The document outlines concepts related to decision analysis. It discusses how decision analysis is used to analyze problems involving uncertainty, such as determining production levels for a new seasonal product. Key aspects of structuring decision problems are defining the decision alternatives and possible future events. An example is provided of a company deciding whether to expand an existing plant or build a new one to produce an industrial lubricant, taking into account the uncertainty of future demand. Decision analysis techniques can help evaluate the risks and returns of different choices.
The document outlines concepts related to decision analysis. It discusses how decision analysis is used to analyze problems involving uncertainty, such as determining production levels for a new seasonal product. Key aspects of structuring decision problems are defining the decision alternatives and possible future events. An example is provided of a company deciding whether to expand an existing plant or build a new one to produce an industrial lubricant, taking into account the uncertainty of future demand. Decision analysis techniques can help evaluate the risks and returns of different choices.
The document outlines concepts related to decision analysis. It discusses how decision analysis is used to analyze problems involving uncertainty, such as determining production levels for a new seasonal product. Key aspects of structuring decision problems are defining the decision alternatives and possible future events. An example is provided of a company deciding whether to expand an existing plant or build a new one to produce an industrial lubricant, taking into account the uncertainty of future demand. Decision analysis techniques can help evaluate the risks and returns of different choices.
The document outlines concepts related to decision analysis. It discusses how decision analysis is used to analyze problems involving uncertainty, such as determining production levels for a new seasonal product. Key aspects of structuring decision problems are defining the decision alternatives and possible future events. An example is provided of a company deciding whether to expand an existing plant or build a new one to produce an industrial lubricant, taking into account the uncertainty of future demand. Decision analysis techniques can help evaluate the risks and returns of different choices.
Structuring Decision Problems Selecting Decision Alternatives One-Time Decisions Without Event Probabilities Repeated Decisions With Event Probabilities Expected Value of Perfect Information Decision Trees OM Spotlight: How Computers Play Chess OM Spotlight: Collegiate Athletic Drug Testing Solved Problems Key Terms and Concepts Questions for Review and Discussion Problems and Activities Cases Trendys Pies Service Guarantee Decisions for McCord Hotels Endnotes Learning Objectives To identify characteristics of management decisions where decision analysis techniques are used and to define the elements of a decision problem. To evaluate risk in making decisions and apply decision criteria to select an appropriate decision alternative. To construct simple decision trees and use them to select optimal expected value decisions. Decision Analysis SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER E Decision analysis is the formal study of how people make decisions, particularly when faced with uncertain information, as well as a collection of techniques to support the analysis of decision problems. For example, the manufacturer of a new style or line of seasonal clothing would like to manufacture large quantities of the product if consumer acceptance and, consequently, demand for the product are going to be high. Unfortunately, the seasonal clothing items require the manufacturer to make a production-quantity decision before the actual demand is known. Most decisions that we face in business and in our personal lives require a choice in the face of an uncertain future. Decision analysis has many applications in product selection, facility capacity expansion and location, inventory analysis, technology and process selection, and other areas of operations management. The two opening episodes are some exam- ples. In fact, Virgil Carter, a former NFL quarterback, and Robert Machol applied decision analysis to evaluate football strategies. They found, for example, that the expected value of having the ball with first down and 10 yards to go varies by field position. If the ball is close to ones own goal line, then the teams expected scoring value is 1.64, indicating that their opponent is more likely to score as a result of getting the ball back in good field position. As field position moves closer to the opponents goal line, the expected value becomes positive and increases. A further analysis of field goal attempts showed that inside the 30-yard line, the run is pre- ferred to the field goal attempt if there are 1 or 2 yards to go, and possibly with 3. Inside the 10-yard line, the run is preferred to the field goal attempt with up to 5 yards to go. These results were contrary to practice, but many coaches contin- ued to employ the field goal far more than the analysis indicated. 2 E2 What do you think we should do? Were down by 10 with 5 minutes left plenty of time to get the ball back, pondered Ken Kendall, head coach of West High in talking to offensive coach Craig Russell. West was facing fourth down and short yardage for another first down from their opponents 9-yard line. Should we try for the first down or go for the field goal? Craig noted that statistically a run is better than a field goal attempt inside the 10-yard line. Ken wasnt so sure, trying to weigh the risk of not getting the first down or a touchdown instead of an almost sure field goal. Electric utilities face decisions that can have important impacts on the environ- ment. The impacts stem from the by-products of combustion and other chemicals, equipment, and processes that utilities use to produce electricity. For example, utilities use large boilers to boil water and make steam to gener- ate electricity. The cleaning process results in a waste solution that may be hazardous. Whether or not the waste stream will be hazardous is uncertain, as are the costs and effects of the various management strategies. Several courses of actionchoice of cleaning agent, whether or not to include a pre- rinse stage, treatment and disposal method, and cleaning frequencyare avail- able. Using techniques of decision analysis, the consulting firm Decision Focus Incorporated developed a strategy that would save a utility $119,000 for one boiler over a 20-year horizon. 1 Decision analysis is the formal study of how people make decisions, particularly when faced with uncertain information, as well as a collection of techniques to support the analysis of decision problems. Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis E3 Learning Objective To identify characteristics of management decisions where decision analysis techniques are used and to define the elements of a decision problem. APPLYING DECISION ANALYSIS TOOLS Decision analysis tools should not be used in every decision situation. Characteristics of management decisions where decision analysis techniques apply are summarized as follows: 3 1. They must be important. Decision analysis techniques would not be appropri- ate for minor decisions where the consequences of a mistake are so small that it is not worth our time to study the situation carefully. The consequences of many decisions, such as building a major facility, are not felt immediately but may cover a long time period. 2. They are probably unique. Decisions that recur can be programmed and then delegated. But the ones that are unusual and perhaps occur only one time can- not be handled this way. 3. They allow some time for study. For example, decision analysis techniques would not be useful in making a decision in the emergency room or when a jet fighter flames out during takeoff. 4. They are complex. Practical decision problems involve multiple objectives, requir- ing the evaluation of trade-offs among the objectives. For example, in evaluat- ing routes for proposed pipelines, a decision maker would want to minimize environmental impact, minimize health and safety hazards, maximize economic benefit, and maximize social impact. Decisions involve many intangibles, such as the goodwill of a client, employee morale, and governmental regulations, and may involve several stakeholders. For instance, to build a plant in a new area, corporate management may require approval from stockholders, regulatory agencies, community zoning boards, and perhaps even the courts. Finally, most decisions are closely allied to other decisions. Choices today affect both the alternatives available in the future and the desirability of those alternatives. Thus, a sequence of decisions must often be made. 5. They involve uncertainty and risk. Uncertainty refers to not knowing what will happen in the future. An advertising campaign may fail, a reservoir may break, or a new product may be a complete failure. Uncertainty is further complicated when little or no data are available, or some data are very expensive or time- consuming to obtain. Faced with such uncertainties, different people view the same set of information in different ways. Risk is the uncertainty associated with an undesirable outcome, such as financial loss. To appreciate the importance of risk, consider the fact that it takes hundreds of millions of dollars and about 10 years for a pharmaceutical company to bring a drug to market. Once there, seven of ten products fail to return the companys cost of capital. Decisions in- volving capital investment and continuation of research over the long develop- ment cycle do not lend themselves to traditional financial analysis. 4 Structuring Decision Problems To illustrate the process of defining a decision problem, we present an example of a medium-size producer of industrial chemical products, Commonwealth Chemicals Company, that is facing a decision about capacity expansion. The company has recently developed a new synthetic industrial lubricant that will increase tool life for machining operations in metal-fabrication industries. A new factory would be necessary to produce the lubricant on a large scale, but expanding the existing facilities would allow production on a smaller scale. Managers are uncertain which decision to choose. Clearly, the best decision depends on future demand. If the demand for the product is high, the expansion Uncertainty refers to not knowing what will happen in the future. Risk is the uncertainty associated with an undesirable outcome, such as financial loss. alternative will not provide enough capacity to meet all the demand and profits will be lost. If demand is low, and a new factory is built, the excess capacity will sub- stantially reduce the return on investment. With an unstable economy, it is diffi- cult to predict actual demand for the product. The first step in structuring a decision problem is to define the decision alter- natives. Decision alternatives represent the choices that a decision maker can make. In this case, the alternatives are whether to expand the existing plant or to build a new factory. Let d 1 decision to expand the existing plant d 2 decision to build a new plant The second step is to define the events that might occur after a decision is made. Events represent the future outcomes that can occur after a decision is made and that are not under the control of the decision maker. For each combination of production-volume decision and subsequent event, a payoff can be computed. For instance, if the manufacturer decides to produce 10,000 units, but demand is low, the manufacturer will incur the cost of producing the 10,000 units but will receive revenue for sales of only 5,000; the remaining units will have to be disposed of at a loss. On the other hand, if sales are medium or high, all 10,000 units will be sold, and the net profit can be computed. The payoff would be the net profit. For instance, in deciding to expand an existing plant or build a new one, Com- monwealth Chemicals needs to consider the future demand for the product. Dif- ferent possible levels of demand represent the events. Demand might be expressed quantitatively in sales units or dollars. In this example, events might be designated as high demand, medium demand, and low demand. Alternatively, they might be quantified as demand estimated as 15,000 units, demand estimated as 10,000 units, and demand estimated as 5,000 units. If you are planning a spring break vacation to Florida in January, you might define events as the weather that you might encounter. Uncertain weather-related outcomes might be defined quali- tatively, for example, sunny and warm, sunny and cold, rainy and warm, or rainy and cold. For the Commonwealth Chemicals decision problem, we will define the events as s 1 low product demand s 2 high product demand Next, we need well-defined decision criteria on which to evaluate potential op- tions. Decision criteria might be net profit, customer service, cost, social benefits, or any other measure of output that may be appropriate for the particular situa- tion being analyzed. A numerical