Border Reiver War Rules

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Border Reiver Feud War Rules

Items needed
1 pack of numbered cards from 1 to 10 which equates to the equivalent
in inches marked as follows : 1 2 ! ! ! " " " # # # $ $ $ % &
10 a total of 1% cards
'everal 2"(2% mm individual )*ures put into clans plus individuall+ based farm
Foot )*ures ,hounds based on 1- diameter bases .orsemen based on two 1-
/hickens pi*s sheep and cow approiate base si0es to )t )*ures1
'i2 sided dice
!0 event cards
! cards marked with farm animals 1 sa+in* & chickens 1 sa+in* $ pi*s 1
sa+in* " sheep and 1 sa+in* cows
3inimum cards with 1 marked defender 2 marked attacker1 /an be 1
a*ainst ! etc1
1 direction dice arrows pointin* on all # sides
3easurin* ruler in inches
4he aim of the *ame is for +our clan either to capture all the farm
animals and transport them o5 the battle)eld or to defend the farmstead
and keep hold of the farm animals for a set number of da+s1 When
returnin* to +our startin* point +ou must keep one clan member there to
look after +our captured farm animals1 4here is no lo+alt+ between clans,
ever+ clan for itself1
1 /hicken is worth 1 point when taken o5 the battle)eld or kept at the
1 6i* is worth 2 points when taken o5 the battle)eld or kept at the farmstead
1 'heep is worth points when taken o5 the battle)eld or kept at the farmstead
1 /ow is worth ! points when taken o5 the battle)eld or kept at the
7ou cannot kill an+ farm animals
Battle)eld scenario of 8ebateable 9and
6osition farmstead in middle with
: Field of farm animals
'equence of 6la+
6ick +ou troops from the lists provided
4hrow 128# dice 12! 'prin*(:utumn "# 'ummer
4he da+s are split into hours of 4wili*ht 'prin*(:utumn " .ours equals 10 turns
'ummer # .ours equals 12 turns
'hu;e the minimum cards marked 1 defender clan and 2 attacker clans if onl+
are pla+in* and distribute between the pla+ers Whoever is the defender
shu;es the ! cards marked farm animals and picks 1 card1 .e then sets up in
the middle of the battle)eld1 .e then has scener+ to place an+ where he wants
to1 4his consists of 1 dense wood <ma2 of 12- b+ 12-= 2 li*ht woods <ma2 12-
b+ 12-= 1 broken *round <ma212-b+12-= 2 hills <ma212- b+ 12-= 1 river *oin*
from one table ed*e to another table ed*e and then place 1 brid*e and 2 fords
an+where on the river he can also place ! walls up to #- in len*th up to #-
around his farmstead and )eld he then places his )*ures and farm animals then
he can be prepared to be attacked1 4he :ttackin* 6la+ers throw 12d# and the
hi*hest picks which side he wants to attack from and so on1
>ach 4urn <consists of 10 or 12=<: /lan in their turn can 3ove or Fire or :ttack in
>ach /lan 9eader throws 128# to determine who *oes )rst on each da+1<the
hi*hest wins= then clockwise round the table 14his also applies to the defendin*
>ach 4urn <4his also applies to the defendin* clan e2cept the clan does not pick
an event card=
>ach /lan 9eader shu;es the 1% numbered cards each time and picks one1 4his
is there movement in inches1 i1e : card with the number # on equals #- for
foot 4his becomes 12- for mounted .owever if +our foot )*ure or +our
horseman has 2 wounds, movement is halved at all times1
1 chicken has a ma2imum movement of #-
1 pi* has a ma2imum movement of %-
1 sheep has a ma2imum movement of 10-
1 cow has a ma2imum movement of 12-
4hese movements will also appl+ if the animals *et loose1 If there are " pla+ers
then the farm animal which is loose if not contacted b+ a )*ure will then throw a
direction dice and pick a movement card each turn " times or more
dependin* on capture1 If however the loose farm animal leaves the table area
