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[INV] Copy Item Template

Setup -> Items -> Templates

First enter a new template name at Item Template form, then go Tool -> Copy Template. Select the template name
that you want to copy from.

Note that you can't copy item template from 1 inventory org to another. You can only copy item template within the
same inventory organization. If source Item Template has no organization tied to it, it can be copied to any
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[OM] Cannot Perform Shipping Transactions
At Shipping Transactions form, Action combo box is disabled. Can't perform pick release, create delivery, etc.

Grant role to user at OM responsibility. At Shipping Execution Grants form, add record, enter user name & save.
Setup -> Shipping -> Grants and Role Definitions -> Grants

Default role is "Upgrade Role", which you can maintain it in
Setup -> Shipping -> Grants and Role Definitions -> Define Roles
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[OM] Launch Pick Release Failed
My Sales Order (SO) has been booked successfully. Order header status is Booked, order line status is Awaiting
Shipping. Quantity on-hand is sufficient. At Shipping Transactions form, I performed "Launch Pick Release", order
line status remainedAwaiting Shipping, it did not change to Picked.

No warning or error was prompted.

In my case, it was due to Credit Hold. Go Order Header -> Actions -> Additional Order Information, I saw Hold with
message "Credit check hold applied. Overall limit exceeded.". GoActions -> Release Holds to release hold before
proceed to Pick Release.

In order to perform Release Holds action, you need to be given authorities. Get the Holds Name and check the
authorizations at Setup -> Orders -> Holds.
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[OM] Where to Setup New Sales Order Type
Under Order Management responsibility, Setup -> Transactions Types -> Define
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[SYS] Form Personalizations - Set Property Value for Descriptive
Assuming you have have 3 flexfields for each line of record, but for setting the value forTarget Object, there is only
1 Target Object available for 3 flexfields, e.g. {something}.DESCFLEX, how to set value for 3 of them?

Ans: At the Value field, enter something like this => Value1.Value2.Value3

Separate each value by a dot.
[OM] R12: Interface Trip Stop - Warning
MTL_ONLINE_TRANSACTION_PUB.process_online returns false
Error Code:Transaction processor error
Error Explanation:Interclass conversion between EUR and USD is not defined

Cause: Currency Exchange Rate is not setup for the date where transaction happened. Set it up at GL module.
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Monday, December 3, 2012
[OM] R12: Unable to Enter Sales Order Number in Release Sales
Orders Form
Sales Order is not on Hold, not Backordered, why the Sales Order number no recognized in the Release Sales Order

Ans: Sale Order line is in "Awaiting Screening", pending GTM screening.
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
[AGIS] R12: "Intercompany Import Program" Completed Error
ERROR: Combination of Source and Group ID not found in Interface Table or user does not have acess to initiator for
any batch in the group.

Setup AGIS security assignment:

Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS)

Search by Person Name, create Assignment by "Intercompany Organization", the organization that bills.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012
[OM] R12: Search Sales Order Records by DFF
I want to search Order / Order Line info by using a DFF value.

Option 1: Under Order Organizer, if search by header DFF, go "Quote/Order Information" tab, click on the little
rectangle box at the bottom right, enter search string.

If search by line DFF, go "Line Information", click on the little rectangle box at the bottom right, enter search string.

Option 2: In Sales Orders form, if search by header DFF, click on the header, press F11, click on the DFF box, enter
search string, press Ctrl+F11.

If search by line DFF, click on the line, press F11, click on the DFF box, enter search string, press Ctrl+F11.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011
[GTM] R12: Awaiting Export Screening
At Sales Order line, after order booked, you see the line status became "Awaiting Export Screening" and not
"Awaiting Shipping". Why?

It is caused by a extra Oracle module that we have integration with, GLOBAL TRADE MANAGEMENT (GTM). GTM
will do the screening and feedback to EBS that whether this order line has passed the screening rule. If Yes, order
line status will changed to "Awaiting Shipping". If Not, order line status will remained as "Awaiting Export Screening",
and as a result, you cannot proceed with Pick Release.

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Friday, December 2, 2011
override the price defaulted from Price List.

Fix => Define Discount Modifier, set it to Manual, Modifier Type = Discount, Override flag = Yes. Assign it
to the right Qualifier.
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[OM] R12: Sales Agreement Activation Date
During creation of Sales Order, we can tie the Sales Order to a Sales Agreement. Sales Agreement pre-stores
information like Customer, Accounting, Pricing, etc.

We can controls how the Sales Agreement get applied (similar to functionality of Qualifierin Price List). At the Main
tab, we can defined Item Context, which controls how the Sales Agreement take effects. At the Pricing tab, it can
links to Price List, which will get defaulted when Sales Agreement is selected.

Activation Date in Sales Agreement, it is the effective start date
(OE_BLANKET_LINES_ALL.START_DATE_ACTIVE), it ties to Request Date at the order line.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011
[SYS] R12: Enable Audit Trail

Step to enable AuditTrail:

(1) AuditTrail->Install
ONT Oracle Order Management Account

(2) AuditTrail->Groups
Application Name: Order Management
Audit Group: XX_ABC_GROUP
Group State: Enabled

(3) AuditTrail->Tables
Application: Order Management

After completed above steps, run "AuditTrail Update Tables". It will then add additional columns into the table and
create a new trigger on it.

Schedule "Audit History Consolidator" to collect the audit data.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011
[PO] R12: Sales Order Reference in PR Interface Table
Drop Shipment, a booked Sales Order will trigger interface records

How to trace back the original SO number from this table?

Get GROUP_CODE, which is reference back to the Sales Order header_id.
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[QP] R12: Modifier: New Price
We can apply a modifier that totally replace the Unit Selling Price in R12.

Original List Price and Unit Selling Price is $10, a qualified modifier with value of $20. When this modifier applied, we
will get Unit Selling Price of $20.

Oracle Pricing Manager
Modifier->Modifier Setup->Modifiers Summary->Override=Yes
Modifier->Modifier Setup->Discount/Charges->Modifier Type=Discount
Modifier->Modifier Setup->Discount/Charges->Application Method=New Price
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011
[OM] R12: Intercompany Pricing
After enabling Advance Pricing for Intercompany, we can have intercompany AR invoice price different from trade
invoice price.

A & B represent 2 different OUs within same organization.
A sells to B.
B sells to external customer.

B is defined as internal customer for A. A will issue Intercompany AR invoice to B.

We can define interco price list to be tied to the internal customer B.
Customer -> Address -> Business Purposes -> Bill To -> Order Management -> Price List

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011
[AR] R12: Customer Name Search
In the Standard Customer form, it is now in OA page (Web Page), no more Oracle form.

For Customer Name Search, it matches the similarity of the word you entered and actual data. However, the
intelligence is very basic and limited, do not expect too much.

Search name: JUPITESS
It can returns Actual name: JUPITERS
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[SYS] R12: Browser Crashed When Both R11i and R12 Runs
Browser: IE7

I opened R12 instance. Then followed by launching R11i applet in the same machine, browser crashed. Both R11i
and R12 can't be opened at the same time.

Issue fixed after I turn off "Proxy Server" in IE.

Tools->Internet Options->Connections->LAN settings
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Monday, October 31, 2011
[SYS] R12: Profile Option, Enable Advance Pricing for Intercompany
Set "INV:Advanced Pricing for Intercompany Invoice" to Yes.

Note that additional license needs to be purchase from Oracle.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011
[SYS] R12: Password
In R12, password is case sensitive.
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Monday, January 24, 2011
[SYS] Given a List of Records (varchar) Returned From a SQL
Statement, Which is Ordered First, Which is Ordered Last
Given below SQL,

FROM apps.mtl_categories_v
WHERE structure_name LIKE 'Purchasing%'
AND disable_date IS NULL
AND category_concat_segs LIKE 'ABC.DEF%'

Return results were,

I want to get only 'ABC.DEF1' & 'ABC.DEF5' from a single SQL statement. These will be used for my Item
Category approval rule setup in Approval Group, low range and high range respectively.

Revised SQL below:
SELECT MIN(category_concat_segs), MAX(category_concat_segs)
FROM apps.mtl_categories_v
WHERE structure_name LIKE 'Purchasing%'
AND disable_date IS NULL
AND category_concat_segs LIKE 'ABC.DEF%'
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[BOM] How Many Levels of Bills You Defined?
Sample Bills of Material (BOM) structure:

Often, this is the frequent asked question. Take above example, Oracle says it has 2 levels, not 3.
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[BOM] Delete Groups
I was trying to delete a component from a Bill. When i clicked on Delete button, "Delete Component" popped up and
prompted me to enter " Name" and "Description", a button named "New Group" is situated next to the "Name" field.
How can i proceed from there?

"Delete Groups", a control built in in BOM module to trace what and when a record has been deleted. In short, each
deletion is traceable by the Delete Group name.

To proceed with the deletion, click "New Group", enter the Name (mandatory) andDescription (optional), save it.
Then, go back to the Navigator, Delete Groups, query out the record by Group Name. On the main screen, you can
see your parent item. Click on "Components " button, you can see the component that you want to delete, with status
"Pending". There are 2 buttons, namely "Delete Group" and "Check Group ".

