Servicing A Webasto Thermo Top C Diesel Boiler

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Servicing a Webasto Thermo Top C Diesel Boiler

By Chris Wyles.

I have just serviced my Webasto ThermoTop C today and took quite a lot of photos so that
I could post them here for the benefit of anyone wanting to have a go at doing their own
servicing. It is not difficult providing you have a reasonable "engineering" brain and are
happy to dissemble and reassemble stuff and have an innate ability to remember which
screw went where!

It took me about an hour and a half from tools out to tools back (that included stopping to
take photos). This is the third time I have done it so I am pretty familiar with it now. If
you allow yourself a good couple of hours so that you don't have to rush then you should
have no problem. Don't start work on it if it is still hot - allow the circulation water to cool
down first.

Usual disclaimer: what I am about to describe worked for me..... If it doesn't
work for you...........tough. I have no idea if my method of servicing the unit is
Webasto's way. Only attempt having a go if you feel confident and capable. (EBay
have all the spare parts if you break something!).

1. The first photo shows my Webasto as it looked before I started and afterwards (!). The
meter thing to the left is an hour meter that I fixed up a few months ago and which senses
when the Webasto's water pump is running. I have clocked up 321 hours of Webasto
running, since 16th October last, but I am not a liveaboard. That works out at about 80
hours a month which is mainly weekends so typically 5 hours in the morning and 5 hours
in the evening on Saturdays and Sundays. I usually service it every 500 hours.

Note the air intake pipe at the top (the whitish pipe). That simply pulls off the air intake
spigot. The lower whitish pipe is the exhaust pipe which needs a small socket to release
the jubilee clip and a bit of tugging. The two black pipes are the water in and out of the
unit, the one nearest you in the photo is the outlet pipe. Coming in from the left and
ending under the outlet water pipe in the photo, is the fuel inlet pipe. This has a small
jubilee clip on it which should be undone and the pipe eased off its spigot and gently eased
upwards so that no fuel runs out. The pipe is very flexible but don't put any drastic kinks in
it. Just ease it out of the way; it won't leak fuel providing you have it pointing upwards.

The next photo is the exhaust pipe's being removed

There are a couple of plugs on the top of the unit which unclip by depressing a plastic
catch and the plug pulled upwards. There is a black cover which needs to be removed too,
whose catch is immediately to the left of these plugs. You may not be able to remove it
until the unit is off the backwall, because there is a catch on the backside too. No matter.
Under the cover are three further mini plugs - they simply pull out. Although, the plugs
only fit in their own respective sockets, it's probably a good idea to make a sketch of which
plug goes where. The two visible plugs connect the unit to the outside world (power, fuel
pump and timer). The plugs under the cover connect the integral parts of the unit (water
pump, air pump and glowplug)

2. The next photo shows the unit from the left hand side and allows you to see the water
pump, which is the small black cylindrical jobby to which the black rubber water inlet hose
attaches. We shall be removing the water pump imminently.

3. Next photo is the removal of the outlet water pipe. You do NOT need to drain the whole
heating system. We will only drain out what was in the header tank and the in and out
pipes. It was about 2.5 litres in my case so have a container large enough to catch the
water but small enough to fit in the confined space to enable you to catch the water. I
used an old 3 litre ice cream container.

You WILL spill some, but no matter. The system can be topped up later with water because
the water/antifreeze mix is only 80% water: 20% antifreeze so the loss of a bit of the
mixture is not significant. Undo the jubilee clip, ease the rubber pipe off its spigot and get
ready to catch the water - it runs out fast and it's a big bore pipe! Allow the pipe to bend
down to drain as much as possible and then, either clamp the pipe with a G-cramp or tie
the pipe upwards out of the way to avoid its dribbling anymore water. Repeat for the inlet

4. The next photos show the fuel pipe tucked upwards out of the way and the bowl of
mixture to give you an idea of the amount. You can remove the water pipes before the fuel
pipe if you so desire.

5. Having drained the water from the unit, remove it from the backwall. It is usually held
by 4 screws into an 'X' shaped carrier. You do not need to remove the carrier itself from
the back of the Webasto unit. As you remove it from the wall, tip it up into your collecting
bowl to drain out any remaining water still inside the unit. If you didn't remove the black
cover previously, you can now do so and also ease out the three plugs underneath it.