value associated with a decision coupled with some event is called a payoff. Using the best information available, the managers of Commonwealth Chemicals have estimated the payoffs, expressed as profits, shown in Exhibit E.1. A table of this form is referred to as a payoff table. The notation we use for the entries in the payoff table is V(d i , s j ), which denotes the payoff, V, associated with decision alternative d i and event s j . Using this notation, we see that V(d 2 , s 1 ) $100,000. E4 Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis Decision alternatives represent the choices that a decision maker can make. Events represent the future outcomes that can occur after a decision is made and that are not under the control of the decision maker. Possible Future Events Decision Alternative Low Product Demand (s 1 ) High Product Demand (s 2 ) Expand existing plant (d 1 ) $200,000 $300,000 Build new plant (d 2 ) $100,000 $450,000 Exhibit E.1 Payoff Table for Commonwealth Chemicals A numerical value associated with a decision coupled with some event is called a payoff. Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis E5 Learning Objective To evaluate risk in making decisions and apply decision criteria to select an appropriate decision alternative. In many decision problems, the probabilities of events can be estimated, either from historical data or managerial judgment. Knowing the likelihood of the occur- rence of events helps to assess risk when making a decision. In some cases, how- ever, event probabilities may not be available or appropriate to try to assess. We will provide examples of both situations in the following sections. In summary, the elements of a decision problem are (1) decision alternatives, (2) events, (3) estimated payoffs for each combination of decision alternatives and events, and possibly (4) probabilities of the events. SELECTING DECISION ALTERNATIVES Making decisions with uncertain future consequences is often quite frustrating and a source of anxiety for individuals and managers alike. We run the risk that any decision we choose may result in undesirable consequences once we see what the future holds in store. There are two principal ways of viewing a decision strategy, and these depend on the frequency with which the decision will be made. For one- time decisions, managers must take into account the risk associated with making the wrong decision. However, for decisions that are repeated over and over, man- agers can choose decisions based on the expected payoffs that might occur. One-Time Decisions Without Event Probabilities The Commonwealth Chemicals decision is clearly a one-time decision. So how should the choice be made? Different criteria can be used to reflect different atti- tudes toward risk, and they may result in different decision recommendations. For a problem in which the payoff is profit, as it is in the Commonwealth Chemicals problem, three common criteria are 1. Maximaxchoose the decision that will maximize the maximum possible profit among all events. This is an aggressive, or risk-taking, approach. 2. Maximinchoose the decision that will maximize the minimum possible profit among all events. This is a conservative, or risk-averse, approach. 3. Minimax regretchoose the decision that will minimize the maximum oppor- tunity loss associated with the events. Opportunity loss represents the regret, or ill-feeling, that people often have after making a nonoptimal decision (I should have bought that stock years ago . . .). This approach is neither aggressive nor conservative, but focuses on not erring too much in either direction. We will apply these criteria for the Commonwealth Chemicals problem. For the maximax criterion, we see that if d 1 is selected, the maximum payoff is $300,000, and it occurs for s 2 . If d 2 is selected, the maximum payoff is $450,000, also for s 2 . The decision maker should choose d 2 , build a new plant, since it results in the largest possible payoff. For the maximin criterion, we see that if d 1 is chosen, the minimum payoff is $200,000, whereas if d 2 is selected, the minimum payoff is $100,000. Thus, to max- imize the minimum payoff, the decision maker should choose d 1 , expand the exist- ing plant. To apply the minimax-regret criterion, we must first construct a regret or opportunity-loss matrix. The opportunity loss associated with a particular decision, d i , and state of nature, s j , is the difference between the best payoff that the deci- sion maker can receive by making the optimal decision d* corresponding to s j , V(d*, s j ), and the payoff for choosing any arbitrary decision d i and having s j occur, V(d i , s j ). For example, if we know that s 1 will occur, the best decision is to choose d* d 1 and receive a payoff of $200,000; the opportunity loss will be zero. If we choose d 2 , we will receive only $100,000 and will lose the opportunity to receive $200,000 $100,000 $100,000. Similarly, if we know that s 2 will occur, the best decision is d* d 2 ; an opportunity loss of $450,000 $300,000 $150,000 will occur if we choose d 1 . Exhibit E.2 shows the complete opportunity-loss matrix for this situation. We see that the smallest maximum opportunity loss occurs for d 2 , so using this criterion, Commonwealth should build the new plant. We see that different criteria can result in different decisions; which to use is purely a judgment call on the part of the decision maker and reflects the persons values and attitudes toward risk. For problems in which the payoff is cost, the criteria change somewhat. The aggressive decision criterion is miniminminimize the minimum possible payoff over all events. The conservative decision is minimaxminimize the maximum pos- sible payoff over all events. Finally, the minimax-regret criterion does not change, since opportunity loss is always a cost. However, care is needed in computing the opportunity loss correctly. It is still the difference between the best possible payoff (received by making the optimal decision) and the payoff of any other decision. The only difference when the output measure is cost is that the best payoff is the low- est cost, not the highest profit. The difference must be viewed as an absolute value, that is, the savings in cost, since it does not make sense for opportunity losses to be negative. Repeated Decisions With Event Probabilities If an individual or business faces the same decision problem repeatedly, then over the long run, the decision can be made based on expected value. The expected value approach is to select the decision alternative with the best expected payoff. The expected value criterion requires