As the name spelt, "Check Group" is to check the integrity of your Delete Group, concurrent program "Delete Item
Information" will be submitted once you click on that button. View Output, you will see a "Success" message if the
check is OK. Component status will change to "Check ok" after that. NO deletion will be performed.

You can skip "Check Group" and proceed direct to "Delete Group". Once clicked, the same concurrent program will
be submitted and this time deletion will be performed (different parameter from " Check Group"). Component status
will be changed to "Deleted".

The same procedure applied to routing component deletion.
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[PO] What Are The Steps Required To Setup An Internal Requisition
In Purchasing?
Excellant note. A simple and easy-to-understanding guide from Oracle Support,Note:406312.1.

A quick glance and I leant something new, Receiving for IR can be automated if we set theReceipt Routing to
"Direct" in Shipping Networks .
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
[SYS] Security Rule - Block From Entering, What About Viewing?
You can enter only certain range of Cost Center once you set Security Rule up, but you CAN still view the document
(e.g. PR Summary) that was created using a Cost Center that is out of you range in Security Rule.
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[PO] Position Hierarchy Used for PR/PO Approval
A PR/PO was submitted for approval, how to check which Position Hierarchy user used? From Apps front end, it is
impossible. Check it out from backend tables.

Sample codes:
SELECT approval_path_id FROM apps.PO_ACTION_HISTORY WHERE object_id in (SELECT
requisition_header_id FROM apps.PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL WHERE segment1='myPRNumber')
Link approval_path_id to HR.PER_POSITION_STRUCTURES table to get hierarchy name used.
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[PO] Receiving for PO with Status "Requires Reapproval"
Standard Purchase Order with 3 lines. I changed line 1 quantity. Header status changed to "Requires Reapproval". In
normal scenario, I cannot do anymore Receiving activity as the status is not Approved. If my changes involved price
and currency, receiving activity will generate accounting entries with wrong amount. A control is needed.

However, for a particular PO, I am able to perform receiving. The PO with "Requires Reapproval" appeared in the
LOV when i tried to perform receiving. I can proceed further to next screen. However, the line i changed (line 1) is not
appearing. Only the lines that i did not change appeared and allow me to do receiving. Why?

The reason being the PO is an consigned PO, which has consigned item (doubled check it from Shipment). System
allows receiving for the unchanged line because receiving activity for consigned PO will NOT generate any
accounting entries, no impacts. Furthermore, transaction price does not refer to PO, but BPA.
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[SYS] Login Page Filled with User ID Automatically
For normal scenario, you type in the URL for Oracle Apps instance, click Apps Logon Links, then E-Business
Home Page, enter your Username andPassword, you will see the HTML (jsp) menus.

To simplify the steps, you first login to HTML menus, click logout, copy the URL from the Address field in your
browser. That is the address you use to access the login page, with your Username defaulted.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
[PO] Exchange Rate for A New Line
I have a PO create months back, exchange rate was captured at the header level. If i add a new po line now,
previous captured rate will be applied to the line, shipment and distribution, not today's rate.

Double check the exchange rate on Distributions line, under "More" tab.
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[PO] Owner Can Approve
Whether a preparer can approve the document, e.g. PR/PO depends on setup in Setup ->Purchasing -> Document
Types, if "Owner Can Approve" flag is check, preparer can approve by himself. Means, preparer just need to click
"Approve... " and "OK" button, the document will be approved (assume approval limit is satisfied).

However, if preparer wants to use hierarchy other than default hierarchy, he/she needs to specified the
"Forward To" person to himself. PO will be first changed to "Pre-Approved" status before it get approved
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[INV] FRM-40200: Field is protected against update
Tried to query consigned transactions in "Find Material Transactions" form. Choose "Consumption Advice " with value
"Error", above error encountered.

"Consumption Advice" field is not selectable, unless Transaction Types field has values "Transfer to Consigned" or
"Transfer to Regular".
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[PO] Position with Status Blank
Create a new position, leave the Status field blank, save. Oracle considers it as Valid or Invalid. Ans: Valid
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[WIP] Main Tables for Work In Process (WIP) Job
WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS_V - work order main info
WIP_REQUIREMENT_OPERATIONS - material and resource requirements

Sample codes:
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[WIP] Before You Start
To get started with WIP module, you must first setup the WIP parameters (Setup ->Parameters) and setup at least
1 WIP Accounting Class (Setup -> WIP Accounting Classes).
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
[SYS] Session Timeout Issues
Try to increase the value for the following profile options.

ICX:Session Timeout - set it to number of minutes before timeout
ICX: Limit time - set it to number of hours before timeout
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[INV] Pending Transactions
For inventory pending transactions, you can use a single responsibility to view allInventory Organization, even though
the Inventory Org. is under another OU which is registered under another responsibility.
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[SYS] Item Cost Table
BOM.CST_ITEM_COSTS - table to store item cost

Important Fields:
cost_type_id (1-Froze, 2-Pending)
based_on_rollup_flag (1-Yes, 2-No)
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[INV] Which OU is an Inventory Organization falled Under?
In Inventory responsibility, navigate Setup -> Organizations -> Organizations , query the organization name,
click Others button, choose Accounting Information. You can see the assignment for Set of Books , Legal
Entity and Operating Unit.
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Monday, January 10, 2011
[PO] Item Not Found During Purchase Requisition (PR) Creation
In a Operation Unit (OU), I have 2 inventory organization (inventory child type), e.g. OrgA & OrgB. I need to raise a
PR to purchase ItemC under OrgB. In Item setup, ItemC is created in Inventory Master org, and assigned to
OrgB. Purchasable flag has been checked in both Inventory Master and OrgB. When i keyed in the item during PR
creation, item not found, why?

The reason being the OrgA was assigned in Financial Options setup (Setup ->Organizations -> Financial
Options), Supplier - Purchasing, Inventory Organization field. If OrgA is assigned, only item assigned to OrgA can be
found in the LOV.

We can setup Inventory Master org in each OU, then assign the Inventory Master org in the Financial Options.
From there, we can choose any items that was created under the Inventory Master org.
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[PO] Backend Field for PR
We know that we can view Purchase Requisition (PR) number from PO distribution screen (Line -> Shipment ->
Distributions, for standard PO). Which field in the backend table is used to link to PR tables?

Ans: LINE_LOCATION_ID field in APPS.PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL table that links
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Saturday, January 8, 2011
[PO] Organization And Location At Requisitions Form, Where Can We
Set The Default Value For Those?
Both values are default from the Employee setup. In Purchasing responsibility, navigateSetup -> Personnel -
> Employees, click "More ..." button, move to "Assignment" tab, enter it at Location field.
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To set concurrent program completion status, useFND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS in your SQL
file. However, will it work if your executable is PL/SQL package? Yes, it will still work but you need to define 2 extra
parameters in your procedure (first 2).

Procedure XXX (errbuf VARCHAR2(100), retcode INTEGER, ...)
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[PO] Matching Setting in Purchase Order Shipment Line
Invoice matching can be set in five different areas of Oracle Purchasing:
In the list below, a setting at any level will override the settings above it.

1. Oracle Purchasing Options
a. Navigate to: Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options
b. Select Default Alternative Region

2. Supplier Information
a. Navigate to: Supply Base > Suppliers
b. Query on specific supplier
c. Click on Open
d. Select Receiving Alternative Region

3. Line Types
a. Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Line Types
b. In the Receipt Required field: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way

4. Items
a. Navigate to: Items > Master Items
b. Query on specific item
c. Select Purchasing Alternative Region
d. In the Invoice Matching section: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way

5. Purchase Order Shipments
a. Navigate to: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
b. Enter (header and) line information
c. Click on Shipments button
d. Select More Alternative Region

Above notes are reproduced from Oracle Support Note:225630.1.
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Thursday, January 6, 2011
[OM] Allocation Error During Transact Move Order
"Error: The material sourcing process failed to create picking suggestions for line 2 of move order number 59641464"

"APP-INV-05297: Invalid transaction and serial control combination"

Encountered the above error message after clicked on "Allocate" button in Transact Move Orders form. Even after I
backordered the line, I could not proceed to Pick Release, failed Pick Release.

Root Cause: Item lot reserved for the order line is no more valid.
Action: Unreserve the invalid item lot, pick release, transact move order & ship confirm successfully.

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[INV] Pending Transactions Table -
An excerpt from a good Oracle Support note [ID 294391.1]:

Transaction Mode Number / Description
NULL or 1: Online Processing
2: Concurrent Processing
3: Background Processing
8: Internal Processing (Not visible in the pending transactions form)

Here is an explanation of each:
NULL or 1: Online Processing
Online processing is used by the Oracle Applications to immediately process records. This does not require that a
concurrent program be run. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for online processing.
2: Concurrent Processing
Transactions marked as concurrent transaction mode are processed by a dedicated transaction worker to explicitly
process a set of transactions. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for concurrent
3: Background Processing
Interface transactions marked for Background processing will be picked up by the transaction manager polling
process and assigned to a transaction worker. These transactions will not be processed unless the transaction
manager is running.
8: Internal Processing
Transaction mode 8 is not a mode normally visible to the user as it is used for internal processing. Transactions with
this mode are not visible in the Pending transactions form. Transaction_mode of 8 is used internally to identify if
records came from the interface table to the pending table or came directly into the pending table.
In short, resetting of transaction_mode to 3 will allow Inventory Manager to reprocess the pending records
Sample SQL:
update mtl_material_transactions_temp
set process_flag = 'Y',
lock_flag = 'N',
transaction_mode = 3,
error_code = NULL,
error_explanation = NULL
where process_flag in ('Y','E');
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[INV] Reservations Interface Manager
What does the "Reservations Interface Manager" program do? [Inventory]On-hand,Availability->Reservations
Interface Manager

Similarly to Inventory Manager, Reservations Interface Manager processes the the interface records in
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011
[PO] Where to Setup Invoice Matching Option?
Setup -> Financial Option, Supply - Entry tab, Invoice Matching Option field.

