KEFI Minerals: Mining Flashnote

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KEFI Minerals


Mining Flashnote
05 August 2014

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Fox-Davies Capital

Stock Data
Share Price: 0.014
12 M. Target Price: NA
Market Cap (M): 13.4
EV (M): 11.5

Tulu Kapi: Definitive Feasibility Study Update

Event Event Event Event
KEFI Minerals has released an exploration update for the Tulu Kapi project in Ethiopia.

Comment Comment Comment Comment
Kefi has released the latest drilling results from its Tula Kapi project. There were a number
of RC holes drilled as part of a selective infill programme that were targeted to intercept
known lode structures and test the structure of the resource model. Excellent results were
obtained, the best being 9m @ 4.24g/t, 13m @ 3.21g/t, 8m @ 3.94g/t and 15m @ 2.33g/t.
Overall the results were excellent and will enable the Inferred Resource to be upgraded to
an Indicated Resource.

These assay results had been delayed by an up to 80 day turn around at the Saudi assay
laboratories. Now that they have all been returned, the Resource Model has been updated
and the Independent Review for JORC Compliance has been agreed with Snowden Mining
Consultants. This is expected to be made public in the next 7 to 8 days. It will enable the
reactivation of the Mining Licence Application and trigger construction in 2015.

This will be followed by a resource upgrade on the underground potential at Tulu Kapi which
is expected by the ned of August and it is expected that the grade will be around 5 to 6g/t.
This will be followed by an underground scoping study.
Kefi also completed some drilling on the Chalte and Guji prospects, both located on the
Yubdo Exploration Licence which is immediately to the west of the Tulu Kapi Licence. The
Chalte prospect is a similar structural setting to Tulu Kapi and has a soil anomaly that is more
than 1.2km long. The best intercepts were 1m @ 4.32g/t from 26m and 44m @ 1.73g/t from
18m. The drilling at Guji was limited to shallow drilling in the saprolites which limited the
depth to around 50m. It is planned to conduct deeper drilling below the saprolites at a later
Chalte and Guji highlight the excellent exploration potential around the Tulu Kapi mine and
although exploration is at a very early stage, it does suggest that additional ore resources
will be available for the Tulu Kapi mill.

F FF FYE Dec YE Dec YE Dec YE Dec ( ( ( (M unless stated) M unless stated) M unless stated) M unless stated) 201 201 201 2013 33 3 20 20 20 201 11 14E 4E 4E 4E 2 22 2015 015 015 015E EE E 2 22 201 01 01 016 66 6E EE E
Revenue 0.0 0.0 0.0 53.7
EBITDA -1.7 -2.0 -1.6 22.2
NPAT -1.3 -2.0 -1.8 11.7
EPS (USc) -0.5 -0.2 -0.2 1.2
CFPS (USc) -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 1.8
Source: Source: Source: Source: Company Data & Fox-Davies estimates

Price Chart

52 Week Range
1.35p 1.35p 3.35p

Company Summary
KEFI Minerals is an
exploration company focused
on the discovery and
development of vein-hosted
gold and volcanogenic
copper-zinc mineralisation in
the Arabian Nubian Shield.

Odey Asset Mgmt 12.69%
Capital Financial Managers 10.73%
Nyota Minerals 10.72%
Standard Life Investments 8.37%
Source: Bloomberg

Peter Rose
[email protected]

Aug-13 Nov-13 Feb-14 May-14 Aug-14

KEFI Minerals Flashnote

05 August 2014

Fox-Davies Capital

Research Disclosures
Peter Peter Peter Peter Rose Rose Rose Rose
Peter has 27 years experience in equities as a resources analyst; he has been at Fox-Davies Capital for 6 years, after having
spent 11 years with Deutsche Bank in Australia. Prior to this he spent 3 years with Prudential Bache and 5 years with James
Capel. Peter's industry experience includes 16 years as a metallurgist, 3 years with De Beers in South Africa and 8 years in
the uranium industry, five of which were spent at the Ranger Uranium mine. Peter holds a BSc degree in Applied Mineral
Science from Leeds University UK and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of South Africa. Peter is also a member
of the Institute of Materials, Mining & Metallurgy and a chartered engineer.
+44 (0)203 463 5034
[email protected]
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Trading Sell Trading Sell Trading Sell Trading Sell Recommendation implies that the analysts expected total return over the short term compared
against the target price is negative.
Sell Sell Sell Sell Recommendation implies that expected total return expected over 12 months between current
and analysts target price is negative.

KEFI Minerals Flashnote

05 August 2014

Fox-Davies Capital

Research Disclaimers
Research disclosure as of 05 August 2014

Company Name Company Name Company Name Company Name Disclosure Disclosure Disclosure Disclosure
KEFI Minerals (KEFI LN) 1, 2, 8

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KEFI Minerals Flashnote

05 August 2014

Fox-Davies Capital

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KEFI Minerals Flashnote

05 August 2014

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