probability estimates for the events. In many sit- uations, good probability estimates can be developed from historical data or judg- mentally. Let P(s j ) probability of occurrence for event s j N number of events Since one and only one of the N states of nature can occur, the associated proba- bilities must satisfy these two conditions: P(s j ) 0 for all j P(s j ) P(s 1 ) P(s 2 ) . . . P(s N ) 1 The expected value for decision alternative d i is given by EV(d i ) j P(s j )V(d i , s j ) (E.1) The EV criterion is used in revenue management applications (see Chapter 10). Most airlines, for example, offer discount fares for advanced purchase. Assume that only two fares are available: full and discount. The airline must make the decision of whether or not to accept the next request for a discount seat. If it accepts the discount request, the revenue it earns is the discount fare. If it rejects the discount request, two outcomes are possible. First, the seat may remain empty and the air- E6 Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis Low Product High Product Maximum Decision Demand (s 1 ) Demand (s 2 ) Opportunity Loss Expand existing plant (d 1 ) 0 $150,000 $150,000 Build new plant (d 2 ) $100,000 0 $100,000 Exhibit E.2 Opportunity-Loss Matrix for Commonwealth Chemicals The expected value approach is to select the decision alternative with the best expected payoff. line will not realize additional revenue. Alternatively, the remaining seat may be filled by a full-fare passenger, either because full-fare passenger demand is suffi- cient to fill the seats or because discount-fare passengers choose to pay full fare when told the discount fare is not available. This decision situation is illustrated by an example in Exhibit E.3. Suppose that a full-fare ticket is $560 and the discount fare is $400. The decision depends on the probability, p, of getting a full-fare request when a discount request is rejected. The expected value of rejecting the discount seat request is p times the full-fare value. Thus, if p .75, the expected value of rejecting the discount request is .25(0) .75 ($560) $420. Since this is higher than the discount fare, the dis- count request should be rejected. Since an airline makes hundreds or thousands of such decisions each day, the expected value criterion is appropriate. Expected Value of Perfect Information By perfect information, we mean knowing in advance what state of nature will oc- cur. Although we never have perfect information in practice, it is worth knowing how much we could improve the value of our decision if we had such information. This is called the expected value of perfect information, or EVPI, which is the difference between the expected payoff under perfect information and the expected payoff of the optimal decision without perfect information. We compute EVPI by asking the following question: If each event occurs, what would be the best decision and pay- off? Then we weight these payoffs by the probabilities associated with the events to obtain the expected payoff under perfect information. Suppose the airline somehow knew in advance that it could not sell the full-fare ticket to a particular customer (perhaps based on demographic profiles and analy- sis of past behavior). Then clearly the best decision would be to accept the discount request and receive revenue of $400. On the other hand, if it knows that it can sell the full-fare ticket, then obviously it should reject the request and receive $560. However, on average, we know that only 75 percent of customers will buy the full- fare ticket if the request is rejected and 25 percent will not. So the expected value of having perfect information would be (.75)(560) (.25)(400) $520 Recall that without the perfect information, the best decision is to always choose d 1 , which has an expected value of $420. By having perfect information about what a particular customer might do, we see that the value of the expected payoff can be increased by $520 420 $100 This difference is the expected value of perfect information (EVPI), and it repre- sents the maximum amount the company should be willing to pay for any infor- mation about the events, no matter how good it is. In this case, we might interpret it as the maximum incentive that the airline might give to a customer who is un- willing to purchase the full-fare ticket. Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis E7 Events Sell Do Not Sell Decision Full-Fare Ticket Full-Fare Ticket Expected Value Reject request $560 $0 $560 .75 $420 Accept request $400 $400 $400 Probability of event .75 .25 Exhibit E.3 Airline Discount-Fare Request Decision Expected Value of Perfect Information, or EVPI, which is the difference between the expected payoff under perfect information and the expected payoff of the optimal decision without perfect information. DECISION TREES Decision problems can be depicted graphically using a decision tree. A decision tree is a graphical schematic of the logical order with which decisions are made and events occur. In the terminology associated with decision trees, nodes refer to the intersections, or junction points, of the tree. Arcs are the connectors between the nodes. Arcs are sometimes called branches. When the branches leaving a given node are decision branches, we refer to the node as a decision node. Decision nodes are usually denoted by squares. Similarly, when the branches leaving a given node are event branches, we refer to the node as an event node. Event nodes are denoted by circles. The number at each endpoint of the tree represents the payoff associated with a particular chain of events. Exhibit E.4 is a decision tree of the airline fare request decision. Note that the tree shows the natural, or logical, progression of the decision-making process. First, the firm must make its decision (d 1 or d 2 ); then, once the decision is implemented, an event (s 1 or s 2 ) occurs. Note that in this case, if the request is accepted it does not matter if the airline could have sold the full fare or not, so we do not have to include event branches for this decision. The OM Spotlight: How Computers Play Chess provides another interesting application of decision trees. E8 Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis Learning Objective To construct simple decision trees and use them to select optimal expected value decisions. A decision tree is a graphical schematic of the logical order with which decisions are made and events occur. Nodes refer to the intersections, or junction points, of the tree. Arcs are the connectors between the nodes. Reject request Accept request Sell full fare Do not sell $560 $0 $400 P 0.75 1 p .25 Decision Event Payoff Exhibit E.4 Airline Discount-Fare Request Decision Exhibit E.5 How Computers Play Chess Decision trees are useful for more complex business decisions. For example, a nationwide restaurant franchise that frequently introduces new products might develop the decision tree shown in Exhibit E.6 to help make a decision on how to best market the products. Even if the tree is not used analytically to evaluate expected payoffs, it can be of substantial benefit in helping decision makers to log- ically determine what decisions need to be made and how to react to external forces such as competitor strategies or economic changes beyond their control. Expected value calculations can be made directly on the tree to arrive at the best decision strategy. Working backward through the decision tree, we first compute Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis E9 Exhibit E.6 New Product Introduction Decision Tree O M S P O T L I G H T How Computers Play Chess 5 Humans play chess by learning the nuances of the game, reading books and learning patterns of play, and ul- timately develop strategies and tac- tics about how they will play. When computers play chess they do none of this. In fact, the computer is calculating strategies through sets of formulas based in full or in part on decision trees. Exhibit E.5 shows a decision tree for the start of a chess game. Assume there are 20 possible moves to begin the game for the white chess pieces. The player chooses from those 20 moves and makes the move. Then the player with the black pieces must choose among 20 possible moves. When black moves, white must respond, and so on. For just a sequence of three moves as shown in the figure, there are 20 20 20 8,000 possible combinations. If you were to carry these computations out for a typical chess game, you end up with at least 10 120 moves, give or take a few. No computer or computers are ever going to be able to calculate the en- tire tree, so complex algorithms are used to prune the tree branches and only evaluate the most promising branches of the decision tree. So what some people think is intelli- gence is completely mechanical and involves no thought whatsoeverhence the name artificial intelligence! the expected monetary value of each event node by weighting the possible payoffs by their chances of occurrence. In the airline fare example, the expected value for the event node corresponding to the reject request decision is EV .75 (560) .25 (0) $420 shown in the box in Exhibit E.7. We continue backward through the tree to the decision node. At this point we compare the expected value for rejecting the re- quest with the value of the branch associated with accepting the request. Because the value for rejecting the request is higher, it corresponds to the best decision. Many unique uses of decision trees exist, such as the one described in the OM Spotlight: Collegiate Athletic Drug Testing. E10 Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis Reject request Accept request Sell full fare Do not sell $560 $0 $400 p 0.75 1 p .25 Decision Event Payoff $420 $420 Exhibit E.7 Calculation of Optimal Decision Strategy O M S P O T L I G H T Collegiate Athletic Drug Testing 6 The athletic board of Santa Clara Uni- versity had to decide whether to recommend implementing a drug- testing program for intercollegiate athletes. One of the board members, who was a manage- ment science professor, developed a simple decision model to address the question of whether or not to test a single individual for the presence of drugs. The model focused on the key issue of the reliability of the testing procedures, con- sequences of testing errors, and the benefits of identifying a drug user compared with the costs of false accusations and nonidentification of users. Exhibit E.8 shows the decision tree developed for testing an individual for drug use. The two main alternatives are test or dont test. The model evaluates the expected cost of testing for drug use compared with that of not testing. If test- ing is chosen, the test is given and the result, positive or neg- ative, is observed. If the result is positive, action is taken. Since not all those who test positively are actually users, there is some chance of a false accusation, which costs an amount C 1 . If the result is negative, then some drug users are not identified, which costs C 2 . Nonusers who test negatively might be expected to experience some cost, C 3 , perhaps based on invasion of privacy. Following the lower path of the tree, if the alternative dont test were selected, the ex- pected cost is just the cost of an unidentified user, C 2 , mul- tiplied by the prior probability that an individual is a drug user. The models results surprised many board members. For instance, the model showed that if a test that is 95 percent reliable is applied to a population of 5 percent drug users, only 50 percent of all those who tested positively will actu- ally be drug users. Most board members had read about the reliability of drug tests in various publications and agreed that 95 percent reliability was a representative value. As a result, the board concluded that a false accusation was more seri- ous than not identifying drug users and rejected the pro- posal. The university administration later accepted this recommendation. Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis E11 Exhibit E.8 Decision Tree for Drug-Use Testing SOLVED PROBLEMS SOLVED PROBLEM #1 Maling Manufacturing needs to purchase a new piece of machining equipment. The two choices are a con- ventional (labor-intensive) machine and an automated (computer-controlled) machine. Profitability will de- pend on demand volume. The following data provide an estimate of profits over the next three years. Demand Volume Decision Low (s 1 ) High (s 2 ) Conventional machine (d 1 ) $15,000 $21,000 Automated machine (d 2 ) $ 9,000 $35,000 What decisions would be indicated by maximax, max- imin, and minimax-regret criteria? Solution: Decision Maximum Profit Minimum Profit Conventional (d 1 ) $21,000 $15,000 Automated (d 2 ) $35,000 $ 9,000 Maximax decision d 2 Maximin decision d 1 Opportunity-Loss Matrix Decision Low High Maximum Conventional (d 1 ) 0 $14,000 $14,000 Automated (d 2 ) $6,000 0 $ 6,000 Minimax-regret decision d 2 SOLVED PROBLEM #2 Martins Service Station is considering investing in a heavy-duty snowplow this fall. Martin has analyzed the situation carefully and feels that this would be a very profitable investment if the snowfall is heavy, somewhat profitable if the snowfall is moderate, and would result in a loss if the snowfall is