Chitirai 09
Chitirai 09
Chitirai 09
Chithirai 2009
Srimad Vedanta Desikar Tiruvadigale Saranam
confirmed by
Bhagavad Ramanuja when the avataram of the gadyams was timed on the
pagunni uttaram day.
We are deeply indebted to all who made this collective effort a great
occasion. We are all proud to have been a part of it.
Desikan was a man of many rare and sublime qualities ("guNA-shAli"), two
of which were really outstanding.
He was (A) utterly fearless ("nirbhaya") and (B) a man of
compassion ("kArunnyan"). Desikan achieved in life what ordinary men of
the world never do viz. he conquered Fear of both Life and Death. And
because he was utterly fearless he was also utterly compassionate
towards a world around him mired in Fear of every conceivable kind.
Conquest of the Fear of Life:
The fears and anxieties
that beset ordinary
men in life simply held
no terror for Desikan.
Poverty, disease, old
age, social approval...
none of these ever
mattered to him.
Throughout his life he
held steadfast to the
age-old value of
"simple living and high
thinking". He shunned
wealth like the plague;
he did not know the
meaning of the term
"financial welfare"; the future, neither his own nor that of his family, held
any worry for him. All his life he was content living on "unchavruthi" -- on
whatever means of sustenance came his way by way of day-to-day alms
given by the community.
Although he considered austerity in life as value, Venkatanathan
does not seem to have for that reason imposed it on others. Nowhere in
his lifetime does Desikan appear to be grand-standing his simplicity or
(Slokam 31): Why did bhagavAn take so many incarnations among us?
Swami Desikan reminds us of Lord krshNa's declaration in the gItA (4.8) -
The question can be asked - why should we worship the form of bhagavAn
in the temples - the arcA mUrti? Swami Desikan gives a simple analogy.
When a treasure is hidden underground, people walk on it without
knowing its location. There are those who are called siddha-s, who can
8. BhagavAn's tirumeni:
BhagavAn's tiru mukham resembles the moon, His kirITam is like the Sun,
and His beautiful dark hair resembles the darkness of the night. How is it
possible for the Sun, the moon, and the darkness to co-exist
simultaneously? Swami Desikan's beautiful anubhavam - bhagavAn is the
aghaTitaghaTanA Saktan - He is One who can make impossible things
happen (Slokam 34).
We have to realize that we are His possession and belonging and are not
independent, and are always subservient to Him who is the Supreme Lord.
We are like a wooden doll which has been tied by the ropes of the three
guNa-s, sattva, rajas, and tamas, and bhagavAn alone can release us from
this bondage (82). We came across this same concept in SrI Devanayaka
pancAsat earlier (Slokam 8 - sUtrAnubaddha Sakuni kramatah).
-To be continued.
-dAsan krshNamAcAryan
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