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Witchology, the history of Wicca & Witchcraft
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1999 by Dr Leo Ruickbie as a research
and education provider specialising in
the areas of Witchcraft, Wicca,
Paganism, Magic (Magick) and the
Occult. We have been online
continuously since 2000.
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prejudice featuring an interview with a
Witch. (All About Eve, BBC Magazines,
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"The Supernatural is the
perfect introduction to
the world of all things
eerie, inexplicable and
otherworldly." - Jason
Karl, Most Haunted
Coming in 2012!
"Witchcraft out of the
Shadows: A Complete
History is an engaging
book which deserves to
be the benchmark for
all future analyses of the
Craft." More
"Dr Ruickbie has
re-evaluated the Faust
tradition from a position
of authority. A work of
Open Source Wicca: The Gardnerian Tradition free at
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meticulous scholarship
that can be read as a
gripping page-turner."
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Candle game: Seated, the men form a circle, passing a lighted
candle from hand to hand "deosil". The women form circle outside,
trying to blow it out over their shoulders. Whoever's hand it is in
when it is blown out is 3 times purified by whoever blew it out,
giving fivefold Kiss in return. This game may go on as long as the
people like.
Cakes and wine, and any other games you like.
Dismiss [the guardians, and close down the magic circle; the people
then stay to] feast and dance.
1954 [See print version]
Project Page
The mat erial published online represents an abridged and differently formatt ed version
of t he print publication. The online mat erial is made available at Dr Ruickbie' s own
expense - your support is vital t o make sure t hat Open Source Wicca remains free
and available t o everyone. Please help support t his project by ordering Open Source
Wicca: The Gardnerian Tradit ion by Dr Leo Ruickbie, unabridged wit h int roduct ion,
bibliography, additional material and original cover art .
The Open Source Wicca Project
Open Source Wicca: The Gardnerian Tradition
Gardner's original ritual documents, sometimes
referred to as the Gardnerian Book of Shadows,
covering Wicca's formative years from 1949 to
1961. Contents include: Casting the Circle, Drawing
Down the Moon, Lift Up the Veil, Initiation, The
Sabbat Rituals, and more.
[Read online][Get the book]
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The Open Source Wicca Logo
The Open Source Wicca logo is based on the copyleft symbol showing
a reversed (c) surrounding a pentagram.
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