light. Specifically, Martin fore- casts a profit of $7,000 if snowfall is heavy and $2,000 if it is moderate, and a $9,000 loss if it is light. From the Weather Bureaus long-range forecast, Martin esti- mates that P(heavy snowfall) .4, P(moderate snow- fall) .3, and P(light snowfall) .3. a. Prepare a decision tree for Martins problem. b. Using the EV criterion, would you recommend that Martin invest in the snowplow? c. Discuss the value of using EV for this situation. Solution: a. Exhibit E.9 is the decision tree and the variables are defined as follows: d 1 invest, d 2 do not invest, s 1 heavy, s 2 moderate, s 3 light, P(s 1 ) .4, P(s 2 ) .3, and P(s 3 ) .3. b. Recommended decision: d 1 (invest) since EV (d 1 ) .4(7,000) .3(2,000) .3(29,000) $700 and EV (d 2 ) 0. c. Although the decision tree helps structure the prob- lem, the fact remains that this is a one-time decision. The expected value criterion does not incorporate risk into the decision. E12 Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS Arcs/branches Decision alternatives Decision analysis Decision trees Events Expected value Expected value approach Expected value of perfect information (EVPI) Five decision analysis characteristics Maximax criterion Maximin criterion Minimax regret criterion Nodes Opportunity-loss matrix Payoff matrix Regret Risk Three decision analysis elements Uncertainty Exhibit E.9 Decision Tree for Solved Problem 2 QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION 1. Describe two situations where decision analysis could be applied in operations to support manage- ment decision-making. 2. What are five characteristics of management deci- sions for which decision analysis techniques should be used? Do all five characteristics have to exist to apply decision analysis techniques? 3. Define the four major elements of a decision problem. 4. Explain the difference between uncertainty and risk. Provide some examples from OM of each of these concepts. 5. What information is provided in a payoff table? 6. How do managers determine the probabilities for expected value decision-making? 7. Describe how the following criteria are applied to a decision problem in which the objective is maxi- mization: a. maximax b. maximin c. minimax regret 8. How do the criteria in Question 7 change if the ob- jective is minimization? 9. Explain the concept of regret, or opportunity loss, in decision analysis. 10. In what situations would the expected monetary value criterion be useful? In what situations would it not be useful? 11. What does the expected value of perfect informa- tion provide to a decision maker? 12. Explain the structure and purpose of a decision tree. Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis E13 PROBLEMS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Suppose a decision maker faced with four decision alternatives and four states of nature develops the profit-payoff table shown as follows: State of Nature Decision s 1 s 2 s 3 s 4 d 1 14 9 10 5 d 2 11 10 8 7 d 3 9 10 10 11 d 4 8 10 11 13 a. If the decision maker knows nothing about the chances or probability of occurrence of the four states of nature, what decision would be indi- cated by the maximax, maximin, and minimax- regret criteria? b. Which decision criterion do you prefer? Explain. Should the decision maker establish the most ap- propriate decision criterion before analyzing the problem? Explain. c. Assume the payoff table provides cost, rather than profit, payoffs. What is the recommended decision using the optimistic, conservative, and minimax-regret decision criteria? 2. Suppose the decision maker in Problem 1 obtains information that enables these probability estimates to be made: P(s 1 ) .5, P(s 2 ) .2, P(s 3 ) .2, P(s 4 ) .1. a. Use the expected value (EV) criterion to deter- mine the optimal decision. b. Now assuming the entries in the payoff table are costs, use the EV criterion to determine the minimum-cost solution. 3. Southland Corporations decision to produce a new line of recreational products has resulted in the need to construct either a small plant or a large plant. The decision as to which size to select depends on the marketplace reaction to the new product line. To conduct an analysis, marketing managers have decided to view the possible long-run demand as low, medium, or high. The payoff table gives the projected profits in millions of dollars as follows: Long-Run Demand Decision Low Medium High Small plant $150 $200 $200 Large plant 50 200 500 a. Construct a decision tree for this problem and determine the best decisions using the maximax, maximin, and minimax-regret decision criteria. b. Assume that the best estimate of the probability of low long-run demand is .20, of medium long- run demand is .15, and of high long-run demand is .65. What is the best decision using the EV criterion? 4. Milford Trucking, located in Chicago, has requests to haul two shipments, one to St. Louis and one to Detroit. Because of a scheduling problem, Milford will be able to accept only one of these assignments. The St. Louis customer has guaranteed a return ship- ment, and the Detroit customer has not. Thus, if Milford accepts the Detroit shipment and cannot find a Detroit-to-Chicago return shipment, the truck will return to Chicago empty. The payoff table for profit is shown as follows: Return Shipment No Return Shipment Destination from Detroit (s 1 ) from Detroit (s 1 ) St. Louis (d 1 ) $2,000 $2,000 Detroit (d 2 ) 2,500 1,000 If the probability of a Detroit return shipment is .4, what should Milford do? 5. McHuffter Condominiums, Inc., of Pensacola, Florida, recently purchased land near the Gulf of Mexico and is attempting to determine the size of the condominium development it should build there. Three sizes of developments are being considered: small, d 1 , medium, d 2 , and large, d 3 . At the same time an uncertain economy makes it difficult to as- certain the demand for the new condominiums. McHuffters managers realize that a large develop- ment followed by a low demand could be very costly to the company. However, if McHuffter makes a conservative, small-development decision and then finds high demand, the firms profits will be lower than they might have been. With the three levels of demandlow, medium, and highMcHuffters managers prepared the payoff table as follows: Demand (in Thousands of Dollars) Decision Low Medium High Small $400 $400 $400 Medium 100 600 600 Large 300 300 900 If P(low) .20, P(medium) .35, and P(high) .45, what decision is recommended by the EV cri- terion? 6. Construct a decision tree for the McHuffter Condo- miniums problem (Problem 5). What is the expected value at each state-of-nature node? What is the op- timal decision? 