TestOnlineQ8 Noans

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You are the database administrator at Blue Moon university. A database table named lecturer consists of the fields, name,
subject, and department. All the three fields, name, subject, and department represent the information about a lecturer. No
lecturer can teach all the subjects and there is no such subject, which can be taught by all the lecturers. You need to
develop an application to produce timetables to be used by various lecturers to schedule their daily works. he application
that develops the timetable for the lecturers re!uires all the tables to be in the normali"ed form to give correct results and
avoid any inconsistencies in the database. As a database administrator, what should you do to ensure that the
applications using the database tables run properly and the database remains consistent#
a. Normali"e the tables in the lecturer database to third normal form.
b. Normali"e the tables in the lecturer database to first normal form.
c. Normali"e the tables in the lecturer database to fifth normal form,
d. Normali"e the tables in the lecturer database to second normal form.
$hile creating a web site, %ohn wants to consider the various factors affecting the user&s memory. $hich of the following
factors should %ohn consider'
A' he number of options for a choice should be limited between ( to ) for better recognition.
B' *ages that contain information should be visually different from the normal pages.
+' he browsers that an end user might use.
,' +olor and style for visited and unvisited links should be different.
-' An end user might face problems in reading or understanding the content on a web page.
a. A, B and ,
b. B, + and ,
c. A, B and -
d. B, + and -
03. (2A.41 IV)
Mark is a $eb designer in .eadhe/oad, 0nc. 1e is creating a web site using ,reamweaver M2 3445. All the pages of the
$eb site will contain the logo of the company. 1owever, the logo of the company is not fi6ed and can be modified later.
$hat method will you suggest to mark in such a scenario.
a. +reate logo for every $eb page manually
b. +reate a 7eparate frame for placing the logo
c. 8se layers
d. +reate a library element for the logo
04. (1B.4 III)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A ' he risk assessment document identifies and analy"es the risks associated with the project at the initial
7tatement B' he vision9 scope document prepared in the envisioning phase describes the project goals and constraints.
$hich of the following is true with respect to the above statements#
a. 7tatement A is :alse And 7tatement B is rue.
b. 7tatement A is rue And 7tatement B is :alse.
c. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are rue.
d. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are :alse
05. (3A.43 II)
$hy do we use 7ervice+ontroller*ermission class#
a. his class is called by installation utilities, such as installutil.e6e, when installing a service application.
b. 0t installs a class that e6tends servicebase class to implement a service.
c. 0t represents a windows service that allows you to connect to a running or a stopped service, manipulate it, or get
information about it.
d. 0t allows control of code access security permissions for service controllers.
,on has created an 2M. $eb 7ervice named servicel. his 2M. $eb service e6poses a $eb method named
My$ebMethod;<. ,on needs to register 7ervicel in the 8,,0. :or this, he adds a new business name and a new tModel in
8,,0. $hich 8/. should ,on use to provide a valid access point to 7ervice#
a. http'997rv9App*ath97ervicel
b. http'997rv9App*ath97ervicel.asm6
c. http'997rv9App*ath97ervicel.asm6#My$ebMethod
d. http'997rv9App*ath97ervicel=wsdl
07. (3B.30 II)
$hich of the following statement is correctly defining the functionality of the .Net remoting#
a. /emoting infrastructure does not support the interprocess communication between application.
b. /emoting system is an architecture designed to simplify communication between objects e6isting in the same
application domain and on the same computer.
c. /emoting is the process of communication between different processes on the same computer
d. 8sing the concept of remoting, objects that can be passed by value, are automatically passes between
applications in different application domains or on different computers
08. (4A.29 II)
,on is creating an application in +>M?. 1e wants to implement the transaction support for his application in such a way .
that +>M? always creates a new transaction on the creation of the new component. $hich of the following code can help
him in enabling transactions in his application.
a. Add the following code for setting the transaction'
@ransaction;ransaction>ption./e!uired New<
*ublic class My+lass'7erviced+omponent
*ublic void method;<
99specify code here
b. Add the following code for setting the transaction'
@ransaction;ransaction>ption.Not 7upported<
*ublic class My+lass'7erviced+omponent
*ublic void method;<
99specify code here
c. Add the following code for setting the transaction'
@ransaction;ransaction>ption. /e!uired<
*ublic class My+lass'7erviced+omponent
*ublic void method;<
99specify code here
d. Add the following code for setting the transaction'
@ransaction;ransaction>ption. 7upported<
*ublic class My+lass'7erviced+omponent
*ublic void method;<
99specify code here
09. (1B.21 V)
+onsider the following event handler for a movie clip event'
7tatement A' he code stops a playing movie clip.
7tatement B' he code stops the movie clip to be played automatically when it is loaded.
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements#
a. 7tatement A is :alse And 7tatement B is rue.
b. 7tatement A is rue And 7tatement B is :alse.
c. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are rue.
d. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are :alse
10. (1A.12 IV)
%ohn is designing a home page for a web site# $hich of the following factors he should consider for the home page'
A. 0t should be small in si"e so that it does not take long time to load.
B. 0t should be attractive.
+. 0t should not be very informative.
,. 0t should be informative.
-. 0t should provide clear information about the content of a web site.
:. 0t should contain a link te6t to skip the home page.
C. 0t should show the structural overview of a $eb site.
a. A, B, , and :
b. A, +, : and C
c. A, ,, -, and C
d. A, B, , and -
11. (4B.4 II)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A ' he users having different roles and working under windowns platform are represented as windows
7tatement B ' he identity and role defined by an application as per the re!uirement of the application are termed as
custom principals.
$hich of the following options is correct with respect to the preceding statements#
a. 7tatement A is :alse And 7tatement B is rue.
b. 7tatement A is rue And 7tatement B is :alse.
c. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are rue.
d. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are :alse
12. (1B.12 III)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' he goals that customer wants to achieve with the solution are called as business goals
7tatement B' ,esign goals help the team members in planning and scheduling their tasks for the project.
$hich of the following is true with respect to the above statements#
a. 7tatement A is :alse And 7tatement B is rue.
b. 7tatement A is rue And 7tatement B is :alse.
c. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are rue.
d. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are :alse
13. (2B.7 I)
$hich of the following methods of 2M.e6t$riter class enables you to writes the following 2M. declaration in the
beginning of an 2M. document'D#6ml version=EF.4E#G#
a. $rite7tart,ocument;<
b. $rite7tart-lement;<
c. $rite-lement7tring;<
d. $rite7tartAttribute;<
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' A discussion forum page enables an end user to post !ueries and answer the !ueries posted by other
registered users of forum.
