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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Manoj K. Arora

Address Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Phone: 91 (1332) 285417, 285120; Cell: 098975 86011; Fax: 91 (1332) 273560;


Ph. D. (Remote Sensing), University of Wales Swansea (now Swansea University), UK, 1996
M.E. (Survey & Photogrammetry), University of Roorkee (now I I T Roorkee), India, 1986
B.E. (Civil), Punjab Engineering College (now PEC University), Chandigarh, India, 1984


One week training course on Bernese' GPS Software in University of Bern, Switzerland, (15.2.99
to 21.2.99)

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, I I T Roorkee, India, (19.12.07 to date)
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engg., I I T Roorkee, India, (03.02.04 to 18.12.07)
Visiting fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Syracuse
University, NY, USA (15.05.04 to 15.07.04)
Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
Syracuse University, NY, USA (15.01.02 to 15.07.03)
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, I I T Roorkee, India, (25.03.97 to
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, I I T Roorkee, India, (13.10.88 to 24.03.97)
Lecturer, Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra, India, (18.08.88 to 12.10.88)
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, I I T Roorkee, India (26.08.86 to


Outstanding Teacher Award, IIT Roorkee (2010)
Outstanding Teacher Award, IIT Roorkee (2006)
Star Performer in Teaching and Research, IIT Roorkee, (2005-06)
Star Performer in Teaching and Research, IIT Roorkee, (2004-05)
Star Performer in Teaching and Research, IIT Roorkee, (2003-04)
Visiting fellowship, Syracuse University, USA (2004)
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship in a NASA project at Syracuse University, USA (2002-2003)
Young Teacher Career Award from All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), India
Commonwealth Scholarship for PhD in U.K. (1993)
Research fellowship in Engineering and Technology from University Grants Commission
(UGC), India (1986)


Core areas: Remote Sensing and GIS, Surveying, GPS applications
Allied areas: Advances in Digital Image Classification, Soft Computing, Land Cover Mapping,
SAR Interferometry, Hazard and Risk Studies.


Familiarity with C, C++and FORTRAN, Competency in Erdas Imagine, Arc-GIS and other
image processing and GIS software.


Total teaching experience till date: ~ 24 Years

Subjects taught at undergraduate level

Geomatics Engineering (covering Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, GIS & GPS)
Engineering Surveys
Principles of Surveying and Photogrammetry
Surveying and Photogrammetric Mapping Techniques
Project Surveys and Photogrammetry
Computer Programming and its applications (FORTRAN and C)
Computer Systems and Programming (C++)

Subjects taught at graduate level

Survey Measurements and Adjustment Procedures
Basic Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing for Land Use Mapping and Urban Planning
Digital Image Processing
Remote Sensing for Civil Engineering
Programming Languages and Computer Graphics (C language)
Advanced Programming and Computer Graphics (C and C++)

Short Term Courses Organised

Training for Engineers on Modern Surveying Equipment, IRCON, Delhi (May 1999).
A Teaching Capsule for Remote Sensing and GIS, QIP, I I T Roorkee, India (J uly, 2000).
GIS Training for Army Personnel, BEG and Center, Roorkee Roorkee, India (Feb. 2007).
Remote sensing and GIS training for scientists and engineers, Uttarakhand Space Application
Centre, Dehradun (May 2008)


Consultancy Projects in India and abroad: 20

i. Field Survey Work for Bridge Alignment at river Ganges in DeoPrayag
ii. Reconnaissance Surveys for a Rail Route Alignment from J ammu to Poonch.
iii. Design of Drainage and Sewage in Moradabad City (Topographical surveys of
a part of Moradabad City).
iv. Bridge Survey Work at Yamuna river.
v. Soil Erosion Estimation using GIS.
vi. Levelling of Feeder Channel connecting Upper Ganga Canal and Eastern Yamuna Canal.
vii. Topographical Survey of Pendaras Village, Koteshwar.
viii. Contour Survey of a Landslide area near Haridwar.
ix. Profile Leveling along proposed Sewer Line, BHEL, Haridwar
x. Development of Index to Monitor Debris Cover on Himalayan Glaciers using LISS II and LISS
IV Data
xi. Software for Advanced Classifiers for Multispectral Remote Sensing Images, Defence
Electronics Application Laboratory, DRDO, Dehradun
xii. Provision of GCP using GPS Survey in Delhi area.
xiii. GIS Training for Army Personnel
xiv. Remote Sensing and GIS Training for Scientists and Academicians
xv. Safeland: Living with Landslide Risk in Europe: Assessment, Effects of Global Change and Risk
Management Strategies, International Center of GeoHazards, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute,
Oslo, Norway
xvi. Development of an Operational Algorithm for Snow Water Equivalent, Snow and Avalanche
Study Establishment (SASE)
xvii. Development of Algorithms for Anomaly Detection and Sub-pixel Classification from
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data, Defence Electronics Application Laboratory, DRDO,
xviii. Development of Algorithms for Feature Reduction and Per-pixel Classification from
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data, Defence Electronics Application Laboratory, DRDO,
xix. Groundwater Table Checking along Madhya Ganges Canal, World Bank Project, UP Irrigation
xx. Alignment checking of Rishikesh to Karnprayag railway line (ongoing)


