Ancient Indian Metallurgy - Indian Scriptures
Ancient Indian Metallurgy - Indian Scriptures
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Vedic knowledge Subjects Metallurgy ANCIENT INDIAN METALLURGY
Dating of Brhad-vimana-shastra Nineteenth Century
Tortoise Furnace
Air Blowers (Bellows)
Preparation of Metal Powder
Binders and Glues-l
Binders and Glues-2
Metallurgy - Metals for Aircraft
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Interesting Facts
Indian heritage in Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Zinc and Iron and Steel is a
celebrated one. Smelting of metals and derivation of alloys was done since 3000 BCE
in ancient India. In the exchanges of goods between India, Egypt and Rome, metal
trade from India was significant. Indian tools made from iron and steel were in great
demand for war as well as agriculture.
Records show that the first supplies of the weapons that figure in the earliest
recorded history of the people of Mediterranean came from India. As did Wootz steel,
from which the famous Damascus blades were made. In fact, 'Wootz' derived its
name from the Kannada word 'ukku' meaning crucible steel. Literary accounts
suggest that steel from southern part of Indian subcontinent was exported to
Europe, China, and countries of the Middle East.
The most outstanding examples of the capability and workmanship of Indian artisans
include the famous Iron pillar at Delhi that stands rust-free even after some 1500
years, and the 1-ton, 2.1 meter high, 4
century copper statue of Buddha that was
found in Bihar and is now housed in a British museum. Yet another contribution of ancient India to
metallurgy is the technology to produce pure zinc and high zinc-copper alloys.
These, along with hundreds of other beautiful sculptures and icons in bronze and copper, belonging to
periods earlier than 2000 BCE, bear testimony to the technological excellence and consummate skill of
early Indians in producing and shaping metals.
British records of the 18
century show that the country had 20,000 furnaces operating across the
country indicating the geographical spread of this knowledge.
Purvokta - bijalohanametasyameva varnitam
Uttamadhamamadhyapabhramsanam galanavidhau
Musassaptottaracatussatabheda itiritah II
Translated as - (The melting) of the aforesaid base metals is described here only. In the melting
methodology, of good, coarse, average and pig metals, 407 varieties of crucibles are mentioned.
Tasarn dvadasavargah syurjatinirnayah kramat I
Translated as - In the order of origin, there are 12 groups in them.
Lohesu ye bijalohastesam galanakarmani II
Dvitiyavargoktaruusa eva srestha itiritah I
Translated as - In the melting of base metals, it is said, that the second group of crucibles is the best.
Etesarn galane musah pratyekarn vargatassmrtah I
Tesu dvitlyavargasthamusabheda
maharsibhih II
Catvarirnsaditi prokta musakalpa yathakramam I
Tasu ya pancarrutyukta musantarmukhanamika II
Galane bijalohanarn suprasasta itiritah II
Translated as - In the melting of these (base metals), crucibles are remembered from each class of these.
The crucible varieties in the second category is mentioned as forty, in order, by the great sages, in (the
work) Musha-kalpa.
Amongst these, the one that is mentioned as the fifth named Antar-mukha (inward reflecting) is said to be
the best in the melting of base metals.
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Brhad-vimana-shastra, Musadhikaranam, Slokah 54-56, 58-60, Maharsih Bharadwaja (Post Vedic Period)
Dating of Brhad-vimana-shastra Nineteenth Century
Brhad-vimana-shastra (BVS) came into being in the modern times as a revealed text, the revelation having
occurred through one Mr. Anekal Subharaya Shastry (born in 1866). An (unpublished) enquiry with the
descendents of the family shows that Mr. Shastry had found the manuscript and attempted glory for
himself by delivering it as a revelation. Swami Dayananda Saraswati (1824: 1888) in his A treatise on Rig-
veda (1875) refers to Bharadwaja's Vimana-shastra.
In the same year, a manuscript of the text had been discovered in a temple in India. Thus in the 19
century, this work was certainly known.
Bharadwaja's Vimana-shastra is considered a part of Yantra-sarwaswam - All about machines. This is one of
the 40 sections that Yantra-sarwaswam is made of. One school of thought places Bharadwaja in 4
century BCE. There are others who believe that Bharadwaja belonged to the Puranic period or earlier.
Tortoise Furnace
Kurmavyasatikamevamuktva sastranusaratah I
TatsvarfIpaparijfianarthamakararh sarnpracaksate II
Translated as - Having stated the Tortoise furnace, as per the scientific treatise, now let us study the
shape and size, for further study.
Caturasrarh vartularh va kurmakararn yathavidhi I
Vitastidasakarn kundarn karayet bhuvi sobhanam II
Translated as - A square, circular or tortoise shaped pit of ten palms may be prepared nicely in the earth.
Bhastrikasthapanaya tu tatpurobhagatassphutarn
Kurrnangavat pancamukham pithamekarn
prakalpayet II
Translated as - For the installation of the air-blower, clear space may be marked on the front side. A
tortoise like five-corned structure may be constructed.
