Hints For Migrants 2011

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8ob Law MaxrecrulLmenL ls a leadlng recrulLmenL consulLancy ln Lhe flelds of Clvll,

SLrucLural, LlecLrlcal, Mechanlcal and LnvlronmenLal Lnglneerlng lnfrasLrucLure,
ConsLrucLlon, rlnL & ackaglng and Labour Plre & ManufacLurlng.

lmmlgraLlon PlnLs
- updaLed 01/03/2011

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new Zealand's economy has been affecLed by Lhe Clobal llnanclal Crlsls llke mosL
counLrles. ArchlLecLure and 8esldenLlal consLrucLlon wenL lnLo recesslon ln Lhe laLLer
half of 2008. MosL lndusLrles expecL dlfflculL Lradlng condlLlons Lhrough 2011 - 2012
however Lhe governmenL ls plannlng Lo brlng forward cerLaln lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecLs
Lo parLlally offseL Lhese [ob losses wlLh slgnlflcanL lnvesLmenL ln power, roadlng and
ln Lhe shorL Lerm, Lhe need for Lemporary mlgranL workers ln some secLors wlll be
subdued as employers flnd Lhe labour and skllls Lhey need lnLernally. ln secLors
where shorLages perslsL, such as englneerlng, Leachlng, and healLh care, demand for
hlgh-skllled workers wlll conLlnue.
unemploymenL levels ln new Zealand are now 6.8 - up from 4 ln 2009. 1hls
compares wlLh AusLralla aL 3.1 and ls slgnlflcanLly beLLer Lhan flgures publlshed for
Lhe uk aL 7.9, Lhe Lu aL 9.6 and uSA aL 9.8.
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1he ma[or earLhquake LhaL shook ChrlsLchurch on Lhe 22
lebruary 2011 wlll have
an lmpacL on Lhe new Zealand economy and labour markeL buL ls noL expecLed Lo be
conslderable. CuLslde ChrlsLchurch Lhere has been no loss of llfe or damage Lo
bulldlngs and new Zealand ls sLlll consldered a safe counLry Lo llve, work and Lravel.
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1here wlll always be opporLunlLles for well-quallfled candldaLes wlLh approprlaLe
work experlence, and parLlcularly Lhose [obs on Lhe lmmedlaLe Skllls ShorLage LlsL
(lSSL) and Long 1erm Skllls ShorLage LlsL L1SSL. 1hese 'Skllls ln uemand LlsLs' are
updaLed every 6 monLhs and you can flnd Lhem on Lhe new Zealand lmmlgraLlon
WebslLe: www.lmmlgraLlon.govL.nz
uue Lo Lhe currenL employmenL markeL, fewer employers wlll be looklng overseas so
candldaLes should be prepared Lo vlslL new Zealand Lo obLaln a [ob offer. Skype
lnLervlews are becomlng lncreaslngly popular and we are able Lo record Skype
lnLervlews Lo pass on dlglLal coples of Lhese Lo prospecLlve employers. noLhlng
beaLs a face-Lo-face meeLlng however.
An lnLeresLlng sLaLlsLlc found on Lhe ueparLmenL of Labour webslLe, Lhere ls a sLrong
llnk beLween Lemporary and permanenL mlgraLlon. MosL permanenL mlgranLs
(84 percenL ln 2009/10) had prevlously held a Lemporary vlsa ln new Zealand.
ln 2009/2010 Lhe numbers of new new Zealand 8esldenLs was 43,000 wlLh Lhe maln
source counLrles belng uk - 17, Chlna - 13, and SouLh Afrlca - 12. 27,000 of
Lhese were approved under Lhe Skllled MlgranL CaLegory. 130,000 Lemporary work
permlLs were approved wlLh Lhe maln source counLrles belng Lhe uk - 14, lndla -
9, Chlna - 8 lncludlng 23,000 for essenLlal skllls work (work for whlch Lhere ls a
shorLage of new Zealanders).
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new Zealand has been seen as a deslrable place Lo llve for many years and has
aLLracLed a sLeady flow of mlgranLs. Crlglnally Lhey came from Lhe unlLed klngdom
buL more recenLly have arrlved from mosL counLrles ln Lhe world wlLh Aslan
counLrles belng a maln source of mlgranL growLh.
new Zealand has a hlgh degree of soclal and pollLlcal sLablllLy and a modern soclal
welfare sysLem whlch lncludes unlversal enLlLlemenL Lo prlmary and secondary
educaLlon, subsldlsed access Lo healLh servlces for all resldenLs, lncome supporL for
low and mlddle lncome famllles, and a range of beneflLs and penslons. 1he
populaLlon ls malnly Luropean, wlLh around 68 of resldenLs deslgnaLlng Lhemselves
as belng of Luropean descenL, 14.6 as new Zealand Morl, 6.9 as aclflc
lslanders, 9.2 as Aslan and 0.9 as oLher.
Cur land area ls greaLer Lhan Lhe unlLed klngdom - buL holds only 4x mllllon people.
lf you wanL a beach Lo yourself ln summer, you can usually flnd one - buL lf you wanL
people on your beach, you'll flnd Lhem clusLered close Lo a maln cenLre. WlLh an
esLlmaLed populaLlon of 1.3 mllllon people, Lhe CreaLer Auckland 8eglon ls home Lo
33 of new Zealanders and ls Lhe fasLesL growlng reglon.
new Zealand cllmaLe ls moderaLe ln every respecL, wlLhouL exLremes found ln many
areas of Lhe world. ln summer, only Pawkes 8ay and Clsborne on Lhe easL coasL of
Lhe norLh lsland, and CanLerbury and CenLral CLago ln Lhe SouLh lsland regularly
reach beyond 30C. ln wlnLer, Lhe clLles of ChrlsLchurch and furLher souLh
occaslonally see snow - buL only for a day or so. 1hose who acLually en[oy snow can
flnd lL ln depLh on skl flelds ln boLh norLh and SouLh lsland hlgh-counLry LhaL lle
wlLhln a four hour drlve of all maln clLles.

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new Zealand has opposlLe seasons Lo Lhe norLhern Pemlsphere, wlLh our summer
falllng aL Lhe end of year ln uecember. So Lry noL Lo be Loo confused aL ChrlsLmas
when you flnd yourself aL Lhe beach swlmmlng!
WlnLer: !une, !uly, AugusL
Sprlng: SepLember, CcLober, november
Summer: uecember, !anuary, lebruary
AuLumn: March, Aprll, May
Whlle Lhere's noL a huge LemperaLure varlaLlon beLween seasons ln new Zealand,
we do look forward Lo summer barbeques and swlms ln Lhe warmer monLhs,
generally november Lo Aprll. 1he average maxlmum LemperaLure durlng summer
ranges beLween 22-30 C (72-86l) and Lhe mlnlmum LemperaLure durlng wlnLer
ranges from 1 - 10C (34 - 30l) wlLh Lhe Auckland/norLhland reglons belng Lhe
warmer parLs of new Zealand and CLago/SouLhland reglons belng Lhe cooler parLs of
new Zealand and Lhe WelllngLon/CenLral reglons ln beLween.
?ou can flnd more abouL our cllmaLe for speclflc areas on Lhe new Zealand 1ourlsm
webslLe: www.newzealand.com/Lravel
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1he earllesL known resldenLs of new Zealand were Lhe Morlorl. 1he Maorl are
LhoughL Lo have arrlved from olynesla around 700 years ago, populaLlng new
Zealand wlLh Lrlbal groups LhaL were frequenLly aL war wlLh each oLher and wlLh Lhe
Morlorl who were drlven ouL Lo a lasL ouLposL ln Lhe ChaLham lslands. As nelLher
race had a wrlLLen language, hlsLory of pre-Luropean Llmes ls a mlxLure of myLh,
legend and oral hlsLory.
new Zealand was 'dlscovered' by Abel 1asman ln 1642, buL he dld noL land on new
Zealand. Cook was Lhe flrsL Luropean Lo land here ln 1769 and produced early
coasLal maps of Lhe counLry. 1he land was seLLled by Luropeans ln Lhe early 1800's
seeklng whales, seals, Lhen Llmber and flnally gold ln 1861. Sheep farmlng for wool
was developed and Lhe flrsL shlpmenL of frozen meaL Look place from uunedln ln
ln 1840 Lhe 1reaLy of WalLangl was slgned by Maorl Chlefs and Lhe Crown Lo glve
soverelgnLy Lo 8rlLaln, Lo halL lnLer-Lrlbal warfare and brlng Lhe rule of law Lo Lhe
counLry. noL everyone agreed and cerLalnly Lhere were dublous land deals carrled
ouL, resulLlng ln Lhe Maorl Land Wars ln Lhe laLe 1840's and Lhe 1860's. 8eparaLlons
have been pald over Lhe pasL 20 years and are ongolng wlLh Lhe 1reaLy of WalLangl
belng a hoL pollLlcal Loplc.
ln 1867, four Maorl seaLs were allocaLed ln arllamenL - Lhls has been exLended Lo
seven Lo cover Lhe 210,000 voLers currenLly on Lhe Maorl elecLoral role.
ln 1893 new Zealand was Lhe flrsL counLry ln Lhe world Lo glve women Lhe voLe -
and of course lL dldn'L sLop Lhere, we recenLly had a woman rlme MlnlsLer for nlne
years. We've also had a female Covernor Ceneral and a Chlef LxecuLlve of our
largesL publlc company, 1elecom. Women here can do anyLhlng - and currenLly
ouLnumber males graduaLlng from our unlverslLles
ln 1907 new Zealand became a uomlnlon, and ln 1947 esLabllshed separaLe
soverelgnLy wlLhln Lhe CommonwealLh. Cueen LllzabeLh remalns our Pead of SLaLe
Lhrough her represenLaLlve, Lhe Covernor Ceneral. Cplnlon polls currenLly supporL
Lhe sLaLus quo, Lhough lL ls regularly debaLed.
1oday's new Zealand ls a cosmopollLan blend of naLlonallLles - mosL clLles have a
dlverse mlx of culLures and you can geL [usL abouL any Lype of food you may wanL
here. new Zealanders love Lhe sunshlne and you wlll see Lhe beaches overflowlng
on a sunny day wlLh any excuse Lo llghL Lhe 88C (8arble) and eaL ouLdoors.

