2012-Attoumbre Et Al.J Chromatogr B (Corrected Proof)
2012-Attoumbre Et Al.J Chromatogr B (Corrected Proof)
2012-Attoumbre Et Al.J Chromatogr B (Corrected Proof)
CHROMB-18104; No. of Pages 5
Journal of Chromatography B, xxx (2012) xxxxxx
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Journal of Chromatography B
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Short communication
Preparative separation of glycoalkaloids -solanine and -chaconine by
centrifugal partition chromatography
Jacques Attoumbr
, David Lesur
, Philippe Giordanengo
, Sylvie Baltora-Rosset
S.I.P.R.E Comit Nord, rue des champs Potez, 62217 Achicourt, France
Laboratoire des Glucides FR3517, UPJV, 33 rue St Leu, 80039 Amiens cedex, France
Universit de Picardie Jules Verne, 33 rue Saint Leu, 80039 Amiens cedex 1, France
Institut Sophia Agrobiotech, CNRS 7254 INRA 1355, Universit de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 400 route des Chappes, BP167, 06903 Sophia Antipolis, France
EDYSAN EA 4698, Universit de Picardie Jules Verne, Facult de Pharmacie, 1 rue des Louvels, 80037 Amiens cedex, France
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 23 April 2012
Accepted 14 September 2012
Available online xxx
Centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC)
High performance liquid chromatography
a b s t r a c t
The main glycoalkaloids of a commercial potato cultivar, -chaconine and -solanine, were extracted
from sprouts of Solanum tuberosum cv. Pompadour by a mixture of MeOH/H
COOH (400/100/50,
v/v/v). In these conditions, 2.8 0.62 g of crude extract were obtained from 50g of fresh sprouts and
the total glycoalkaloid content was determined by analytical HPLC at 216.5 mg/100 g. -Chaconine and
-solanine were separated in a preparative scale using centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC). In
a solvent system composed of a mixture of ethyl acetate/butanol/water (15/35/50, v/v/v), -chaconine
(54mg) and -solanine (15 mg) were successfully isolated from the crude extract in one step of puri-
cation. The purity of isolated compounds was determined to be higher than 92% by HPLC analysis.
2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Steroidal glycoalkaloids constitute an important class of biolog-
ically active compounds in potato (Solanaceae) plant family which
is a very valuable crop that provides high-quality nutrition to bil-
lions of people around the world. These secondary metabolites
are involved in plant resistance to pests and predators and have
been shown to be toxic to a wide range of organisms from fungi
to humans [1,2]. Glycoalkaloids (GAs) are usually distributed in all
plant organs with a main localization in sprouts, owers and skin
[3]. Their structures and concentrations largely depend on potato
lines and environmental factors and it has been shown that GAs
can accumulate to high levels in greened, stored, damaged, and
irradiated tubers for example [4].
-Chaconine and -solanine are the major potato glycoalka-
loids (PGAs) in commercial cultivars and are intensively studied
because of their greatest contribution to the total GA content and
their bioactivity. The potential human poisoning effect of PGAs has
led to the implementation of safety regulations limiting their con-
tent in edible tubers to 20mg/100g fresh weight involving the
development of numerous reliable analytical methods [3]. More-
over, biological activity of PGAs is not limited to their toxicity and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 03 2282 7770; fax: +33 03 2282 7469.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Baltora-Rosset).
they have been reported to possess pharmacological properties [2].
To study and validate their potential health-promoting effects in
humans, effective extraction procedures and preparative separa-
tion methods are needed. Various analytical methods have been
reported for the determination of GAs. The simplest methods, such
as gravimetric and colorimetric ones, lack the required specicity
and suffer fromcontamination by other potato components. Other
techniques such as immunoassays rely on the specicity of anti-
bodies to get better sensitivity and to eliminate tedious sample
preparation process but are not suitable to recover isolated prod-
ucts [5]. The main methods used to detect, quantify and isolate
GAs are chromatographic techniques such as gas chromatogra-
phy (GC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or
liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry
(LCESI-MS) [69]. Because of their complex chemical structures
(hydrophobic 27-carbon skeleton of steroidal alkamine attached
to a hydrophilic trisaccharide), serious technical difculties are
associated with PGAs quantitative analysis and isolation. GC anal-
ysis requires chemical derivatization. As GAs show no suitable
chromophore for HPLCUV methods, their detection has to be
made at around 200210nmwhere many compounds absorb light
leading to tedious sample preparations to overcome background
noise. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) currently used to purify GAs
from plant matrixes before their analysis by HPLC often leads to
extremely variable results for recoveries [7,8]. Moreover, evenafter
SPE clean-up, the analysis of GAs extracts by HPLC requires a strict
1570-0232/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: J. Attoumbr, et al., J. Chromatogr. B (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jchromb.2012.09.025
CHROMB-18104; No. of Pages 5
2 J. Attoumbr et al. / J. Chromatogr. B xxx (2012) xxxxxx
pH control to observe efcient detection and separation and the
composition of the mobile phase is also an important factor to
ensure good solubility of GAs. The need to use buffers to set a
suitable pH for the HPLC technique limits its use for the develop-
ment of easy preparative procedures since a nal extraction step is
necessary to remove salts and to recover the isolated product.