7. Construct a decision tree for Solved Problem 1. Sup- pose the probabilities of low- and high-demand vol- ume are estimated to be .7 and .3, respectively. What decision would you recommend? 8. Refer again to the investment problem faced by Mar- tins Service Station (Solved Problem 2). Martin can purchase a blade to attach to his service truck that can be used to plow driveways and parking lots. Since this truck would also need to be available to start cars and do other tasks, Martin would not be able to generate as much revenue plowing snow if he elects this alternative, but he would keep his loss smaller if there is light snowfall. Under this alter- native Martin forecasts a profit of $3,500 if snow- fall is heavy, $1,000 if it is moderate, and a loss of $1,500 if snowfall is light. a. Prepare a new decision tree showing all three al- ternatives. b. Using the EV approach, what is the optimal decision? 9. The Gorman Manufacturing Company must decide whether to purchase a component part from a sup- plier or to manufacture the component at its own plant. If demand is high, it would be to Gormans advantage to manufacture the component. If de- mand is low, however, Gormans unit manufactur- ing cost will be high because of underutilization of equipment. The projected profit in thousands of dollars for Gormans make-or-buy decision is as follows: Demand Decision Low Medium High Manufacture component $220 $40 $100 Purchase component 210 45 70 The states of nature have these probabilities: P(low demand) .35, P(medium demand) .35, and P(high demand) .30. Use a decision tree to rec- ommend a decision. 10. A firm produces a perishable food product at a cost of $10 per case. The product sells for $15 per case. For planning purposes, the company is considering possible demands of 100, 200, and 300 cases. If the demand is less than production, the excess produc- tion is discarded. If demand is more than produc- tion, the firm, in an attempt to maintain a good service image, will satisfy the excess demand with a special production run at a cost of $18 per case. The product, however, always sell at $15 per case. a. Set up the payoff table for this problem. b. If P(100) .2, P(200) .2, and P(300) .6, should the company produce 100, 200, or 300 cases? 11. Sealcoat, Inc. has a contract with one of its cus- tomers to supply a unique liquid chemical product used in the manufacture of a lubricant for airplane engines. Because of the chemical process Sealcoat uses, batch sizes for the product must be 1,000 pounds. The customer has agreed to adjust manu- facturing to the full-batch quantities and will order either one, two, or three batches every three months. Since production includes a one-month aging process, Sealcoat must make its production (how much to make) decision before the customer places an order. Thus the product demand alternatives are 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 pounds, but the exact demand is unknown. Sealcoats manufacturing costs are $150 per pound, and the product sells at the fixed contract price of $200 per pound. If the customer orders more than Sealcoat has produced, Sealcoat has agreed to absorb the added cost of filling the order E14 Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis by purchasing a higher-quality substitute product from another chemical firm. The substitute product, including transportation expenses, will cost Sealcoat $240 per pound. Since the product cannot be stored more than two months without spoilage, Sealcoat cannot inventory excess production until the cus- tomers next three-month order. Therefore, if the customers current order is less than Sealcoat has produced, the excess production will be reprocessed and will then be valued at $50 per pound. The decision in this problem is: How much should Sealcoat produce given the costs and the pos- sible demands of 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 pounds? From historical data and analysis of the customers future demands, Sealcoat has developed the proba- bility distribution for demand as follows. Demand Probability 1,000 .3 2,000 .5 3,000 .2 a. Develop a payoff table for the problem. b. How many batches should Sealcoat produce every three months? 12. A quality control procedure involves 100-percent inspection of parts received from a supplier. His- torical records show the observed defect rates as follows. Percent Defective Probability 0 .15 1 .25 2 .40 3 .20 The cost to inspect 100 percent of the parts received is $250 for each shipment of 500 parts. If the ship- ment is not 100-percent inspected, defective parts will cause rework problems later in the production process. The rework cost is $25 per each defective part. a. Complete the payoff table shown here, in which entries represent the total cost of inspection and reworking. Percent Defective Decision 0 1 2 3 100% inspection $250 $250 $250 $250 No inspection ? ? ? ? b. The plant manager is considering eliminating the inspection process to save the $250 inspection cost per shipment. Do you support this action? Use EV to justify your answer. c. Show the decision tree for this problem. 13. The R&D manager of the Beck Company is trying to decide whether or not to fund a project to de- velop a new lubricant. It is assumed that the project will be a major technical success, a minor technical success, or a failure. The company estimates the value of a major technical success as $150,000, since the lubricant could be used in a number of products the company is making. If the project is a minor technical success, its value is estimated as $10,000, since Beck feels the knowledge gained will benefit some other ongoing projects. If the project is a fail- ure, it will cost the company $100,000. Based on the opinion of the scientists involved and the man- agers own subjective assessment, the following probabilities are assigned: P(major success) .15 P(minor success) .45 P(failure) .40 a. According to the EV criterion, should the pro- ject be funded? b. Suppose a group of expert scientists from a re- search institute could be hired as consultants to study the project and make a recommendation. If this study would cost $30,000, should the Beck Company hire the consultants? 14. Consider again the problem faced by the Beck Com- pany R&D manager (Problem 13). Suppose an ex- periment can be conducted to shed some light on the technical feasibility of the project. There are three possible outcomes of the experiment: I 1 prototype lubricant works well at all temperatures I 2 prototype lubricant works well only at temperatures above 10F I 3 prototype lubricant does not work well at any temperature How would the decision tree be modified to include this information? 