7tatement B' A legal page enables an end user to contact the web site management and submit suggestions and !ueries.
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements#
a. 7tatement A is :alse And 7tatement B is rue.
b. 7tatement A is rue And 7tatement B is :alse.
c. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are rue.
d. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are :alse.
0ntegrated windows authentication to authenticate the clients. %ohn wants to ensure that all the users of the method
sales,et, should belong to 8serF group before accessing the method. $hich of the following option is suitable for solving
his problem#
a. H*rincipal*ermission;7ecurityAction..ink,emand, /ole= 8serFE<I
*ublic ,ataset 7ales,et ; ,ata7et sales<@99 specify the code for saving sales information.A
b. H*rincipal*ermission;7ecurityAction.,emand, /ole= 8serFE<I
*ublic ,ataset 7ales,et ; ,ata7et sales<@99 specify the code for saving sales information.A
c. H*rincipal*ermission;7ecurityAction.0nheritance,emand, /ole= 8serFE<I
*ublic ,ataset 7ales,et ; ,ata7et sales<@99 specify the code for saving sales information.A
d. *ublic ,ataset 7eles,et;,ataset sales<@string role = J8serFEB *rincipal*ermission perm=new
*ricipal*ermission;null, roll<B99specify the code for saving sales information.A
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' he 2*athNavigator class, based on the data model is defined in the 2*ath F.4 recommendation.
7tatement B ' You can perform 2*ath !ueries on any data source, such as an 2M. document, a database, or a ,ata7et.
$hich of the following options is correct with respect to the preceding statements#
a. 7tatement A is :alse And 7tatement B is rue.
b. 7tatement A is rue And 7tatement B is :alse.
c. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are rue.
d. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are :alse.
17. (4B.26 II)
%ohn has created serviced components and he want to use +>M? roles for securing these components. 1e is creating an
assembly, which contains these roles. $hat code snippet should he add to the project source code for ensuring that the
role based security is implemented is assembly#
a. Hassembly' ApplicationAccess+ontrol;Access+hecks.evel= Access+hecks.evel>ption.Application+omponent<A
b. Hassembly' ApplicationAccess+ontrolI
c. Hassembly' 7ecurity/ole;JAssemblyE, true<I
d. Hassembly' ApplicationActivation;Activation>ption.7erver<I
18. (2B.6 III)
%ames a senior team member in Blue Moon 0nc is Managing a team of software programmers working :or a software
project. he project is in the planning phase.
%ames needs to verify and validate the final product that will be obtained after client fi6es have been incorporated. 1e is
re!uired to configure the infrastructure components, such as hardware, automation tools for deployment, server settings
and determine the bottlenecks that disrupt the functioning of the system. 1ow will you perform the re!uired task#
a. *reparing master project schedule
b. *reparing development and testing environment
c. Kalidating technology
d. *reparing master project plan
19. (3B.4 III)
You are working as the senior software developer at Blue Moon +omputers. he company is developing a project on
the .Net framework for the client. he project is in the development stage. he development team is developing the
various ,Net components re!uired for the implementation of the project. he development team is unable to understand
how e6actly the various tables relate with each other. hey also need to understand the level of inde6ing re!uired
improving the performance of data operations of the entire application. You are given the responsibility of e6plaining the
tables, their relationships, and the level of inde6es re!uired. $hich key deliverable of the physical design document wil
you refer while providing the re!uired information to the development team#
a. +omponent specification
b. Activity diagrams or se!uence diagrams
c. ,atabase schema
d. +lass diagrams
%immy is a team member of a software development team, which is developing a B3+ site for :un :oods 0nc using
A7* .N-. he :un :oods 0nc. wants to implement the following features'
he number of users using the system at any point of time
he static data retrieved for a user should be stored in the memory
$hat are the methods of session state will jimmy use#
a. Kiew7tate >bject and Application >bject.
b. Application >bject and +ache >bject
c. 7ession >bject and +ache >bject
d. Application >bject and 7ession >bject
,on has created an 2M. $eb service. 1e used the ,ebug.Assert;< method in his code to verify parameter values and
ranges. ,on found that the 2M. $eb 7ervice did not display assertion failure messages. 0nstead, the service returned an
1* (44 error message when an assertion failed. ,on wants to view the assertion failure messages. $hat should he
a. Modify the $eb.config file to stop the ,ebug.Assert;< method from displaying a message bo6.
b. Add an -vent.ograce.istener object to the .isteners property of the ,ebug class in the constructor for 2M. $eb
c. 7et the ,ebug.Auto:lush property to JfalseE in the constructor for 2M. $eb service
d. Modify the compilation element of the $eb.config file by setting the debug attribute to JtrueE
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' A scope document defines which features will be incorporated in the project and those that will not be
included. (1B.10 III)
7tatement B' M7: uses tradeoff triangle in preparing a project scope document. (1B.12 III)
$hich of the following is true with respect to the above statements#
a. 7tatement A is :alse And 7tatement B is rue.
b. 7tatement A is rue And 7tatement B is :alse.
c. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are rue.
d. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are :alse.
23. ;3B.LM N 0K<
+atherine is designing a $eb page using 1ome7ite?. 7he wants that the ending tag for each tag should be written
automatically. $hich of the following features of 1ome7ite?enables her to write the code in such a manner#
a. ag +ompletion
b. ag 0nsight
c. ag -ditor
d. :unction 0nsight
24. (1A.6 IV)
$hich of the following site involves business transactions through the internet#
a. -O+ommerce
b. 7earch
c. *ortal
d. +orporate
+onsider the following -%B P. !uery'
7elect p.productName
:rom products p
>/,-/ BY p.price
$hat is the result of above !uery#
a. he above !uery retrieves product names of all products and sorts them in ascending order according to the price
of products.
b. he above !uery retrieves product names of all products and sorts them in descending order according to the
price of products.
c. he above !uery is not valid and generates an error
d. he above !uery retrieves product names of all products and sorts them in ascending order according to their
$hich option is an e6ample of the symmetric stream encryption algorithms#
a. ,-7
b. 0,-A
c. /7A
d. /+5
27. (2C.7 III)
/on :loyd is a software developer and has been entrusted with the responsibility of increasing the performance of an
online railway reservation application. After studying the application&s performance, /on observed that it is timeO
consuming to instantiate each time the highly comple6 icketBooking -%B class to pass various booking information. he
ticketBooking -%B object invokes various objects to perform the re!uired functionality. +an you suggest a design pattern
that dynamically selects the instantiation of an object#
a. Builder design pattern
b. Abstract :actory design pattern
c. :actory Method design pattern
d. *rototype design pattern
28. (3C.16)
$hich desgn pattern provides location transparency to the client of object#
a. *ro6y
b. Bridge
c. +omposite
d. ,ecorator
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' %ava applets are used to add multimedia effects to web pages. (2B.3 V)
7tatement B' %ava applets are very much similar to animated C0:s. (2B.5 V)
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements#
a. 7tatement A is :alse And 7tatement B is rue.
b. 7tatement A is rue And 7tatement B is :alse.
c. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are rue.
d. Both, 7tatement A and 7tatement B, are :alse.