Supply -> Sites, Control tab, Invoice Matching Option field.

(A Setting At Any Level Will Override The Settings Above It)

2 type of options available, Purchase Order / Receipt
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[PO] R12 Purchasing Options
Setup -> Organizations -> Purchasing Options
In R11i, it is devided into 5 sections, "Receipt Accounting", "Control", "Default", "InternalRequisition", "Numbering"
and "Tax Defaults".

In R12, (this form was converted to JSP format), only 4 sections available (some of the fields been merged),
"Document Control", "Document Defaults ", "Receipt Accounting" and "Document Numbering".

New fields in R12:
Document Control
Security Hierarchy
Maximum Attachment Size
Email Attachment Filename
Enforce Supplier Hold
RFQ Required (from "Default" tab in R11i)

Document Defaults
Internal Requisition Order Type (from "Internal Requisition" tab in R11i)
Internal Requisition Order Source (from "Internal Requisition" tab in R11i)

Tax Defaults was removed from Purchasing Options. Need to confirm if it has been permanently removed or moved
to other form.
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Monday, January 3, 2011
[PO] Self-Billing Flag in PO table
How to know if a Purchase Order (PO) was created under supplier site with Self-Billing?

Not from front end. But check the PAY_ON_CODE field in PO.PO_HEADERS_ALL table. It should reflect "RECEIPT"
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[PO] APP-PO-14376: Please enter a GL Date within an open
purchasing period
You were trying to do Receiving. Once you navigate out of the Receipt Header form, the above message prompted.
You have to open Purchasing Periodsunder Setup ->Control Purchasing Periods.
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[PO] Can I Setup Only Document Total Rule in Approval Group
Yes. But in the Approval Assignment, you can only assign Blanket Purchase Agreementdocument type to that
particular Approval Group. If you intend to assign other document type, e.g. Standard Purchase Order, you need at
least another rule setup in Approval Group, which is Account Range.
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[PO] Source Field in Purchase Requisition (PR) Screen Does Not
Show "Supplier"
Make sure item is purchasable in the selected inventory organization.
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[PO] BPA Price Break - Discount (%) field
It is a field to display percentage of discount applied to the new price compare to the veryfirst price.

For example,
Break Price for line 1 = $100, line 2 = $80, line 3 = $70
Value for Discount (%) field fo line 1 = 0, line 3 = 20, line 3 = 30
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[SYS] How to Revert My Start Page?
You have set the start page in Oracle Applications. On each successful login, it will brings you to the page. Now, you
change your mind, you want to either disable the start page or change to other page. You could not get back to the
HTML Preferences screen, as the start page will bring you directly to the specific Oracle form.

Ans: At any responsibilities, navigate Edit -> Preferences -> Profiles, query Profile Name "Applications Start
page", change or remove the "User Value".
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[PO] Missing Purchase Order (PO) Distribution After RTV - FIXED
With reference back to my problem logged to Metalink TAR, it was fixed after applied patch 4463796.
This patch upgrade the version of PAPOUTLB.pls to Eventhough Project Accounting is not used, but this
patch works.

How to check PAPOUTLB.pls version?
SELECT fi.file_id
FROM apps.ad_files fi, apps.ad_file_versions ve
AND ve.file_id = fi.file_id
AND REPLACE(version, '.','') =
(SELECT MAX(TO_NUMBER(REPLACE(version, '.', '')))
FROM apps.ad_file_versions ven
WHERE ven.file_id = fi.file_id);
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[PO] APP-PO-14566: Category is invalid, or category is invalid for the
When you creating a new PR, after entered the category code in Category field, the above message shown. An
additional error message also appeared, "APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option

The category code is valid, what can be the cause?

Get the default Category Set from Setup -> Items -> Categories -> Default Category Sets

Query Category Sets in Setup -> Items -> Categories -> Category Sets, check "Enforce List of Valid Categories"
checkbox. If the checkbox is checked, the category you need to enter must be exist in the list.
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[SYS] Personalize
At Help -> Diagnostics -> Custom Code -> Personalize, you can customize the form by using the event
triggered Actions, either set a property, or display a custom message, launch a form or even submit a concurrent
program. It is a scaled down version of all functions available in typical Oracle Form Builder, but it is still
powerful. More importantly, you can manage your customization in a better manner.
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[PO] Can I Cancel a "In Process" Purchase Requisition (PR)?

Oracle Support references:
"As per functionality we allow cancel and Finally Close actions on the requisitions that are in "In Process" status. This
is because the requisition is an internal document and Cancel and Finally Close will have no difference in the
treatment of the requisition after the action..." -Note:183984.1

"Purchasing lets you cancel or final close a requisition or requisition line before your manager approves it or before a
buyer places it on a purchase order..." - Note:223856.1

"Cannot cancel a PO if the status of the PO is 'In Process'" - Note:99831.1
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[PO] Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA) - Controls at Amount
Would I-Procurement (IPROC) validates if the release amount is more than the "Amount Agreed" in a CPA?

IPROC still allows PR and PO to be created, and there is no validation, till the PO get submitted for Approval. Only
at the PO approval time, system will validate the total releases amount against " Amount Agreed". If total releases
more than "Amount Agreed", PO will not get approved.
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[PO] PR that Uses Currency Other Than Functional Currency
When you are creating a PR, functional currency is always defaulted at the header level. Price at the "Line" tab will
always show functional currency as well. If you need to key in your currency using other currency, go " Currency" tab,
under "Foreign Currency", "Price" field, enter you price in foreign currency you specified. The conversion will be done
automatically (provide you have the exchange rate defined).

At table level, PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL table has the following price and currency fields:

UNIT_PRICE - price in functional currency
CURRENCY_CODE - foreign currency code (if applicable)
RATE - foreign currency exchange rate (if applicable)
CURRENCY_UNIT_PRICE - price in foreign currency (if applicable)
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[SYS] SQL for Internal Requisition (IR)
select 'IR' as req_type,pla.attribute1 as lot_no,mpv.project_number,pha.segment1 doc_no,
pla.line_num,pda.distribution_num dist_num,pha.description doc_type,trunc(pha.creation_date) ord_date,
trunc( pla.need_by_date) pro_date, msi.segment1 item_no,pla.item_revision item_rev,
msi.description item_desc,pla.quantity, pla.unit_price,
pla.quantity_delivered qty_rcvd, nvl(pla.quantity,0)-nvl(pla.quantity_delivered,0) os_qty,
nvl(pla.closed_code,'OPEN') closed_code
from po.po_requisition_headers_all pha, po.po_requisition_lines_all pla, po.po_req_distributions_all pda,
apps.mrp_project_v mpv, apps.mtl_system_items msi, gl.gl_code_combinations gl
where pha.type_lookup_code='INTERNAL'
and pha.authorization_status='APPROVED'
and pla.destination_organization_id in (100,101) --destination organization, parties that perform receiving
and pla.source_organization_id=103 --source organization, party that supply the item
and pha.requisition_header_id=pla.requisition_header_id
and pla.requisition_line_id=pda.requisition_line_id
and pda.code_combination_id=gl.code_combination_id
and pla.item_id=msi.inventory_item_id
and pla.destination_organization_id=msi.organization_id
and pda.project_id = mpv.project_id (+) --if project is used
order by req_type,doc_no,line_num,dist_num;
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[PO] Purchase Requisition (PR) - Owner Can Approver
If preparer's position is not setup in Default Hierarchy for a document type, can he still approve the document by
himself if the Owner Can Approvercheckbox is checked (sufficient rights given)?

Yes, but he needs to check the Forward checkbox during approval process, and specify the hierarchy name (Can
leave the Forward-to person field blank).
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[PO] Cancel Requisition When Cancel PO
When you setup your Purchasing Option, Cancel Requisitions to Optionally, you can see a checkbox for "Cancel
Requisitions " displayed at your Control Document form (Tool -> Control -> Cancel) during your PO cancellation

If you check it, Requisition amount will be updated to zero, status remains "Approved". No further action can be

If you uncheck it, you still can perform amendment on the PR once PR has been returned to preparer.
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[PO] Organization Field at PR Form was Disabled
My PR was rejected due to wrong ship-to-organization. I query my PR from Requisitions -> Requisitions, the
Organization field was disabled. How can i make amendment from there?

Ans: Double check you Charge Account at Distributions screen, clear the charge account and go back to the main
screen and you should be able to see the Organization field enabled.
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
[PO] Receving for a Future Date
Is it possible? No, Oracle allows Receipt Date to be on or before current date, not future date. You will see this
error: APP-PO-14882: Please enter a transaction date that is not in the future.

