WHAT S I NSI DE: WHAT S I NSI DE: Mastering Coolant SensorsPage 1 / FINE TUNINGPage 2 / Testing DIS Ignition CoilsPage
2 / QUALITY POINTS: QS-9000 Means Extra
ProtectionPage 3 / HOT OFF THE WIRE: We Want Your QuestionsPage 4 / Publishers InformationPage 4 You Can Mast er Cool ant Sensor s Counter Counter Poi nt T H E E L E C T R O N I C , D I A G N O S T I C A N D D R I V E A B I L I T Y R E S O U R C E . Volume2 Issue2, June1998 Volume2 Issue2, June1998 T he coolant sensor is often called the master sensor because the powertrain control module (PCM) uses the sensors input along with that from the oxygen sensor to go into the closed loop mode of controlling the fuel mixture. Dont Get Hot Under The Collar: Transmission torque converter clutch lockup when the engine iscold. Operation of the electric cooling fan (if a separate fan thermostat isnt used) when a certain temperature isreached. DIFFEREN T TYPES OF SEN SORS Located on the cylinder head or intake manifold where it screwsinto the water jacket, the coolant sensor may be one of two basic types. Most are variable resistor type sensorscalled thermistors because their electrical resistance changeswith temperature. Most are the negative temperature coefficient type which meansthe sensorsresistance decreasesasthe temperature goesup. The other type of coolant sensor isan on/off switch that workslike a conventional temperature sending unit or thermostat by closing or opening at a pre-set temperature. The variable resistor type of coolant sensorsare smarter than the on/off switchesbecause they provide the PCM with a more accurate indication of actual engine temperature. The PCM feedsthe sensor a fixed reference voltage (VRef ) of usually 5 voltswhen the engine ison. The resistance in the sensor ishigh when cold and dropsasthe sensor warmsup to alter the return voltage signal back to the PCM. The PCM usesthischanging voltage to determine engine temperature. The switch-type sensor may be designed to remain closed within a certain temperature range (say between 55 and 235 degreesF, for example) or to open only when the engine iswarm (above 125 degreesF). Switch-type coolant sensorsare found on older GM T car minimum function systems, Ford MCU and Chrysler Lean Burn systems. DRIVEABILITY SYMPTOMS Because of the coolant sensorscentral role in triggering so many engine functions, a faulty coolant sensor (or sensor circuit) can cause a variety of cold performance problemsaswell as emission failures. The most common symptom that indicatesa bad coolant sensor isan engine control system that fails to go into closed loop once the engine iswarm. Other symptomsthat might be caused by a bad coolant sensor include: Poor cold idle (due to a rich fuel mixture, no Early Fuel Evaporation -EFE- or lack of heated air). Stalling (rich mixture, retarded timing, slow idlespeed). Cold hesitation or stumble (no EFE or EGR occurring too soon). Poor fuel mileage (rich mixture, open loop, spark retarded). Keep in mind that coolant sensor problemsmay also be due to wiring faultsor loose or corroded connectionsrather that a failure of the sensor itself. Correct operation of the sensor can also be upset by installing the wrong temperature range thermostat (too cold for the application), or by incomplete filling of the cooling system or coolant loss. To give an accurate reading, the sensor element must be in direct contact with liquid coolant. It also usesinput from the coolant sensor to regulate the operation of many other important functions, including: Start-up fuel enrichment on fuel-injected engines. Injector pulse width isincreased to create a richer fuel mixture when the coolant sensor indicatesa cold engine. Spark advance and retard. Spark advance isoften limited for emission purposesuntil the engine reachesnormal operating temperature. EGR flow isblocked while the engine iscold to improve cold driveability. Canister purge doesnot occur until the engine is warm to improve cold driveability. Energizing the electric heater grid under the carburetor on older enginesto improve early fuel evaporation when the engine iscold. Operation of the throttle kicker or idle speed when the engine iscold. continued on page3 continued on page3 2 2 Q. We hav e been w or k i ng on a 9 2 Ni s s an Pat hf i nder 3 . 