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Amravati Diocesan Synod

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Reconcile and Unite all things in Christ

Strategic Plan document of the Amravati Catholic Diocese - 2020

Approved by the Synod held at Amravati
From 15 17 March, 2014

1. Footprints of the Lord of history in the Diocese of Amravati
God made his presence felt in and around Amravati through the MSFS Missionaries and the Sisters of
the Cross. The Diocese of Amravati came into existence in 1955 under the stewardship of Rt. Rev.
Joseph A. Rosario, the first Bishop of Amravati. In 1977 the Diocese of Aurangabad was bifurcated
from Amravati. After yeomen service of Bishop Joseph for 40 years, Bishop Edwin Colaco took over
as the second Bishop of the Diocese in 1995. Then in the year 2007 Bishop Lourdes Daniel became
the Bishop and currently from 29th September 2012 Bishop Elias Gonsalves continues to be our
At present there are 35 diocesan priests, 251 religious from 16 congregations having 43 religious
houses and working in 20 parishes, 48 educational institutions, 17 social centres, 21 hostels and
boarding houses, 17 health centres and dispensaries, 6 homes for destitutes and 10 vocational training
centres in the Diocese of Amravati.

2. Inspiration leading to the Synod
The motto of our Bishop Rt. Rev. Elias Gonsalves, To Reconcile and Unite all things in Christ, was
expanded by him in a 7-point programme on the occasion of his Episcopal Ordination.
Drawing inspiration from Pope Francis for re-orienting the Church as the Church of the poor, our
socially sensitive and dynamic Bishop, inspired by the Holy Spirit, soon recognized the need for
convening a Synod which is the need of the time in a fast-changing world.
Hence, immediately the preparations for the Synod were initiated by the formation of 5 zones in the
diocese. The Bishop himself went to each zone and motivated the priests and religious to get in touch
with the existing ground realities. As part of the Year of Faith a diocesan-level retreat was organized
for all the priests and religious to understand the social and pastoral perspective needed to build a
vibrant diocese and strengthen the faith of the people. Training sessions were organised to conduct
Participatory Learning Approach (PLA) in each zone and parish to enable the participation and
contribution of all the faithful.
To understand the call of the times priests, religious and faithful were made to study and understand
key documents like Church documents, Catholic social teachings, UN Conventions and Treatises, the
Planning Commission document of the Government of India and the mandate of the CBCI. These
inspirational documents were contextualized through a mapping exercise relating call and inspirations
to the realities of the people of the diocese and 8 thrust areas were identified to initiate substantial
changes through well-planned strategies and programmes.
Responding to the call of the Bishop about 176 persons consisting of 108 diocesan clergy and
religious working in the diocese, about 58 lay people and 10 provincials or their representatives from
their congregations actively participated in the Synod.

3. The broader context
The key shift in the approach of the Church began with the Second Vatican Council. The renewal
ushered in by the Vatican Council continues to evolve and unfold. While reaffirming her mission of
proclamation of the Gospel and evangelization of the world, the Church of the 3
millennium is
becoming more and more conscious of her roles and responsibilities of sharing the pains and the
sufferings of the poor and those on the fringes of society. More recently, the new Shepherd of the
Church, Pope Francis, has taken up several bold steps to make the Church a Church of the poor and
for the poor.
Similarly in the secular world, there is an increased awakening about promoting human rights, justice,
peace and development. International bodies like the UN, the IMF and the World Bank are seeking to
create balanced growth in the socio-economic life of the people of the different continents of the
world. To quote UN on justice and human development, All human beings are born free and equal in
dignity and rights (Article 1). Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health
and well-being of himself/herself and of his/her family including food, clothing, housing and medical
care and necessary social services and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness,
disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his/her control
(Article 3).

4. Context and realities of Amravati diocese
Amravati is mission diocese with a very scanty Catholic presence. The diocese operates in a multi-
linguistic, multi-cultural and multi-religious setting. About 70 per cent of the population in the
diocese belongs to the Scheduled Caste community, the Dalits, who due to caste atrocities and to
benefit by reservation embraced Neo-Buddhism under the patronage of Dr. Ambedkar. The diocese
also has about 7 per cent of population belonging to different backward Scheduled Tribes including
the Korku tribal community of Melghat.
The majority of the people of the diocese live on a subsistent level. Their living conditions are
appalling, marked by illiteracy, poverty, underdevelopment, caste atrocities, lack of minimum health
care, inadequate drinking water, sanitation, exploitation of Dalits, tribals and women, land alienation,
lack of livelihood options and poor access to government schemes and programmes resulting in
suicide of farmers.
The Mission Diocese of Amravati with its limited human and material resources has contributed to the
overall growth of the people of the diocese especially in the areas of education, health and social
services. The local Church continues to enjoy the goodwill of the majority communities and so there
is immense scope for the Church to accompany the poor and the marginalized for their overall

