Online ​Teaching​ Pedagogy​, Four Part Series, Training Completed,
Binghamton University, Spring.

2012 Research Assistant to Nicole Hassoun, on “Global Health Impact.” Fall.


Professional Affiliations

American Philosophical Association

Association for Political Theory
North American Society for Social Philosophy
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society


Max Pensky
Professor of Philosophy
Binghamton University
[email protected]

Anthony Reeves
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Binghamton University
[email protected]

Daniel Koltonski
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
University of Delaware
[email protected]

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Dissertation Abstract:

Globalization has given rise to an interest in the development and normative assessment of international,
or global, political institutions. Often, this literature focuses on three particular debates: 1) the site and
scope of global justice as it relates to international institutional design, 2) whether and how we should
democratize already existing global governance institutions, and 3) the confluence of criticism and
support for the development of a global state. Discussions of the development of a global state are often
situated in the first two kinds of debates, concerning either global justice or global democracy.
However, the debate concerning a global state is situated firmly in the assumption that the world will
perhaps always be organized by principles of Westphalian sovereignty. This project develops and
defends a theory of global government that subverts the paradigm of preserving external sovereignty in
order to focus on assessing and developing centralized global institutions liable to claims concerning
legitimacy. This provides a theory of global government as capable of protecting human rights,
providing a source of legitimacy for international law, and facilitating popular sovereignty via global
democratic mechanisms.

I first argue that government is an independent political entity from statehood—developing the
possibility of a global government without a global state. Then I argue that the no-exit critique of a
global government relies on a false asymmetry between a multi-territory and a single-territory world.
Further, I claim that with the development of a global constitution and centralized structures for
building democratic solidarity a global government can meet the challenges to global democracy posed
by both capitalist economic power and distance. The overall argument of the dissertation defends the
availability, and desirability, of global government as an option for the organization of global political
institutions, the protection of human rights, the legitimation of international law, and the
implementation of global democracy.

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