Index To James Orr, Poet and Irish Radical

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Abernethy, Rev. John, 8, 16, 645
Abolitionist Movement
and Romanticism, 183
Orr and, 734, 1835
Abrams, M. H., on Romantic theory, 1756
Adams, J. R. R.
and Robinson, Folk Poets of Ulster series, 19
on Covenanters and Peden, 72
on reading societies, 32
on Scots literature in Ulster, 102
on Te Cherrie and the Slae, 139
Adams, John, US President, 46
Addison, Joseph, 86, 146
Aiken, Robert, 159
Akenside, Mark, 86
Akenson and Crawford
on Orr, 1316, 66, 70, 71, 152, 163, 189
on Te Irish Cottier , 152, 163
Akenson, Donald Harman
and Crawford, Local Poets and Social His-
tory: James Orr , 1315
and Orrs undiscovered texts, 2
Aldfrackyn Glen, 180
Alien and Sedition Acts, 46
emigration to, 12731
Orrs exile in, 1, 8, 15, 19, 401, 437,
58, 115, 118, 135, 137
slavery, 46, 47, 1845
Amnesty Act 1798, 47
Anglo-Irish literature, anthologies, 819
Antrim, Battle of, 7 June 1798, 379, 55,
1235, 1315
Antrim Non-Subscribing Presbytery, 65
Ascendancy, 256, 31, 48, 74, 81, 87, 123,
153, 174
Augustan tradition, 6, 55, 88, 133, 147, 165,
166, 1745
Bainbridge, Simon
on verse in Napoleonic era, 68
on Wordsworth/Southey, 180
Ballycarry (Broadisland), 1
7 June 1798 Rising, 3740
conditions post-Rising, 45
emigrants at Philadelphia, 457
history, 257, 31
Lunney on, 16
Orrs return to, 489
Presbyterian Church, Session Book, 32
yeomanry, 41, 49
Bankhead, Rev. John, 312, 39, 49, 53
Orrs Te Penitent addressed to, 159
bardic nationalism, 20, 87, 165, 1668
Irish, 6, 66, 723, 11112, 142, 1668,
Scottish, 92, 11011, 177
Barkley, J. M., on Ulster Synod, 65
Beattie, James, Te Minstrel, 147
Beckett, J. C., on Ulster poets, 10
Beggs, Tomas, on hiding Volunteers, 40
Belfast Commercial Chronicle, 40, 49, 6780,
87, 145, 153, 154, 172, 177, 178, 184,
188, 192
Belfast Literary Society, 169
Belfast Monthly Magazine, 16, 50, 87, 98, 99,
126, 169, 170
Monthly Retrospect of Politics, 62
Orr and, 617
Belfast News-letter
on Burns, 144
Orr and, 613
poetry column, 513
Belfast Penny Journal, 151
Beresford, John, on Dissenters, 31
230 James Orr, Poet and Irish Radical
Bhabha, Homi, 174
Bhurtpore, defence of, 69
blackmouths/blacks (Ulster Presbyterian
men), 434, 128, 129
Blair, Hugh, 81, 82, 169, 190
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres,
85, 86
on Burns, 87
on Gentleness, 91
works, Orr and, 8591, 96
Blake, William, Jerusalem, 181
Bloomfeld, Robert, 51, 54, 174
Boyle, Francis, 102, 105
Address to Robert Burns, 105
and 1745 Rebellion afermath, 105
Brian Borhu, 154, 170
Brice, Edward, 26
Broadisland, 1, 2, 181
see also Ballycarry
Broadisland/Islandmagee corps, 124, 1315
Burns, James Te Old Croppy, on Orr, 37,
3940, 49
Burns, Robert, 57, 102, 107, 169, 174, 190
and Christis Kirk genre, 127
and standard habbie, 10810
as radical, 202, 33
Belfast News-letter and, 512
Orr identifed with, 2, 3, 56
poems, Mullan on, 1056
popular enthusiasm for, 1058, 121
A Poets Welcome to his Love-Begotten
Daughter, 109
A Vision, 52
Adam Armours Prayer, 10910
Address to a Haggis, 114, 116
Address to the Deil, 144
Epistle to Davie , 1356, 142
Epistle to John Rankine, 109
Halloween, 144
Holy Willies Prayer, 108
Kilmarnock Preface, 54, 88
Lassie Lie Near Me, 144
Man was Made to Mourn, 845
