RFQ DMRC Cs14 Ibs Leaky Cable

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Invitation for

Techno-Commercial Proposal from OEM for

Design, Development, Implementation and Maintenance of IBS / Leaky
Coaxial Cable


Technical Owner

Satyam Singh

Commercial Owner

M.S. Krishna Kumar

Date of publication


Document Version

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1. Introduction

2. Project Overview

3. Integrated testing

4. Taking over Certificate

5. Defects Liability

6. Operation & Maintenance Manuals

7. List of Spares

8. Contract Spares

9. Commissioning Spares

10. Defects Liability Spares

11. Special Tools and Test Equipment

12. Training Requirements

13. Offer validity Period

14. Taxes

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1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to have a detail Technical as well as Commercial data sheet of
product proposed by OEM against this enquiry from L&T Construction bidding for one of the
most prestigious DMRC Phase-III CS 14 Radio System package.
It is to be noted that DMRC has stipulated that very little or no extension will be granted on
submission date..
We have been taking constant efforts in the direction, so as not to miss the deadline. In the same
spirit we are publishing this request for techno-commercial proposal to select few OEMs who in
our view have technically superior products. Every OEM also has a gigantic task of submitting
his technical compliance in a stipulated format by DMRC. We are sure that this exercise will be
mutually beneficial.

2. Project Overview

For efficient Metro railway management and operation, it is essential to have a well-organized
telecommunication network covering strategic locations like OCCs, passenger stations, depots,
and it is equally essential to have reliable links between the strategic locations and moving trains
or working staff along the railway track/Tunnel.

(1) The FOTS and Wide area Network being provided under FOTS Contract CS11 shall provide
all necessary communication channels for carrying voice, data, and video signals for Metro
railway management and operation from Stations/Depots TER to OCCs CER.

(2) A master clock system shall be provided under Master Clock Contract to distribute time signal
to all the clocks at stations, Depots and OCCs. Master Clock System shall also provide reference
timing signals for all telecom and other systems for network synchronization.

(3) This backbone transmission network, which shall provide the necessary communication
channels in the MRTS, shall be of adequate high quality, and shall have high reliability,
availability and expandability. On this back bone network in the MRTS, a private telephone
exchange network shall be constructed to provide basic telephone communication within the
MRTS it shall be used for MRTS management, personnel management, facility maintenance,
train operation and passenger guidance

The telecommunication system shall also consist of a direct line telephone communication

network exclusively for the train operation and maintenance functions CS14 Particular
Specification Confidential PS Chap-I Page 14 of 85

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(4) The Train radio system shall enable communication between the fixed strategic locations and
the moving trains as well as the moving working personnel along the railway track/Tunnel. The
train radio system shall also be used for depot operation. Train Radio communication shall also
be used for making PAS announcements from OCCs to the passengers on the train.

A Centralised Digital Recording System is to be provided in CERs at the OCCs for multichannel
voice recording of direct line communication, two way radio conversations, emergency or fire
messages broadcast on station PAS and train borne PAS initiated from OCCs.

(5) At the stations, a suitable public address system shall be provided for making
announcements to passengers regarding train arrival / departure and shall work as the primary
means of communication with passengers and staff during emergencies. In the normal case,
audio-broadcast shall be made from Station Control Room or Platform Supervisors Booth/Panel
and in a train by the driver. However, it shall also be possible for the OCCs to make
announcement to any station, group of stations or all stations.

(6) A Passenger Information Display system trigged by TC&S system shall automatically provide
real time visual information about train arrival/departure throughout the station. The PIDS display
shall be co-ordinated with PAS for real time passenger audio broad casts for train
arrival/departure PIDS shall enable the operator in SCRs and OCCs to display routine and
special emergency messages for passengers and staff in stations. Display boards shall be
provided for each platform side at all stations and in concourse at all stations of DMRC.

(7) A CCTV station surveillance system shall be built through CCTV contract for supervising
strategic operational locations like Station car park, AFC gates, ticketing offices and lobby,
escalator, Lifts and staircase exits and platform operational area and PF ends to ensure safe
operation of the Metro and security locations at stations. It shall be supervised from the station
control room, PSB and Security room at each station CS14 Particular Specification
Confidential PS Chap-I Page 15 of 85

simultaneously, and these video signals shall also be transmitted to the OCCs (at Main OCC and
Backup OCC) both as live and as recorded from the stations/Depot for remote supervision.
Similarly a CCTV depot surveillance system shall be built through CCTV contract. It shall be
supervised locally from DCC & Security and remotely from OCCs.

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3. Integrated testing

After completion of Integrated Testing and Commissioning for each Section, the Section
shall be subject to intensive service trials for a period to be determined by the Employer.
Any defects, deficiencies detected during these Service Trials shall be made good promptly
free of cost by the Contractor.

4 Taking Over Certificate

The Works shall be taken over by the Employer when they have been completed in
accordance with the Contract, have passed the Tests on Completion, including Integrated
Testing and Commissioning where ever applicable as per the contract, and a Taking Over
Certificate for the Works shall be issued. If the Works are divided into Sections, the
Contractor shall be entitled to apply for a Taking Over Certificate for each Section.

5. Defects Liability

During the Defects Liability Period the Contractor shall provide, free of cost, competent and
skilled personnel and maintain adequate stock of spares so as to promptly fulfil his
obligations during the Defects Liability Period as laid down in GCC and Employer's

The Defect Liability Period of a section or part of the work shall start from the date of
opening of the section for revenue services and shall continue until 24 months from the date
of taking-over of the relevant section or part of the work.

For the equipment and software supplied for OCC, the Defect Liability Period shall start
from the date of opening of the first section for revenue services and shall continue until 36
months from the date of taking-over of the whole of the Works.

