Internet Access Methods

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All access methods are grouped into two categories: wired and non-wired. Wired methods can be broken
down further as dedicated line and non-dedicated line.
Dedicated Line
A dedicated line is a telecommunications path between two points that is available 24 hours a day for use
at those sites. It may be either a physical cable or a logically switched system. Therefore, the network
speed is guaranteed and predictable. Unlike dial-up these lines are not shared. A dedicated line can be a
physical path owned by the dealership or rented from a telephone company, in which case it is called a
leased line. Examples of dedicated circuits include Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and T-1 lines.
Non-Dedicated Line
A non-dedicated line is always shared among multiple sites. When referring to telephone circuits, it can
be called a switched line. Sites share a fixed bandwidth while they are connected to the network.
Consequently, the network speed is not guaranteed or predictable. Examples of non-dedicated circuits
include dial-up lines and cable modems.
The nature of the line, dedicated or non-dedicated, only indicates if a fixed network bandwidth is
reserved for the line. Either type of line still has the ability to access the Internet through public or
private network infrastructures. Another way of looking at the differences in service would be to consider
an example of electrical power delivery. If service is dedicated, it would provide a private power line
running from the power plant directly to the dealership. All of the wattage that left the plant would
arrive at the dealership. A non-dedicated service would have large wattage circuits starting at the plant
and then divided throughout the city until they finally reached the dealership. Most of the time no
difference between the services exist. However, when the dealership and neighboring businesses all put
their air conditioners on high, power usage soars and the wattage available to each diminishes. In
extreme cases, this can causes brownouts or even blackouts.
Dial Up
This is the most basic and widely available method to access to the Internet. Dial-up refers to a
connection to a telephone system where the lines are shared. If the line is available, a connection is made
and if not, a busy signal is received. A dial-up connection is established and maintained for limited time
duration and the maximum connection speed is 56Kbps. Circuit and carrier limitations may prevent the
modem from operating at full capacity. The equipment required to access the Internet via a dial-up line
is a regular telephone line and a modem as well as an account from an Internet Service Provider (ISP). .
The account should be a business-oriented account that will allow use with generic browser software.
Services like AOL or EarthLink often require the use of special client software. Some providers require
that access be made through their home page (portal). Both of these requirements can cause application
performance and functionality problems.
To enhance the dial-up network throughput, the aggregated dial-up technology has been created.
Sometimes referred to as line bonding, this bandwidth-on-demand technology combines two or more
telephone lines into a single network connection. Manufacturers advertise that a maximum data rate of
230Kbps can be achieved. In areas where DSL is available, work is being done to bond multiple DSL
circuits at even higher throughput. The major drawback is that some ISPs do not support this
technology. If they do, the fee is usually higher as well. Newer products claim that the technology is not
dependent upon the ISP and that, other than granting multiple accounts; the multiple connections are
transparent to the ISP.
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
ISDN is a standard for digital transmission over ordinary telephone copper wire as well as over other
media. ISDN is generally available from the telephone company in most urban areas in Canada and the
United States as well as the major cities in Mexico. In concept, this is the integration of both analog or
voice data together with digital data over the same network.
There are two levels of service: the Basic Rate Interface (BRI) intended for the home and the small
enterprise, and the Primary Rate Interface (PRI), for larger businesses. Both rates include a number of B
(bearer) channels and a D (delta) channel. The B channels carry data, voice, and other services. The D
channel carries control and signaling information. The Basic Rate Interface consists of two 64Kbps B
channels and one 16Kbps D channel. Thus, a Basic Rate user can have 64Kbps or 128Kbps service.
The Primary Rate consists of 23 B channels and one 64Kbps D channel. A portion of the B channels can
be combined in any number to provide data capacity approaching 1.5Mbps. The remaining channels can
be set aside for voice traffic. This arraignment can be a very attractive cost alternative to traditional


voice service. In some cases, the money saved over traditional telephone costs will more than pay for the
cost of the entire circuit.
The primary use for ISDN is for backup, rather than primary Internet connections. With the price of the
dedicated T-1 circuits coming down and with some companies charging by the minute where ISDN is
being used, T-1 technology is surpassing ISDN as the main Internet connection choice.
Frame Relay
Frame relay service is designed for high-performance data transmission of traffic between local area
networks (LANs) and between end points in a wide area network (WAN). Frame relay puts data in a
variable-size unit called a frame and leaves any necessary error correction (retransmission of data) up to
the end points, which speeds up overall data transmission. Since the incidence of error in digital
networks is extraordinarily small, error correction is not a problem. For most services, the network
provides a permanent virtual circuit (PVC), which means that the customer sees a continuous, dedicated
connection without having to pay for a full-time leased line. The service provider determines the route
each frame travels to its destination and can charge based on usage. An enterprise can select a level of
service quality prioritizing some frames and making others less important. Frame relay service is
offered by all telephone carriers and is supported by the larger service providers. Fractional or full
circuits provide service that can range in capacity from 64Kbps to 1.5Mbps.
T-1 - Wired Method
A T-1 line is a dedicated connection consisting of up to 24 channels - each having 64Kbps of capacity. A
full T-1 uses all 24 channels to provide 1.5Mbps of capacity. A fractional T-1 uses any number of
channels up to 24. One channel will provide 64Kbps of capacity. Two channels provide 128Kbps; and so
on. T-1 and frame relay circuits are similar, however frame relay traffic is shared among multiple
locations. Generally a T-1 line has better performance and is more reliable than a frame relay circuit. A
T-1 line can also be set up to carry both voice and data, thereby reducing the number of voice lines in the
dealership. This can help to justify the expense of a T-1.
Cable Modem - Wired Method
Recently many cable companies have recognized the need for high-speed access to the Internet, and the
distinct advantage they have in providing this service. Because cable companies already have a high-
speed connection to many homes and businesses in the form of cable TV, they are able to rapidly deploy
high-speed data communications by taking advantage of this existing cable infrastructure. Where
available, cable customers simply order the service and a technician comes out to install a modem
designed specifically for cable access to the Internet. The cable modem is a device that connects a local
area network to a cable TV line.
Like many cable TV receivers, cable modems are typically part of the Internet cable access and are not
purchased and installed by the subscriber. Typically, the cable modem attaches to a standard 10Base-T
Ethernet (network) card in the computer by a RJ-45 plug (standard network jack) and attaches to the
cable wall outlet using a coaxial cable line.
At top speeds Cable Internet access can download data from 2 to 5 Mbps, with typical rates of speed at
500kbps to 1Mbps. The upload speed is also very high but generally much lower than download rates.
Usually uploads speeds range from 128Kbps to 500Kbps. These speeds are comparable with large
telephone circuits, yet these speeds are subject to availability, and levels of service provided by the local
cable company. Due to its high speed and comparatively low cost, cable modem access to the Internet
may appear to be an attractive option.
With these advantages, cable Internet access also comes with some significant downsides, especially for a
business. There are a number of challenges faced by the cable industry, including return-path
capabilities, customer service issues and standards. Cable modems use shared bandwidth for multiple
subscribers. This means that unlike the dedicated amount of bandwidth obtained with a telephone
circuit, cable bandwidth is divided among numerous other Internet subscribers. Subscribers have
reported that performance can vary and, at times, is reduced to that of a standard dial-up modem. While
this is an extreme situation, it can be expected that the network performance will deteriorate as local
usage increases during peak Internet traffic periods. For example, when many people return home from
school or work and begin to use the Internet, during the afternoon and early evening, network
performance will degrade. This probably coincides with the peak usage in the dealership as well,
compounding the problem. If a cable connection is chosen for a business grade service, make sure that an
SLA is available from the provider.
Cable companies tend to market Internet access only to home users. Information is publicly available on
methods of attaching cable modems to a LAN. The real roadblock is the level of support from the
provider. Cable access targeted for home use does not include the same level of service as offerings