The next photo shows the complete unit on the bench, ready for disassembly. NOTE THAT
OF THESE TO DO THE JOB (actually only 2 sizes are used). All the ones on the unit are the
same size with the water pump disassembly screws being slightly smaller.

The screw being undone in the photo is the one which releases the water pump, which you
should now do. The screw holds an aluminium clip around the water pump. The other end
of the clip is just that.... it clips under a small bar behind the water pump. It can be a bit
fiddly to release the clip but just twiddle it around and it will come out OK. You then just
need to release the sprung clip which holds the water pump outlet pipe to the main unit.
This needs a mole-grip to compress the clip while you pull the water pump off the pipe.
Use a mole-grip, a pair of pliers will keep slipping off because the clip is very strong and
will have you swearing.

Note that there are 4 screws around the face of the unit. One is just below the fuel inlet
pipe in the photo, or would be if I had not already removed it! If you look down on the unit
as in the photo, you will see the other three.

Remove the water pump and gently undo the 4 screws in its base to disassemble it. Mark
the case first so that you know the orientation of the base to the pump body on
reassembly. The unit is plastic so don't go mad when you reassemble it. Note how much
effort is required to release the screws and try to imitate that on reassembly.

The next photo shows the water pump with its bottom off. Check the impellor rotates
freely; it will feel "notchy" due to the magnets inside but it should be easy to turn and
offer no resistance other than the magnetic "notches". Check also that the base of the
water pump contains no swarf or detritus etc. If all is well, reassemble the water pump
and place it to one side.

6. Remove the 4 screws mentioned above in the face of the unit and gently ease the face
away from the body of the unit. The fuel pipe passes through a rubber grommet in the
face but gently pulling and easing will ensure it slips through the grommet and the face is
released as per the next photo.


The next photo shows a close up of the inside of the unit. You will see 4 more screws
which hold the burner unit in place. Remove these and also release, from their clips, the
blue and white wires which go to the glow plug. Note the position of the wires so that you
know where to put them on reassembly.

7. Having released the 4 screws and wires above, gently ease out the burner unit. Take a
look inside and note the carbon bits. The first is the inside of the burner unit and the
second is the main housing itself.


BEFORE scraping these out you need to very carefully remove the glowplug. Here's a close
up of the glowplug (the white thingy) still in the burner unit. Note the orientation of the
black dot marking so that you can replace the glowplug correctly later.

To the right of the glowplug, in the photo, there is a small metal clip. Pull it up and it will
come away - it might need a little gentle wiggly persuasion. Then VERY gently start to pull
the glowplug out. Use tiny wiggly motions if it is stubborn. Do NOT put any angular force
on it or it may snap and it's expensive to replace (60!!).

The next photo shows it removed. Wipe it ever so gently, scratch off any carbon with your
nail, and place it to one side (the glowplug, not your nail!)

8. Now clean out the main housing. You need to remove the carbon from between all the
little ribs. You will find the carbon comes away easily and its like brittle cigarette ash. I
use a small screwdriver to get rid of the bulk of the carbon, passing it down every rib. I
then use a small wire brush (a spark plug cleaning brush is great) to give it a good
brushing followed by the screwdriver again if there are any stubborn bits left. Shake the
unit out to get rid of all the, now loose, carbon.
It cleans up very well. Compare the finished unit next with the photo above and you will
see what I mean. Don't remove the screws that hold the water jacket to the main housing.
Webasto warn against doing this and there is no need anyway. I did do it the first time and
suffered no ill effects on reassembling it (with gasket goo) afterwards. The orange ring
around the main unit orifice is the gasket goo from the last servicing. Yours will not have
this but will have a gasket. The gasket MUST be replaced either by purchasing a gasket set
from EBay (~10-15) or using gasket goo as I have done.