Only few protocols for GAs preparative isolation are described
in the literature. -Chaconine and -solanine were isolated at a
preparativescalebySoulet al. byMPLC. 86.7mg and66.5mg were,
respectively, obtained from 1kg of potato peel [10]. The authors
mentioned the simplicity but the low yield obtained in the MPLC
separation. Moreover, the purity of solanine (85%) is not sufcient
for further use. Recently, Paul et al. developed an efcient LCMS
protocol for preparative scale isolation and quantication of two
steroidal alkaloids solamargine and solasonine fromSolanum xan-
thocarpum [11]. However, in addition to the equipment which is
not readily available, this method requires the use of formic acid
in the mobile phase. This may involve additional processing of the
puried compounds according to their future use because GAs can
be hydrolyzed in the presence of acid when they are evaporated to
dryness [7].
Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) is a chromatographic
technique which benets from some advantages when compared
with LC techniques: (i) no non-specic adsorption to a solid sup-
port, (ii) higher selectivity, (iii) higher sample loading capacity,
(iv) reduction of solvent quantity and (v) shorter separation time.
Fukuhara et al. described an efcient semi-preparative scale iso-
lation of GAs from Solanum incanum by the sequential use of
rotationlocular countercurrent chromatography and droplet coun-
tercurrent chromatography (RLCC and DCC) [12]. 170mg of pure
compounds were obtained from 550g of fresh ripe fruits of S.
incanum. A new GA, arudonine, was also isolated by CCC by
bioassay-guided fractionation of a root bark extract of Solanum
arundo [13]. A pH-zone-rening CPC was successfully imple-
mented for the preparative isolation of two GAs, solamargine
and solasonine [14]. Only solamargine was recovered in one
step by CCC while a further step using MPLC was necessary to
yield pure solasonine. In addition when using this technique,
removal of acid or base from the separated products may be
inconvenient [15].
The aimof this study was to develop an efcient method for the
isolationandpuricationof -chaconine and-solanine fromfresh
sprouts of Solanum tuberosum (cv. Pompadour) without sample
clean-up and in the shortest time. The objective was fully achieved
by the use of CPC which led to the successful separation of the
two GAs of high purity used for further chemical modulations and
biological studies.
2. Experimental
2.1. Chemical reagents
-Chaconine and -solanine used as reference standards were
purchased from Extrasynthese (France). All organic solvents were
analytical grade and purchased fromProlabo (France).
2.2. Apparatus
The CPC instrument used in this study is a SPOT CPC 100 Light
(Armen Instrument) tted with a rotor of 10 circular partition
disks (1000 partition cells: 0.1ml per cell; total column capacity
of 100ml). Rotation speed can be chosen from 0 to 4000rpm. The
efuent was monitored by a Lash 06 DAD detector (ECOM, Prague)
equipped with a preparative owcell operating at 202 and 210nm
and collected by a LS 5600 (Armen) fraction collector.
The HPLC used was a Shimadzu HPLC System including a LC-
20AT pump and a SPD-M20A diode-array detector.
LCMS spectra were performed on a Waters 2695 Alliance cou-
pled with a quadrupole mass spectrometer ZQ (Water-Micromass,
Manchester, UK) equipped with an electrospray ion source (ESI-
MS). LCESIMS were recorded in the positive and negative ion
mode. The capillary voltage was 3.5kV and a cone voltage range
from20 to 60V was used. Data acquisition and processing were
performed with MassLynx V4.0 software.
2.3. Preparation of crude extract
50g of freshsprouts of S. tuberosumcv. Pompadour were ground
and extracted by 550ml of CH
COOH (400/100/50,
v/v/v) under agitationfor 12hat roomtemperature. After ltration,
the mixture was concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain a
syrup consistence. This residue was dissolved in 75ml of CH
and75ml of NH
OH(commercial solutionat 30%) was addedunder
cooling. The precipitate was recovered from the mixture by cen-
trifugation at 5000rpmfor 30min. 2.8g of residue were obtained,
re-dissolved in CH
OH and stored at 4
F9 91.9 0.15
F10 58.8
F11 100.0 0.23
F12 100.0 0.66
F13 100.0 0.68
F14 66.3
F15 87.0
F16 95.8 0.23