5. Key challenges
1. Evangelization: Fear of direct evangelization in the midst of other faiths. Some mission areas are in
remote locations. Sustaining the faith of adults and children is a challenging task.
2. Caste system: The caste mindset takes over religious values.
3. Education: Accessing quality education is a far-fetched dream for those in rural areas.
4. Dalits and tribals: Demanding and monitoring proper implementation of government policies and
schemes for the development of Dalits and tribals. Convincing the creamy layer of the same
communities to work for the development of their own people. Misuse of various government
schemes given to them for their development.
5. Women: Accessing higher education and participation of women in decision-making structures is
poor both in the Church and at the family level. Their voice is scuttled by the patriarchal society.
There are also many instances of domestic violence.
6. Health: There is lack of health awareness among the poor people and the cost for basic medical care
has increased multifold. Despite various health-related programmes in place the health service does
not follow the minimum prescribed standards.
7. Social justice and social development: A large number of Catholics belong to Dalit and tribal
communities and they are agriculture-dependent and the fields are largely rain-fed. Livelihood options
are shrinking day by day which leads to distress migration, especially of the tribals.
8. Environment: Mega projects are implemented by acquiring the lands of the poor. There is growing
deforestation and insensitivity for environmental protection.
Based on the analysis of the situation the members of the Synod felt the need to develop a social and
pastoral plan and a vision and mission as guiding pointers to build synergies across the board
consciously making a paradigm shift. It is believed that this shift will lead members to engage in
systematic interventions with a new way of working, leading to substantial changes in improving the
quality of life of the people, especially the poor.

6. Vision and Mission
Establishing a just and peace-loving society in union with Christ based on the Gospel values
upholding human dignity and the common good.
The Diocese of Amravati commits herself to the socio-pastoral transformation of marginalized
communities, specially the Dalits, tribals, women and children, through faith formation focusing on
families, awareness-building and community mobilization on rights, entitlements, duties and
preservation of nature, animating communities for improved access to education, health, employment
and social development by building capacities of the key stakeholders and creating facilitating
structures for the integral development networking with faith-based, secular and human rights
organizations and the government.

7. Objectives
1. Marginalised groups organized into well formed faith-based and socially sensitive communities for
enhancing their participation and recognition of their status and dignity in society.
2. Promotion and protection of the weak and vulnerable communities and right relationship with nature.
3. The knowledge and awareness of the marginalized groups are enhanced in understanding their rights
and entitlements as citizens.
4. Enhanced quality of life by improved access to education, health, employment and of the government
5. Increased engagement of collaboration and networking in addressing the situations of deprivation,
discrimination and exclusion.
6. Rights-based, gender-sensitive, participative and accountable culture of working and governing.
7. Effective and efficient structures, systems and processes to facilitate the realization of the vision and

8. Key shifts and strategies: Developing new culture of working and governing
1. While some works of charity will continue, we will make a conscious shift towards awareness-
building of the people realizing it is the state that is primarily responsible for the well-being of the
2. Community mobilization will aim at linking people with the policies and programmes of the state so
that everyone will have improved access to various government schemes. The diocese will play a
facilitating role.
3. To improve the analysis of the situation and knowledge of various laws, policies and programmes the
emphasis will be on capacity building of various stakeholders through ongoing training.
4. To build synergies we will move from compartmentalized approach to more collaborative approach
across ministries, commissions, institutions, congregations, parishes and diocesan administration.
5. All institutions whether in rural or urban areas adopt at least 5 villages and engage in pastoral and
social development and also promote exposure programmes to students and teachers.
6. Realizing that we are not alone in this new evangelization and our capacities and resources are limited
we will proactively network with all people of goodwill, especially human rights organizations,
Community Based Organisations and various decision-making bodies and persons in the government.
7. All our work will aim at creating models and ripples at the ground level so that people are able to
perceive and understand alternative models of development, governance and living with values and
demand the same from the government.
8. In planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring of all programmes peoples participation will
be ensured.