Remarks: Oracle check time as well, you cannot enter a future time on today's date.
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[PO] Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) - Completed Error
Supplier created ASN at I-Supplier portal, Processing Status for that ASN shows Error. Where can i troubleshoot?

I tried from front end: Transaction Open Interface, Transaction Status Summary and evenPending Transactions. No
way i can find the error record.

Back end:
SELECT * FROM apps.rcv_shipment_headers WHERE shipment_num='ASN_Number'
AND asn_type='ASN';

Result: No record

SELECT * FROM apps.rcv_headers_interface WHERE shipment_num='ASN_Number';
Result: 1 record returned
Double check apps.rcv_transactions_interface & appss.po_interface_errors tables. Found relevant records was there.
To allow user to recreate the ASN, delete the record
fromapps.rcv_headers_interface & apps.rcv_transactions_interface tables. You cannot reuse the ASN number unless
you delete the record from apps.rcv_headers_interface.
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[INV] Negative Quantity for Inventory? Is it Allowed?
Oracle allows it.

Under Inventory responsibility, navigate Setup -> Organizations -> Parameters .Inventory Parameters tab, look for
"Allow Negative Balances" field.

You are allowed to ship confirm even you have no stock on hand! Excerpt from Metalink,
In order to pick release and drive inventory negative, the ct must make their items non-reservable. For reservable
items, the order gets backordered when not enough quantity is on hand. For non-reservable items, the orders get
updated to status of Staged, and the user enters the source subinventory, revision, lot, and locator in the Shipping
Transactions form. Ship confirm allows users to drive inventory negative when the Allow Negative Stock checkbox is
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[MRP] Suggested Dock Date for Purchase Order in MRP
Suggested Dock Date for Purchase Order is derived from Promised Date.

What if user did not enter Promised Date, but he has entered Need-By date only? The Need-By date will be used as
dock date. (Thanks Kelvin, from Carmel, for his indirect contribution)
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To customize PR or PO approval logic, this is the package you need to look into.

If you are customizing only the approval list, there is minimal change need to be done here as you just need to
prepare the list of approvers and call this standard package.
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[PO] Rename Hierarchy, What Will be Affected?
PR or PO that were "In Process" will not be affected, as the approval list has been created since PR/PO submitted for
approval. If the renamed hierarchy is the default hierarchy for certain document type, it will get updated
"automatically" as Oracle uses internal structure id to identify default hierarchy. Even name has been changed,
structure id remain the same.

In short, there is no major impacts for hierarchy rename.
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[PO] A Faster Way to Check Approval Assignment
In "Approval Assignment" form, to find existing assignment for a position, I clicked the "Search" button, paste my
position, click " Find" button. Those steps seem easy but I need to repeat it for hundred times.

The faster way, just paste the position directly into the " Position" field, press TAB, the existing assignment will
displayed. It saves me 1 second for each try.
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[PO] Disable a Category
There is a "Enable" check box on the form. But you are not allowed to change, even there are no pending PR or PO
that uses that category. The only way you can do it is to set the " Inactive On" to today's date. You are not allowed to
back date, means entering the date before current date. Once you enter the "Inactive On" to today's date, user will
not able to select this category with immediate effect.

What about PR / PO that was created before hand? Any impact?

The answer is NO. The deactivation will affects only new PR / PO.
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[PO] Change a Category Name
You are allowed to raname existing Category Name.

Will the new name be reflected in existing PR / PO? Yes, because the PR / PO table carries only the category id, not
the category name.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
[PO] No Notification
PR was submitted for approval to person A. Person A has all the employee assignment correct and has a valid
Oracle ID. Why didn't he see the notification in Notification Summary?

I checked in Workflow Administrator, everything seems ok. Notification was sent to him. But he still could not see.

Solution: At Users form, remove the person, Save, enter the person (employee) again, Save. Submit concurrent
program "Synchronize WF LOCAL tables "from System Administrator responsibility.
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[INV] Item Attributes: LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT
Navigation: Purchasing -> List Price
Optional (Y/N): Y

It indicates purchase price for this item. If no sourcing document selected during PR creation, this price will be used
as default price for your item. If it was left blank, the price field for PR will be blank too. This price will need to set to
"0" for MRP purpose.
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[PO] View Action History
In Purchasing Super User responsibilities, we can forward "In Process" PR/PO to new approver (Management -
> Forward Documents). Forward action will be captured in "View Action History".

As for Purchase Order, forwarder's name (in this case, it might be IT personnel's name) will be captured in "View
Action History". However, for Purchase Requisition, forwarder's name will NOT be shown.
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[SYS] Personalize HTML page (JSP)
In conventional Oracle form, we are allowed to perform personalization (very powerful
customization function in 11.5.10). What about the interface that uses HTML page (JSP)? I
never thought that this can be done. If Yes, it will be a fantastic feature in Oracle Applications.

Yes, this can be done.

Turn these 2 profile options on (set value to "Yes"):
FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled
Personalize Self-Service Defn

Once those been turned on, you will be able to see extra link on the JSP page with word
"Personalize". Get into it and you can see different value for Original
Definition, Function,Site & Organization.
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[SYS] To Turn On / Off the Forward-to Person LOV in PR Notification
Screen (Using Personalization)
1) Assign and then go to responsibility : Functional Administrator
2) Go to Personalization Tab
3) Enter the Document Path , ie : /oracle/apps/fnd/wf/worklist/webui/NtfUserRG
4) Click on the Pencil Icon under Manage Personalizations
5) Then select the personalization that you want to delete / deactivate and then click on Deactivate
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[PO] Segment Validation in Account Range
I have a account range setup in one Approval Group for an approver, e.g.

33-00-000-00-811111-000-00000 to 40-99-999-99-899999-999-99999 $10,000

My PR charge account is 34-10-240-00-811110-000-00000, segment 1 within range, but segment 5 out of range.
Does the charge account satisfy the account range? Ans:No.

Oracle checks each segment and not by combination range. E.g. Even 34 fall between 33 and 40, but 811110 failed.
The whole validation will fail.
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Navigation: Purchasing -> Expense Account
Optional (Y/N): Y

This account will be defaulted to the PR charge account based on the ship-to organization you
selected (for expense purchase). You need to link back toGL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table to
get the complete combination.
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[SYS] Column View Get Reset After Each Scroll Down
In Oracle form, my query returns many rows and columns. I was interested in only 1 particular column, which is
column number 8 (for example), I scroll to the right and stop at column 8. And now I wanted to check the value in
column 8 for all rows. I need to scroll down. For every scroll down action, the view was reset, e.g. column 8 is gone
(out of my view) and it resets to column 1. It was really frustrating.

What i did: Highlight value in column 8, perform a "Page Down" using keyboard instead of mouse scroll
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[PO] Consumption Advice Order Date
"Transafer To Regular" transaction was performed on 15 Jan. I ran "Create Consumption Advice" on 31 Jan. When i
query out my blanket release (consumption advice in this case), what is the value for "Order Date"? Ans: 31 Jan.

Where will "15 Jan" get updated? Ans: Need By Date.
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[PO] Delete a Saved Purchase Requisition Line
I need to remove a line in a saved PR. The "Delete" icon does not work in this case. You can only cancel this
line. Tool -> Control menu is not available in Requisition form. Control menu that are used to cancel PR line
available in Requisition Summary form only.
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[PO] PR Status Not Changed After Submitted for Approval
User submitted PR for approval, status did not change to "In Process". Approval limit is OK. Workflow Background
Process is running as per normal. I checked and restarted the "PO Document Approval Manager", the PR status still
no change after submit.
What could be the problem and what else to check?
Checked the Notifications tab in Workflow Status Monitor (under Workflow Administratorresponsibility). It shows error
in our customized trigger onpo_requisition_headers_all table. That's the root cause. Fixed the trigger logic and issue
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[SYS] Effective Date for Responsibilities in Users Form
I entered today's date in the "To" Effective Date field for a responsibility in Users form. Can I still access the
responsibility today? Or it will only block me tomorrow?

Ans: I could not access the responsibility with immediate effect. This is not a standard behavior in other forms,
as different form behaves differently.
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[PO] APP-PO-14180: The forward-to person is not an on-line user
During PR approval submission process, I clicked "Forward" check box and selected the desired hierarchy and
"Forward To" person's name. The above message prompted. What was wrong? Ans: The selected person is not
assigned to a valid Oracle user id ORthe assigned Oracle user id is inactive.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
[ALRT] [ALERT MGR] 2 Types of Alert
Send email or run OS/SQL script or submit concurrent program once alert was triggered on periodic basis. Means it
will triggered by time, e.g. Once a day, Every N day, Every Business Day, etc.

Send email or run OS/SQL script or submit concurrent program once alert was triggered on event basis. This event is
referring to database trigger event, it will triggered "After Insert" or "After Update" of a database table.
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[ALRT] Event Alert
For Event alert, once you verified and saved it, Oracle will create a database trigger (db object) on the table you

For example,
Table name in the Event alert is PO_ABC.

