APM - 9.5 - APM For SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
APM - 9.5 - APM For SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
APM - 9.5 - APM For SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Agents Guide
Release 9.5
CA Application Performance
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CA Technologies Product References
This document references the following CA Technologies products and features:
CA Application Performance Management (CA APM)
CA Application Performance Management ChangeDetector (CA APM
CA Application Performance Management ErrorDetector (CA APM ErrorDetector)
CA Application Performance Management for CA Database Performance (CA APM
for CA Database Performance)
CA Application Performance Management for CA SiteMinder (CA APM for CA
CA Application Performance Management for CA SiteMinder Application Server
Agents (CA APM for CA SiteMinder ASA)
CA Application Performance Management for IBM CICS Transaction Gateway (CA
APM for IBM CICS Transaction Gateway)
CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere Application Server
(CA APM for IBM WebSphere Application Server)
CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere Distributed
Environments (CA APM for IBM WebSphere Distributed Environments)
CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere MQ (CA APM for
IBM WebSphere MQ)
CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere Portal (CA APM for
IBM WebSphere Portal)
CA Application Performance Management for IBM WebSphere Process Server (CA
APM for IBM WebSphere Process Server)
CA Application Performance Management for IBM z/OS (CA APM for IBM z/OS)
CA Application Performance Management for Microsoft SharePoint (CA APM for
Microsoft SharePoint)
CA Application Performance Management for Oracle Databases (CA APM for Oracle
CA Application Performance Management for Oracle Service Bus (CA APM for
Oracle Service Bus)
CA Application Performance Management for Oracle WebLogic Portal (CA APM for
Oracle WebLogic Portal)
CA Application Performance Management for Oracle WebLogic Server (CA APM for
Oracle WebLogic Server)
CA Application Performance Management for SOA (CA APM for SOA)
CA Application Performance Management for TIBCO BusinessWorks (CA APM for
TIBCO BusinessWorks)
CA Application Performance Management for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
(CA APM for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service)
CA Application Performance Management for Web Servers (CA APM for Web
CA Application Performance Management for webMethods Broker (CA APM for
webMethods Broker)
CA Application Performance Management for webMethods Integration Server (CA
APM for webMethods Integration Server)
CA Application Performance Management Integration for CA CMDB (CA APM
Integration for CA CMDB)
CA Application Performance Management Integration for CA NSM (CA APM
Integration for CA NSM)
CA Application Performance Management LeakHunter (CA APM LeakHunter)
CA Application Performance Management Transaction Generator (CA APM TG)
CA Cross-Enterprise Application Performance Management
CA Customer Experience Manager (CA CEM)
CA Embedded Entitlements Manager (CA EEM)
CA eHealth Performance Manager (CA eHealth)
CA Insight Database Performance Monitor for DB2 for z/OS
CA Introscope
CA SiteMinder
CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager (CA Spectrum)
CA SYSVIEW Performance Management (CA SYSVIEW)
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Contents 7
Chapter 1: Overview of CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server
Agents 9
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
CA SiteMinder Web Access Manager ........................................................................................................................... 9
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Security Manager ..................................................................................... 10
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents ............................................................................................ 10
Monitoring SiteMinder components .................................................................................................................. 10
How it all works .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Architectural overview ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Integrating CA APM for SiteMinder in a CA SiteMinder environment ....................................................................... 13
Web server-based security ................................................................................................................................. 13
Application server-based security ....................................................................................................................... 14
Web server and application server-based security ............................................................................................. 15
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents 17
Installation requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Before you begin ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder ..................................................................................................... 18
Step 1: Run the Enterprise Manager Installer ..................................................................................................... 19
Step 2: Running the CA Introscope Agent installer ........................................................................................... 20
Step 3: Configure the Extension to monitor CA SiteMinder ASA ........................................................................ 21
Step 4: Configure the Extension to Monitor CA SiteMinder Web Agent ............................................................ 21
Step 5: Configure the Extension to Monitor CA SOA Security Manager ............................................................. 22
Step 6: Enable Extension Components............................................................................................................... 23
Upgrading CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents ........................................................................... 23
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 25
Viewing metrics and dashboards in the Investigator ................................................................................................. 25
Viewing Metrics .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Viewing SiteMinder Web Agent metrics ............................................................................................................. 26
Viewing Caching metrics ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Viewing Operations metrics ................................................................................................................................ 28
Viewing Application Server Agent metrics .......................................................................................................... 29
Viewing Policy Server Calls metrics ..................................................................................................................... 31
Viewing SSPI metrics ........................................................................................................................................... 31
8 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Viewing TAI metrics ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Viewing SOA Agent metrics ................................................................................................................................. 34
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents ........................................ 34
SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard ................................................................................................................... 35
SiteMinder PP Web Agents Top and Bottom 5 Avg Response Times dashboard ............................................... 36
SiteMinder PP Web Agents Top and Bottom 5 Responses Per Interval dashboard ............................................ 36
SiteMinder PP WebAgents Load dashboard ....................................................................................................... 36
SiteMinder PP WebAgents Response Time dashboard ....................................................................................... 37
SiteMinder PP WebLogic ASA Load dashboard ................................................................................................... 37
SiteMinder PP WebLogic ASA Response Time dashboard .................................................................................. 38
SiteMinder PP WebSphere ASA Load dashboard ................................................................................................ 38
SiteMinder PP WebSphere ASA Response Time dashboard ............................................................................... 38
Viewing and Creating CA APM for SiteMinder Metric Groupings .............................................................................. 39
Viewing and Creating Alerts for SiteMinder Data ...................................................................................................... 40
Viewing and Creating Alerts ................................................................................................................................ 40
Viewing Cross-process Transaction Tracing ............................................................................................................... 41
Appendix A: Metrics 43
Metrics for Application Server Agent ......................................................................................................................... 43
Policy Server Calls ............................................................................................................................................... 43
SSPI ...................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Other Policy Server Calls ..................................................................................................................................... 46
TAI ....................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Metrics for SOA Security Manager ............................................................................................................................. 48
Metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent ............................................................................................................................ 49
Caching ................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Operations .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Aggregated metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent ......................................................................................................... 51
Caching ................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Appendix B: IPv6 Support 53
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA SiteMinder Web Agent ........................................... 53
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA SOA Security Manager Application Server
Agent .......................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA SOA Security Manager Web Server Agent .............. 54
Chapter 1: Overview of CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents 9
Chapter 1: Overview of CA APM for CA
SiteMinder Application Server Agents
This chapter provides an architectural overview of CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents and an overview of how it reports key metrics to CA APM.