Tatkundasyantarale tu musakundarn ca vartulam
Kalpayitva bahirbhage kundasyavaranadvayarn II
Translated as - Inside may be finished circular to take up crucible and outside the furnace two coats of
plaster shall be provided.
Ingalapuranarthaya yathasastrarn prakarayet I
Parsvayorubhayostasya yantrasthapanarn kalpayet II
Translated as - For charging coal, two parts on each side may be provided and on the rear, metal pouring
mechanism may be erected.
Samyaggalitalohanarn rasasarnpurane sudhih I
Racana kurmakundasya uktameva maharsibhih II
Translated as - Perfectly molten metals, in fully molten state are viscous, the furnace described by the
saints here is to handle this in proper manner.
Brhad-vimana-shastra, Slokah 77-83. Vyasatikadhikaranam, Maharsih Bharadwaja. (Post Vedic period).
Kurrna-kunda : tortoise-furnace.
Air Blowers (Bellows)
Sarvesarn lohavarganam galanartharn visesatah
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Dvatrimsaduttarapancasatarn bhastra itiritah II
Translated as - For melting all types of metals, there are five hundred and thirty two types of air blowers.
Tasam vargabhedastu astadha samprakirtitah I
Vargesvastamavargiyo bhastrikasu yathakrarnarn II
Nirnita kurmakundasya sodasi kurmabhast rika I
Sarvesarn bhastrikanarn tu racanakramanirnayah II
Translated as - They are divided into eight classes. Sixteenth in the eighth class is called Kurma-bhastrika
(Tortoise air-blower) which is associated with Kurma-vyasatika (Tortoise furnace).
Bhastrikanibandhanakhyagranthe sarnyannirupitah I
Translated as - Construction details of all air-blowers are provided in the book, Bhastrika-nibandhana.
Brhad-vimana-shastra, Slokah 91, 92, 93. Bhastrikadhikaranam, Maharsih Bharadwaja. (Post Vedic Period)
Preparation of Metal Powder
Retitarn ghrtasarnyuktarn ksiptvayah kharpare pacet I
Lauhe drsadi lauhafica mudgarena hatarn muhuh
Translated as - Throw flowing iron mixed with water in a broken pot and melt it.
Iron is beaten repeatedly in an iron mortar with a pestle.
Atha svarnam pesanartharn patnkrtya yathamrdu II
Tatpatrarn sakalikrtya suksmatsuksmatararn punah I
Kificitsikatasarnmisram suddhatoyavimisritam I
Pesayet pesanisvabhre suslaksnadrsada sudhih I
Translated as - A wise person, for grinding, after making the gold into soft leaves, after making the leaves
into finer than finer fragments, mixing it with sand and clean water, grinds the ground gold, in a grinder
with a very soft pestle.
late supiste tatpiste kacapatre jalaih saha I
Alodyordhvagatarn pankarn sikatarn ca punah
punah I
Santyajya jatarn svarnasya pankarnatyujjvalarn
budhah II
Translated as - When the mixture is ground finely, knowledgeable people, stirring the mixture with water
in a glass vessel, filtering and discarding repeatedly the slurry of sand that comes up, get the highly
shining slurry of gold.
Rasa-ratna-samuccayah, Chapter 5, Slokah 106, Vagbhatah (12
Century AD)
Rasendra-sara-sangrahah (9
Century AD) Silpa-ratnam, Chapter 46, Slokah 124-128 (11
Century AD).
Grind the ground gold would mean to grind repeatedly.
Binders and Glues-l
Amarn tindukamamarn kapitthakarn
puspamapi ca salmalyah I
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Bljani sallakinam dhanvanavalko vaca ceti II
Translated as - Take unripe tinduka, unripe wood-apple, flower of silk cotton, seeds of sallaki, bark of
dhanvana and the vaca root.
Etaijli saliladronah
kvathayitavyosstabhagasesasca I
Avataryossya ca kalko dravyairetaih
samanuyojyah II
Translated as - These materials mixed in a bucketful of water should be boiled till it (the mixture) is
reduced to one eighth in volume. This residue should be mixed with the following materials.
kasarjarasaih I Atasibilvaisca yutah kalkosyam vajralepakhyah II
Translated as - Turpentine, guggula resin, resin of bhallataka, jasmine, sarja, linseed and vilvam. This
mixture is called Vajra-lepa.
Brhat-samhita, Varahamihira (6
century AD)
Varahamihira's Brhat-samhita describes Vajra-lepa and Vajra-sanghata. The Ashoka Pillar is basically a
sand-stone pillar coated with Vajra-Sanghata to look like a metal pillar. Mauryan caves in Bihar also have
a coating that gives the surface the look of glass.
