POEA Chklist Issuance
POEA Chklist Issuance
POEA Chklist Issuance
Effectivity Date: 16 May 2012
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Licensing and Regulation Office
Licensing Branch, Licensing and Evaluation Division
1 . ( Written application for issuance of license
2. ( Applicant Information Sheet for Issuance of License (FM-POEA-03-IR-01 B)
3. ( Proof of business registration and minimum P2 million paid-up/capitalization (whichever is applicable)
) SEC Certificate of Incorporation
__ Corporation
) DTI Certificate of Business Name Registration Indicating business purpose and capital investment
4. Proof of financial capacity
For Sole Proprietor:
( ) Bank certificate on savings account deposit showing a maintaining balance of at least
) Bank Certificate Of\ the remaining balance of the 2 Million Capitalization of the agency
) Authority to examine bank deposits signed by the authorized signatory of the agency
) Individual Income Tax Returns with confirmation receipt of payment for the past 2 years of the
For Newly Registered Corporation/Partnership:
( ) Bank certificate on savings account deposit showing a maintaining balance of at least
( ) Bank Certificate on the remaining balance of the 2 Million paid up capital of the agency
( ) Authority to examijne bank deposits signed by the authorized signatory of the agency
( ) Individual lncome Tax Returns with confirmation receipt of payment/Electronic payment
document for the past 2 years of the Board of Directors/Partners
) SIR tax exemption certificate. if tax exempt
For Existing Corooration/Partntrship:
( ) Bank certificate on savings account deposit showing a maintaining balance of at least
P500,000.00 .
( ) Bank Certificate on the remaining balance of the 2 Million paid up capital of the agency
( ) Authority to examine bank deposits signed by the authorized signatory of the agency
( ) Audited financial statements and Corporate Income Tax Returns for the past 2 years
( ) Individual Income Tax Returns with confirmation receipt of paymentJEiectronic payment
document for the past 2 years of the Board of Directors/Partners
) BIR tax exemption certificate, if tax exempt
If applicant agency has corporate
( ) Articles of Incorporation
( ) Board Resolution/Secretary's Certificate on designated authorized representative
( ) Financial statement for the past two (2) years
( ) Corporate Income Tax Returns with confirmation receipt of payment for the past two (.2) years
5. Proof of Mai'Keting Capability
For Landbatd Agenctas:
( ) 8peolil Power of Attorney (SPA) recruitment lgreem&nt verified by the Philippine
OverseliiS l..abot Otfiee nel!lri!Uit the jobsite or iliUthi!l'lticoted by the Philippine Embassy
11'1 ea86 is htl POLO at the jbbsite
) Manpowet' request/job order C)f not le$8 than 1 00 workers verified by the POLO or
uthenticated by the Philippine Embassy in the absence of a POLO
( ) CertifiCation from the PreEmployment Servioes Office (PSO) that tht principal is a new market
( ) Business registration of the principal
Effectivity Date: 16 May 2012
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( ) Manpower request of the direct employers addressed to the Foreign Placement
Agency verified by the POL0 or authenticated by the Philippine Embassy in the absence of a .
) Certification from the Pre-Employment Services Office (PSO) that the direct employers are new
) License/registration of the principal to operate a placement agency
For Seabased Agencies:
( ) Special Power of Attorney (SPA) verified by Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) or
authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ Philippine Consulate in the absence of a POLO
) Manning agreement verified by the POLO, or authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/
Philippine Consulate in the absence of a POLO;
) Crew order request of not less than 50 seafarers verified by the POLO or authenticated by
the Philippine Embassy I Philippine Consulate in the absence of a POLO
) Certification from the Pre-Employment Services Office (PSO) that the principal and vessel are
new markets
) Business registration of the principal
6. Notarized Affidavit of Undertakings (AU)
For Landbased Agencies
( ) AU per section 1 (f)
A Verified undertaking stating that the applicant:
1. Shall select only medically and technically qualified recruits;
2. Shall assume full and complete responsibility for all claims and liabilities which may arise in connection
with the use of the license;
3. Shall assume joint and solidary liability with the employer for all claims and liabilities which may arise
in connection with the implementation of the contract , including but not limited to payment of wages,
death and disability compensation and repatriations.
4. Shall guarantee compliance with the existing labor and social legislations of the Philippines and of the
country of employment of the recruited workers;
5. Shall assume full and complete responsibility for all acts of its officials, employees representative done
in connection with recruitment and placement.
2. Shail negotiate for the best terms and conditions of employment.
3. Shall disciose the full terms and conditions of employment to the applicant workers;
8. Shall deploy at least 100 workers to its new markets within one (1) year from the issuance of its
9. Shall provide orientation on recruitment procedures, terms and conditions and other relevant
information to its workers and provide facilities therefore; and
10. Shall repatriate the deployed workers and his personal belongings when the need arises.
( ) AU per section 1 (g)
In case of corporation or partnership, verified undertaking by its officers. directors, partners that they will be
jointly and severally liable with the company over claims arising from employer-employee relationship.