This section contains the following topics:
Introduction (see page 9)
CA SiteMinder Web Access Manager (see page 9)
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents (see page 10)
How it all works (see page 11)
Architectural overview (see page 12)
Integrating CA APM for SiteMinder in a CA SiteMinder environment (see page 13)
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents is a CA APM extension that
provides advanced performance management tools for the production environment of
CA SiteMinder Web Access Manager. Together with CA APM, this extension monitors
critical CA SiteMinder components and helps to isolate application bottlenecks and
improve the availability of the product.
The following sections provide an overview of CA SiteMinder Web Access Manager and
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents, and how they work together.
CA SiteMinder Web Access Manager
CA SiteMinder Web Access Manager (CA SiteMinder) is a centrally managed access
control platform for web-accessed applications and web services. The platform
facilitates single sign-on and federated identities for enterprise employees, customers,
and partners across heterogeneous web servers, identity stores, and application servers.
CA SiteMinder protects critical IT systems and services with user authentication and
access control.
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
10 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Security Manager
SOA Security Manager is an identity-based security product that secures access to Web
services by inspecting the security XML document information that a Web services
consumer submits. SOA Security Manager uses the core set of Web services standards
and centralized security policies that are bound to user identities for authentication,
authorization, federation, session management, and audit.
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents allows you to view metric data
from CA SiteMinder Web Access Manager. Along with CA APM, the extension monitors
the performance impact of CA SiteMinder and SOA Security Manager on distributed
web applications and distributed web services, respectively.
Key features include:
Out-of-the-box visibility into how CA SiteMinder and SOA Security Manager affect
the performance and availability of distributed web applications and Web services
Information for web application support and development teams that monitor CA
SiteMinder and SOA Security Manager performance and its effect on the end-user
Complete transaction visibility into SiteMinder Agent operations affecting
application performance
Support for triaging performance problems, reducing the mean time to resolution
Aggregated views of metrics and a variety of out-of-box views and visualizations
Monitoring SiteMinder components
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents monitors the following
SiteMinder components:
SiteMinder Web Agents for Apache, IIS, and Sun ONEprovide visibility into
transaction execution time spent in the SiteMinder Web Agent, and enables
detailed diagnosis with cache, authorization, and validation information.
SiteMinder Application Server Agents (for IBM WebSphere and Oracle WebLogic
application servers)provide visibility into how the SiteMinder Application Server
Agent affects the performance of a J2EE transaction. Given a problematic
transaction, you can determine whether or not SiteMinder was responsible for any
delay. Aggregated performance statistics show authorization calls per period,
average response time, and related metrics.
SOA Security Manager Agentsprovide visibility into the response time and load
to authorize XML web services messages.
How it all works
Chapter 1: Overview of CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents 11
How it all works
When a call is made to the web server integrated with the SiteMinder Web Agent, the
plug-in adds SiteMinder Web Agent performance information to the transaction. When
the transaction reaches the application server, CA APM for SiteMinder probes collect
this data and send it on to the Enterprise Manager.
When SiteMinder security uses the SiteMinder Application Server Agent, the extension
monitors calls from the SiteMinder Application Server Agents to the SiteMinder Policy
SOA Security Manager probes monitor calls from the SOA Security Manager Agents.
Because SiteMinder performance metrics are added to each transaction, the application
owner can, on a transaction-by-transaction basis, see how SiteMinder performs.
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents provides alerts and displays data
using the standard CA APM infrastructure. With the management module editor, users
can customize the CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents outputs or
create their own to customize the transaction-by-transaction monitoring of SiteMinder
and its impact on application performance.
Architectural overview
12 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Architectural overview
The following figure illustrates the core architecture of CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents.
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents components are:
SiteMinder WebAgent Extension:
SiteMinder WebAgent Extension provides instrumentation of SiteMinder Web
Agents. It uses data received from SiteMinder Introscope plug-in and processes it as
appropriate to display in the Investigator. It also provides integration with
Introscope Transaction Traces.
ProbeBuilderDirective (PBD) files for SiteMinder ASA:
Instrumentation of SiteMinder Application Server Agent is done using this PBD to
get per-transaction visibility. It also collects aggregated statistics on SiteMinder
Application Server Agent performance.
Integrating CA APM for SiteMinder in a CA SiteMinder environment
Chapter 1: Overview of CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents 13
PBD files for CA SOA Security Manager:
Instrumentation of SOA Security Manager Agents (web servers and app servers) is
done using this PBD. It collects aggregated statistics on SOA SM Agent performance.
SiteMinder Remote Data Collector:
It reads the SiteMinder OneView Monitor data collected by the OneView Monitor
from the Policy Server and all the web agents, using SNMP4J API. This data is then
pushed to Introscope Enterprise Manager using CA APM EPAgent.
CA APM for Site Minder Enterprise Manager components:
These contain an Enterprise Manager Extension, typeviews, and management
modules to visualize the collected data.
