1988 Issue 12 - What Are You Doing About The American Holocaust? - Counsel of Chalcedon

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What Are You Doing About the American Holocaust?

(What the Bible Says About Abortion)

.A holocaust is a massive and grue-
some destrUction of human life. The
fll'St great holocaust on record is
Pharoah's slaughter of infants recorded
in Exodus 1:15. The New Testament
holocaust is the slaughter of infants
under Herod, Matthew 2:16. Modem
holocausts have taken place under Hit-
ler, Stalin, and Mao. It is estimated that
150 million people have died in this
century due to Communistic totalitarian-
ism. We are also going through a new
holocaust in the States . .
In the past ten years, the U.S. su..:
preme Court has made two landmark de-
cisions which have increased the . mas-
sive and gruesome destruction of human
life in 1973, in the Roe vs.
Wade decision, the Supreme Court
created, out of nothing, a woman's right
to abortion on demand for her hap-
piness. According to that decision, un-
born babies are not 'persons,' therefore
not under the protection of the law. The
court sovereignly and irresponsibly
declared that "when life begins" is not
the issue. Justice Byron White called
this decision "an exercise of raw judicial
In 1983, the Supreme Court rendered
a decision concerning restrictions on
abortion clinics in Ohio, Missouri, and
Virginia. Dissenting Justices . were
Sandra O'Connor, William Rehnquist
and Byron White. This decision struck
doWn state restrictions on abortions as
unconstitutional. Faye Wattleton, presi-
dent of the Planned Parenthood Federa-
tion of America, as quoted ifl. The.
Washington Times, June 16, 1983, said
concerning this decision: "We commend
the court for its steadfast commitment
to defending the rights of each of us,
and for its compassionate consideration
of fundamental human needs." Let's
look at the "compassion" of the Su-
preme Court. When we do, we will find
by Joe Morecraft, III
that "the compassion of the wicked is
cruel," to quote the book of Proverbs.
In that 1983 decision, the Court
st:r:t.ck down state laws that required
-"Abortions performed after the firSt
three months of pregnancy be performed
in full-cate hospitals.
-All minors get the consent of a
parent or of a juvenile court before
having an abortion.
-A doctor read a specific description
of the fetus and the abortion procedure
to a woman desiring an abortion.
-Doctors wait 24 hours after a wo-
man signs a consent form before con-
ducting an abortion.
-Fetal remains be disposed of in a
'humane and sanitarY manner."'
(quoted from The Washington Times,
June 16, 1983, page 12A)
Between those two deCisions, 22
million unborn babies have been
legally murdered il;1 the United States.
These babies have no ability or 'right'
to protect themselves and have few
people trying to defend them. This fs
our modern American holocaust--the
issue of the 1980s. Over 4000 babies
are legally murdered per day in our
nation! This one issue will surely bring
God's swift and decisive judgment on us
unless we repent; for God has said:
"The Lord hates ... hands that shed
innocent blood .... "-Prov. 6:16f.
In The Atlanta Journal. June 18.,
1981, an article appeared with this
heading: "Defective Twin Fetus Killed
by MD's." It reported that: "Doctors
punctured the heart of a defective five'-
month-old fetus and left it to wither
away in the womb beside its normal
twin because, the doctors said, the
mother decided she 'could not face the
burden of caring for an abnormal
child."' It went on to say that: "The
doctors said that 'out of an abundance of
caution' they obtained an opinion from
a New York state court acknowledging
their right to perform the operation.
'We wanted to confmn from the court
that the parents bad the right to do this
on behalf of. the normal fetus,' Kereny
said." But what of the rights of and
compassion for the fetus with Down's
syndrome? "The compassion of the
wicked is cruel!" Moreover, it appears,
that the doctors involved considered the
state coUrt the bestower of rights, the
lord and giver of life. The Supreme
Court giveth and the Supreme Court
taketh away,. blessed be the name of the
Supreme Cowt!