6. Operation & Maintenance Manuals

The Operation and Maintenance Manuals and drawings submitted by the Contractor shall, if
required, be updated by him during the Defects Liability Period and re-submitted for review
by the Engineer.

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7. List of Spares

(a) The OEM shall submit along with the offer a schedule of spare parts duly indicating, for
each item of spares, its description, part number, lead time, shelf life and number of units
required for the system during the first ten years, , and also the unit price.

(b) Sum of Unit price of sub assembly/card/part of a Sub system should match with the price
of complete unit indicated in the BOQ. All parts of the complete unit should be covered in
the list of spares.

(c) The Employer may, during a period of ten years from the date of taking over of the whole
works, purchase as many parts as required by him, at the rates indicated in this schedule.

(d) If during the period of ten years, the OEM intends to discontinue the manufacture of
spare or replacement parts for the Telecommunication Systems the OEM shall
immediately give notice to the Employer of such intention. The Employer shall be given
the opportunity of ordering at reasonable prices such quantities of such spare or
replacement parts as the Employer requires in relation to the anticipated life of the

(e) In the event of OEM failing to supply the spare parts in accordance with this Clause, he
shall in respect of each item of spare, furnish free of cost to the Employer, the
specifications, patterns and other information to enable the Employer to make or have
made such spare parts. The Employer shall be entitled to retain the aforesaid drawings
etc., for such time only as is necessary for the exercise by the Employer of his rights
under this clause and the drawings, if the Contractor so requires, shall be returned by the
Employer to the Contractor in good order and condition (fair wear and tear excepted).

8 Contract Spares

8.1 Notwithstanding the quantities defined in the PS the quantity of Spare Parts shall be
sufficient for the full operation of the Permanent Works for the first one year following the expiry
of the Defects Liability Period for the works ("Contract Spares').

8.2 The Contractor shall supply and deliver the Contract Spares on or before completion of the
Systems Acceptance Test.

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9. Commissioning Spares

9.1 In addition to the Contract Spares, the Contractor shall keep on the Site throughout the
installation, erection and commissioning periods, sufficient stocks of Spare Parts to enable
immediate replacement of any item in the Permanent Works found to be defective or in any way
in non-conformance with the Specification during the installation, erection and commissioning
period ("Commissioning Spares").

9.2 The Contractor shall supply and deliver to his site office, the Commissioning Spares on or
before the commencement of any Partial Acceptance Tests (PAT) or as defined in the PS.

9.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative for review a list of all
Commissioning Spares that shall be made available during the installation, erection and
commissioning period.

The Contractor shall be entitled to use any of the Contract Spares to replace any item in the
Permanent Works during the installation, erection and commissioning periods. However
replacement of Contract Spares needs to be done before the completion of the System
Acceptance Test.

10 Defects Liability Spares

10.1 The Contractor shall keep sufficient stocks of Spare Parts in an off-site location in Delhi
throughout the Defects Liability Periods to enable rapid replacement of any item in the
Permanent Works found to require replacement as part of the Contractor's obligations during the
Defects Liability Periods ('Defects Liability Spares").

10.2 The Contractor shall have the Defects Liability Spares on or before the commencement of
the Service Trial.

10.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative for review a list of all Defects
Liability Spares that shall be maintained by the Contractor during the Defects Liability Periods.

10.4 The Contractor shall be entitled to use the Contract Spares to replace any item in the
Permanent Works during the Defects Liability Periods. However replacement of Contract Spares
needs to be done within one month of use.

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11 Special Tools and Test Equipment

11.1 The Special Tools and Test Equipment required by the PS shall be suitably packed and
identified in accordance with Chapter 8 above, consigned to the Employer by the Contractor and
delivered to the Employer in accordance with the Employers Representative's instructions not
later than the date scheduled for stage commissioning. The extent of supply shall include
protective carrying cases as may be appropriate for the storage and use of each item.

11.2 All Special Tools and Test Equipment shall be supplied with Operation and Maintenance
Manuals, complete diagrams, schematics, assembly and connection drawings, calibration
instructions and descriptions for future maintenance.

11.3 Where the Contractor has used the Special Tools and Test Equipment for installation and
commissioning of the Permanent Works, he shall refurbish and re-calibrate each item to the
satisfaction of the Employers Representative prior to handover to the Employer, accompanied
by the Certificate of Calibration traceable to a recognised International or National standard.

11.4 Where any item of Special Tools and Test Equipment is provided by the Contractor, it shall
be accompanied by drawings, manuals and full operating instructions to enable them to be used
by suitably skilled (but not necessarily specially trained) personnel in a non-hazardous manner
and to achieve the desired result in terms of accuracy and quality.

11.5 The Contractor shall provide the means and instructions which describe the parameters of
each item of Special Tools and Test Equipment that are critical to their proper methods of use
and which enable the Employer's staff using the Special Tools and Test Equipment to achieve
the proper performance and operation. Such means and instructions shall include, but not be
limited to, any routine checking or re-calibration needs for the Special Tool and Test Equipment

12 Training Requirements

The Contractor shall provide comprehensive training to the Employers staff to enable all of the
systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified as part of the Works to be operated and
maintained in the designed manner safely and efficiently so as to achieve the maximum
reliability and economy, and to meet the requirements of the Employers programme.

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13 Offer validit y Peri od

Proposals shall be valid for a period of 240 days (two hundred and Forty days) from the
date of the latest date of submission of OEM offer.

14. Taxes

The Bidders shall fully familiarize themselves about the applicable domestic taxes (such as
value added or sales tax, service tax, income taxes, duties, fees, levies, etc.) on amounts
payable by the Purchaser under the resultant Agreement. All such taxes must be shown by
OEM in the respective Commercial proposals.

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