The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
The Herald: The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga
POTLUCK MEAL - SUN 5th of JULY Last year we ran an amazing Parish
The Wardens and vicar are keen to Concert and this year it promises to be
The Herald
To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.
promote an even greater sense of
community within the parish and have
designated Sunday the 5th of July as
day when everyone in the parish is
even better. We've limited the length of
the concert and therefore the number
of items. Supper also will be at the
end. At the back of the church are
Sunday 28th June 2009 encouraged to either host or be a sheets to note your name and the
guest at a potluck meal with other items you would like to perform. Time
parishioners. There will be sheets at constraints may limit you to just one or
Theme for this Sunday: Who do you say that I am
the back of each church where you two items but you can list several so
Readings: Isa 52:13-53:12, Luke 9:18-36 can indicate whether you want to be a put them in order of priority. There are
host and how many guests you can also invites to hand out to folk. Please
Theme for 5th July: St Thomas, Apostle & Martyr handle, or whether you simply want to bring a dessert to share as well.
Readings: Hab 2:1-4, Psalm 117, Eph 2:19-22, John 20:24-29 be a guest. Please fill these in over the MARRIAGE COURSE
next few weeks. Liaise with the hosts
Tim Writes there because someone discipled us.
re: time, special dietary requirements,
25th July, Relate, a marriage seminar
Someone invested time, energy and by Family Life designed to ignite your
Praise God we have etc.
prayer into discipling us. The key marriage. Brochures at back.
managed to rent the
question is who are we discipling? I
vicarage and to do so What's On This Week!
believe very strongly that there is
within a week of Mon 29th All Day Vicars Day off
someone for everyone. Someone
advertising which Tues 30th 7:00am Ecumenical Prayer Meeting
whom God would have us disciple.
enables us to meet our commitments 9:00am Wardens Meeting
Someone we are praying for and
to Holy Trinity Parish who had covered 12noon Community Dinner
investing time into with the intention
the Neale's up until the end of June. 6:30pm Friendship Kids
that they too become a disciple of
Perfect timing, couldn't be better! I Wed 1st 10:00am Dixon House Communion
Jesus. Who is it for you? Take a
have also done a bit of an inspection of 7:00pm Shirley Smith's Home Group
moment now and in prayer ask God
the house which we know to be cold at 7:30pm Lorimer's Home Group
who it is and then intentionally think
times and have discovered the ceiling Thurs 2nd 9:00am Bible in Schools Runanga
about how you are going to disciple
insulation could do with an 7:30pm Parish Prayer Meeting
that person.
improvement and that there is no Fri 3rd 9:00am Bible in Schools Cobden
underfloor insulation. Our plan is to WOMEN'S AGLOW Sat 4th 10:30am Music Group Practice
insulate the floor and ceiling and to put Women's 'All New Aglow' at theRIVER 12noon Music Group Meeting of Mora's
down a moisture barrier under the floor Church, 77 Packers Quay, Blaketown, Sun 5th 9:00am Runanga Church Service
as well. This should improve the Thurs 2 July 7.30pm. Come and hear 10:30am Cobden Church Service
warmth of the property no end. We are the new Elim Pastor Julie Kenny share 12noon Invite home for a meal Sunday
eligible for the new Government what God has placed on her heart for
scheme and with some Diocesan the women. Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Tim Mora, 186 Main South Rd, Greymouth 7805
assistance we should be able to Parish Postal Address: P.O.Box 476, Greymouth 7805
complete the project relatively cheaply. ST ANDREW'S BLAKETOWN Phone & Fax: 768 9605 Mobile: 027 204 8560
Last week we talked in church Is up for sale. Pray for The River Email: [email protected]
about discipleship; recognising that church which meet there to know Vicars Warden: Eric Holman 768 7704 E-Mail: [email protected]
disciples are not perpetual learners but God's will and how to proceed.
Peoples Warden: Nolene Millar 768 4638 E-Mail: [email protected]
rather like all apprentices reach a point Blackball Contact Person: Trevor Johnston 732 3820
where they need to become Lawn Mowing Roster
Runanga Contact Person: Barry Smithson 762 7826
replicators. Everyone of us in church is 28th June Stewart Nimmo Website & Newsletter: