Hdclone 3.7: User'S Manual
Hdclone 3.7: User'S Manual
Hdclone 3.7: User'S Manual
HDClone 3.7
Users Manual
Copyright 2002-2008 by Miray Software
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Chapter overview
1.2 Chara!ter !onventions
1." #eatures $
1.% &'ition overview $
2 Fields of application..........................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Upgra'ing har' 'is(s ) *igrating an +S ,
2.1.1 Unuse' 'is( spa!e ,
2.1.2 S*aller target *e'iu* 10
2.2 -ata res!ue 10
2." .nstallation ba!(up 10
2.% Mass !opying 11
2./ Master installations 11
2./.1 -upli!ating syste* installations 11
2./.2 0an'ling several *aster installations 11
2. 1roprietary har' 'is( for*ats 11
2.$ #orensi! 'ata se!uring 12
2.8 .*age files 12
3 Supported hardware......................................................................................................................................13
".1 +verview 1"
".1.1 0ar'ware re2uire*ents 1"
".1.2 Supporte' Me'ia 1"
".1." Unterst3t4te Controller 1"
".2 Co*patibility 1%
".2.1 Co*patibility test 1%
".2.2 Stan'ar's 1%
"." .-&56765S676 1%
".".1 .-&5676 !ontroller 1/
".".2 S6765S676-.. !ontroller 1/
"."." Multiwor' -M6 an' Ultra--M6 1/
".".% 8us *aster .-& !ontroller 1
"."./ 9es!hwin'ig(eit 1
".% SCS. 1
".%.1 Utili4ation 1$
".%.2 Co*patibility 1$
".%." Manufa!turer infor*ation 1$
".%.% -river infor*ation 1$
"./ US8 18
"./.1 Mass-Storage-Class 18
"./.2 U0C.: +0C. un' &0C. 18
"./." 0ubs 1,
". #irewire ;.&&&1",%< 1,
4 Installation.........................................................................................................................................................2
%.1 .ntro'u!tion 20
%.1.1 8ootable *e'iu* 20
%.1.2 Software pa!(age 20
%.2 .nstallation with =in'ows 20
%.2.1 .nstallation interfa!e 21
%.2.2 C-5->- writer not sele!table 21
%." .nstallation with other operating syste*s 21
%.".1 Creating a bootable floppy 'is( 21
%.".2 Creating a bootable C-5->- 22
! "ro#ra$ instructions......................................................................................................................................23
/.1 1reli*inary steps 2"
/.2 Starting the progra* 2"
/.2.1 Self-booting progra* 2"
/.2.2 =in'ows progra* 2"
/." 1rogra* s!reen 2"
/.".1 Status fiel' 2%
/.".2 +perating fiel' 2%
/.% +peration 2%
/.%.1 9raphi!al !ontrol ele*ents 2%
/.%.2 +peration with (eyboar' an' *ouse 2/
/./ 0elp 2
/. Sele!ting the !opying *o'e 2
/.$ Sele!ting 'ata sour!e an' target 28
/.$.1 Sele!ting a 'rive 28
/.$.2 Sele!ting a partition 28
/.$." -ea!tivate' list entries 2,
/.$.% .nfor*ation on the 'rive 2,
/.$./ Sele!ting an i*age file "0
/.$. Spee'7est "1
/.$.$ MultiCopy *o'e "1
/.8 Sele!ting the options "1
/.8.1 >erifying "2
/.8.2 ?o!(e' options "2
/.8." 9eneral options "2
/.8.% +ptions for sour!e an' target ""
/., Copying 'ata ""
/.,.1 Se!urity 2uery "%
/.,.2 6uto&@pan' "%
/.,." Copy ani*ation "/
/.,.% Status in'i!ation "/
/.,./ 1er!entage in'i!ation "/
/.,. 1rogress bar "/
/.,.$ Course of the pro!ess "
/.,.8 .nterrupting the running pro!ess "
/.10 7er*ination of the !opying pro!ess "
/.10.1 User abort "
/.10.2 Aegular ter*ination "
/.10." 6'Bust *e'ia para*eters "$
/.10.% #inal report "$
/.11 &n'ing the progra* ",
/.11.1 &n' 'ialog ",
/.11.2 9oo'-bye s!reen ",
6 %peratin# principles.......................................................................................................................................4
.1 Copying *o'es %0
.1.1 1reli*inary re*ar( %0
.1.2 1hysi!al !opy %0
.1." -rive-to-'rive %0
.1.% 1artition-to-partition %1
.1./ -rive-to-partition %2
.1. 1artition-to-'rive %2
.1.$ Create 'rive i*age %2
.1.8 Create partition i*age %"
.1., Aestore 'rive i*age %"
.1.10 Aestore partition i*age %%
.2 Si4e 'ifferen!es %%
.2.1 &2ual si4e %%
.2.2 S*all to large %%
.2." ?arge to s*all %/
." 6uto*ati! troubleshooting %/
.".1 .ntensive rea'ing5writing %/
.".2 Aea' errors %/
."." =rite errors %
.".% >erifi(ationsfehler %
.% 6rea !opy %
.%.1 Usage %
.%.2 #un!tioning %
./ Mass !opy ;MultiCopy *o'e< %$
./.1 Mo'e of operation %$
./.2 Spee' %$
./." -ifferent *e'ia %$
. S*artCopy %8
..1 Mo'e of operation %8
..2 Usage %8
.$ .*aging %8
.$.1 ?ogi!al i*ages %8
.$.2 1hysi!al i*ages %8
.$." A6= i*ages %,
.$.% Mo'e of operation %,
& 'rou(leshootin#...............................................................................................................................................!
$.1 ?oa' errors /0
$.1.1 &rror C/002 an' D-is( error /0
$.1.2 +ther errors /0
$.2 Eeyboar' an' *ouse /0
$." 9eneral proble*s /1
$.".1 Slowe' 'own syste* /1
$.".2 Aea': write an' verifi!ation errors /1
$.% .-&56765S676 /1
$.%.1 0ar' 'is( not re!ogni4e' /1
$.%.2 .-& !ontroller not foun' /1
$.%." 1roble*s with -M6 /2
$.%.% 8.+S settings /"
$./ SCS. /%
$./.1 Aestart /%
$./.2 -ea!tivate unuse' !ontrollers /%
$./." -ea!tivate unuse' 'rives /%
$./.% Mini*u* !onfiguration of the !ontroller /%
$././ Mini*al(onfiguration 'es Syste*s //
$. US8 //
$..1 Storage 'evi!e not re!ogni4e' //
$..2 +ther 'evi!e proble*s //
$.." Controller not foun' /
$..% Spee' loss /
$../ +ther !ontroller proble*s /
) Miscellaneous...................................................................................................................................................!&
8.1 7er*s of li!ense /$
8.1.1 ?i!ense *o'el /$
8.1.2 &@a*ples /$
8.1." S!ope /8
8.1.% Consultan!y /8
8.2 Certifi!ate of authenti!ity /8
8.2.1 Se!urity hologra* /8
8.2.2 >ali' pro'u!t li!ense /8
8." -is!lai*er /,
8.% #ee'ba!( /,
8./ Support /,
1 Introduction
7han( you very *u!h for !hoosing 0-Clone. =e are always striving for offering you a soft-
ware pro'u!t: whi!h *eets your re2uire*ents as well as our own high a*bitions. .n !ase of
having suggestions for i*prove*ent or not being satisfie' with the software in !ertain aspe!ts:
we therefore (in'ly as( you to !o**uni!ate the regar'ing !riti!is* an' suggestions to us at
1.1 Chapter overview
1 .ntro'u!tionG .n this !hapter: you fin' general infor*ation regar'ing this *anual an' the pro-
gra*. 1arti!ularly: it !ontains an overview of the available e'itions an' their abilities.
2 #iel's of appli!ationG 8y supporting physi!al !opies: 0-Clone is suitable for *any 'ifferent
areas of appli!ation. 0ere you fin' 'es!riptions an' hints for the *ost !o**on areas of appli!-
ation of the progra*.
" Supporte' har'wareG .n this !hapter: you fin' a list of supporte' !ontrollers an' *e'ia as
well as infor*ation about whi!h aspe!ts to !onsi'er when using !ertain types of !ontrollers or
% .nstallationG #or starting 0-Clone you nee' a bootable 0-Clone C- or floppy 'is( at first.
7his !hapter 'es!ribes how you !reate a bootable 0-Clone *e'iu* within few *inutes by
*eans of the installation pa!(age in !ase you have not alrea'y re!eive' the progra* on a
bootable *e'iu*.
/ 1rogra* instru!tionsG 7his !hapter !ontains the a!tual *anual for operating 0-Clone. .t is a
step-by-step 'es!ription of how to operate the progra* for !reating a !opy with 0-Clone.
+perating prin!iplesG 0ere you fin' useful 'es!riptions an' hints for gaining opti*al perfor*-
an!e when using 0-Clone with 'ifferent types of *e'ia as ea!h *e'ia type !an have its very
own !hara!teristi!s.
$ 7roubleshootingG .n !ase you en!ounter any proble*s when using 0-Clone: you fin' 'e-
taile' 'es!riptions an' support here. 8y *eans of these infor*ation you will be able to solve or
bypass o!!urring proble*s in *ost !ases.
8 Mis!ellaneousG .n the last !hapter you fin' *is!ellaneous infor*ation: parti!ularly regar'ing
our support an' our li!ense ter*s.
1.2 Character conventions
.n this *anual: angle bra!(ets ;H an' I< an' itali! type are use' to 'epi!t a (ey on the (ey-
boar': e.g. <Esc> for the es!ape (ey or <Return> for the return (ey. So*e (eys are represen-
te' by an a!!or'ing sy*bol: e.g. <> for the up-(ey. >isual !ontrols on the s!reen: parti!ularly
buttons are represente' by bra!(ets ;J an' K< an' se*i-bol' type: e.g. [next]: [back].
1." #eatures
1.3 Features
0-Clone lets you *a(e physi!al an' logi!al 1G1 !opies ;!lones< as well as physi!al an' logi!al
file i*ages of har' 'is(s an' partitions. 7his ensures that the se!tor-by-se!tor !opy is 100L
i'enti!al to the original. 7his allows 0-Clone to !reate !opies or file i*ages of har' 'is(s re-
gar'less of the respe!tive partitioning s!he*e: the use' file syste* an' the installe' operating
syste*;s<. 7hus 0-Clone is espe!ially suitable for the tas(s 'es!ribe' in 2 #iel's of appli!a-
tion as well as for *any other tas(s.
*ote+ 7he physi!al !opying pro!ess of 0-Clone for e@a!t ;bit-wise< 1G1 !opies an' 1G1 i*-
ages *a(es it suitable for *any areas of appli!ation. 0-Clones features *a(e it a valuable
tool: even in spe!ial an' e@traor'inary s!enarios. 7hey have *a'e 0-Clone a tool of uni2ue
value to *any users in situations where no other progra* offere' the ne!essary features.
1.4 dition overview
7here are 'ifferent &'itions of 0-Clone. 7hey 'iffer fro* ea!h other by the a*ount of fea-
tures they offer: parti!ularly supporte' 'evi!e types: perfor*an!e an' spe!ial options. 7he fol-
lowing table offers you a !o*parative overview of the e'itions an' their features. Subse2uent:
there are short e@planations referring to so*e of the topi!s liste' in the table.
*ote+ =ithin the table the following abbrevations are use'G
F, M #ree N -, M 8asi! N S, M Stan'ar' N ", M 1rofessional N ,, M &nterprise
F, -, S, ", ,,
.e/ice support
.-&56765S676 har' 'is(s
har' 'is(s up to 20%8 98
60C. ;S676 ..<
US8 1.1 ;U0C.: +0C.<
US8 2.0 ;&0C.<
Co*pa!t#lash via .-&
#irewire 5 .&&&1",% ;+0C.<
SCS. har' 'is(s
0opy $odes
'rive !opy
partition !opy
'rive-to-partition ba!(up
MultiCopy ;%@: 8@: 1@<
I$a#e files
physi!al i*ages
logi!al i*ages
A6= i*ages
1.% &'ition overview
F, -, S, ", ,,
.MA support
Multiwor' -M6
Special $odes
SafeAes!ue *o'e
verifi!ation *o'e
#astCopy *o'e
0opyin# speed
up to 10 M85s
up to 20 M85s
up to "0 M85s
up to ,0 M85s an' *ore
up to 1000 M85s an' *ore
2icense scope
private use
te!hni!ian li!ense
SA'A hard dis3s+ 7hey have to be !onne!te' to one of the S676 !ontrollers supporte' by 0-Clone an' the !on-
troller has to be !onfigure' a!!or'ingly ;".".2 S6765S676-.. !ontroller<.
4ard dis3s up to 24) G-+ 0-Clone supports har' 'is(s upto 20%8 98 ;2 7erabyte<.
0o$pactFlash /ia I.,+ 0-Clone supports C# *e'ia in 7rue.-& *o'e.
S0SI hard dis3s+ 0ave to be !onne!te' to one of the SCS. host a'apters supporte' by 0-Clone ;".% SCS.<.
0opyin# $odes+ Oou fin' further infor*ation regar'ing the 'ifferent *o'es in !hapter +perating prin!iples.
dri/e copy+ 6llows to *a(e a !opy of entire 'rives.
partition copy+ 6llows to *a(e a !opy of single partitions.
dri/e5to5partition (ac3up+ 8a!(ing up an entire 'rive into a partition an' restoring it fro* there.
S$art0opy+ Creates a logi!al 1G1 !opy an' is faster by a *ultiple in *ost !ases ;. S*artCopy<.
Multi0opy+ Mass-!opying to up to %: 8: or 1 target *e'ia at a ti*e: a!!or'ing to the variant of the &nterprise
&'ition use' ;%@: 8@: or 1@< ;./ Mass !opy ;MultiCopy *o'e<<.
.MA support+ Using -M6: 'ata transfers will be a!!elerate' ;up to fa!tor %0<: in !ase of Multiwor' -M6 with up to
1:$ M85se!: in !ase of Ultra--M6 even with up to 1"" M85se! ;"."." Multiwor' -M6 an' Ultra--M6<.
Special $odes+ 0-Clone (nows spe!ial wor(ing *o'es to in!rease !opy spee' ;#astCopy< an' 'ata se!urity ;veri-
fi!ation: SafeAes!ue<. #urther infor*ation about this is to be foun' in !hapter /.8 Sele!ting the options.
0opyin# speed+ -ue to te!hni!al 'ifferen!es between the in'ivi'ual e'itions: there is an upper li*it for the a!tually
a!hievable !opy spee' of ea!h e'itionG
P 10 M85se!G a!!or'ing to 1.+ *o'e 2.
P 20 M85se!G a!!or'ing to Multiwor' -M6 *o'e 2.
P "0 M85se!G a!!or'ing to Ultra--M6 *o'e 2.
I ,0 M85se!G up to 1"" M85s with Ultra--M6 *o'e : up to "00 M85se! with S676 ...
I 1000 M85se!G Mass-!opy to up to 1 target 'rives at a ti*e.
2icense scope+ see also !hapter 8.1 7er*s of li!ense.
2 Fields of application
0-Clone is spe!iali4e' on !reating physi!al !opies. 7herefore 0-Clone offers parti!ular a'-
vantages for !opying resp. res!uing 'efe!tive *e'ia ;2.2 -ata res!ue<. .n a''ition: 0-Clone
is able to wor( in'epen'ent fro* partitioning s!he*e: file syste* an' operating syste*. 7his
allows to !opy entire operating syste* installations ;2.1 Upgra'ing har' 'is(s ) *igrating an
+S< or to be able to !reate an e@a!t !opy in !ase of un(nown5proprietary file syste*s ;2.
1roprietary har' 'is( for*ats<. 6ltogether: 0-Clone !overs a wi'e spe!tru* of possible appli!-
ations by its universal !opying te!hnology. .n the following you fin' 'es!riptions of the *ost
!o**on areas of appli!ation of 0-Clone. 7he in'ivi'ual !hapters !ontain instru!tions as well
as further a'vi!e regar'ing a!!o*plish*ent of the respe!tive appli!ation.
'ip+ 0-Clone allows you to !opy 'ata arbitrarily between all re!ogni4e' types of *e'ia: par-
ti!ularly between 'ifferent types of 'rives et!.
2.1 !p"radin" hard dis#s $ %i"ratin" an &'
Sin!e 0-Clone wor(s in'epen'ent of file syste* for*ats an' operating syste*s: you !an use
it to *igrate entire installations: in!l. the installe' operating syste*: to another har' 'is(. 7his is
espe!ially useful if you want to *igrate an e@isting installation to a new har' 'is( without hav-
ing to install the operating syste* an' appli!ations on!e again. 7he *e'ia use' as target
shoul' be of the sa*e si4e as the sour!e *e'ia or larger to ensure that all 'ata will be !opie'.
#or this type of appli!ation you !an utili4e both *o'es: .1." -rive-to-'rive as well as .1.%
*ote+ 1lease ta(e absolute !are to have only one of the two har' 'is(s !onne!te' after !o*-
pletion of the !opying pro!ess an' before starting the operating syste*. .t shoul' be !onne!-
te' to the sa*e !hannel as the original har' 'is(: i.e. either re*ove the *e'iu* with the
!opy on it or !onne!t it instea' of the original *e'iu*.
2.1.1 !nused dis# space
6''itional 'is( spa!e on the *e'iu* use' as target !an be !onverte' into a partition using the
partitioning progra* f'is( or the Co*puter Manage*ent progra*
;C:\WINDOWS\system32\comm!mt"msc< of =in'ows Q1. .t !an then be use' as an a''i-
tional virtual 'rive. Oou !an also resi4e the !opie' partition so that it also uses the e@tra 'is(
spa!e of the target *e'iu*: but this re2uires spe!ial tools.
2.1 Upgra'ing har' 'is(s ) *igrating an +S
2.1.2 '%aller tar"et %ediu%
.n general: you !an also !opy a !o*plete installation fro* a larger to a s*aller *e'iu*. 8ut
then you shoul' first 'ownsi4e the partitions on the sour!e *e'iu* with the help of a!!or'ing
tools in su!h a way that they fit !o*pletely into the target *e'iu* an' are lo!ate' at the be-
ginning of the sour!e *e'iu*. .t possibly wor(s also if you 'efrag*ent the sour!e *e'ia in
su!h a way that all use' 'ata is situate' at the beginning of the sour!e *e'iu* an' that the
area !ontaining the use' 'ata 'oes not use *ore 'is( spa!e than is available on the target *e-
'iu*. 7his *etho' is not absolutely reliable: but as the 'ata on the sour!e *e'iu* stays un-
!hange': it *aybe worth an atte*pt.
2.2 Data rescue
.n !ase of har' 'is(s with 'efe!tive areas it is espe!ially i*portant that they are being res!ue'
to an inta!t *e'iu* before starting any re!overy atte*pts. +therwise: 'epen'ing on the (in'
of 'efe!t: the re!overy pro!e'ure *ay !ause further 'efe!ts resulting fro* the inherent e@-
posure of this pro!e'ure. +f !ourse: using 0-Clone also !ases e@posure for the har' 'is(. 8ut
the physi!al !opying !auses *u!h less e@posure than any other usage 'ue to its linear opera-
tion: i.e. only !ontinuous *ove*ent of the 'is(s hea's. #urther*ore: the option SafeAes!ue
;/.8." 9eneral options< is able to re'u!e e@posure to an absolute *ini*u*. .n very !riti!al
!ases: you !an also Bust !opy single partitions to re'u!e e@posure for the *e'iu* even *ore
;.1.% 1artition-to-partition<. 6fter having res!ue' the 'ata fro* the 'efe!tive har' 'is(: you
!an perfor* a re!overy on the ;fun!tional< target *e'iu* without having to fear any further
*ote+ +nly a physi!al !opy allows to res!ue all of the 'ata: e@!ept the irre!overable areas:
even if there are logi!al errors resulting fro* 'efe!tive areas. 7he logi!al errors !an be !orre!-
te' in *ost !ases by the re!overy: but *issing 'ata !oul' not be restore'. 0en!e: the 'ata
shoul' be !opie' to a target *e'iu* of the sa*e si4e or a larger target *e'iu* in either
!ase ;.2 Si4e 'ifferen!es<. #or this reason: also ne/er use the S*artCopy *o'e ;.
S*artCopy< for res!uing 'ata.
'ip+ .f you 'o not have an appropriate unuse' har' 'is( at han' for an urgent res!ue: you
!an te*porarily save the 'a*age' har' 'is( to a partition of the a!!or'ing si4e on the target
'is(. ;.1./ -rive-to-partition< or only save !ertain partitions fro* the 'a*age' har' 'is(
;.1.% 1artition-to-partition<.
2.3 Installation bac#up
0-Clone also provi'es the possibility to !reate a lo!al ba!(up of an entire syste* installation. .f
re2uire': a si*ple restore fro* the ba!(up partition brings the syste* installation ba!( into its
original state R without any ballast: faulty progra* installations: viruses et!. #or this purpose:
!reate an unuse' partition in a''ition to the syste* partition of at least the sa*e si4e to serve
as a ba!(up partition. 6fter having finishe' syste* installation: !opy the syste* partition to the
ba!(up partition using the partition-to-partition *o'e .1.% 1artition-to-partition. 7hen you
2." .nstallation ba!(up
!an restore the original syste* partition at any ti*e by *a(ing a !opy in the opposite 'ire!-
*ote+ 8efore restoring fro* the ba!(up partition: save your wor( files an' other 'ata fro*
the syste* partition or store the* on a thir' partition fro* the outset.
2.4 (ass cop)in"
7he &nterprise &'ition of 0-Clone is spe!ially 'esigne' for !reating up to 1 !opies at a ti*e.
7herefore the &nterprise &'itions espe!ially suitable for in'ustrial 'upli!ation of pre-installe'
software ;e.g. on har' 'is(s or on Co*pa!t#lash *e'ia et!.< or for !reating several i'enti!al
operating syste* installations ;2./ Master installations<.
2.* (aster installations
2.*.1 Duplicatin" s)ste% installations
0-Clone is also opti*ally suitable for 'istributing or 'upli!ating *aster installations ;2.% Mass
!opying<. Copy a !o*plete *aster har' 'is( or *aster partition to the target *e'iu* to !reate
a !o*plete installation there an' to have it rea'y for a!tion.
*ote+ =hen 'upli!ating =in'ows Q1 installation: we re!o**en' to run the tool sysre
;!ontaine' in =in'ows< before !loning. #urther infor*ation on this is to be foun' at Mi!rosoft
at httpG55www.*i!rosoft.!o*: sear!h for Ssysprep.
2.*.2 Handlin" several %aster installations
&spe!ially if you want to han'le several 'ifferent *aster installations: the !opy *o'es 'rive-to-
partition ;.1./ -rive-to-partition< an' partition-to-'rive ;.1. 1artition-to-'rive< are very
useful. #or this purpose: use a har' 'is( as !ontainer an' !reate one partition for ea!h *aster
installation on it. 6fterwar's: use the *o'e 'rive-to-partition to *a(e a !opy of ea!h *aster
har' 'is( to one of the partitions on the !ontainer har' 'is(. Tow you !an use the *o'e parti-
tion-to-'rive to !reate a !o*plete syste* installation fro* the a!!or'ing partition on any sys-
2.+ ,roprietar) hard dis# for%ats
0-Clone is !apable of !opying arbitrary har' 'is( for*ats. &spe!ially for har' 'is(s installe' in
proprietary syste*s ;e.g. stu'io te!hnology: *e'i!al te!hnology et!.< there are often no pro-
gra*s besi'es syste* software: whi!h !an rea' the 'ata on these *e'ia. 0-Clone !an res!ue
this 'ata or *oving it to a new *e'iu* without any proble*. 7he best way is to !opy the ori-
ginal *e'iu* to a target *e'iu* of the sa*e or larger si4e. 6 target *e'iu* s*aller than the
original *e'iu* shoul' not be use' as it !annot be assure' that all relevant user 'ata will be
transferre' in this !ase.
*ote+ .n !ase of un(nown or proprietary ;non-stan'ar'i4e'< for*ats: always !opy the entire
original *e'iu*. &ven if 0-Clone reports partitions: it !annot be assure' that this infor*ation
2. 1roprietary har' 'is( for*ats
is !orre!t 'ue to the proprietary har' 'is( for*at. Oou shoul' only use the partition-to-parti-
tion *o'e ;.1.% 1artition-to-partition< if you (now for sure that the partitions are reporte'
2.7 Forensic data securin"
0-Clone is also very suitable for se!uring 'ata for forensi! purposes as really all 'ata fro* a
har' 'is( is !opie': in!lu'ing 'ata that has possibly been hi''en or 'elete'. 7his 'ata !annot
be rea!he' any *ore via the usual file syste* *e!hanis*s. 7herefore it will be useful to !reate
a !opy in 'rive-to-'rive *o'e ;.1." -rive-to-'rive< before perfor*ing a 'etaile' forensi!
analysis of se!ure' *e'ia. 7his allows you to *a(e !hanges to the !opy 'uring analysis
without en'angering the original *e'iu* by altering its !ontent.
4inweis+ 6s in !ase of se!uring 'ata it *ay be un!lear whi!h areas of the *e'iu* are a!tu-
ally use': espe!ially !on!erning hi''en or 'elete' 'ata: it is always re!o**en'able to !reate
a !opy of the entire *e'iu* to a target *e'iu* of the sa*e or larger si4e. #or the sa*e
reason the S*artCopy *o'e ;. S*artCopy< shoul' not be use' for this type of appli!a-
2.- I%a"e files
Un'er 0-Clone: wor(ing with physi!al an' logi!al i*ages follows the sa*e basi! logi! as
physi!al an' logi!al !opies whi!h are perfor*e' 'ire!tly fro* *e'iu* to *e'iu*.
,6a$ple+ 6 'efe!tive har' 'is( has to be res!ue' to another *e'iu* using 0-Clone. 6fter-
war's the 'ata has to be res!ue' fro* the !opy without putting the original *e'iu* at ris(.
7his obBe!tive *ay be a!hieve' by either *a(ing a physi!al 1G1 !opy ;.1." -rive-to-'rive<
or by !reating a physi!al ;U< i*age ;.1.$ Create 'rive i*age< of the 'efe!tive original har'
'is(. 7he i*age file !reate' *ay then be restore' to another har' 'is( in a se!on' step. 7he
result will be the sa*e in both !ases. 7he target *e'iu* will always !ontain a bit-wise e@a!t
!opy ;apart fro* possibly o!!urre' 'efe!ts of the sour!e har' 'is(< of the original har' 'is(.
.n *any !ases i*age files offer a'vantages !o*pare' to 'ire!t !opies. .*age files allow forG
Si*ple storing an' *anaging in your file syste*
6r!hiving within any e@isting infrastru!ture
&@!hanging *e'ia !ontents using arbitrary storage *e'ia
-istributing without physi!al *e'ia via networ(s an' the .nternet
3 'upported hardware
7his se!tion !ontains 'etaile' infor*ation about the har'ware an' har'ware stan'ar's suppor-
te' by 0-Clone. #urther*ore: there are spe!ial referen!es to be foun' regar'ing the usage of
!ertain 'evi!e types.
3.1 &verview
Subse2uent: you fin' a listing of the har'ware re2uire*ents !on!erning the har'ware use' to
run 0-Clone as well as a''itionally supporte' 'evi!es. 1lease note that support for a !ertain
har'ware *ay 'epen' on the e'ition use' ;1.% &'ition overview<.
3.1.1 Hardware re.uire%ents
1C 80/8 or higher: ,0 M04: % M8 A6M: >96 ;opti*alG >&S6 support<
(eyboar'G stan'ar': 1S52 or US8
*ouseG serial: 1S52 or US8 ;optionally: !an be operate' with (eyboar' only<
bootable floppy or C- 'rive
3.1.2 'upported (edia
.-&5676 har' 'is(s ;up to 20%8 98<: Co*pa!t#lash via .-&
S676 har' 'is(s ;internal ) e@ternal<
SCS. har' 'is(s ;internal ) e@ternal<
US8 har' 'is(s ;internal ) e@ternal<
#irewire har' 'is(s ;internal ) e@ternal<
US8 (eys
: Co*pa!t#lash .
: Co*pa!t#lash ..
: Mi!ro-rive
: S-5MMC
@--1i!ture Car'
: Me*ory Sti!(
: Me*ory Sti!( 1A+
: Me*ory Sti!( -U+
Co*pa!t#lash *e'ia with 7rue.-& support
*ust support the US8-Mass-Storage-Class proto!oln
via an appropriate US8 !ar' rea'er
3.1.3 !nterst/t0te Controller
1C. .-& !ontroller
8us *aster .-& !ontroller
1C. SCS. host a'apter ;".%.2 Co*patibility<
S676 !ontroller with .-& interfa!e ;".".2 S6765S676-.. !ontroller<
S676-.. !ontroller with 60C. interfa!e ;".".2 S6765S676-.. !ontroller<
US8 U0C. ) +0C. !ontroller ;US8 1.1<
US8 &0C. !ontroller ;US8 2.0<
.&&&1",% +0C. !ontroller ;#irewire<
*ote+ 7he 'evi!es liste' above represent the whole spe!tru* of har'ware supporte' by 0--
Clone. -etaile' infor*ation about whi!h 'evi!es are supporte' by your e'ition of 0-Clone
is to be foun' in !hapter1.% &'ition overview.
".2 Co*patibility
3.2 Co%patibilit)
0-Clone has been 'evelope' for the har'ware liste' in ".1 +verview an' has been teste'
on a *ultipli!ity of a!!or'ing 'evi!es. 0-Clone also wor(s well with *any other 'evi!es. Oou
*ay use the #ree &'ition of 0-Clone to easily !he!( out in a'van!e an' for free whether the
'evi!e in 2uestion is supporte' ;".2.1 Co*patibility test<.
3.2.1 Co%patibilit) test
Oou !an use the #ree &'ition of 0-Clone to fin' out easily if your har' 'is(s: other *e'ia as
well as the asso!iate' !ontrollers are supporte' properly: even if a higher e'ition is re2uire' to
use the* with 0-Clone. #or this purpose: si*ply start 0-Clone #ree &'ition on the respe!tive
1C: !hose a 'rive-to-'rive !opy an' *ove on to the sour!e 'rive sele!tion ;/. Sele!ting the
!opying *o'e<. 6ll 'rives 'isplaye' there as well as the asso!iate' !ontrollers have been re-
!ogni4e' by 0-Clone an' are supporte' by one of the available e'itions. =hi!h e'ition will
be ne!essary to utili4e a !ertain 'evi!e type !an be seen fro* the info bo@ at the right si'e of
the list bo@ when you sele!t the regar'ing 'rive ;/.$.% .nfor*ation on the 'rive<.
*ote+ 1lease ensure that you !onne!t the nee'e' US8 'evi!es before starting the progra*
to ensure that they are re!ogni4e' !orre!tly ;/.1 1reli*inary steps<.
3.2.2 'tandards
7o be able to support as *any 'evi!es as possible: 0-Clone i*ple*ents the effe!tive stan'-
ar's for the appropriate 'evi!e types. -evi!e support in 0-Clone pri*arily refers to the stan'-
ar's appli!able to the appropriate 'evi!e type. .n a''ition: we perfor* e@tensive tests with
ea!h 'evi!e type. 7hose test also reveal that there is a nu*ber of 'evi!es: whi!h the*selves
i*ple*ent their respe!tive stan'ar' only insuffi!iently or even ina!!urately. #urther*ore: it is
possible that so*e proble*s o!!ur in !ertain har'ware !onfigurations: usually in !ertain !o*-
binations of !ontroller an' 'evi!e. .f possible: 0-Clone tries to support even su!h 'evi!es an'
to bypass the a!!or'ing 'efi!ien!ies of the har'ware. 0owever: these (in's of proble*s !an
not always be bypasse'. 0en!e even e@tensive tests !annot !o*pletely prevent that a prob-
le* appears in your spe!ial har'ware !onfiguration. .n *ost !ases this !an be solve' by setting
the options appropriately ;/.8 Sele!ting the options an' $ 7roubleshooting<. .n !ase of
even this 'oes not wor(: our support tea* ;8./ Support< will be there to assist you with solv-
ing the proble*.
3.3 ID12T21'2T2
.n prin!iple: 0-Clone supports all .-&56765S676 har' 'is(s. 6 ne!essary pre!on'ition is: that
they are !onne!te' to one of the .-&56765S676 !ontrollers supporte' by 0-Clone ;".".1
.-&5676 !ontroller an' ".".2 S6765S676-.. !ontroller<.
"." .-&56765S676
3.3.1 ID12T2 controller
0-Clone supports stan'ar' .-& !ontroller ;.S6< an' 1C. .-& !ontroller. 7hese *ay be ;internal<
onboar' !ontrollers as well as ;e@ternal< 1C.5.S6 a'apter !ar's. .n !ase of .S65Stan'ar' .-&
!ontrollers: the first two !hannels are s!anne' for har' 'is(s. 0-Clone re!ogni4es available 1C.
.-& !ontrollers auto*ati!ally an' s!ans the* for !onne!te' har' 'is(s.
*ote+ .f there are one or *ore 1C. .-& !ontrollers available in the syste*: .S6 !ontrollers that
are possibly present: too: will not be ta(en into a!!ount.
Aegar'ing the 1C. .-& !ontrollers supporte' by 0-Clone: this refers to a stan'ar'i4e' pro-
gra**ing interfa!e: whi!h is supporte' by a large *aBority of .-& !ontrollers. Tevertheless:
there are also others: espe!ially e@ternal 1C. har' 'is( !ontrollers: whi!h i*ple*ent a 'ifferent:
usually proprietary interfa!e. 7hey are often also !alle' V.-& !ontrollersW: as they allow .-& har'
'is(s to be !onne!te'. Sin!e D.-& stan's for a progra**ing interfa!e ;progra* !ontroller< as
well as for a har'ware interfa!e ;!ontroller 'rive< it results in a 'ouble *eaning. Aefer to
!hapter ".2.1 Co*patibility test to 'eter*ine whether your 1C. !ontroller is !o*pliant with
the 1C. .-& stan'ar'<.
3.3.2 '2T21'2T23II controller
1re!on'ition for the support of S676 'rives is an S676 !ontroller with .-& interfa!e or an S676
.. !ontroller with 60C. interfa!e. 6ll popular !hipsets fro* .ntel with .C0-/5-5-$ in!orporate
su!h an .-&-!o*patible S676 !ontroller. Aegrettably: *any other S676 !ontrollers only offer a
proprietary progra**ing interfa!e. Tevertheless: it *ay be possible in !ase of onboar' S676
!ontrollers to a!tivate a !o*patibility *o'e in 8.+S setup: whi!h woul' allow 0-Clone to a!-
!ess the S676 !ontroller. 6s for S676 .. !ontrollers: *any *o'els alrea'y i*ple*ent the 60C.
interfa!e supporte' by 0-Clone.
'ip+ =ith the #ree &'ition of 0-Clone you !an easily !he!( out whether your S676 or S676-
.. !ontroller is supporte' ;".2.1 Co*patibility test<. Conne!t at least one S676 'rive an'
start 0-Clone. .f the S676 'rive is re!ogni4e': 0-Clone also supports the asso!iate'
S6765S676-.. !ontroller.
*ote+ .t *ight possibly be ne!essary to a'Bust the S676 settings in 8.+S. 6s *o'e of opera-
tion: V.-&W: V676W: V!o*patibleW or V60C.W shoul' be !hosen: but in no !ase VA6.-W or VS676W.
6''itionally it *ay be ne!essary to set the !ontroller !onfiguration to !o*bine': espe!ially
for allowing si*ultaneous use of .-& an' S676 har' 'is(s. .n this !ase there are only ports 0
an' 2 or 1 an' " available for S676. 1lease !onne!t the S676 har' 'is(s a!!or'ingly in this
3.3.3 (ultiword D(2 and !ltra3D(2
0-Clone auto*ati!ally re!ogni4es an' uses bus *aster .-& !ontrollers: whi!h allow 'ata rates
up to 1"" M85se! resp. $.8 985*in. 0ereby: Multiwor' -M6 ;up to 1.$ M85se!< as well as Ul-
tra--M6 ;U-M6< are supporte'. 7his !an in!rease a!hievable 'ata trans*ission rates by a
*ultiple higher of the rates that !an be a!hieve' without -M6 ;in 1.+ *o'e<. 0-Clone re!og-
"." .-&56765S676
ni4es auto*ati!ally: whether !ontroller an' har' 'is( support -M6 an' then auto*ati!ally se-
le!ts the fastest usable *o'e ;Multiwor' -M6 or Ultra--M6 ""5510051""<.
*ote+ 7a(e into a!!ount that both: har' 'is( an' .-& !ontroller have to support a !ertain
-M6 *o'e. .f the a!tually a!hieve' spee' values 'o not *at!h the te!hni!al 'ata of a har'
'is(: the reason *ay be that the .-& !ontroller only supports lower *o'es. #urther*ore: the
a!hievable values also 'epen' on the physi!al abilities of the har' 'is(: i.e. a har' 'is( with
U-M6- ;theoreti!ally 1"" M85se!< !urrently a!hieves an a!tual transfer rate of about
0 M85se!.
3.3.4 4us %aster ID controller
1re!on'ition for using -M6 *o'e is that the atta!he' 1C. .-& !ontroller also supports the 8us
*aster .-& stan'ar'. 7his is the !ase for *ost of the establishe' internal an' e@ternal .-& !on-
trollers. =hether your 1C. .-& !ontroller supports 8us *aster .-& !an be 'eter*ine' by *eans
of the progra* $CISn%&&er: if ne!essary: whi!h !an be 'ownloa'e' for free at
httpG55www.*iray.'e5'ownloa'5sat.p!isniffer.ht*l. 7he fiel' XClass!o'eX in 1C.Sniffer has to !on-
tain the value 11)6 ;@ M arbitrary< for the respe!tive 1C. .-& !ontroller.
*ote+ #or using 8us *aster .-&: the settings an' initiali4ations *a'e in an' by the 1Cs syste*
8.+S play a *aBor role. .n !ase of 0-Clone having proble*s with utili4ing -M6: it is li(ely that
!ertain 8.+S settings have to be a!!o**o'ate' a!!or'ingly. ;$.%." 1roble*s with -M6<.
3.3.* 5eschwindi"#eit
7he spee' that !an be a!hieve' with -M6 always 'epen's on the physi!al abilities of the re-
gar'ing har' 'is(. 7he following rough !lassifi!ation shows the appro@i*ate spee' that !an be
e@pe!te' by a !ertain 'rive typeG
'yp A#e Speed
ol'er 'rives about /-10 years about 1-20 M85se!
newer 'rives about 2-/ years about 20-%0 M85se!
top *o'els about 0-2 years about %0-,0 M85se! an' *ore
3.4 'C'I
.n !ase you have an e'ition of 0-Clone whi!h also supports SCS. har' 'is(s: the following
!hapter provi'e i*portant infor*ation regar'ing utili4ation an' !o*patibility of SCS. 'rives an'
*ote+ 6s 0-Clone e*be's original 'river !o'e of the har'ware *anufa!turers: Miray Soft-
ware has no influen!e on a!tual !o*patibility. 0en!e: the following state*ents are of infor*-
ative nature only: are base' on spe!ifi!ations of the *anufa!turer an' are not legally bin'ing
;8." -is!lai*er<.
".% SCS.
3.4.1 !tili0ation
Oou !an use 0-Clone with SCS. har' 'is( in the sa*e way as with any other *e'ia. 0-Clone
auto*ati!ally re!ogni4es supporte' SCS. !ontrollers an' !onne!te' SCS. har' 'is(s at progra*
start an' 'isplays the*: along with other re!ogni4e' *e'ia: in the a!!or'ing sele!tive lists.
*ote+ Oou !an also !opy 'ata fro* SCS. har' 'is(s to any other (in's of *e'ia ;2 #iel's of
appli!ation<. 7his is espe!ially i*portant for the purpose of 'ata res!ue or if there is no a'-
e2uate SCS. target *e'iu* at han': as any arbitrary *e'iu* !an be use' for ;te*porarily<
storing the regar'ing 'ata.
3.4.2 Co%patibilit)
.n prin!iple: 0-Clone supports all SCS. har' 'is( 'rives. 1re!on'ition is that they are !onne!te'
to a SCS. !ontroller supporte' by 0-Clone. Currently: 0-Clone supports the popular Tarrow-:
=i'e-: Ultra- un' Ultra-=i'e-SCS. !ontrollers fro* 6'apte!.
'ip+ =hether your SCS. !ontroller is supporte' !an be 'eter*ine' easily with the #ree &'ition
of 0-Clone ;".2.1 Co*patibility test<. Conne!t at least one SCS. 'rive to the SCS. bus an'
start 0-Clone. .f the SCS. 'rive is being re!ogni4e' then 0-Clone also supports the SCS. !on-
3.4.3 (anufacturer infor%ation
6!!or'ing to infor*ation fro* the *anufa!turer: the 'rivers use' in 0-Clone !urrently sup-
port the following SCS. !ontrollersG
6'apte! 606-2,"0U
6'apte! 606-2,%0 Ultra
6'apte! 606-2,%0U=
6'apte! 606-2,%06U
6'apte! 606-2,%%U=
6'apte! 6SC-1,10
6'apte! 6SC-2,10
6'apte! 6SC-2,10?1
6'apte! 6SC-2,10T
6'apte! 6SC-",10
3.4.4 Driver infor%ation
6!!or'ing to infor*ation 'ire!tly fro* the 'rivers: they support a nu*ber of other SCS. !on-
trollers: too: whi!h are partly !onstru!te' as onboar' !hipset ;6.C< an' partly as a'apter !ar's
;606: 6SC<. 7hey !an be re!ogni4e' 'efinitely by their respe!tive 1C. ven'or .- an' 1C.
'evi!e .-: whi!h are liste' in the following table.
7endor Modell .e/ice 7endor Modell .e/ice 7endor Modell .e/ice
,00%h 606-2,"0U "80h ,00%h 6.C-$80 $80h ,00/h 606-",%05/0U2@ 00/0h
Y 606-2,"0C>6A "88h Y 6.C-$8,/ $8,/h Y 606-",/0 U2@ 00/1h
Y Y "8,h Y 6.C-$880 80$8h Y 6.C-$8,5$ U2 00/#h
Y 606-%,%%;U<= "8$8h Y 606-2,%0U;=< 81$8h Y 6.C-$8,@ 00@h
".% SCS.
7endor Modell .e/ice 7endor Modell .e/ice 7endor Modell .e/ice
Y 6.C-$//@ /@$/h Y 606-",%0U;=<;-< 82$8h Y Y 00$@h
Y 6.C-$8/@ /@$8h Y 606-2,%%U= 8%$8h Y 6.C-$8,2;6N8<U10 008@h
Y 6.C-$/0 0$/h Y 606-",%%U;=-< 8/$8h Y 6.C-$8,@ 00,@h
Y 6.C-$8@ @$8h Y 606-%,%%U= 8$8h Y Y 006@h
Y 6.C-$8$0 $0$8h Y 6.C-$88$ 8$$8h Y Y 008@h
Y 606-2,%0;=< $1$8h Y 6.C-$888 88$8h Y 6.C-$8,,;6< U10 00C@h
Y 606-",%0;=< $2$8h Y 606-%,%%;U<= &C$8h Y 6.C-$8,@ 00-@h
Y 606-2,%% $%$8h ,00/h 606-2,%05/0U2= 0010h Y Y 00&@h
Y 606-",%%;=< $/$8h Y 6.C-$8,@ 001@h Y Y 00#@h
Y 606-%,%%;U<= $$8h Y Y 002@h Y 606-2,"0U2 0180h
Y 6.C-$8$$ $$$8h Y Y 00"@h
7he .-s of your respe!tive !ontrollers !an be 'eter*ine' by *eans of the progra* $CISn%&&er.
6t httpG55www.*iray.'e5'ownloa'5sat.p!isniffer.ht*l you !an 'ownloa' it for free fro* the
Miray ho*epage. #or the regar'ing 1C. SCS. !ontroller: the values 'isplaye' by 1C.Sniffer for
the fiel's >en'or .- an' -evi!e .- have to *at!h the values spe!ifie' above for your SCS.
3.* !'4
.f your e'ition of 0-Clone also supports US8 storage *e'ia: the following !hapters !ontain i*-
portant infor*ation regar'ing utili4ation an' !o*patibility of US8 storage *e'ia an' !ontrol-
4inweis+ 1lease ta(e !are to !onne!t US8 'evi!es alrea'y before starting 0-Clone ;/.1
1reli*inary steps< an' if possible 'ire!tly to the 1C resp. to the US8 !ontroller ;"./." 0ubs<.
3.*.1 (ass3'tora"e3Class
US8 storage *e'ia that is inten'e' to be use' with 0-Clone has to support the 'S()*ass)
Stora!e)C+ass proto!ol. 7his is an offi!ial stan'ar': whi!h is supporte' by al*ost all !urrent US8
sti!(s: US8 !ar' rea'ers: US8 har' 'is(s et!. .f you are not sure if a !ertain US8 storage *e'iu*
is supporte' by 0-Clone: you !an !he!( this out easily an' for free in a'van!e by *eans of
the #ree &'ition ;".2.1 Co*patibility test<.
3.*.2 !HCI6 &HCI und HCI
Aegar'ing US8 'evi!es: it is !ru!ial that 0-Clone supports the respe!tive US8 !ontroller. 0--
Clone is !apable of all three !o**on US8 stan'ar's: U0C. an' +0C. for US8 1.051.1 as well as
&0C. for US8 2.0. .n the area of stan'ar' 1Cs: all !urrent US8 !ontrollers: onboar' !ontrollers as
well as a'apter !ar's: offer one of these three interfa!e stan'ar's. .n !ase you are not sure
though whether your US8 !ontroller is supporte' by 0-Clone: you !an !he!( this out easily
an' for free in a'van!e by *eans of the #ree &'ition ;".2.1 Co*patibility test<.
"./ US8
3.*.3 Hubs
US8 'evi!es usually *ay also be !onne!te' via a US8 hub. Tevertheless: for a!hieving the
highest possible transfer rate: it is re!o**en'e' to rather !onne!t the* 'ire!tly to the 1C
resp. to the US8 !ontroller.
3.+ Firewire 7I13849
.f your e'ition of 0-Clone supports #irewire: you !an !onne!t arbitrary #irewire 'rives or !ar'
rea'ers. Conne!te' 'evi!es *ust support the Ser%a+)(us)$rotoco+ ;S81< in or'er to be re!og-
ni4e' an' operate' !orre!tly by 0-Clone.
*ote+ 1lease ta(e !are to !onne!t #irewire 'evi!es alrea'y before starting 0-Clone ;/.1
1reli*inary steps< an' if possible 'ire!tly to the 1C resp. to the #irewire !ontroller.
4 Installation
4.1 Introduction
0-Clone 'oes not nee' an installation in the usual sense. 0-Clone !an be starte' 'ire!tly as a
=in'ows appli!ation. +therwise it !an be starte' without presen!e of an installe' operating
syste* as a self-booting appli!ation fro* C- or floppy 'is(. .n !ase you 'o not alrea'y have
0-Clone available on a bootable *e'iu* ;%.1.1 8ootable *e'iu*<: it is ne!essary to !reate
a bootable 0-Clone *e'iu* before using the self-booting 0-Clone for the first ti*e ;%.1.2
Software pa!(age<.
4.1.1 4ootable %ediu%
.n !ase you have 0-Clone alrea'y available on a bootable *e'iu*: you !an start an' use the
progra* i**e'iately on any 1C an' without any pre!e'ing installation: as 'es!ribe' in
!hapter /.2 Starting the progra*.
*ote+ .t is possible that: although you have 0-Clone on a physi!al *e'iu*: it *ay not be in
for* of a bootable *e'iu* but rather as an installation pa!(age. .n this !ase it is also ne!es-
sary to !reate a bootable *e'iu* at first: a!!or'ing to the subse2uently provi'e' 'es!rip-
4.1.2 'oftware pac#a"e
6s far as you 'o not have 0-Clone on a bootable *e'iu* alrea'y: you have to !reate one
before using 0-Clone for the first ti*e. 7he software pa!(age: whi!h you shoul' have ob-
taine' in this !ase: !ontains the files nee'e' for this purpose. 7he following !hapters 'es!ribe
how to !reate a bootable *e'iu*. 7he re2uire' pro!e'ure !an be 'ifferent a!!or'ing to the
*e'ia type or operating syste* use'. 7he bootable *e'iu* !reate' in this way then !an be
use' to start 0-Clone on any 1C without any further installation ;/.2 Starting the progra*<.
4.2 Installation with :indows
7he 0-Clone software pa!(age !ontains an installation progra* for !reating a bootable floppy
'is( or C-5->- with only few *ouse !li!(s. 7o use the installation progra*: please e@tra!t all
files of the installation pa!(age into an e*pty fol'er. 7hen e@e!ute the file ,-c+one"exe fro*
this fol'er an' !hoose [Create bootab+e me-%um] in the e*erging 'ialog win'ow.
%.2 .nstallation with =in'ows
4.2.1 Installation interface
=hen starting the installation progra* the
*ain win'ow appears ;fig. 1<.
.f you want to !reate a bootable floppy 'is(:
!hoose the 'esire' 'rive at D#loppy 'rive an'
!li!( on [Create &+oy].
7o !reate a bootable C-5->-: !hoose the
'esire' 'rive at DC-5->- writer an' !li!( on
[Create CD.D/D].
#ollow the instru!tions an' wait until the install-
ation progra* announ!es su!!essful !reation
of the bootable *e'iu*. 7hen !li!( on [Ex%t].
6fterwar's: please pro!ee' with !hapter /
1rogra* instru!tions.
*ote+ =hen !reating a C-5->-: please al5
ways use a new: e*pty writeable C-5->-. +therwise there *ay be proble*s when starting
4.2.2 CD1D;D writer not selectable
.t is possible that there is no 'rive offere' for sele!tion at CD.D/D 0r%ter although a C-5->-
writer is available on the syste*. .n *ost !ases this results fro* alrea'y installe' software for
the C-5->- writer ;e.g. 'rivers for 'ire!t a!!ess to the C-5->- writer with =in'ows &@-
plorer<. .t reserves the 'rive in a way that the installation progra* !annot a!!ess it. .f possible:
'ea!tivate or uninstall the C-5->- writer software. 6s an alternative: please !reate a bootable
C-5->- fro* that .S+ i*age whi!h is also !ontaine' in the software pa!(age ;%.".2 Creat-
ing a bootable C-5->-<.
4.3 Installation with other operatin" s)ste%s
4.3.1 Creatin" a bootable flopp) dis#
Oou !an also !reate a bootable 0-Clone floppy 'is( without the installation progra* with any
operating syste*. #or this purpose: the 0-Clone software pa!(age !ontains a floppy 'is( i*-
age in the file ,-c+one"%m!. Oou !an !reate a bootable "./Y51.%%M8 floppy 'is( fro* this i*age
with any appropriate 'is( i*aging progra*.
'ip+ Un'er UT.Q an' ?inu@ you *ay use the tool '': whi!h is available on these syste*s: with
the following synta@G -- %&1,-c+one"%m! o&1.-e2.&-3.
6fter having !reate' a bootable floppy 'is(: you !an start 0-Clone on any 1C as 'es!ribe' in
!hapter /.2 Starting the progra*.
fig. 1: HDClone installation program
%." .nstallation with other operating syste*s
4.3.2 Creatin" a bootable CD1D;D
7he 0-Clone software pa!(age !ontains a so !alle' .S+ i*age in the file ,-c+one"%so. .t !an be
use' to !reate a bootable 0-Clone C- with any operating syste* using a C- writing software
of your !hoi!e as far as it supports !reating C-s fro* an .S+ i*age. #urther infor*ation !an be
foun' in the *anual of your C- writing software.
&@tra!t the file ,-c+one"%so fro* the 0-Clone software pa!(age.
Start your C- writing software an' !hoose Create CD &rom %ma!e &%+e ;or si*ilar: a!!or'ing
to the respe!tive C- writing software<
Spe!ify the file ,-c+one"%so as i*age file.
.nsert a blan( C- into the a!!or'ing 'rive.
=rite the C-.
'ip+ 7he easiest way of !reating a bootable 0-Clone C- un'er ?inu@ is using the software
tool c-recor- with the following synta@G c-recor- ,-c+one"%so.
6fter having a!!o*plishe' these steps you have !reate' a bootable 0-Clone C-. #ro* this
C- you !an start 0-Clone 'ire!tly on any 1C with a bootable C-5->- 'rive as 'es!ribe' in
/.2 Starting the progra*.
*ote+ 9enerally the instru!tions provi'e' above for !reating a bootable C- using the .S+ i*-
age !an also be a'opte' to ->-s. 0owever: so*e C-5->- writing software refuses writing
an .S+ i*age to a ->-. 7he 0-Clone installation progra* ;%.2 .nstallation with =in'ows<
for e@a*ple also writes ->-s without any proble*. 8ooting fro* a ->- !reate' this way
also wor(s s*oothly.
* ,ro"ra% instructions
7he following !hapters give a 'etaile' 'es!ription on how to operate 0-Clone: fro* the start
to the en'.
4inweis+ 6!!or'ing to the e'ition you use: there !an be 'eviations between the features 'e-
s!ribe' or illustrate' herein an' the features supporte' by your e'ition. .f one or several of
the features of the progra* 'es!ribe' below !annot be use' in your e'ition: you !an !he!(
in 1.% &'ition overview whether your e'ition supports the respe!tive feature.
*.1 ,reli%inar) steps
.f you want to use US8 'evi!es for the following !opying pro!ess an' your e'ition of 0-Clone
supports US8: !onne!t these 'evi!es before starting 0-Clone an' leave the* !onne!te' until
the !opying pro!ess is finishe'. +therwise it is not guarantee' that 0-Clone re!ogni4es the*
!orre!tly. -o not use a US8 hub to !onne!t US8 storage 'evi!es: always !onne!t the US8 stor-
age 'evi!es 'ire!tly to the US8 !ontroller or the 1C !ase.
*ote+ 0-Clone !an be starte' 'ire!tly as a =in'ows appli!ation ;/.2.2 =in'ows progra*<
or as a self-booting appli!ation ;/.2.1 Self-booting progra*<. 7o start the self-booting 0--
Clone: you nee' a bootable 0-Clone C- or floppy 'is(. .f you 'ont have 0-Clone on a
bootable *e'iu*: you !an !reate su!h a 'evi!e as 'e-s!ribe' in !hapter % .nstallation.
*.2 'tartin" the pro"ra%
*.2.1 'elf3bootin" pro"ra%
.nsert the bootable 0-Clone C- or floppy 'is( into the !orrespon'ing 'rive. Swit!h on the
!o*puter or reboot it. Ma(e sure that the 8.+S boots fro* the respe!tive floppy 'is( or C-
'rive. 0-Clone is then starte' auto*ati!ally fro* the C- or floppy 'is( an' the progra*
s!reen appears.
*ote+ #or troubleshooting loa'ing proble*s of 0-Clone please view !hapter $.1 ?oa' er-
*.2.2 :indows pro"ra%
Start ,-c+one"exe fro* the genuine 0-Clone *e'iu* or 'ire!tly fro* your software pa!(age.
*.3 ,ro"ra% screen
7he 0-Clone progra* s!reen ;fig. 2< !ontains two fiel's in a lighter blue. 7hey are the Da!t-
ive area of the progra* where all infor*ation is shown an' all operation steps are e@e!ute'.
/." 1rogra* s!reen
*.3.1 'tatus field
7he upper fiel' is the status fiel' ;fig. 2<. .t shows the para*eters sele!te' for the !opying
pro!ess ;Coy%n! mo-e: Source: 4ar!et an' Ot%ons<. 7hus you see at any point of the pro-
gra* whi!h para*eters you have alrea'y sele!te'. #urther*ore: the right si'e of the status
fiel' also shows li!ense infor*ation.
*.3.2 &peratin" field
7he lower fiel' is the operating fiel' ;fig. 2<. .n the upper left of the operating fiel' is the title
of the !urrently shown 'ialog page together with a !orrespon'ing sy*bol. .n the upper right
are two general operating ele*entsG with the help button [5] you !an !all up the intera!tive
help at any point of the progra* ;/./ 0elp<. =ith the 2uit button [6] you !an 2uit the pro-
gra* at any ti*e ;/.11 &n'ing the progra*<. 6t the botto* of the operating fiel': you fin'
the buttons [Next] an' [(ack]: with whi!h you !an go to the ne@t or previous 'ialog page.