9. Thrust areas, Objectives Strategies and programs

9.1. Faith formation and Evangelization
Objective: Promoting faith inspired life and action to build inclusive communities
Strategy 1: Inspiring children, youth and married through catechetical and sacramental formation.
1. Making basic Catechism books available and conducting Sunday catechism in every parish.
2. Organizing catechism classes at the school level on weekly basis.
3. Organizing Bible Camps and competitions during summer and motivating the children by
conducting catechism exams in rural and urban parishes and at the diocesan level.
4. Organising special mass and retreat for youth.
5. Promoting Bible Study Groups in each parish.
6. Conducting catechetical sessions on sacraments for married people.
Strategy 2: Strengthening parish structure by capacitating local leaders.
1. Forming BCC groups and training the BCC leaders.
2. Organising leadership and faith formation programs to potential lay persons.
3. Forming Parish Pastoral Councils in all the parishes.
4. Mapping of Catholic families once a year and submitting data to diocesan administration.
5. Training Catechists at the diocesan level.
Strategy 3: Promotion of faith inspired family life and rectification of marriages.
1. Organising annual family retreats at the parish and diocesan level.
2. Conducting charismatic prayer in parishes and charismatic retreat at the Diocesan level once in
two years.
3. Organising marriage preparation courses and seminars / refresh programmes for married people
on Sacraments at the diocesan level, once a year.
4. Working closely with neighboring dioceses to help find suitable partners.
5. Administering ministry to the sick and old once a month, preferably on First Friday.
6. Organising VadhuVar melava, once a year.
7. Encouraging pious practices on occasions.
Strategy 4: Promoting Inter-religious Dialogue, Communal Harmony, Peace building.
1. Visiting people of other faith during their festivals like Id, Diwali, Dasara, Rakshabandhan, Holi,
Pola etc.
2. Arranging common celebrations, prayer services, processions on special occasions (Unity Octave,
World Peace Day, Womens Day and Girl Child Day)
Strategy 5: Promoting direct evangelization.
1. Training Lay Missionaries for preaching the Gospel.
2. Promoting out-reach preaching ministries in the villages through Audio-visuals.

9.2. Social justice and social development
Objective: Improved understanding of and access to rights and entitlements as citizens.
Strategy 1: Initiating Social nodal points at parish/institution level and promoting CBOs to access
Govt. schemes and livelihood opportunities.
1. Conducting TOT on different Govt. Schemes (MNREGA, TSP, RIF, MSRLM) for the Church
Personnel & their key staff.
2. Ensuring better coordination of all social interventions by repositioning JVS.
3. Promoting replicable and profitable alternative IGPs in the CESSS, Malkapur.
4. Linking the needy families with Banks and other Govt. Schemes.
5. Ensuring Parish Pastoral Team members actively participating in Gram Sabhas.
6. Forming social action centres in all parishes.
7. Exposure programme for urban catholic youth to all social centres once a year.
8. Organising interface meetings with District and Block level Government officials for obtaining
various entitlements such as Caste Certificates, Job Card, Widows Pension Card, Health Card, Old
age pension card, Adhar Card, Ration Cards, etc by the Social Centres in their operational villages
within 2 years.
9. Providing training on off-farm and off-farm IGPs for vulnerable people.
10. Organizing exposure visits to replicate best practices and lessons learnt.
Strategy2: Promoting profitable agriculture practices and animal husbandry to expand livelihood.
1. Conducting regular training in CESSS, Malkapur to marginal farmers on profitable agriculture
practices such as mix cropping, organic farming, double cropping, Soil and Water Conservation
structures and methods and crop rotation.
2. Promoting animal husbandry to expand livelihood opportunities for dalits and tribals.
3. Creation of organic and low-cost model plots in the parish-owned farm lands.
4. Promoting special agri-based interventions like SWC structures by Melgaht based NGOs.
5. Linking the marginal farmers with Govt. agriculture departments to access govt schemes.
6. Incorporating low cost farming practices in the existing programs of the social centers and to facilitate
seed bank/ godown for Melghat.
7. Promoting farmers marketing outlet.
8. Assisting farmer suicide victim families.
9. Formation of farmers club for different agri-base issues.
10. Linking tribal farmers with CESS and Agriculture departments for various schemes. (Spring machines,
engine oil, pipes, seeds, bullock cart, etc.,)
Strategy 3: Accompanying broken families, unwed mothers, divorcees and battered women through
legal interventions.
1. Conducting ToT program for the Church personnel of the Diocese on legal assistance for women.
2. Setting up of at one legal aid and counseling centre in the Diocese.
3. Working closely with the Police Stations and District Women & Child Welfare Centers.
Strategy 4: Promoting just wage practices.
1. Preparing Diocesan Policy for domestic workers in our institutions.
2. Networking with like-minded organizations to promote just wage practices for unorganised workers
in construction, farm, and orange mandis.
Strategy 5: Establishing NGO platform to reach out to new areas.
1. Formation of Catholic NGO Forum for Melghat and taking up the implementation of the common
development programs as NGO consortium.
2. Reaching out to unreached areas of the Diocese with new development interventions.