Total research experience till date: ~26 Years

ME Thesis Topic Error analysis in survey and photogrammetric projects

PhD Thesis Topic An Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Digital Multi-
spectral Land Cover Classifications


i) Articles 180 (169 papers + 11 chapters)

Research Papers
Published 166
In press/Accepted 03
Under Revision/Submitted/Preparation 07

Chapters in Books
Published 11

ii) Books
Distance Education Learning Books 2
Edited Book 1
Text Book 1

iii) Invited Lectures 31

Ph. D Theses Supervision 14 (Completed)
7 (In progress)

M. Tech./ M. S. Theses Supervised 50 (Completed)
2 (In progress)

Sponsored Research Projects: 12

i. Environmental Impact Assessment of River Valley Project using Remote Sensing Technique,
University Grants Commission (UGC), India, Rs. 500K (Completed) (Co-PI) (1997-2000)
ii. Fuzzy Approaches for Classification of Land Use/Land Cover Mixtures in a GIS Environment,
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), India, Rs. 300K, Young Teacher Career
Award (Completed) (PI) (1998-2001)
iii. Neural Network Techniques for Land Cover Classification, Department of Science and
Technology (DST), India, Rs. 160K, Young Scientist Project (Completed) (PI) (1999-2001)
iv. Integrated National Program on Terrain Dependent Accuracy Assessment of DEM of SRTM,
Department of Science and Technology, India, Rs. 140K (Completed) (Co-PI) (2001)
v. Soil Moisture Estimation using Microwave Remote Sensing Data, AICTE, India, Rs. 1250K (Co-
PI) (2000 - 2004) Completed
vi. Study of Shallow Earthquakes in Indian Region using Differential SAR Interferometry, AICTE ,
Rs. 1000K (Co-PI) (2002 - 2004) Completed
vii. SAR Interferometry for Mapping Land Subsidence due to Mining in Jharia Coalfields, DST, Rs.
350K (Co-PI) (2002 - 2004) Completed
viii. Application of DIF-SAR to Investigate Critical Deformation in Garhwal Kumaon Himalaya
Related to Earthquakes and Landslides, DST, Rs. 1500K (Co-PI) (2005 - 2007) Completed
ix. Sub-pixel Snow Cover Mapping from Remote Sensing Data, SASE, DRDO, Rs. 918K (PI) (2006
- 2008) Completed
x. Landslide Risk Assessment using Advanced Pattern Recognition Techniques, DST, Rs. 1146K
(PI) (2007-2011) Completed
xi. Department of Science and Technology (DST), Delhi -International Center of Geohazards (ICG),
Oslo (Indo-Norwegian Institutional Co-operation Project on Geohazards in the Himalayas.
(PI) (2011- ) (Data and Travel Costs)
xii. Application of Differential SAR Interferometry in Landslide Investigation, DST, Rs. 4467K, (PI)
(2012- )

Membership of Professional Societies

i. Member, American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) (2002-2010)
ii. Member, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (2002)
iii. Student Member, UK Remote Sensing Society (1993-1996)
iv. Life Member, Indian Society of Remote Sensing
v. Life Member, Indian Society of Construction Materials and Structures

