Current News Articles Fhs 2014

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Article I:

Yoga, Meditation May Help Dementia Patients and Caregivers Alike
By: Alan Mozes, a HealthDay Reporter

I find it interesting that the technique of Holistic can be done with the patient and the caregiver.
Relieving stress for both people involved in the situation. Holistic is a program that combines
yoga, meditation, and other exercises. Its surprising to me that all exercises done through
Holistic are preformed sitting down, therefore non-strenuous. Most dementia patients are about
50-90 years old.

This applies to human development because it encourages people suffering with dementia to
release their stress and be with other people as well. Being social and relieving pain, feeling
empowered and not alone. This is especially good for caregivers to release stress and feeling
more secure about their work.

Article II:

New Blood Test May Help Detect Heart Transplant Rejection
By: Robert Preidt

I find it interesting that doctors are able to find rejection through the new blood test known as
cell-free DNA test. Unlike biopsies this test does not require heart tissue, when removing heart
tissue there are lots of complications. The cell-free DNA test is still undergoing research and is
not commercially available. The cell-free DNA test accurately diagnosed heart transplant
rejection up to five months before a normal biopsy would have.

This information is crucial to human development by saving more heart transplant patients, and
catching the systems of rejection early. Therefore no damage will be done to heart tissue and will
be almost pain free.

Article III:

Study Links Pesticide Exposure During Pregnancy to Autism Risk In Kids
By: Brenda Goodman

This article was interesting; it was actually more of a debate between doctors and scientist. The
one party states that women pregnant in the third trimester should stay 3 miles away from
commercial pesticide plants. Where the other party states that the research is irrelevant because
women who have children and are no longer pregnant still have the possibility of being autistic,
and that there is no research on what chemicals can cause autism.

This information was partially helpful to human development, but I wouldnt base autistic
characteristics on these findings. If I was thoroughly researching autism and its causes, I would
read more articles and academic journals.

Article IV:

High Blood Pressure May Protect The Old From Dementia
By: Alan Mozes

This article was interesting because doctors are stating based off of research of 625 men and
women over the age of 90, that high blood pressure may help protect from dementia. Based off
of these findings doctors dont advise people to have high blood pressure. At any age you should
be at normal levels. Doctors dont yet understand how high blood pressure protects; one
hypothesis is that their high blood pressure is helping the blood circulate in their brains.

This research is great for human development, even though it is not clear on how it protects, it
keeps hopes for the extremely old. They may feel as though dementia isnt in their last decade of

Article V

Potassium Supplements May Help Some Heart Failure Patients
By: Robert Preidt

This article is interesting because it discuss what happens to heart failure patients. Nearly 5.8
million Americans suffer from heart failure and are delegated to take diuretics, also known as
water pills. This medication flushes the excess liquid out and also flushes all the bodies
potassium. Without potassium, your heart can become out of rhythm.

This is crucial to human development because saving lives by taking an extra supplement is a lot
cheaper. By knowing these findings doctors can be more aware of potassium loss in heart failure
patients. Even if the patient isnt low in potassium, they should still take the preventative route
and indulge in the supplement.

Article VI

Studies See New Risks for Cholesterol Drug Niacin
By: Marilynn Marchioneap

This article has sickening facts that were discovered this week, for patients who are prescribed
niacin. Niacin is a drug that flushes the system. Used with statin drugs like Lipitor. Findings
were that patients prescribed niacin had; high rates of bleeding, infections, higher rates of
gastrointestinal, and muscle problems, diabetics lost control of their blood sugar, and many new
cases of diabetes were among niacin users. Doctors should immediately stop prescribing this
medication. Over the counter niacin was not studied on at this time.

Niacin has been around for seventy years, crazy to learn how harmful it is for your body. This is
crucial for human development. By learning these facts we can now stop making cholesterol
patients sicker. Therefore, save more lives.
Article VII

Healthy Brown Fats May Cut Odds for Obesity, Diabetes
By: Mary Elizabeth Dallas

According to a new study done at the University of Texas, research has shown that males with
higher levels of brown fats reduced the risk of diabetes and obesity. White fat lowers insulin
level sensitivity whereas brown fats improve sensitivity levels. Males were tested for 5-8 hours
in colder temperatures and once the body was colder brown fat boost the energy production.

This is important to human development by allowing doctors to help decrease the amount of
obese Americans; doctors may now prescribe a higher intake of brown fats, resulting in less
diabetes in America.

Article VIII

Could a Blood Test Predict Suicide Risk?
By: Mary Elizabeth Dallas

A new study was done by students at John Hopkins University this study suggest that suicidal
people may have a gene in common, SKA2. This gene is responsible for blocking out and
ignoring negative thoughts, also it controls impulsive behaviors. Participants with high SKA2
gene expression are most likely have committed suicide, or have attempted to commit suicide.
Out of 325 participants the findings were out of the participants with the gene; 80% have had
thoughts of suicide or attempted suicide, for teens and early adults it had 96% accuracy. Some
doctors are skeptical because the study was not on a large enough scale.

This is important to human development because there are more suicides in America than
homicides; if doctors can discover this gene before it takes affect more lives could be saved.
Knowing this also helps with returned soldiers, and helping them to be safe back on the
homeland. Even though this research is in its prime it is beneficial to helping those in need.

Article IX

Generation of Tanners See Spike in Deadly Melanoma
By: Anne Flaherty

A 200% increase of melanoma cases since 1978. More people now are more concerned than ever
about this significant increase, skin treatment has cost over $8 billion per year to maintain. Lung
cancer is decreasing while skin cancer is at its highest. Suggestions to lower the rate of skin
cancer are that cities need more shade at parks, schools, and sporting events. Schools should
allow children to wear hats and prep kids with sun blocking before recess, kids should not go out
while the sun is at its hottest. Colleges and universities need to ban the use of tanning beds on

We need a generation change. Knowing that tanned skin is cancerous, people will start to realize
that its not healthy. By knowing these easy facts about when to go into the sun and when not,
is crucial for preventing skin cancer. 9,000 Americans die each year from melanoma, as a whole
we can change the stats.

Article X

Is Sugar the New Tobacco?
By: Elizabeth Svoboda

Interesting to me that doctors believe sugar needs to be monitored like alcohol and tobacco.
Sugar doesnt only cause obesity and diabetes, it also causes; high cholesterol, high blood
pressure, heart disease, and even cancer. Sugar is pure, white, and deadly. It triggers a chain
reaction that is toxic, full of fats and hormones.

Knowing that sugar is deadly amazes me that it isnt under lock and key. America always looks a
blind eye. One day when there is an epidemic of sugar over doses, maybe then this world will
change. Till then more people will have chronic illnesses.

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