9.3. Education
Objective: Enhanced access to quality education, specially to the dalits, adivasis and vulnerable
communities in rural and urban areas.
Strategy 1: Strengthening shared vision and mission based on Gospel and Constitutional values
among the staff and children through capacity building.
1. Organising motivational sessions for the staff at zonal level and at diocesan level in Hindi/Marathi.
2. Conducting value education for all and faith formation for catholic children at least twice a week.
3. Making available catechism books and conducting catechism exams in the schools.
4. Making trained counselors (catholic) available.
5. Assisting minority students to access government scholarships.
Strategy 2: Promoting awareness and knowledge on educational schemes and policies to promote
improved access and participation.
1. Awareness sessions conducted for parents of urban areas and for students of both urban and rural
areas with regard to RTE, RTI, Government schemes and scholarships.
2. Organize Ex-students and Retired Teachers Association in all schools in order to motivate them to
help the students and the institutions for their welfare.
Strategy 3: Establishing and maintaining systems to promote access quality education.
1. All our schools to become members of CBCIs Accreditation System to improve (i) Quality of
Curriculum, (2) Quality of teaching and (3) Accountability of Teachers.
2. Initiating and strengthening educational committees and SMC.
3. Formation of career guidance cell.
4. Conducting free-coaching / supplementary classes for the dropouts and who deserve attention with the
help of the ex-students and retired teachers in city schools.
5. Promoting non-formal education to reach out to people with disability.
Strategy 4: Promoting select Catholic Students with special focus.
1. Conducting special coaching classes in every school (MPSC coaching) to help them compete in
competitive exams.
2. Networking with other diocesan educational institutions to promote at least two Catholics from each
parish/school for higher education and better job opportunities.
3. Promoting job opportunities to one eligible practicing Catholic member of a family provided they
qualify with extra 10 points.

9.4. Women Empowerment
Objective: Gender mainstreaming within the Church and in the communities.
Strategy 1: Ensuring gender justice through improved and quality participation of women within the
church and in public domain.
1. Activating the Diocesan Women Cell.
2. Starting women cell in the parishes under the leadership of the sister in charge of womens group.
3. Organizing capacity building Programme for women cell members once a year.
4. Documentation of womens violence in the parish level and presenting before the officials.
5. Linking needy women with NGOs who are having the counseling cells.
Strategy 2: Promoting Gender sensitivity and equality among the Church personnel.
1. Arranging seminars on gender equality for C. R. I. members and priests in the diocese once in a year
who will train the parishioners.
2. Encouraging women to participate in Parish Pastoral Councils.
3. Motivating and linking alcoholics to participate in AA rehabilitation programs.

9.5. Health
Objective: Promoting access to quality health care, especially to rural poor
Strategy 1: Promoting awareness and knowledge on health and hygiene.
1. Organizing awareness programmes on periodic basis on hygiene, safe drinking water, sanitation,
immunization, and communicable diseases in parishes (missions) or village / panchayat levels.
2. Organising health awareness rallies on World Health Day, HIV/AIDS Day, TB Day etc every year in
parishes (missions) or village / panchayat and school levels.
3. Increasing knowledge of health facilities and programmes of the government for dalits and adivasis
by organizing health camps at the parish level in collaboration with government health structures.
4. Organising blood donation camps.
Strategy 2: Promoting institutional maternal / child health care.
1. Reducing by 50 per cent the number of marasmus and Kwashiorkor children in the work area by
ensuring access to nutritional diets and iron supplements through the help of NGOs , government
agencies and nutritional education to the mothers.
2. Promoting institutional delivery through JSY scheme, especially among the tribals through guidance
and counseling to reduce IMR and MMR.
Strategy 3: Expanding basic health services to increase availability and accessibility among rural
1. Increasing mobile medical units/services and ambulance services in rural areas by acquiring one
mobile medical vehicle.
2. Reaching out to the Disabled.
3. Popularizing generic medicines in rural areas.
4. Disseminating through IEC (information, education and communication) materials the importance of
alternate systems of medicines like Ayurvedic and Homeopathy.
5. Setting up model herbal gardens in all dispensaries.
Strategy 4: Protecting the vulnerable from major sicknesses through linking the victims with
government programmes.
1. Setting up minimum systems in place to address HIV/AIDS, T.B. patients, Alcoholic Anonymous
persons and terminally ill patients.
2. Linking rehabilitation programmes with government schemes & NGO schemes to differently abled.
3. Networking with organizations working on rehabilitation programmes to access expertise and
professional assistance.
Strategy 5: Capacity development of health personals and registration of health centers
1. Organizing workshops for health workers on government health programmes, alternative medicines,
preparation of IEC materials etc.
2. Organizing workshops on health monitoring techniques, especially skills related to reduction in IMR
and MMR.
3. Periodic CME (continuing medical education) programmes for all health personals.
4. Registering all the health centers with the government.