Auckland, Lhe ClLy of Salls, ls our ma[or clLy wlLh plenLy of aLLracLlons lncludlng
shopplng, flshlng, and slghLseelng. 1he coasLal areas of Lhe 8ay of lenLy aLLracLs
sun-seekers as does Lhe Pawkes 8ay wlLh a Lhrlvlng wlne and horLlculLure lndusLry
and vlneyard resLauranLs and farmers markeLs for foodles Lo en[oy. 1he cenLral
plaLeau surroundlng 1aupo has an abundance of fresh waLer LrouL flshlng, snow
sporLs ln Lhe wlnLer and waLer sporLs on Lhe lake ln Lhe summer - 1aupo ls one of
new Zealand's mosL popular famlly hollday spoLs. WelllngLon ls Lhe resLauranL
caplLal of new Zealand wlLh hundreds of cool places Lo eaL and a Lhrlvlng arLs scene
and Lhe naLlonal museum, 1e apa on lLs vlbranL waLerfronL. ln Lhe SouLh lsland
nelson ls ofLen LouLed as new Zealand's sunnlesL clLy and ls Lhe gaLeway Lo Lhe Abel
1asman naLlonal ark wlLh some amazlng walks. 8lenhelm has some of our besL
vlneyards and ls where Lhe world famous 'klwl Sav' comes from. LnrouLe Lo
ChrlsLchurch you can whale waLch ln kalkoura or Lry one of Lhe local dellcacles, new
Zealand crayflsh. lnland from ChrlsLchurch are Lhe skl-flelds of Lhe SouLhern Alps
and a Lrampers' paradlse. CueensLown, new Zealand's advenLure caplLal ls an 8
hour drlve from ChrlsLchurch Lhrough sLunnlng scenery. lurLher souLh you can Lravel
Lhrough SouLhland and lf you are lucky sample our mosL soughL afLer 8luff oysLers -
lf you are lucky Lo be Lhere durlng Lhe oysLer season. WesL CoasL WhlLebalL ls
anoLher LreaL many vlslLors Lo new Zealand love Lo Lry, buL agaln only when ln