*.4 &peration
7o !reate a !opy: you are le' through five !onse!utive 'ialog pages where you !an sele!t the
in'ivi'ual para*eters for the !opy an' start an' !ontrol the !opying pro!ess. 7hese five 'ialog
pages are shown in the operating fiel'.
*.4.1 5raphical control ele%ents
7o !ontrol the progra*: 0-Clone (nows 'ifferent graphi!al !ontrol ele*ents ;fig. " an' fig.
%<. 7he na*es whi!h are use' within this *anual to 'esignate the 'ifferent ele*ents are liste'
an' illustrate' by e@a*ples in the following illustration.
Status fiel' Zuit
+perating fiel'
7itle of 'ialog page 0elp
Sele!tion graphi!
fig. 2: Program screen
/.% +peration
*.4.2 &peration with #e)board and %ouse
0-Clone is operate' by (eyboar' an' *ouse. .t is also possible to operate the pro-gra* e@-
!lusively by (eyboar' or e@!lusively by *ouse.
*.4.2.1 <e)board operation
+peration by (eyboar' always refers to the !urrently fo!use' graphi!al ele*ent. 7his ele*ent
is highlighte' by !olor: brightness: or an a''itional fra*e. =ith the tabulator (ey you !an
swit!h the fo!us in turn to the other operating ele*ents. 7he following !ontrol (eys have a
fun!tion when operating the (eyboar'G
?ist bo@ .nfo bo@
Che!( bo@
8utton ;nor*al< 8utton ;fo!use'<
-ialog win'ow Close 'ialog
1rogress bar
8utton ;ina!tive<
fig. 3: Graphical control elements (1)
fig. 4: Graphical control elements (2)
/.% +peration
8ey 0ontrol ele$ent Function
<4ab> ;all< Swit!h to the ne@t ele*ent
6rrow (eys ?ist fiel' Sele!t list ele*ent
;555< Sele!tion graphi! 0ighlight ele*ent
<Sace> 8utton 1ress button
Sele!tion graphi! Sele!t highlighte' ele*ent
?in( Show lin( target
<Return> 8utton 1ress button ;in 'ialog win'ows only<
?in( Show lin( target
<Esc> =in'ow Close win'ow ;only win'ows with in the title bar<
;operating fiel'< Zuit 0-Clone
*.4.2.2 (ouse operation
+perating 0-Clone with the help of a *ouse is 'one a!!or'ing to the o%nt)an-)c+%ck prin-
!iple. 7he right *ouse (ey has no spe!ial fun!tion. 0-Clone 'oes not use -ra!)an-)-ro.
*.* Help
Oou !an open a !onte@t-relate' help win'ow at any point of the progra* by pressing the (ey
<78> or the [5] sy*bol in the upper right !orner of the operating fiel' ;fig. 2<. 7he help gives
you useful hints on the !urrent progra* s!reen. 7he un'erline' te@t lin(s in the help win'ow
enable you to Bu*p to other help topi!s at any ti*e.
*ote+ 7he progra* help is 'esigne' to give you useful hints when using the progra*. 7he
help is no !o*plete progra* instru!tion. 7hat is why you shoul' use this userXs *anual espe-
!ially when you have proble*s or nee' *ore infor*ation on a topi!.
*.+ 'electin" the cop)in" %ode
Oou !an sele!t the 'esire' !opying *o'e on the first
'ialog page ;fig. /<. Oou have eight options alto-
gether. 6!!or'ing to your !hoi!e: a physi!al !opy: a
logi!al !opy: or an i*age file will be !reate' or re-
store'. 7he following table provi'es a short overview
on the available options. Oou fin' a 'etaile' 'es!rip-
tion of the !opying *o'es: their wor(ing *o'e an'
effe!t in !hapter +perating prin!iples.
fig. 5: Selecting the copying mode
/. Sele!ting the !opying *o'e
Creates the !lassi!al physi!al 1G1 !opy of a 'rive
;.1." -rive-to-'rive<.
Creates a physi!al 1G1 !opy of an in'ivi'ual partition
;.1.% 1artition-to-partition<.
Creates a ba!(up of an entire 'rive
;.1./ -rive-to-partition<.
Aestores the ba!(up of an entire 'rive
;.1. 1artition-to-'rive<.
0reate dri/e i$a#e
Saves the !ontents of an entire 'rive into an i*age file
;.1.$ Create 'rive i*age<.
0reate partition i$a#e
Saves the !ontents of a single partition into an i*age file
;.1.8 Create partition i*age<.
9estore dri/e i$a#e
Aestores an entire 'rive fro* an e@isting i*age file
;.1., Aestore 'rive i*age<.
9estore partition i$a#e
Aestores a single partition fro* an e@isting i*age file
;.1.10 Aestore partition i*age<.
*ote+ 7he !opying *o'es 'rive-to-partition an' partition-to-'rive are 'esigne' for *utual
use. .n general: it is not possible to !opy a wor(ing har' 'is( installation onto a partition an' to
use it there. 7he installation rather has to be !opie' ba!( onto a har' 'rive to be use'. 7he
partition serves only as a !ontainer for the har' 'is( 'ata. 7he sa*e applies generally for
!opying a fun!tioning partition onto a har' 'is(. Tevertheless: there are so*e syste*s: whi!h
(now to han'le *e'ia with Bust one single partition an' without any partition table: so*e-
ti*es na*e' Suer7+oy. #or further infor*ation on these !opying *o'es please !onsult
!hapter .1 Copying *o'es.
/. Sele!ting the !opying *o'e
6fter having sele!te' the !opying *o'e: you go to the ne@t step by pressing [next] in the
lower right !orner of the operating fiel' ;/.$ Sele!ting 'ata sour!e an' target<.
6lrea'y when sele!ting the !opying *o'e: 0-Clone starts the re!ognition of !onne!te'
'evi!es an' 'rives. .f the re!ognition is not finishe' yet: a !orrespon'ing note will be 'isplaye'
before the ne@t 'ialog page will be shown. 7his !an ta(e up to one *inute or *ore. 7he ti*e
nee'e' also 'epen's on the nu*ber of 'rives !onne!te'. .f it ta(es *ore than five *inutes:
you !an assu*e that there is a te!hni!al proble*. .n this !ase you fin' further infor*ation in
!hapter $ 7roubleshooting.
*.7 'electin" data source and tar"et
.n the two following steps: you sele!t the 'ata sour!e an' the target for the !opying pro!ess.
7he left half of the operating fiel' shows a sele!tion list. +n the right si'e is an info bo@ !on-
taining 'etails on the !urrently sele!te' ele*ent. 6!!or'ing to the sele!te' !opying *o'e:
you !an sele!t either an entire 'rive or a single partition. 7he following two sub-!hapters give
you *ore 'etaile' infor*ation. 6fter having sele!te' the 'ata sour!e in the first step: a si*ilar
loo(ing 'ialog page appears for the sele!tion of the target. 6fter these two steps: you !o*e to
the sele!tion of the options ;/.8 Sele!ting the options<.
*.7.1 'electin" a drive
=hen sele!ting a sour!e or target 'rive ;fig. <: you
see the 'evi!es re!ogni4e' by 0-Clone in the sele!-
tion list. 7he info bo@ besi'e the sele!tion list shows
*ore 'etails on the sele!te' ele*ent ;/.$.% .n-
for*ation on the 'rive<.
Sele!t the 'esire' 'rive. Oou !onfir* your sele!tion
by pressing [Next] in the lower right !orner of the
operating fiel' an' go to the ne@t step.
*.7.2 'electin" a partition
=hen sele!ting a sour!e or target partition ;fig. $<:
the re!ogni4e' 'rives an' the partitions foun' on
the* are shown in the sele!tion list. 7he partitions
belonging to a !ertain 'rive are liste' below it in an
in'ente' for*. 7he 'rives the*selves !annot be se-
le!te'. 7he fra*e with the 'etails on the right si'e of
the sele!tion list shows 'etails !on!erning the 'rive
on whi!h the !urrently sele!te' partition is lo!ate'.
Sele!t the 'esire' partition. Oou !onfir* your sele!-
tion by pressing [Next] in the lower right !orner of
the operating fiel' an' go to the ne@t step.
fig. 6: Selecting a drive
fig. 7: Selecting a partition
/.$ Sele!ting 'ata sour!e an' target
*.7.3 Deactivated list entries
7here are four !ases in whi!h entries in the sele!tion list for sour!e or target are 'ea!tivate'
an' therefore !annot be sele!te'G
.n the sele!tion 'ialog for a sour!e or target partition: the list entries for the !orrespon'ing
har' 'is(s are always 'ea!tivate' be!ause a partition but not a har' 'is( is to be sele!te'.
Sin!e sour!e an' target *ust not overlap: the alrea'y sele!te' sour!e 'rive or the 'rive that
!ontains the sour!e partitions is 'ea!tivate' when sele!ting a target 'rive.
=hen sele!ting a target partition: the alrea'y sele!te' sour!e partition or all partitions of the
sour!e 'rive are 'ea!tivate'.
.f 0-Clone re!ogni4es 'rives: but the e'ition use' 'oes not support the*: these 'rives an'
the partitions on the* are also 'ea!tivate'. .n or'er to use 0-Clone for these 'rives: you
nee' a higher e'ition. #or further infor*ation on the supporte' 'rives an' the !apa!ities of
the 'ifferent e'itions of 0-Clone: please !onsult !hapter 1.% &'ition overview or the 0--
Clone website at httpG55www.h'!lone.!o*.
'ip+ 7o see the 'etails of 'rives whi!h are re!ogni4e' by 0-Clone but not supporte' by your
e'ition ;1.% &'ition overview<: a!tivate the !he!(bo@ 9++ -r%2es se+ectab+e below the 'e-
tails. 7hen you !an also sele!t these 'rives to show the !orrespon'ing 'etails. Oou !an see
un'er the point Suorte- fro* whi!h e'ition on the respe!tive 'rive is supporte'.
*.7.4 Infor%ation on the drive
+n the right si'e of the sele!tion list for the sour!e 'rive5sour!e partition resp. the target 'rive5
target partition: you fin' a fra*e !ontaining 'etails on the !urrently sele!te' 'rive. =hen se-
le!ting a partition: the 'ata of the !orrespon'ing 'rive is shown here. 7he following infor*ation
is availableG
Field .escription
0ontroller 7ype ;.-&5SCS.< an' nu*ber ;0-1/< of the !ontroller
0hannel:.e/ice Channel use' by the 'rive ;pri*ary5se!on'ary< an'
Conne!tion of the 'rive ;*aster5slave resp. 0-1/<
2;* ?ogi!al nu*ber of the 'rive ;0-2//<
*a$e Ta*e of the 'evi!e ;a!!or'ing to the internal 'rive 'ata<
Serial nu$(er -evi!e serial nu*ber ;a!!or'ing to the internal 'rive 'ata<
Manufacturer Ta*e of the *anufa!turer ;a!!or'ing to the internal 'rive 'ata<
Fir$ware >ersion of the fir*ware ;a!!or'ing to the internal 'rive 'ata<
Supported -rive type supporte' by the e'ition use'
*ote+ Suorte- will show yes if the e'ition you use supports the sele!te' 'rive. +therwise
0-Clone in'i!ates here fro* whi!h e'ition on that 'rive is supporte'.
/.$ Sele!ting 'ata sour!e an' target
*.7.* 'electin" an i%a"e file
=hen sele!ting an i*age file ;fig. 8 an' fig. ,<: the sele!tion list shows the re!ogni4e' 'rives
an' the partitions foun' on the*. 6ll partitions of a !ertain 'rive are liste' beneath the 'rive in
in'ente' for*. 7he 'rives the*selves !annot be sele!te'. 7he 'ialog for sele!ting an i*age
file is to be foun' in the fra*e on the right of the list bo@. 7he for* of the 'ialog varies 'e-
pen'ing on whether the i*age file will be the target or the sour!e of the !opying pro!ess.
*.7.*.1 I%a"e file as a tar"et
=hen !reating an i*age ;fig. 8<: the target of the
!opying pro!ess is an i*age file. Oou are pro*pte' to
enter a file na*e into the input fiel' in the fra*e on
the right of the list bo@. 6n i*age file with the na*e
entere' will be !reate' on the sele!te' partition
;/.$./ Sele!ting an i*age file<. .n a''ition: you *ay
spe!ify whether a S*art.*age or a A6= i*age is to
be !reate'. More infor*ation on the 'ifferent types
of i*ages is to be foun' in !hapter .$ .*aging.
Sele!t the 'esire' partition fro* the list bo@ an'
enter a na*e for the i*age file. .f 'esire': !hoose to !reate a SmartIma!e ;.$.1 ?ogi!al i*-
ages< or a R9W)Ima!e ;.$." A6= i*ages<. +therwise a physi!al i*age will be !reate'
;.$.2 1hysi!al i*ages< auto*ati!ally. 7o pro!ee' to the ne@t step: !li!( on [next] in the
lower right !orner of the operating fiel' to !onfir* your !hoi!e.
*.7.*.2 I%a"e file as a source
=hen restoring an i*age ;fig. ,<: the sour!e of the
!opying pro!ess is an i*age file. .n the fra*e on the
right of the partition list: a se!on' list bo@ is to be
foun'. .t !ontains a list of i*age files foun' on the se-
le!te' partition ;/.$./ Sele!ting an i*age file<.
=hen !li!(ing on an i*age in the list: further 'etails
on the sele!te' i*age will be 'isplaye' beneath the
listG Creation ti*e an' 'ate: si4e: an' type of i*age.
7here are two infor*ation file's on the si4e. #irst: the
storage si4e of the i*age file. Se!on': the original si4e
of the *e'iu* store' in the i*age. Aegar'ing the
type of i*age: 0-Clone 'istinguishes between an i*age of an entire 'rive an' the i*age of a
single partition or logi!al 'rive. 7here is also an infor*ation about whi!h *o'e the i*age has
been !reate' with: i.e. as a physi!al: logi!al: or A6= i*age.
Sele!t the 'esire' i*age file. Confir* your sele!tion with [Next] in the lower right !orner of
the operating fiel' to pro!ee' to the ne@t step.
fig. 8: Image file as a target
fig. 9: Image file as a source
/.$ Sele!ting 'ata sour!e an' target
*.7.+ 'peedTest
+n the lower right of the operating fiel' you !an fin' the trigger for a spee' test: labele' as
See-4est. 0ere you !an start a spee' test for the !urrently sele!te' *e'iu*. Sin!e it is only a
pure rea'ing test: all 'ata on the 'rive stays un!hange'. 7he test shows you the spee' whi!h
!an be a!hieve' with the !urrently sele!te' *e'iu*. .n the first line it serves as an orientation
gui'e for e@a*ining whether it woul' be reasonable to use a higher e'ition on the teste' sys-
te* or not. 7he result reports the *a@i*u* a!hievable spee' for linear rea'ing on the sele!-
te' *e'iu* an' therefore is also a real perfor*an!e value of the har'ware.
*ote+ .f the option *u+t%Coy ;/.$.$ MultiCopy *o'e< is sele!te': the spee' *easure*ent
is being perfor*e' for all sele!te' *e'ia at the sa*e ti*e. 0en!e: it 'eter*ines the *a@i*-
u* possible !on!urrent total 'ata throughput of these *e'ia. 7his is espe!ially relevant for
potential use of the &nterprise &'ition: but also represents a perfor*an!e test of the entire
syste*. 7he spee' that !an be a!hieve' strongly 'epen's on how the teste' *e'ia are !on-
ne!te' to the syste* ;./.2 Spee'<.
*.7.7 (ultiCop) %ode
=hen sele!ting the target *e'iu* you !an use the !he!(bo@ *u+t%Coy to a!tivate Multi-
Copy *o'e ;./ Mass !opy ;MultiCopy *o'e<<. .n this *o'e it is possible to sele!t up to 1
'rives or partitions at the sa*e ti*e. #or 'oing so: !li!( on all 'esire' list entries. 7he sele!te'
entries then will be *ar(e' with a 'ar( blue ba!(groun'. 7o re*ove a *ar(e' list entry fro*
the sele!tion: it si*ply has to be !li!(e' again. Oou !an then use the Spee'7est ;/.$.
Spee'7est< to *easure the 'ata throughput of the sele!te' 'rives or partitions in parallel oper-
ation. Copying to *ultiple 'rives in parallel is only possible with the &nterprise &'ition. .t allows
to !opy to up to %: 8 or 1 targets at a ti*e: 'epen'ing on the stage use' ;&nterprise &'ition
%@: &nterprise &'ition 8@ or &nterprise &'ition 1@<.
*ote+ 7he *u+t%Coy option !an be a!tivate' in all e'itions of 0-Clone: even in the #ree
&'ition. 7his !an be use' to !he!( in a'van!e whi!h spee' !an be a!hieve' on a !ertain sys-
te* by using the &nterprise &'ition. 1lease (eep in *in' that the a!hievable spee' in this
!ase strongly 'epen's on the interfa!es use' ;*ost suitableG .-&: S676: an' SCS.< an' the
'rive !o*binations ;only use *aster 'rives with .-&<.
'ip+ MultiCopy *o'e !an also be use' in !o*bination with i*aging ;/. Sele!ting the
!opying *o'e<. .n this !ase you !an either restore the !ontents of an i*age file to up to 1
targets at a ti*e ;/.$./.2 .*age file as a sour!e< or you !an !reate up to 1 i*age files at a
ti*e - to 'ifferent *e'ia: of !ourse - fro* one single sour!e ;/.$./.1 .*age file as a target<.
*.- 'electin" the options
+n the 'ialog page Ot%ons: you !an set the options with whi!h you want the following !opy-
ing pro!ess to be e@e!ute'. 1rin!ipally: 0-Clone auto*ati!ally sets the opti*al options for the
sele!te' 'rives an' the type of the !opy. +nly *o'ify the options to troubleshoot proble*s
;$ 7roubleshooting< or when you are sure that this i*proves the perfor*an!e of 0-Clone.
/.8 Sele!ting the options
*ote+ 6n i*proper *o'ifi!ation of options !an possibly lea' to a 'eterioration of the !opying
.f the settings of the in'ivi'ual options !o*ply with your 'e*an's: !li!( [Next]. Oou then
!o*e to the ne@t 'ialog page where you !an start the !opying pro!ess ;/., Copying 'ata<.
*.-.1 ;erif)in"
7he option /er%&y%n! is an e@!eption to the options 'es!ribe' in this !hapter ;/.8." 9eneral
options<. 7his option has no influen!e on the !opying perfor*an!e itself: but offers the possibil-
ity to syn!hroni4e the 'ata of the sour!e an' target after the !opying pro!ess. 0owever: the
whole pro!ess of !opying an' verifying then nor*ally ta(es appro@i*ately the 'ouble a*ount
of ti*e. Choose this option a!!or'ing to your nee's of !opying an' your ti*e available.