9. Now clean out the burner unit by gently easing out the lumps of carbon. Note that there
is gauze at the bottom of the inside of the burner unit, which apparently aids the burning
of the diesel. It is fragile and should not be damaged. The carbon sticks to it and it will get
a bit damaged. My gauze has been damaged a lot after 3 services but the unit works
perfectly still so no need to panic if you do injure it slightly in some way. The next photo
shows how much carbon I got out of my burner unit. You will get a lot more out of the
main housing.

You will never get it as clean as the main housing, because its difficult to get inside it
owing to restricted access. Shake it out well afterwards to ensure all the loose stuff is out.
Check on the outside of the unit that the 4 small holes around the circumference of the
base are all clear.
10. Once you are satisfied that everything is as carbon-free as is practicable, insert a new
gasket on to the main unit or a bead of gasket goo. This is what I use..........

This is high temperature gasket goo and will easily withstand the temperatures involved in
the Webasto's operation. Make sure it says "Copper" on the tube, as per the photo. When I
re-service the unit, I leave the old goo in place as it compresses right down and helps the
new seal, providing it is sound.

BEFORE replacing the burner unit in the main housing, replace the glowplug gently into the
burner unit and replace the glowplug's retaining clip too.

Replace the 4 burner unit screws and feed the glowplug's wires into their retaing clips.

11. Now check the inside of the face you removed earlier. This where the combustion air
gets sucked in to. Note the thin rubber gasket. Assuming it is not broken, you can re-use

12. This part also contains the air (combustion) fan. You can remove the black cover at the
top by gently releasing the clips with a screwdriver. The photo shows the cover just
starting to lift.

Under the cover is the air fan itself. Ensure it revolves very freely when spun by hand and
then replace the cover. Here's a photo of the air fan.


13. Now reassemble everything in reverse order to disassembly. The water pump's outlet
pipe needs to be reinserted into the main housing pipe and the "mole grip" clip reinstated.
Don't forget the water pump's retaining clip and ensure the water pump itself is the right
way round. Push the water pump's wires back into the correct socket on top of the unit
and ensure the wires are placed neatly into their guide.

14. Screw the whole Webasto unit back to the bulkhead wall and push the water pipes
back over their respective spigots. Tighten the inlet pipe jubilee clip but not the outlet pipe
jubilee clip yet. Reattach the plastic top cover. Reattach the last two plugs with their wires
on top again. Reattach the fuel pipe and tighten its jubilee clip too. Reattach the exhaust
pipe and tighten its clip.

15. Refill the header tank with the saved mixture and top up any small difference with
fresh water.

As an aside, note that my header tank has 2 water pipes flowing in and out rather than
just being tee'd in, as is usual with heating systems. This is the recommended method
advocated by Webasto and is apparently much better at removing all air from the system.
Instead of being tee'd off the return pipe, the return pipe is cut and the header tank
inserted in-line, as per the photo, so all the water flows through the tank releasing air on
the way if any is present.

16. Now..... On the main unit, ease the outlet water pipe back till it is only just on its
spigot. Switch on the Webasto (or have someone switch it on) and ease the outlet water
pipe half off its spigot at the same time. After about a second, a big whoosh of water will
come out of the Webasto as the Webasto fills with water. Push the outlet pipe back on and
tighten its jubilee clip. This ensures there is no air inside the Webasto unit. This last
process takes a second or so... once you see a flow, push the pipe back on quickly or you
will be soaked. Top up the header tank again if necessary.

17. Allow the Webasto to heat up. Here comes the SCARY bit. The Webasto will inevitably
have some of the water/antifreeze mixture splashed on it and especially and definitely so
will the exhaust pipe fibre heat cladding. As the exhaust and the Webasto heat up, you will
get copious (huge) amounts of white smoke for about 30-40 minutes. Don't panic.... its
normal and its simply the spilt mixture, mainly on the exhaust cladding, evaporating
away. It will eventually subside and cease but it takes a good half an hour or so. It's
actually a good sign that the Webasto is indeed heating up. This photo does not show
enough smoke!!

Check the header tank level after about half an hour too. It should have risen slightly as
the water expands. If it has dropped a bit, top it up slightly.... it never has with me.

I hope this is useful but if anything is unclear, you know what to do.......

Copyright Chris Wyles 2009 Reproduction prohibited except for private use.

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