+onsider an application architecture that consists of multiple client machines and a single server. he client machine
connects to the server over the network using the +*90* protocol. he client machine implement the user interfaces and
contains the presentation logic, the server machine contains the business logic and the data storage mechanism. 7elect
the correct option that identifies the preceding architecture.
a. MultiOier Architecture
b. hreeOier architecture
c. woOier Architecture
d. 7ingleOier Architecture
31. (4C.5 III)
You want that when a client or an end user tries to access secured resource, a dialog bo6 appear on the web browser that
accepts the username and password. Additionally, the site administrator can specify the contents that are to be secured
on a web site and site users that can have access to the content. $hich kind of web container authentication techni!ue
can be applied in such kind of scenario#
a. 1* Basic Authentication
b. 1* ,igest Authentication
c. 1*7 Authentication
d. :orm Based Authentication
N/8 7tands for'
a. New /ecord 8pdated
b. New /elation 8sed
c. Not /ecently 8sed
d. Not /ecommended for 8se
34. (1b.19 V)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' A dot ;.< is used to access the properties and methods of objects.
7tatement B' -very Action7cript statement ends with a semicolon ;B<. :lash considers it a syntactical error if a statement
does not end with a semicolon.
$hich one of the following options is correct, with respect to the preceding statements#
a. Both, statements A and B are rue.
b. >nly statement B is true
c. Both, statement A and B are rue.
d. >nly statement A is true
35. (1A.34 V)
You are working as a flash designer. You want to create a movie in which the logo of the company converts into the name
of the company. $hich of the following should be used to perform the above activity#
a. Motion tweening
b. 7hape tweening
c. >nion skinning
d. Qeyframe animation
$hat does the element message represent in a se!uence diagram#
a. /epresents the interaction between the various objects.
b. /epresents the interaction between the various interfaces
c. /epresents the interaction between the various classes
d. /epresents the interaction between the various functions.
38. (2A.3 V)
Based on which of the following protocols does a $eb server and a client browser communicate with each other using the
re!uestOresponse mechanism#
a. :*
b. +*90*
c. 1*
d. ***
39. (1B.57 IV)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A ' 7pecific colors can be set to be transparent using inde6 transparency.
7tatement B ' Alpha transparency is supported only by *NC images.
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements#
a. 7tatement A is false and statement B is true.
b. Both statement A and statement B are false
c. Both statement A and statement B are true
d. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
40. (4B.16 III)
$hich step of coding standard help developers to easily maintain the code and bring about in the e6isting software
changes in the e6isting software when re!uired#
a. ,efining coding standards
b. 7electing codeOchecking tool
c. 0ntegrating the codeOchecking tool in the software environment
d. ,efining !uality targets
41. (1A.19 III)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' 0n implementation and maintance phase of waterfall model, the new system is made operational. he
activities involved in this phase are creating computerOcompatible files, training the operating staff, and setting up the
hardware and network before the system is up. he transform the proposed system to one that can be implemented.
7tatement B' 0n cosntruction phase of waterfall model, the developers get into fullOfledged application. hey check the
programs and instructions for each module.
$hich of the following options is true with respect to above statements#
a. 7tatement A is false and statement B is true.
b. Both statement A and statement B are false
c. Both statement A and statement B are true
d. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
You are the senior software developers at Blue moon computers . Your team develops software for the customer of the
company. he software is deployed at the customer&s site. he client informs you that the employees using the software
are facing some problems in understanding the user interface of the software. hey also need to software. $hich
document will you recommend to the client to refer to get the desired details#
a. /e!uirement
b. 7cope
c. :unctional specification
d. 0nterface
$hich of the following statement is true about roleObased security#
a. 8sing 7ecurity/ole attribute of the roleObased security, you can create the roles but can not assign roles for an
b. 8sing 7ecurity/ole attribute of the roleObased security, you can use it for ensuring that the role created e6ists in
the application configuration.
c. 8sing the 7ecurity/ole attribute of the roleObased security, you can indicates the inaccessibility for invokinng the
interfaces on a class.
d. 8sing the 7ecurity/ole attribute of the roleObased security, you can not set the privileges for group of users having
the re!uired credentials to use these privileges.
44. (4B.8 II)
0n which of the following impersonation levels, a server can use the client&s security conte6t and act on behalf of the
a. ,elegate level
b. Anonymous level
c. 0dentify level
d. 0mpersonate level
45. (1B.14 IV)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' Macromedia :ireworks M2 3445 is an image Nediting tool, used to develop imanges for the web.
7tatement B' 0n Macromedia :ireworks M2 3445 you can not import images from ,reamweaver.
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements#
a. 7tatement A is false and statement B is true.
b. Both statement A and statement B are false
c. Both statement A and statement B are true
d. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
46. (1A.11 V)
$hich of the following functions is performed by the 1and tool#
a. Moving the stage
b. :illing objects with color
c. Applying fill color to a shape
d. /emowing unwanted parts of the shapes
$hich Kisual 7tudio 0,- feature managed by the enterprise template&s policy file determine the new items that can be
added to the object#
a. Add *roject ,ialog Bo6
b. oolbo6
c. 7olution -6plorer
d. Add new item dialog bo6
48. (1A.9 I)
,on is creating an 2M. $eb 7ervice named stock.evel7ervice. he service contains a web method named
7tock.evel0nfo. 7tocklevel0nfo takes a stock symbol as input and returns information about that stock. ,on wants to
capture all incoming 7>A* messages in /etrieve7tock0nfo;< method and write the messages to a file for future
$hat should ,on do#
a. Apply a 7oap/pcMethod attribute to /etrieve7tock0nfo;< method
b. Apply a 7oap1eader attribute to /etrieve7tock0nfo;< method
c. -nable sessions in /etrieve7tock0nfo;< method
d. +reate a 7>A* e6tension for /etrieve7tock0nfo;< method
7mith, a database programmer in 7imple 7olutions , 0nc , creates a database that connects the application created using
%ava applets. o test the database , 7mith ran the following 7P. !uery on the emp table'
Select name, salary from emp where name like a% and age<35
$hat does the preceding !uery do#
a. >utputs a list of the name and salary of the employee whose name is RaS& and age is less than L(
b. >utputs a list of the name and salary of the employees whose name starts with the letter Ra& and age is greater
than L(
c. >utputs a list of the name and salary of the employees whose name starts with the letter Ra& and age is not greater
than L(
d. >utputs a list of the name and salary of the employees whose name starts with the letter Ra& and age is less than
50. (3B.4 III)
You are working as the senior software developer at Blue moon computers. he company is developing a project on
the .Net framework for the client. he project is in the development stage. he development team is not able to
understand the level of security to be provided in the product. hey are not able to understand the e6act authentication
mechanism re!uired to be implemented. You are given the responsibility to e6plain the e6act authentication mechansim
and the re!uired level of security. $hich key deliverable of the physical design document will you refer while providing the
re!uired information to the development team#
a. +omponent specifications
b. *rogramming model
c. Activity diagrams, component diagrams, or se!uence diagrams
d. *ackaging and distribution strategy
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' ransations prevent loss of data due to system failures or simultaneous updates done by the applications.