Integrating CA APM for SiteMinder in a CA SiteMinder
The way in which CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents interfaces with
SiteMinder depends on how SiteMinder has been implemented on your network. Most
SiteMinder installations fall into one of three categories:
Web server-based security
Security features are enforced using a SiteMinder Web Agent on the Web server.
Application server-based security
Security features are enforced using a SiteMinder Application Agent on the
application server.
Web and application server-based security
Security features are enforced using a SiteMinder Web Agent on the Web server
and a SiteMinder Application Agent on the application server.
The following sections depict the way CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server
Agents integrates with CA SiteMinder based on the security method implemented. The
components installed by CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents are
labeled in green text in the accompanying diagrams.
Web server-based security
When SiteMinder security is enforced using the SiteMinder Web Agent, the Web Agent
Extension configured on the application server machine can monitor the header data
passed by CA SiteMinder Web Agent to the application server and report corresponding
metrics to Enterprise Manager.
Integrating CA APM for SiteMinder in a CA SiteMinder environment
14 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
On the application server machine, the Web Agent Monitor enables CA APM to collect
data. The CA APM Agent installed on the Application Server machine then passes on
SiteMinder Web Agent metric data to the Enterprise Manager. CA APM for SiteMinder
Management Modules are installed on the Enterprise Manager, enabling pre-configured
Workstation views and dashboards.
Note: The Introscope Agent refers to the CA APM agent on any of the supported
application servers.
Application server-based security
When SiteMinder security is enforced using a SiteMinder Application Server Agent,
probe directives which are configured with the Application Server Monitor on the
application server collect SiteMinder application server agent metrics.
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents probe directives, integrated into
the CA APM agent, pass SiteMinder application server agent metric data to the
Enterprise Manager. CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents installs
Management Modules on the Enterprise Manager, enabling pre-configured views and
dashboards to be displayed in the Workstation.
Integrating CA APM for SiteMinder in a CA SiteMinder environment
Chapter 1: Overview of CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents 15
Note: The Introscope Agent refers to the CA APM WebSphere agent on WebSphere
application servers or the CA APM WebLogic agent on WebLogic application servers.
Web server and application server-based security
When SiteMinder Web Access Manager security is enforced using both the SiteMinder
Web Agent and a SiteMinder Application Server Agent, configure the Web Agent
Monitor and the Application Server Monitor on the application server. The probe
directives installed with the Application Server Monitor and Web Server monitor
integrate into the CA APM agent and pass ometric data for the SiteMinder Web Agent
and the SiteMinder Application Server Agent to the Enterprise Manager. CA APM for
SiteMinder installs Management Modules on the Enterprise Manager, enabling the
Workstation to display proconfigured views and dashboards.
Integrating CA APM for SiteMinder in a CA SiteMinder environment
16 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Note: The Introscope Agent refers to the WebSphere agent on WebSphere application
servers or the WebLogic agent on WebLogic application servers.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents 17
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA
APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server
This chapter describes how to install and configure CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents.
This section contains the following topics:
Installation requirements (see page 17)
Before you begin (see page 17)
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder (see page 18)
Upgrading CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents (see page 23)
Installation requirements
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents supports these systems and
CA SiteMinder Web Agent
CA SiteMinder Policy Server
SOA Security Manager
See the CA APM Compatibility Guide for the supported versions of these systems and
Before you begin
Perform the following steps before you install CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application
Server Agents:
1. Identify the following directory locations in your CA APM environment:
The application server home directorythe home directory of your
application server, referred to in this guide as <AppServer_Home>.
The Introscope directorythe installation directory for CA APM on your
Enterprise Manager machine, referred to in this guide as <EM_Home>.
The web agent home directorythe home directory of the CA APM agent,
referred to in this guide as <Agent_Home>.
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder
18 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
2. To enable the CA SiteMinder Web Agent to send data to Application Server, set the
EnableIntroscopeAgentSupport and EnableMonitoring parameters in the WebAgent
Config object or in the WebAgent.conf file:
If you set the properties in WebAgent Config object, set:
Note: If you are using both Manager for SiteMinder and CA APM for SiteMinder to
monitor the WebAgent, then set the EnableIntroscopeAgentSupport parameter to
BOTH and EnableMonitoring=YES
If you set the properties in WebAgent.conf file, located in the web server's
config directory, set:
Note: If you are using both Manager for SiteMinder and CA APM for SiteMinder to
monitor the WebAgent, then set the EnableIntroscopeAgentSupport parameter to
"BOTH" and EnableMonitoring="YES".
If these properties are set appropriately, the application server agent extension can
monitor the header data passed by Web Agent to the application server agent and
report corresponding metrics to Enterprise Manager.
Note: The installation instructions that follow assume you use JVM AutoProbe to
instrument your applications. For information on using JVM AutoProbe, see the CA APM
Java Agent Guide or CA APM .NET Agent Guide, depending on your environment.
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder involves the following steps:
Step 1: Run the Enterprise Manager installer (see page 19)
Step 2: Run the standalone agent installer (see page 20)
Step 3: Configure the extension to monitor CA SiteMinder ASA (see page 21)
Step 4: Configure the extension to monitor CA SiteMinder Web Agent (see page 21)
Step 5: Configure the extension to monitor CA SOA Security Manager (see page 22)
Step 6: Enable Extension Components (see page 23)
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents 19
Step 1: Run the Enterprise Manager Installer
Run the Enterprise Manager installer to install the extension's Enterprise Manager
component files along with Enterprise Manager.
Note: If you are using an Enterprise Manager that is already being used by a different
agent, then the Enterprise Manager components of all extensions are already installed
in the <EM_Home>/examples directory. You can skip this step and instead continue with
configuring the Enterprise Manager.
The installer places the files into the following directory:
You will later move the files to the correct location, based on how they are organized in
the \examples directory.
For details about running the Enterprise Manager installer, see the CA APM Installation
and Upgrade Guide.