On the Late Captain Groses Peregrina-
tions, 144
Scotch Drink, 21, 117, 145, 146
Tam o Shanter, 144, 145
Te Authors Earnest Cry and Prayer,
Te Battle of Sherra-moor, 132
Te Brigs of Ayr, 147
Te Cotters Saturday Night, 147,
14951, 152, 1548, 160, 162
Te Dumfries Volunteers, 22, 146, 188
Te Holy Fair, 127
Te Ordination, 127
Te Vision, 92, 110
To a Haggis, 21
To a Mouse, 112, 113
verse epistles, 109
Calvinism, 65, 67, 162
Calwell, William, on Orr, 10
Campbell, James, of Ballynure, 10, 22
anti-tithe poem, 103
Dirge, 77
elegy on Orr, 23, 79
Epicures Address to Bacon, 1034
Te Rejected Yeoman, 41
Carpenter, Andrew, Verse in English fom
Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 9
Carrickfergus, 256, 27, 31, 36, 39, 44, 53,
62, 76
assizes, 174
Carruthers, Gerard
on Burns, 113, 147, 149
on Geddes, 97
Castlebar, French occupation, 46
as aliens in own country, 34
emancipation, Orr and, 969, 153
Censor, possible Orr pseudonym, 989,
Chaplin and Fafak, on Abolitionist Move-
ment and Romanticism, 183
Charnell-White, Cathryn A., on Welsh
bardism, 167
Cherrie and the Slae genre, 11, 18, 51,
Christis Kirk stanza, 11, 78, 12732, 145
Clarkson, Tomas, biographical sketch, 62
Cobbett, William
and potatoes, 120
on Philadelphia United Irish, 45
Index 231
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Fears in Solitude, 51, 169
Lyrical Ballads, 6, 179, 181, 182
Connolly, Rosalind see Lunney, Linde
Constantine, Mary-Ann, on Iolo Morganwg,
Cooke, Edward, 15
Cooke, Rev. Henry, 65, 66
Corkery, Daniel, on Irish literature, 9
Cosby, Sir Francis, 172
Covenanters, 20, 65, 72, 95
Craigarogan, reading society, 334, 137
Crawford, William H.
and Akenson on Orr, 1316, 66, 70, 71,
152, 163, 189
and Orrs undiscovered texts, 2
on Ulster linen industry, 301
Criticus, and Censor, 989
Currie, Dr, on Burns, 2, 52
Dalway family, 53
Dalway, John, 25
Dalway, Noah, 88, 1778
de Courcy, John, 25
Deane, Seamus, Field Day Anthology of Irish
Writing, 9
Defender movement, 40
Despard, Colonel Edward Marcus, treason
trial, 70
Dickey, John, of Donegore
on Cobbett and potatos, 1201
on Orr and Tomson, 78
On the Death of James Orr, of Bally-
carry, 2, 7980
Dissenters, Ballycarry, 26, 29, 312
Doagh Reading Society, 32, 33
Donaldson, Dixon
on Ballycarry Rising, 379
on United Societies, 36
Donegore Hill, 7, 11, 53, 78, 1313, 144
desertions, 379, 41, 47, 49, 50, 55
SMS on, 63
Dornan, Stephen, on Donegore Hill, 133
Dowling, William, on epistolary genre, 178
Drafen, Matthew, possible Tit for Tat
author, 103
Drennan, William, 120
and Abolition, 74
and Belfast Monthly Magazine, 62
and Microscope , 50
Glendalloch, 16971, 173
Irish Address, 612
Te Wake of William Orr, 62
Romantic nationalism, 169
Drummond, Rev. W. H., 53, 178
Dungannon, Viscount, 31
Edgeworth, Maria, 8
Irish Romanticism, 165, 174
Edmonstone, William, 256
Edmonstones of Red Hall, 31
Elizabeth I Queen of England, 93
emigrant voyage, Orr on, 434
Emmet, Robert, 134, 135
and Russell, rebellion attempt 1803, 55
English Ascendancy, 256, 31, 48, 74, 81,
87, 123, 153, 174
English, James Russell
Te Late James Orr, 3
and Orrs monument, 77
English lanuage, Orr and, 889
Enlightenment, Romanticism and, 16585
Equiano, Olaudah, 734
Erin Go Brah, 1701
Evans, Evan, Paraphrase of the 137th Psalm,
Ferguson, Frank, on Tomson, 107