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new Zealand ls served by a range of lnLernaLlonal alrllnes provldlng a varleLy of
poLenLlal sLopovers for fllghLs from Lurope vla Lhe LasL, or Lhrough Amerlca. 8oLh Alr
new Zealand and CAn1AS have modern fleeLs and an excellenL repuLaLlon for
servlce. lf your long-haul LasLes are more exoLlc, you can sample Slngapore, Pong
kong, 1hal, Malayslan, 8runel, !apanese, 1alwanese, Chlnese, korean, lndoneslan,
LmlraLes, Chllean, ArgenLlnean alrllnes.
?ou can generally fly Lo new Zealand from any parL of Lhe world, and our ma[or
alrporLs of Auckland, WelllngLon and ChrlsLchurch have dally arrlvlng and deparLlng
lnLernaLlonal fllghLs.
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1here ls an excellenL lnLernal alr servlce beLween maln clLles ln new Zealand run by
Alr new Zealand Lhe prlme operaLor, wlLh !eLSLar ln compeLlLlon on mosL rouLes.
Smaller Lowns and clLles are served by Alr new Zealand Llnk uslng a varleLy of Lwln
prop alrcrafL. ?ou can normally fly beLween ma[or clLles for $30 - $100 wlLh smaller
Lowns belng sllghLly more expenslve. SelecL cheap fllghLs lnLernally can be 'grabbed'
on Alr new Zealand's Crab a SeaL"
Check for low prlce opLlons on www.alrnz.co.nz, www.[eLsLar.co.nz and
1he maln reason Lo choose a rall [ourney ln new Zealand ls scenery. Whlle our rall
neLwork lsn'L vasL, Lhere are some lncredlble voyages avallable. ?ou'll see Lhlngs
LhaL slmply can'L be seen from Lhe road. klwl 8all ls Lhe CovernmenL owned
passenger rall servlce ln new Zealand. 1here ls only one Auckland Lo WelllngLon
passenger Lraln, 1he Cverlander, Lakes 12 hours. lL ls greaL scenery Lhrough Lhe
cenLral norLh lsland. 1he Lraln runs dally ln summer, buL only lrlday, SaLurday and
Sunday ln Lhe wlnLer monLhs (excepL for school holldays when lL operaLes dally).
1ourlsL excurslons are run dally from lcLon Lo ChrlsLchurch on Lhe 1ranzCoasLal, and
from ChrlsLchurch Lo CreymouLh on Lhe 1ranzApllne - raLed one of Lhe world's greaL
scenlc rallway [ourneys - and from uunedln Lhrough Lhe 1alerl Corge. SLeam Lraln
excurslons also operaLe on klwl8all Lracks from Llme Lo Llme - www.Lranzscenlc.co.nz
and www.Lalerl.co.nz
Local commuLer rall servlces operaLe ln boLh Lhe Auckland and WelllngLon.
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We drlve on Lhe lefL hand slde and our roads wlll geL you where you wanL Lo go ln a
reasonable manner. 1here ls a 100 kph (60mph) open road llmlL - and an acLlve
pollce force wlLh hldden radar cameras. ln bullL-up areas Lhe llmlL ls 30kph (30mph)
or 70kph (42mph) on Lhe frlnge. Some C8u areas now operaLe a 30kph (18mph).
Ask for deLalls abouL Lhe 'glve way Lo Lhe rlghL' rule when you plck up your renLal
car. 8oads ln new Zealand are generally of a hlgh sLandard. SLaLe Plghway 1 spans
Lhe lengLh of Lhe counLry from Cape 8elnga ln Lhe far norLh passes Lhrough
Auckland, PamllLon, WelllngLon, across Lhe Cook SLralghL Lo lcLon, down Lhe easL
coasL Lhrough ChrlsLchuch, uunedln and on Lo 8luff aL Lhe very boLLom of Lhe SouLh
Cur hlghways are noL Luropean moLorway sLandard, buL (aparL from Lhe Auckland
area) are noL Luropean crowded elLher. Palf Lhe populaLlon of new Zealand resldes
norLh of PamllLon and Lhls can cause congesLlon when Lhey all wanL Lo drlve on Lhe
norLh-souLh llnk aL Lhe same Llme! Ma[or new moLorways are belng bullL ln and
around Auckland Lo allevlaLe Lhls.
8ush-hour Lrafflc beLween 7.30 - 9am and 3 - 6.30pm ls sLandard, buL agaln ouLslde
of Auckland lL ls generally free flowlng.
1here are good long dlsLance coach servlces coverlng all clLles ln boLh lslands.
See - www.lnLerclLycoach.co.nz
1here are compeLlng rall/road ferry servlces across Cook SLralL - 1he lnLerlslander
and 8luebrldge - run beLween norLh and SouLh lslands. 1he ferry Lakes abouL Lhree
hours wlLh marvelous vlews of Lhe Marlborough Sounds.
1here are road and rall connecLlons from lcLon Lo ChrlsLchurch, buL Lhe LoLal
[ourney from WelllngLon Lo ChrlsLchurch Lakes all day. ln a hurry you can fly
beLween WelllngLon and ChrlsLchurch ln 43 mlnuLes, ofLen cheaper Lhan Lhe ferry,
buL mlsslng Lhe LourlsL experlence!
lf you drlve, you'll probably Lake a wlnery lunch ln 8lenhelm, sLop Lo vlew Lhe fur seal
colony ln kalkoura and spend an exLra day whale-waLchlng aL kalkoura en rouLe!
See - www.lnLerlslandllne.co.nz www.bluebrldge.co.nz
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ln Lerms of soclal reform, new Zealand was aL Lhe forefronL early lasL cenLury ln
looklng afLer Lhose less forLunaLe. 1here are soclal securlLy servlces avallable for
unemployed resldenLs, solo parenLs, unsupporLed chlldren, lnvallds eLc.
SLaLe penslons were lnLroduced ln 1898 and are pald from age 63 Lo boLh men and
women, wlLh a marrled couple recelvlng a penslon lndexed Lo 60 of Lhe naLlonal
average wage. Any penslon enLlLlemenL from an overseas governmenL has Lo be
clalmed and ls deducLed from Lhe new Zealand enslon.
PosplLal Care for nZ 8esldenLs ls excellenL and free - Lhough Lhere may be a long
walLlng llsL for elecLlve surgery. Many Lake ouL medlcal lnsurance and use prlvaLe
hosplLals Lo avold walLlng llsLs. vlslLors are llable for Lhelr own medlcal cosLs and are
advlsed Lo purchase Lravel lnsurance - unless Lhere ls a counLry-Lo-counLry reclprocal