9.6. Empowerment of Dalits and Tribals
Objective: Protecting the rights of dalits and tribals and ensuring access to entitlements and
improved Self governance
Strategy 1: Promoting community mobilization based on constitutional and Christian values.
1. Organising awareness programmes on Ambedkars vision (educate, organize, and agitate) in parishes.
2. Creating space for dialogue across religious communities and community leaders to strengthen unity
among dalits and adivasis.
3. Organizing programs to develop lay leadership to engage in issues of SCs/STs.
Strategy 2: Training SC /STs to safeguard and protect their rights.
1. To organizing seminars and workshops on preventive and protective laws at the zonal level
2. Assisting victims of caste oppressions to access legal aid.
3. Lobbying for equal rights to Dalit Christians by collaborating with NCDC.
4. Assisting in acquisition of caste validity certificates.
5. Assisting adivasis and dalits to reclaim their lost land due to land acquisition.

9.7. Social Communications
Objective: Becoming a communicative and visible Church
Strategy 1: Facilitate the work of animation and catechesis with audio-visual aids and printed
1. Training Church personnel lay collaborators and young people in media related activities.
2. Training key persons to articulate publically on ethical issues.
3. Organizing programs to train church leaders with Pastoral communication skills.
Strategy 2: Creating media awareness programs at the diocesan/Zonal/ parish/mission station.
1. Promoting authors association to write on diocesan works and engagements.
2. Creating diocesan blog, face book and twitter for information sharing.
3. Demonstration of value based audio-visual programs in collaboration with schools.
4. Conducting workshops at the school level to contribute in the local magazine and newspapers.
5. Seminars on dos and donts of electronic and print media.
6. Developing personnel with multi-media skills in school and parish level.

9.8. Environment
Objective: Respect of the environment as the basis of all life and promoting its sustainability
with right relationship with nature
Strategy 1: Creating awareness, understanding and respect for environment.
1. Formation of Environment commission.
2. Printing of IEC material by the commission in collaboration with CESSS.
3. Formation and training eco-friendly groups at parish and school levels.
4. Celebration of Environment day in all the parishes, schools and colleges every year.
5. Discourage the use of crackers and plastics.
Strategy 2: Promoting environmental sensitivity.
1. Encouraging and promoting tree plantation program in all the parishes and schools.
2. Promoting Social Forestry in tribal villages in collaboration with forest department.

10. Developing core competencies and capacities
To realize the vision and mission and implement the strategies and programmes we affirm that people
and key stakeholders are to be equipped with core competencies and capacities. The outcomes will
largely depend on professional capacities we develop around thrust areas, expertise in administrative
and resource mobilization skills and proficiency in communicative and public relations capabilities. It
is an ongoing process since we have so much to learn. We recognize that in some fields we have
competent and capable persons. But there is a need to strengthen, deepen and multiply competencies
and capacities.
Core development of capacities will aim at developing training of trainers who can impart the same in
the work areas. If in some areas it is not possible in the near future we will network with partners and
like-minded organizations and if need be, we will hire people with capacities for specific purposes.
10.1 People to be capacitated would include:
Potential parishioners including parish council members; young women and men; teachers; alumni/
past pupil / parentsteacher association members; staff in the organizations or institutions; religious
and priests.
10.2 Specific areas to develop capacities:
Three to four persons will be well trained in the next two to three years
1. Catechesis
2. Catholic Social Teaching
3. Pastoral work and evangelization
4. Basic health care and herbal medicines
5. Organic farming and animal husbandry
6. Career guidance and counseling
7. Government programmes, policies and schemes
8. Various laws related to SC/ST and Women
9. Playing musical instruments for enhancing the liturgy
10. Project writing and resource mobilization from government, donors, well wishers etc
11. Modern information, communication and technological skills
12. PRO and communicative skills
13. Administrative, management and finance skills
14. Higher Education of Priests/On-going formation/Updating
15. Knowledge on managing Catholic Educational Institutions.
10.3 How do we go about?
Potential people to be identified by parish priests / religious and responsible people in institutions
Developing a data bank on places / institutions where professional trainings are offered
Centralized data collection of all the parishioners at the Pastoral Centre & at all Parishes
Motivating and sponsoring ToTs
Incorporating them as key persons in field trainings and implementation of programmes

