Organization By: Nick Vagnone and Treshun Wynn Pittsburgh has always been known as The Steel City. The city is known for having the most bridges in the world. There is a total of 446 bridges in the city ( These are all a result of the heavy amount of steel mills that are in the city. Not all steel mills are active anymore, but at one time there was a large amount of the Pittsburgh population working in the steel mills. This is why Pittsburgh has been known to have many blue-collar people. superbowl_trophies_pittsburghskyline.com_jan_2012_17.jpg h t t p : / / u p l o a d . w i k i m e d i a . o r g / w i k i p e d i a / c o m m o n s / e / e 5 / M i l l _ D i s t r i c t _ - _ P i t t s b u r g h . j p g Start of the Steelers The steelers were originated in 1933 by owner and Pittsburgh hero, Art rooney. The steelers were originally known as pittsburgh piraTes up unTil 1940 ( The team was then renamed to the pittsburgh steelers because of the success of steel mills in pittsburgh and the large amount of workers that would cheer on the team. ExplorePAHistory-a0l0z7-a_349.jpg Beginning of Success Up until 1972 the steelers were a laughing stock in the nfl. The franchise had its first winning record at 11-3. that year the steelers advanced to the afc championship for the first time ever. They advanced to the championship game by one of the most historical plays in nfl history known as the immaculaTe recepTion. The ciTy of champions Following the 1972 season, the steelers put on a run for the ages, and was known as the team of The decade in The 1970s. during The 1970s the steelers won 74, 75, 78, 79. They would be the only team to the day to win 4 super bowls in 6 years (sporting news). h t t p : / / c d n - 6 . f o o t b a l l b a b b l e . c o m / i m a g e s / s u p e r - b o w l - x . j p g h t t p : / / w n s t . n e t / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 3 / 1 1 / l a m b e r t - h a m . j p g Hall of Fame Players ouT of The nexT couple decades afTer The 70s, the Steelers produced 22 Hall of famers and held still hold the record of the most Super Bowls in the league with 6 (pomerantz). piTTsburghs evoluTion when piTTsburgh enTered The 80s, things changed around the city. Because of a drop in the steel market, many mills were closed and many people moved out of Pittsburgh to find work (myers) .up unTil The early 90s, Pittsburgh struggled economically. The Steelers had their first losing season in 12 years in 1984, and the team continued to struggle with the city unTil The early 90s. Team Helps the City When the city and the team struggled, both were their to support each other. The Steelers were one of the first NFL teams to become involved heavily with community service in helping the city survive a struggle. They continue to help the city as much as possible today. h t t p : / / w w w . s t e e l e r s . c o m / n e w s / a r t i c l e - 1 / A R T - R O O N E Y - M E M O R I A L - S C H O L A R S H I P / 5 1 9 0 A 5 1 D - C 5 3 D - 4 A A 8 - A A 8 8 - B 4 1 D 6 D 4 0 8 D 1 8 Success Returns as The ciTy began To geT back on iTs feet, so did the Steelers. In 1990 they hired the second coach of the franchise in Bill Cower. Cower a Pittsburgh native, helped bring the team back to a Super Bowl and 9 consecutive winning seasons ( h t t p : / / a w f u l a n n o u n c i n g . c o m / 2 0 1 3 / b i l l - c o w h e r - w i l l - l i k e l y - c o a c h - a g a i n . h t m l Meanwhile around the world After moving out of Pittsburgh, many people continued to cheer on their hometown team. The Steelers are known to have one of the largest fan bases in sports (Myers). The Modern Era In 2006, the Steelers hired their third ever Head Coach in Mike Tomlin. Tomlin has since took the team to two Super Bowls and continues to be the coach of the team today. h t t p : / / 0 . t q n . c o m / d / f o o t b a l l / 1 / 0 / T / S / M i k e T o m l i n 1 a . j p g Home Field Advantage The Steelers have only ever played in two stadiums in Pittsburgh. Three Rivers Stadium, which was built in 1970 and torn down in 2000, and Heinz Field that was built in 2001 and is still up today. Myron Cope Myron Cope was the voice of the Steelers for almost 50 years and helped bring Steelers Nation alive during games. He was the inventor of the symbol of hope for the Steelers in the Terrible Towel. h t t p : / / w w w . a m e r i c a n s p o r t s c a s t e r s o n l i n e . c o m / i m a g e s / M y r o n C o p e 2 . j p g The Terrible Towel The Terrible Towel is a well known part of Steelers tradition. It is the symbol of hope for Steelers Nation and has been used as a flag all the way back to 1973. Steelers and America The Steelers organization has supported the country ever since their existence. They recently supported President Barrack Obama heavily in his 2008 campaign. ey.jpg The City of Pittsburgh Now The city is no longer in an economic struggle and continues to do everything it can to support the team that it helped build. h t t p : / / w w w . v m i . p i t t . e d u / i m a g e s - t / P i t t s b u r g h . j p g Steelers Nation 5:01 Current Status The Steelers are currently in training camp preparing for the next season. Many fans travel across the country to see the upcoming team. web/NFL/CDA/data/deployed/prod/STEELERS/assets/images/imported/PIT/photos/clubimages/2013/08- August/temp2013_TC_0802_0426--nfl_mezz_1280_1024.JPG?width=960&height=720 Steelers as the greatest The Steelers have established themselves as one of the most successful franchises in sports. They are still the most successful football team in the nfl. Works Cited Jones, Emmett. "Steelers Post-season Games Bring $45M in Economic Impact to Pitts- burgh." Sports Business Digest. N.p., 20 Jan. 2011. Web. 23 July 2014. "Just How Many Bridges Are There In Pittsburgh?" N.p., 13 Sept. 2006. Web. 25 July 2014. Myers, Kim. "Steeler Nation Really Is Everywhere." Nice Pick Cowher Steeler " " " Nation Really Is Everywhere Comments. N.p., 17 June 2014. Web. 23 July " "2014 Pomerantz, Gary M. Their Life's Work: The Brotherhood of the 1970's Pittsburgh "" " Steelers, Then and Now. N.p.: 2013 Print. Remillard, Arthur. "Steelers Nation and the Seriously Religious Side of Football "" " By Arthur Remillard - The Marginalia Review of Books." The Marginalia " " " Review of Books RSS. N.p., 28 Aug. 2013. Web. 24 July 2014. Steelers, Pittsburgh. "History of the Pittsburgh Steelers." HISTORY (n.d.): n. pag. Web. "Super Bowl Dynasty of the 1970s: Pittsburgh Steelers." Sporting News. N.p., 3 Feb. 2012. Web. 27 July 2014. Vertucci, Angela. "Obama Gets Support From the Black and Gold | PoliticsPA." " " " PoliticsPA. N.p., 13 June 2012. Web. 23 July 2014.