The APM installer places the following files in the
<EM_Home>\examples\PowerPackForSiteMinder directory:
Enterprise Manager extensions for the extension.
Tabs and views for this extension.
Management Modules for the extension.
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder
20 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Step 2: Running the CA Introscope Agent installer
Run the standalone agent installer to install and initially configure agent information.
For details, see the CA APM Java Agent Implementation Guide or the CA APM .NET
Agent Implementation Guide.
The Standalone agent installer places the following files onto the application server
machine in the <Agent_Home>/wily directory:
SiteMinder WebAgent extension.
SiteMinder WebAgent's extension PBD.
PBD file for SiteMinder WebSphere ApplicationServer Agent (ASA). Single PBD for all
the WebSphere application srver versions supported by SiteMinder ASA 6.0.
PBD file for SiteMinder WebLogic Server Agent. Single PBD for all the WebLogic
application server versions supported by SiteMinder ASA 6.0.
PBD file for SOA Security Manager Agent. This gets installed if you use a WebLogic,
WebSphere, or default application server.
The dependency library is installed only for the Windows platform.
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents 21
Step 3: Configure the Extension to monitor CA SiteMinder ASA
1. Open the IntroscopeAgent.profile file located in the wily/core/config directory.
2. Modify the introscope.autoprobe.directives file property to add new probe
directives files to the list. Separate the PBD files in the list with a comma. For
introscope.autoprobe.directivesFile=smweblogicasa.pbd, smwebagentext.pbd,
Note: The above example is for WebLogic Server. For WebSphere Server replace
smweblogicasa.pbd with smwebsphereasa.pbd.
3. Add the soaagent.pbd if you use a WebLogic, WebSphere, or default application
4. Save the IntroscopeAgent.profile file.
5. Restart the agent.
Step 4: Configure the Extension to Monitor CA SiteMinder Web Agent
1. Configure the plug-in that is provided with the CA SiteMinder Web Agent on each
web server that you want to monitor.
a. Open the WebAgent.conf file located in the web server's configuration
b. For Windows, copy the dependency library for web servers, libaprW.dll, from
<AppServer_Home>/wily/common directory to the <Agent_Home>/bin
c. Add or uncomment the line for the plug-in in the WebAgent.conf file after the
line for HTTP plug-in as follows:
For Windows:
LoadPlugin="C:\Program Files\netegrity\webagent\bin\IntroscopePlugin.dll"
Depending on your environment, the path to the plug-in may vary. Enter the
appropriate path.
2. Verify that the web agent is enabled. For instructions on how to do this, see Before
you begin (see page 17).
3. Copy SMWebAgentExt.jar to the <AppServer_Home>/wily/ext directory.
4. Follow the steps necessary to configure the extension to monitor CA SiteMinder
ASA. For more information, see Step 3: Configure CA APM for CA SiteMinder to
monitor CA SiteMinder ASA (see page 21).
Installing and configuring CA APM for SiteMinder
22 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
5. Optionally, configure the Transaction Trace Threshold.
This configuration setting determines threshold value at which transactions are
traced. Transactions that take longer to execute than the threshold you specify are
traced. If you do not configure a value, Introscope traces transactions that take
longer than 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) to execute:
a. Open the IntroscopeAgent.profile in the wily/core/config directory.
b. Add the introscope.agent.siteminderwebagent.tracethreshold property and
specify the required threshold value in milliseconds.
For example, to set the threshold to 6 seconds, add this property:
6. Restart the agent.
Step 5: Configure the Extension to Monitor CA SOA Security Manager
Add agent-related command line arguments for JVMoptions property for SOA Security
1. Install the default Java Agent for Windows or UNIX.
2. Add the command line arguments:
Valid for Windows 1.5 JRE:
a. Modify the NETE_TXM_JRE_ROOT system variable to point to 1.5 JRE.
b. Open the XmlSdkConfig.properties file present in the <Agent_Home>/java
directory and locate Section 3: JVM Startup Options (Windows platforms only)
in the file.
c. Add the following lines to the section and remove the quotation marks (" ").
xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl -Xms64M
d. Save and close the file.
e. Restart the SOA Security Manager Agent.
Upgrading CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents 23
Valid for UNIX 1.5 JRE:
a. Open the tmxmlsdkserver.sh file present in the <SOA_HOME>/webagent/bin
b. Add the following lines:
/<JAVA_HOME>/bin/java -javaagent:/opt/wily/Agent.jar
-Dtxm.ipc.tmxmlsdkserver=true -classpath
smapi.jar:../java -Dtmxmlsdkserver=true -Xms64M
-DNETE_TXM_ROOT=./.. -Dnete.wa.root=./..
Note: <JAVA_HOME> must point to 1.5 JRE
c. Save and close the file.
d. Restart the SOA Security Manager Agent.
Step 6: Enable Extension Components
1. Copy SiteMinder-PP.typeviewers.xml to the <EM_Home>/ext/ddtv directory.
2. Copy SMPPEmExt.jar to the <EM_Home>/ext directory.
3. Copy the SiteMinderPP_ManagementModule.jar to the
<EM_Home>/config/modules/ directory.
4. Restart the Enterprise Manager.
Upgrading CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server
Valid for version 2.0 or 8.0: If you want to upgrade CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents from version 2.0 or 8.0, you must uninstall using its
uninstaller and install afresh. See Installing and Configuring CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents (see page 18).
For information on steps to perform before and after upgrading SiteMinder Manager for
Policy Server or Web Agent, see KB article TEC534108, Steps to Take Before and After
Upgrading SiteMinder Manager.
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 25
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder
This chapter describes how you can use CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server
Agents to view metrics and overall health of the application using tabs and dashboards.