(4A.16 II)
7tatement B' ransations maintain data intergrity by ensuring that either all related tasks are performed or none them are
performed. (4A.42 II)
$hich of the following option is correct with respect to the preceding statements#
a. 7tatement A is false and statement B is true.
b. Both statement A and statement B are false
c. Both statement A and statement B are true
d. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
53. (3b.8 II)
$hich of the following services of +>M? can be used as an alternative for the M7 resource manager.
a. 7hared *roperty Manager.
b. +>M? -vents
c. /esource management
d. +ompensating resource manager
,on has a 7!l,ata/eader object named orders,ata/eader. his object contains a column named >rderPuantity that has
an integer value. his object also contains one row for each order received during the previous week. ,on needs to write
code that will process each row in the orders,ata/eader object and pass >rderPuantity as a parameter to a function
named ord:unction. $hich code segment should ,on use#
a. long weekly>rderPuantity = 4B int order+ount = 4&B while ;order+ount D orders,ata/eader.:ield+ount<
@ord:unction;;int<orders,ata/eaderHJ>rderPuantityE<IBorder+ount??B orders,ata/eader.Ne6t/esult;<BA
b. long weekly>rderPuantity = 4B while ;orders,ata/eader./ead;<<
c. long weekly>rderPuantity = 4 B int order+ount = 4B while;order+ount Dorders,ata/eader.:ield+ount<
d. long week>rderPuantity = 4B while ;orders,ata/eader.Ne6t/esult;<<
You are the business process analyst at AB +orp. You are asked by the leader of the project team to analy"e the business
re!uirements of the organi"ation. hese re!uirements need to be analy"ed for developing a management information
system using .N- . You prepare a being currently used in the organi"ation. $hat is the main purpose of creating such a
detailed report#
a. You want to identify various services provided by the current system to satisfy one or more re!uirements of the
system user.
b. You want to identify the internal activities that affect the development of the projects,
c. You want to verify if the desired functions in the application are relevant to the present and future business needs.
d. You want to identify the activities that are affecting the project development , but are not a part of the project
development process.
$hich control, available on the te6t formatting *roperty inspector, is used to create an unordered list#
a. Bullets
b. 7tyle
c. >utdent
d. 7tatus
58. (1A.14 IV)
$hich of the following pages contains specific information, such as technical support documentation, press releases and
product information#
a. NavigationOspecific page
b. askOspecific pages
c. 7ite map
d. +ontent pages
59. (1a.11 V)
$hich of the following tools scales, routates , skews, or compresses an shape in Macromedia :lash M2 3445#
a. he Toom tool
b. he e6t tool
c. he :ree ransform tool
d. he /ectangular tool
60. (4a.19 II)
,on is creating an application in +>M?. 1e wants to implement the run time transaction support for his application in such
a way that components are activated in a conte6t without a transaction. 0f the caller has a transaction then the component
is activated in a separate conte6t without transaction. $hich of the following attribute for the transaction should ,on use#
a. Hransaction;ransaction>ption.7upported<I
b. Hransaction;ransaction>ption.Not7upported<I
c. Hransaction;ransaction>ption./e!uired<I
d. Hransaction;ransaction>ption./e!uiresNew<I
$hich of the following statements is true about 2M.#
a. All the tags in 2M. are user defined.
b. he latest version of 2M. is 5.4F
c. An 2M. document should contain lowercase tags
d. 2M. was designed to replace 1M.
You are the database administrator at Blue Moon +omputers. he employee table of the database consists of a
composite key and three nonOkey fields, emp0, and projected and three nonOkey fields, empUname, projectUdesc and
roleUinUproject. Many applications that use the database tables re!uire all the tables to be in the normali"ed form to give
correct results and avoid any inconsistencies in the database. As a database administrator, what should you do to ensure
that the applications using the database tables run properly and the database remains consistent #
a. Normali"e the tables in the employee table to first normal form
b. Normali"e the tables in the employee table to second normal form
c. Normali"e the tables in the employee table to third normal form
d. Normali"e the tables in the employee table to fourth normal form
72. (2A.20 III)
1ow does the differential backup method helps in taking the backup of files #
a. +opies all the files and clear the data archive to mark them as baked up
b. +reates the Backup of only those files, $hich are changed or new since the last incremental or full back up
c. /estores the data by combining the previous full backup and the recent incremental backup
d. +opies only those files, which are new or changed since last incremental or full back up, and does not mark the
files as backed up.
$hich of the following code statement is used identify an overloaded $eb method by providing an alias #
a. H$ebMethod;MessageName=EMethod NameE<I
b. H$ebMethod;-nable7ession=ErueE<I
c. H$ebMethod;ransaction>ption=ransaction>ption./e!uiresNew<I
d. H$ebMethod;,escription=EMethod NameE<I
+onsider the following statements '
7tatement A ' he :aucet Modifier for the -raser tool is used to erase the entire stroke or :ill
7tatement B' he -raser Mode Modifier for the -raser tool is used to select a shape and si"e of -raser from the -raser
7hape dropOdown list.