<arnin#+ Oou shoul' not acti/ate /erification when you !opy har' 'is(s !ontaining 'efe!ts:
that *eans in parti!ular when you use 0-Clone for a 'ata re!overy. 1hysi!al 'a*ages on the
'rive !oul' sprea' essentially faster be!ause of the a''itional stress. #urther*ore: the result
of a verifi!ation of har' 'is(s with 'efe!ts has no real e@pressiveness for logi!al reasons.
*.-.2 =oc#ed options
7he options have 'ifferent possibilities of availability an' sele!tability. ?o!(e' options !annot
be *o'ifie': but the 'isplaye' setting is vali'. fig. 10 shows the 'ifferent possibilities.
*.-.3 5eneral options
.n the !olu*n :enera+: you fin' options: whi!h relate to the operating *etho' of 0-Clone
an' the !opying pro!ess in general.
%ption Meanin#
Fast0opy Spe!ial !opy algorith*. Can in!rease the regular !opy spee' up to
the 'ouble.
a!tive ) lo!(e'
ina!tive ) lo!(e'
fig. 10: Selecting the options
/.8 Sele!ting the options
%ption Meanin#
Safe9escue Spe!ial algorith* for 'ata re!overy. 7ries to re!over as large areas
on the 'rive as possible. Can also stay turne' on for nor*al !opies.
7erifyin# Co*pares the 'ata of sour!e an' target after !opying. Shoul' not
be use' for 'ata re!overy be!ause this is an unne!essary a''itional
stress for a 'a*age' 'rive ;/.8.1 >erifying<.
0achedMe$ory Use fast inter*e'iate *e*ory.
SharedMe$ory Use fast 'ata transfers.
Ani$ation Swit!h off !opy ani*ation: *ay lea' to a slight spee' in!rease.
Media.irect =.ell1 -ea!tivate Me'ia-ire!t software on the target.
S$art0opy Create a logi!al 1G1 !opy ;. S*artCopy<.
*.-.4 &ptions for source and tar"et
.n the !olu*ns Source an' 4ar!et: you fin' setting possibilities: whi!h relate espe!ially to the
'rives sele!te' for the !opying pro!ess.
%ption Meanin#
.AZ .n .AZ *o'e: sour!e an' target are opti*ally syn!hroni4e'. +nly this
lea's to a *a@i*u* !opy transfer rate.
.MA #or highest transfer rate an' the shortest !opying ti*e.
9ead cache Use fast rea' buffer.
<rite cache Use fast write buffer.
Multi5sector "I% .n!reases spee' by about 10L !o*pare' to the stan'ar' *o'e
when -M6 is 'ea!tivate' ;see above<.
9eco/ery /ia "I% +pti*al re!overy of 'efe!tive se!tors.
0oolin# phase 7o fi@ 'ata errors or interruptions 'uring the US8 'ata transfer
;$..2 +ther 'evi!e proble*s<.
Sector area &@a!tly 'efinable !opying area ;.% 6rea !opy<.
*.8 Cop)in" data
+n the 'ialog page Coy -ata ;fig. 11< : you !an
start the !opying pro!ess. Che!( beforehan' in the
status fiel' whether the settings for !opying *o'e:
sour!e: target: an' the sele!te' options are right. .f
no: go ba!( to the !orrespon'ing 'ialog page by
!li!(ing ;repeate'ly< [(ack] in the lower left !orner of
the operating fiel' an' a'Bust the settings. 6s soon as
you want to start the !opying pro!ess: !li!( [Start] in
the botto* *argin of the operating fiel'. -uring the
fig. 11: Dialog page Copy data
/., Copying 'ata
!opying pro!ess: you !an follow the pro!ess with the help of the 'isplays 'es!ribe' in the fol-
lowing sub!hapters.
*.8.1 'ecurit) .uer)
8efore the final start of the !opying pro!ess: a se!ur-
ity 2uery ;fig. 12< appears where sour!e an' target
of the !opying pro!ess as well as !orrespon'ing se-
!urity notes are 'isplaye'. Cli!( [Start coy%n!] to
start the !opying pro!ess an' [Cance+] to return
without starting the !opying pro!ess.
<arnin#+ 6ll 'ata in the target area will be irretriev-
ably 'elete' by starting the !opying pro!ess.
*.8.2 2uto>pand
.f there is *ore free spa!e available on the target
*e'iu* than re2uire' by the sour!e *e'iu*:
0-Clone offers to resi4e the file syste* auto*ati!ally
to the available si4e ;fig. 1"<. 0-Clone will integ-
rate the a''itionally available spa!e on the target
into the !opie' file syste*. 7he sour!e *e'iu* will
stay un!hange'. 7he target *e'iu* will !ontain the
sa*e 'ata: Bust the a*ount of available free spa!e
will grow auto*ati!ally to the *a@i*u* available a*ount on the 'rive. Cli!( on [;es] to have
the available spa!e enlarge' auto*ati!ally: [No] to leave the a''itional spa!e unuse' for the
*o*ent: an' [Cance+]: to !an!el the !opying pro!ess.
,6a$ple+ 9iven the sour!e is a =in'ows installation on a partition of 80 98 on a har' 'is( of
80 98 total. 7he target is assu*e' to be a 200 98 har' 'is(. <ithout Auto,6pand the target
woul' !ontain a =in'ows partition of 80 98 an' 120 98 of free: unassigne' spa!e. 7he free
spa!e !oul' be use' to !reate another partition with a 'ifferent 'rive letter. ;sin# Auto,65
pand: the 'ata fro* the 80 98 sour!e partition woul' be !opie' to a 200 98 target partition.
7he file syste* in this partition woul' be resi4e' fro* 80 98 to 200 98. 7his woul' result in
having the full 200 98 available in one partition un'er one 'rive letter: !ontaining all the 'ata
fro* the original 80 98 partition.
*ote+ 6uto*ati! resi4ing !urrently wor(s for #67 an' T7#S partitions only. 7he si4e will al-
ways be a'apte' to the *a@i*u* of available spa!e on the target. .n !ase a 'rive !opy is
perfor*e' an' the sour!e 'rive !ontains several partitions: only the last partition will be res-
i4e'. 6ll re*aining partitions will (eep their si4e.
fig. 12: Security !uery
fig. 13: "#uto$%pand& dialog
/., Copying 'ata
*.8.3 Cop) ani%ation
.n the !enter of the operating fiel': you see the !opy ani*ation ;if you have not 'ea!tivate' it
when sele!ting the options< after the start of the !opying pro!ess. 7he !opy ani*ation shows
that the !opying pro!ess is running. &spe!ially in !ase the other in'i!ations only !hange or 'o
not !hange at all for a ti*e: e.g. in !ase of rea' or write errors: the !opy ani*ation shows that
0-Clone is still running.
*.8.4 'tatus indication
+n the left an' right si'e of the operating fiel': you see the fiel's of the status in'i!ation. 7hey
!ontain infor*ation on the !urrent status of the !opying pro!ess.
Status Meanin#
Sectors processed 6bsolute nu*ber of se!tors alrea'y !opie'.
-uffer si>e Si4e of the internally use' buffer.
9ead errors Tu*ber of the rea' errors o!!urre' up to this point. 7his nu*ber
!an also 'e!rease if errors !an be fi@e'. =hen starting the optional
verifi!ation run: this value is set ba!( to 4ero.
<rite errors Tu*ber of the write errors o!!urre' up to this point. 7his nu*ber
!an also 'e!rease if errors !an be fi@e'. =hen starting the optional
verifi!ation run: this value is set ba!( to 4ero.
9unnin# ti$e 7i*e passe' sin!e the start of the !opying pro!ess.
'i$e re$ainin# &sti*ate' ;U< ti*e re*aining for the whole !opying pro!ess ;in!l. the
optional verifi!ation run< on the basis of the !opy spee' attaine' up
to here. *ote+ 7he rest ti*e !an strongly in!rease in !ase of o!!ur-
ring rea' or write errors.
.ata rate 6verage 'ata rate whi!h has been attaine' up to this point of ti*e.
7he in'i!ate' value refers to the a*ount of !opie' 'ata. 7he a!tual
throughput is twi!e as high ;@ M8 !opying M @ M8 rea'ing [ @ M8
7erification errors 7his in'i!ation is only use' if you have sele!te' /er%&y%n! as an op-
*.8.* ,ercenta"e indication
7he per!entage in'i!ation ;fig. %< is lo!ate' below the !opy ani*ation. .t shows how *any
per!ent of the !urrent run ;/.,.$ Course of the pro!ess< are alrea'y finishe'.
*.8.+ ,ro"ress bar
7he progress bar ;fig. %< below the per!entage in'i!ation visuali4es the progress of the !ur-
rent run. =hi!h run ;/.,.$ Course of the pro!ess< is !urrently pro!esse' is shown on the left
above the progress bar.
/., Copying 'ata
*.8.7 Course of the process
7he whole pro!ess !onsists of up to three runsG the !opying pro!ess itself: an optional 'ebug
run ;option Sa&eRescue a!tive: /.8." 9eneral options<: an' an optional verifi!ation run ;op-
tion /er%&y%n! a!tive: /.8." 9eneral options<. .n this *anual: the 'esignation !opying pro!ess
in!lu'es the optional 'ebug run be!ause it belongs to the !opying pro!ess: even if it is e@-
e!ute' afterwar's.
*.8.- Interruptin" the runnin" process
Oou !an interrupt the running !opying pro!ess or the
verifi!ation run at any ti*e by !li!(ing [Sto]. 6 'ia-
log win'ow then appears ;fig. 1% an' fig. 1/<
where you have the !hoi!e to either !ontinue the
pro!ess ;!li!( on [Cont%nue coy%n!] or [Cont%nue
2er%&y%n!]< or to abort it !o*pletely ;!li!( on [9bort
coy%n!] or [9bort 2er%&y%n!]:/.10.1 User abort<. 6s
long as you sele!t neither option: the !urrent !opying pro!ess re*ains interrupte'.
*.1? Ter%ination of the cop)in" process
*.1?.1 !ser abort
.f you interrupt a running !opying pro!ess or verifi!a-
tion run by !li!(ing [Sto] ;/.,.8 .nterrupting the
running pro!ess<: you !an 'efinitively abort the pro-
!ess in the 'ialog win'ow whi!h then appears ;fig.
1% an' fig. 1/< by !li!(ing [9bort coy%n!] or [9bort
2er%&y%n!]. Oou then obtain a final report ;/.10.% #i-
nal report< upon the pre*aturely ter*inate' pro!ess.
*ote+ Unli(e an aborte' !opying run: an aborte' verifi!ation run has no influen!e on the
!opie' 'ata. 7he !opy itself is alrea'y finishe' at that point of ti*e.
*.1?.2 @e"ular ter%ination
6fter up to three runs ;/.,.$ Course of the pro!ess< without a pre*ature abort: the !opying
pro!ess is regularly en'e'. Oou then obtain a final report upon the !o*plete !opying pro!ess
in a 'ialog win'ow ;/.10.% #inal report<.
fig. 14: #'ort dialog copying process
fig. 15: #'ort dialog verification run
/.10 7er*ination of the !opying pro!ess
*.1?.3 2dAust %edia para%eters
6fter finishing the !opying pro!ess: a 'ialog for a'Busting *e'ia
para*eters appears ;fig. 1<. Sin!e 0-Clone !reates a 1G1 !opy:
the 'ata fro* the Master 8oot Ae!or' ;M8A< an' of the boot se!-
tor;s< are also !opie' to the target *e'iu*. 6s this !hara!teristi!
of a 1G1 !opy so*eti*es !auses proble*s in pra!ti!e: 0-Clone
offers to a'Bust the regar'ing *e'ia para*eters opti*ally for the
target *e'iu*.
I$portant+ .n !ase you a'Bust the target *e'iu*: it will no longer
be an absolute 1G1 !opy. &spe!ially in !ase of forensi! analysis
you *ight want to abstain any a'Bust*ent.
0-Clone auto*ati!ally sets para*eter values: whi!h are opti*al
for the respe!tive *e'iu* in *ost !ases. 7hey usually Bust nee' to
be !onfir*e'. 6 *anual !hange of the preset para*eters is only
nee'e' in e@!eptional !ases. 7he para*eters refer to the Master
8oot Ae!or' ;M8A< an' to any (nown boot se!tor;s< an' are
groupe' a!!or'ingly.
"ara$eter Meanin#
Geo$etry used 7o boot fro* the *e'iu*: the 'evi!e geo*etry has to *at!h
the geo*etry set in 8.+S.
Adopt partition I. Use sa*e partition type as on the sour!e *e'iu*.
Ad?ust partition si>e Set the spa!e reserve' for the target partition to the si4e
nee'e' by the partition that has been !opie'.
Ad?ust 04S layout Use the values set un'er 9eo*etry use' for a'Busting the
M8A or the boot se!tor;s<.
9eset dis3 si#nature Aeset uni2ue *e'ia signature.
Ad?ust offset 6'Bust real partition start a''ress in boot se!tor;s<.
"atch (oot code 6voi's boot proble*s on ol'er har'ware.
0han#e /olu$e I. Create a new .- for the partition. Un!on'itionally ne!essary
when sour!e an' target wor( in the sa*e 1C.
=hen the para*eters an' options are set as 'esire': !li!( on [9-<ust] to *o'ify the *e'iu*
or !li!( on [No c,an!es] to leave the *e'iu* un!hange'.
*ote+ .n !ase of a !opy with several target *e'ia ;&nterprise &'ition only< the 'ialog appears
only on!e. 7he sele!te' a'Bust*ents are then !arrie' out for all target *e'ia.
*.1?.4 Final report
6fter ter*ination ;fig. 1$< or the abort ;fig. 18< of a !opying pro!ess: you obtain a final re-
port in a 'ialog win'ow with the following infor*ation.
fig. 16: #d(ustment dialog
/.10 7er*ination of the !opying pro!ess
A co$plete copy has (een created+ in !ase the !opying pro!ess has been finishe' without
an abort ;even if the verifi!ation run has been aborte'<.
'he copyin# process has (een a(orted+ in !ase the !opying run has been aborte' before its
regular ter*ination.
'he copy has not (een /erified+ in !ase no verifi!ation run has been e@e!ute' after the
!opying pro!ess or in !ase the !opying pro!ess has been pre*aturely aborte'.
'he copy has (een only partly /erified+ in !ase the verifi!ation run has been aborte' pre-
'he copy has (een /erified+ in !ase the verifi!ation has been ter*inate' without an abort.
#urther*ore: the final report !ontains the following infor*ationG
Field Meanin#
Source Sour!e 'rive5partition of the !opying pro!ess.
'ar#et 7arget 'rive5partition of the !opying pro!ess.
0opied sectors 7otal nu*ber of !opie' se!tors.
9ead errors 7otal nu*ber of the rea' errors o!!urre' 'uring the !opying pro-
!ess. Aea' errors: whi!h o!!ur 'uring the verifi!ation run: are e@!lus-
ively !ounte' as verifi!ation errors.
<rite errors 7otal nu*ber of the write errors o!!urre' 'uring the !opying pro-
!ess. =rite errors: whi!h o!!ur 'uring the verifi!ation run: are e@!lus-
ively !ounte' as verifi!ation errors.
fig. 17: )inal report after a successful
copying and verification run
fig. 18: )inal report after the
a'ort of the copying run
/.10 7er*ination of the !opying pro!ess
Field Meanin#
7erification errors 7otal nu*ber of the errors o!!urre' 'uring the verifi!ation run. 7his
in!lu'es write an' rea' errors as well as non-i'enti!al 'ata 'uring
the !o*parison. 7his fiel' is not shown: if no verifi!ation run was star-
te'. .f the verifi!ation run has been aborte': *aybe not all verifi!a-
tion errors have been 'is!overe' 'ue to the pre*ature abort.
9unti$e 7i*e re2uire' for the whole pro!ess: i.e. !opying pro!ess an' verifi!-
ation run ;if e@e!ute'<.
Oou !an start another !opying pro!ess by !li!(ing [9not,er coy] or en' the progra* by !li!(-
ing [=u%t >DC+one] ;/.11.2 9oo'-bye s!reen<.
*.11 ndin" the pro"ra%
*.11.1 nd dialo"
Oou !an en' 0-Clone at any ti*e. 1ossibly open 'ia-
log win'ows have to be !lose' before. Cli!( then the
en' sy*bol [6] ;/.".2 +perating fiel'< in the upper
right !orner of the operating fiel' ;fig. 2< or press
<ESC>. 7he en' 'ialog appears ;fig. 1,< where you
!an 2uit 0-Clone by !li!(ing [;es] an' return to the
progra* by !li!(ing [No]. #urther*ore: you !an !an-
!el 0-Clone 'ire!tly after a ter*inate' !opying pro-
!ess ;/.10.% #inal report<.
*.11.2 5ood3b)e screen
6fter the ter*ination of 0-Clone: either via the en'
'ialog ;/.11.1 &n' 'ialog< or via the 'ialog win'ow
with the final report ;/.10.% #inal report<: a goo'-
bye s!reen appears ;fig. 20<. Oou !an then shut
'own the !o*puter or reboot it.
*ote+ .f you 'o not want to start 0-Clone when
you start the !o*puter the ne@t ti*e: re*ove the
0-Clone boot *e'iu* fro* the boot 'rive.
fig. 19: $nd dialog
fig. 20: Good*'ye screen
+ &peratin" principles
.n this paragraph: you fin' 'etaile' 'es!riptions upon the operating prin!iples of the !opying
*o'es an' upon the operating pro!e'ure of 0-Clone in !ase of 'efe!tive *e'ia.
+.1 Cop)in" %odes
0-Clone !an han'le whole har' 'is(s as well as in'ivi'ual partitions. 7he progra* therefore
offers 'ifferent !opying *o'es: whose *eaning: effe!t an' possibilities of use are e@plaine' in
the following sub!hapters. 0owever: the 'ifferent !opying *o'es only represent the te!hni!al
possibilities offere' by 0-Clone. &a!h !opying *o'e has: a!-!or'ing to the syste* environ-
*ent: nu*erous pra!ti!al possibilities of appli!ation: whi!h !over the 'ata re!overy over the
ba!(up to the *igration of entire operating syste* installations ;2 #iel's of appli!ation<.
+.1.1 ,reli%inar) re%ar#
7he !opying *o'es offere' by 0-Clone ai* to !over as *any possibilities of appli!ation of
the 1G1 !opy as possible. Sin!e *any users have their own in'ivi'ual re2uire*ents an' !ases of
appli!ation for the 1G1 !opy: so*e of the offere' possibilities only lea' to an inter*e'iate step
;e.g. in !ase of a ba!(up: .1./ -rive-to-partition<. 6s long as you 'o not overwrite any areas
!ontaining 'ata whi!h is still nee'e': you !an try every !opying *o'e without proble*s be-
!ause the original re*ains un!hange'.