Fergusson, Robert, 18, 57, 88, 102, 106, 107,
114, 152, 162, 190
Te Daf Days, 108
Te Election, 127
Te Farmers Ingle, 14751
Fletcher, John, 162
Fox, Charles James, 34, 74
France, changing attitudes to, 456
Freemasonry, 11, 17, 56, 767, 117, 1634,
and radical politics, 20, 22
French privateers, 44
Friends of the People (Scotland), 35, 62
Gamble, John, on Ulster Scots, 102
Geddes, Alexander, 978, 99
Modest Apology for the Roman Catholics
of Great Britain, 978
Ode to the Honourable Tomas Pelham,
232 James Orr, Poet and Irish Radical
Geddis, J., on Orr, 76, 78
Gibson, Covenanter, 72
Glendy, Rev. William, 66
Glenwherry, on the run at, 40
Goldsmith, Oliver, 13, 82, 106, 174
Te Deserted Village, 61
Grattan, Henry, and Catholic Emancipation,
8, 77, 153
Gray, John, on Burns, 146
Gray, Tomas, 13, 57, 165, 167, 169
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,
61, 158, 180
Gregg, Robert, on linguistics, 18
Hartpole, Robert, 172
Hazlitt, William, on Lyrical Ballads, 182
Heaney, Seamus, At a Potato Digging, 115
Hearts of Steel, 31
Herbison, David, 10
Herbison, Ivan, on Hewitt, 11
Herdman, William, 53
Hewitt, John
and vernacular poets, 102
on Orr, 1113, 14, 15, 19, 20, 545, 102,
114, 131, 152, 177, 189, 190
on Orrs English poems, 189
Rhyming Weavers and Other Country Poets
of Antrim and Down, 1013, 114
Ulster Poets 180070, 7, 1013
Highton Society of United Irishmen, 34
historians, local, and Orr, 5
Hogg, James, patronage, 3
Holmes, Andrew
on Antrim Non-Subscribing Presbytery,
on Millennarians, 72
Holmes, Finlay, on New Light theology, 64
Home, John, Douglas, 89, 92
Hook, Andrew, on vernacularity, 101
Hope, Jemmy (James), 1, 3, 5, 21, 22, 30, 142
and Orr, 33, 401
McCrackens Ghost, 41, 4950
on United Irishmen, 34, 356
Howard, John, prison reformer, 176
Huddleston, Robert, on Orr, 3
Hume, David, 32, 81, 190
works, Orr and, 845, 89
Hutcheson, Francis, 16, 64
and Scottish Enlightenment, 81, 82
Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of
Beauty and Virtue, 823
Iolo Morganwg, 167, 189
Irish bardism, 6, 66, 723, 11112, 142,
1668, 188
prophetic role, 73
Irish culture, drive to promote, 613
Irish literature, anthologies, 819
Irish Literature 17501900, 910
Irish Romanticism, 165
Irish Shield and Monthly Milesian, on Orr, 7
Islandmagee, 31, 36, 53, 124, 171, 181, 190
United men, 37
Jack, R. D. S., on attitudes to Mary Stuart, 94
Jackson, Tommy, 44
Jellett, Morgan, on French privateer attack, 44
Jeremiads, 723
Johnston, Kenneth R., on radical poets, 79
Keats, John, Old Meg she was a Gypsey, 182
Ker, Richard Gervase, Ballycarry landlord,
31, 37, 41, 181
and Orr, 41, 49, 53, 181
on post-Rising conditions, 489
Knox, John, 95
Knox, W. Mayne, on Ballycarry, 36
Larne, emigrants sail from, 43
Larne Lough, 171
Leask, Nigel
on Burns, 147, 151
on Scottish vernacular poets, 88
Gregg on, 18
Lunney on, 1518
Locke, John, 82, 165, 169
Locke family, 128
London Corresponding Society, 35
Low, Donald, on standard habbie, 108
Lowtown, reading society, 33
Lunney, Linde
Analysis of Some Linguistic Information
Ulster Poetry, 16
Attitudes to Life and Death in the
Poetry of James Orr , 16
Index 233
on Orr, 1519, 20, 63, 65, 98, 110, 152
Censor, possible Orr pseudonym, 989
Te Irish Cottiers Death and Burial,
McBride, Ian
on millenarians and United Irish move-
ment, 96