S.No Sanskrit name Common Terminology Botanical name
1 Tinduka Diospyros paniculata
2 Kapitthaka Wood apple Feronia elephantum
3 Shalmali Silk cotton Morus acedosa
4 Sallaki Bosewellia serrata
5 Dhanvana Dhanvana
6 Vaca Orris root Vaca
7 Shrivasaka Turpentine Myrrh
8 Guggula Commiphora roxburghu
9 Bhallataka Semecarpus anacardium
10 Kunduruka Jasmine Cunduru
11 Sarja Resin
12 Atasi Linseed Linum usikatissimum
13 Bilva Vilva Aegle marmelos
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Binders and Glues-2
Gomahisajavisanaih khurarornna
mahisacarmagavyaisca I
Nimbakapittharasaih saha vajratalo nama
kalko nyah II
Translated as - With the horn, hoof and mane of cow, buffaloes and goat and with the hide of buffaloes
and cow along with the juice of neem and wood apple another paste called Vajra-tala (is produced).
PrasadaharmyavaJabhiliilgapratimasu kudyakupesu I
Santapto datavyo varsasahasrayutasthayi II
Translated as - The ten thousand year enduring heated (paste) should be given in (the construction of)
palaces, mansions, roofs, lingas, idols, walls and wells.
Astau sisakabhagah karnsasya dvau tu ritikabhagah I
Mayakathito yogosyam vijiieyo
vajrasanghatah II
Translated as - Taking 8 parts of lead, 2 parts of bell metal, and 2 parts of the calx of brass, this mixture is
called Vajra-sanghata by Maya.
Brhat-samhita, Varahamihira (6
century AD)
Maya is a reference to Maya-matam authored by Kapila-Vatsyayana (6
Century AD), who had named his
work after the celestial Architect Maya.
Metallurgy - Metals for Aircraft
Atha vaimanikan lohananukramisyamah saumaka-
saundalika - maurtvikascaitat samrnelanadusmapah
sodasadha bhavantIti te
vaimanikah II
Translated as - Now we sequence the metals for aircrafts - Thermal (Saumakal, Acidic (Soundalika) and
relating to shape (Maurtvika). The aircraft technologists say that by alloying these (three metal
categories) 16 varieties of heat-conducting metals come into being.
paftcaghnognitrd bharahanagitahano
garalaghnamlahano visambhara-visalyakrd
dvijamitraSca vatamitragcetityadih II
Translated as - These are heat bearing, heat conducting (thermal), heat proof, shining, acid-proof, toxic
(weapon grade) non-malleable, fire-proof, weight-proof, cold-proof, poison-proof (anti toxic), acid proof
(alkaline), toxic (weapon grade), surgical grade, wrought metal and wind-proof.
Brhad-vimana-shastra, Lohadhikaranam, Maharsih Bharadwaja (Post Vedic Period)
Etymology for technical words
Saumaka = Of the moon = Cool = Relating to temperature = Thermal
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Saundalika = Relating to juices/acids
Maurtvika = Concerned with shape/form.
Panca=ghna Non-malleable
Garala-ghna = Poison-proof = Anti-toxin
Usna-hana = Heat-proof
Bhara+hana = Weight-proof
Sita+hana = Cold-proof
Amla+hana = Acid-proof = Alkaline
Amla+trd = Acid-proof
Agni+trd = Fire-proof
Ghna, han, trd = mean to kill, quench.
The rest are based on positive attributes.
Usna+hana = Heat + bearing
Visam-bhara = Poison + bearing
= Toxic (weapon-grade)
Usnam+pa = Heat + protecting
= Heat conducting
Raja = Shining = White
Vi+salya+krt = Special + Cut + Do = Surgical grade
Dvija-mitra = Twice born = Wrought metal
Vata- mitra =Wind + friend (wind-proof)
Interesting Facts
You seem to have put on a little weight
What is the secret behind Delhi's famous Iron Pillar that stands rust-free even after more than 1600
years? Metallurgists at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, have discovered that a thin layer of
'misawite', a compound of iron, oxygen and hydrogen, has protected the cast iron pillar from rust.
In a millennium and a half, it is calculated that this layer has grown to a thickness of 50 micron. The
protective film was formed catalytically by the presence of high amounts of phosphorous in the iron -1 %
as against less than 0.05% in today's iron. The high phosphorous content is the result of the unique iron-
making process practiced by ancient Indians, who reduced iron ore into steel in one step by mixing it with
The pillar-over 7 meters high and weighing more than 6 tones - was originally erected outside a Vishnu
temple during the Gupta dynasty's rule in 320-540 AD.
The Hindu (29/8/2002), Iron pillar and nano powder, B.G.Prakash. 11. 7
Zinc Distillation in Rajasthan
Europe learnt to produce zinc in 1746. In late 17
century, zinc was imported in small quantities from the
East and used in the production of brass. Before the advent of present-day high-pressure technology, zinc
had to be produced as a vapor because of the vast difficulties in its distillation process. But, it was distilled
in India more than 2,000 years earlier through the use of a highly sophisticated pyro-technology.
Distillation of this metal in India was brought to light through a series of nearly intact structural remains of
ancient Indian zinc distillation furnaces at Zawar near Udaipur in Rajasthan.
Who remembers ancient India's scientific wealth? Md.Yazeeruddin, World Institute for Asian Studies,
Vol.5 No.361 (19/04/2006).
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