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(Distributor Agreement) : Example of Supply Agreement

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example of supply agreement (DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT)

First Party : Thalmayr H. GmbH. whose registered address is Hangstrae 10, A-510
Anthering, A!stria "The #an!$a%t!rer&.
Second Party : LLC Store Protection Systems Russia, Ekaterinburg, Metallurgov st., 2
(The Distribtor)
1. This Agreement $orms the basis o$ a 'memorand!m o$ !nderstanding( between
the two )arties and %on$irms the trading terms $or a m!t!al %oo)eration by
whi%h the *istrib!tor will sell the #an!$a%t!rers )rod!%ts.
. The *istrib!tor has a re%ogni+ed mar,et and e-isting %!stomers where
o))ort!nities e-ist $or new, !)grade, and %on.ersion )ro/e%ts !tilising The
#an!$a%t!rers )rod!%t de$ined as T-mati%
. The #an!$a%t!rer agrees to gi.e
sole and e-%l!si.e s!))ly to The *istrib!tor $or the T-mati%
A1P2000 )rod!%t
within 1!ssia. 3n ret!rn The *istrib!tor agrees to target the sale o$ The
#an!$a%t!rers )rod!%t $or these a))li%ations. The e-%l!si.ity o$ s!))ly will not
a))ly to any 4!otations 5 o$$ers made by The #an!$a%t!rer to any other %lients
within the territory )rior to the date o$ this agreement.
2. The *istrib!tor will be $ree to !tilise the names T-mati%
and Thalmayr relati.e
to )romotional a%ti.ities $or )rod!%ts )rod!%ed by The #an!$a%t!rer. the
*istrib!tor will not be a!thorised to ma,e any legal or %ontra%t!al agreements
!nder the name o$ the #an!$a%t!rer witho!t )rior agreement.
6. The *istrib!tor will be $ree to a%t as an inde)endent mer%hant and to set )ri%es
and trading terms with its %!stomers.
5. The *istrib!tor a%%e)ts all res)onsibilities asso%iated to the im)lementation o$
sa$e wor,ing )ra%ti%es and %om)lian%e to lo%al dire%ti.es asso%iated to these
a%ti.ities and will indemni$y The #an!$a%t!rer a%%ordingly.
7. The #an!$a%t!rer will )ro.ide to The *istrib!tor with sales literat!re,
)hotogra)hs, )romotional material and any te%hni%al in$ormation $or the T-
)rod!%t in%l!ding "b!t not limited to& man!als, wiring diagrams et%
)rom)tly on re4!est and $ree o$ %harge. The *istrib!tor is allowed to !se this
material while the agreement is in $or%e and will %ease !se i$ the agreement is
8. 3$ training is re4!ired at The #an!$a%t!rers )remises this will be )ro.ided $ree
o$ %harge by The #an!$a%t!rer and The *istrib!tor will )ay his own %osts.
9. The #an!$a%t!rer will ,ee) The *istrib!tor $!lly in$ormed on $!t!re )rod!%t
Page 15
Prod!%t : T-mati%0 A1P2000 in%l!ding all asso%iated %om)onents, s)ares and
Territory : 1!ssia
Payments : in ad.an%e
;arranty : 1 months $rom the date o$ des)at%h $rom The #an!$a%t!rer.
This agreement is en$or%ed by the signat!res o$ *ire%tors re)resenting the two )arties.
Any dis)!te that %annot be reasonably settled by the signatories will be the s!b/e%t o$
arbitration .ia The 3nternational <hamber o$ <ommer%e.
Hermann Thalmayr
Thalmayr H. GmbH.
Tha!"ayr #$ G"b# % #an&strasse '( % A)*'(+ Antherin&
Phone: ((,- .++- +,-+ /a0: ((,- .++- +,'(
E"ai!: o11ice2tha!"ayr$co" 3eb: 333$tha!"ayr$co"
*ate =.05.01
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