A database trigger will be created with name ALR_PO_ABC_UAR or ALR_PO_ABC_IAR. UAT denotes "Update
After Record", whereas IAR denotes "Insert After Record".

Once Alert is fired, this database trigger will spawn (submit) a concurrent request with name starts with the table
name, e.g. PO_ABC (Check Event Alert). The concurrent request will check SQL in Alert to determine whether to
perform any action.
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[SYS] View Output
I want to View Output for the request submitted by my colleague, button was grayed off. How to enable it?

Change the Profile Option value for Concurrent:Report Access Level. Default value is "User", which means View
Output is only accessible by the particular user that submitted the request. Set it to "Responsibility", now the View
Output button is enabled (provided I select the same responsibility that my colleague used).
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[PO] Profile Option for PO Auto Create
I was searching any available profile option for PO Auto Create. Found a good article onFAQ: Autocreate Purchase
Orders (Note: 223919.1) on Oracle Support.

These are the only 2 profile options mentioned.

PO: Use Need-by Date for Default Autocreate Grouping
PO: Use Ship-to for Default Autocreate grouping

Note: The later one was mentioned incorrectly in that article.
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Navigation: General Planning -> Make or Buy
Possible Values: 1 - Make, 2 - Buy
Optional (Y/N): N

This flag is important to determine the item need to be made (internally) or buy (outside supplier). If it is Make item,
MRP will suggest you to to create Work Order (if shortage). If it is Buy item, MRP will suggest you to create Purchase
Requisition (if shortage).
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[SYS] Action Required: Document Manager Failed With Error Number
PR preparer received an email with above subject. Email details as follows:
The Document Manager failed with error number 3.
Error Number 3 = Unknown Error.
Contact your system administrator.
Error Messages:
POXDMACTION-100: ORA-00054: resource busy and acq
The PR was still in "In Process" status and NOT been forwarded to the next approver.
This problem might happen intermittently due to Oracle workflow was too busy to
process all the requests.
Go Workflow Administrator -> Administrator Workflow -> Status Monitor, search
byItem Key and Type Internal Name ("REQAPPRV" in this case). You will find the
workflow completed with error. Retry the workflow and it should completed normal this
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[SYS] A Scheduled Request
A Scheduled Request submitted by Person A, can Person B who has the "System Administrator" responsibilities
change the scheduled timing? (Request -> View)

Ans: Yes
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[PO] POI_Temp_PO_b679535
PODI API PO_DOCS_INTERFACE_SV5.process_po_headers_interface is used to create PO. What is
"POI_Temp_PO_b679535" has to do with process_po_headers_interface?

SEGMENT1 field was temporary updated with "POI_Temp_PO_b679535" string after the api call. This is hard coded
in Oracle API. Actual PO number will be updated into SEGMENT1 once the whole process completed.
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[PO] To Inactivate a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)
Go Enter Purchase Order form, click "Terms" button, under "Terms" tab, "Agreement Control" section, enter
the Effective End Date today. Note that if theEffective End Date istoday, today's transaction on this BPA still allowed

At back end, both start date and end date is stored in START_DATE and END_DATE inPO_HEADERS_ALL table.
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[PO] File Upload Form
File Attachment is allowed at both PR header and PR line.

At the Enter Requisitions form, click the paper clip icon, Attachments form will open, enter the "Category" and
"Description" and most importantly "Data Type" as file.

Both "Decision" and "File Upload Form" appeared at the same time. This is the confusing part, hope it can be
improved in the future release. You have to first select the file using "File Upload Form" window.

If you can't see the "File Upload Form" window, please check the "pop-up" blocker on your browser or the "File
Upload Form" may be blocked by other windows.
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[SYS] Workflow Administrator, Status Monitor, User Key?
What is the User Key referring to in the "Monitor Search" for workflow? For POAPPRVinternal name, it is referring to
Purchase Order number, whereas forREQAPPRV internal name, it is NOT referring to PR number, but it is blank.
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[PO] I Need An Emergency PO
Emergency PO is a feature in iProcurement. It is not available in the Purchasing core module.

During checkout of the user's shopping cart in iProc, there is a check box appearing at the bottom which indicates "I
Need An Emergency PO".EMERGENCY_PO_NUM field inPO.PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS-ALL table will be
updated with PO number once the PR is saved. This PO number will be used during PO AutoCreate process.
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[PO] Requisition Info in Purchase Order
To trace if a PO line was auto-created from a PR line, check the PO distributions screen, "More" tab, under
Requisition column, it shows PR number,Organization & PR line number. At back end, you can find it by

Also note that if user are manually enter the PR number (not via auto-create), the online check box is not checked.
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[PO] Return Only 1 Requisition (PR) Line
As a buyer, at the AutoCreate Document form, i can return approved PR, for any reasons.

Assuming my PR has 2 lines, can i return only 1 line? Ans: No. As mentioned on the "Return Requisitions"
form, all lines will be returned.
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Monday, December 27, 2010
[PO] Supplier Site Mail Stop - Only Allow 35 Characters
At Supplier -> Supplier Sites form, Contacts tab. There is a Mail Stop field to capture the supplier's email contact. It
has limitation of only 35 characters, which for me it does not make sense. Any standard email can have easily more
than 35 characters. However, there exist another field E-mail field that can capture up to 2000 characters length

By referring to "Window Help", supplier contacts' field is for referencing purpose only. It is not used anywhere else
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[PO] "Closed for Receiving" and "Closed", Different?
Navigate to Purchase Order Shipments, there is a Status field.

When will the status become "Closed for Receiving"? Ans: When all quantity for the shipment line had
been received.

When will the status become "Closed"? Ans: When all quantity received has beenmatched and validated in AP
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[PO] "Change requested" Action
Assuming I'm the buyer for a Purchase Order ABCD123. The PO was approved some time back. Today, I found out
that the Approval Status get changed to "In Process". I did not make any changes to the PO, why it happened? When
i looked at the Action History, last action shown was "Change requested", Performed By is blank. What is the next

"Change requested" is updated to action history if supplier performed changes of PO in I-Supplier and request for
change (approval). A notification will be generated (can find it inWF_NOTIFICATIONS table, PO number appeared
in Subject) and sent to buyer. The next action is pending for buyer to approve or reject. If buyer approve it,
changes will be permanent and approval status will change back to "Approved". If buyer reject it, changes will be
ignore and approval status change back to "Approved". Action in theAction history get updated with Accept or
Reject, Performed By is buyer's name.
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[PO] Wrong Manual Adding During AutoCreate - Impact
Line1 ItemA (Already autocreate to PO PO-1, Line1)
Line2 ItemB (Already autocreate to PO PO-1, Line2)
Line3 ItemC

Now, i want to perform an action "Add To" for PO PO-1 from PR PR-1 Line3, inAutoCreate Documents form,
by Manual method. I wrongly added it intoexisting line, PO-1, Line1.

What was the impact? Ans: Quantity for PO-1, Line1 will increase (PR-1 Line1 + PR-1 Line3), PR-1 Line3's price will
not be captured (price for PO-1 Line1 which follows PR-1 Line1 price, not changed), PR-1 Line3's item code and
description will not be captured (existing code and description not changed), additional shipment line under the same
PO line will be created.
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[INV] Cost Group - Disabled in the Inventory Organization Setup
For setting new organization for Inventory Child, Organization -> Inventory OrganizationSetup -> Inventory
Information -> Costing Information. Default Cost Group field is disabled, but the Valuation Accounts field are
mandatory. Once I perform a Save action, Default Cost Group field was updated with some value, e.g. CG-xxxx,
where xxxx denotes any numeric number. This is the new cost group that were create automatically. Prior to
R11i,Common cost group would be defaulted.

DO REMEMBER to test your costing after any new inventory org setup as Cost Group is something new in R11i.
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[PO] Default Buyer After AutoCreate
You need to setup as a Buyer before you can access AutoCreate form (Setup ->Personnel -> Buyers).
After AutoCreate, Purchase Order will be created and buyer name will be defaulted to the creator's name (the person
who perform AutoCreate). Even if there is default buyer selected at Requisition, creator will take precedence.
However, buyer's name still can be modified at PO entry form.
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[SYS] Compile Oracle Form
OS: Unix/Linux
(1) Copy your form (fmb file) into $AU_TOP/forms/US folder
(2) Navigate to $AU_TOP/forms/US folder
(3) f60gen module=myform.fmb userid=apps/mypassword output_file=$PO_TOP/forms/US/myform.fmx
Third step will compile the fmb file into fmx file, which is a executable from Oracle Applications.
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[PO] Emergency PO - Error During AutoCreate
Emergency PO feature is only available in iProcurement. But, "we" did some customization on the core module to
make use of this feature. In standard Oracle, emergency PO number is stored in EMERGENCY_PO_NUM field
inPO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL table. We have a custom form for emergency PR, which once submitted for
approval, a emergency PO number will be generated and stored in EMERGENCY_PO_NUM field.
DuringAutoCreate process, this PO number will be defaulted and greyed off (disabled field). This works fine.

Until 1 day, user reported an error message during AutoCreate, "This line cannot be put on the document because
the emergency purchase order number for this line is different than the emergency purchase order number(s) for the
other line(s).". Why?