This section contains the following topics:
Viewing metrics and dashboards in the Investigator (see page 25)
Viewing Metrics (see page 26)
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
(see page 34)
Viewing and Creating CA APM for SiteMinder Metric Groupings (see page 39)
Viewing and Creating Alerts for SiteMinder Data (see page 40)
Viewing Cross-process Transaction Tracing (see page 41)
Viewing metrics and dashboards in the Investigator
You can view live data in the Workstation to monitor the performance of CA APM for CA
SiteMinder Application Server Agents.
To view data in the Workstation:
1. Ensure that your applications are instrumented and providing data.
2. Ensure that the Enterprise Manager is running.
3. Start the Workstation.
4. Log in to the Workstation.
5. Navigate to the Workstation Investigator window.
Metrics that are specific to CA SiteMinder, except SOA Security Manager metrics,
appear under the SiteMinder PowerPack node in the Metric Browser tree.
Metrics specific to CA SOA Security Manager appear under SOAAgent node in the
Metric Browser tree. For a detailed list of metrics, see Metrics (see page 43).
6. Navigate to the Workstation Console.
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents provides a number of
pre-configured dashboards for displaying CA SiteMinder performance metrics. See
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server
Agents (see page 34).
Viewing Metrics
26 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Viewing Metrics
CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents collects metric data from CA
SiteMinder and reports these metrics to CA APM. This enables CA APM to monitor the
performance impact of CA SiteMinder on your application infrastructure.
Viewing SiteMinder Web Agent metrics
To view Web Agent metrics:
1. Click the SiteMinder PowerPack > Web Agents > <WebAgentName_Port> node.
In the Viewer pane, the SiteMinder tab is active by default and you can see metrics
associated with the web agent to assess its overall performance. Under the web
agent node, you can see two sub-nodes, namely, Caching and Operations.
2. Expand the sub-nodes to see the metrics listed under each.
Viewing Metrics
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 27
Viewing Caching metrics
To view Caching metrics:
Click the SiteMinder PowerPack > Web Agents > <WebAgentName_Port> > Caching
node to view all the associated metrics in a graphical format.
The associated metrics are displayed in the Viewer pane where the SiteMinder tab is
active by default.
1. Expand the Caching node.
You can see Resource and User Session listed under this node.
2. Expand the Resource and User Session nodes to see the metrics listed for each.
Viewing Metrics
28 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Viewing Operations metrics
To view Operations metrics:
1. Click the SiteMinder PowerPack > Web Agents > <WebAgentName_Port> >
Operations node.
In the Viewer pane, the SiteMinder tab is active by default, and you can view all the
associated metrics in a graphical format. Also, metrics for the Authorize,
IsProtected, Login, and Validation operations are listed in a table.
2. Click an operation to view all the associated metrics in a graphical format.
3. Expand the Operations node to see the operations listed under it.
4. Expand the operations to see the metrics listed for each.
Viewing Metrics
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 29
Viewing Application Server Agent metrics
To view Application Server Agent (ASA) metrics:
1. Click the SiteMinder PowerPack > <Application Server Agent> node.
In the Viewer pane, the SiteMinder tab is active by default and you can see metrics
associated with the application server agent to assess its overall performance.
2. Expand the <Application Server Agent> node.
If you are using WebLogic, you can see two sub-nodes under the <Application
Server Agent> node, namely, Policy Server Calls and SSPI.
If you are using IBM WebSphere, you can see two sub-nodes under the <Application
Server Agent> node, namely, Policy Server Calls and TAI.
3. Expand the sub-nodes to see the metrics listed under each.
WebLogic supports Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) that defines the
mechanics of authenticating a user and the password associated with a particular user
account. SSPI helps a client and server establish and maintain a secure channel,
providing confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. It abstracts most of the details of
performing an authentication handshake and provides methods for integrity-protecting
and encrypting data as well as for decrypting and validating data. CA APM for CA
SiteMinder monitors the interfaces for SSPI and displays metrics for these interfaces.
Viewing Metrics
30 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
WebSphere supports single sign-on through trust associations. When trust associations
are enabled in WebSphere, it is not required to authenticate a user if a request arrives
through a trusted source that has already performed authentication. Trust Association
Interceptor (TAI) handles the trust association in WebSphere Application Server. TAI is
implemented using Trust Association Interceptor interfaces.
Viewing Metrics
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 31
Viewing Policy Server Calls metrics
To view Policy Server Calls metrics:
1. Click the SiteMinder PowerPack > <Application Server Agent> > Policy Server Calls
In the Viewer pane, the SiteMinder tab is active by default, and you can view all the
associated metrics in a graphical format.
2. Expand the Policy Server Calls node to see the operations listed under it.
3. Expand the operations to see the metrics listed for each.
Viewing SSPI metrics
To view SSPI metrics:
1. Click the SiteMinder PowerPack > <Application Server Agent> > SSPI node.
In the Viewer pane, the SiteMinder tab is active by default, and you can view all the
associated metrics in a graphical format.
2. Expand the SSPI node to see the interfaces listed under it.
Viewing Metrics
32 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Expand the interfaces to see the metrics listed for each.
Viewing Metrics
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 33
Viewing TAI metrics
To view TAI metrics:
1. Click the SiteMinder PowerPack > <Application Server Agent> > TAI node.
In the Viewer pane, the SiteMinder tab is active by default, and you can view all the
associated metrics in a graphical format.
2. Expand the TAI node to see the interfaces listed under it.
3. Expand the interfaces to see the metrics listed for each.
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
34 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Viewing SOA Agent metrics
To view SOA Agent metrics:
1. Click the <Server Agent> > SOA Agent node.
2. Under the SOA Agent node, you can see a sub-node called XMLContentHelper.
3. Expand the XMLContentHelper node to see the interfaces listed under it.
4. Expand the interfaces to see the metrics listed for each.
XMLContentHelper is a Java based API used by the SOA Agents for any XML specific
processing such as resource identification, credential gathering, modifying XML payload,
and so on.
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents
Dashboards included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
combine and present application metrics in views that you can use to monitor your
application environment. Dashboards aggregate data across all the deployed agents and
deliver the in-depth performance information required for you to rapidly diagnose and
resolve problems.
The included dashboards provide:
High-level application health and status views of the application.
At-a-glance notification of problems in the production application environment.
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 35
Data that enables you to quickly identify the problems.
Pre-defined navigation between high-level and drill-down performance
When installing CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents, you copy
SiteMinderPP_ManagementModule.jar to the <EM_Home>/config/modules directory.
The Management Module contained in this .jar file provides nine pre-defined
Dashboards are associated with alerts that show the overall health of the application.
Each alert color has a value:
Gray indicates that no data is available
Green indicates nominal performance
Yellow indicates Caution
Red indicates Danger
To view dashboards:
1. Start the APM Workstation.
2. Open the Console.
3. Select one of the dashboards from the drop-down list.
Note: The dashboards for this extension start with the text SiteMinder PP.
SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard
When monitoring CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents, first view the
SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard. The dashboard displays alerts to show overall
To view more information:
Double-click an alert to open the associated dashboard. For example, click the Web
Agents Load alert to go to the Web Agents Load dashboard.
Right-click an alert, click Links, and navigate to corresponding alert in the
Management Module.
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
36 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
SiteMinder PP Web Agents Top and Bottom 5 Avg Response Times dashboard
The dashboard shows:
A graph for the top five average response times for Web Agents.
A graph for the bottom five average response times for Web Agents.
To view more information:
Right-click a graph, click Links, and navigate to the metric grouping in the
Management Module.
SiteMinder PP Web Agents Top and Bottom 5 Responses Per Interval dashboard
The dashboard shows:
A graph for the top five responses per interval for Web Agents.
A graph for the bottom five responses per interval for Web Agents.
To view more information:
Right-click a graph, click Links, and navigate to the metric grouping in the
Management Module.
SiteMinder PP WebAgents Load dashboard
The dashboard shows:
A graph for responses per interval for all Web agents
Graphs for responses per interval for Login, Validation, Authorization, and
To view more information:
Right-click the graph for responses per interval for all Web Agents, click Links, and
navigate to the SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard or the corresponding alert in
the Management Module.
Right-click a graph for responses per interval for Login, Validation, Authorization, or
IsProtected, click Links, and navigate to the corresponding metric grouping in the
Management Module.
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 37
SiteMinder PP WebAgents Response Time dashboard
The dashboard shows:
A graph for average response time for all Web agents
Graphs for average response time for Login, Validation, Authorization, and
To view more information:
Right-click the graph for average response time for all Web Agents, click Links, and
navigate to the SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard or the corresponding alert in
the Management Module.
Right-click a graph for average response time for Login, Validation, Authorization, or
IsProtected, click Links, and navigate to the corresponding metric grouping in the
Management Module.
SiteMinder PP WebLogic ASA Load dashboard
The dashboard shows:
A graph for responses per interval for all WebLogic Application Server Agents.
Graphs for responses per interval for SSPI information for all WebLogic Application
Server Agents.
Security Service Provider Interface (SSPI) for WebLogic Server ensures that only
appropriate users and groups can access Oracle Access Manager-protected WebLogic
resources to perform specific operations. The Security Provider also enables you to
configure single sign-on between Oracle Access Manager and WebLogic resources.
To view more information:
Right-click the graph for responses per interval for all WebLogic Application Server
Agents, click Links, and navigate to the SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard or the
corresponding alert in the Management Module.
Under SSPI Information for all the WebLogic Application Server Agents, right-click
a graph for responses per interval for Authentication, Authorization, Adjudication,
or Access Decision, click Links, and navigate to the corresponding metric grouping in
the Management Module.
Using Dashboards Included with CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents
38 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
SiteMinder PP WebLogic ASA Response Time dashboard
The dashboard shows:
A graph for average response time for all WebLogic Application Server Agents.
Graphs for average response time of SSPI information for all WebLogic Application
Server Agents.
To view more information:
Right-click the graph for average response time for all WebLogic Application Server
Agents, click Links, and navigate to the SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard or the
corresponding alert in the Management Module.
Under SSPI Information for all the WebLogic Application Server Agents, right-click
a graph for average response time for Authentication, Authorization, Adjudication,
or Access Decision, click Links, and navigate to the corresponding metric grouping in
the Management Module.
SiteMinder PP WebSphere ASA Load dashboard
The dashboard shows:
A graph for responses per interval for all WebSphere Application Server Agents.
Graphs for responses per interval for TAI information for all WebSphere Application
Server Agents.
To view more information:
Right-click the graph for responses per interval for all WebSphere Application
Server Agents, click Links, and navigate to the SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard
or the corresponding alert in the Management Module.
Under TAI Information for all the WebSphere Application Server Agents, right-click
a graph for responses per interval for Initialization, ValidateandEstablishTrust, or
IsTargetInterceptor, click Links, and navigate to the corresponding metric grouping
in the Management Module.
SiteMinder PP WebSphere ASA Response Time dashboard
The dashboard shows:
A graph for average response time for all WebSphere Application Server Agents.
Graphs for average response time of TAI information for all WebSphere Application
Server Agents.
Viewing and Creating CA APM for SiteMinder Metric Groupings
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 39
To view more information:
Right-click the graph for average response time for all WebSphere Application
Server Agents, click Links, and navigate to the SiteMinder PP Overview dashboard
or the corresponding alert in the Management Module.
Under TAI Information for all the WebSphere Application Server Agents, right-click
a graph for average response time for Initialization, ValidateandEstablishTrust, or
IsTargetInterceptor, click Links, and navigate to the corresponding metric grouping
in the Management Module.