For Seabased Agencies
( ) AU per section 1 (e)
A verified undertaking stating that the applicant shall :
1. Provide its seafarers orientation on recruitment policies and procedures, terms and conditions of
employment and other relevant information;
2. Ensure that any seafarers recruited or deployed by them is qualified and holds the documents
necessary for the jClb concerned;
3. ensure that contraotll of employmnt are irl accordance with the standard employment contract and
otht aji)plicabl laws, regulation& a.hd collective bargalnlrlg agteementai
,., !nsur that filter& erit lnf'oN'I"'ed of their rights and duties under tl'\tir contract of employment and
the articles ot aQrlrtemerlt tc;; bt lh the procttu of engagement;
5, Eneure tl'uat proper ctrrangftmantt are made for fJQifl!lr.rs to examine their eontrac:ta of empltlyrmtl'lt
and artiCles of agreement before and tafter th&y art !llgned and for to receive a copy of the
contract of employment;
e. Ensure that the veasel/s and the crew are adequately covered by P & I Club or aimlllr lhauranoe thru
the submission of the certificate of insurance coverage;
7. Assume full and complete responsibility for all claims and liabilities which may arise In connection with
the use of the license;
Effectivity Date: 16 May 2012
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a. Assume joint and solidary liability with the employer for all claims and liabilities which may arise in
connection with the implementation of the employment contract, including but not limited to wages,
death and disability compensation and their repatriation;
9. . Guarantee compliance with the applicable labor, social and maritime legislations of the Philippines,
and applicable regulations of the flag state and international organizations such as the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO);
10. Assume full and complete responsibility for all acts of its officials, employees and representatives done
in connection with recruitment and placement;
11. Deploy at least fifty (50) seafarers to its new market within one-year from issuance of its license which
shall also be a condition to the accreditation of old principals; and
12. Repatriate the deployed seafarers when the need arises.
( ) AU per section 1 (f)
In case of corporation or partnership, verified undertaking by officers, directors and partners that they will
be jointly and severally liable with the company over claims arising from employer-employee relationship.
7. Board of Directors/Partners/Proprietor, Officers and Staff
( ) Bio-data with 2 copies of passport size pictures
( ) NBi Clearance
( ) Police Clearance or its equivalent document from country of origin if foreigner
( ) Anti-Illegal Recruitment Branch clearance
( ) Individual letters of appointment for staff providing specific functions
8. Proof of bachelor's degree and 3 years business experience of the Proprietor/President/Partner or the
Chief Executive Officer
( ) College Diploma
( ) Certificate of employment or business registration of the company owned by
the Proprietor/President/Partner or the Chief Executive Officer, if applicable
9. ) Certificate of Attendance of the Proprietor/President/Partner or the Chief Executive
Officer to the Pre-Licensing Orientation Seminar.
10. ) Proof of publication of notice of application with names of the
Proprietor/President/Partners, Incorporators and Officers
) Contract of lease or proof of building ownership indicating the office address and
office space of at least 1 00 square meters
Human resource development plan
Organizational chart, staffing pattern with job description.
Additional Requirements
For applications presenting Overseas Perlorming Artists as new market
( ) Affidavit of Undertaking by the Proprietor/President or Partner on deployment of other skills
Other requirements on proofs of sources of investment which may be asked quring the panel interview:
1. employment certificate indicating salaries. allowances and other benefrts
2. passbooks/bank statement
3. proof of loans or mortgaged properties
4. deed of sale, old and new titles of real estate property
For landbaaed agencies:
( ) Deployment of 1 00 worker to new p,incipals within .1 year from itsuance of provisional license
For agencies:
( ) Deployment of 50 seafarers to new principals and vessels within 1 year from Issuance of
provisional license
F:.M-POEA 03-IR-01A
Effectivity Date: 16 May 2012
Important information/instructions before filing an application for a license:
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1. Only applications with complete requirements/documents as indicated in the checklist shall be
received. Applications with incomplete documents shall be automatically returned without action
2. In a folder, arrange documents according to the sequence of requirements as indicated in the
checklist of requirements. Submit to Licensing Branch, POEA, 4
h Floor, BFO Building.
3. Application may be followed-up 7 days from the date of filing of application. Only authorized
representative shall be allowed to follow-up or transact business with POEA.
4. After evaluation of documents and ocular inspection of agency premises, applicant shall be required
to pay filing fee of ?10,000.00 before the panel interview.
5. Where an application is denied, filing fee, being non-refundable, is deemed forfeited.
Post Approval Requirements:
Upon approval of an application for issuance of license, the Certificate of License shall be released
only upon compliance/submission of the following:
1. Payment of license fee in the amount of PSO,OOO.OO
2. Three (3) copies of escrow agreement in the amount of P1 million with bank confirmation of
escrow deposit with an accredited reputable bank. A standard form of the escrow agreement is
available at the Licensing and Evaluation Division
3. Original copy of a surety bond in the amount of P100.000.00 together with original copy of the
offteial receipt from a bonding company acceptable to the POEA. The surety bond shall include
the following conditions:
a. It shall answer for all valid and legal claims arising from violation of the conditions
for the . grant and use of the license and/or accreditation and contracts of
b. Guarantee compijance with the Labor Code and its implementing rules and
regulations, relating to recruitment and placement, rules of the POEA and relevant
issuances of the Department and all liabilities which the Administration may impose.
c. That notice to the principal is notice to the surety and that any judgment against the
principal in connection with matters falling under POEA's/NLRC's jurisdiction shall
be binding and conclusive on the surety.
d. That the surety bond shall be co-terminus with the validity of the license.,