0 L SOHC MFI w i t h a c ons t ant Chec k Engi ne Li ght and Code 4 5 ( i nj ec t or l eak ) . Af t er l eak t es t i ng and c l ear i ng t he c ode, t he l i ght c omes bac k on w i t h t he s ame c ode agai n! Any hel p w oul d be appr ec i at ed. John Truman, City Auto Parts, Syracuse, NY Any sensor input that resultsin arich mixturecan cause an injector leak code. Thebest way to resolveacode45 on thesevehiclesin addition to theinjector leak down test isto carefully check theMassAir Flow Sensor, coolant and O2 sensorsalong with afuel pressure regulator test. Q: I hav e a 9 5 Dodge Neon w i t h a c ol d hes i t at i on and r ough i dl e c ondi t i on. Ther es al s o a l ot of bl ac k s mok e i n t he ex haus t . I v e r epl ac ed t he ox y gen s ens or and s par k pl ugs but i t made no di f f er enc e. Ther e ar e no f aul t c odes and c ompr es s i on and t i mi ng ar e ok ay. Hel p! Skip Dorman, Akron, OH Haveyou checked theintakeair temperaturesensor? Thepowertrain control moduleusesinput from this sensor and thethrottleposition sensor to vary fuel delivery. If theintakeair temperaturesensor isfaulty, it can upset theair/fuel mixturecausing it to run rich. To test thesensor, removeit from themanifold and connect an ohmmeter acrosstheterminals. Alter the sensorstemperatureby immersing thetip of thesensor in either warm or cold water. Ti ps For Test i ng DIS Igni t i on Coi l s The coils used in distributorless ignition systems (DIS) function the same as coils in conventional ignition systems. The coil steps up the primary voltage to produce a high- voltage spark for the spark plugs. But instead of passing through a distributor, voltage goes directly to the spark plug(s). To reduce cost and complexity, many DIS systems have one coil for every two spark plugs. Others may have a separate coil for each plug. Those that share coils connect each coil to two plugs which are opposite one another in the engines firing order. Both plugs fire at the same time, but because one cylinder is on its exhaust stroke, the waste spark that occurs in that cylinder does nothing. An important thing to remember here is that if the coils output is weak, misfire may occur in both of the engines cylinders associated with that coil. Symptoms may include hard starting, rough idle, misfire on acceleration, hesitation, stalling, poor fuel economy and elevated hydrocarbon (HC) emissions. A no- start condition would more likely be caused by a bad DIS module or crankshaft position sensor failure rather than an individual coil failure. DIS coils are tested in essentially the same way as epoxy- filled (square- type) ignition coils. First, isolate the coil pack by disconnecting all the leads. Set the ohmmeter in the low range, and recalibrate if necessary. Connect the ohmmeter leads across the coils primary terminals, and compare the primary resistance reading to specifications (typically less than 2 ohms). Then connect the ohmmeter, set in the high range, across the coils secondary terminals and compare the secondary resistance reading to specifications (typically 6,000 to 30,000 ohms). In most cases, you ll find a coil where the secondary resistance is reading too high. Some coils may also test okay when cold, but be out of specifications when the coil heats up. HINT: If measuring the secondary resistance of a DIS coil is difficult because of the coils location, try this: remove the wires from the spark plugs and measure secondary resistance though the plug wires rather than at the secondary terminals on the coils. Just remember to add in a maximum of 8,000 ohms of resistance per foot for the plug wires. FineTuni ng questionsareansweredby JimBates, Technical ServicesDirector. Pleasesendyour questionsto: JimBates coWELLSManufacturingCorp., P.O. Box70, Fonddu Lac, WI 54936-0070 or e-mail himat [email protected]. Well sendyou a WELLS shirt if your question ispublished. So pleaseincludeyour shirt sizewithyour question. Fine Fine Tuni ng Asthetemperaturechanges, you should seeachangein theohmmeter reading. No changewould tell you the sensor hasfailed and needsto bereplaced. Q: We hav e an Ol ds mobi l e Cut l as s Cal ai s w i t h a 2 . 