Bobcat Bulletin 8-11-14

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A Schools to Watch Taking Center Stage Model Middle School A California

Distinguished School
Back to School BBQ- Friday August 15
EHMS Parents Club invites all Edna Hill families to our Back to School BBQ this Friday, August 15
at 6:00 pm.
There will be hamburgers and hot dog meals available with pre-sold ticets for !". #ll pre-order forms are due b$
Thursda$% #ugust &
. Parents Club is now selling ticets and order forms are available in the PC Pawprint 'ewsletter
or the Main (ffice. )e will also have carnival games% music% and fun for the whole famil$. Come out to celebrate the
*obcat )a$ and ic off a great +,-+" school $ear-
Chrrydal Fu!draisr "oi!g o! #o$!
Edna Hill Middle School Parents Club sponsors the annual Cherr$dale fundraiser each $ear. The fundraiser began
on )ednesda$% #ugust .
and will continue through %d!sday, August &0
! This is a great opportunit$ to raise
funds to support si/th grade science camp and other student programs at Edna Hill.
'ou ar (!)itd to att!d a 6
"rad*#$ Family +ar!t Co,,
)e will discuss partnering together toward achieving student success-
-hursday, August 1.
/-10 A0 i! 1oom 123
0earn the Edna Hill )a$
Meet School 0eadership
1et information on how to help $our student be successful in middle school
"t i!)ol)d a!d mt our +ar!ts4 Clu5!
(mporta!t 6ats to 1mm5r at 7d!a 8ill 0iddl School
1rade2'ew Parent Coffee 32+, 4 5 am in 6oom +7
*ac to School 6all$ 32+"
School **8 32+" 4 . pm
August 11, 2014 Issue #3 Weekly
1ad #aturally Starts -usday August 1/th!
9f $ou want to continue or start with the 6ead 'aturall$
Computer 6eading 9ntervention Program% please let Mrs.
Prochasa now. :our students progress is reported to $ou
;uarterl$. )e have seen great results with this program and
have used it successfull$ for man$ $ears. )e loo forward to
seeing $ou again in 6oom < beginning on Tuesda$%
#ugust +5th. Contact= fprochasa4brentwood.+<
or "+7-.,,>.
780S 0ar:u
)e would lie to send out a 8;"7 -8A#< '=; to
our Parents Club for the ama?ing digital mar;uee
in front of our school--- :ou are FAB;>=;S!
Contact Us:
School Office: 925-513-6440 Fax: 925-513-0696 Web: wwwb!entwoo"#12ca$s
%!inci&al: 'i!sten (obb #)obb*b!entwoo"#12ca$s
+ice-%!inci&al: ,a!ia -on.ale. /0on.ale.*b!entwoo"#12ca$s
+ice-%!inci&al: 1an 2awle3 "hawle3*b!entwoo"#12ca$s
Co$nselo!: Sa!aina Sil4a ssil4a*b!entwoo"#12ca$s
%a!ents5 Cl$b %!esi"ent: 6eann Weibe!t 513-6440 x4096 eh/s&a!entscl$b*3ahooco/
0iving the @e$ of Flexibility means to
get off of whats not woring to get our
desired outcome. 9ts a willingness to
shift perspectives and change if
needed to reach our goals.
Spirit Week 8/11-8/15:
Monda$= Mi/ Match
Tuesda$= TA Character Ba$
)ednesda$= 3>s Becade
Thursda$= Cali C#rticles that
represent CaliforniaD
Erida$= E/treme Spirit

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