11. Initiating and strengthening systems and mechanisms and establishing infrastructure
Along with developing core competencies and capacities we need to develop viable, accountable and
sustainable structures and mechanisms that will be in place to carry out the mission. We take due note
of the existing structures and decision-making bodies. However, we feel that there are areas of
concern, especially with regard to governance structures like parish councils, commissions, various
bodies in institutions and diocesan administration which require revamping and strengthening. We
will also create new structures and committees if they are required.
11.1 Systems to be initiated or strengthened:
1. Strengthening the works and personnel of the diocesan pastoral centre.
2. Creating linkages (like linking different priests with different states) to strengthen vocation
3. Establishing / strengthening apostolic schools.
4. Inviting more religious congregations to establish houses and works.
5. Establishing committees to develop common policies, data bank on various needs etc.
6. Forming resource mobilization committee.
7. Sending priests abroad for collection of finances on Mission appeal.
8. Creating or strengthening BCC, Womens Cell, Environmental Cell and SC/ST commission with
clear policies and programmes.
9. Setting up a monitoring and evaluation committee to assess implementation of strategies and
programs of the Synod.
10. Initiating rehabilitation centre for AA and Drug Addicts.
11. Initiating a feasibility study to set up D.Ed. / B.Ed. / Nursing.
12. Initiating a feasibility study to establish Christ Ashram.

12. How will the diocese look like after 5 years?
Increase in faith of the people in that they become a community of believers living the values of the
Church and the Church becoming and recognized as a Church of the people and for the people,
particularly the poor and marginalized.
Expanded knowledge of rights and entitlements and people accessing programmes and schemes from
duty bearers.
Increased level of literacy and education of the marginalized communities taking full benefit of the
government programme and schemes, particularly the right to education.
Gender sensitivity and participation of women appreciated and ensured and violence against women,
girls and children reduced.
Improved understanding of living a healthy life, including care for surroundings, access to
government health programmes and switching over to alternative medicines.
Voices of the Dalits and tribals for protection and promotion of rights amplified and heard by key
decision-makers and livelihood options enhanced.
The visibility of the Church increased as Church of the poor upholding human dignity and common
Right relationship with God, neighbour and nature nurtured and cherished.

13. Looking ahead
Gods heart has a special place for the poor, so much so that He Himself became poor (2 Cor. 8:9).
He shows the poor His first mercy. This reminds us that we are called to care for the vulnerable
communities of the earth. Hence we, the Diocese of Amravati, look forward to a Church which is
poor and for the poor.
I have come that you may have life, life in all its fullness (Jn.10:10). The Diocese of Amravati is
blessed with many religious priests, nuns and the laity -- the people of God. Together we build a
vibrant and enthusiastic Church which will move forward in a new direction. Our people having
deepened their trust and faith in God, live a life of committed service, reaching out in compassion and
love to the poor, marginalized and those who have moved away from the Church. They will be
witnesses to the Gospel values in all their activities of building inclusive humane communities,
upholding the rights and dignity of all, networking with other Churches, NGOs and peoples
movements. There will be improvement in the pastoral, educational, health and socio-economic fields
too. Seeing the faith of our people, their voluntary involvement and collaboration as members of the
Church of Amravati, our diocese will make the good God known for the spread of the mission of
As you Father are in me and I in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you
have sent me (Jn.17:21). With these assuring words of Jesus prayer to the Father, we the faithful in
the Diocese of Amravati, look forward with hope that the values of the kingdom will continue to be
proclaimed and lived by all people living and transmitting peace, justice, love, reconciliation,
forgiveness, compassion and fellowship towards fullness of life of all, especially the poor and the

1. List of Religions communities
2. Program implementation framework

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