The Newletter ot the Georgia Right
to Life Committee, May, 1983, carried
the following headlines: "14 'Live
Births' in 3 Years at Midtown Hospi-
tal/' The artiCle pointed out that
"according to statistics on file at the
Georgia State Department of Human
Resources a total of 14 live births
occurred at Atlanta's Midtown Hospital
over a three-year period from 1980-
1982. -.:Certificates of death for the 14
aborted babies indicate both the ap-
proximate interval betvieen the onset of
the abortion process and the death of tfie
child, as well a5 the length of time the
childlived. --The maximum time periOd.
aborted baby sustained life outside
the womb iit the three-year study of
Midtown was 13 hours and five rnm-
utes. Accordirtg to the death certificate,
dated April of 1981, the imrilediate
cause of death was 'pulmoi:tliiy .. in-
sufficiency, therapeutic abortion."' "The
compassion of the wicked is cruel!"
Statistics in AL.L. About lssiles,
newsletter of the American Life Lobby,
June 1983, showed that abOrtions
outnumber live births in 14 U.S. cities.

The Counsel of Chalcedon, December, 1988
. .
. How are we to evaluate these grisly
facts? For Christians, the real question
is: What does God say about abortion
in the Bible? Consider carefully the
. . : . following Biblical information.
What the Bible Says
About Abortion
"For he who has set the limits to our
life has at the same time entrusted to us
its care: He has provided means and
helps to preserve it: He has also made
.. us able to foresee dangers; that they
may not overwhelm us unaware, he has
offered precautions and remedies. Now
it is very clear to us what our duty is:
Thus if the Lord has committed to us
the protection of our life, our duty is to
protect it: if He offers helps, to use
them: ifHeforewarns us of danger, not
to plunge headlong: if He ma/ce.s
remedies available, not to neglect
them." (John Calvin, Instututes of the
Christian Religion,!, 17, 4.)
This pro-life view of John Calvin, as
:representative of Biblical Christianity,
is rooted in the fact that God is the
Creator of all human life and the Re-
creator of life in Christ, John 17:2. God
man and woman in His own
iinage, Genesis 1 :27, to reflect His
... character and glory. Jesus Christ came
:. to restore that image which had been
.. ::
marred by sin, Ephesians 4:24; Colos-
sians 3:10. This gives all human life
sanctity, in other words, a sacred in-
violability defmed by God's Word.
Therefore, human life, in all its phases,
must be treated with dignity and re-
spect. "Thou shalt not kill" means, pos-
itively, that we are to preserve, en-
hance, and protect the lives of others.
Because God made man in His own
image, He gives to human life His own
special protection. He interprets as-
saults on human life as audacious as-
saults on Himself. Genesis 9:6-7 brings
this out clearly: "Whoever sheds man's
blood, by man, his blood shall be shed,
For in the image of God he made man.
And as for you, be fruitful and multi-
ply; Populate the earth abundantly and
multiply in it"
And Jesus Himself said to Saul of
Tarsus en route to Damascus to arrest
Christians, "Saul, Saul, why are you
persecuting me?" (Acts 9:4). In other
words, human life is so sacred to God,
that if a man takes another life unlaw-
fully, that man would have to forfeit
his own.
The question of the hour is this: Is
the unborn child covered by God's
special protection? Is the unborn child a
human person in God's image?