Viewing and Creating CA APM for SiteMinder Metric Groupings
You can view and create the metric groupings for CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents using Management Module Editor.
To view CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents metrics groupings
across all agents:
1. In the Investigator, click Workstation > New Management Module Editor.
The Management Module Editor opens.
2. Expand the following nodes:
a. Super Domain.
b. Management Modules.
c. SiteMinder PP (*Super Domain*).
3. Expand the Metric Groupings node to view all metric groupings for CA APM for
4. Click a metric grouping to view it in the Viewer pane.
5. Click Elements > New Metric Grouping to create a new metric grouping.
For information about creating and defining metric groupings, see the CA APM
Workstation User Guide.
Viewing and Creating Alerts for SiteMinder Data
40 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Viewing and Creating Alerts for SiteMinder Data
You can view and create the alerts for CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server
Agents using the Management Module Editor and the Investigator.
To view CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents alerts using
Management Module Editor:
1. In the Investigator, click Workstation > New Management Module Editor.
The Management Module Editor opens.
2. Expand the following nodes:
a. Super Domain.
b. Management Modules.
c. SiteMinder PP (*Super Domain*).
3. Expand the Alerts node to view all alerts for PowerPack for SiteMinder.
4. Click an alert to view it in the Viewer pane.
5. Click Elements > New Alert to create a new alert.
For information about creating and defining alerts, see the CA APM Configuration and
Administration Guide.
Viewing and Creating Alerts
To view alerts using Investigator:
1. In the Investigator, expand the following nodes:
a. Super Domain.
b. Custom Metric Host.
c. Custom Metric Process.
d. Custom Metric Agent.
e. Alerts.
2. Expand the SiteMinder PP node to view all alerts for CA APM for CA SiteMinder
Application Server Agents.
3. Click an alert to view its current status in the Viewer pane.
Each alert color has a metric value:
0 indicates No Data
1 indicates Normal
Viewing Cross-process Transaction Tracing
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 41
2 indicates Caution
3 indicates Danger
Viewing Cross-process Transaction Tracing
By using the Transaction Trace feature of CA Introscope, you can trace synchronous
transactions in CA SiteMinder. During a typical transaction, a client sends an HTTP
request to the web server. The web server processes a part of the request and routes
the request to the Application Server. The application server then sends a response to
the client.
You can specify a threshold limit for each transaction on the web server and the
application server on which CA APM for SiteMinder is installed.
You set the threshold limit of a transaction for web server in the
IntroscopeAgent.profile file.
You set the threshold limit for a transaction for application server in the
This threshold limit is propagated to the web server and Application server, respectively.
If any of the transactions exceed this value, CA SiteMinder prepares a Transaction Trace
message and sends it back to the Investigator. With the help of Transaction Trace, you
will not only be able to drill down into the details of a transaction but also find time
spent by the web server and Application Server on various transactions for a particular
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 43
Appendix A: Metrics
This appendix defines the metrics provided by CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application
Server Agents.
This section contains the following topics:
Metrics for Application Server Agent (see page 43)
Metrics for SOA Security Manager (see page 48)
Metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent (see page 49)
Aggregated metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent (see page 51)
Metrics for Application Server Agent
All metrics appear in the Investigator under the SiteMinder PowerPack node in the
Policy Server Calls
These metrics are reported for each of the resources listed in the tables in this section:
Average Response Time (ms)
Concurrent Invocations
Responses Per Interval
Stall count
Errors Per Interval
Metrics for Application Server Agent
44 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
The metrics contain these sub-nodes and metrics:
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|<server type> Application Server Agent|Policy Server
Metrics for the login connection to the Policy Servernumber of logins, time taken
for login, and others.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|<server type> Application Server Agent|Policy Server
Determines if a defined user is authorized by SiteMinder to perform a defined
action on a defined resource.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|<server type> Application Server Agent|Policy Server
Checks whether a defined resource is protected by SiteMinder, and returns the
relevant realm.
Metrics for all interfaces for SSPI for WebLogic Application Server Agent is displayed
under the SSPI node:
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI:Average Response Time (ms)
Average of the average response times for all SSPI interfaces.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI:Responses Per Interval
Sum of the responses per interval for all SSPI interfaces.
Metrics for Application Server Agent
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 45
These metrics are provided for each resource listed in the tables in this section:
Average Response Time (ms)
Concurrent Invocations
Responses Per Interval
Stall count
Errors Per Interval
The metrics contain these sub-nodes and metrics:
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI|Identity
Asserts an identity based on token identity information.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI|Adjudicator|adjudicate
Determines the final adjudication from a set of decisions rendered by Access
Decisions, provided they are acting as policy decision points (PDPs).
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI|Authentication
Gets this authentication provider's associated principal validation provider.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI|Principal Validator|sign
Signs the principal to assure trust.
Metrics for Application Server Agent
46 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI| Principal
Verifies that the principal has not been altered since it was signed.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI|Authorization
Gets the implementation of the AccessDecision security service provider interface
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|SSPI|Access
Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the resource allow the
requested method to be performed, by utilizing the information contained in the
Other Policy Server Calls
These metrics are reported for each of the resources listed in the tables in this section:
Average Response Time (ms)
Concurrent Invocations
Responses Per Interval
Stall count
Errors Per Interval
Metrics for Application Server Agent
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 47
The metrics contain these sub-nodes and metrics:
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Websphere Application Server Agent|Policy Server
Metrics for the login connection to the Policy Servernumber of logins, time taken
for login, and others.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Websphere Application Server Agent|Policy Server
Checks whether a defined resource is protected by SiteMinder, and returns the
relevant realm.
Metrics for all interfaces for TAI for WebSphere Application Server Agent is displayed
under the TAI node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|TAI:Average Response Time (ms)
Average of the average response times for all TAI interfaces.
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|TAI:Responses Per Interval
Sum of the responses per interval for all TAI interfaces.