Key Conferences attended

American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Annual Convention and
Exposition, Charlotte, NC, USA, Feb.27 - March 2, 1995
Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, Southampton, UK, Sept. 11-14, 1995
International Workshop on Soft Computing in Remote Sensing Data Analysis, Dec. 4-5, 1995,
Milan, Italy.
Remote Sensing Society One Day Student Meeting, April 4, 1996, Salford, UK.
National Conference on Global Positioning System, Feb. 21-23, 1997, IIT Kanpur, India.
Seminar on Recent Advances in Differential SAR Interferrometry and Applications, J an. 18 22,
1999, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
Workshop on Problems and Methods in RS-based Land Use / Land Cover Mapping in
Mountainous Terrain, Aug. 7-10, 2000, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India.
International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, J an. 29-31, 2001, University of Roorkee,
Roorkee, India.
International Conference on Remote Sensing and GIS/GPS, 2-5 Feb., 2001, Hyderabad, India.
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 02), J une 24 June 28,
2002, Toronto, Canada.
Annual New York State Remote Sensing Symposium, April 17, 2003, Rochester, NY, USA.
India International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Dec. 18-20, 2003, Hyderabad, India.
American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Annual Convention and
Exposition, Denver, CO, USA, May 23 May 28, 2004.
South Asian Countries Himalayan Science Workshop, Dehradun, India, J une 27-28, 2006
International Workshop on Snow, Ice, Glacier and Avalanches, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India,
J an, 7-9, 2008
National Snow Science Workshop, SASE, DRDO, Chandigarh, India, J an. 11-12, 2008
Cryoshphere & Hazards Workshop for the Hindu Kush, Himalaya & Tibetan Plateau, 3-6 April,
2008, Kathmandu, Nepal
Indo-Norwegian workshop on Geohazards, Anna University, Chennai, Feb. 9-10, 2010
India-Norway Institutional Cooperation Project Workshop on Tsunami Modeling and
Landslides, Aug. 13 16, 2010, Oslo, Norway.
Indo-Norwegian workshop on Geohazards, Anna University, New Delhi, Feb. 7, 2011
International Conference on Rock Mechanics, INDOROCK, Oct. 13-15, 2011, IIT Roorkee,
National Seminar on Geospatial Solutions for Resource Conservation and Management, 18-20
J anuary, 2012, Bangalore
International Conference of Geospatial Techniques and Application (Geomatrix 12), Indian
Institute of Technology Bombay, 26 - 29 February, 2012
All India Seminar on Applications of Imaging, Visualisation and Optimisation Technologies,
March 2-3, 2012, Dehradun.
Mini Symposium on Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, 10
World Congress on
Computational Mechanics, J uly 8 13, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Other Pertinent Information

i) Member, Advisory board of J ournal of Conservation and Society, India
ii) Reviewer of following journals:

1. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
3. International Journal of Image Fusion
4. Remote Sensing of Environment
5. International Journal of Remote Sensing
6. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
7. Landscape Ecology (UK)
8. Optical Engineering
9. Computers and Geosciences
10. Environmental Engineering Science
11. J ournal of Applied Remote Sensing
12. J ournal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing
13. Current Science
14. Hydrology J ournal of Indian Association of Hydrologists

iii) Associate Editor, Proceedings of 1
Indian International Conference on Artificial
iv) Session Chair, Advanced Image Processing Algorithms for Remote Sensing Data, 1

Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Dec. 18-20, 2003, Hyderabad,
v) Session Chair, National Seminar on Geospatial Solutions for Resource Conservation and
Management, 18-20 J anuary, 2012, Bangalore
vi) Session Chair, Hyperspectral Imaging, International Conference of Geospatial
Techniques and Application (Geomatrix 12), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 26
- 29 February, 2012, Mumbai
vii) Session Chair, All India Seminar on Applications of Imaging, Visualisation and
Optimisation Technologies, March 2-3, 2012, Dehradun.
viii) Session Chair, Mini Symposium on Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, 10
Congress on Computational Mechanics, J uly 8 13, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Administrative Experience

Dean Academic Studies (J an. 2013 continuing)
Professor in-Charge, Training and Placement (J an. 2012 J an. 2013)
Associate Dean (Academics) (J an 2010 J an. 2012)
Chairman GATE 2010, J AM 2010 (June 2009 May 2010)
Coordinating Chairman GATE 2009, J AM 2009 (J une 2008 May 2009)
Vice Chairman GATE 2007, 2008, J AM 2007, 2008, (J une 2006 May 2008)
Coordinator, Geomatics Engineering Group, Civil Engineering Department (J uly 2010 J une
Honorary Secretary, IIT Roorkee Alumni Association (April 2007- March 2009)
Officer-in-charge, Guest House, IIT Roorkee (Aug. 2005 May 2006)
Coordinator, Geomatics Engineering Section, Civil Engineering Department (May 2004
April 2006)
Wardenship of students hostels (twice)
Member, Center of Excellence Disaster Mitigation and Management, IIT Roorkee.
Member, various departmental and institute administration committees (from time to time).
Staff Advisor, Squash sports activity (1996-2007).



1. Varshney, P. K. and Arora, M. K. (Eds.), 2004, Advanced Image Processing Techniques for
Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Data, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, Germany.
2. Arora, M. K. and Badjatia, R. C, 2011. Introduction to Geomatics Engineering, Nem Chand &
Bros., Roorkee, India.
3. Badjatia, R. C., and Arora, M. K., 2011, Remote Sensing and its Applications, Block II,
Distance Learning Teaching course material, Indira Gandhi National Open University
(IGNOU), New Delhi, India. (In Print)
4. Badjatia, R. C., and Arora, M. K., 2011, Surveying and its Applications, Block I, Distance
Learning Teaching course material, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New
Delhi, India (In Print)