The Bible is clear in its answers to
these crucial questions. It leaves no
doubt the continuity of personhood
which includes the unborn child. In
other words, the Bible teaches that at
conception (more accurately, at fertiliza-
tion), the unborn child is a human per-
son in the image of God, and, therefore,
under his special protection. This point
is made in a variety of convincing
ways: (1) The express statement on the
beginning of human life, Job 3:3; (2)
The continuity of personhood from
ception through adulthood, Psalm 51:5;
(3) The continuity of sinfulness frOm
conception through adulthood, Psalm
51:5; (4) The continuity of human
periences from conception through adult-
hood, Luke 1:41, 44:1:15; (5) The na-
ture of conception as a gracious act of
God, I Samuel 1:19, etc.; (6) The case-
law governing abortion, Exodus 21:22-
25. Each of these points will be con-
1. The Bible Identifies the
Beginning of Human Life as
God defines man (Hebrew. "adam") as
"the image of God," Genesis 1:26,
thereby exalting him as the crown of
creation; Psalm 8:5f. This ftrst in-
dividual man is named "Adam," and
from the side of this man (Hebrew,
. "iysh" in 2:23 ), God took a rib to create
an individual woman, named Eve,
Genesis 2:23. Having been given the
divine gift and mandate of procreativity,
Genesis 1:28, "Adam knew his wife,
Eve, and she conceived and gave birth
' to Cain," Genesis 4:1. When she gave
birth to her child, she made this con-
fession of faith, "With the help of the
Lord, I have brought forth a man,"
("iysh"), Genesis 4:1. Notice two
things about this confession. First, Eve
confessed that conception and birth re-
sult from the sovereign activity of God
in human sexuality. Second, this child
is to be viewed as "man," in other
words, as divine image-bearer from
The Bible, however, goes back even
beyond birth and identifies the unborn
child as God's image-bearer from con-
ception. In Job 3:3 we find Job saying,
"Let the day perish on which I was to
be born, and the night which said, 'A
The Counsel of Chalcedon, December, 1988

man (Hebrew-geber) is conceived"'
Simply noting Job's depression, let us
go on and point out that Job considered
his humanness to have begun the very
night in which he. was conceived The
Hebrew word for 'man' or 'boy' (NASV)
in this verse is not the more general
word for man as 'iysh' or 'adam', but
the more specific and distinct words,
'geber'. Laird Harris writes that "this
word specifically reltaf,es to. a male at
the. height of his powers. As such it
depicts humanity at its most competent
and capable level. (Theological'
Wordbook of the Old Testament, Vol.
1, Moody Press, Chicago, 1980, pages
This . word, 'geber,' distinctly denotes
the full humanness. of man in his exal-
ted. position as the crown of creation,
Psa. 34:8; 37:23, and the image of
God, ('Adam', 'iysh,' and 'geber' are used
interchangeably for 'man; the divine
image-bearer, Psa. 37:23, 37; 32:2.) In
Job 3:3; where Job refers to himself at
his conception, he considers himself to
be fully human, fully bearing God's
image. This latter point is obvious also
from the fact that a form of the word
'geber' is used several times in reference
to God as one of his perfections, Job
12:13; Prov. 8:14;- Isa. Hence, the
Creator's character is reflected, 'image,'
in man, his creature, from conception
2. The. Bible Identifies a
Continuity of Personhood from
Conception through Adulthoo(l.
Psalm 139:13-16 is central to any
discussion of abortion. "For Thou didst
form my inward parts; Thou didst
weave me in my mother's womb; I will
give thanks to Thee, fori am fearfully
and wonderfully made; wonderful are
Thy works, and my soul knows it very
well. My frame was not. hidden from
'(bee, when I was made in secret, and
skillfully wrought in the depths of the
earth. Thine eyes have seen my un-
formed substance. And in Thy book
they were all written, the days that were
ordained for me, when as yet there was
not one of them."
Notice two emphases in this passage.
First, all life, including pre-natal life, is
viewed as a gift frOnt Ood; ("Unformed
substance" in. Hebrew is "golenl,"
which is literally translated, "embryo"
or "fetils.") Second, David continually
emphasizes the continuity of his person-
hood from his embryonic existenee to
his adult existence. In 139:13, he says
,;Thou didst form me in my mother's
womb." In 139:15, he adds, "My franie
is not hidden from Thee, when I was
made in secret." David could speak of
himself as "I" outside the womb 'Of
inside the womb, pointing us to
fact that he eXisted as a fully personal
human. being even in his embryopic
3. The Bible Identifies a
Continuity of. Sinfulness from
Conception through Adulthood.
In Psalm 51:5 we read: "Surely I
have been a sinner from birth; sinful'
from the time my mother conceived
me." (NIV) Besides emphasizing again
the continuity of David's personhood
from conception, David also points out
that he , has been a simier, not only
sinae his birtlt, but sirtce his concep-.
tion. He was conceived a sinner, having
inherited a sinful nature from his par-
ents oii back to Adam, Rom. 5:12f.
