Corona Effect in Power System - Electrical Engineering
Corona Effect in Power System - Electrical Engineering
Corona Effect in Power System - Electrical Engineering
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Electrical Power Transmission System
Performance of Transmission Line
ABCD Parameters of Transmission Line
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Long Transmission Line
Power System Stability
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Corona Effect in Power System
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Electrical Insulator
Corona Effect in Power System
Electric-power transmission practically deals
in the bulk transfer of electrical energy,
from generating stations situated many
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26/03/13 11:06 PM Corona Effect in Power System | Electrical Engineering
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Insulator Testing
Electrical Isolator or Isolation Switch
Transmission Tower
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kilometers away from the main consumption
centers or the cities. For this reason the
long distance transmission cables are of
utmost necessity for effective power
transfer, which in-evidently results in huge
losses across the system. Minimizing those
has been a major challenge for power
engineers of late and to do that one should
have a clear understanding of the type and
nature of losses. One of them being the
corona effect in power system, which has a
predominant role in reducing the efficiency
of EHV(extra high voltage lines) which we
are going to concentrate on, in this article.
What is corona effect in power system and why
it occurs?
For corona effect to occur effectively, two
factors here are of prime importance as
mentioned below:-
1) Alternating potential difference must be supplied across the line.
2) The spacing of the conductors, must be large enough compared to the line diameter.
When an alternating current is made to flow across
two conductors of the transmission line whose
spacing is large compared to their diameters, then
air surrounding the conductors (composed of ions) is
subjected to di-electric stress. At low values of
supply end voltage, nothing really occurs as the
stress is too less to ionize the air outside. But when
the potential difference is made to increase beyond
some threshold value of around 30 kV known as the
critical disruptive voltage, then the field strength
increases and then the air surrounding it
experiences stress high enough to be dissociated
into ions making the atmosphere conducting. This
results in electric discharge around the conductors due to the flow of these ions, giving rise
to a faint luminescent glow, along with the hissing sound accompanied by the liberation of
ozone, which is readily identified due to its characteristic odor. This phenomena of
electrical discharge occurring in transmission line for high values of voltage is known as the
corona effect in power system. If the voltage across the lines is still increased the glow
Corona Effect in Transmission