This document provides instructions for a term project on value innovation for an Operations & Technology Management course. Students are asked to enhance the value of an existing product or service offered by a specific organization. The project aims to help students learn practical and comprehensive elements of operations management and integrate them with other business functions. Students must identify relevant theories from class and apply them to a real-world situation. They are expected to work well in groups, identify their own skills, and gain experience that will help their future careers. The paper must be well-written in English and follow specific formatting and presentation guidelines, including an executive summary, body, and references. It will be graded and counts for 20% of the student's final grade. The project
This document provides instructions for a term project on value innovation for an Operations & Technology Management course. Students are asked to enhance the value of an existing product or service offered by a specific organization. The project aims to help students learn practical and comprehensive elements of operations management and integrate them with other business functions. Students must identify relevant theories from class and apply them to a real-world situation. They are expected to work well in groups, identify their own skills, and gain experience that will help their future careers. The paper must be well-written in English and follow specific formatting and presentation guidelines, including an executive summary, body, and references. It will be graded and counts for 20% of the student's final grade. The project
This document provides instructions for a term project on value innovation for an Operations & Technology Management course. Students are asked to enhance the value of an existing product or service offered by a specific organization. The project aims to help students learn practical and comprehensive elements of operations management and integrate them with other business functions. Students must identify relevant theories from class and apply them to a real-world situation. They are expected to work well in groups, identify their own skills, and gain experience that will help their future careers. The paper must be well-written in English and follow specific formatting and presentation guidelines, including an executive summary, body, and references. It will be graded and counts for 20% of the student's final grade. The project
This document provides instructions for a term project on value innovation for an Operations & Technology Management course. Students are asked to enhance the value of an existing product or service offered by a specific organization. The project aims to help students learn practical and comprehensive elements of operations management and integrate them with other business functions. Students must identify relevant theories from class and apply them to a real-world situation. They are expected to work well in groups, identify their own skills, and gain experience that will help their future careers. The paper must be well-written in English and follow specific formatting and presentation guidelines, including an executive summary, body, and references. It will be graded and counts for 20% of the student's final grade. The project
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School of Technology Management and Logistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman.
SEMESTER MAY 2014 TERM PROJECT VALUE INNOVATION Students are required to innovatively enhance existing product or service values oered !y a speciic organi"ation #ith an intention o helping the organi"ation to gain greater !usiness advantage$ The study %ust !e !ased on real lie situations and %ust !e aligned #ith the perspective o the %ain !usiness unction&s trilogy as presented in the ollo#ing relationship' OBJECTIVES: This course#or( is designed in such a #ay that students #ill !e a!le to learn practically and co%prehensively a!out ele%ents and issues involved in )perations Manage%ent and integrate the% #ith other unctions in the organi"ation$ *t is desira!le that #hile #or(ing on this pro+ect, students #ill !e a!le to identiy all theories and unda%entals in )perations Manage%ent presented in the classroo% and translate the% into an actual %anner that %eets the require%ents o the %ar(etplace$ *t is expected that students #ould appreciate co%%unication, interaction and +o! coordination a%ong the %e%!ers o the group$ Students are also expected to !e a!le to identiy their o#n s(ills and expertise, #hich #ill help the% in their career$ PRESENTATION OF PAPER: 1$ The report MUST !e #ritten in concise and luent English$ 2$ A very attractive and proessional design o -age 1 .cover page/$ 0$ A #ell arranged Ta!le o 1ontent$ 4$ A very purposive, directive and co%prehensive Exe!"#$e S!%%&'($ 2$ A #ell3#ritten, purposive, directive and co%prehensive 203page (maximum) report$ 4$ Appearance' dou!le3spaced and ree o typographical errors$ 5$ -roperly la!eled and arranged ta!les, igures and diagra%s$ 6$ 7ell arranged Appendices and Reerences at the end o the report$ Mar(eting )perations Technology School of Technology Management and Logistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman. GRA)ING: This paper #ill !e graded *'+,e--#+.&//( and it #ill cover 228 o the inal grade$ E0PECTATION: 1$ This pro+ect is expected to !e a good learning exercise on 9:usiness Sustaina!ility;$ 2$ The unda%entals o required s(ills and (no#ledge can !e gathered$ A1HAR AHMA) Acade%ic School' School o Technology Manage%ent and <ogistics .STM</ Tel' 043=26 5021>01=444244= ah$a"har?uu%$edu$%y )-ERAT*)@S MA@AAEME@T BE-ARTME@T C@*DERS*T* CTARA MA<AYS*A 04010 CCM S*@T)E EEBAF BARC< AMA@ PROCEE) 2ITH HONOR