on post-Rising conditions, 48
on United Irish political thought, 81
MacCloskey, John, 9
McCracken, Henry Joy, 1, 3, 5, 21, 22, 25,
33, 35, 36, 40, 41, 4950, 58, 127, 134,
135, 188
hiding at Slemish, 125
leads Antrim engagement, 1234, 1315
McDowell, Alexander (Sandy)
(ed.), Posthumous Works of James Orr of
Ballycarry, 12, 61, 64, 67, 187
Elegiac Stanzas on the Death of James
Orr, 2, 789
on Orr, 58
and Rising, 37, 39
exile, 43, 45, 467
heavy drinking, 789
possible relationship, 79
Orrs instructions to, 91, 187
Sketch (of Orrs life), 33, 187
McFarland, Elaine
on Hutcheson, 64
on Ulster United Irishmen, 35
McIlvanney, Liam
Burns the Radical, 202, 146
on Blair, 87
on Burns, 177
A Vision, 52
and Ulster poets, 102
verse epistles, 109
On Irish Ground, 212
on Orr, 203
and Christis Kirk genre, 132
and Scottish Enlightenment, 82
MacLaine, Allan H., on Christis Kirk genre,
MacNeill, Hector, patronage, 3
Macphersons Ossian, Blair on, Orr and,
867, 89, 169
McSkimin, Samuel (SMS)
on Slemish, 1267
Sketch of a Ramble to Antrim, 10 July
1808, 62
Madden, R. R., Literary Remains of the
United Irishmen, 7, 8
Mallusk, reading society, 334
Manson, David, educationist, 61
Mary Queen of Scots, 91, 937, 99
Matthewson, Tim, on Abolitionist Move-
ment, 184
Methodism, 49
Microscope; or Minute Observer, 50, 51, 169
A Patriots My Native Home, 51
Millennarian-prophetic stream, 723
Miltonic mode, 175
Mirala, Petri, on Irish freemasonry, 76
Monaghan Militia, 32
Monroe, Henry (United Irishman), 134
Montgomerie, Alexander, Te Cherrie and
the Slae, 102, 135, 137, 13942
Moore, Dafydd, on Ossian, 168
Moore, Tomas, 8, 153, 154
Remember the Glories of Brian the
Brave, 170
Epistles , 47
Romantic nationalism, 165, 170, 174
Morganwg, Iolo, 167, 189
Morning Post, 183
Mullaghmast Massacre, 154, 1723
Mullan, Luke, 21, 33, 1368
letters, 1056
on Burns, 144
and slavery, 1834
Orrs Napoleonic series, 6780, 95, 184,
tyranny, 46, 49, 188
Napoleonic invasion crisis, 41
nationalism, Romantic, 6, 14, 81, 135, 153,
Neilson, Samuel, 33, 73
Nelson, Admiral Horatio, and Despard, 70
Nelson, John, on Ulster liberals theology, 65
Nelson, Willie, 181
New Light Presbyterians, 16, 19, 20, 29, 49,
6473, 82
234 James Orr, Poet and Irish Radical
Newell, Edward John, 15
Noble, Andrew, 11
Non-Subscribing Presbyterians, 20, 64
Northern Star, 1, 21, 22, 45, 47, 53, 58, 73,
90, 95, 96, 104, 127, 135, 189
activists and, 327
on emigrant pressing, 44
possible Orr essay, 34
Nugent, Major-General, redcoats, 39, 132
OConnell, Daniel (poet), 8
OConnor, T. P., preface to Reads Cabinet,
ODonoghue, D. J., on Ulster vernacular
verse, 8
Old Light Presbyterians, 20, 29, 64, 65, 130
Ordnance Survey Memoirs, 26, 27, 74
Orr, James
life and death
and alcohol, 5, 187
and Ballycarry, 25, 2741, 489
background, 1
boyhood/school, 2930
cottage, 29f2.2
decline/death, 187
elegies/odes for, 7780
instructions to McDowell, 91, 187
monument, 3, 4fI.1, 7, 76, 77, 79, 187,
possible relationship, McDowell on, 79
political activity
American exile, 1, 8, 15, 19, 401,
437, 58, 115, 118, 135, 137
and radicalism, 25, 2741, 146
Antrim battle, 1245, 1315
pre-Union period tensions, 489
United Irishman, 1, 3, 5, 17, 19, 21,
22, 28, 3141, 812, 879, 1045,
117, 118
religious/moral issues
Abolitionist Movement, 734, 1835
and Owensons works, 74, 1534
