This document outlines the procedural requirements for service suppliers and providers to obtain approval from Emirates Classification Society (TASNEEF) to provide services for vessels classified with TASNEEF. It details the application process including submitting information about the company, personnel, equipment, procedures, and quality system. It also describes the certification and auditing process, requirements for different types of services, and conditions for maintaining and cancelling approval.
This document outlines the procedural requirements for service suppliers and providers to obtain approval from Emirates Classification Society (TASNEEF) to provide services for vessels classified with TASNEEF. It details the application process including submitting information about the company, personnel, equipment, procedures, and quality system. It also describes the certification and auditing process, requirements for different types of services, and conditions for maintaining and cancelling approval.
Original Description:
Class Tasneef Requirements for LSA & FFA Approvals
This document outlines the procedural requirements for service suppliers and providers to obtain approval from Emirates Classification Society (TASNEEF) to provide services for vessels classified with TASNEEF. It details the application process including submitting information about the company, personnel, equipment, procedures, and quality system. It also describes the certification and auditing process, requirements for different types of services, and conditions for maintaining and cancelling approval.
This document outlines the procedural requirements for service suppliers and providers to obtain approval from Emirates Classification Society (TASNEEF) to provide services for vessels classified with TASNEEF. It details the application process including submitting information about the company, personnel, equipment, procedures, and quality system. It also describes the certification and auditing process, requirements for different types of services, and conditions for maintaining and cancelling approval.
1. General
1.1) Firms providing services on behalf of the owner of a ship or a mobile offshore unit, such as LSA surveys, the results of which are used by Surveyors in making decisions affecting classification are subject to approval by TASNEEF in accordance with the mandatory procedures in this requirement.
2. Application and documentation:
For approval, the company has to submit an application, specifying the categories for which approval is required and enclosing: 2.1) Outline of company, e.g. organisation and management structure, including subsidiaries to be included in the approval/certification; 2.2) List of nominated agents; 2.3) Experience of the company in the specific service area; 2.4) List of operators, technicians and inspectors documenting training and experience within the relevant service area, and qualifications according to recognised national, international or industry standards, as relevant; 2.5) Description of equipment used for the particular service for which approval is sought; 2.6) Guide for operators of such equipment; 2.7) Training programmes for operators, technicians and inspectors; 2.8) Checklists and record formats for recording results of the services carried out; 2.9) Quality Manual and/or documented procedures used for assuring the quality of the services; 2.10) Evidence of approval/acceptance by other bodies, if any; 2.11) Information on any other activities which may present a conflict of interest; 2.12) Record of customer claims and of corrective actions requested by certification bodies; 2.13) where relevant, list and documentation of licenses granted by equipments manufacturer.
2.2.1 General requirements:
2.2.1 Extent of Approval: The supplier shall demonstrate, as required by 2.2.2 2.2.9, that it has the competence and control needed to perform the services for which approval is sought.
2.2.2 Training of personnel The supplier is responsible for the qualification and training of its personnel to a recognized national, international or industry standard as applicable. Where such standards do not exist, the supplier is to define standards for the training and qualification of its personnel relevant to the functions each is authorized to perform. The personnel shall also have an adequate experience and be familiar with the operation of any necessary equipment. Operators/technicians/inspectors shall have had a minimum of one (1) year tutored on-the-job training. Where it is not possible to perform internal training, a program of external training may be considered as acceptable and proof to be submitted.
2.2.3 Supervision The supplier shall provide supervision for all services provided. The responsible supervisor shall have had minimum two (2) years experience as an operator/technician/inspector within the activity for which the supplier is approved. For a supplier consisting of one person, that person shall meet the requirements of a supervisor.
2.2.4 Personnel records The supplier shall keep records of the approved operators/technicians/inspectors. The record shall contain information on age, formal education, training and experience for the services for which they are approved.
2.2.5 Equipment and facilities The supplier shall have the necessary equipment and facilities for the service to be supplied. A record of the equipment used shall be kept. The record shall contain information on maintenance and calibration.
2.2.6 Procedures The supplier shall have documented work procedures covering all services supplied.
2.2.7 Subcontractors The supplier shall give information of agreements and arrangements if any parts of the services provided are subcontracted.
2.2.8 Verification The supplier shall verify that the services provided are carried out in accordance with approved procedures.