7tatement + ' he -raser 7hape Modifier provides you the options for erasing
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. 7tatement B is true.
b. Both statement A and statement B are true
c. Both statement + and statement , are true
d. 7tatement A is true
+onsider the following statements '
7tatement A' A /ecommended /:+ is important to implement to attain the minimal conformace
7tatement B' An -lective /:+ is optional to implement
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. 7tatement A is false but 7tatement B is true
b. Both 7tatement A and 7tatement B are true
c. Both 7tatement A and 7tatement B are false
d. 7tatement A is true but 7tatement B is false
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' he +odebase attribute of the DA**.-G tag specifies the directory where the specified applet class in the
DA**.-G tag is stored
7tatement B' An applet cannot run a program from the computer where it is downloaded
7tatement +' o create an applet, a class is to be inherited from the java.applet class
7tatement ,' o run a %ava applet, %ava Kirtual Machine ;%KM< is not needed.
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. 7tatement A and + are true
b. >nly 7tatement + is true
c. 7tatement A, B, and + are true
d. 7tatement A, +, and , are true
%ohn is a .N- developer in 7imple7olutions 0nc. 1e has created an 2M. $eb service for converting ,ollars into -uros.
%ohn is also creating a consumer that will consume that 2M. $eb service. $hich of the following step %ohn will use to
create a pro6y class #
a. /ightOclick 7erviceF.asm6 and select the Add $eb /eference command, the pro6y class is automatically
b. /ightOclick /eferences in the 7olution -6plorer pane and select the Add $eb /eference command, provide the
2M. $eb service location 8/. and click the Add /eference button
c. /ightOclick 7erviceF.asm6 and then select the Kiew+ode command and write code for the pro6y class
d. >pen the $eb.config file and then insert code for the pro6y class
$hich deliverable of the envisioning phase describes the project goals and constraints #
a. /isk assessment document
b. *roject structure document
c. Kision9 scope document
d. 0nitial list of testable features
$hich organi"ation controls 1M. standards and evolution #
a. 0-:
b. $L+
c. 0AB
d. 0ANA
You are the senior software developer at blue moon computer,your team has developed software for a customer.the
software is deployed at the customer site.after deployment,the customer informs you that they are unable to connect to
the database using the user interface of the software.the software is raising some errors and they want to troubleshoot the
problem.they ask you to recommend the right document,which can be helpful to solve the problem.which document will
you recommend to the client to refer to get the details re!uired to troubleshoot the problem#
a. :unctional specification document
b. 7upport document
c. 0nterface document
d. /e!uirement document
$hich form object is used to retrieve large te6t information from a user#
a. e6t area
b. e6t field
c. .ist9menu
d. :ieldset
You are working as the leader of the project team at blue moon computer.the company is developing s project on the .Net
framework for the client.the project is in the design stage. he designing of the software includes identifying the re!uired
functions and their calling se!uence.you are given the responsibility to e6plain the functions re!uired in the sofeware and
e6actly how the functions interact with each other. $hich which key deliverable of the physical design document will you
refer while providing the re!uired information to the project team#
a. *rogramming model
b. *ackaging and distribution strategy
c. +omponent specifications
d. Activity diagrams se!uence diagrams
$hich of the following object copies fill and stroke attributes from one object ro another#
a. *aint bucket tool
b. Brush tool
c. -yedropper tool
d. 0nk bottle tool
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' 007 is an 1* listener.
7tatement B' 007 provides a better security infrastructure.
$hich of fhe folling options is correct with respect to the preceding statements#
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
$hich of the following +>M? service provides a mecheanism for communication between the sender and receiver,
without the need for connection#
a. Automatic transactions
b. Pueued components
c. >bject pooling
d. +oncurrency
Martha is using 2M. te6treader class to read information from an 2M. file.she wants to chect if the current node is an
element and moves the reader to the ne6t node.which method of 2M. method of 2M. te6treader class she can use to
solve the preceding prolem.
a. /ead7tart-lement;<
b. /ead;<
c. /ead7tring;<
d. /eadAttributeKalue;<
$hich of the following 2M. web service components allows to locate or siscover,one or more related documents that
describe a particular 2M. web service using the $7,.#
a. 2M. web services discovery
b. 2M. web services directories
c. 2M. web services wire formats
d. 2M. web service description
%ack is a web designer in %anes echnologies,inc. 1e is assigned a work of creating a web site containing general
information, such as company profile, projects, job opportunities, contact addresses in the $eb site. 0n addition, he is also
assigned the job of creating a report displaying number of visitors and the $eb browser used by them to access the $eb
site. $hich of the following type of $eb report in :ront*age 3443 he should create to diplay the desired information #
a. 8sage $eb report
b. 7ite 7ummary $eb report
c. :iles $eb report
d. *roblems $eb report
You are assigned to identify the several security treats for an application developed in your company. You wanted to
implement the 7/0,- model. You have identified the following threats'
A malicious user can perform unauthori"ed changes in the data stored in the database.
A user can intrude a system without being traced if a system lacks the ability to trace the prohibited operations
A malicious attacker can make the services of an application running on the server unavailable to clients
$hat types of mitigation techni!ues you have identified to stop the following treats #
a. 7ecure communication, Auditing, and :iltering
b. .east privilege, Authori"ation, and :iltering
c. 7ecure communication, Authori"ation, and hrottling
d. 7ecure communication, Authori"ation, and :iltering
+onsider the following code '
var recoil = falseB
var Ma6U U.ength = (44B
var MinU U.ength = 34B
0f;Uheight D Ma6U U.ength V recoil = = false<
Uheight ?= (B
Uwidth ?= (B
recoil = trueB
0f;recoil = = true<
0f;Uheight G MinU U.ength<
Uheight = (B
Uwidth = (B
recoil = falseB
Uheight ?=(B
Uwidth ?=(B
$hat will be the output of the preceding code #
a. +lip will grow only
b. +lip will 7hrink only
c. +lip will shrink and grow both
d. +lip will neither shrink nor grow
$hich of the following organi"ations is responsible for 0nternet domain names, 0* address space allocation, and root
server system management functions #
a. 0-:
b. 07>+
c. $L+
d. 0+ANN
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A ' A green progress bar in the Bandwidth *rofiler indicates how many frames of you movie have been
7tatement B ' A green progress bar in the Bandwidth *rofiler indicates how many frames of you movie are remaining
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A ' +hannel is used for communication between server and client
7tatement B ' +hannel carries the data stream, makes a package related to a particular protocol, and sends the package
to a different computer
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
You are the leader of the project team at Blue Moon +omputers. You are leading a project to be developed for the client of
your company. he project is in the design phase. he re!uirements of the client are specified. hese re!uirements need
to be specified in terms of the functional re!uirements before they can be developed. $hich teams will play the most part
in accomplishing the task #
a. ,evelopment and user e6perience
b. ,evelopment and program management
c. ,evelopment and product management
d. 8ser e6perience and product management
You are a technical writer at /ed 7ki 0nc. $hich documentation standard you will use to document the tasks defined in the
project into tasks that are understandable by the developer #
a. ,eveloper ,ocumentation
b. *roject ,ocumentation
c. 8ser ,ocumentation
d. ,eveloper /esponse ,ocumentation
Merck is a team leader at Blue Moon 0nc. 1e is leading a team of solfware developers that are working on a KB .N-
project. he project is being developed to syschroni"e the business of Clobal 7tar .td, which deals in telecom products. 0n
the initial phase of solfware development, Merck accomplishes the task of re!uirement analysis and submits the solfware
re!uirement specifications to the planning team. he planning team coordinates with the analysis team to evaluate the
technologies and products used to create and deploy the solution. Analy"e the scenario and determine the current
development stage of the project.