it is deem lost and does not return back onto the table area1
4here is no deductions for movin* throu*h soft (hard cover dismountin* and
mountin* and turnin* to face opponents <see also melee=1
4hen each /lan 9eader picks an >vent /ard pre shu;ed 1<:fter last event card
picked reshu;e= Read and take action before movement1
Where rivers are concerned +ou can cross at an+ point but +ou must throw 128#
if +ou do not cross at a brid*e or ford1 4hrow 128# for each turn +ou spend in or
crossin* the river1 Result 1,2 8rown ,! 4urn back ",# ok to cross <this
applies for both foot ,hounds and horse=
Farm :nimals onl+ cross at fords and brid*es1
.orsemen ma+ decide to take short cuts and ?ump over fences and hed*es
4hrow 12#8 12 horse *oes lame 3ove at Foot speed rest of *ame !"#
.orsemen must *o round walls 1
Foot must *o round walls and hed*es1
3ovement with Farm :nimals
4o move a farm animal +ou must be in base to base contact1 <1 )*ure to 1 farm
animal= 4his means it will move with +ou at all times1 : /lan ma+ have 'leuth
.ounds < 1 hound per 1 farm animal for movement= which can if in base to base
contact with a farm :nimal move the farm animal without a foot or mounted
)*ure1 .owever if the foot or mounted moves more than #-awa+ from the 'leuth
.ound the farm animal will escape14he hound will return back to the nearest
clan )*ure i1e within #- If a farm animal escapes throw a direction dice and then
pick one of the 1% numbered cards1 3ove the farm animal in that direction, if the
farm animal contacts another foot or mounted )*ure it is then attached to that
clan1 7ou can still )*ht and defend in melee whilst still in base to base with a
farm animal1 Whoever is not killed holds onto the farm animal1 .owever if a
melee is in pro*ress and another )*ure *ets in base to base <and is not in melee=
contact with the farm animal he is entitled to take it1 Farm :nimals cannot be
taken with +ou if an event card states that +ou must return to +our startin* point
the+ become loose1 Farm :nimals then throw a direction dice and pick a
movement card1
4R@@6' and there cost1<7ou can onl+ use weapons that +ou have paid for in
points, +ou cannot use other clans weapons,horses and hounds, the+ are taken
o5 the battle)eld when killed=
If a clan horseman is killed none of +our )*ures ma+ claim that horse it is deem
lost with the horseman1
>ach /lan has a total of a 100 points to spend which is divided as follows:
: /lan 9eader cost no points but his weapons and armour will1
1Revier('oldier costs " points
1 .orse costs " points
1 'leuth .ound costs " points
Ao armour costs 0 points
9i*ht armour costs 2 points
.eav+ armour costs " points
>ach Weapon costs:
'word costs 2 points
Bill(Beddart a2e costs points
'mall /rossbow costs ! points <latch mainl+ used b+ the 'cots=
'pear (lance costs " points
Bow costs " points
6istol(8a** costs $ points
:rquebus costs 10 points < refered to as a hackbut=
/arbine costs 10 points < refered to as a calver used in late 1#
b+ mounted=
: clan leader and soldier cannot have more than 2 weapons< In melee can onl+
)*ht with 1=
FIRIAC <:ll troops have #0 de*rees vision and turn to face=
Ao pre measurement
9ine of si*ht onl+
'mall /rossbow close up to &- lon* up to 1%-
6istol close up to "- lon* up to 10-
:rquebus close up to &- lon* up to 1%-
Bow close up to 12- lon* up to 2!-
/arbine close up to &- lon* up to 1%-
/annot move and )re
/annot )re from horseback unless 6istol, /arbine1
Fire once per turn1
6istols and carbines and :rquebus <each= )re 1 turn load 1 turn )re 1 turn
load 1 turn etc1
Ao movement when loadin*1
Firin* table 4hrow 228# per 'hot1
D is a miss
E1 to dice score if )rin* at close ran*e
F1 )rin* with 2 wounds
8ice 4hrow 2 ! " # $ % &