I$portant+ .n !ase of a 'ata re!overy fro* a 'efe!tive har' 'is(: you shoul' first of all *a(e
a physi!al 1G1 !opy or a physi!al 1G1 i*age of the whole har' 'is( onto an i'enti!ally big or a
bigger har' 'is( ;.2 Si4e 'ifferen!es<. =ith that !opy: you !an then try 'ifferent !opying
*o'es or re!overy trials without any ris( regar'ing the original 'ata.
+.1.2 ,h)sical cop)
6 physi!al !opy !opies a !ohesive area of a har' 'is( onto another area on the sa*e har' 'is(
or onto another har' 'is(. .t is !apital for the usability of the !opy an' its integrity whi!h area is
!opie' an' onto whi!h area on the target 'is( the 'ata is !opie'. 7o (eep the pro!ess easily
*anageable for the user an' to allow you to !reate a !opy a!!or'ing to your wishes an'
nee's in the easiest way possible ;see also.1.1 1reli*inary re*ar(<: 0-Clone offers the
!opying *o'es 'es!ribe' in the following sub!hapters. =hi!h !opying *o'e is the best for
what purpose: is 'es!ribe' in the respe!tive sub!hapter as well as in 2 #iel's of appli!ation.
+.1.3 Drive3to3drive
7his !opying *o'e !reates a D!lassi!al 1G1 !opy.
&a!h se!tor of the sour!e har' 'is( is !opie' to
the sa*e a''ress on the target har' 'is(. 6fter
the su!!essful ter*ination of the !opying pro-
!ess: har' 'is(s of an i'enti!al si4e *at!h in
every se!-tor. -ifferent si4es of the har' 'is(s
result in a non-!opie' resp. non-overwritten area
;.2 Si4e 'ifferen!es<.
fig. 21: Drive*to*drive
.1 Copying *o'es
7he 'rive-to-'rive !opying *o'e is espe!ially useful for the following areas of useG
Migration of an e@isting operation syste* installation to a larger 'rive ;2.1 Upgra'ing har'
'is(s ) *igrating an +S<.
Aes!ue of entire har' 'is(s ;2.2 -ata res!ue<.
8a!(up an' restore of entire 'rives or operating syste* installations ;2." .nstallation
Multiple installations ;2./.1 -upli!ating syste* installations<.
Copying proprietary file syste*s an' 'ata for*ats onto another 'rive ;2. 1roprietary har'
'is( for*ats<.
8a!(up of har' 'is( 'ata for a forensi! evaluation an' further pro!essing ;2.$ #orensi! 'ata
+.1.4 ,artition3to3partition
7his !opying *o'e fun!tions si*ilarly to the
above 'es!ribe' *o'e ;.1." -rive-to-'rive<.
0owever: in this !ase: not the whole har' 'is( is
!opie': but only the !ontent of an in'ivi'ual par-
tition is !opie'. 7his !opy is e@e!ute' se!tor by
se!tor: too. Aelatively a the beginning of the respe!tive partition: the in'ivi'ual se!tors are also
*ove' to the sa*e a''ress. 0owever: 'ue to the prin!iple an' in !ontrast to the 'rive-to-
'rive *o'e: the in'ivi'ual se!tors are not at the sa*e absolute a''ress in relation to the !o*-
plete har' 'is(. 1erhaps su!h a !opy is therefore not 'ire!tly usable: but only after it has been
!opie' ba!( ;2." .nstallation ba!(up< or a'apte' to the !hange' absolute position on the
har' 'is( ;/.10." 6'Bust *e'ia para*eters<.
7he partition-to-partition !opying *o'e is espe!ially useful for the following areas of useG
Migration of an e@isting operation syste* partition to another 'rive ;2.1 Upgra'ing har'
'is(s ) *igrating an +S<.
Aes!ue of in'ivi'ual partitions ;2.2 -ata res!ue<.
8a!(up an' restore of in'ivi'ual ;operating syste*< partitions ;2." .nstallation ba!(up<.
Multiple installations of in'ivi'ual ;syste*< partitions ;2./.1 -upli!ating syste* installations<.
Copying of proprietary file syste*s an' 'ata for*ats onto another 'rive ;2. 1roprietary
har' 'is( for*ats< - only with a vali' partition tableU
8a!(up of in'ivi'ual partitions for forensi! analysis an' further pro!essing ;2.$ #orensi!
'ata se!uring<.
7e*porary storage or inter*e'iate storage of a partition: e.g. in !ase of a reorgani4ation of a
har' 'is(.
Aelo!ating a partition within a *e'iu* or to another *e'iu*.
fig. 22: Partition*to*partition
.1 Copying *o'es
+.1.* Drive3to3partition
7his !opying *o'e stores a physi!al !opy of a
!o*plete har' 'is( in a partition on an-other
har' 'is(. 1hysi!al i*ages of several har' 'is(s
!an be store' on a single har' 'is( for e@a*ple
;in 'ifferent partitions< ;2./.2 0an'ling several
*aster installations<. .n *ost of the !ases: su!h a
partition !annot be use' 'ire!tly. 7his !opying
*o'e *ainly serves to !reate a ba!(up of a har' 'is(. 7his is why it is *ostly use' in !onte@t
with the partition-to-'rive !opying *o'e ;.1. 1artition-to-'rive<: whi!h re!overs the previ-
ously ba!(e' up 'ata.
7he 'rive-to-partition !opying *o'e is espe!ially useful for the following areas of useG
Aes!ue of several 'rives onto one single 'rive ;2.2 -ata res!ue<.
8a!(up of several 'rives ;2./.2 0an'ling several *aster installations<.
8a!(up of the 'ata fro* several 'rives onto one single ;!orrespon'ingly big< 'rive for a sub-
se2uent forensi! analysis an' further pro!essing ;2.$ #orensi! 'ata se!uring<.
7e*porary storage or inter*e'iate storage of entire 'rives.
+.1.+ ,artition3to3drive
7his !opying *o'e !opies the !ontent of in'i-
vi'ual partitions onto a single har' 'is(. 7his
!opying *o'e *ainly serves to restore a previ-
ously !reate' ba!(up of a har' 'is( or to bring in
one of several previously store' *aster installa-
tions ;2./.2 0an'ling several *aster installa-
tions<. 7hat is why it is nor*ally use' in !o*bina-
tion with the 'rive-to-partition !opying *o'e .1./ -rive-to-partition for a 'ata re!overy. .f
an arbitrary partition is !opie' onto a har' 'is( on the !ontrary: the har' 'is( is in *ost of the
!ases not 'ire!tly usable.
7he partition-to-'rive !opying *o'e is espe!ially useful for the following areas of useG
Aestore of a !o*plete 'rive whi!h has been previously ba!(e' up with the 'rive-to-partition
!opying *o'e ;.1./ -rive-to-partition<.
Multiple installations ;2./.1 -upli!ating syste* installations<.
-e!oupling of har' 'is( 'ata that has previously been save' in in'ivi'ual partitions for a
forensi! evaluation ;2.$ #orensi! 'ata se!uring<.
+.1.7 Create drive i%a"e
7his !opying *o'e allows to !opy the !ontents of an entire 'rive to an i*age file. 7he result is
a file: !ontaining an e@a!t i*age of the sour!e 'rive. -epen'ing on the type of i*age use'
;.$ .*aging<: the i*age file !ontains a logi!al i*age ;.$.1 ?ogi!al i*ages< or a physi!ally
fig. 23: Drive*to*partition
fig. 24: Partition*to*drive
.1 Copying *o'es
e@a!t 1G1 i*age ;.$.2 1hysi!al i*ages<. 6
physi!al i*age !an be pro!esse' by thir' party
progra*s in !ertain !ases ;.$." A6= i*ages<.
.n !ase of a logi!al i*age: the 'ata store' in the
i*age file is i'enti!al to a 'ire!t !opy using
S*artCopy *o'e ;. S*artCopy<: i.e. only
se!tors in use on the 'rive are store'. .n !ase of
a physi!al i*age or A6= i*age: all se!tors on the 'rive are store' bit by bit: si*ilar to a physi!-
al 1G1 !opy.
7he !opying *o'e create -r%2e %ma!e is suitable for the following areas of appli!ationGG
8a!(up of an entire 'rive to a file ;2." .nstallation ba!(up<.
Creating *aster installations ;2./.1 -upli!ating syste* installations<.
-ata res!ue to an i*age ;2.2 -ata res!ue< for trans*ission an' further pro!essing.
#orensi! 'rive i*age for further evaluation ;2.$ #orensi! 'ata se!uring<.
+.1.- Create partition i%a"e
7his !opying *o'e allows to !opy the !ontents
of a single partition to an i*age file. 7he result is
a file: !ontaining an e@a!t i*age of the sour!e
partition. -epen'ing on the type of i*age use'
;.$ .*aging<: the i*age file !ontains a logi!al
i*age ;.$.1 ?ogi!al i*ages< or a physi!ally e@-
a!t 1G1 i*age ;.$.2 1hysi!al i*ages<. 6 physi!al i*age !an be pro!esse' by thir' party pro-
gra*s in !ertain !ases ;.$." A6= i*ages<. .n !ase of a logi!al i*age: the 'ata store' in the
i*age file is i'enti!al to a 'ire!t !opy using S*artCopy *o'e ;. S*artCopy<: i.e. only se!-
tors in use of the partition are store'. .n !ase of a physi!al i*age or A6= i*age: all se!tors of
the partition are store' bit by bit: si*ilar to a physi!al 1G1 !opy.
7he !opying *o'e create art%t%on %ma!e is suitable for the following areas of appli!ationGG
8a!(up of single ;syste*-< partitions to a file ;2." .nstallation ba!(up<.
Creating *aster installations ;2./.1 -upli!ating syste* installations<.
-ata res!ue to an i*age ;2.2 -ata res!ue< for trans*ission an' further pro!essing.
#orensi! partition i*age for further evaluation ;2.$ #orensi! 'ata se!uring<.
+.1.8 @estore drive i%a"e
7his !opying *o'e allows to restore the !ontents
of an i*age file to a 'rive. .t is use' to restore
ba!(ups: to roll out *aster installations: or to
!opy 'ata previously save' to an i*age file ba!(
to a 'rive for 'ata re!overy or forensi! evalu-
ation. .t is re!o**en'e' that a 'rive i*age is
fig. 25: Create drive image
fig. 26: Create partition image
fig. 27: +estore drive image
.1 Copying *o'es
use' as sour!e. Copying a partition i*age to an entire 'rive *ay yiel' a result whi!h is not us-
able for 'ire!t a!!ess in *ost !ases.
7he !opying *o'e restore -r%2e %ma!e is suitable for the following areas of appli!ationGG
Aestore of an entire 'rive fro* a 'rive i*age ;.1.$ Create 'rive i*age<.
Aolling out *aster installations ;2./.1 -upli!ating syste* installations<.
Copying ba!( previously save' 'rive i*ages for 'ata re!overy ;2.2 -ata res!ue< or
forensi! evaluation. ;2.$ #orensi! 'ata se!uring<.
+.1.1? @estore partition i%a"e
7his !opying *o'e allows to restore the !ontents
of an i*age file to a partition. .t is use' to restore
ba!(ups: to roll out *aster installations: or to
!opy 'ata previously save' to an i*age file ba!(
to a partition for 'ata re!overy or forensi! evalu-
ation. .t is re!o**en'e' that a partition i*age is
use' as sour!e. Copying a 'rive i*age to a single partition *ay yiel' a result whi!h is not us-
able for 'ire!t a!!ess in *ost !ases.
7he !opying *o'e restore art%t%on %ma!e is suitable for the following areas of appli!ationGG
Aestore of a single partition fro* a partition i*age ;.1.8 Create partition i*age<.
Aolling out *aster installations ;2./.1 -upli!ating syste* installations<.
Copying ba!( previously save' partition i*ages for 'ata re!overy ;2.2 -ata res!ue< or
forensi! evaluation. ;2.$ #orensi! 'ata se!uring<.
+.2 'i0e differences
7o !reate a real 1G1 !opy: sour!e an' target *ust have the sa*e si4e. 0-Clone is also !apable
to !reate physi!al !opies if the si4e of sour!e an' target 'iffers. 7he following sub!hapters 'e-
s!ribe a!!or'ing to what rules 0-Clone pro!esses an' what are the results.
+.2.1 .ual si0e
.f sour!e an' target are of the sa*e si4e: 0-Clone !reates an absolutely i'enti!al !opy
;!lone<. +n this !lone: all se!tors on sour!e an' target: fro* the first to the last se!tor: are
100L i'enti!al: provi'e' that the pro!ess was error-free. 1rin!ipally: 0-Clone !an !reate su!h
a !lone in all available !opying *o'es. 0owever: only the *o'e 'rive-to-'rive ;.1." -rive-
to-'rive< guarantees that the in'ivi'ual se!tors of sour!e an' target also have the sa*e abso-
lute position on the har' 'is(.
+.2.2 '%all to lar"e
.f the sour!e is s*aller than the target: 0-Clone !opies only the 'ata that is available on the
sour!e. 7his 'ata is !opie' fro* the beginning of the sour!e onto the beginning of the target
*e'iu*. 7he area at the en' of the target *e'iu*: whi!h is larger than the sour!e: re*ains
fig. 28: +estore partition image
.2 Si4e 'ifferen!es
unaffe!te'. 6part fro* that the unaffe!te' area re*ains possibly unuse' 'uring a later usage:
su!h a !opy is usually !o*parable to a real !lone as far as the !apa!ity of use is !on!erne' be-
!ause the target !ontains entirely all 'ata of the sour!e ;in !ontrast to .2." ?arge to s*all<.
+.2.3 =ar"e to s%all
.f the sour!e is bigger than the target: 0-Clone !opies only the 'ata whi!h also fits onto the
target. 7his 'ata is !opie' fro* the beginning of the sour!e to the beginning of the target *e-
'iu*. 7he 'ata whi!h is larger than the target is not !opie' an' is *issing on the target. 9ener-
ally: su!h a !opy !an only restri!te'ly be use' be!ause possibly ne!essary 'ata !an be *issing.
0owever: if you *a(e sure before !opying ;e.g. by 'efrag*entation< that all vali' or ne!essary
'ata is in the front part of the sour!e *e'iu* an' that this area is not larger than the target
*e'iu*: a !opy onto a s*aller target *e'iu* !an also be su!!essfully use'. 7his also applies if
you have !opie' a s*aller sour!e onto a larger target ;.2.2 S*all to large< an' if you !opy
ba!( the ;un!hange'< 'ata onto the original *e'iu* or onto a target of the !orrespon'ing
+.3 2uto%atic troubleshootin"
.n !ase of o!!urring errors: 0-Clone tries to troubleshoot the* the best possible. .f this is not
possible: the errors will be *entione' in a !orrespon'ing error statisti!. 7he following !hapters
give you *ore 'etaile' infor*ation on the troubleshooting an' error statisti! in 0-Clone.
+.3.1 Intensive readin"1writin"
.n !ase of rea' or write errors: 0-Clone uses 'ifferent strategies in or'er to still be able to rea'
or write this 'ata: if possible. 7he ti*e use' for 'efe!tive areas 'epen's to a large e@tent on
the respe!tive *e'iu*. 6!!or'ing to the *e'iu* an' its state: several se!on's up to *inutes
!an be nee'e' for the re!overy trials. 7herefore: it is re!o**en'e' to always a!tivate the op-
tion Sa&eRescue ;/.8." 9eneral options< be!ause then han'ling 'efe!tive se!tors ta(es pla!e
after the !opying of all inta!t areas has been finishe'. 7he pro!ess !an then be aborte' if it
ta(es too long without losing the 'ata of the inta!t areas.
+.3.2 @ead errors
-uring the !opying pro!ess: rea' errors !an only o!!ur on the sour!e *e'iu*. 0-Clone then
tries to rea' the 'efe!tive areas i**e'iately after the ter*ination of the !opying pro!ess
;with the option Sa&eRescue: /.8." 9eneral options< with the help of spe!ial 'ata re!overy
strategies within a single troubleshooting run ;/.,.$ Course of the pro!ess<. -uring the
troubleshooting run: the nu*ber of the in'i!ate' rea' errors !an re'u!e a!!or'ing to the
areas on the sour!e *e'iu*: whi!h !oul' be re!overe'.
*ote+ Aea' errors: that o!!ur 'uring the verifi!ation run: are not !ounte' as rea' errors but
as verifi!ation errors ;/.,.% Status in'i!ation<. 7he in'i!ate' rea' errors only refers to the
errors o!!urre' 'uring the !opying pro!ess ;in!lu'ing the 'ebug run<.
." 6uto*ati! troubleshooting
+.3.3 :rite errors
=rite errors !an only o!!ur 'uring the !opying pro!ess an' only on the target *e'iu*. 0--
Clone then tries to rea' the 'efe!tive areas i**e'iately after the ter*ination of the !opying
pro!ess ;with the option Sa&eRescue: /.8." 9eneral options< with the help of spe!ial 'ata re-
!overy strategies within a proper troubleshooting run ;/.,.$ Course of the pro!ess<. -uring
the troubleshooting run: the nu*ber of the in'i!ate' write errors !an re'u!e a!!or'ing to the
areas on the target *e'iu*: whi!h !oul' be re!overe'.
+.3.4 ;erifi#ationsfehler
=hen the option /er%&y%n! ;/.8.1 >erifying< is a!tivate': 0-Clone e@e!utes a verifi!ation
run ;/.,.$ Course of the pro!ess< after the !opying pro!ess. 6 verifi!ation error is !ounte' if
the 'ata of two se!tors on sour!e an' target 'o not !orrespon'. #urther*ore: rea' errors:
whi!h o!!ur 'uring the verifi!ation run in one or both of the areas to be !o*pare': are also
!ounte' as verifi!ation errors. 7herefore: the nu*ber of verifi!ation errors gives you absolute
infor*ation on how e@a!tly sour!e an' target !orrespon' to ea!h other after the !opying pro-
!ess. .n !ase of an error-free !opying pro!ess: 0-Clone shoul' not report any verifi!ation er-
rors an' signali4e a 100L !onfor*ity of sour!e an' target.
+.4 2rea cop)
.n !ase of an area !opy: the sour!e or target *e'iu* ;or both< is not use' as a whole. +nly a
partial area of the sele!te' *e'iu*;'rive or partition< is use' for the !opy.
+.4.1 !sa"e
7he 'ialog page Ot%ons provi'es the possibility to spe!ify an e@a!tly 'efinable se!tor area for
sour!e an' target ;/.8.% +ptions for sour!e an' target<. 7o spe!ify a se!tor area: a!tivate
the !he!( bo@ Se!tor area an' enter the starting ;&rom< an' the en'ing ;to< se!tor of the area
to 'efine. 7hese se!tors are interprete' as the first an' the last se!tor of the are: i.e. they are
in!lu'e' with the area.
