July 30, 2014 Builder

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First Baptist

July 30, 2014
Pastor Rev. Paul Medley
Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer
Sunday July 27, 2014
Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By
Bible Study

August 6
Swedish Meatballs
Roasted Vegetables
Mashed Potatoes
August 3
Threasa Hall, Eddie & Nan Jordan, Winston & Marcia Brock, Krystal
Hiers, Chelsey Jones and Wendell & Carla Nix.

Calling all Women of First Baptist Church to a PAINT PARTY
Friday, August 15
from 6:00 until in the FBC Fellowship Hall
Bring your favorite salad or dessert!!!
The total cost is $25 per person which includes cutout, paint, brushes
and bow. To sign up, bring a $10 deposit and the cutout shape you
request to the church office or see Kathy Dugan in the Education
Building hallway during the Sunday School hour. (Remaining balance
of $15 is due night of party.)
THANK YOU!, Clarene Jones for seventeen years of
faithful service to our Lord as Administrative Assistant at FBC.
We will miss you in the office.
This Sunday is the day we set aside for the election of
Deacons. Our church asks for 30 men to serve on a rotating basis
for a period of three years. This year, due to moves and deaths,
we need 15 men to serve. Seven men have passed the deacon
screening process and will be presented for vote on this Sunday
morning. Because we do not have a full 15 we can vote for the
approval of all seven at one time. The men who have agreed to
serve if elected are: Jim Beck, Hal Burrell, Mickey Doss,
Lindsey Gay, Fred Rayfield, Dewey Robinson and Hugh Willis.
We will vote at the end of the Morning Worship services.
Earl Barron will be with us on Saturday Morning,
August 9, to teach the Book, I AM A CHURCH MEMBER, by
Thom Rainer. I am asking all adult classes to teach this book for
the first six weeks of the new church year. Copies will be made
available for students to purchase. Some of the literature for the
next quarter is also using this for the first six studies. Earl will
be leading sessions in the Fellowship Hall from 8:30 until noon.
This is also open to non teachers that want a head start on the
new year.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Michael Widner and family in the death of his aunt and Gene
Dunlap and families in the death of his cousin, Lydia Faircloth of

Philip Barber and family in the death of his brother, Everette
Bubber Barber.

Elaine & Rick Trammell and family in the death of her sister,
Annelle McClendon Fulford.
Saturday, August 2
Prayer Walk Schools 10:00 AM

Sunday, August 3
Early Worship 8:30 AM
Bible Study 9:45 AM
Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Church Council 4:00 PM
Evening Worship 6:30 PM

Monday, August 4
Saints Alive Rehearsal 10:30 AM
Fellowship Club Noon
Property Committee 6:00 PM

Tuesday, August 5
Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM

Wednesday, August 6
Student Ministry 6:00 PM
Family Supper 6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Chancel Choir 7:45 PM

Saturday, August 9
I Am A Church Member training
8:30 AM
Darkness to Light training 10:00 AM
Join us at noon on Monday, August 4, as our Fellowship
Club resumes its activities for the fall. Bring your covered
dish. Our planning team has met and has some great pro-
grams planned for Senior Adults for 2014-2015 year.
The FALL JUBILEE for Senior Adults will be held at the
Gatlinburg Convention Center, Sept. 29-Oct. 1. Top gospel
artists like The Kingsmen, Gold City, Ricky Skaggs,
DINO, Lynda Randle, Jason Crabb, and Dennis Swanberg
will entertain us. Two of Americas most dynamic Bible
preachers, Johnny Hunt and Charles Stanley, will bless us
with fresh messages from the Word of God. Make your res-
ervation at Fellowship Club this Monday. Space is limited.
Call me for details.
Our graded choir program for children 3 years old through
5th grade will kick off the new year on Wednesday, August
13. The choirs will meet from 5:45 to 6:20 PM each
Wednesday. Make your reservation and stay for the family
night supper, too! Look for a postcard with details of your
childs teachers and rooms where they will meet.
Mark Monday, August 4 on your calendars as the starting
date to begin another great year of singing and ministry in
the SAINTS ALIVE CHOIR. Last year was our best ever
with many new members and lots of opportunities to lead
worship and share Gods love with hundreds of folks in as-
sisted living facilities. The new music for our Sr. Adult
Choir Festival is in. Well discuss the dates and share our
plans for 2014-2015 at our 10:30 AM rehearsal that day.
Bring a friend and have some fun with Saints Alive.

School Starts and Prayer Walking
Students return to the classroom this week. Please remember
to pray for the students as they head back to their mission
field. You can join us in praying for the school year this
Saturday, August, 2nd. We are meeting at the church at 10:00
and will be prayer walking at each school. Come and join us!!
What a great way to spend a Saturday morning.

Tuesday Prayer Breakfast
Starting back Tuesday, August 12 at 6:30 am. Meet at Bettys
as we eat, pray, and hear from the Word together.

Fall Kickoff
Wednesday, August, 6 we will begin our meal and Bible
study. Wednesday, August 20 will be a special night as we
kickoff our Wednesday Night Service.

Sunday Nights
Be looking out for details about Sunday nights. We are
working on a plan to make Sunday nights the place to be for
our students to worship together.


August 2 Prayer walk
August 6 Youth Supper & Bible Study
August 12 Prayer Breakfast Begins

Prayer Walk Bainbridge Schools! Saturday, August 2
Meet in FBC Parking Lot 10 am
If you are interested in joining us as we lift up teachers, staff and
students in prayer at all the elementary schools in Bainbridge, please
join us! We will meet at FBC, divide into teams and pray at the same
time for our community all across Bainbridge!

AWANA Sunday, August 10
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Ages 3 years through 5th grade
Help your child hide God's Word in his or her heart! AWANA helps
children memorize scripture, learn more about God and have tons of
fun. Plus, AWANA kids are involved in service projects throughout
the year.

We are still looking for more adult help in making this program a
success! Please be a part of helping a child learn more about Christ.
There are several levels of involvement and we would love to discuss
options with you. Email AWANA Commander Julie Cottles at
[email protected] or Stacey (see contact info below).

AWANA Leaders will meet Sunday, August 3, at 6:30 pm in the
Fellowship Hall to get ready for the year!

Extended Session
We need a few more people to help out in extended session this year!
Please consider serving on one of our 8 teams. You will be in the
nursery during the 11 am service roughly 7 times in 2014-2015.
Children's Ministry
There are still a few big holes in the 2014-2015 year for service. I
know that means God is calling you to serve possibly as a Sunday
School teacher, AWANA leader or RA/GA leader. I may not have
spoken to you yet, but please be obedient to the Lord as He leads you
into service for our church during the next year. The first step is to
call and talk with me!


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