10 11 12
Ao :rmour D D D D 1wound 1wound 1wound 1wound
killed killed killed
9i*ht :rmour D D D D D 1 wound 1 wound 1wound
killed killed killed
.eav+ :rmour D D D D D D 1 wound 1wound
killed killed killed
Behind soft cover
8ice 4hrow 2 ! " # $ % & 10
11 12
Ao :rmour D D D D D 1wound 1wound 1wound killed
killed killed
9i*ht :rmour D D D D D D 1wound 1wound killed
killed killed
.eav+:rmour D D D D D D D D
1wound killed killed
Behind hard cover
8ice 4hrow 2 ! " # $ % & 10
11 12
Ao :rmour D D D D D D D 1wound 1 wound killed
killed killed
9i*ht :rmour D D D D D D D D
1wound killed killed
.eav+:rmour D D D D D D D D D
D killed
If +ou receive wounds then +ou are classed as killed1
If )red upon b+ 6istol, /arbine or :rquebus chan*e 1 Wound in the charts to 2
: )*ure has #0 de*rees vision and can turn to face opponent without penalt+
If he is attacked b+ 2 )*ures and a
)*ure attacks he cannot turn to the rear to
: )*ure can onl+ attack in melee in their own turn sequence<an opponent
defends in +our turn sequence=1 :n attackin* )*ure can onl+ throw once in
: )*ure can onl+ use 1 weapon in an attack he ma+ use his )sts if he has no
3ust be in Base to Base contact < the e2ception is when a i1e wall is inbetween
)*ures ie soft cover=
Gp to )*ures ma+ attack 1 )*ure<this is classed as surrounded and the
defender cannot escape=
>ach )*ure throws 228# then adds and subtract modi)ers1 4he defender ma+
have to throw up to times if attacked b+ more than 1 )*ure in a turn1
4he hi*hest score wins the melee , check the di5erence and consult the chart to
see the result of the losin* )*ure1
E0 usin* weapon as a club
E1 sword
E2 bill(a2e
E spear(lance
E1 li*ht armour
E2 heav+ armour
E2 clan leader )*htin*
E1 attackin* foot )*ure movin* #- and over E2 cavalr+ 12- and over
E1 defendin* soft cover <defender onl+=
E2 defendin* hard cover <defender onl+=
E2 :ttackin* defender in the rear< 1 attackin* )*ure permitted when
defendin* )*ure surrounded=
E2 'econd :ttackin* )*ure a*ainst 1 )*ure
E! 4hird :ttackin* )*ure a*ainst 1 )*ure
F1 no armour
F1 usin* )sts no weapon
F2 )*htin* horseman <this does not appl+ to second or third )*ures attackin*=
F1 for each wound
8i5erence between )*ure melee scores
0 1 2 ! " # $ %
& 10 11 12E
D D D 1wound 1wound 1wound 2wounds 2wounds 2wounds killed
killed killed killed
D H no wound
If an opponent is not killed, in their turn sequence the+ can continue )*htin* or
can move awa+, unless blocked in b+ )*ures <the+ must continue )*htin*1=
Farm animals cannot block )*ures in melee, the+ have ?ust to be moved to one
side while the melee is )nished1 If +ou are blocked in b+ )*ures and +ou have
a farm animal the animal becomes loose 1it will move ne2t turn If not captured
7ou cannot pass throu*h an+ )*ure even if friendl+ +ou must pass round and not
If a /lan 9eader is killed /lan members receive F2 on melee attack and all
movement is halved1
/lan 9eaders tell /lan members what to do <+ou are basicall+ that person= and
wil lead them in movement and )rin* and melee see above if he is killed1 <+ou
will still control the /lan=1
4he defendin* clan takes its turn in movement,)rin* and melee but not in takin*
event cards1
4he defendin* clan can leave the clans settlement to recapture farm animals but
must wei*h up the options when leavin* farm animals in the )eld1 4he
defendin* clan cannot take farm animals with them to recapture other farm
animals taken b+ attackin* clans1
4he defendin* clan cannot take out the farm animals from their farm )eld1
:ll recaptured farm animals must be returned to the farm )eld1
4he defendin* clan can place his )*ures up to #- from the ed*e of the )eld and
farmstead but cannot venture forth unless to recapture farm animals or loose