Chapters in Books

1. Foody, G. M., and Arora, M. K., 1995, Fuzzy thematic mapping: incorporating mixed pixels in
the training, allocation and testing stages of a supervised image classification, In Soft Computing
in Remote Sensing Data Analysis, Edited by E. Binaghi, P. A. Alessandro and A. Rampini,
World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 43-52.
2. Arora, M. K., 1997, Application of log linear modelling in digital image classification, In
Mathematics and its Applications in Engineering and Industry, Edited by B. Singh, K. Murari,
U.S. Gupta, G. Prasad and Sukavanam, Narosa Publishing House, UK, 237-246.
3. Arora, M. K., 2003, Role of Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management. In Disaster Risk
Reduction in South Asia, (Eds) M. Ariyabandu and P. Sahni, Prentice-Hall (India), New Delhi,
4. Rao, R. and Arora, M. K., 2004, Overview of Image Processing, In Advanced Image Processing
Techniques for Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Data, (Eds.) P. K. Varshney and M. K. Arora,
Springer Verlag Heidelberg, Germany pp. 51-85.
5. Watanachaturaporn, P. and M. K. Arora, 2004, Support Vector Machines for Classification of
Multi and Hyperspectral Data, , In Advanced Image Processing Techniques for Remotely Sensed
Hyperspectral Data, (Eds.) P. K. Varshney and M. K. Arora, Springer Verlag Heidelberg,
Germany pp. 238-255.
6. Kasetkasem, K. Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K., 2004, An MRF model based Approach for
Sub-pixel Mapping from Hyperspectral Data, In Advanced Image Processing Techniques for
Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Data, (Eds.) P. K. Varshney and M. K. Arora, Springer Verlag
Heidelberg, Germany pp. 257-277.
7. Shalan, M. A., Arora, M. K. and J . Algy, 2004, Crisp and Fuzzy Image Classification Accuracy
Measures, In Geodynamics, (Eds) P. A. Atkinson, G. M. Foody, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,
USA, pp. 11-23.
8. Arora, M. K., 2006, Modern Surveying Equipment, In Advanced Survey, Indira Gandhi National
Open University, New Delhi, pp. 93-112.
9. Chen, H. M., Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K., 2006, A comparative assessment of similarity
measures for registration of multi-temporal images, In Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote
Sensing Images, Edited by P. Smits and L. Bruzzone, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 43-52.3-
10. Arora, M. K., Shukla, A. and Gupta, R. P., 2010, Digital information extraction techniques for
snow cover mapping from remote sensing data, Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glacier,
Springer, pp. 213-231.
11. M K Arora, A. K. Saha, Gupta, P. and R P Gupta, 2012, J -LaSIRF: J ava-based Landslide Safe
Intelligent Route Finder for mountainous terrain in GIS environment, Editors: B. Pradhan and M.
Buchroithner, GI Technology for Terrigenous Mass Movements, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp.

Research Papers in International Journals

1. Arora, M. and Garg, P. K., 1993, Expert systems in remote sensing- the way forward, Asian-
Pacific Remote Sensing Journal, 5, 67-70.

2. Foody, G. M., and Arora, M. K., 1996, Incorporating Mixed Pixels in the Training, Allocation
and Testing Stages of Supervised Classifications, Pattern Recognition letters, 17, 1389-1398.

3. Arora, M. K., and Foody, G. M., 1997, Log-linear Modelling for the Evaluation of Variables
Affecting the Accuracy of Probabilistic, Fuzzy and Neural Network Classifications, International
Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(4), 785-798.

4. Foody, G. M., and Arora, M. K., 1997, An Evaluation of Some Factors Affecting the Accuracy of
Classification by an Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(4),

5. Arora, M. K., and Ghosh, S. K., 1998, A comparative evaluation of accuracy measures for the
classification of remotely sensed data, Asian Pacific Remote Sensing and GIS Journal, 10(2), 1-9.

6. Arora, M. K., Narsimham, G., and Mohanty, B., 1998, Neural network approach for the
classification of remotely sensed data, Asian Pacific Remote Sensing and GIS Journal, 10 (2), 11

7. Arora, M. K., Tiwari, K. C., and Mohanty, B., 2000, Effect of Neural Network Variables on
Image Classification, Asian Pacific Remote Sensing and GIS Journal, Vol. 13, 1 11.

8. Arora, M. K., and Mathur, S., 2001, Multi-source image classification using neural network in a
rugged terrain, Geo Carto International, 16 (3), 37 44.

9. Saha, A. K., Gupta, R. P., and Arora, M. K., 2002, GIS- Based Landslide Hazard Zonation in a
part of the Himalayas, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(2), 357-369.

10. Arora, M. K. and Agarwal, K., 2002, A program for sampling design for image classification
accuracy assessment, Photogrammetry Journal of Finland, 18(1), 33-43.

11. Shalan, M. A., Arora, M. K., and Ghosh, S. K., 2003, An evaluation of fuzzy classifications from
IRS 1C LISS III data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(15), 3179 - 3186.

12. Chen, H., Varshney, P. K. and Arora, M. K., 2003, Mutual information based image registration
of remote sensing data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(18), 3701-3706.

13. Chen, H., Varshney, P. K. and Arora, M. K., 2003, Automated registration of multi-temporal
remote sensing images using mutual information, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote
Sensing, 41 (11), 2445-2454.