2.2.9 Reporting The report shall be prepared in a form acceptable to TASNEEF.
2.2.10 Auditing of the Supplier Upon reviewing the submitted documents with satisfactory result, the supplier is audited in order to ascertain that the supplier is duly organized and managed in accordance with the submitted documents, and that it is considered capable of conducting the services for which approval/certification is sought.
3. Quality System:
The supplier is to have a documented system covering at least the following: 3.1) Code of conduct of the relevant activity, 3.2) Maintenance and calibration of equipment, 3.3) Training programmes for operators/ technicians/inspectors, 3.4) Supervision and verification of operations to ensure compliance with the approved operational procedures, 3.5) Recording and reporting of information, 3.6) Quality management of subsidiaries and agents, 3.7) Job preparation, 3.8) Periodical review of work process procedures, complaints, corrective actions, and issuance, maintenance and control of documents. 3.9) A documented Quality system complying with the most current version of ISO 9000 Series and including the above items, would be considered acceptable. 3.10) A documented Quality system complying with the most current version of ISO 9000 series and including the above items, would be considered acceptable.
4. Firms engaged in service of inflatable life rafts, inflatable lifejackets, hydrostatic release units, inflatable rescue boats
4.1 Extent of engagement Servicing of inflatable life rafts, inflatable lifejackets, hydrostatic release units and/or inflatable rescue boats.
4.2 Equipment and premises IMO Res. A.761(18) gives recommendations on conditions for the approval of servicing stations for inflatable life rafts which shall be observed as relevant.
4.3 Procedures and instructions The supplier shall have documented procedures and instructions for how to carry out service of equipment. The procedures should include requirements to record the nature and extent of damages to and defects found in equipment during servicing and repair work. This data shall be made available to Tasneef upon request.
4.4 The supplier shall provide evidence that it has been authorized or licensed to service the particular makes and models of equipment for which approval is sought by the equipments manufacturer.
The report is to be prepared in a form agreed with TASNEEF. The report is to include a Copy of the Certificate of Approval. Upon satisfactory completion of both the audit of the supplier and the demonstration test, Tasneef will issue a Certificate of Approval stating that the suppliers service operation system has been found to be satisfactory and that the results of services performed in accordance with that system may be accepted and utilised by the Societys Surveyors in making decisions affecting classification or statutory certification, as relevant. 6. Certification 6.1 Upon satisfactory completion of both the audit of the supplier and the demonstration test, if required, Tasneef will issue a Certificate of Approval stating that the suppliers service operation system has been found to be satisfactory and that the results of services performed in accordance with that system may be accepted and utilised by Tasneef Surveyors in making decisions affecting classification or statutory certification, as relevant. The Certificate will clearly state that the type and scope of services and any limitations or restrictions imposed. The supplier will also be included in the Tasneefs records of approved service suppliers.
6.2 Renewal or endorsement of the Certificate is to be made at intervals of five (5) years by verification through audits that approved conditions are maintained.
6.3 Where several servicing stations are owned by a given company, each station is to be assessed and approved except as specified in 3.9.
7. Information of Alterations to the Certified Service Operation System In case where any alteration to the certified service operation system of the supplier is made, such alteration is to be immediately informed to TASNEEF. Re-audit may be required when deemed necessary by TASNEEF. 8. Cancellation of Approval 8.1 Approval may be cancelled in the following cases: 8.1.1 Where the service was improperly carried out or the results were improperly reported. 8.1.2 Where a Surveyor finds deficiencies in the approval service operation system of the supplier and appropriate corrective action is not taken 8.1.3 Where the supplier fails to inform of any alteration as in 6 above to TASNEEF 8.1.4 Where wilful acts or omissions are ascertained 8.2 TASNEEF reserves the right to cancel the approval and to inform the IACS Members accordingly. 8.3 A supplier whose approval was cancelled, may apply for re-approval provided he has corrected the non-conformities which resulted in cancellation, and TASNEEF is able to confirm he has effectively implemented the corrective action.
9. Firms engaged in surveys and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus
9.1The supplier shall document and demonstrate that it has knowledge of the equipment and systems sufficient to carry out the inspections and testing of self-contained breathing apparatus to identified standards and to make the necessary evaluation of the condition of the equipment.