15. Explain how decision analysis techniques can be im- plemented on spreadsheets. Design spreadsheets for the examples in this chapter. Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis E15 E16 Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis CASES TRENDYS PIES Trendys is a national chain specializing in selling pies, either whole or by the slice, from small facilities with drive-through capabilities. Trendys corporate kitchen staff has developed a new type of pie and needs to make a decision on whether to introduce it nationally across the chain or to try a regional test market first. Tina Trendy, the franchise founder, and her staff sketched out the decision tree described earlier in the chapter in Exhibit E.6. Based on various research reports and industry knowledge and judgment, Trendy and her staff came up with the following financial estimates and risk proba- bilities. If they decide to roll the product out nationally, they would incur costs of $200,000. A high consumer response would result in expected revenues of $700,000, with a .6 probability; whereas a low consumer response would result in only $150,000 of revenue, with a .4 probability. If they first introduce the product in a re- gional test market, they would incur $30,000 in costs and expect a 70 percent chance of a high regional re- sponse and a 30 percent chance of a low regional re- sponse. Regardless of the outcome, they still have to make a decision whether to remain regional with the product (thereby avoiding potential risks of national failure), market the product nationally, or drop the idea. If the regional response is high, they anticipate that re- maining regional would result in revenues of $200,000; remaining regional with a low regional response would result in revenues of only $100,000. If they decide to market nationally after a high regional test market re- sponse, Trendy estimates that there is a .9 probability of a high national response that would result in revenues of $700,000 and a .1 probability of a low national re- sponse with revenues of $150,000. If they market na- tionally after a low regional test market response, the probability of a high national response is only .05; the probability of a low national response would be .95 (revenue estimates would remain the same). a. Use these cost, revenue, and probability estimates along with the decision tree to identify the best decision strategy for Trendys Pies. b. Suppose that Trendy is concerned about her probability estimates of the consumer response to the regional test market. Although her esti- mates are .7 for a high response and .3 for a low response, she is not very confident of these val- ues. Determine how the decision strategy would change if the probability of a high response varies from .1 to .9 in increments of .1. How sensitive is the best strategy in part a to this prob- ability assumption? SERVICE GUARANTEE DECISIONS FOR MCCORD HOTELS McCord Hotels is a small chain of 25 hotels located in four statesIndiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and West Vir- ginia. The hotel prides itself on superior customer ser- vice and is well known in the region. Gregory Hamlet, the chief executive officer of McCord Hotels, is con- sidering whether to offer a service guarantee at all Mc- Cord hotels. If he decides to offer a service guarantee due to service upsets and mistakes, he will also have to decide whether to incur the cost of service-recovery training. This type of training develops a list of the top 20 types of service upsets and trains all employees what their response should be. The service-recovery training program includes studying training manuals, in-class exercises and videos, and out-of-class reading for all employees. The probabilities for states of nature are shown in Exhibit E.10. Revenue-producing room-nights for all 25 hotels for each payoff scenario are shown in Exhibit E.11. The pay- off matrix is stated in total annual room-nights because the hotel reservation system and pricing policies are very Variable/State of Nature Probabilities Adopt service guarantees (ASG) No service guarantees (NSG) Do service recovery training (DST) .67 No service recovery training (NST) .33 High Demand (HD) .60 Low Demand (LD) .40 Exhibit E.10 Probabilities for McCord Hotels Service Guarantee Decision consistent in all 25 hotel properties. A room-night is de- fined as one customer staying one night in a hotel room. Therefore, a room-night generates revenue; if the room is empty, it generates zero revenue. Hotel rooms repre- sent perishable service capacity that is time-dependent. Service guarantees were described in Chapter 6. If Mc- Cord Hotels does not adopt a service guarantee, it is a. Construct a decision tree to help make this decision. Using expected value, what decision does it support? Explain. b. If the average room-night was valued at $80 of rev- enue, total annual service-guarantee training cost for all 25 hotels at a cost of $312,500, new marketing and advertising materials at a cost of $200,000 an- nually, and the economic loss from service upset pay- outs were estimated to average less than $150,000 per year, evaluate the economics of the situation. What other costs might be considered? c. What are your final recommendations to Hamlet? Supplementary Chapter E: Decision Analysis E17 Incremental Annual Decision Tree Branches Room-Night Payoffs ASGDSTHD 75,000 ASGDSTLD 20,000 ASGNSTHD 50,000 ASGNSTLD 15,000 NSG 2,500 Exhibit E.11 Room-Night Payoff Matrix for McCord Hotels ENDNOTES 1 Balson, William E., Welsh, Justin L., and Wilson, Donald S., Using Decision Analysis and Risk Analysis to Manage Utility Environmental Risk, Interfaces 22, no. 6, NovemberDecember 1992, pp. 126139. 2 Carter, Virgil, and Machol, Robert E., Optimal Strategies on Fourth Down, Management Science 24, no. 16, December 1978, pp. 17581762. 3 Baird, Bruce F., Managerial Decisions Under Uncertainty, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989, p. 6; and Keeney, Ralph L., Decision Analysis: An Overview, Operations Research 30, no. 5, SeptemberOctober 1982, pp. 803838. 4 Nichols, Nancy A., Scientific Management at Merck: An Interview with CFO Judy Lewent, Harvard Business Review JanuaryFebruary 1994, pp. 8999. 5 Brain, M., How Chess Computers Work,, October 20, 2004. 6 Adapted from: Feinstein, Charles D., Deciding Whether to Test Student Athletes for Drug Use, Interfaces 20, no. 3, MayJune 1990, pp. 8087. expected to lose 12,500 room-nights annually for its 25 hotels because some competing hotels are offering such guarantees.