14. Chen, Hua-mei, Arora, Manoj K. and Varshney, Pramod K., 2003, Mutual information based
image registration for remote sensing data, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Paper
127, Syracuse University, USA, (http://surface.syr.edu/eecs/127).

15. Shah, C. A, Arora, M. K., and Varshney, P. K., 2004, Unsupervised Classification of
Hyperspectral Data: An ICA Mixture Model based Approach, International Journal of Remote
Sensing, 25(2), 481-487

16. Arora, M. K, Gupta, A.S.D., Gupta, R. P., 2004, An artificial neural network approach for
landslide hazard zonation in Bhaghirathi (Ganga) valley, Himalayas, International Journal of
Remote Sensing, 25(3), 559-572.

17. Hyder, S. S., Said, S., Kothyari, U. C., and Arora, M. K., 2004, Soil moisture estimation using
ERS-2 SAR data in Solani river catchment Journal of International Association of Hydrological
Sciences (IAHS), 49(2), 323334.

18. Saha, A.K., R P Gupta, I Sarkar, M K Arora and E Csaplovics, 2005, A Statistical approach for
GIS-based Landslide Hazard Zonation: A case study in the Himalayas, Landslides, 2, 61-69.

19. Sharma, M. L. and Arora, M. K., 2005, Prediction of seismicity cycles in the Himalayas using
artificial neural network, Acta Geophysica Polonica 53(3), 299-309

20. Kasetkasem, T., Arora, M. K., and Varshney, P. K., 2005, MRF based approach for super
resolution mapping, Remote Sensing of Environment, 96, 302-314.

21. Min Xu, P. Watanachaturaporn, P. K. Varshney and M. K. Arora, 2005, Decision Tree
Regression for Soft Classification of Remote Sensing Data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 97,

22. Ibrahim, M. A., Arora, M. K., and Ghosh, S. K., 2005, Estimating and Accommodating
uncertainties through soft classification of remote sensing data, International Journal of Remote
Sensing, 26, 2995-3007.

23. Saha, A.K., M. K. Arora, R P Gupta, M. L. Virdi, and E Csaplovics, 2005, GIS-Based Route
Planning in Landslide Prone Areas, International Journal of Geographic Information Science,
19(10), 1149-1175.

24. Saha, A. K., Arora, M. K., Csaplovics E., and Gupta, R. P., 2005, Land cover classification using
IRS 1C LISS and topographic data in a rugged terrain in Himalayas, Geo Carto International,
20(2), 33-40

25. Kanungo, D. P., Gupta, R. P., Arora, M. K., Sarkar, S., 2006, A comparative study of
conventional, ANN Black Box, Fuzzy and combined neural and fuzzy Weighting Procedures for
landslide susceptibility zonation in Darjeeling Himalayas, Engineering Geology, 85, 347-366.

26. Cheng, Qi, Varshney, P. K. and Arora, M. K., 2006, Logistic Regression for Feature Selection
and Soft Classification of Remote Sensing Data, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote
Sensing Letters, 3, 491-494

27. Singh, S., Parkash, B., Rao, M. S., Arora, M. K. and Bhosle, B, 2006, Geomorphology, Pedology
and Sedimentology of the Deoha/Ganga- Ghaghara Interfluve, Upper Gangetic Plains (Himalayan
Foreland Basin)- Extensional Tectonic Implications, CATENA, 67, 183-203.

28. Stehman, S. V., Arora, M. K., Kasetkasem, T. and Varshney, P. K., 2007, Estimation of Fuzzy
Error Matrix Based Accuracy Measures for Soft Classification and their Variances under
Stratified Random Sampling, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 73, 165-174.

29. Sunderasan, A., Varshney, P. K. and Arora, M. K., 2007, Robustness of Change Detection
Algorithms in the Presence of Registration Errors, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
Sensing, 73, 375-384.

30. Shah, C. A, Arora, M. K., and Varshney, P. K, 2007. ICA Mixture Model Algorithm for
Unsupervised Classification of Remote Sensing Imagery, International Journal of Remote
Sensing, 28, 1711 1731.

31. Watanachaturaporn, P., P. K. Varshney and M. K. Arora, 2007, Multisource classification using
support vector machines: an empirical comparison with decision tree and neural network
classifiers, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 74, 239-246.

32. Chauhan, H. J ., M. K. Arora, A. Agarwal, 2007, A Comparison of Area Estimation Techniques
for Remotely Sensed Derived Crisp Classification, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,
(Published online).

33. Tiwari, K. C., Singh, D. and Arora, M. K., 2008, Development of a Model for Detection and
Estimation of Depth of Shallow Buried Non-Metallic Landmine at Microwave X-Band
Frequency, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER, 79, 225250.