farm animals
4he attackin* clans must mark their initial startin* point for event card purposes
4he 8efendin* /lan *ets E1 point for ever+ attackin* clan )*ure he kills and
Epoints for ever+ clan leader1
4he 8efendin* /lan can call for the 3arch Warden once a farm animal is taken
from the )eld1 When it is the 8efendin* /lans turn he throws 12d# 12 beacon
not lit !"# beacon li*hts and informs the 3arch Warden1 If successful on the
8efendin* /lans ne2t turn he throws 228# a score of & 10 11 12 the 3arch
Warden and his .ot 4rodd appears on an+ table side the 8efendin* /lans wants
4he 8efendin* /lan has 100points to spend on the 3arch Warden and the .ot
4rodd1 4he 3arch Warden<the 8efendin* /lan= picks a movement card strai*ht
after the defendin* clans *o but does not pick an event card1
7ou can decide to add more scener+ i1e1 hed*es ,forti)cations and hills etc1 but
+ou must all a*ree to it1

>I>A4 /:R8'
: 4@4:9 @F !0 >I>A4 /:R8' :R> A>>8>8
Write on cards
7ou challen*e a rival clan to a football match pick a rival clan Ao
movement or )rin* this turn for both clans can onl+ )*ht in melee if
7ou challen*e a rival clan to a drinkin* competition pick a rival clan no
movement or )rin* this turn for both clans can onl+ )*ht in melee if
3arch WardenJs wife is accidentl+ killed b+ one of +our clan members +ou
must han* him immediatel+ <take a )*ure o5 the battle)eld of +our
choice= does not appl+ to clan leader can onl+ appl+ once to the same
9ocal farm *irl needs punishin* +ou do not know whether to drown or burn
her Ao movement this turn while +ou deliberate
7our wife has been rumoured to have been kidnapped all clan members
turn back towards +our startin* point this movement turn 1
Blackmail is demanded send 1 )*ure of +our clan back to +our startin*
point to pa+ ransom and then he can return
'udden border shower Ao )rin* this turn
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
'udden Border showers no )rin* this turn
7ou )nd a barrel of beer no movement this turn
@ne of +our clan has been drinkin* accidentl+ shoots or stabs one of +our
own clan members 6ick one clan member and he receives 1 wound
If +ou have a horseman move 2 moves at foot speed horse has *one lame1
4ruce 8a+ +our clan decides to *et merr+ no movement this turn1
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
: heav+ shower blows over the borders no )rin* this turn
: drunken clan member picks a )*ht with a fellow clan member 1
member receives 1 wound +our choice
:ll +our horsemen move throu*h bo*e+ *round move at foot rate this turn
:ll +our foot move throu*h bo*e+ *round move at half rate this turn
7ou are lost in a *rim little valle+ turn back towards +our startin* point
this movement turn
7ou are lost in a *rim little valle+ turn back towards +our startin* point
this movement turn
@ne clan member has a dispute with the local priest and *ets stabbed for
his trouble he receives 1 wound +our )*ure choice
Cavelkind has happened to one of +our clan members one )*ure must
return to +our startin* point before he can return to the clan
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
3arches are quiet no penalties
.ills 7ou must state whether +ou are behind a hill or not1 If +ou are
behind a hill +ou cannot be seen or )red upon1 If +ou intend to )re +ou can
be seen, there will be no bonus for cover1
'oft /over
Broken *round
9i*ht woods
Walls after a turn of )rin*<inclusive of stone brid*es=
Wooden Brid*es
.ard /over
Walls after no turn of )rin* <inclusive of stone Brid*es=
'tone .ouses
Wooden .ouses
Forti)cations<inclusive of earthworks and 6arapits=
8ense Woods <impassable=

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