Catholic emancipation, 969, 153
Dissenters, 29, 312
Freemasonry, 56, 767, 117, 163
New Light theology, 16, 19, 20, 29, 49,
6473, 82
patronage, 3, 51, 142
rational conduct, 1446
superstition, 1445
Wesleyan Methodists, 1603
women, 144
and Cherrie and the Slae genre, 13742
and Christis Kirk genre, 12735
and georgic verse, 11516
and Scottish vernacular tradition, 4,
and standard habbie, 11015
as Bard of Ballycarry, 1, 4959
as enlightened Romantic, 6, 55, 856,
113, 135, 16585
as Robert Burns of Ulster, 2, 3, 56, 87,
Scots terms and covert imagery,
A Prayer, Written on the Eve of the
Unfortunate 7th June, 50, 55, 1245
Address: Spoken in St Patricks Lodge,
Carrickfergus , 767
Address to Beer, 21, 145, 146
Address to Master Tomas Romney
Robinson, 756
Address to Noah Dalway, of Bella-Hill,
Esq., 88, 1778
Address to the Reverend William
Glendy, 66
and Belfast News-letter, 513
and Hope, McCrackens Ghost, 41,
Apostrophe of the Shade of Brian
Boromhu, to his Harp, 1701
Ballycarry Fair, 31
regretted, 145
Biblical passages versifcations, 1668
Brian Boromhus Address to his Harp,
Captain Whisky, 1456
Censor possible pseudonym, 989, 153
Collected Poems, 70, 192
Come Let us Here my Brethren Dear,
Donegore Hill, 7, 11, 379, 41, 53, 55,
63, 1315, 1401, 144
Edwin and Lucy, 1823
Index 235
Elegy, 47, 58
Elegy, Composed in Islandmagee at the
Tomb of an Ancient Chief , 1712,
Elegy on the Death of A. McCracken,
Elegy on the Death of Hugh Blair, D.
D., 856, 87, 8991
Elegy on the Death of Hugh Tynan, 52
Elegy on the Death of Mr Robert
Burns , 10, 1434, 145, 146
Elegy Written in Templecorran
Churchyard, 34, 59
Elegy Written in the Ruins of a Coun-
try School-House, 61
Epistle: To S. Tomson , 51, 135,
Epitaph for the Authors Father, 59
Fort Hill, 56, 181, 190
Fragment of An Epistle to Mr W. H.
D., 178
Gormal An Elegy, 578, 84
Humanity, 57
Inscription, Proposed for the Monu-
ment of Locke, 667
Lines Written under the Portrait of
Newell, 15, 58
Lord Nelsons Song of Victory, 70
Man was Made to Smile, 845
Masonic poems, 767
Microscope probable pieces, 501, 169
Napoleonic series, 6780, 184, 188
Ode to a Butterfy on Wing in Winter,
Ode to Danger, 8
Ode to Henry Cooke, 66
On the Disasters and Deaths Occa-
sioned by Accidents, 16, 67, 98
Part of the Tenth Chapter of the
Apocalypse Versifed, 73
Poems on Various Subjects, 1, 48, 534
Preface to, 534
Posthumous Works, 12, 61, 64, 67, 187
Soliloquy of Bonaparte, 69
Song, Composed in Spring, 56
Song Composed on the Banks of New-
foundland, 8, 9, 44, 1301
Song, Written in Winter, 11, 34,
556, 823
Stanzas on the Death of a Favourite
Young Lady, 634
Tea comic monologue, 111
Te Assizes, 121, 1747, 189
Te Banks of Larne, 56
Te Bull-Beat, 56
Te Dying African, 74
Te Dying Mason, 56
Te Glen, 57, 1801, 190
Te Irish Cottiers Death and Burial, 8,
11, 17, 90, 121, 147, 1523, 1549,
174, 191
Te Irish Soldier, 69
Te Irishman, 8, 9, 689, 188
Te Maniacs Petition, 182
Te Massacre of Mullaghmast, 1723
Te Passengers, 10, 11, 434, 12731
Te Patriots Complaint, 723
Te Penitent, 30, 49, 85, 152, 15964,
Te Reading Society, 32
Te Spae-Wife, 1445
Te Speech of John P. Palm, 71
Te Vision An Elegy, 917
Te Wanderer, 40, 1257
To a Sparrow, 56, 11213
To Miss Owenson , 40, 745, 97
to NP, Oldmill, 56
to Taunie, 112
To the Potatoe, 11, 21, 11421, 190