34. Said S., Kothyari, U. C., Arora, M. K., 2008, Soil Moisture Estimation from ERS-2 SAR Data
over Bare and Vegetated Areas Using Neural Network: A Case Study, ASCE Journal of
Hydrologic Engineering, 13, 461-475.

35. Kanungo, D. P., Arora, M. K., Gupta, R. P. and Sarkar, S., 2008, Comparative evaluation of GIS-
based landslide susceptibility maps, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and
Geoinformation, 10, 330-341.

36. Kanungo, D. P., Arora, M. K., Gupta, R. P. and Sarkar, S., 2008, Landslide Risk Assessment
Using Concepts of Danger Pixels and Fuzzy Set Theory in Darjeeling Himalayas, Landslides, 5,

37. Kanungo, D. P., Arora, M. K., Gupta, R. P., Sarkar, S., 2009, A Fuzzy Set Based Approach for
Integration of Thematic Maps for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation, GeoRisk, 3, 30-41

38. Shukla, A., Gupta, R. P., and Arora, M. K., 2009, Estimation of debris cover and its temporal
variation using optical satellite sensor data: a case study in Chenab basin, Himalaya, Journal of
Glaciology, 55, 444-452.

39. Kanungo, D. P., M. K. Arora, S. Sarkar and R. P. Gupta, 2009, Landslide susceptibility zonation
mapping A review, Journal of South Asia Disaster Studies, 2, 81-105

40. Shukla, A., Gupta, R. P., and Arora, M. K., 2010, Delineation of debris-covered glacier
boundaries using optical and thermal remote sensing data, Remote Sensing Letters, 1, 11-17.

41. Shukla, A., M. K. Arora and R. P. Gupta, 2010, Synergistic approach for mapping debris-covered
glaciers using optical-thermal remote sensing data with inputs from geomorphometric parameters,
Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 1378-1387.

42. Chauhan, S., Arora, M. K., and Gupta, N. K., 2010, Landslide Susceptibility Zonation through
ratings derived from Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Applied Earth
Observation and Geo Information, 12, 340-350.

43. Pareek, N., Sharma, M. L., and Arora, M. K., 2010, Impact of seismic factors on Landslide
Hazard Zonation: A case study in part of Indian Himalayas, Landslides, 7, 191-201.

44. Chauhan, S., Sharma, M and Arora, M. K., 2010, Landslide Susceptibility Zonation of Chamoli
region, Garhwal Himalayas, using Logistic Regression Model, Landslides, 7(4), 411-423.

45. Maithani, S., Arora, M. K. and J ain, R. K., 2010, Urban Growth Zonation in Dehradun City using
Artificial Neural Network, Geo Carto International, 25, 663-681.

46. Kasetkasem T., M.K. Arora, P.K. Varshney and V. Areekul, 2011, Improving Sub-pixel
Classification by Incorporating Prior Information in Linear Mixture Models, IEEE Transactions
on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49, 1001-1013.

47. Tiwari, K. C., Arora, M. K., and Singh, D., 2011, An Assessment of Independent Component
Analysis for Detection of Military Targets from Hyperspectral Images, International Journal of
Applied Earth Observation and Geo Information, 13, 730-740.

48. Varshney, A., Arora, M. K. and Ghosh, J . K., 2012, Median Change Vector Analysis Algorithm
For Land Use Land Cover Change Detection From Remote Sensing Data, 2011 Remote Sensing
Letters, 605-614.

49. Bhattacharya, A., Sharma, M. L., and Arora, M. K., 2012, Usefulness of SAR Interferometry for
DEM Generation and subsidence estimation in J haria Coalfield area, Geo Carto International, 27,

50. Said, S., Kothiyari, U. C. and Arora, M. K., 2012, Vegetation Effects on Soil Moisture Estimation
from ERS-2 SAR Images, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(3), 517-544

51. Kumar, K., Hari Prasad, K. H., and Arora, M. K., 2012, Estimation of Water Cloud Model
Vegetation Parameters by Genetic Algorithms, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(4), 776- 789.

52. Bhattacharya, A., Sharma, M. L., and Arora, M. K., 2012, Surface Displacement Estimation along
Himalayan Frontal Fault using Differential SAR Interferometry, Natural Hazards (Published

53. Pareek, N., Sharma, M. L., and Arora, M. K., 2012, Inclusion of Peak Ground Acceleration in a
GIS based Landslide Susceptiblity Zonation (LSZ) in Garhwal Himalayas, Siesmological
Research Letter, (Published Online).

54. Kumar, K., Hari Prasad, K. H., and Arora, M. K., 2012, Geostatistical Analysis of Soil Moisture
Distribution in a Part of Solani River Catchment, Hydrological Processes. (Submitted)

55. Bansal S., Arora, M. K., and Balasubramanyan S., 2012, Anomaly Detection using RX Algorithm
and its Variants, International Journal of Remote Sensing (Under Review)

56. Arora, M. K Chauhan, S., Sharma, M, Gupta, N. K., Kanungo, D. P. and Gupta, R. P., 2011, A
Software for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation and Risk Assessment (LaSaRiZ) using Neural
Network and Fuzzy Set Approaches, Computers and Geosciences, (under review).