Now the point is -this: only humilil
beings sin! Ohly those created in the
image of God . their Maker's .
will. Only those created irt knowledge,
righteousness; holiness and for domiri-
ion are capable of sinning. Henee bemg
a sinner froin conception; David iuay-
ing that tie was a human being in the
image of God from conception, in need
ofOod's mercy.
4, The Bible Identifies , a
Continuity of Human Experj.;
ences : from Conception , through
Although we often attribute human
emotions and experiences to ailirilals
out of sentimental attachment to thelll;
there are some joys and experiences that
are unique to human beings; '!lie rich
blessing of "the filling of the Holy
Spirit," Eph. 5:18, is one of the high-
est spiritual blesSings that a regenerate
image-bearer can eXperience. And the
joy that a regenerate person experiences
caused by the power of the gospel of
Jesus Christ . is alSo a human
blessing, Lk. 2:i0.. .
The New Testament teaches that
unborn children are capable of ex-
periencing these two very blessings
while still in the womb. In Luke
we find the angel prophesying to
Zacharias concerning the birth of his '
son, John the 'Baptist He announces
that, he will be great in the sight of
the Lord, ... ancl he will be filled With the
Holy Spirit, while yet in his . mother's
womb." Later iri Luke 1:44, the unborn
John, at the announcement of the con- .
ception of the Messiah, is said to have
experienced "joy"--"For, behold when
the sound of your greeting reached my
ears, the baby leaped in my womb for
you." In other words, being capable of
being "filled with the Spirit" and ,
periencing "joy," while yet unborn, con
firms that John was not only fully hu-
man in the womb, but also regenerate
in the womb.
5. The Bible Describes Con-
cepti()n as a Gracious Gift , and
Work of God.
In the Bible conception and birth 'are
never viewed as mere human
ings. 'The Bible . emphasizes the sove-
reign activity of GOd in conception and
birth. Apart from this sovereign inter;.
vention of .God, conception does not
take:place. Conception must be viewed,
in the , light of the Bible, as a ble5sed
gift from God himSelf. '
lt is written that in. the pregnancy of
S&-ah, "the Lord did tbr Sarah as He had
Gen. il:lf. in Genesis
30:1f we heat Jacob rebuking Rachel
for ' her coinplaint against him for bet
childie5sness: !'Am I in the place of
GOd. who has withheld from you fiuit
of the womb?" In' I Samuell:l9, we'
find Hannah conceiving because "the
tord remembered her." Job confesses
that' God "made" him in the woinb,
andthat "theSpirit _of God has
made me, and the breath of the Al-
Jliighty gives, ine life; 33:4. it is for
Page 6 ---................ ------------------- The Counsel of Chalccdon,.D"ecembert 1988.
these reasons that the Psalms declares
that "it is He who has made us, and not
we ourselves," Psa. 100:3; and that
"children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit
of the womb is a reward," 127:3.
In the light of these verses, we can
only conclude that "it would be a wilful
act of defiance against the Creator
intentionally to kill an unborn child
whose conception is so intimately a
divine as well as a human act."--from
the Report of the Ad Interim Com-
mittee on Abortion in the Minutes of
the Sixth General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church in America, 1978.
6. The Case-Law Governing
Abortion, Exodus 21:22-25.
"If men who are fighting hit a preg-
nant woman and she gives birth pre-
maturely, but there is no serious injury,
the offender must be fined whatever the
woman's husband demands and the court
allows. But if there is serious injury,
you are to take life for life, eye for eye,
tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for
foot, burn for bum, wound for wound,
bruise for bruise."