Toussaints Farewell to San Domingo,
183, 1845
Unanimity, 15
verse epistles, 11112
Orr, James senior, 2930, 589
Orr, William, 36, 62
Otis, Harrison Gray, on Irish migrants, 445
Owenson, Sydney
Irish Romanticism, 165
on Ulster Scots, 74, 1534
Patriotic Sketches , 154
Te Wild Irish Girl, 73, 745, 153, 154,
Paine, Tomas
Rights of Man, 29, 50, 115, 134
Te Age of Reason, 134
236 James Orr, Poet and Irish Radical
Palm, John P., printer, Germany in its Deep
Humiliation, 701
patronage, Orr on, 51
Peden, Alexander, 72
Pellicer, Juan Christian, on British georgic
verse, 11516
Peninsular campaign, 172
Percy, Bishop of Dromore, 104
Philadelphia, Orr probably at, 43, 457
Philadelphia Gazette
on Ballycarry conditions, 45
on French tyranny, 456
Philips, John, Cyder, 116
Pitt, William the Younger, 79
Pittock, Murray, 174
on Romantic nationalism, 170
politics vs regionality
Hewitt on, 11, 12
Lunney on, 1719
Pope, Alexander, 57, 86, 133, 135, 165, 174,
Blair on, 89
Porter, Hugh, 19, 22, 104
ODonoghue on, 8
post-Augustan writers, 6
post-Union experience, 123, 13542
pre-Union period tensions, 489
Presbyterian Dissenters, and Ulster vernacu-
lar verse, 812, 879
Presbyterianism, 11, 16, 17, 26, 29, 312,
646, 72, 94, 96, 99, 125, 139, 149, 168
prescopalian period, 26
Prior, Matthew, 147
prison, Orr on, 176
Ramsay, Allan, 57, 102, 104, 107, 177, 190
Elegy on Maggie Johnson, 1078
Lucky Spences Last Advice, 108
Te Gentle Shepherd, Blair on, 86, 88
Te Poets Wish, 135, 137
Te Vision, 92, 142
Read, Charles, Cabinet of Irish Literature
(187980), 78
reading societies, 76
Orr and, 323
rebel experience, 12335
Rebellion 1641, 171
Rebellion 1745 afermath, 105
Red Hall, Ballycarry, 37, 41
Redhall Masonic Lodge, Ballycarry, 76
Revelation, Book of, 723
Rising, Ballycarry, 7 June 1798, 3740
Robertson, William, History of Scotland, 91,
937, 190
Robinson, Philip, 192
and Adams, Folk Poets of Ulster series, 19
Country Rhymes of James Orr , 1920
on Orr, 20, 87, 192
on Ulster Scots, 87
Robinson, Tomas Romney, 75
Roman Catholics
as aliens in own country, 34
emancipation, Orr and, 969, 153
Romantic nationalism, 6, 14, 81, 135, 153,
Romanticism, 6, 1415, 49, 55, 856, 113,
Roper, Margaret, biographical sketch, 62
reading society, 33
Volunteers, 33, 34
Russell, Tomas, 36, 55, 134, 135, 169
Rutland, fourth Duke, Viceroy, on Dissent-
ers, 31
Said, Edward, on stories, 123
school, Orr and, 2930
Scots, and Ballycarry, 257
Scots Covenanters, persecution, 26
Scott, Walter, Romanticism, 174
Scottish bardism, 92, 11011, 177
Scottish connection, Ulster United Irish-
men, 35
Scottish Enlightenment, 5, 8199, 165, 190
Ulster Scots poets and, 7, 10121
Semphill, Robert, of Beltrees, Te Life and
Death of Habbie Simson, 107, 108
Shenstone, William, 147
Sheridan, R. B., 8
America, 46, 47
Napoleon and, 1834
Orr on, 1834
see also Abolitionist Movement
hiding at, 40, 58, 102, 125
McSkimin on, 1267
Smart, Christopher, Te Hop-Garden, 116
Smith, Adam, 81
Index 237
Solemn League and Covenant, 95
Southey, Robert, 180
Spenserian stanza form, 147, 151, 155, 159
Staford, Fiona, on Burns, 88, 135
standard habbie stanza, 11, 56, 104, 105,
10711, 11314, 145, 178
stanza forms, 11, 18, 51, 56, 78, 104, 105,
10711, 11314, 12732, 135, 137,
13942, 145, 147, 151, 155, 178
Steelboys, 31
Stewart, A. T. Q.