3 L Quad Four engi ne. The engi ne c r ank s but w on t s t ar t . Compr es s i on and f uel pr es s ur e ar e nor mal , but t her es no s par k . We r epl ac ed t he c oi l as s embl y and modul e, but s t i l l no s par k . What ar e w e ov er l ook i ng? Confused, Amarillo, TX You didnt mention thecrankshaft position sensor. Themagnetic sensor used on thisengineismounted on thesideif theengineblock, and must havean air gap of lessthan .050 inchesfrom thecrankshaft to generateagood signal. To check thesensor, unplug itselectrical connector and measureresistancebetween theappropriate terminals. On the2.3L Quad 4, you should read between 500 and 900 ohms. Q: I m t r y i ng t o f i gur e out w hy a 1 9 8 4 Bui c k 3 8 0 0 i s behav i ng s t r angel y. It s t ar t s f i ne w hen c ol d, but s t al l s w hen y ou put i t i nt o gear and t r y t o dr i v e aw ay. Af t er t he engi ne w ar ms up, i t r uns f i ne. I v e c hec k ed and adj us t ed t he c hok e w i t h no ef f ec t . I al s o r epl ac ed t he s par k pl ugs and pl ug w i r es . Bill Johnson, Bloomington, IL Try replacing therotor. When theengineiscold, the load on theignition system ishigher than normal. If therotor isleaking voltage, it will short to ground causing theengineto stall. When theenginewarms up, thevoltagedemandsarelessand therotor will passthevoltageto theplugsrather than ground. Also, carefully inspect thedistributor cap, particularly thecarbon button between thecoil and rotor, for wear, damageor burn through. Also check coil primary and secondary resistance. PRIMARY CHECK SECONDARY CHECK 3 3 Quality Quality Poi nt s For Techni ci ans, QS-9000 Means Ext r a Pr ot ect i on Youveprobably heard alot about QS-9000 Certification lately, and rightly so. QS-9000 isaquality standard developed jointly by Ford, Chrysler, General Motors and theheavy-duty truck industry for OEM component partssuppliers. TheAutomotiveQuality System Requirements (QS-9000) isbased on similar quality standardsthat weredeveloped asaworldwide benchmark for primary manufacturersof many different typesof products(ISO9000). QS-9000 supersedes FordsQ1, ChryslersQAM (Quality AssuranceManual) systems, charging systemsand sensorsto achieve compliancewith theprestigiousQS-9000 standard. WELLSdid thisin August, 1996, and isstill the only full-lineignition manufacturer to achieve QS-9000 certification. WELLShasbeen supplying quality ignition productsto theautomotiveindustry since1903, said Gavin Spence, WELLS Vice-President of Sales. Quality isavital part of thiscompanysheritage. So what doesQS-9000 mean to you?For partsmadeby manufacturerswho meet theQS-9000 quality certification, it meansaconsistently high level of quality in thepartsthey produce. That, in turn, meansbetter valuefor your money, longer-lived repairs, fewer prematurefailuresand comebacks, and most importantly, ahigher lever of satisfaction among your customers. Look for theQS-9000 quality certification. Itsyour best guaranteeof consistent quality in thereplacement parts you buy. continued frompage1 Dont Get Hot Under TheCollar: You Can Mast er Cool ant Sensor s SEN SOR CHECKS Onesimpleway of testing a coolant temperature sensor isby performing a sweep test with an ohmmeter (Fig. A): Start with acold engine. With theignition off, disconnect thewiring connector from thecoolant sensor. Attach an ohmmeter acrossthesensorsterminals. Measurethesensorsresistanceand record thereading. Reconnect thesensorswiring connector. Start and run theenginefor two minutesand then shut theengineoff. Disconnect thesensorswiring harnessagain, and takean ohmmeter reading acrossthe sensorsterminals. Comparethetwo readings. Thereshould bea differenceof at least 200 ohms. If not, the sensor isdefectiveor suffersfrom abuildup of cooling system sludgewhich makesit less sensitiveto changesin enginetemperature. Removeand inspect thesensor, clean if necessary and retest. You can also measurethesensorsresistanceat