designed specifically for a small business. In fact, many cable service providers have a policy against
using their service for business access. This should be thoroughly investigated before subscribing to any
cable Internet service for business use. If the cable provider has a business services group, talk to them
directly to get questions answered. Make sure the Service Level Agreement offered by the cable provider
does not prohibit the use of their service for business purposes.
For some business purposes, the concept of a fixed IP or static IP may need to be implemented. This
allows for the same external IP address on the cable modem to be maintained at all times. This would be
necessary if an external vendor would need to connect to the device for any on-going business needs.
Fiber Optic
In the past few years Fiber Optic Internet access has become more available and affordable for
consumers and businesses. This internet access method provides speeds varying from 2 MBPS and up to
1 GBPS. The increasing number of service providers, makes this access method a better alternative to
cable, especially if scalibality is a concern.
Although this looks good on paper, there are a few key aspects that one should consider before taking
this route. Availabilty is not as good as cable yet, or other broadband access methods; some providers use
a mixed of fiber optic and copper cable which creates "bottlenecks" during data transportation, and
finally the cost of fiber optic internet access could be higher than other methods.
On the other hand, some of the advantages are: Download and Uploads speeds are usually the same in
contrast with cable where the upload spees is considerably lower, bandwidth is very high depending on
the service provider.
The factors in the table above are based on the current state of this technology. It is expected that these
factors can change rapidly, due to other influences such as advancement in technology, and competition
between providers.
Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL)
DSL is a technology for bringing high-bandwidth information to homes and businesses over copper
telephone lines. xDSL refers to different variations of DSL, such as Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
(ADSL), ISDN Digital Subscriber Line (ISDL) , Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL), High bit-rate
Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) , and Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line (RADSL). The distance
between the dealership and the telephone companys central office affects service level and availability.
DSL offers rates up to 6.1 Mbps (millions of bits) (of a theoretical 8.448Mbps), enabling continuous
transmission of full-motion video, audio, and even 3-D effects. More typically, individual connections will
provide up to 1.5Mbps to the dealership (downstream) and about 128Kbps from the dealership
(upstream). In theory, one DSL line can carry both data and voice signals simultaneously, although
deployment of this technology is limited.
DSL has been targeted to replace older technologies and to compete with the cable modem in bringing
multimedia and 3-D to homes and small businesses. In markets where DSL is available, costs for older
technologies are dropping to stay competitive. Suppliers claim that eventually as much as 80% of the
U.S. population will be able to obtain DSL service. However, the OEMs have determined that less than
25% of dealerships can currently obtain DSL connections. Financial, technical, bureaucratic, and
political obstacles have hampered deployment of DSL.
Due to recent bankruptcy filings by DSL providers, dealers should select providers that are financially
stable. The failure of several large national DSL providers left large numbers of dealers without Internet
service. These dealers have been forced to find new providers on short notice.
Coordination between the local exchange carrier (LECs) and ISP providers has also been a problem.
ISPs are dependent upon LECs to provide physical circuits and to communicate that availability. LECs
have generally stalled that process in order to keep the circuits for themselves and to protect services
like frame relay, which are high-margin product offerings for their operations. Recent Federal
Communication Commission (FCC) rulings should help speed that process. Availability of service may be
determined by going to This website is an independently run site that will
query the major DSL providers and determine if the dealership location meets the requirements and if
service is offered in the area. A positive answer may not be the final word here. Actual availability can
only be determined by ordering the circuit. That will cause the providers to measure (called a loop test)
the quality of the circuit to verify that DSL service can be provided.
This document will only describe the three most commonly available types of DSL: ADSL, IDSL, and
SDSL. Sometimes these are confused with residential-class and business-class product offerings. Some
ISPs may even package them that way. Actually, the class of service has less to do with the type of
product offered and more to do with the support levels promised and with circuit configuration. Business-
level offerings will have a higher quality of service guarantee and they can offer amenities such as a


static Internet address, extra email accounts and web server storage. Residential service offers few or no
quality-of-service promises and, oftentimes, response to line outages are not handled any faster than
those for home telephone circuits. Subscribers have reported circuits that are down as much as 5% of the
time. Agreements for residential-class service should be entered into very carefully. Pricing is low and, at
times, performance can be very good. However, the low quality of service makes using a residential
service a risky business tool. Network performance is affected by the subscription rate. The subscription
rate is the number of DSL lines assigned to the CO interface. Carriers refer to that interface as the
Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM). The greater the number of customers who share
the bandwidth upstream from the DSLAM, the higher the subscription rate is. This means that the
network speed can vary and it is not always predictable. Generally, business-level offerings have lower
subscription rates than residential offerings.
For some business purposes, the concept of a fixed IP or static IP may need to be implemented. This
allows for the same external IP address on the DSL modem to be maintained at all times. This would be
necessary if an external vendor would need to connect to the device for any on-going business needs.
In addition, with cable modems, an SLA should be implemented with the DSL provider. This agreement
will help in maintaining your business needs as well as your internet connections.
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line is most often targeted to home and small-business users. ADSL is
called asymmetric because most of its two-way or duplex bandwidth is devoted to the downstream
direction, sending data to the user. Only a small portion of bandwidth is available for upstream or user-
interaction messages. This is typically not a problem for web browsing since more bandwidth is required
to send web pages down to the user than is required when the user requests the pages. Although greater
capacity is available in theory, ADSL service providers in the U.S. often only provide a maximum of
768Kbps downstream and 128Kbps upstream. This is usually done to accommodate subscription levels at
the DSLAM.
ADSL is the least expensive (bandwidth/cost) DSL offering. However, support levels for lower-priced
offerings are designed for home users. Support may be limited and is not intended for businesses running
mission-critical operations. When choosing an ADSL product, make sure to get a business-class Service
Level Agreement.
ISDN Digital Subscriber Line provides DSL technology over ISDN circuits. Since it requires an ISDN
circuit and the speed of the line is about the same, the obvious question is why use an IDSL connection
instead of a plain ISDN circuit. The largest benefit of IDSL is that it supports customers located outside
the normal distance limitations from the telephone CO. Using IDSL provides the added benefit of having
an always-on connection. This eliminates call set-up delays and allows for inbound access. Additionally, a
flat-rate billing plan is used instead of per-minute usage fees.
Since both an ISDN circuit and DSL service are required, costs are higher than they would be for either
service alone. There also is no natural migration to other DSL services should more bandwidth be
required later. That makes IDSL unattractive in areas where other DSL options are available now.
However, for users located outside of SDSL or ADSL coverage areas, IDSL may be an alternative.
Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line provides equal data transmission rates in both downstream and
upstream directions. ISPs normally provide better Service Level Agreements with SDSL offerings than
are available with ADSL or IDSL. Additionally, the guaranteed transmission rates are normally higher.

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