agreemenL, such as AusLralla and Lhe uk. lL ls uncommon for new Zealand
employers Lo pay prlvaLe healLh lnsurance, unless Lhey are an overseas owned
rlmary PealLh Care, docLors, denLlsLs and opLlclans are pay as you go. MosL
medlclnes are subsldlsed for resldenLs, you pay a mlnlmum of $13 per lLem on your
prescrlpLlon and a vlslL Lo a C wlll cosL beLween $30 and $33. vlslLs Lo a C and
prescrlpLlons for nZ 8esldenLs are lower for Lhose under 6 years and Lhose over 63
lf you suffer an accldenL ln new Zealand, parLlal cosL of LreaLmenL, rehablllLaLlon and
compensaLlon are covered by Lhe CovernmenL AccldenL CompensaLlon scheme
(ACC). 1hls ls funded by levles on employmenL and moLor vehlcle reglsLraLlon. lL
means however LhaL you are unllkely Lo be able Lo Lake Lhe person or organlsaLlon
causlng Lhe accldenL Lo courL for damages.
See - www.acc.govL.nz
uenLlsLs are noL subsldlsed and a slmple LooLh-ache may cosL you $120 plus.
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As new Zealand ls a deslrable place Lo llve, mlgranLs are chosen who are mosL llkely
Lo flnd work and conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe counLry's economy. 8ules for lmmlgraLlon are
used Lo conLrol numbers LhaL won'L cause a crlsls ln our small populaLlon.
Some work permlLs are for shorL perlods, of 1 Lo 3 years ln duraLlon, and are called
!"#$%&'&( *+,',. 1hese lnclude Lhe Worklng Pollday vlsa for Lhose under 30 years
old, Lhe LssenLlal Skllls vlsa for Lhose whose occupaLlon are on Lhe lSSL and Lhe
L1SSL. CLher work permlLs are more permanenL and even offer Lhe beneflLs of
becomlng a resldenL. 1hese are called -%&. /% 0",+1"2/ *+,' and lnclude Lhe Skllled
MlgranL CaLegory vlsa, Lhe AccredlLed Lmployer vlsa. lf you don'L quallfy under Lhe
caLegory you are mosL lnLeresLed ln, lL ls worLh Laklng a look aL Lhe oLhers.
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1he meLhod you employ depends upon Lhe Llme avallable and your confldence ln
meeLlng requlremenLs.
1. lf Llme ls noL a problem and you have over 100 polnLs, compleLe Lhe
expresslon of lnLeresL (LCl) and [oln Lhe queue. Cnce you are lnvlLed Lo apply
for resldence, 140+ polnLs wlll qulckly achleve your ob[ecLlve. ln some
monLhs 120 Lo 133 polnLs may achleve resldence dependlng upon demand.
usually Lo reach 140 polnLs you wlll requlre a [ob offer - buL 123 polnLs may
noL, dependlng on your clrcumsLances.
2. lf you are confldenL of meeLlng lmmlgraLlon uepL requlremenLs and your
quallflcaLlons and skllls are on Lhe Skllls ln uemand LlsLs, you can come Lo
new Zealand on a vlslLor's vlsa. Whlle here you can obLaln a [ob offer for a
flxed Lerm of employmenL and apply for a work permlL for up Lo Lwo years.
?ou can Lhen apply for resldence aL your lelsure whlle worklng here and wlLh
Lhe exLra polnLs for [ob offer and nZ work experlence, resldence wlll follow.
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1he compuLer age has made Cv dlsLrlbuLlon Loo easy. We geL 130 Cvs each week
from around Lhe world wlLh only Lwo or Lhree ralslng any lmmedlaLe commerclal
lnLeresL and only a few each year galnlng a [ob offer wlLhouL comlng here.
?ou have Lo be someLhlng very speclal lf employers are golng Lo Lake noLlce whlle
you are noL ln new Zealand. ?ou sLlll have Lo deal wlLh documenLaLlon LhaL may
Lake monLhs, glve your noLlce, sell your house and car, placaLe your moLher ln law,
convlnce your parLner LhaL lL ls a good ldea Lo leave your frlends behlnd, say
goodbye Lo Lhe dog, and geL on a plane, maklng sure you appease Lhe klds by a
sLopover aL ulsneyland on Lhe way here.
1here are many sLorles of recrulLs who sLumble aL each sLep - and some who flnally
arrlve monLhs or years laLer Lhan expecLed.
unless we have adverLlsed a speclflc [ob overseas employers are unllkely Lo Lake
lnLeresL unless Lhe overseas resldenL has a deflnlLe commlLmenL Lo come here. 1hls
can be by submlsslon of 'Lxpresslon of lnLeresL' Lo Lhe lmmlgraLlon Cfflce of Lhe
ueparLmenL of Labour, or slmply by booklng a fllghL and comlng as a vlslLor Lo look
for work opporLunlLles. Cbvlously an employer wlll Lake more lnLeresL when Lhey
can meeL Lhe appllcanL face Lo face.
lf you come Lo new Zealand, be flexlble! !obs are harder Lo flll ln Lhe provlnces, so
LhaL could be your answer Lo obLalnlng an offer of employmenL and geLLlng LhaL
alluslve work vlsa. ldenLlfy poLenLlal locaLlons for your career before you renL a
house. MosL clLles have excellenL shorL-Lerm fully furnlshed aparLmenLs LhaL can be
renLed on a weekly/monLhly basls. lamllles could also look aL 'MoLels' - self-
caLerlng accommodaLlon usually cosLlng around $100 - 130 per nlghL. ?oung slngle
vlslLors flnd 'backpacker' accommodaLlon readlly avallable, clean and lnexpenslve
durlng a shorL vlslL.
See: www.[asons.com Pard coples are avallable free aL alrporLs on your arrlval. lf
you can obLaln AA AccommodaLlon guldes, Lhey are even more comprehenslve
?our Cv ls your adverLlslng brochure whlch has buL one purpose - Lo sell your
worklng ablllLles Lo a poLenLlal employer so he glves perhaps $300 worLh of hls
valuable Llme for you Lo convlnce hlm Lo employ you. 1he person readlng Lhe Cv ls
busy and wanLs Lo flnd baslc lnformaLlon needed Lo make a prellmlnary declslon as
qulckly as posslble. 1he secreL ls noL Loo llLLle and cerLalnly noL Loo much. 8rlefly:

ersonal and conLacL deLalls

1erLlary quallflcaLlons and lmporLanL sklll courses relevanL Lo Lhe [ob wlLh daLes
and lnsLlLuLlons

LlsL speclflc skllls where speclallsL sofLware ls concerned

LlsL work experlence and deLalls relevanL Lo Lhe [ob wlLh daLes
rovlde a couple of pasL employer verbal referees
usually Lwo Lo flve pages wlll cover all levels of experlence. WrlLLen LesLlmonlals are
helpful buL we lnslsL on speaklng dlrecLly wlLh referees and only use verbal
references wlLh our cllenL. Make sure Lhey are of hlgh quallLy relaLlng Lo your
worklng envlronmenL.
Make sure your Cv ls up Lo daLe, lncludes your currenL employmenL and ls well
presenLed as a Word documenL, or pdf, ln Lngllsh.
use your spell check -we are ofLen amazed by poor quallLy Cvs wlLh spelllng
mlsLakes LhroughouL. uaLes are essenLlal, lnclude Lhe monLhs noL [usL Lhe year LhaL
you worked Lhere. uon'L clalm degrees from non-accredlLed unlverslLles - we have a
llsL of over 400 such lnsLlLuLlons and lgnore all such appllcanLs.
We would also commenL on your Lngllsh language ablllLy. AlLhough 6.3 may be Lhe
mlnlmum lLL1S score for lmmlgraLlon - lL won'L necessarlly geL you a professlonal
career. 1echnlcal people musL be capable of very clear communlcaLlon ln boLh
Lechnlcal and conversaLlonal Lngllsh.
A cover leLLer should ouLllne your avallablllLy for lnLervlews and/or Lravel Lo new
Zealand and any progress you may have made wlLh new Zealand lmmlgraLlon.
We belleve a nZ$ salary of abouL 1.8 Lo 2.0 Llmes C8 ls achlevable and wlll glve you
an equlvalenL sLandard of llvlng, conslderlng our lower cosL and Lax sLrucLures.
1he below ls Lhe salary survey off 1radeMe (uecember 2010) - www.Lrademe.co.nz
+0<@J71H (@?:08 O0H !08J@
AccounLlng $63k $39k - $123k
AgrlculLure, flshlng & foresLry $40k $27k - $83k
8anklng, flnance & lnsurance $63k $37k - $133k
ConsLrucLlon & archlLecLure $63k $30k - $123k
CusLomer Servlce $40k $28k - $63k
LducaLlon $33k $30k - $73k
Lnglneerlng $73k $40k - $133k
CovernmenL & councll $33k $33k - $123k
PealLhcare $33k $30k - $133k
PosplLallLy & Lourlsm $33k $23k - $33k
P8 & 8ecrulLmenL $37k $40k - $123k
l1 $83k $43k - $182k
Legal $70k $43k - $113k
ManufacLurlng & operaLlons $40k $27k - $83k
MarkeLlng, medla & Comms $60k $32k - $120k
Cfflce & admlnlsLraLlon $40k $30k - $60k
8eLall $33k $23k - $63k
Sales $33k $32k - $103k
Sclence & Lechnology $33k $33k - $100k
1rades & servlces $43k $27k - $73k
1ransporL & loglsLlcs $43k $28k - $83k
new Zealand Lax raLes (per dollar) from 1/10/2010:

Lo $14,000 10.3 cenLs
from $14,001 Lo $48,000 17.3 cenLs
from $48,001 Lo $70,000 30 cenLs
$70,001 and over 33 cenLs

Lvery employee pays an ACC levy of 2.04 cenLs per dollar on Lop of personal lncome

CS1 ls raLed aL 13 of sales on all goods and servlces and ls lncluded ln all prlces
unless sLaLed.
ln !une 2010 Lhe medlan lncome ln new Zealand was $329.00 and Lhe new Zealand
mlnlmum wage wlll be $13 per hour as Aprll 2011.
lrlnge 8eneflL 1ax ls charged on employmenL 'perks' llke company cars, penslon,
medlcal lnsurance eLc pald by Lhe employer. 1here ls no CaplLal Calns 1ax, no ueaLh
uuLles and no SLamp uuLy on house sales.
!@D0<:I@ %:I:8J +7B<B
A famlly of four wlll Lyplcally spend $300 per week on grocerles. new Zealand has a
number of large supermarkeLs owned by Lwo supermarkeL groups. lL has been
argued Lhere ls a lack of compeLlLlon ln Lhe supermarkeL lndusLry ln new Zealand
and pressure ls mounLlng on reLallers Lo keep prlces down, and affordable.
Pouslng affordablllLy ls slmllar Lo LhaL ln oLher developed counLrles, and new
Zealand sLlll has one of Lhe hlghesL percenLages of people who own Lhelr own home
ln Lhe CLCu.
MlgranLs Lo new Zealand conslderlng llvlng ln Auckland may dlscover LhaL Lhe
average house prlce ls approxlmaLely nZ$300,000 however anoLher new lmmlgranL
who ls Lhlnklng of purchaslng a properLy ln SouLhland may dlscover Lhe average prlce
ls only approxlmaLely nZ $123,300.