*ote+ 7he se!tor !ounting starts with with D0 ;M 1
se!tor of the *e'iu*<. 6!!or'ingly: all fur-
ther se!tor nu*bers have to be 'e!rease' by 1: too ;e.g. fro* M 0: to M ,,,,, 'efines the
first 100000 se!tors on the *e'iu* as an area<.
<arnin#+ Oou shoul' not !on'u!t an area !opy unless you are !o*pletely aware of its fun!-
tioning an' possible !onse2uen!es. 6 se!tor area: whi!h has not been 'efine' with e@pertise
*ay lea' to 'ata loss.
+.4.2 Functionin"
7he se!tor area is always subor'inate' to the sele!te' *e'iu* ;'rive or partition< an' is inter-
prete' relatively to the starting position of the *e'iu*. .nstea' of using the whole *e'iu* for
the subse2uent !opying pro!ess: only the 'efine' se!tor area will be use' as sour!e or target.
-uring !opying: the 'ata fro* the first se!tor of the sour!e area will be !opie' to the first se!-
.% 6rea !opy
tor of the target area an' so on. Co*pare' to a nor*al !opy: the only 'ifferen!e is that in-
stea' of !opying the whole 'rive or partition only the 'efine' partial area is use' in the !opy-
ing pro!ess.
,6a$ple+ 7he values &rom M 0: to M "1 'efine an are of "2 se!tors. .n !ase of the type of
sour!e ;or target< is 'rive: the 'e!laration refers to the first "2 se!tors on the 'rive. .n !ase
the type of sour!e ;or target< is partition: the 'e!laration refers to the first "2 se!tors of the
partition an' *ay be lo!ate' at an arbitrary position of the 'rive ;'epen'ing on the partition
+.* (ass cop) 7(ultiCop) %ode9
.n !ase of a *ass !opy the !ontents of the sour!e *e'iu* are !opie' on *ultiple target *e-
'ia at the sa*e ti*e. 6s a result there is a huge benefit regar'ing ti*e an' perfor*an!e: sin!e
the sour!e 'ata only has to be rea' on!e an' the 'ata !an be written on *ultiple target *e-
'ia at the sa*e ti*e.
+.*.1 (ode of operation
=ith 0-Clone: !reating a *ulti or *ass !opy wor(s e@a!tly the sa*e ;si*ple< way as !reating
a single 1G1 !opy. 7he only 'ifferen!e is that instea' of only one *ultiple target *e'ia !an be
sele!te'. 7his be!o*es possible as soon as the option *u+t%Coy is being sele!te' in the target
*e'iu* 'ialog ;/.$ Sele!ting 'ata sour!e an' target<. 7hen it is possible to sele!t *ultiple
target *e'ia fro* the list. 7he further pro!e'ure then is the sa*e as when !reating a single
1G1 !opy.
*ote+ =hen !reating a *ass !opy: the result on a single *e'iu* is i'enti!al with the result of
a single !opy. .f the target *e'iu* is s*aller than the sour!e: it is not possible to !opy all
'ata. .f the target *e'iu* is larger: the region whi!h e@!ee's the si4e of the sour!e *e'iu*
will re*ain un!hange'. 7his is also vali' when using one of the 'ifferent !opying *o'es
;.1 Copying *o'es<G regar'ing the result: there is no 'ifferen!e in !o*parison to a single
+.*.2 'peed
Mass !opying yiel's an enor*ous a'vantage in spee' !o*pare' to single !opies. .n !ase of
opti*al !onne!te' *e'ia ;./." -ifferent *e'ia<: spee' in!reases straight proportional with
the nu*ber of target *e'ia. #or e@a*ple: a fourfol' !opy yiel's about four ti*es the 'ata
throughput of a single !opy.
+.*.3 Different %edia
Aegar'ing *ass !opying 0-Clone offers the possibility to !onne!t all types of supporte' 'rives
in arbitrary !o*binations. 8ut there *ay be huge 'ifferen!es in perfor*an!e a!!or'ing to
whi!h 'rives are use' an' how they are !onne!te'. #or *a@i*u* spee': only .-&: S676: an'
SCS. 'rives ought to be use'. 6n' .-& 'rives shoul' always be !onfigure' as *aster.
. S*artCopy
+.+ '%artCop)
+.+.1 (ode of operation
S*artCopy *o'e !reates logi!al 1G1 !opies. .t allows 0-Clone to save a huge a*ount of the
ti*e nee'e' for !reating a physi!al 1G1 !opy R 'epen'ing on how *u!h 'ata is store' on the
*e'iu*. S*artCopy *o'e !reates a bitwise !opy as well: but in !ontrast to a physi!al 1G1
!opy it only refers to the areas *ar(e' as use' on the *e'iu*. #or *any !ases: this *o'e is
*ore suitable sin!e it yiel's the sa*e result in less ti*e.
*ote+ Sin!e it is only a !opy: you !an always try S*artCopy *o'e first. .f it turns out not to
be suffi!ient for your in'ivi'ual !ase: you !an still !reate a physi!al 1G1 !opy.
I$portant+ Tever use the S*artCopy *o'e for 2.2 -ata res!ue. 6lso: only use it in e@!ep-
tional !ases for 2.$ #orensi! 'ata se!uring: i.e. only if you are 'efinitely sure that it is suffi-
!ient for the regar'ing !ase.
+.+.2 !sa"e
#or !opying *e'ia using S*artCopy: si*ply a!tivate the option SmartCoy on the 'ialog page
Ot%ons ;/.8." 9eneral options<. 7he S*artCopy *o'e !an be applie' to entire har' 'is(s or
other *e'ia as well as to single partitions. S*artCopy !urrently supports the file syste*s T7#S
an' #67. .n !ase of other file syste*s: a physi!al 1G1 !opy will be !reate': even when the
S*artCopy option is a!tivate'.
+.7 I%a"in"
8esi'es 'ire!t *e'ia to *e'ia !opies: 0-Clone is also !apable of !reating i*ages of a *e'iu*
an' storing the* in a file. 6n i*age !ontains the sa*e 'ata as a !opy. =hen an i*age has
been restore' to another *e'iu*: the result is the sa*e as if it ha' been !opie' 'ire!tly fro*
the sour!e *e'iu*.
Infor$ation+ .*ages offer *any a'vantages if the 'ata of a !ertain *e'iu* has rather to be
store' than !opie' 'ire!tly. Sin!e i*ages are nor*al files: store' in fol'ers: *anaging the* is
a lot easier. .*ages also !an be trans*itte' or e@!hange': e.g. on opti!al 'is!s or via networ(
an' the .nternet.
+.7.1 =o"ical i%a"es
?ogi!al i*ages store R e@a!tly li(e logi!al 1G1 !opies R only those areas of a *e'iu* that !on-
tain vali' 'ata. 7herefore a logi!al i*age re2uires *u!h less 'is( spa!e than a physi!al i*age in
*ost !ases. 7his i*plies that !reating logi!al i*ages also re2uires *u!h less ti*e. 7his *a(es
the* the perfe!t !hoi!e for !reating ba!(ups or for *anaging several syste* installations.
+.7.2 ,h)sical i%a"es
1hysi!al i*ages store R e@a!tly li(e physi!al 1G1 !opies R all areas of the *e'iu*. .n !ontrast to
a pure !opy: physi!al i*ages store the 'ata in a file whi!h !an be ar!hive' ;e.g. as a 1G1 e*er-
.$ .*aging
gen!y ba!(up< or trans*itte' afterwar's. 7he latter *ay be useful for restoring the *e'iu* at
another lo!ation without having to transfer a physi!al *e'iu*. 7his *a(es it easier: faster: an'
*ore se!ure.
+.7.3 @2: i%a"es
A6= i*ages are also a (in' of physi!al i*ages. 7hey !ontain the sa*e 'ata as physi!al i*ages.
0-Clone Bust uses a spe!ial file for*at for physi!al i*ages: whi!h supports 0-CloneXs spe!ial
*o'es ;e.g. SafeAes!ue< opti*ally. .n !ontrast: A6= i*ages !ontain the 'ata of a *e'iu* in
the sa*e linear or'er as they are store' on the *e'iu*. 7his *a(es it easier to pro!ess i*ages
files with thir' party progra*s.
'ip+ A6= i*ages are espe!ially suitable for using the* for 'ata strea*ing or with virtual *a-
!hines. 6 A6= i*age !an be use' li(e a nor*al ;virtual< 'rive with *any virtual *a!hines.
+.7.4 (ode of operation
=hen !hoosing a !opying *o'e ;/. Sele!ting the !opying *o'e< you !an spe!ify Ima!e as
sour!e ;M restore i*age< or target ;M !reate i*age<. Oou !an !reate physi!al i*ages of any
*e'ia supporte' by 0-Clone. #or !reating logi!al i*ages: it is re2uire' ;Bust as for logi!al !op-
ies< that the sour!e *e'iu* is for*atte' with #67 or T7#S. Un'er 0-Clone5S you !an use
#67"2 for*atte' *e'ia for rea'ing an' writing i*age files. 0-Clone5= also supports T7#S
for*atte' *e'ia an' networ( 'rives.
7 Troubleshootin"
7his paragraph 'es!ribes possible proble*s when using 0-Clone an' offers proposals for solu-
tion. .f there shoul' be no proposal for solution for a proble*: you !an gla'ly !onta!t our Sup-
port ;8./ Support<.
7.1 =oad errors
-uring the start of the progra*: before 0-Clone is loa'e' itself: a *essage an' a progress bar
will appear on the boot s!reen. .n !ase of an error: one of the following error !o'es will be in-
'i!ate' here.
7.1.1 rror B*??2 and CDis# errorD
7his error will be 'isplaye' if the boot *e'iu* is not rea'able when booting the progra*. 7he
error is reporte' by the 8.+S of the !o*puter an' points to a 'efe!tive 'ata !arrier or a prob-
le* with the use' boot 'rive. .n *any !ases: in parti!ular when booting fro* a floppy 'is(: an
in!o*patibility between 'rive an' 'ata !arrier is the !ause. 1rin!ipally this proble* !an be
fi@e'. 1lease try the following steps: at best in the in'i!ate' or'erG
7ry again to boot the progra*: perhaps with5without !ol' start.
Create on!e again a bootable 'is( ;% .nstallation<.
Floppy dis3+ for*at the floppy 'is( ;no 2ui!( for*at< before !reating a new one.
Floppy dis3+ use another floppy 'is(.
Use ;if possible< another boot 'rive.
*ote+ .f you 'i'nt re!eive 0-Clone as an installation pa!(age but on a bootable 'is( an' if a
'is( shows this proble*s also after *ultiple trials on 'ifferent 'evi!es: please !onta!t our Sup-
port ;8./ Support< an' in'i!ate your li!ense nu*ber.
7.1.2 &ther errors
.f other errors in the for* of C;nu*ber< shoul' o!!ur when loa'ing the progra*: please !on-
ta!t our Support ;8./ Support<.
7.2 <e)board and %ouse
0-Clone supports -.T an' 1S52 (eyboar's as well as serial an' 1S52 *i!e ;" Supporte'
har'ware<. .f (eyboar' or *ouse ;or both< 'o not fun!tion with 0-Clone: this is usually be-
!ause the !on!erne' !o*puter has only a US8 (eyboar' or US8 *ouse. +n *ost of the !o*-
puters: you !an fi@ this proble* by a!tivating the e*ulation for 1S52 'evi!es in the 8.+S setup.
1lease !onsult your !o*puter *anual on how to !hange this setting be!ause *o'ifying this
option is 'ifferent a!!or'ing to the respe!tive 8.+S. .n *ost of the !ases: you !an fin' it un'er
the na*e 'S( ?e!acy Suort or 'S( @eyboar- Suort ;often un'er Inte!rate- $er%,era+s
or 9-2ance- Ot%ons<. 6s an alternative: you !an te*porarily !onne!t a 1S52 (eyboar' or
*ouse for running 0-Clone.
$.2 Eeyboar' an' *ouse
*ote+ .n so*e of the !ases: proble*s with the 1S52 (eyboar' an'5or *ouse o!!urre' with an
a!tivate' e*ulation for 1S52 'evi!es. .f you 'o not use any US8 input 'e-vi!es: please swit!h
off the 1S52 e*ulation in the 8.+S setup.
7.3 5eneral proble%s
7.3.1 'lowed down s)ste%
.f you thin( the spee' of the total syste* or the !opying spee' R also with .-& an' SCS.
'evi!es R is too slow: a US8 !ontroller !an be the !ause: even if it is not use' ;$..% Spee'
7.3.2 @ead6 write and verification errors
.f 0-Clone reports errors: these are usually 'efe!tive areas on the respe!tive *e'iu*.
0owever: general proble*s with the har'ware !an possibly also !ause ;putative< rea' an'
write errors. 7his is *ostly noti!eable by a very high nu*ber of 'isplaye' errors. #irst of all: try
to fi@ the proble* via the help instru!tions for the respe!tive har'ware types ;.-&: SCS.: US8<
be!ause the !auses are usually foun' there. .f the proble*s !annot be fi@e' this way either:
'ea!tivate step by step the following options: at best in the in'i!ate' or'erG
Aea' !a!he an' write !a!he
.f the proble* 'oes not o!!ur any *ore after having 'ea!tivate' a !ertain option: the previ-
ously 'ea!tivate' options !an be rea!tivate' as a test.
7.4 ID12T21'2T2
7.4.1 Hard dis# not reco"ni0ed
.f 0-Clone 'oes not re!ogni4e a har' 'is(: there !an be several reasons. 1erhaps the !ontrol-
ler whi!h the 'is( is !onne!te' to has not been foun' ;$.%.2 .-& !ontroller not foun'<. 6 fur-
ther possible reason !an be a non-stan'ar'ly !onne!te' har' 'is(. 7his is for e@a*ple the !ase
if a har' 'is( is !onfigure' as slave an' if a C-5->- 'rive or no 'rive at all is !onne!te' at the
sa*e .-& !hannel as *aster. Tor*ally: 0-Clone !an han'le that: too.
*ote+ .f an S676 har' 'is( is not re!ogni4e': this !an also be 'ue to the use' S676 !ontroller
;".".2 S6765S676-.. !ontroller<.
7.4.2 ID controller not found
7here are the following three reasons why 0-Clone has not auto*ati!ally re!ogni4e' an .-&
$.% .-&56765S676
7he .-& !ontroller5!hannel is 'ea!tivate': e.g. on an onboar' .-& !ontroller. 6!tivate the .-&
!ontroller5!hannel via the 8.+S setup.
Stan'ar' .-& !ontrollers ;.S6< are not ta(en into a!!ount if 1C. .-& !ontrollers are available.
Conne!t the respe!tive har' 'is( to a 1C. .-& !ontroller in this !ase or 'ea!tivate the 1C. .-&
!ontroller or !ontrollers.
7he use' !ontroller 'oes not !orrespon' to the 1C. .-& stan'ar'. 6lthough *ost !ontrollers
support this stan'ar'i4e' progra**ing interfa!e: there are so*e !ontrollers whi!h have only
a proprietary progra**ing interfa!e. More 'etaile' infor*ation !an be foun' in ".".1 .-&5
676 !ontroller. Conne!t the !orrespon'ing 'rives to another !ontroller ;1C. .-& !ontroller<.
7.4.3 ,roble%s with D(2
7he following prin!ipal proble*s !an o!!ur with ;Ultra< -M6G
7he a!hieve' spee' is too slow 'espite -M6. 1lease !onsi'er that the a!hievable spee'
;"."./ 9es!hwin'ig(eit< 'epen's on *any fa!tors an' that this is not absolutely 'ue to a
proble* with -M6.
-M6 *o'e is not available. =hen sele!ting the options ;/.8.% +ptions for sour!e an' tar-
get<: the option -M6 is 'ea!tivate' an' lo!(e' in this !ase.
Aea': write or verifi!ation errors o!!ur when using -M6.
..n all !ases: the proble*s !an be 'ue to the sa*e reasons. =hen having proble*s with -M6:
you !an prin!ipally use 1.+ *o'e at any ti*e. -ea!tivate the option D*9 of the !on!erne'
'rive when sele!ting the options ;/.8.% +ptions for sour!e an' target<. Sin!e 1.+ *o'e is
usually *u!h slower than -M6: we re!o**en' to try first of all the following hints an' help in-
stru!tions to possibly be able to use the -M6 *o'e. 1lease !onsi'er the notes in the
sub!hapter $.%.% 8.+S settings as well
Che!( if the !on!erne' 'rive really supports -M6. So*e ol'er 'rives an' espe!ially ol'er
Co*pa!t#lash *e'ia 'o not support -M6.
Ma(e sure that fro* Ultra -M6 Mo'e " on an 80-wire 'ata !able is use' to !onne!t the
1lease note that when two 'rives are !onne!te' via the sa*e !able: the -M6 *o'e of the
slower 'rive is also use' for the faster 'rive. Ae*ove the slower 'rive te*porarily: if possible:
or !onne!t the 'rives via separate !hannels or !ables.
7ry both !onne!tions of the 'ata !able ;!enter !onne!tion an' !onne!tion at the en'< in
!ase of a single !onne!te' 'rive to eli*inate possible proble*s with 'a*ping ;!enter !on-
ne!tion< an' refle!tion ;!onne!tion at the en'<.
Swit!h the use' Ultra-M6 *o'e to a lower value in the 8.+S setup ;$.%.%.1 Swit!h to a
lower5higher Ultra-M6 *o'e< or 'ea!tivate Ultra-M6 ;$.%.%.2 6!tivate5'ea!tivate Ul-
tra-M6<. Multiwor' -M6 *o'e will be ;auto*ati!ally< still available: whi!h offers about a
twi!e to four ti*es higher spee' than 1.+ *o'e.
+n the other han': you !an also try to a!tivate Ultra-M6 or to swit!h to a higher Ultra-M6
*o'e if the !orrespon'ing 'efault settings in your 8.+S setup are too low.
$.% .-&56765S676
*ote+ +ur tests showe' that so*e !hipsets an' har' 'is(s 'o not !ollaborate opti*ally. 7his
!an lea' to the fa!t that the Ultra-M6 *o'e ;putatively !orre!tly< re!ogni4e' an' set in the
8.+S is too high.
7.4.4 4I&' settin"s
7he following notes refer to settings whi!h you shoul' possibly *a(e in the 8.+S setup of your
!o*puter if proble*s o!!ur 'uring the use of -M6. Sin!e the settings offere' by the 8.+S
setup are *anufa!turer- an' *o'el-spe!ifi!: these notes !an only be given in a general for*.
Consult your 8.+S *anual on how e@a!tly to *a(e these set-tings in your 8.+S setup an'
whi!h settings are available. Oou nor*ally fin' the -M6 settings un'er Inte!rate- $er%,era+s
or C,%set Setu in the 8.+S setup.