These metrics are provided for each resource listed in the tables in this section:
Average Response Time (ms)
Concurrent Invocations
Responses Per Interval
Stall count
Errors Per Interval
Metrics for SOA Security Manager
48 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
The metrics contain these sub-nodes and metrics:
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|TAI|isTargetInterceptor
Determines whether or not this interceptor is designed to process an HTTP request,
in behalf of the trusted server it is designed to interoperate with.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|TAI|
Determines whether trust association can be established between WebSphere
Application Server and the third party security service (WebSphere 6.0 specific).
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|TAI|initialize
Initializes the trust association interceptor. (WebSphere 6.0 specific)
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Application Server Agent|TAI|cleanup
Called during stopping the WebSphere Application Server process; this provides an
opportunity for trust association interceptor to perform any necessary clean up.
Metrics for SOA Security Manager
Metrics appear in the Investigator under the SOA Agent node in the format:
SOA Agent
These metrics are reported for each of the resources listed in the tables in this section:
Average Response Time (ms)
Concurrent Invocations
Responses Per Interval
Errors Per Interval
Stall Count
Metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 49
The metrics contain these sub-nodes and metrics:
Metric sub-node:
SOA Agent| XMLContentHelper| identifyResource
Identifies the URL of the requested resource and the rule action of the requesting
Metric sub-node:
SOA Agent| XMLContentHelper| gatherCredentials
Obtains the required user credentials of the entity to be authenticated for the
current request from the posted XML message.
Metric sub-node:
SOA Agent| XMLContentHelper| applyResponses
Applies any XML message content-based responses returned by the SiteMinder
Agent API Sm_AgentApi_authorizeEx() method to the XML message before passing
that message on to the web service.
Metric sub-node:
SOA Agent| XMLContentHelper| resolveVariables
Resolves XML content-based variables required to satisfy associated policy
Metric sub-node:
SOA Agent| XMLContentHelper| setMessageBuffers
Initializes the agent for the current message by setting the headers and body.
Metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent
Metrics appear in the Investigator under the SiteMinder node in the format:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web
Metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent
50 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
These metrics are provided for each resource listed in the tables in this section:
Average Cache Size (records)
Hits Per Interval
Max Cache Size (records)
Misses Per Interval
The metrics contain these sub-nodes and metrics:
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Caching|Resource
Metrics about how often resources are found in the resource cache
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Caching|User Session
Metrics about how often sessions are found in the user session cache
Metrics for all operations for Web Agent is displayed under the Operations node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Operations:Average Response
Time (ms)
Average of the average response times for all operations performed by the Web
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Operations:Responses Per
Sum of the responses per interval for all operations performed by the Web Agent.
Aggregated metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 51
These metrics are provided for each resource listed in the tables in this section:
Average Response Time (ms)
Responses Per Interval
The metrics contain these sub-nodes and metrics:
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Operations|Login
Establishes a connection to the Policy Server.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Operations|Authorize
Authorize a user after the user's logon credentials are validated.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Operations|IsProtected
Checks whether a defined resource is protected by SiteMinder, and returns the
relevant realm.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Operations|Validation
Determines if a defined user is authorized by SiteMinder to perform a defined
action on a defined resource.
Aggregated metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent
Aggregated metrics appear in the Investigator under the SiteMinder node in the format:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents| <instrumentedelementname>|
Aggregated metrics for SiteMinder Web Agent
52 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
These aggregated metrics are provided for each resource listed in the tables in this
Accesses Per IntervalThis aggregate metric is calculated by adding hits and misses
per interval received for a particular cache.
Cache Hit PercentageThis aggregate metric is calculated by multiplying hits per
interval 100 and dividing the result by accesses per interval for a particular cache,
that is,
Cache Hit Percentage = (Hits Per Interval * 100) / Accesses Per Interval.
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Caching|Resource
Metrics about how often resources are found in the resource cache
Metric sub-node:
SiteMinder PowerPack|Web Agents|<Server Host Name>|Caching|User Session
Metrics about how often sessions are found in the user session cache
Chapter 3: Using CA APM for CA SiteMinder 53
Appendix B: IPv6 Support
IPv6 support for CA APM for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents is dependent
upon IPv6 support in the environment (JVM, operating system, hardware stack) in which
CA APM is running.
See the CA APM Compatibility Guide for IPv6 compliance information.
This section contains the following topics:
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA SiteMinder Web Agent
(see page 53)
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA SOA Security Manager
Application Server Agent (see page 54)
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA SOA Security Manager
Web Server Agent (see page 54)
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA
SiteMinder Web Agent
On Windows:
1. Open the Application Server startup script.
2. Add the following property to the JavaOptions section in the script:
1. Open the Application Server startup script.
2. Add the following property to the JavaOptions section in the script:
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA SOA Security Manager Application Server Agent
54 for CA SiteMinder Application Server Agents Guide
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA
SOA Security Manager Application Server Agent
On Windows:
1. Open the Application Server startup script.
2. Add the following property to the JavaOptions section in the script:
1. Open the Application Server startup script.
2. Add the following property to the JavaOptions section in the script:
Enabling display of the IPv6 address in the Investigator for CA
SOA Security Manager Web Server Agent
On Windows:
1. Open the XmlSdkConfig.properties file present in the <WebAgentHome>\java
2. Locate Section 3: JVM Startup Options (Windows platforms only) in the file and
add the following property to the JVMOptions as a Java argument:
1. Open the tmxmlsdkserver.sh file present in the <SOA_HOME>/webagent/bin
2. Add the following property as a Java argument:
Note: When you set -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true, the Investigator displays
the full IPv6 address under *SuperDomain* | <agentname> | <hostname> | Host :
IP Address. However, if the IPv6 address is not mentioned in the hosts file of the
machine on which the agent is running, the Investigator displays 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1.