Epic Company Profile
Epic Company Profile
Epic Company Profile
Real Partner
Become a Real Partner that assists clients in pursuing Global
Business e!elopment
eli!ering E"cellence across the globe
About EPIC# An Intro$uction
Epic Consulting is a key regional player in business consulting and advisory services
feld within the Pakistan and Far Eastern regions; bridging a wide gap between the
region management approaches and their western counterparts by providing them
unmatched quality in services worldwide.
Epic consulting operates within three main divisions:
usiness Continuity !anagement Consulting
Pro"ect !anagement Consulting
Enterprise # $olutions %rchitecture
%ll divisions serve a wide range o& local' regional and multinational clients and are
recogni(ed as key drivers &or innovation and vital competency in multiple business
)ur daily challenges are geared by up*to*date knowledge in di+erent management
&unctions and latest technologies' thereby ma,imi(ing the value added services to
our clients.
Persistently working toward continuous improvement' and stretching our potential'
we have succeeded in developing models and tools that serve to identi&y our clients
specifc requirements and cater to addressing them in the most e+ective and
e-cient manner. .e believe that this represents our main competitive edge' and as
such we strive to constantly upgrade and fne*tune these methodologies to remain
in line with local and regional business environments.
Our %ision
)ur vision is to be the $tandard o& E,cellence. /t is reali(ed through being highly
respected by our broad community o& stakeholders and consultants' and by being:
*0he frst choice o& the world1s most coveted talent' drawn by our eminence and
dynamic leadership across all lines o& our services.
*0he frst choice o& the most sought*a&ter clients' attracted by the breadth and depth
o& our world*class service in each market segment.
Our Mission
.e bring success to our clients' continuously contribute towards enhancing their
corporate value' care &or their people and deliver results through strategic
leadership and innovative techniques
Core %alues
)utstanding value to markets and clients
Commitment to each other
$trength &rom local and global cultural diversity
Lea$ership an$ &uman Capital
We are a globally integrated organization in terms of mission, vision and strategy. We
have a very active global development program. We encourage diversity of views in our
staf , cross-fertilization through inter-division postings and continuous training to help
our clients and people excel.
Epic Consulting 2roup is governed by a oard comprising CE)' CF) and the
E,ecutive 3ice Presidents &or managing the &unctional divisions.
)ur human resource strategy is to develop and deploy best capabilities in each o&
the service area. 0he si(e and quality o& our organi(ation is representative o& our
capabilities. .e have over 45 people at our o-ces in Pakistan and !alayasia. )ur
people have e,pertise in various disciplines and have varied e,perience &rom the
industry' private and the government sector alike.
CEO's Message
.e help our valued clients achieve their competitive edge through our
e,periential input by keeping industry standards and norms in &ocus. !y
belie& o& success is dependent on my business partners achieving their
milestones. 0he solutions we provide at Epic are not only in line with industry
practice but also are benchmarked with globally emerging trends.
0echnological improvements' customer needs and trend o& globali(ation' act
as change catalyst &or businesses and &ailure to respond to these changes
inadequately can prove to be &atal &or enterprises.
0his turbulence is termed as a threat to corporations these days but dynamic
organi(ations and these as challenges' catering and addressing them can
lead them to achieve a distinguished status in the industry' thus' converting
a threat into strength. $uch organi(ations demand edibility' customi(ation in
services and a bespoke model &or service operations. Epic tailors the
solutions &or each entity in a way that our contribution is embedded in the
organi(ation1s long term strategy.
/t is a privilege &or me to introduce you to Epic Consulting' a handpicked team
o& world class pro&essionals with the aim o& e,tending their helping hand to
our valued clients.
.orking &or a glorious partnership and happy clients worldwide'
2hulam !usta&a
&o( (e $o our business) Inspiring be*on$ e"cellence
.e have a rigorous set o& client service standards. 0hese standards are &ollowed
throughout the company to ensure quality service to all our clients.
67etermine' on each agreement' who our clients are and directly ascertain their
e,pectations &or our per&ormance.
6%naly(e client1s needs and pro&essional service requirements.
67evelop client service ob"ectives that will enable us to &ulfll our pro&essional
responsibilities' satis&y our client1s needs' and e,ceed their e,pectations. Prepare an
appropriate client service plan to achieve these client service ob"ectives.
