Eating Fruit: It Means Not Eating Fruits After Your Meals! Fruits Should Be Eaten On An Empty Stomach
Eating Fruit: It Means Not Eating Fruits After Your Meals! Fruits Should Be Eaten On An Empty Stomach
Eating Fruit: It Means Not Eating Fruits After Your Meals! Fruits Should Be Eaten On An Empty Stomach
Dr Stephen Mak is a friend of mine at the BSF course. He told me he treats terminal ill cancer patients
by "un-orthodox" way and many patients recoered. He explains to me before he is usin! solar ener!y
to clear the illnesses of his patients. He beliees on natural healin! in the body a!ainst illnesses. See
the article below.
Dear Shereen"
#hanks for the email on fruits and $uices. %t is one of the strate!ies to heal cancer. &s of late" my success
rate in curin! cancer is about '(). *ancer patients shouldn+t die. #he cure for cancer is already found.
%t is whether you beliee it or not, % am sorry for the hundreds of cancer patients who die under the
conentional treatments.. .
#hanks and -od bless.
Dr Stephen Mak
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%t+s lon! but ery informatie
2e all think eatin! fruits means $ust buyin! fruits" cuttin! it and $ust poppin! it into our mouths. %t+s not as
easy as you think. %t+s important to know how and when to eat.
2hat is the correct way of eatin! fruits,
%f you eat fruit like that" it will play a ma$or role to detoxify your system" supplyin! you with a !reat deal of
ener!y for wei!ht loss and other life actiities.
FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. 3et+s say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit.
#he slice of fruit is ready to !o strai!ht throu!h the stomach into the intestines" but it is preented from
doin! so.
%n the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. #he minute the fruit comes into
contact with the food in the stomach and di!estie $uices" the entire mass of food be!ins to spoil....
So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals4 5ou hae heard people
complainin! 6 eery time % eat watermelon % burp" when % eat durian my stomach bloats up" when % eat
a banana % feel like runnin! to the toilet" etc 6 actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an
empty stomach. #he fruit mixes with the putrefyin! other food and produces !as and hence you will
-rayin! hair" baldin!" nerous outburst" and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you
take fruits on an empty stomach..
#here is no such thin! as some fruits" like oran!e and lemon are acidic" because all fruits become
alkaline in our body" accordin! to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. %f you hae
mastered the correct way of eatin! fruits" you hae the Secret of beauty" lon!eity" health" ener!y"
happiness and normal wei!ht.
2hen you need to drink fruit $uice - drink only fresh fruit $uice" /7# from the cans. Don+t een drink $uice
that has been heated up. Don+t eat cooked fruits because you don+t !et the nutrients at all. 5ou only !et
to taste. *ookin! destroys all the itamins.
But eatin! a whole fruit is better than drinkin! the $uice. %f you should drink the $uice" drink it mouthful by
mouthful slowly" because you must let it mix with your salia before swallowin! it. 5ou can !o on a 8-day
fruit fast to cleanse your body. 9ust eat fruits and drink fruit $uice throu!hout the 8 days and you will be
surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look4
KII! #iny but mi!hty. #his is a !ood source of potassium" ma!nesium" itamin . : fiber. %ts itamin *
content is twice that of an oran!e.
APPLE! &n apple a day keeps the doctor away, <hou!h an apple has a low itamin * content" it has
antioxidants : flaonoids which enhances the actiity of itamin * thereby helpin! to lower the risks of
colon cancer" heart attack : stroke.
STRABERRY! ;rotectie Fruit. Strawberries hae the hi!hest total antioxidant power amon! ma$or
fruits : protect the body from cancer-causin!" blood essel-clo!!in! free radicals.
ORANGE ! Sweetest medicine. #akin! <-= oran!es a day may help keep colds away" lower cholesterol"
preent : dissole kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer.
ATERMELON! *oolest thirst >uencher. *omposed of ?<) water" it is also packed with a !iant dose of
!lutathione" which helps boost our immune system. #hey are also a key source of lycopene 6 the
cancer fi!htin! oxidant. 7ther nutrients found in watermelon are itamin * : ;otassium.
GUA"A # PAPAYA! #op awards for itamin *. #hey are the clear winners for their hi!h itamin *
content... -uaa is also rich in fiber" which helps preent constipation. ;apaya is rich in carotene@ this is
!ood for your eyes.
Drin$ing C%&' (at)r a*t)r a +)a& , Can-)r! *an u beliee this,, For those who like to drink cold
water" this article is applicable to you. %t is nice to hae a cup of cold drink after a meal. Howeer" the
cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you hae $ust consumed. %t will slow down the di!estion. 7nce
this +slud!e+ reacts with the acid" it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid
food. %t will line the intestine. Aery soon" this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. %t is best to drink hot
soup or warm water after a meal.
& serious note about heart attacks H.&0# &##&*B ;07*.D10.+C D#H%S %S /7# & 97B.4E 2omen
should know that not eery heart attack symptom is !oin! to be the left arm hurtin!. Be aware of intense
pain in the $aw line. 5ou may neer hae the first chest pain durin! the course of a heart attack. /ausea
and intense sweatin! are also common symptoms. Sixty percent of people who hae a heart attack
while they are asleep do not wake up. ;ain in the $aw can wake you from a sound sleep. 3et+s be careful
and be aware. #he more we know the better chance we could surie.
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