This passage does not teach that the
unborn child is of less value than a
child after birth, as the report on
abortion by the Presbyterian Church in
the United States (1973) inaccurately
maintains. The following exposition of
this pivotal passage is taken from the
report on abortion by the Presbyterian
Chwch in America (1978): "The term,
yeled, in verse 22 never refers else-
where to a child lacking recognizable
human form, or to one incapable of
existing outside the womb. TI1e possi-
bility of such a usage here, as the inter-
pretation in question requires, is still
further reduced by the fact that if the .
writer had wanted to speak of an un-
developed embryo or fetus there may
have . been other terminology available
to him. There was the term, golem,
Psa. 129:16, which means 'embryo,
fews." But in cases of the death of an
unborn child, Scripture regularly desig-
nates him, not by yeled, not even by
goJem, but by nefeJ, Joab 3:16; Psa.
58:8; Ecc. 6:3, meaning 'One untimely
born.' The use of yeled in verse 22,
therefore, indicates that the child in
view is not the product of a miscar-
riage, as the interpretation in question
supposes; at least this is the most
natural interpretation in the absence of
decisive considerations to the contrary,
"Further, the verb, yatza, in verse
22 ('go out," translated 'depart' in the
KJV), does not in itself suggest the
death of the child in question, and is
ordinarily used to describe normal
births, Gen. 25:26; 38:28f; Job 3:11;
10:18; Jer. 1:5; 20:18. With the pos-
sible exception of Numbers 12:12,
which almost certainly refers to a still-
born, it never refers to a miscarriage.
The Old Testament term normally used
for and spontaneous abor-
tion, both in humans and in animals, is
not yatza, but shokoJ, Exod. 23:26;
Hos. 9: 14; Gen. 31:38; Job 2:10; II
Kings 2: 19f; Mal. 3:11. The most
natural interpretation of the phrase
weyatz' u yeladheyha, therefore,
will find in it not an induced miscar-
riage, not the death of an unborn child,
but an induced premature birth, wherein
the child is born alive, but ahead of the
anticipated time.
"We should also note that the term,
ason, 'harm,' found in both verse 22 and
verse 23 is indifinite in its reference.
The expression, lab, 'to her,' which
would restrict the harm to the woman
in distinction from the child, is mis-
sing. Thus the most natural interpreta-
tion would regard the 'harm' as per-
taining either to the woman or to the
child. Verse 22 therefore describes a
situtation where neither mother or child
is 'harmed', i.e., where the mother is
uninjured and the child is born alive.
Verse 23 describes a situation where
some hann is done--either to mother
or to child or both..... An induced
miscarriage could hardly be described as
a situtation where there is 'no harm.'
Verse 22, therefore, describes not an in-
duced miscarrage, but an induced pre-
mature birth.
"In this light translations using the
word 'miscarriage' or its equivalent are
both inaccurate and misleading. The
intent of this passage appears in the
following paraphrase: 'And if men fight
together and hurt a pregnant woman so
The Counsel of Chalcedon, December, 1988
that her child is born prematurely, yet
neither mother or child is harmed, he
shall be surely fmed, according as the
woman's husband shall lay upon him;
and he shall pay as the judges deter-
mine. But if either mother or child is
harmed, then thou shall give life for
life, eye for eye .... "'
The view that "abortion is not a de-
sirable solution although it may be at
times a necessary option," (Report on
Abortion of the Presbyterian Church in
the United States, 1973), is in flat con-
tradiction to the word of God. To hold
that view or to recommend abortion for
socio-economic or psychological rea-
sons is flagrantly to disregard the
command of God protecting human life,
because of the sanctity he gives it--
"Thou shall not commit murder."
"The word of God affirms throughout
the continuity of personhood both be-
fore and after birth. Abortion, the in-
tentional killing of an unborn child, is
to destroy that continuity. Abortion
would tenninate the life of an in-
dividual, a bearer of God's image who is
being divinely formed and prepared for a
God-given role in the world."--Report
on Abortion, Presbyterian Church in
America, 1978.
According to the Bible, abortion is
murder. And murder is a capital crime!
God's hatred for abortionists is clear
in thast he says he "hates ... hands that
shed innocient blood ... ," Prov. 6:16,17.
"The Lord says this, 'For three sins of
Ammon, even for four, I will not turn
back my wrath. Because he ripped open
the pregnant women of Gilead in order
to extend his borders, I will set fire to
the walls of Rabbah ... ,"' Amos 1: 13f.
