A Leader Leads by Example New
A Leader Leads by Example New
A Leader Leads by Example New
is an action ,
not a position
As we move deeper into 2010 one thing I know for sure is that many
lawyers, law firm staff members and clients are facing deep uncertainty. So
many of us feel we have lost control; that larger forces are at work. At this
time more than ever it is important to come to grips with what we can
influence and impact. We all have a leadership role to play in our
organizations. When we catch ourselves complaining about the system,
about how decisions are made and how things are done it is a good time to
come to grips with our own responsibility for making a positive contribution.
Some people might say: Im not the boss; I have no power to change
anything. Certainly at times we all feel that way but this is rarely the whole
truth. Leadership is not about the role we hold in an organization; rather it
is about the action we choose to take. Leadership actions taken by a
colleague who is not in a leadership position.
No one can declare you the leader; you have to earn it. No position will
make you a leader; you have to have followers. People follow people, not
positions. They respect people whom they trust. They tag along with people
in whom they believe. They follow people who have demonstrated they
deserve to be followed. That requires action, which doesnt require any
certain position. You have to take action that inspires people to follow you.
Nobody follows anybody who doesnt do anything; people follow people who
do something of significance. You cant just talk about it; you have to do it.
When people see you accomplishing something worthwhile, they will follow.
Yes, leadership is action, not position. Anyone can be a leader. You just have
to do things that make people want to follow you.
There are kinds of leadership, the first one is the action is other focused:
How can I help people succeed?,second, it is future oriented: I know we
are focused on this phase of the project but how does it connect with the
end result we are after?and lastly, it is client focused. How is that going to
look from our clients perspective? How will it help them with their business
goals? At the heart of leadership is the urge to get things moving and to
take the initiative to help. When someone in a peer role takes a leadership
approach it is just as effective or even more effective then leadership
exercised by a figure of authority. Taking a leadership approach, regardless
of your position in the firm or organization, will engender respect. You will be
perceived as having leadership qualities. You will provide a huge value to the
people around you. In our turbulent times this approach to leadership is as
more important than ever. We could all sit back and take a victim mentality,
and with the state of the world right now who could blame us, but it is
important to realize that we are not doomed. Rather it is that the
environment in which we live and work has changed. Our job is to figure out
how to make the most from this changed environment and discover how we
can create value for our clients, our organizations and ourselves. You dont
have to be the President of the United States to become engaged in the
process and to demonstrate leadership. We all have the capacity to
contribute. You dont need to read about it, or sign up for an advanced
leadership training program. We can all get far too cerebral, intellectual and
mystical even about leadership. It really is just about what we do. Its
behavioral. Its a choice we make each day. I think I can help here. I am
going to take a chance and see what I can do to move things along.
People respond to good leadership! Period! It is in all aspects of our lives,
not just business. A mother is a leader in her home; a son may be leader of
a team sport or a daughter the leader of the debate team. A group relies on
the person in charge to actually lead them to success. A true leader is highly
ethical, honest and respected.
In our society we have leaders and followers. Are we born to one or the
other? No! Can you hone your leadership skills? Absolutely!
The leaders that I admire seem to have all of these in place:
a) They think BIG ! They dont put a ceiling in place. Instead, no limit
is set as to how big or how much better something can be.
b) The goals are firmly set in place and the eye does not come off of it.
c) They make known to all involved the final product that they are all
going for, example, if you sell widgets, it takes x number of widgets to
be affluent, or you want to win that football game and ultimately the
title. Know what youre going for.
d) They can get compliance to orders.
e) When goals are met they set new goals or raise the bar .
How do Leaders exhibit all these traits? WITH ACTION !!! Thats the key to
become a great leader.
All successful people became successful, because they gave some talent
or ability in the service of others. You can contribute in some way to others,
no matter how small your talent. You too, can become successful. No one
achieves success without being of service. Successful people dont use
others, other people use the successful, for above all success is of service.
Everyone has to be someone to someone to be anyone. Service is the
essence of success.
Align all your actions with your inner values, and you will act almost on
auto pilot. You need to act, and you need to do it now!!!People will follow
your lead willingly if you are honest, ethical, if you are consistent and treat
them with respect. Rewarding someone when a job is well done is always
appreciated. A good leader will also off load someone who consistently
hinders the group who is just not a team player. You can improve your own
self- respect and become an inspiration to others. How great is that!
Remember, leadership is ACTION not POSITION!!