various temperatures, and comparethereadingsagainst the resistancevaluesspecified by thevehiclemanufacturer. Another way to check thesensorsoperation isto measurethesensorsreferencevoltageand return voltagesignal astheenginewarmsup with a voltmeter. If you haveaccessto a digital storage oscilloscope(DSO), you can also observethesensors waveform. Thereferencevoltage(VRef ) to thesensor from the PCM should beabout 5 voltson most applications. Thereturn voltagesignal should bearound 3 to 4 voltswhen theengineiscold, and gradually drop to 2 voltsor lessastheenginereachesnormal operating temperature. (Fig. B) No changein thereturn signal would indicatea faulty sensor. No return voltagereading would indicatean open sensor. No VRef reading would indicatea wiring fault. NOTE: Some1985 and newer Chrysler coolant sensorsswitch a 1000 ohm resistor into thecircuit when thecoolant temperaturereachesabout 125 degreesF, causing a sudden riseor step up in the return voltagesignal beforeit continuesto drop. If a vehicleprovideslivesensor data through its diagnostic connector, you can also read thecoolant sensorsoutput directly with a scan tool (usually in degreesCentigradeor Fahrenheit). Troublecodesthat indicatea problem in coolant sensor circuit: General Motors: Code14 (shorted) and 15 (open) Ford: Codes21, 51 & 61 Chrysler: Code17 & 22 OBD II applications: P0117, P0118, P0125, P1114, P1115 & P1620 100% INSPECTION ISCONDUCTED ON EVERY COMPONENTIN WELLS STATE-OF-THE-ARTELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING FACILITIES. IGNITION COMPONENTSARETESTED FOR FUNCTIONALSTABILITY UNDER EXTREMEVARIATIONSIN WELLS TESTLABS. and GMsTFE (TargetsFor Excellence) programsand all Tier 1 OEM suppliersmust meet theQS-9000 standard. QS-9000 wascreated to combinethevarious quality requirementsof thedomestic vehicle manufacturersinto asingle, uniform standard that ison par with theworld-wideISO9000 standard. But itsbasic purposeisto raisethequality benchmark for all automotiveparts, bethey new partsor replacement parts. Compliancewith theQS-9000 standard requiresthe implementation of aclosely audited and ongoing monitoring system for checking partsasthey are manufactured. Each and every part must passarigid inspection beforeit goesout thedoor. Theoverall goal of such intensescrutiny iszero defects. Though QS-9000 quality certification isnow required for OEM suppliers, many aftermarket manufacturers do not yet meet thisnew standard. But WELLS Manufacturing Corp. does. WELLSwasthefirst manufacturer of electronic enginemanagement WELLS MANUFACTURING CORP. P.O. Box 70 Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0070 Hot off the Hot off the Wi r e Publishers I nformation WELLS President............William Allen Vice President Sales........Gavin Spence Technical Services Director.....Jim Bates Newsletter Editor...............Ron Raposa Counter Point is a quarterly publication of WELLS Manufacturing Corp., P.O. Box 70, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0070. Letters and comments should be directed to: Ron Raposa, Counter Point Editor, 3602 Inland Empire Blvd, Suite C200, Ontario, CA 91764. COPYRIGHT 1998 WELLS MANUFACTURING CORP. All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or part is permitted without the written consent of WELLS Manufacturing Corp. Requests should be faxed to Ron Raposa at (909) 941-0877. Techni ci ans: We Want Your Quest i ons! INSIDE: HOW TO M ASTER COOLANT SENSORS INSIDE: HOW TO M ASTER COOLANT SENSORS Isa driveability problem related to electronic ignition componentscausing you frustration? WELLSwantsto help. Just send usthe problem in the form of a question. Well answer asmany asspace allows, usually about five, in each issue of Counter Point. Just send your questionsto: Jim Bates, Technical ServiceDirector WELLS ManufacturingCorp. P.O. Box 70 Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0070 or e-mail Jim at [email protected]. If your question ischosen for publication, well send you a FREEWELLSshirt. So, be sure to include your shirt size along with your question.
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