a. Kalidating technology
b. ,eveloping a master project plan
c. ,eveloping a solution design
d. 8sing user support
-d smith is creating a services component.1e wants to implement roleObased security At the comporent level.1e wants to
implement this by defining a new methed named is Kalidatauser;<,which checks that whether a user is valid member or
not.which of the :ollow code snippet shout he add in the is validateuser;<methodG
a. 7ecurity+all+onte6t sc=7ecurity+all+onte6t.+allersB
return sc.0s+aller0n/ole;JKalid 8serE<B
b. 7ecurity0dentity sc=7ecurity0dentity.>riginal+allerB
return sc.0s+aller0n/ole;JKalid 8serE<B
c. 7ecurity0dentity sc=7ecurity0dentity.+urrent+allB
return sc.0s+aller0n/ole;JKalid 8serE<B
d. 7ecurity+all+onte6t sc=7ecurity+all+onte6t.+urrent+allB
return sc.0s+aller0n/ole;JKalid 8serE<B
You are working as a leader of the project team at blue moon computer.You are ,eveloping a webObased application that
re!uires various.Net application to be 0ntergrated by sharing common data,which rarely changes.he application has to
run on he web server and provide online instant service to the users by solving their !ueries /egarding the products
manufactured by the compay.:ast access to the application is /e!uired because the application provides online help to
the users.which techni!ue $ould you use to develop the application#
a. 8se page fragment cache to store the data,which is to be shared and is changed rarely.
b. 8se application objects to store the data,which is to be shared and is changed rarely.
c. 8se page output cache to store the data,which is to be shared and is changed rarely.
d. 8se cookies to store the data,which is to be shared and is changed rarely.
%ohn is the project manager at 7martsoft3444.1e uses waterfall model for software ,evelopment process.0n which phase
of the waterfall model should john convert the :unctional into a design of the desired system#
a. 0nitiation
b. Analysis
c. +onception
d. ,esign
+onsider the following statement'
7tatement A ' he W44 X M44 resoution is used in deviced such as MN7K and $-BK.
7tatement B ' he (55 X LY3 resoution setting is the standard resolution.
$hich of the following is correct,which respect to the above statements#
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
111. (1A.9 III)
$hich principle of solfware development means that everyone involver in a project should have a sense of responsibility
for the delivery of product #
a. *roduct mindset
b. eam approach
c. *roject success approach
d. ArchitectureOfirst approach
112. (1A.39 IV)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' Navigation is a process of moving from one $eb page to another
7tatement B' A link that contains a 8/. to a $eb page within the same $eb site is know as internal link
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true
113. (2A.8 I)
8sing which of the following asynchronous programming option you can specify the method, which is called when the
asynchronous method returns #
a. *oll +ompleted
b. Begininvoke, -ndinvoke
c. Begininvoke, $ait1andle, -ndinvoke
d. +allbacks
114. (2B.20 I)
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A ' ,ata /eader objects of a .N- data provider offer a readOonly stream of data from a data source
7tatement B ' he +ommand objects of a .N- data provider e6ecute a command against a data source
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
Beauty0n:itness, 0nc. wants to launch a $eb site that provides information about their beauty products and allows its
customers to purchase products online. Andrew, the $eb designer of Beauty0n:itness, 0nc. needs to create the home
page of the $eb site in which an image is shown displaying all the products of the company. he information about a
product should be displayed in a $eb page that opens when the user clicks the product in the image. 1ow will Andrew
create such a page in ,reamweaver M2 3445 #
a. 8sing image maps
b. 8sing frames
c. 8sing a template
d. 8sing layers
%ohn is developing a +>M? application for a Bank. 1e wants to include that method of the transactions by which he can
ensure that the transfer of money from one account to other will give the consistent state of the system as sometimes
while transferring the amount between two accounts, if the update has been done to only one account and the update to
the other account could not be performed. $hat should he do #
a. he 7et+omplete;< method of 0>bject+onte6t interface can be called to rollback the first update and then
7etAbort;< method of 0>bject+onte6t interface for subse!uent updates
b. he ,isable+ommit;< method of 0>bject+onte6t interface can be called to rollback the first update
c. he ,isable+ommit;< method of 0>bject+onne6t interface can be called to rollback the first update and then
7etAbort;< method of 0>bject+onte6t interface for subse!uent updates
d. he 7etAbort;< method of 0>bject+onte6t interface can be called to rollback the first update
119. (1A.6 IV)
Bob wants to create a $eb site which will perform various types of activities, such as, search the needed information, use
mailing system, play games, access information about latest technologies. $hat type of site Bob wants to create #
a. 1e wants to create a *ortal site
b. 1e wants to create a +orporate site
c. 1e wants to create a *ersonal site
d. 1e wants to create an -Ocommere site
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' A channel is used for communication between server and client
7tatement B' A channel carries the data stream, makes a package related to a particular protocol, and sends the package
to a different computer.