naLlonal properLy sLaLlsLlcs are publlshed regularly by CuoLable value nZ - see
www.qv.co.nzQ Medlan prlces for Lhe 12 monLhs Lo uecember 2010 show Lhe wlde
varlaLlon beLween dlfferenL clLles around Lhe counLry.
new Zealand average $378k
Auckland 8eglon $490k almersLon norLh $280k
1auranga $429k WelllngLon $416k
PamllLon $337k ChrlsLchurch $349k
new lymouLh $303k uunedln $234k
napler $326k lnvercarglll $211k
CueensLown $373k
Pouslng sales prlces slumped 7.4 durlng 2008 and have sLayed relaLlvely sLable
slnce Lhen, ln llne wlLh world Lrends. 1hey houslng markeL ls sLlll slow and recovery
ls expecLed Lo Lake some Llme.
A wlde selecLlon of houses, boLh for sale and Lo renL, are deLalled on
A morLgage currenLly cosLs around 6 Lo 7 lnLeresL raLe - and has been sLable for
Lhe pasL year. lnLeresL raLes are expecLed Lo rlse gradually over Lhe comlng years.
CurrenLly (laLe lebruary 2010) around $2.00 per llLre for unleaded 91 ocLane ln maln
cenLres, buL Lhls varles frequenLly up or down llnked Lo exchange raLe and Lhe world
prlce for oll. 1he prlce rlses furLher away from a dlsLrlbuLlon porL. 1he lar norLh or
WesL CoasL SouLh lsland may be 10 cenLs hlgher Lhan maln clLles.
eople comlng Lo new Zealand are ofLen concerned abouL openlng a bank accounL.
1here are slx ma[or banks wlLh branches LhroughouL Lhe counLry. Slnce Lhe
worldwlde credlL crlsls, reLall deposlLs ln new Zealand banks have been governmenL
- naLlonal 8ank of new Zealand - www.naLlonalbank.co.nz
- 8ank of new Zealand - www.bnz.co.nz
- WesLpac1rusL - www.wesLpac.co.nz
- AnZ 8anklng Croup - www.anz.co.nz
- AS8 8ank (Auckland Savlngs 8ank) - www.asb.co.nz
- klwl 8ank - www.klwlbank.co.nz
All, excepL for klwl8ank, are AusLrallan owned - Lhe naLlonal 8ank ls owned by Lhe
AnZ, buL has conslsLenLly polled hlgher ln Lerms of cusLomer saLlsfacLlon. 1he AS8 ls
owned by CommonwealLh 8ank of AusLralla. ?our own bank overseas wlll have a
relaLlonshlp wlLh one or oLher of Lhe above and wlll Lransfer funds and arrange for
accounLs Lo be opened for you before you arrlve lf you wlsh.
- 1S8 (1aranakl Savlngs 8ank) ls blg ln Lhe new lymouLh Area and runs 'no fees' and
lnLeresL paylng cheque accounLs sub[ecL Lo mlnlmum balances - www.Lsb.co.nz

S8S (SouLhland 8ulldlng SocleLy) has branches malnly ln Lhe SouLh lsland -
1here are plenLy of A1M 'Money Machlnes' hlghly vlslble on Lhe sLreeLs of all clLy
cenLres, shopplng malls and alrporLs, mosL wlll accepL vlSA and lnLernaLlonally
recognlsed overseas A1M cards.
.3@ /@E F@0D08? *?=20<:78 ;HB<@9
1here have always been quesLlons on 'Pow good ls Lhe nZ LducaLlon SysLem?'
parLlcularly ln comparlson wlLh Lhe uk and CLCu counLrles. ln Lerms of educaLlon,
Lhe facL ls LhaL Lhose who do achleve here compare favourably wlLh Lhose ln any
oLher counLry.
ln urban areas Lhere ls wlde avallablllLy of re-school wlLh mosL parenLs havlng
access Lo 20 hours of free schoollng per week. rlmary School (?ear 1 - 6) ls from
Lhe 3Lh blrLhday. lnLermedlaLe School (?ear 7 & 8) sLarLs afLer age 11 and Secondary
School from age 13 (?ear 9 - 13). 1he school year commences ln lebruary wlLh Lhree
four LhroughouL Lhe year. Polldays of Lwo weeks are ln mld-laLe Aprll, mld-laLe !uly,
mld CcLober wlLh Lhe ChrlsLmas holldays of approxlmaLely 6 weeks from mld
uecember Lo laLe !anuary.
Whlle publlc school educaLlon ls free, mosL schools have an 'AcLlvlLles Charge' Lo
cover cosLs over Lhe sLandard currlculum. Schools ln lower soclo-economlc areas are
resourced aL a hlgher level by cenLral governmenL and have lower 'AcLlvlLy' charges.
More deLalls of Lhe schoollng sysLem and reglonal school llsLlngs can be found on
new Zealand LducaLlon ueparLmenL webslLe - www.educaLlon.govL.nz and new
Zealand school llsLlngs webslLe or on Lhe MlnlsLry of LducaLlon webslLe -
1here are several excellenL prlvaLe schools around Lhe counLry LhaL conslsLenLly
perform aL Lhe Lop level lnLernaLlonally ln Lerms of scholarshlp. 1hey may have
sllghLly dlfferenL school Lerms. CosLs of prlvaLe educaLlon may vary - buL for
example, Samuel Marsden ColleglaLe School for glrls and ScoLs College for boys ln
WelllngLon publlsh cosLs beLween $10k and $13k per year.
www.marsden.school.nz and www.scoLscollege.school.nz
1erLlary educaLlon ls subsldlsed for new Zealand resldenLs, buL ls oLherwlse avallable
on Lhe basls of 'user ays'. SLudenL loans are avallable Lo fund sLudenLs Lhrough
unlverslLy or olyLechnlc wlLh repaymenL of loans sLarL Lhrough Lhe Lax sysLem once
employmenL lncome passes a Lhreshold level. Cverseas sLudenLs pay Lhelr own
educaLlon cosLs ln full.
;.#&$+#? *2('+&$05A
- Auckland unlverslLy - www.auckland.ac.nz
- Auckland unlverslLy of 1echnology (Au1) - www.auL.ac.nz
- WalkaLo unlverslLy, PamllLon - www.walkaLo.ac.nz
- Massey unlverslLy, almersLon norLh/Auckland/WelllngLon - www.massey.ac.nz
- vlcLorla unlverslLy, WelllngLon - www.vuw.ac.nz
- CanLerbury unlverslLy, ChrlsLchurch - www.canLerbury.ac.nz
- Llncoln unlverslLy, AgrlculLural, souLh of ChrlsLchurch - www.llncoln.ac.nz
- CLago unlverslLy, uunedln - www.oLago.govL.nz
Auckland and CanLerbury are Lhe maln educaLors for 'pure' 8L Lnglneers ln
Mechanlcal, Clvll, LlecLrlcal, rocess and MaLerlals Lnglneerlng dlsclpllnes. Massey
has been Laklng an lncreaslng share of Lhe sLudenL markeL wlLh 81ech and more
recenLly 8Lng degrees ln more focussed sub[ecLs - buL Lhelr producL ls almed aL
lndusLry and so far noL readlly accepLed by malnsLream Lnglneerlng ConsulLanLs.
Medlcal degrees are provlded by CLago and Auckland, veLerlnary by Massey. new
Zealand degrees ln Lnglneerlng, Medlclne and AgrlculLural Sclences are recognlsed
lnLernaLlonally Lo be of Lhe hlghesL sLandards.
CuLslde Lhe unlverslLles, Lhere are olyLechnlcs and unlversal College of Learnlng
(uCCL) servlng ma[or populaLlon areas Lo provlde local educaLlon aL dlploma and
Lrade cerLlflcaLe level, buL Lhey Lend Lo speclallse. Many olyLechnlcs now also offer
degree courses. All LerLlary quallflcaLlons, currlcula and sLandards are conLrolled by
Lhe new Zealand CuallflcaLlons AuLhorlLy (nZCA) - www.nzqa.govL.nz
,B@S=D A0<0
B.1 C.+<+52 D(E<$' /0<$2+?%
- new ?ear (2 days) - !anuary 1sL and 2
(Monday & 1uesday lf Lhese daLes are a
- WalLangl uay - 6Lh lebruary
- LasLer - lrlday and Monday
- Anzac uay - 23Lh Aprll
- Cueens 8lrLhday - 1sL Monday ln !une
- Labour uay - 4Lh Monday ln CcLober
- ChrlsLmas (2 days) - 23Lh and 26Lh uecember (Monday & 1uesday lf Lhe daLes
are a weekend)
1here ls one addlLlonal day 'Annlversary uay' whlch ls speclflc Lo each provlnce. ln
WelllngLon lL ls Lhe nearesL Monday Lo Lhe 22nd !anuary and ln Auckland usually
occurs one week laLer. 1hls can caLch ouL even new Zealand Lravellers!
!(##.5'? *F'"+5G. =+&.%
Lxchange raLes have flucLuaLed wldely ln recenL monLhs. 1hey can be checked dally
by golng Lo hLLp://www.bnz.co.nz/personal-banklng/fooLer/raLes-and-fees/forelgn-
;#+4.<<$5G H$%&+5'.%
lrom Auckland lrom WelllngLon
1o Whangerel 169km 827km
1o PamllLon 126km 332km
1o new lymouLh 337km 333km
1o Clsborne 499km 338km
1o 1aupo 278km 380km
1o napler 421km 323km
1o WelllngLon 638km
lrom ChrlsLchurch
1o WelllngLon 439km
1o lcLon 336km
1o nelson 424km
1o CreymouLh 238km
1o uunedln 362km
1o CueensLown 486km
1o lnvercarglll 379km