6E,ecute the client service plan in a manner' which ensures commitments are met'
potential problems anticipated and surprises avoided.
6Establish e+ective communications' both internal and e,ternal' to enhance client
perceptions o& the value and quality o& our service.
6Provide management with insights on the current condition o& their business and
meaning&ul suggestions &or improvement.
6Continually broaden and strengthen our relationships with key management
personnel to &acilitate e+ective communication.
6Ensure that any pro&essional' technical' or client*service problem is resolved
promptly with timely consultation in an environment o& mutual respect.
6)btain &rom the client' &ormally and in&ormally' a regular assessment o& our
68eceive &ees that re9ect the value o& services provided and responsibilities
assumed and are considered &air and reasonable by our clients
+n$erstan$ing Clients# A bigger picture,
Epic Consulting ofers our clients a multidimensional approach to addressing their
issues. We evaluate client issues in a big picture! context, yielding instant results and
ultimate business excellence.
2iven the comple,ity o& business today' the stone le&t unturned could very well be
the one that trips the businesses and enterprises up. 0hat1s why it1s so important to
e,amine opportunities and challenges &rom every angle : accounting' human
resources and enterprise operations' strategy' technology and human capital : and
that1s "ust what we help clients do.
0his unique ;<5*degree perspective is what we call the EPIC di+erence. y applying
this approach every day' we provide greater value to the clients we serve. .e
always structure our multidisciplinary services to suit our clients1 individual needs
because we understand that no two client issues are the same.
)ur teams work under the leadership o& a lead client service partner to help
businesses uncover opportunities and manage risks in ways that help their
management create more value every step o& the way. .ith the added strength o&
our strategic partner1s network' Epic o+ers integrated pro&essional services to the
clients. Combining insight and innovation &rom multiple disciplines and industries'
we help great organi(ations e,cel' no matter what they do and no matter where
they are in the world.
$o what does this mean &or our clients= /t means they can work with Epic' a world*
class pro&essionals and consultants who have access to the global methodologies'
tools' resources and training. /t means that our valued clients can beneft &rom
years o& industry e,pertise' service e,pertise and innovative solutions &rom around
the world. %dditionally' they get all o& this combined with local people who
understand your business environment and the specifc challenges they &ace.
-h* EPIC Consulting.
.e believe that our clients> success is our success; and inherently believe in
pro&essionalism; thereby we consistently maintain high standards &or service.
.e understand our client1s business needs and help enterprises e,plore
e,traordinary opportunities' manage and sustain growth' and ma,imi(e their
More e/ecti!e collaboration
% global culture and a regional structure enables us to bring our breadth o& skills to
your organi(ation.
% unique multidisciplinary approach to client service
A more holistic solution
.e help you to see the implications o& each step in a decision' so you deliver to
your stakeholders with confdence.
A $eeper un$erstan$ing o0 *our nee$s
)ur industry &ocus gives us an understanding o& the opportunities and challenges
&acing your business and helps us see things &rom your perspective. .e adopt a
customi(ed' responsive and personal approach to client service and o+er a
comprehensive range o& services across various industries
-or1ing Partnership
Epic Consulting provides atmosphere to involve clients as working partners such
that it &orms a binding team. 0his working relationship is evident in the success o&
all the working pro"ects o& the company
Comparati!el* Business Frien$l* Rates
0he company assures that the prices quoted are the lowest in the market with
comparable product but with better quality.
&ighl* 21ille$ Consultants an$ Management team
Epic Consulting has a team o& highly trained and e,perienced pro&essionals who
deliver high quality support and services to valued clients. Everyone at Epic
consulting is given &reedom to promote confdence and creativity in his?her "obs.
/t has a state o& the art development premises in @ahore' Pakistan and Aualalumpur'
!alayasia equipped with latest in&rastructure and technology. 0ogether with
technology upgrades' the company continuously monitors and &ocuses on Buman
8esource 7evelopment.
3ualit* Assurance
0he company frmly believes that it is absolutely essential &or organi(ation to
continuously invest in their processes to be able to achieve world class quality in
their deliveries. 7ue to its attention' its services consistently e,ceed the client1s
Epic E"pertise
In$ustr* E"pertise
Management 2trateg*
Business 4rans0ormation
2er!ice Line E"pertise
Enterprise Applications
Global an$ Regional E"pertise
Our Clients tell us ho( (e are $oing ))
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