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
121. (4B.7 II)
$hich of the following statement is true about cloaking #
a. he cloaking security feature determines the type of client identity that will be projected on to a server when the
server tries to impersonate that particular client
b. he cloaking security feature determines that a server cannot cover its own identity and uses the client&s identity
c. he cloaking security feature determines that a server while acting on behalf of a client will not be able to enable
d. he cloaking security feature, allows the thread token to be used if a pro6y identity is already set
+onsider the following code
:unction factorial;a<
return undefinedB
var output = FB
for ;var 6 = FB 6 D= aB 6??<
output = output ZaB
return outputB
0f we pass ( as parameter then what will be the output of the preceding code #
a. (
b. 3F4
c. F34
d. 4
he project is in the deployment stage. he client informs you that the re!uirements of the project have changed a bit. he
infrastructure of the internal network of the company has changed and therefore, the deployment strategy has to be
changed. Now you need to send a team to the client site to discuss the deployment plan again. $hich teams will you
choose to accomplish the task #
a. *roduct Management and /elease Management
b. ,evelopment and *roduct Management
c. 8ser e6perience and *roduct Management
d. *rogram Management and /elease Management
+atherine is a $eb designer in +reative *lay +orporation. 7he is assigned to create a $eb site that contains (4 pages.
he basic layout of the $eb page, such as the header and footer is same for all the $eb pages. 1ow will +atherine
create (4 $eb pages in ,reamweaver M2 3445 #
a. 8sing $eb forms
b. 8sing frames
c. 8sing a template
d. 8sing layers
126. (4B.44 II)
,on is working in %ane technologies. 1e wants that all the employees should leave a message in the server when they go
out of office for some personal or official work. here can be multiple employees leaving the office at the same time.
herefore, it is hard for him to track the details when multiple messages are being sent at the same time. 1e has to
develop a !ueued component for solving his problem. But he is facing a problem in defining the !ueued component.
$hich of the following code snippet should be used for defining the !ueued component #
a. Hassembly'ransaction;ransaction>ption./e!uired<I
b. Hassembly'ApplicationAccess+ontrol;0mpersonation.evel=0mpersonation.evel>ption.,elegate<I
c. Hassembly'ApplicationPueuing;-nabled=true,Pueue.istner-nable=true<I
d. Hassembly'ApplicationPueuing;-nabled=false,Pueue.istner-nabled=false<I
1arrison is creating a $eb site for *arachute *ictures, 0nc., 1ollywood. 1e wants to create a movie of the company&s
latest production on the company&s $eb site. he movie is proposed to contain two scenes. 0n the first scene, there is a
time based increase in the si"e of the film title. $hat will 1arrison do to incorporate the above activities in the $eb site #
a. 8se the shape tweening feature
b. 8se the layering feature
c. 8se the motion tweening feature
d. 8se the masking feature
128. (1a.55 IV)
%ames, a $eb designer in Blue 7eas, 0nc. is designing the $eb site for the company. he company wants that the primary
navigation links in the $eb site should be visible even when incomplete page is downloaded. $here should %ames place
the primary navigation links in the $eb pages #
a. op *age Area
b. .eft *age Area
c. /ight *age Area
d. Bottom *age Area
You have created a movie using :lash Macromedia M2 3445. You want to set the download setting to 3W.W;3.L QB9s<.
$hat se!uence of steps would you follow to perform the above activity #
A ' Access the download setting from the view menu
B ' est the movie
+ ' 7et the download setting
a. A, +, B
b. B, A, +
c. +, A, B
d. A, B, +
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A ' 7hape tweening changes the shape of an object over time
7tatement B ' 7hape tweening can be applied to symbols
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
7tarMoon echnologies 0nc. is an -lectronics company that has sales offices all over the world. he company has
databases of different si"es for 0ntranet applications and data warehousing applications. he information provided by the
databases is crucial and need high level of security. $hich of the following ,BM7 should the organi"ation use to create
the database #
a. 7P. 7erver
b. M7 Access
c. dBase
d. :o6Base
132. (1A.20 III)
You are the system analyst at echnology 7ystems. You use spiral model for the solfware development process. 0n which
phase of the spiral model should you understand the system re!uirements by interacting with the customer #
a. +ustomer communication
b. /isk analysis
c. +ustomer evaluation
d. *lanning
135. (2A.16 III)
$hy do you use clientOside Kiew7tate management techni!ue #
a. 8sed to manage transaction or store large !uantity of information which needs to be persistent
b. 8sed to transfer a small !uantity of information from one page to another under minimal security
c. 8sed to store a small !uantity of information for a page which will post it back and re!uires minimal security
d. 8sed to store a small !uantity of information for a paga which will post it back and re!uires basic level security
You are leading a solfware development team of F( people in /ed 7ky 0nc. he team is keeping their updated files in a
share located in your machine. You have given share permission only to this group of people. But one day you found that
some of team members are complaining that their files are modified. You check the log file and found that no unauthori"ed
user has accessed the share. You doubted that someone from your team might have changed the files. $hat type of user
has done it #
a. Both +landestine and Misfeasor
b. Both +landestine and Mas!uerader
c. Misfeasor
d. Mas!uerader
137. (2a.5 III)
$hat is the role of Business *rocess in determining the current state of business #
a. 0t determines the series of tasks pertaining to the business activities of an organi"ation
b. 0t performs an analysis of market needs
c. 0t defines definite method for allocating roles and responsibilities
d. 0t provides a clear path for distribution of information
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' Motion tweening is used on group objects, and te6t
7tatement B' Motion tweening can be applied to symbols
7tatement +' Motion tweening can perpformed only on editable objects
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A ' A table that has the foreignOkey constraint is known as a *arent table
7tatement B ' A table that has the primaryOkey constraint is known as a +hild table
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true
You are developing a secure application in the .N- framework. You are creating an application that will describe the role
of an end user in the login module of the application. he other modules of the application can use the login module to
authenticate end users. $hich class file will you use #
a. $indows*rincipal class
b. -ither $indows*rincipal or +ustom*rincipal class
c. -ither Ceneric*rincipal or +ustom*rincipal class
d. Ceneric*rincipal class
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' You can select linear site organi"ational model as a base for navigation system if the proposed $eb site
provides information in a linear manner
7tatement B' You can modify the linear model into five model prototypes to provide a certain level of fle6ibility
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
+onsider the following statements'
7tatement A' $eb site is collection of a large number of $eb pages that are connected to each other using links.
7tatement B' Microsolf :ront*age M2 provides a .inked :iles command that enables you to check whether all the pages
on a $eb site are linked to each other or not .
$hich of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements #
a. Both,statement A and statement B,are false.
b. Both,statement A and statement B,are true.
c. 7tatement A is true and statement B is false.
d. 7tatement A is :alse and statement B is true.