D09(<+&$05 !.5&#.%
llgures are approxlmaLe and sources vary dependlng upon where boundarles are
Auckland 1,400,000 www.aucklandnz.com
PamllLon 118,000 www.hamllLonclLy.co.nz
1auranga 100,000 www.Lauranga.govL.nz
8oLorua 30,000 www.roLoruanz.com
new lymouLh 67,000 www.newplymouLhnz.com
Clsborne 43,000 www.glsbornenz.com
napler 34,000 www.naplerplannlng.govL.nz
PasLlngs ulsLrlcL 70,000 www.hasLlngsdc.govL.nz
almersLon norLh 76,000 www.palmy.neL.nz
Walrarapa 30,000 www.msLn.govL.nz
WelllngLon ClLy 180,000 www.welllngLon.govL.nz
WelllngLon 8eglon 430,000 lncludes PuLL, upper PuLL, orlrua,
kaplLl and Walrarapa
nelson 44,000 www.nelsonclLycouncll.co.nz
8lenhelm 27,000 www.marlborough.govL.nz
CreymouLh 10,000 www.greymouLhnz.co.nz
ChrlsLchurch 316,000 www.chrlsLchurchnz.neL
uunedln 120,000 www.clLyofdunedln.com
lnvercarglll 32,000 www.lnvercarglll.org.nz
I%.3(< J.E%$&.%
lood rlces - www.woolworLhs.co.nz
Pardware - www.mlLre10.co.nz
8eal LsLaLe - www.Lrademe.co.nz
;#+2. =.G$%&#+&$05
Some Lrades and professlons requlre you Lo be reglsLered ln new Zealand
LlecLrlclans see - www.ewrb.govL.nz
lumbers and CasflLLers - www.pgdp.co.nz
ArchlLecLs - www.nzrab.org.nz
1he lnformaLlon ln Lhls documenL ls noL lnLended Lo replace LhaL of a professlonal
lmmlgraLlon advlsor. new Zealand law sLaLes LhaL you musL be a reglsLered
lmmlgraLlon Advlsor Lo provlde advlce or answer any lmmlgraLlon querles. We
recommend you flrsL look aL Lhe excellenL new Zealand lmmlgraLlon WebslLe -
www.lmmlgraLlon.govL.nz lf you have any furLher querles or conLacL your closesL
new Zealand Lmbassy or ConsulaLe.

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