57. Suri, S., Reinartz, P. and Arora, M. K., State-of-the-Art on Mutual Information based SAR-
Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration, 2011 Journal of International Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Under review)

58. Bhattacharya A, Sharma ML, Arora MK, Voege M., Surface Displacement Estimation using
Multi-temporal SAR Interferometry in a Seismically Active Region of Himalaya, GeoRisk.

59. Tiwari, K. C., Arora, M. K., and Singh, D., 2011, Subpixel Target Detection in Hyperspectral
Images using Super Resolution Mapping, Pattern Recognition Letters (Submitted)

60. Bhattacharya A, Sharma ML, Arora MK, Voege M. Identification of Future Landslide Prone Area
along Himalayas Using Small Baseline Subset Interferometry. International Journal of
Geomatics Natural Hazards and Risk (To be communicated)

Research Papers in Indian Journals

61. Tiwari, R. S., and Arora, M., 1989, An analysis of errors and their adjustments in precise
traversing in surveying, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Civil Engineering Division,
70, 108-112.

62. Tiwari, R. S., and Arora, M., 1992, Adjustments of trilateration networks by finite element
method, Indian Surveyor, 40, 8-16.

63. Arora, M., and Sharma, M. L., 1998, Seismic hazard analysis: an artificial neural network
approach, Current Science, 75 (1), 55-59.

64. Tiwari, R. S. and Arora, M. K., 1999, Comparative study of least squares and finite element
approach for the adjustment of trilateration networks, Indian Surveyor, 52(1), 30 38.

65. Gupta, R. P., Saha, A. K., Arora, M. K. and Kumar, A., 1999, Landslide Hazard Zonation in a
part of the Bhagirathi Valley, Garhwal Himalayas, Using Integrated Remote Sensing GIS,
Himalayan Geology, 20(2), 71-85.

66. Tiwari, R. S., Arora, M. K. and Kailash T., 1999, Soft classification for sub-pixel land cover
extraction, Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 27 (4), 225-234.

67. Arora, M. K., 1999, Thematic information extraction using neural network and fuzzy techniques,
Indian Cartographer, 19, 344-351.

68. Tiwari, R. S., Arora, M. K., and Kumar, A, 2000, An appraisal of GPS related errors,
GIS@development, 4, 37 40.

69. Gupta, R. D., Garg, P. K., and Arora, M.K., 2000, A GIS based statistical modelling for inter-
block disparities analysis in Dehradun district, GIS India , 9(6), 23-27.

70. Chandra, S, Arora, M.K. and Sahu, V.K, 2001, Headway modeling on urban roads using artificial
neural network, Highway research Bulletin, Indian Roads Congress, 65, 127-138.

71. Arora, M. K., and Shalan, M. A., 2002, A view on quality of remotely sensed derived thematic
maps for GIS database, GIS India, 11(5), 6-9.

72. Arora, M. K., 2002, Land cover classification from remote sensing data, GIS@development ,
6(3), 24-25, 30-31.

73. Arora, M. K., Sharma, M. L., and Patel, V. K. M., 2002, SAR Interferometry for DEM
generation, GIS@development , 6(6), 26-30.

74. Baijal, R., Arora M. K., and Ghosh, S. K., 2002, A GIS assisted knowledge based approach for
military operations, GIS@Development, 6(10), 21-24.

75. Kumar, P., Arora, M. K. and Sudhakar, M., 2003, Facility based Network Planning of Rural
Roads Using GIS, Indian Highways, July 2004, 5-22.

76. Maithani S., J ain, R. K. and Arora, M. K., 2007, An Artificial Neural Network Approach for
Modeling Urban Spatial Growth, ITPI J ournal, 4(2), 43-51.

77. Bhattacharya A, Arora MK, Sharma ML (2011) Improved Digital Elevation Model Creation
using SAR Interferometry in Plane and Undulating Terrains. Himalayan geology, 33, 29-44.

78. Bhattacharya A, Arora MK, Sharma ML (2011) Usefulness of Adaptive Filtering for Improved
Digital Elevation Model Generation. Journal of Geological Society of India (Accepted).

79. Arora, M. K., Bansal, S., Khare, S. and Chauhan, K., A comparative assessment of some target
detection algorithms for hyperspectral images, 2013, Defence Science J ournal on
Communication Systems and Image Processing Technologies, DRDO, (Accepted)

80. Arora, M. K. and Tiwari, K. C., 2013, Subpixel Target Enhancement in Hyperspectral Images,
Defence Science J ournal on Communication Systems and Image Processing Technologies,
DRDO, (Accepted)

Research Papers in Conferences/Symposia (International and National)

1. Arora, M. K., and Foody, G. M., 1995, Assessing the factors affecting classification accuracy:
the log linear modelling approach, Proceedings of the 55th ACSM/ 61st ASPRS Annual
Convention and Exposition, Charlotte, NC, USA, Feb.27 - March 2, 1995, 3, 806-815.