FM(. ;FA.FW N 000<
You are the project manager at global 7ystems, 0nc. you use waterfall model for software development process. 0n which
phase of the waterfall model should you identify the problem perceived and the feasibility of solving it#
a. 0nitiation
b. ,esign
c. Analysis
d. +onception
-d 7mith has created a windows service that processes 2M. messages placed in a M7MP !ueue. -d discovers that the
windows service is not functioning properly. 1e needs to debug the service to correct the program. $hat should -, do#
a. -d should place a break point in the Main;< method of the windows service and the run the application within the
K7.N- 0,-.
b. -d should start the windows service and then run the .Net services 0nstallation tool ; /egsvcs.e6e<.
c. -d should start the windows service and then attach a debugger to the process
d. -d should attach a debugger to the windows service and then start the windows service
FM). ;3B.5M N 0K<
Alan needs to create a web page using an e6isting template in 1ome7ite?. 1e needs to change the back ground color to
yellow and the the color of the te6t to the blue. $hich of the following options will enable him to make the re!uired
a. ag +ompletion
b. :unction 0nsight
c. ag 0nsight
d. ag editors
FY4. ;FA.F4 N 000<
$hich option describes the team approach principle of software development stated by Microsoft 7olution :ramework#
a. 7pecifies that team members work and interact with other teams only at the time of design and then work
b. 0nvolves the revision of documents, source code, and compiled code
c. 7pecifies that all success factors have been addressed by assigning different success factors among a number of
d. 7pecifies the factors to determine the success or failure of a project
,avid needs to create an online music mart web site using ,reamweaver M2 3445. he site should provide a preview of
each song listed in the $eb site. $hile creating the site, is resulting in more download time for each web page. $hich of
the following methods can ,avid implement to overcome the file download time problem#
a. 8se some other browser to view the $eb pages.
b. -nable the streaming process for the sound file
c. .ink the sound file to some te6t or graphic
d. Add a new plugOin which is compatible with the browser
,on, a web service developer is using the ,escription and ransaction>ption attributes of a $eb method in its 2M. web
service. 1e is using the ransaction>ption attribute to enable the 2M. web service method to participate in a transaction
and using ,escription attribute to provide [#
a. Better +ommunication between 007 and clients
b. A sessesion to the web method
c. -6planation of the web method
d. Alias of a web method
+ustomer satisfaction is the goal of which team role in M7:#
a. *rogram management
b. ,evelopment
c. *roduct management
d. 8ser e6perience
You are the database administrator at Blue Moon +omputers. he employee table of the database consist pf a key field
empt0, and the three nonOkey filed, pay scale is functionally dependent on the another nonOkey field, post.
Many application that use the database tables re!uired and avoid any inconsistencies in the database.
As a database administrator, what should you do to ensure that the application using the database tables run properly and
the database
a. Normali"e the tables in the lecturer database to third normal form.
b. Normali"e the tables in the lecturer database to first normal form.
c. Normali"e the tables in the lecturer database to fifth normal form.
d. Normali"e the tables in the lecturer database to second normal form.
/ed 7ky 0nc davelops application software for client companies. %ane, a senior team member in a project team is aksed to
manage a software development project in which the application software for an insurance company is being developed.
7he asked the team members to gather the re!uired information to develop a conceptual design for the e6act problem of
application software. he conceptual design helps the development team to efficiently code the software. he software
programmers inform %ane about the ambiguity in the attributes of the conceptual design, during the coding phase.
7oftware development process cannot proceed further because of ambiguities in the development process. %ane
observes the conceptual design and notices duplicity of data, which leads to a difficulty in understanding the design. $hat
is the most effective way to resolve the problem and ensure that it does not occur in the near future#
a. Ask the team members to create a model of the application software using object /ole Modeling ;>/M< and use
this model for future reference.
b. Ask the team members o create a model of the application software using >bjectO >riented ;>>< model and use
this model for future reference.
c. Ask the team members to create a model of the application software using the 1ierarchical model and use this
model for further reference
d. Ask the team members to create a model of the application software using -ntityO /elationship ;-/< model and
use this model for future referece.
You are a technical writer at /ed 7ki 0nc. You have to document the development activities of a business solution. $hich
documentation standards will you use for creating the document#
a. *roject ,ocumentation
b. ,eveloper ,ocumentation
c. ,eveloper /esponse ,ocumentation
d. 8ser ,ocumentation
+onsider the following statements '
7tatement A ' 7etting the ransaction>ption property to J7upportedE implies creation of new transactions.
7tatement B ' 7etting the ransaction>ption property to J/e!uiredE implies no transactions are used.
a. 7tatement A is false but statement B is true.
b. Both 7tatement A and statement B are false.
c. Both 7tatement A and statement B are true.
d. 7tatement A is true but statement B is false
+onsider the following statements '
7tatement A ' he risk assessment document identifies and analy"es the risk associated with the project at the initial level
7tatement B ' he project structure document focuses on the project team structure.
a. 7tatement A is false but statement B is true.
b. Both 7tatement A and statement B are false.
c. Both 7tatement A and statement B are true.
d. 7tatement A is true but statement B is false
You are working as the senior software developer at Blue Moon +omputers. he company is developing a project on
the .Net framework for the client. he logical design of the project is already prepared the leader of the project team
assigns is already prepared. he leader of the project team assigns you the task of developing the physical design of the
project. You need to prepare a list of deliverables, which could be used later as the guidelines in the development pase.
$hat information will you include in the list of deliverables of the physical design#
a. he deliverables of the physical design process should include'
,atabase schema
+lass diagrams
Activity and se!uence diagrams
*rogramming model
b. the deliverables of the physical design process should include'
,atabase schema
+lass and activity diagrams
*ackaging and distribution strategy
,on is creating an 2M. $eb service named +ustomer0nfo that provides customer information. ,on writes code to keep
track of error messages, warning messages, and informational messages while the service is running. ,on uses the race
class to write the messages to a log file.
>n testing the $eb service. ,on wants to see error messages and wraning messages. >n the deployment of the $eb
service, ,on wants to see error messages, but not warning messages. $hich code segment should ,on use#
a. race.$rite.inelf;my7witch \ = null,EAn error occurred.E<B
race.$rite.inelf;my7witch \ = null,Ewarning Message.E<B
race.$rite.inelf;level \= race.evel.>ff,EAn error occurred.E<B
race.$rite.inelf;level \= race.evel.>ff,Ewarning Message.E<B
b. *rivate static race7witch my7witchB static Bank+ustomer@
My7witch=new race7witch;JtswitchE, Ja trace switchE<BA
race.$rite.inelf;my7witch.race-rror,EAn error occurred.E<B
race.$rite.inelf;my7witch.race$arning,Ewarning Message.E<B
$hich of the following code depicts the use of the ransaction>ption property#
a. H$ebMethod;ransaction>ption = ransaction>ption./e!uiresNew<I
b. H$ebMethod;ransaction>ption = ransaction>ption./e!uiresNew<I
*ublic string ,emoransat;<
/eturn +onte6t8til.ransactional.o7tring;<B
*ublic string ,emoransat;<
99+onte6t8til clas obtains information about the +>M? object conte6t.
997et+omplete;< method set the consistency to /8- in the +>M? conte6t

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