on Presbyterians and 98 Rebellion, 31
on Romantic nationalism, 1689
Swif, Jonathan, 177
Teeling, Charles, on Amnesty Act 1798, 47
Templecorran Cemetery, 37
and Te Vision, 92, 94
Orrs monument, 3, 4fI.1, 7, 34, 59, 76,
77, 79, 187, 1912
Templepatrick, 33, 34, 36, 127
Fair, 51
Te Twa Corbies ballad, 124
Tompson, E. P., on Methodism, 161
Tomson, James, 13, 55, 57, 106, 147
Te Seasons, 55, 183
Tomson, Samuel, of Carngranny, 3, 9, 10,
12, 1819, 21, 22, 334, 36, 478,
501, 534, 55, 59, 77, 78, 90, 102,
1057, 11921, 1278, 13542, 145,
and Microscope , 50
Epistle to Luke Mullan , 1367, 138
Lowrie Nettle pseudonym, 78
on Poems on Various Subjects, 59
Orr and, 33, 501, 778
Te Simmer Fair, 54, 127, 128
To a Hedgehog, 478, 119
To Captain MDougall , 1067
verse epistle to Burns, 21
Tighe, Rev. Tomas, 104
Tit for Tat, early Ulster Scots poem, 1023
tithes disputes, 28, 1023
Tone, Wolfe, 8, 154, 169
inclusive Irishness, 81, 82
on Philadelphia, 43
Toussaint LOuverture, 1835
Trafalgar, Battle of, 49, 68, 6970, 172
Trail, Rev. Robert, 53
Trumpener, Katie, on bardic nationalism,
Tynan, Hugh, 52
Tytler, James Balloon, on Philadelphia, 43
Ulster, map, 28f2.1
Ulster Dissenter writers school, 5
Ulster Folklife, 17
Ulster liberals theology, 645
Ulster linen industry, 301
Ulster Miscellany, 1023
Ulster poets, Burns infuence, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11,
19, 203
Ulster Scots poets
and 1790s radicalism/United Irishmen,
and Ballycarry, 257
and Romanticism/Enlightenment, 165
and Scottish tradition, 10121
early, 1023
vernacular verse, 723, 545, 56, 57, 101
discounted, 89
Presbyterian Dissenters, and, 812, 879
Robinson on, 87
Ulster Synod, and New Light theology, 65
Unionism, challenges to, 613
United Irish society, Philadelphia, 457
United Irishman, 1, 3, 5, 17, 19, 21, 22, 28,
3141, 812, 879, 1045, 117, 118
Erin Go Brah, 1701
migrants, Philadelphia, 457
movement, development, 28, 3141
political thought, 81, 879
Rebellion 1798, 1235, 1315
Vance, Norman, on Romantic nationalism,
Volunteer companies, 22, 142, 146, 188
Orr and, 3441, 59
Walker, J. C., Historical Memoirs of the Irish
Bards, 73
Walker, Samuel, Te Cotters Sabbath Day,
Wallace, William, 92, 151
Wells, Roger, on poverty, 163
Welsh bardic nationalism, 1668
Wentworth, Lord Deputy, 26
Wesley, John, 160
238 James Orr, Poet and Irish Radical
Wesleyan Methodism, Orr on, 1603
Whyte, Christopher, on Christis Kirk genre,
Wilberforce, William, 74
Wilson, David, on US Alien and Sedition
Acts, 46
Wollstonecraf, Mary, A Vindication of the
Rights of Woman, 35
Wordsworth, William, 169, 178, 179, 180,
and Coleridge, Lyrical Ballads, 6, 179, 182
on lives of poets, 79
Te Convict, 176
Te Female Vagrant, 182
To Toussaint LOuverture, 1834
Wright, Julia M., 128, 129
Wu, Duncan, on Romantics, 174
Young, Arthur
on Irish cottiers diet, 119
Tour in Ireland, 104, 152
Young, Edward, 57
Young, R. M., Ulster in 98 , 41
Zenzinger, Peter, on Burns, 157

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