This is strong language. But we must
feel God's contempt for abortion. We
must recognize fully i ts heinousness
and criminality. What then must our
response be to this modem holocaust--
this slaughter of the unborn?
Some of the things we can do to
oppose abor tion are:
1. Realize the urgency of the situtaf I
tion--each ye"' over one and one-half J
Page 7
million unborn babies are aborted. Over
5000 every day. -
2. Realize that God's judgment rests
on a nation that allows or condones.
murder, Ullless it truly repents. Num-
bers 3"5:33 warns: "So shall you not
pollute the land and no expiation can be
made for the land for the blood that is
shed on it except by the blood of him
who shed it."
3. Communicate to elected officials
and legislators that God has his moral
standards that we must honor, arid that
one of those condemns abor-
4. Educate and otgari.ize your Chris-
tian friends to stand unashan1edly for
the sanctity of human life in their o\.vn
communities and before their state legis'-
lators. .
5. Establish and get involved with a
local chapter of the Christian
Action Council, 422 c. Street NE,
Washington, D.C. 20002. .
. 6. Keep yourself informed by sub-
scribing to one of several good prO-life
newsletters, such as Action Line,
(ChriStian Action Council,) A.L.L.
(American Life Lobby), etc. .
7. Involve yourself in crisis
nancy ministries fn you local church,
ministering to WC?men with
8. Check with local Christian.
tion . agencies for the possibility of
adopting an otherwise unwanted infant
9. Consider taking unwed pregnant
women into your home.
10. Teach yourchildren about marital
sexuality, the sanctitY of human life,
and the joy and of
11. Check with your Ob-Gyn .and
fmd out if he does abortions. If he does;
drop him, and encourage other
tians. to do the same.
12. Have funerals for who
die before birth.
13. Beware of the March of Dimes'
involvement in the modern holocaust.
For documentation write: Director of
the U.S. Coality for Life, P. 0. Box
315, Export, Pa. 15632; or call 412-
327-8878 or -7379.
14. Identify the Planned Parenthood
Federation as an accomplice in this
holocaust Write to the American J..;.ife
Lobby, P.O. Box 490, Stafford, . VA.
for details. Read George Grant's expose
of Planned Parenthood in his bOok,
Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned
ParenthOOd, 1988, Wolgemuth & Hyatt
Publishers, Brentwood,
15 .. Write letters editol'$ of news.:
papers and elected officials about the
holocaust for pro-life
in your state legislature. Send petitions
to your representatives.
16. Get involved in a sidewalk coun- .
seling program. For information write
or caU Chalced,on Church,
P.O. . Box 888022, Dunwoody, G.A
30356. 396-0965 . . '
7. Leave denominations which are
either pro-abortion, or which are not
actiyely pra..life.
. 18,. PJ;ay Psalin 58 against
19. Find out where political can-
didates stand on the issue of abortion.
20, Evangelize!! Evangelize!!

Pro-Life Bibliography
1. Report of the Ad Interim Com-
mittee on Abortion adopted by the
Sixth General Assembly of the Presby
terian Church in America, 1978, 342
Rockbridge Road, Lilburn, GA 30247.
2. Brown; Harold O.J., Death Before
Birth, Nashville, TN, Thomas NelSon,
Inc., 1977.
3. Bajema, C. E., Abortion and the
Meaning of Personhood, Grand Rapids,
Baker Book House, 1974.
4. Ganz, RiChard, . ed., Thou Shalt
Not Kill, New Rochelle, N.Y.,
Arlington House Publishers, 1978.
5. Hilgers, T.W. and DJ. Horan,
Abortion and So.cial Justice,-New
Sheed & Ward, 1972.
6. Horan, DJ. and David -Mall,
l)eath, Dying, and Euthanasia, Washing-
ton, D.D., University Publ. of Ameri
ca, 1977..
