Sufficient Earnings To Be Able To Spend Money On Holidays: Early Tourism Businesses
Sufficient Earnings To Be Able To Spend Money On Holidays: Early Tourism Businesses
Sufficient Earnings To Be Able To Spend Money On Holidays: Early Tourism Businesses
E A R LY T O U R I S M B U S I N E S S E S 9
Sunday became a true day of rest, with factories closed and workers not having to tend
crops and animals on a seven-day-a-week basis. This meant that one day a week could be
available for rest or recreation – excursionism, the less-than-twenty-four-hour variant of
tourism, became a possibility. In many countries there was a legal imperative to give
people guaranteed leisure time. In the UK an 1871 Act established Bank Holidays and
within two decades many cities and towns had established formal half-day closing, and the
1901 Factory Act gave six days’ holiday a year to women and young people.