*ote+ 1lease e@e!ute the auto*ati! har' 'is( re!ognition in the 8.+S after every *o'ifi!a-
tion of the -M6 an' har' 'is( settings so that the *o'ifi!ations for the !orrespon'ing 'rives
be!o*e effe!tive. Ma(e sure to save the *o'ifi!ations via Sa2e an- Ex%t when leaving the
8.+S setup. 'witch to a lower1hi"her !ltraD(2 %ode
.n *any 8.+S setups the ;highest< use' Ultra-M6 *o'e !an be sele!te' *anually. .f you have
proble*s with -M6: try to swit!h the use' *o'e step by step to a lower level at the !orres-
pon'ing .-& !hannel. +nly if this 'oes not solve the proble*: 'ea!tivate Ultra-M6 !o*-
pletely. 7he !ontroller then *ostly ;auto*ati!ally< uses *ulti-wor' -M6: whi!h is at least faster
than 1.+. Oou !an swit!h the Ultra-M6 *o'e step by step to a higher level of !ourse: if you
thin( that you have not sele!te' the best possible Ultra-M6 *o'e. 2ctivate1deactivate !ltraD(2
So*e 8.+S setups 'o not offer a free sele!tion of the Ultra-M6 *o'e but only an auto*ati!
re!ognition or 'ea!tivation. .f this is the !ase with your 8.+S or if you have alrea'y swit!he' to
the lowest Ultra-M6 *o'e an' proble*s (eep o!!urring: 'ea!tivate Ultra-M6. Usually: *ulti-
wor' -M6 is ;auto*ati!ally< available then: whi!h is often faster than 1.+. +nly if this 'oesnt
fun!tion either: you shoul' !o*pletely swit!h off the -M6 *o'e in 0-Clone ;/.8.% +ptions
for sour!e an' target<. .f Ultra-M6 is 'ea!tivate' in your 8.+S setup: you !an a!tivate it as a
test: of !ourse: in or'er to attain a higher spee': if possible. Deactivate I& cachin"
.f there are proble*s in the 1.+ *o'e as well: you shoul' 'ea!tivate .+ !a!hes an' buffers. .n
parti!ular the setting Dataort $ost0r%te: if available: shoul' be swit!he' to D%sab+e if there are
proble*s. 'et 4I&' defaults
.f 0-Clone shoul' not wor( as 'esire' 'espite all the above *entione' instru!tions: you !an
try to set stan'ar' values via the option ?oa- (IOS.Setu De&au+ts. 7his set-ting tries to avoi'
possible har'ware !onfli!ts.
$./ SCS.
7.* 'C'I
=hen using SCS. 'evi!es: please *a(e sure that they are !orre!tly !onfigure' an' !onne!te'
to the SCS. !ontroller. .n parti!ular SCS. !ontrollers with SCS. 8.+S *ust show a har' 'is( 'uring
the syste* start: so that 0-Clone !an then a''ress this har' 'is(. #urther*ore: 0-Clone *ust
support the !ontroller you use. Oou fin' a list of the supporte' SCS. !ontrollers in !hapter
".%.2 Co*patibility.
*ote+ &ven if an SCS. !ontroller shows the 'esire' 'rives 'uring the syste* start: this is no
guarantee that they are !orre!tly !onfigure' or !onne!te'. .n prin!iple: the 8.+S of the SCS.
!ontroller wor(s on a lower level than the SCS. 'rivers use' by 0-Clone an' !an thus pos-
sibly re!ogni4e har' 'is( 'rives whi!h are not re!ogni4e' by 0-Clone itself.
0-Clone has been teste' on a range of SCS. !ontrollers. Spora'i!ally en!ountere' proble*s
are bypasse' by the software as far as possible. 7he following sub!hapters !ontain useful hints
on how to solve further ran'o* or spora'i! proble*s. 7hese hints shoul' be applie' in the 'e-
s!ribe' or'er to *ini*i4e the effort: if possible. 7he following proble*s o!!urre' 'uring the
tests an' !oul' be bypasse' with the hints fro* the following sub!haptersG
0-Clone stops 'uring the 'evi!e re!ognition ;/. Sele!ting the !opying *o'e< stehen
no SCS. har' 'is(s are re!ogni4e'
not all SCS. har' 'is(s are re!ogni4e'
7.*.1 @estart
.f 0-Clone stops 'uring the start pro!e'ure or 'oes not show the 'esire' SCS. 'rives: try a re-
start in for* of a war* boot ;reset button<. +nly if this 'oes not fi@ the proble*: you shoul' try
a !ol' start ;swit!h off the 1C an' leave it swit!he' off for about "0 se!on's<. 8oth for*s of
the restart !an !ounter signal an' status proble*s of SCS. !ontrollers.
7.*.2 Deactivate unused controllers
.f a restart 'oes not lea' to the 'esire' result: you shoul': if your syste* 'isposes of several
SCS. !ontrollers: 'ea!tivate unuse' !ontrollers. 7his is also re!o**en'e' if a !ontroller is prin-
!ipally use': but the har' 'is(s !onne!te' to it are not nee'e' for using 0-Clone.
7.*.3 Deactivate unused drives
.n so*e !ases: SCS. har' 'is(s: whi!h are !onne!te' to the sa*e !ontroller: !an interfere with
ea!h other or even with the !ontroller itself. -ea!tivate in'ivi'ual har' 'is(s as a test or !on-
ne!t the* step by step after one another to fin' out whi!h har' 'is( possibly !auses an inter-
feren!e. Ma(e sure that the last SCS. 'evi!e is always ter*inate' also 'uring the tests.
7.*.4 (ini%u% confi"uration of the controller
7he !onfiguration of the SCS. !ontroller over its 8.+S setup or the 8.+S setup of the 1C in !ase
of onboar' !ontrollers !an also solve the proble*. Set the lowest resp. the se!urest values for
the SCS. bus ;e.g. trans*ission in the narrow *o'e of a wi'e !ontroller<.
$./ SCS.
7.*.* (ini%al#onfi"uration des ')ste%s
7ry to !onne!t the SCS. har' 'is(s use' in the syste* in a 'ifferent way: espe!ially if you use
several SCS. !ontrollers. 1ro!ee' as follows: if possibleG 'ea!tivate all SCS. !ontrollers e@!ept
one. 7his !ontroller shoul' have one SCS. !hannel only: if possible: an' be part of the !ontrol-
lers liste' in ".%." Manufa!turer infor*ation. Conne!t then the nee'e' 'rive or 'rives only.
6part fro* 'efe!tive 'rives: this strategy *ostly allowe' us to fin' a fun!tioning !onfiguration
'uring our tests to e@e!ute the planne' Bob.
7.+ !'4
-espite the vast support of US8 !ontrollers an' storage 'evi!es ;"./ US8<: there are so*e
!ases where these !ontrollers an' 'evi!es 'o not fun!tion as e@pe!te'. 7he following
sub!hapters provi'e you with hints an' solution possibilities.
*ote+ 1lease !he!( first of all in !hapter 1.% &'ition overview whether your 0-Clone e'i-
tion supports US8. +therwise: you nee' a higher e'ition of 0-Clone to use US8.
7.+.1 'tora"e device not reco"ni0ed
Mostly: there are four possible reasons why a US8 storage 'evi!e supporte' by 0-Clone
;".1 +verview< is not re!ogni4e'G
7he US8 storage 'evi!e has been !onne!te' too late or e@!hange' afterwar's. US8 storage
'evi!es shoul' be !onne!te' to the !o*puter before starting 0-Clone ;/.1 1reli*inary
7he US8 storage 'evi!e is not 'ire!tly !onne!te' to the US8 !ontroller but via a hub ;e.g. at
the *onitor<. 6lways !onne!t the US8 'evi!es: you wish to use with 0-Clone: 'ire!tly to the
US8 !ontroller or to the !o*puter.
7he use' 'evi!e is no stan'ar'-!onfor* US8 *ass storage 'evi!e an' 'oes there-fore not
belong to the supporte' 'evi!es ;"./.1 Mass-Storage-Class<.
7he US8 storage 'evi!e is 'efe!tive or wor(s faultily. Oou shoul' then test its fun!tionality by
using it with another 1C or another operating syste*.
*ote+ .f no US8 storage 'evi!e is re!ogni4e' an' if the above *entione' possibilities are e@-
!lu'e': the !orrespon'ing US8 !ontroller has probably not been re!ogni4e' ;$.." Control-
ler not foun'<.
7.+.2 &ther device proble%s
So*e 'evi!es: espe!ially US8 sti!(s: !an show *alfun!tions in !ase of te*perature rise or !on-
tinuous operation: i.e. in !ase of !ontinuous rea'ing or writing big a*ounts of 'ata. =ith 0--
Clone: these proble*s *anifest in rea' or write errors on the respe!tive US8 storage 'evi!e:
whi!h 'o not always o!!ur at the sa*e lo!ation but after a !ertain operating ti*e. So*eti*es
these har'ware proble*s also lea' to very long brea(s 'uring the !opying pro!ess: whi!h !an
be up to several *inutes. =hen sele!ting the options ;/.8." 9eneral options<: try to 'ea!tiv-
ate the option #astCopy in this !ase. +nly if the proble* persists: a!tivate a''itionally the op-
$. US8
tion Cooling off brea( for the !on!erne' 'evi!e. 7hus: the !opying pro!ess ta(es a bit longer:
but in *ost of the !ases the 'ata transfer fun!tions better.
*ote+ 7he 'es!ribe' proble*s are *ostly 'ue to 'efi!ient har'ware an' also o!!ur un'er
other operating syste*s. =e re!o**en' you to have the !on!erne' 'evi!e repla!e' by
your ven'or.
7.+.3 Controller not found
0-Clone shoul' re!ogni4e all !urrent US8 !ontrollers whi!h offer one of the US8 stan'ar' in-
terfa!es ;"./.2 U0C.: +0C. un' &0C.<. .f 0-Clone re!ogni4es US8 'evi!es on one 1C but
not on another 1C or on another !ontroller: the US8 !ontroller !an have one of the following
7he US8 !ontroller 'oes not !orrespon' to the U0C.: +0C. or &0C. stan'ar'. .n this !ase:
use another !o*patible ;"./.2 U0C.: +0C. un' &0C.< US8 !ontroller.
7he US8 !ontroller is 'ea!tivate': e.g. in !ase of an onboar' US8 !ontroller. 6!tivate the US8
!ontroller via the 8.+S setup.
7he US8 !ontroller 'oes not fun!tion !orre!tly or is 'efe!tive. Use another US8 !ontroller or
another 1C for the !opying pro!ess.
7.+.4 'peed loss
US8 !ontrollers !an have a negative effe!t on the spee' of the whole syste*. 7his parti!ularly
affe!ts the !opying spee' of all 'evi!e types ;also .-& an' SCS.<: even if no US8 storage
'evi!e is !onne!te'. Ae*ove the !orrespon'ing US8 !ontroller if it is not nee'e' 'uring the
use of 0-Clone. +therwise: there a no negative effe!ts apart fro* the spee' loss.
*ote+ .n our tests: this proble* showe' up with only one US8 !ontroller ;>.6 >7212< an'
also persiste' on other !o*puters an' operating syste*s with this !ontroller. 7he *easure'
spee' loss on the 1C. bus was at about %0L ;U<.
7.+.* &ther controller proble%s
6nother proble* is an in!o*patibility with !ertain US8 storage 'evi!es !ause' by the US8
!ontroller. &spe!ially ol'er US8 'evi!es 'o not fun!tion flawlessly in su!h US8 !ontrollers. Use
another US8 !ontroller: if possible.
*ote+ .n our tests: this proble* showe' up with only one US8 !ontroller ;6!er 6?i M/2$"<
an' was also repro'u!ible on other !o*puters an' operating syste*s.
- (iscellaneous
-.1 Ter%s of license
0-Clone is 'esigne' to offer you the highest possible te!hni!al fle@ibility: an' also the 0--
Clone li!ense !on'itions are 'esigne' not to li*it your fle@ibility when using 0-Clone. Sin!e
you usually 'ont (now at the beginning on how *any !o*puters an' how often you will use
the software: we offer you a very si*ple an' !ost-effe!tive li!ense *o'el: whi!h restri!ts you
the least possible.
-.1.1 =icense %odel
7he following table shows you the *ini*u* nu*ber of li!enses ne!essary for the respe!tive
area of use.
,dition "ri/ate users 0o$panies:Institutions "rofessionals
Free suffi!ient insuffi!ient insuffi!ient
-asic 1 li!ense insuffi!ient insuffi!ient
Standard 1 li!ense 1 li!ense per lo!ation
1 li!ense per / 1Cs
"rofessional 1 li!ense 1 li!ense per lo!ation
1 li!ense per 'e'i!ate' 1C
1 li!ense per 2/ 1Cs
1 li!ense per te!hni!ian
,nterprise 1 li!ense 1 li!ense per lo!ation
1 li!ense per 'e'i!ate' 1C
1 li!ense per 100 1Cs
1 li!ense per te!hni!ian
?i!ense is ta(en into a!!ount for the respe!tive other in'i!ate' !riteria.
&@isting 1C wor( stations: regar'less of a!tual use of 0-Clone.
7e!hni!ians are all e*ployees who use 0-Clone si*ultaneously or for fiel' servi!e.
1C whi!h is e@!lusively use' for 0-Clone: e.g. as !opy server.
.n pra!ti!e: the use of 0-Clone !an involve a 'ifferent nu*ber of 1Cs a!!or'ing to the area of
use: 'espite a si*ilar use. &ither the progra* is per*anently use' on one single or several few
!o*puters: whi!h the *e'ia to be !opie' is !onne!te' to when nee'e'. +r 0-Clone is al-
ways use' 'ire!tly on the respe!tive !o*puters: whi!h the *e'ia to be !opie' is !onne!te'
to\ *ostly with only one usage per !o*puter. 7o fin' a fair regulation for all use !ases: you !an
!hoose between a li!ense per 'e'i!ate' 1C an' a li!ense for a lu*p nu*ber of wor( station
1Cs where 0-Clone !oul' be use'. #urther*ore: you nee' a''itional li!enses if you use 0--
Clone ;potentially< in parallel on several 1Cs: e.g. if several servi!e e*ployees use 0-Clone in-
'epen'ently fro* ea!h other. 7hat is why you nee' at least one li!ense per bran!h offi!e be-
!ause this also represents a ;potentially< parallel use.
-.1.2 >a%ples
7he following e@a*ples refer to fre2uently o!!urring li!ense situations.
8.1 7er*s of li!ense
6 !o*pany with /0 1C wor( stations nee's two li!enses of the 1rofessional &'ition: whereof
ea!h !overs 2/ 1C wor( stations.
6 !o*pany with 100 1C wor( stations nee's four li!enses of the 1rofessional &'ition: one for
2/ 1Cs ea!h.
6 servi!e provi'er with two 1Cs that serve as 0-Clone !opy station nee's two li!enses of
the 1rofessional &'ition: one for ea!h !opy station.
6 servi!e provi'er with two fiel' servi!e e*ployees who use 0-Clone nee's two li!enses of
the 1rofessional &'ition: one for ea!h in'epen'ently wor(ing te!hni!ian.
-.1.3 'cope
6 li!ense is unli*ite' !on!erning the nu*ber of usages an' the perio' of vali'ity. .t !an be
use' as often as 'esire' an' without a ti*e li*it. 0owever: the li!ense is li*ite' with regar' to
the ;also potentially< parallel use on several !o*puters an' the si4e of the !o*pany or the in-
stitution !on!erning the nu*ber of e@isting 1C wor( stations.
-.1.4 Consultanc)
.f you have 2uestions !on!erning the li!ense situation in your spe!ifi! !ase: please !onta!t us
at pro'u!tsF*iray.'e. Miray Software gla'ly !onsults you on *ultiple li!enses or *ore !o*-
ple@ !ases an' offers you: a!!or'ing to the in'ivi'ual !ase: attra!tive 'is!ounts. =e are
please' to *a(e you an in'ivi'ual offer.
-.2 Certificate of authenticit)
7he following notes e@!lusively refer to the bo@e' versions of 0-Clone: that *eans not to the
versions available as 'ownloa' or via e*ail.
-.2.1 'ecurit) holo"ra%
#or the prote!tion against bootleg !opies: our software is e2uippe' with a se!urity hologra*:
a*ong others. &a!h of the original 'ata !arriers you re!eive' bears a se!urity hologra*. 1lease
(eep the 'ata !arriers with the se!urity hologra* in any !ase be!ause this is your li!ense
-.2.2 ;alid product license
7he !on'ition to have a vali' pro'u!t li!ense is that the nu*ber printe' on the se!urity holo-
gra* !orrespon's to the nu*ber shown within the progra*. .f this shoul' not be the !ase for
your software pa!(age: please e*ail us at pro'u!tsF*iray.'e. 1lease in'i!ate the nu*ber 'is-
playe' by the progra*: the nu*ber on the se!urity hologra* an' where you a!2uire' the
software pa!(age. .f there is no se!urity hologra* on the 'ata !arriers or if the se!urity holo-
gra* is 'a*age': please !onta!t us as well an' in'i!ate the above *entione' 'ata. =e will
try to fin' a si*ple solution so that you obtain a vali' li!ense.
*ote+ Ma(e sure that ea!h 'ata !arrier you re!eive' bears its own se!urity hologra* with its
own registration nu*ber an' that this nu*ber has to !orrespon' to the nu*ber of the pro-
8.2 Certifi!ate of authenti!ity
gra* whi!h has been starte' fro* this 'ata !arrier. 7hat *eans if you start the progra* fro*
a floppy 'is(: the 'isplaye' nu*ber has to !orrespon' to the nu*ber of the se!urity holo-
gra* on the floppy 'is( an' not to the nu*ber of the se!urity hologra* on the C-.
-.3 Disclai%er
6lthough 0-Clone was progra**e' with the largest possible !aution an' was teste' on a
large s!ale of 'ifferent syste*s: we hope you un'erstan' that we !annot assu*e any liability
for the proper fun!tionality of the progra* an' that we are not liable for 'a*ages resulting
fro* its usage: subBe!t to gross negligen!e an' intention.
-.4 Feedbac#
=e are highly intereste' in your fee'ba!(. .f you en!ounter any progra* errors or if you have
any i*prove*ent i'eas: we will always try to fi@ the errors an' i*ple*ent or integrate your
i'eas. .f you only want to tell us your opinions on this software: we are loo(ing forwar' to re-
!eive su!h infor*ation fro* you.
Internet httpG55www.*iray.'e5
,5Mail fee'ba!(F*iray.'e
Fa6 [%, ;0<8, $201"-%$
"ostanschrift Miray Software 69
9aissa!her Str. 18
81"$1 Muni!h
-.* 'upport
.f you en!ounter any proble*s with one of our pro'u!ts: our support tea* is gla'ly at your 'is-
posal. 1lease sen' us your in2uiry at our ho*epage at httpG55www.*iray.'e5support5 or e*ail
us at supportF*iray.'e. 1lease note that in2uiries sent 'ire!tly per e*ail an' not over our
ho*epage ta(e a bit longer to be answere' 'ue to the syste*.