7. Koop, C. The _Right . to
(Continued on 39)
Christ College
We. believe iii the full authoritY. of the Bible as expressed -in the Westminster Confession
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Christ College does not discriminate on the
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The of Ch8lcedon, December, 1988
. i
American Holocaust
Continued from page 8
Live, The Righi to Die, Wheaton, Dl.,
Tyndale House, 1976.
8." Nathanson, Bernard, Aborting
America, Garden City, m., Tyndale
House, 1976.
9. Noonan, J. T., A Private Choice,
New York, The Free Press, 1979.
10. Schaeffer, F.A. and C.E. Koop,
Whatever Happened to the Human
Race?, Old Tappan, NJ., Fleming H.
Revell, 1979.
11. Hilgers, T.W., DJ. Horan and
David Mall, New Perspectives on
Human Abortion, Aletheia Books,
University Pub. of America. Frederick,
MD, 1981.
12. For documentation that the early
church condemned abortion, see: The
Epistle of Barnabus, XX; the Didache,
ii, Vii, XI; Athena Goras', Plea for
Christians, XXV; Tertullian's Apology,
IX; Abortion and the Early Church by
RJ. Rushdoony.
13. Christian Action Council
Resource Manual, 422 C Street, NE,
Washington, DD. 20002.
14. Ramsey, Paul, Studies in Law
and Medicine on in Vitro Fertilization,
Americans United for Life, Inc., Chica-
go, Dlinois, Testimony before the
Ethics Advisory Board, Department of
15. Lejeune, Jerome, M.D.,
Matthews-Roth, Micheline M., M.D.,
Gordon, Hymie, M.D., Ratner, Herbert,
M.D., Studies in Law and Medicine:
The Beginning of Human Life, Testi-
mony before the Subcommittee on
Separation of Powers of the U.S. Senate
Committee on the Judiciary, Americans
United for Life, Inc., Chicago, illinois.
16. Trueman, Patrick A., Studies in
Law and Medicine: Abortion and
American Foreign Policy, Americans
United for Life, Inc., presented to the
Congress for the Family of the
17. Rosenblum, Victor G., Studies in
Law and Medicine, Abortion,
Personhood and The Fourteenth
Amendment, Americans United for Life,
Inc., Chicago, Illinois, presented before
the Subcommittee on Separation of
, , ..

cENTER ...... 4
. . . .. . . .
The North Georgia Reformation Center offers
a Christ-centered alternative to abortion with
the following services:
*Housing, food, clothing
*Biblical counseling
*Employment w/ birth savings
*Continuing education/Tutoring
*Post delivery assistance
*In-house Registered Nurse
*Budgeting/Household Mgt
*In-house computer training
*Regular worship attendance
We seek to faithfully represent the Lord Jesus Christ in all phases of this
ministry. For young unwed mothers from shattered homes, Jesus is the life and
light of the world and as such is the only hope for them and for their children.
We believe that only as these women repent of their sins and turn to the Lord
Jesus Christ will they have true hope for the future and purpose for living.
If you would like to help or desire more information concerning
the ministry of NGRC, please call or write:
Pregnant? Need Help? Help You Can Live With.
north GEORGIA:::>::<
..' REFOR:vlAl.ION
. . . . . . . . . ' .
Cl NTF R . . . . . . . . . .. -
Providing Distinctly Christian And Biblical
Ministries Of Compassion And Education
18. Garton, Jean Staker, Who Broke
the Baby?, Minneapolis: Behany House
Publishers, 1979.
19. Davis, John Jefferson, Abortion
and the Christian: What Every Believer
Slwuld Know, Phillipsburg, N.J.:
Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing
Company, 1984.
Rt. 1 Box 880
Winder, GA 30680
(404) 867-4754
20. Shettles, Landrum, M.D. and
David RoiVik, Rites of Life: The
Scientific Evidence for Life Before
Birth, Grand Rapids: ZondeiVan Publish-
ing House, 1983.
21. Young, Curt, The Least of
These: What Everyone Should Know
about Abortion, Chicago: Moody
Press, 1984. D
- The Counsel of Cbalcedon, December, 1988

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