The reported PR has 2 lines, line 1 already been AutoCreate to a PO. User tried to add another line onto the same
PO, the above message appeared. During troubleshooting, I found out that the PO created was not a ePO, there is
no PO field to identify (except the EMERGENCY_PO_NUM field at PR header), I confirmed this by verifying the ePO
number, which we have customized. But, there was a value in EMERGENCY_PO_NUMfield, and it is different from
the PO number that was created earlier. Something wrong in our customization, which updated
the EMERGENCY_PO_NUM field after the first AutoCreate. During the second AutoCreate, System is expecting the
value inEMERGENCY_PO_NUM field to be equal to the PO number which was created earlier. To rectify this, I did
date patch to set EMERGENCY_PO_NUM field to NULL.
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[PO] Create a New Document in Document Catalog
Document Catalog is a repository to store commonly used text or attachment that need to be attached to Oracle form,
e.g Purchase Order Entry form, BOM, Item Master, etc. This applies to all forms the support Attachment feature
(paper clip icon enabled on the toolbar).

To create a new document in Document Catalog, first add new sequence at theAttachment form, choose
appropriate data type (File, Long Text, Short Text or Web Page). Enter the content. Save it. Click "Publish To
Catalog" button. System will prompt you a decision box, "Select the usage type for the catalog publication of this
document.". You can select either "Template" or "Standard". With "Template" option, your content is editable but
definition is OU specific. With "Standard" option, your content is not editable and definition is not OU specific.
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[PO] Destination Organization and Ship-To Location in PR and PO
We need to specify Organization and Location at each Requisition line. When it get converted to PO, when do these
fields defaulted to?

Ans: At Shipment line, Org and Ship-To respectively.
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[PO] Change Content for Document in Document Catalog
There is no option to edit the document content at the Document Catalog form.

Workaround: At the Attachment form, enter a new line with same description, Save & Publish. The new content will
overwrite the current content of the document based on the same description.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010
[PO] Price Column at Purchase Order Lines and Requisition Lines
I have a PR, entered in foreign currency, e.g. JPY. My functional currency is USD. The PR was converted to PO

In standard view, at PR lines, there is a Price column. At PO lines, there is also a Pricecolumn. PR line's price
column will show price in functional currency (e.g. USD), PO line's price column will show price in foreign
currency that i entered (e.g. JPY).
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[ALRT] Manually Trigger a Alert
How to manually trigger a Alert which has Frequency set as "On Demand"?

Ans: Under Alert Manager responsibility, Request -> Check, enter Application name,Alert name, Start Date and click
"Submit Request".
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[PO] Vacation Rules
You are a busy PR approver and plan to go vacation the following week. You do not have chance to approve PR
during your absence. What you can do is to setup a Vacation Rulues so that you can delegate the task to your
backup person. Your backup person will approve/reject on your behalf. Once the backup person performed the
action, notification will flow as per original path.

Note that you can set the Start Date and End Date of your rule, and you can specify time as well.
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[SYS] No Organizations Are Currently Defined
After setting a new Operating Unit (OU), I encountered this problem when i tried to open
any forms that are related to Inventory Organization.
Steps I used in organization setup (has to be in sequential mode):
(1) Setup new Set of Book
(2) Setup new Location
(3) Setup new Legal Entity
(4) Setup new Operating Unit
(5) Setup new Inventory Organization
(6) Setup new responsibility
(7) Setup Profile Option for new responsibility

Everything is smooth till I click on the "Change Organization" in my new responsibility. It
prompted me "No Organizations are currently defined.". These happened to other
forms that use inventory organization as well, such as Material Transactions, Receipts,
This has something to do with Organization Access. After checked Organization
Access,ORG_ACCESS table is empty. Setup has been verified many times, nothing
was missed out.
We finally discovered it was a customization on standard view, ORG_ACCESS_VIEW.
This is root cause of the issue.
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[SYS] Utilities:Diagnostics
To disable the password promting when i click "Examine", set the Profile Option to value "Yes"
for Utilities:Diagnostics.
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Friday, December 24, 2010
[INV] Copy Item Template
Setup -> Items -> Templates

First enter a new template name at Item Template form, then go Tool -> Copy Template. Select the template name
that you want to copy from.

Note that you can't copy item template from 1 inventory org to another. You can only copy item template within the
same inventory organization. If source Item Template has no organization tied to it, it can be copied to any
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[OM] Cannot Perform Shipping Transactions
At Shipping Transactions form, Action combo box is disabled. Can't perform pick release, create delivery, etc.

Grant role to user at OM responsibility. At Shipping Execution Grants form, add record, enter user name & save.
Setup -> Shipping -> Grants and Role Definitions -> Grants

Default role is "Upgrade Role", which you can maintain it in
Setup -> Shipping -> Grants and Role Definitions -> Define Roles
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[OM] Launch Pick Release Failed
My Sales Order (SO) has been booked successfully. Order header status is Booked, order line status is Awaiting
Shipping. Quantity on-hand is sufficient. At Shipping Transactions form, I performed "Launch Pick Release", order
line status remainedAwaiting Shipping, it did not change to Picked.

No warning or error was prompted.

In my case, it was due to Credit Hold. Go Order Header -> Actions -> Additional Order Information, I saw Hold with
message "Credit check hold applied. Overall limit exceeded.". GoActions -> Release Holds to release hold before
proceed to Pick Release.

In order to perform Release Holds action, you need to be given authorities. Get the Holds Name and check the
authorizations at Setup -> Orders -> Holds.
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[OM] Where to Setup New Sales Order Type
Under Order Management responsibility, Setup -> Transactions Types -> Define
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[SYS] Form Personalizations - Set Property Value for Descriptive
Assuming you have have 3 flexfields for each line of record, but for setting the value forTarget Object, there is only
1 Target Object available for 3 flexfields, e.g. {something}.DESCFLEX, how to set value for 3 of them?

Ans: At the Value field, enter something like this => Value1.Value2.Value3

Separate each value by a dot.
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[SYS] Form Personalizations - Setting Property Value by Calling a
SQL Query
Can be done.

Enter the value as below:

:RCV_TRANSACTION.PO_NUMBER is a Target Object ("Item" Type) name, which you can refer after you clicked on
"Insert Item Value..." button. It can also be found underTarget ObjectLOV with Object Type "Item".
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[SYS] Java Cache Caused Internet Explorer Crashed
I was trying to launch the Oracle form (in Java applet), IE crashed. I tried on Firefox, it did not get launched at all.
Restarted my system, problem still there.

Before I decided to call Helpdesk to examine my system, I found a trick that can save me a lot of time dealing with

Checked "Control Panel", "JInitiator" (your version might be different), "Cache" tab. My total file size in
JAR Cache folder has exceeded the limit. I have then removed all cache files in that folder, increased my size limit,
and it works!!!
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[OM] Pick List Ship-To Address Not Get Updated
It is an address issue.

The Ship-to Address appears on the Pick List (for ISO) is retrieved fromwsh_locations table. As for IR-ISO setup,
ship-to-address comes from Customeraddress instead of Location address.

When we updates the customer address, hz_locations table get update. By right, bothhz_locations table
and wsh_locations table should be synchronized automatically. But, in my case, it was not. Business event
"" is enabled, everything else is fine. But the synchronize is not happening.

Logged a tar and Oracle came back with suggestion to run "Import Shipping Location" program in OM responsibility
to synchronize the table. These was their reply (copied from some another article).

"...The 'Import Shipping locations' concurrent program imports all of the internal and external
locations from HR/HZ LOCATIONS tables into the WSH_LOCATIONS tables.

This program should be executed at least once when upgrading to 11.5.9. After the
upgrade, it should not be required to rerun this concurrent program since any
changes in the HR/HZ LOCATIONS tables are automatically synced up with WSH

There are a few exceptions when Import Shipping Locations concurrent program should be run. These exceptions
would be only when any updates to a
Customer's information does not get reflected when creating a new sales order
or when you find any inconsistencies in Location records when interfaced from
HR to WSH Locations, such as an incorrect country code..."

Question is the auto-sync is not happening and Oracle can't give reason why.

End up I have to run "Import Shipping Location" program to solve the issue (and it took 3.5 hours to complete with the
Start-Date value = sysdate-4).

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Thursday, December 23, 2010
[SYS] Trick - Maximise Form
Due to "bad" design of Oracle Form UI, the grid information in Oracle form will not maximise eventhough I maximised
the form. 1 typical example is Material Transactionform.
There a trick to "force" the grid to grow bigger, and then fit to the maximised form.
First, maximise the form.
Then, move the mouse in between 2 fields until a double-headed arrow appears.
Double Click.
You will see this magic works.
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[AR] Customer - Types & Address
Oracle has 2 customer types, Person or Organization.
Person is mainly use for retails business whereas Organization is used for company that has company as target
Customer is differenciated by Party Number and Customer Number. If Customer TypeisPerson, Party
Number refers to Person Number, if Customer Type is Organization, Party Number refers to Organization Number.
Party Number and Customer Number are cross OUs and organizations, this means the same customer just need to
be defined once. In different OUs, the Party Number andCustomer Number will be shared and it will be differenciated
by Customer Address.
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[OM] HL Pick Slip SRS Report -> Completed Warning
After Pick Release action, pick slip report will get submitted, but it often completed warning.

How to know if actual picking taken place? Picking could be failed or success even the program completed warning.
E.g. For printing issue, even it completed warning, but the stock has been picked.

From Requests list, click on the request, view Output. If there is records there, it was successfully picked.
Another faster way, observe the request in the list, if the 4th and 5th parameters have value, it is successful.
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[WIP] Missing Item Code in LOV
In order to build an assembly item in WIP, the "Pick Components" check box should NOTbe checked
(Order Management tab in Item form).

If it is checked, it will not appear in the Assembly LOV when user tried to create a WIP discrete job. It will
also not appear in Routing LOV. Anyway, it will still appears in BOM LOV.
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[OM] Unable to Pick Release Internal Sales Order (ISO)
ISO was created from Internal Requisition (IR), order line status is "Awaiting Shipping", shipment line status is "Ready
to Release", next step is "Pick Release". Performed Pick Release, shipment line status is not changed. As usual, no
error shown in the log.

After investigation, found onhand no issue, inventory period is opened, what else could be the cause?

Ans: The ISO has tied to subinventory ABC, but the manual Pick Release is picked from subinventory DEF. So,
change the "Pick From" subinventory to ABC, problem solved. Note: ISO subinventory is defaulted from IR
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[GL] Receiving Journal Transfer to GL by Journal Import
Found a good article on Receiving (Purchasing) Journal transfer to GL by Journal Import.

Related SQL:
FROM apps.gl_interface
WHERE user_je_source_name = 'Purchasing'
AND user_je_category_name = 'Receiving'

In R11i for Inventory Destination Transactions, the Receiving Transaction Processor Debits and Credits the
Receiving Account and Inventory AP Accrual Account respectively in GL_INTERFACE and
RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER. These Transactions in GL_INTERFACE are identified with
User_je_source_name ='Purchasing' and user_je_category_name 'Receiving'. In RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER
these transactions are identified by column accrual_method_flag ='O'
In R11i for Period End Transactions ie Transactions with accrue_on_receipt_flag ='N' in PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL,
no accounting transactions are generated on receipt of goods. The Receipt_Accrual_Period-End program generates
the Accounting Entries in GL_INTERFACE and RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER simultaneously by Debiting
Charge Account and Crediting Expense AP Accrual Account. In GL_INTERFACE the Transactions are identified by
column names user_je_source_name='Purchasing' and user_je_category_name ='Acccrual'. In
RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER the Transactions are identified by column Accrual_Method_flag ='P'.

In R11i both On Line Transactions and Period End Transactions are moved from GL_INTERFACE to

In R12 GL_INTEFACE TABLE is no longer directly used for Receiving Transactions. The Receiving Transaction
Processor only populates the RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER with Inventory Destination Transactions. The
Receipt_Accrual_Period-End program also only populates the RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER with Expense
Destination Period End Accruals.

Create Accounting-Receiving Concurrent program from Cost Mangement Responsibility transfers the journals in
RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER to SLA Tables. Once the accounting entries are created in receiving subledger for
the receiving transactions, Create Accounting process gets started depending on the profile option CST:Receiving
Accounting option and the encumbrance set up.

On submitting this program, it spawns the Accounting program which will do the validations and picks the data from
table rcv_receiving_sub_ledger and process it according to the accrual method set for the POs

Depending on the accrual method and the value for profile SLA:Disable journal import, this spawned program
"Accounting program" inserts the data into gl_interface first and then calls the Journal import program and posting
program and populates the accounting events in subledger table xla_ae_headers and entries in xla_ae_lines and
If there is any problem with the Journal import, the data will get rolled back from gl_interface. Once the Journal import
is completed, data will get populated in gl_import_references,gl_je_headers and gl_je_lines.


Refer to Metalink Note 827125.1 for details.
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[WIP] Work Order is Canceled and Onhand Stock Not Released
Stock is reserved due to the allocation done during WIP Component Pick Releaseprocess. Even job is canceled, the
allocation will not be released. Hence, the onhand is still not available for other transactions' use.

In order to increase the availability, we need to remove the job allocation.

Go to "Transact Move Orders" menu, go to "Pick Wave" tab, "Work Order" section, enter the job number, query the
job. Cancel allocation at Tools->Cancel Allocations
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[OM] Meaning of wsh_new_deliveries.released_status
Meaning of wsh_new_deliveries.released_status field value, reproduced from Document406189.1.

B Backordered Line failed to be allocated in Inventory
C Shipped Line has been shipped
D Cancelled Line is Cancelled
N Not ready for release Line is not ready to be released
R Ready to release Line is ready to be released
S Released to Warehouse Line has been released to Inventory for processing
X Not Applicable Line is not applicable for Pick Release
Y Staged Line has been picked and staged by Inventory
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[OM] Order Shipping Line Status Stuck in "Shipped", Next Step "Run
Obviously "Interface Trip Stop" program has been ran, but status is not change. What could be the reason behind?

Check error records in Transaction Open Interface (Transactions->Transaction Open Interface). Any error stuck
with error in the interface will cause this issue.


process_flag => 3, if error
organization_id => Inventory Organization
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
At the Order Header table, SOLD_TO_ORG_ID refers to customer_id whereasSHIP_TO_ORG_ID is
the ORGANIZATION_ID from OE_SHIP_TO_ORGS_V. From theSHIP_TO_ORG_ID field, we can trace back the
actual ship-to address for a particular order.

Before we can use OE_SHIP_TO_ORGS_V view in sql, we have to first initialize the view. However, we can skip it by
going direct to the tables.

--to get actual ship to address for a Sales Order
select hl.*
apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all cs,
apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all cas,
apps.hz_party_sites ps,
apps.hz_locations hl
hl.location_id=ps.location_id and
ps.party_site_id=cas.party_site_id and
cas.cust_acct_site_id=cs.cust_acct_site_id and'IN' and
hl.state='JAMMU AND KASHMIR' and
cs.site_use_code='SHIP_TO' and
order by cs.site_use_id desc

--to get order base on ship to address
-- cs.site_use_id equals oe_order_headers_all.ship_to_org_id
select * from apps.oe_order_headers_all where ship_to_org_id in (
select cs.site_use_id
apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all cs,
apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all cas,
apps.hz_party_sites ps,
apps.hz_locations hl
hl.location_id=ps.location_id and
ps.party_site_id=cas.party_site_id and
cas.cust_acct_site_id=cs.cust_acct_site_id and'IN' and
hl.state='JAMMU AND KASHMIR' and
cs.site_use_code='SHIP_TO' and
cs.org_id=123 )
and order_type_id=2345
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[SYS] Concurrent Program Always in Pending Status
Some times we found out a submitted request is always in Pending status, we need to know if the manager is running
fine. To determine which concurrent manager is handling a specific concurrent program, run this,

SELECT user_concurrent_program_name, user_concurrent_queue_name
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cp,
apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content cqc,
apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_tl cq
WHERE cqc.type_application_id(+) = cp.application_id
AND cqc.type_id(+) = cp.concurrent_program_id
AND cqc.type_code(+) = 'P'
AND cqc.include_flag(+) = 'I'
AND cp.user_concurrent_program_name = '&USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME'
AND NVL (cqc.concurrent_queue_id, 0) = cq.concurrent_queue_id
AND NVL (cqc.queue_application_id, 0) = cq.application_id
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[GL] Manual Journal Import Needed
A case study:
User submitted "General Ledger Transfer Program" from AR module, "Journal Import" will be called internally. What
happened is "Journal Import"completed error with error, "ORA-01653: unable to extend table

GL journal batch is not created.

After DBA fixed the tablespace issue, user reran "General Ledger Transfer Program" as the program says no records
to be interfaced, completed warning.

What to do next: Go GL module, Journals->Import->Run, submit journal import with the right Group ID (can be
retrieved from "General Ledger Transfer Program" log).
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[SYS] Default Type: Profile
We have different value in Default Type in concurrent program parameter, Constant,Current Date, etc. I want to share
about "Profile" in this post.

For Default Type Profile, the Default Value indicates Profile Name (In Application
Developer responsiblity, Name field in Profile). Note that the User Profile Name is what we see in the System
Administrator responsibility.

The value which returns to the concurrent program is the value for the Profile Name, either user, responsibility, or
other levels.
SELECT profile_option_name, user_profile_option_name
FROM apps.fnd_profile_options_vl
WHERE profile_option_name = 'MY_CUSTOM_PROFILE_NAME'

profile_option_name is referring to Profile Name, user_profile_option_name is referring toUser Profile Name.
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[INV] Item Cross References in Item Search
We have setup different Cross Reference Types for OM usage. Each type was defined in different inventory

Now, in Production instance I do not have access to view the assignment (Items->Cross References was excluded).
How can I check it?

Front End:
Use Item Search (Items->Item Search). Enter the inventory org, make sure the Showvalue is Cross References.
Enter the Cross Reference Type andValue, click Find. We can see the assignment in the next screen.

Back End:
select cross_reference_type type, cross_reference selling_sku,
inv_item_concat_segs stocking_sku, description
from apps.MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES_V where cross_reference_type='ABC_XREF' and
cross_reference in
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[OM] Validation failed for the field - Ship To
Encountered this error during Order Copy (at header level).

Root Cause:
Customer Site Location is deactivated.

Activate it. Customer->Standard. Choose the correct address base on the ship to address shown in the sale order,
click "Open". Identify "Ship To" underUsage column, check the Active checkbox.

Some useful backend table for these:
Take oe_order_headers_all.ship_to_org_id to hz_cust_site_uses_all.site_use_id,hz_cust_site_uses_all.location field
refers Customer Site Location.

We can get the Customer Site Number by using
select ps.party_site_number
apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all cs,
apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all cas,
apps.hz_party_sites ps,
apps.hz_locations hl
hl.location_id=ps.location_id and
ps.party_site_id=cas.party_site_id and
cas.cust_acct_site_id=cs.cust_acct_site_id and
cs.site_use_code='SHIP_TO' and
cs.org_id=123 and
cs.site_use_id = 12345678
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[INV] APP-PO-14736: You cannot source from and deliver to the
same subinventories
IR Creation
I have Requisitions Preferences as follows.

Destination Type: Inventory
Organization: A1
Location: A1Location
Subinventory: A1Sub
Source: Inventory
Organization: A2

Click Apply. Exit Requisitions form.

Open Requisitions form, select Type as Internal Requisition, tab. The above Preferenceswill be defaulted.

Enter the item code at line level, APP-PO-14736 error prompted, my source organization is overwritten to A1,
source subinventory has the value of A1Sub. Why?

Checked Item and Item Transaction Defaults, nothing special was found. Finally, drilled down to Subinventories level.
For A1Sub subinventory, there existItem Subinventories link. For the item code i entered, the Sourcing
Organization is A1 and Subinventory is A1Sub. These value get defaulted to sourcing org and subinv after item code
was entered (with field exit) in Requisitions form. As the result, sourcing subinv and deliver-to subinv is the same,
which leads to above error.

Remove this Item Subinventories defaulting, or
Manual correct the sourcing org and subinv at Requisitions form level, or
Change to another Destination Subinventory
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
[SYS] FND: Default Request Days
"FND: Default Request Days" profile decides the default value shown in "Select the Number of Days to View"
field after you choose View->Requests
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It has been a bit confusing, hence i summarized the fields' values and meaning as follows:

P - Pending
C - Completed
R - Running

Q - Standby //Scheduled
R - Running
C - Normal
D - Cancelled
E - Error
G - Warning
I - Normal //Inactive
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Monday, December 20, 2010
[OM] Query Manager for Shipping Transactions Form
Org Code is not defaulted to the OU's inventory organization, but it is defaulted to another inventory
organization which has no relationship with current OU. Somemore, Org Code field is disabled. Why?

Ans: Setup->Shipping->Grants and Role Definitions->Grants. Grant to your Oracle user id, the Org Code will
be enabled with blank. Set the Org Code from there (the field is optional).
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[OM] Shipping Method - Lookups
To look at the complete list of Shipping Method, you need to go to Setup->Organizations->Shipping Methods in
Inventory responsibility. It is a System Lookups, type: SHIP_METHOD.You can add/modify/remove Shipping
Method there.
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[OM] Picked Quantity Auto Transferred Back After Backordered?
Picked quantity (Pick Release process) will NOT be transferred back automatically to original
locator/subinventory after Backordered transaction.
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[SYS] Best Practise - To Update a Record Value in Setup Form
Read a documentation, it mentioned the best practise to update a record value during Oracle setup (at form
level). Instead of bulk query and update 1 record, query the specific record, update it.

You know why? This is to prevent potential bug on the form that will update all records even you update 1.
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[SYS] Where is Value Set Used?
Value Set in Oracle stores set of values, so that it can be used in elsewhere, in Descriptive Flexfield Segments,
Key Flexfield Segments and even Concurrent Program Parameters.How do we know the where-used?

Ans: Navigate to Application->Validation->Set, open the form, query the value set, click "Usages" button.
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[INV] Where did the Onhand Quantity Gone?
Onhand shows 12400, Available is 9400, no reservation for this item, where did the 3000 qty gone?

Ans: Check Pending Transactions
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[SYS] Default Value for Organization Code
To set default value for Organization Code in the concurrent program parameter, use this.

select organization_code from org_organization_definitions where
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[OM] 1 Delivery Has Many Delivery Lines, How to Backorder Only 1
Delivery Line
At Shipping Transactions form, query the delivery line by order number and item code (assuming this item has
only 1 delivery line), enter the Shipped Qty as 0, Backordered Qty as the total quantity at the delivery line.Click
Delivery tab, select "Ship Entered Quantities", press OK. If a delivery has multiple lines, only the selected line
will be backordered.
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[OM] Setting Up Internal Customer for IR-ISO
How does customer get recognized during Internal Sales Order (ISO) creation?

Ans: Location. In IR, there is a Ship-to-Location, and this internal location must tie to the same location defined
in Customer Address (Customers->Addresses->Location->Internal Location). Each unique location can only
assigned to only 1 customer and 1 address.Table for customer address and location: RA_SITE_USES_ALL
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[OM] Auto Allocation in Transact Move Order for a Sales Order
If the SO shipment status is now "Released to Warehouse", we need to perform Transact Move Orders. For the
Move Order, which setup trigger auto allocation?

Ans: In the Release Rules form, Inventory tab, Auto Allocate selection (Yes/No)
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[INV] Item Reservation History Report
Is there such a report in OM or Inventory? Ans: No. It is categorized an enhancement request. Refer Note

~OracleA2Z~: This is correct as of Jul 31, 2009.
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[SYS] Hard to Find the Flexfield Title and Application?
We need to trace back and check the flexfield setup, some time it's a bit difficult to guess the title name.Click
on the record, go menu Help->Diagnostics->Examine, change the Block value to
"$DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD$", check the field Value. E.g If it shows "Flexfield Segment Values (Application
Object Library)", means the Descriptive Flexfield Segments Title is "Flexfield Segment Values"
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
[INV] Inventory Onhand History (Daily)
There is a way to trace back the history onhand quantity for certain item code.Go On-hand, Availability-
>Inventory Positions->Build, we can build a image of item onhand history by given it a name (Data Set), we can
view it online and also save it. Bucket size can go down to Hour level, it means it shows history onhand by
hour.Thanks for Mohammad's input.
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[SYS] Time Zone Conversion
I created a sale order, checked order header record history, the "Update Date" is differs from the
last_update_time in oe_orders_headers_all, why?Check the system profile values for Client Timezone and
Enable Timezone Conversions, any time zone setup in these profiles will get reflected in the front-end display
of time related records.Note: Backend time is always consisitent.
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[INV] Wrong Item Code Used in IR, ISO had been Shipped, How?
Wrong Item Code, ISO been shipped, but receiving for IR is not done yet. Anyway quick way to fix?First of all,
there is no RMA and RTV functions available for IR-ISO, this is a very BIG design gap.Workaround 1:Receive
the wrong Item Code. Create a reversal IR-ISO.Workaround 2:Miscellaneous Receipt back quantity to Shipping
Organization, make sure Credit Account is correct. Final Close the IR.
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[OM] No Delivery Detail Found
After Ship-Confirm action, shipping line status is Closed, Interface Trip Stop program completed Warning, with
warning message "No Delivery Detail Found" in the log file.

Where to rectify this?

Ans: Go Inventory responsibility, Transactions->Transaction Open Interface, check for any errors in the shipping
organization. Rectify from there.
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[OM] Pick Release in Shipping Transactions Form
This is an alternate way to perform pick release at a place other than Release Sales Ordersform.
Only Lines/LPNs tab is enabled, other tabs like "Delivery", "Path by Stop" & "Path by Trip" are disabled as picking is
not done yet. Go "Action" LOV, choose "Launch Pick Release", clickGo button.
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[OM] Internal Requisition Approved, Internal Sales Order Created and
Picked, Need to Cancel All, How?
Ans: First perform backorder for ISO, cancel the ISO, then cancel the IR. Do remember to move back the
inventory from staging to picking.
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[OM] Cancel Order Does Not Appear on Shipping Transaction Form
Cancelled order does not have Pick-Up date attached. That's why when user enters Pick-Up date as
parameters, no record shown.
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[OM] Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click
At the Order Organizer form, we can perform multiple lines selection at the line level using hot
key Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click.

This is useful if we need to perform the same Actions across all order lines. E.g. I wanted to release multiple order
line holds all at one go. I click on the first row, move my mouse to the end row, press Shift+Click, all order lines will
be selected with highlight color blue. Then, I proceed to Actions button to perform Release Holds action. This action
will be applied to all selected order lines.
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[PO] RCV: Processing Mode
System Profile "RCV: Processing Mode" decides the processing mode for receiving transactions, it can be
either in "Batch", "Immediate" or "On-line" modes. It is reflected in
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[INV] Lot Expiry Date Maintenance
Yes, we can change the item lot Expiry Date without having to transact out and transact in the same item.Go
On-hand, Availability->Lots in Inventory responsibility.
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[BOM] Why Material Appears in Work Order, but Not In BOM?
A very common "overlook" - Should check the Indented Bill of Material, it should appear in another level.

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