2. Foody, G. M., and Arora, M. K., 1995, An evaluation of factors affecting neural network
classification accuracy, Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society,
Southampton, UK, Sept. 11-14, 1995, 42-49.

3. Arora, M. K., 1996, Increasing classification accuracy by accounting for mixed pixels in training
statistics, Proceedings of the Remote Sensing Society One Day Student Meeting, April 4, 1996,

4. Arora, M. K., 1999, Techniques for Sub-Pixel Land Cover Information from Remotely Sensed
Data, South-Asian Countries Conference on Challenges to Architects and Civil Engineers
During Twenty First Century, April 7 9, 1999, Kathmandu, Nepal.

5. Arora, M. K., 1999, Introduction to Ground Truth Data Collection, Training Course on Remote
Sensing and GIS Applications in Water Resources, NIH, Roorkee and CWC, New Delhi, India,

6. Arora, M. K., 1999, Advanced Techniques for Land use/land cover studies, Training Course on
Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Water Resources, NIH, Roorkee and CWC, New
Delhi, India, 172-179.

7. Gupta, R. D., Garg, P. K., and Arora, M.K., 2000, Analysis of Intra-District Disparities for
Dehradun District using GIS Techniques, Proceedings of 3
Annual International Conference
and Exhibition on GIS/GPS/RS, 10-11 April, 2000, New Delhi, 4UD-6UD.

8. Arora, M. K., 2000, Neural network and fuzzy techniques for land use land cover mapping,
Invited paper presented at Workshop on Problems and Methods in RS-based Land Use / Land
cover Mapping in Mountainous Terrain, Aug. 7 - 10, 2000, Dehradun.

9. Gupta, R. D., Garg, P. K., and Arora, M.K., 2001, A GIS based spatial modelling for
developmental planning, In Spatial Information Technology: Remote Sensing and GIS,
Proceedings of ICORG - 2000, Dec. 1 4, Edited by I. V. Muralikrishna, Vol I, B S
Publications, Hyderabad, 265-270.

10. Arora, M. K., 2001, Issues related to neural network classification of remote sensing data, In
Spatial Information Technology: Remote Sensing and GIS, Proceedings of ICORG, 2000, Dec. 1
4, Edited by I. V. Muralikrishna, Vol I, B S Publications, Hyderabad, 435-439.

11. Amin, S., Gupta, R., Saha, A. K., Arora, M. K., and Gupta, R. P., 2001, Genetic Algorithm based
Neural Network for Landslide Hazard Zonation: Some preliminary results, National Workshop
on Application of Rock Engineering in Nations Development, April 27-28, Roorkee, 203-215.

12. Arora, M. K., 2001, A discussion on accuracy assessment procedures for crisp and fuzzy image
classifications, In International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Singh, B, Gupta U. S.,
Srivastava G. S., Gulati, T. R., and Katiyar, V. K., (Eds). , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 228

13. Baijal R., and Arora, M. K., 2001, Modern Mapping Tools for Defence Forces, All India
Seminar on Infrastructure Development in Uttaranchal Problems and Prospects, Oct. 11-13,
2001, Roorkee.

14. Baijal, R., and Arora, M. K., 2001, GPS: A Military Perspective, Asian GPS Conference, 29-30
Oct., New Delhi

15. Arora, M. K., 2001, Remote sensing for land use assessment at micro level, Short course on
Watershed Planning, Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute,
Dehradun, India, 255-267.

16. Sharma. M. L., M. Arora and Y. V. Raju, 2001, Seismic hazard analysis of the Himalayan region
using Artificial Neural Network, International Conference on Seismic Hazard with particular
reference to Bhuj earthquake of January 26, 2001, New Delhi, Abstract Volume, 280-282.

17. Robella, S. A., Varshney, P. K., and Arora, M. K, 2002, Poster paper presented at International
Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toronto, 24 June 28 J une, 2002.

18. Shah, C. A, Arora, M. K., Robella, S. A., and Varshney, P. K., 2002, An ICA mixture model
based unsupervised classification of hyperspectral imagery, 31st Applied Imagery Pattern
Recognition Workshop, Oct 16-18, IEEE Computer Society, Washington DC, USA, 29-35.

19. Ibrahim, M. A., Arora, M. K., Ghosh, S. K., Chandra, A. M., 2002, An overview of fuzzy
methods for land cover classification from remote sensing images, ISPRS TC VII and ISRS
Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring, Dec. 3 6, 2002, Hyderabad, India,

20. Tripathi, K.P., Arora, M. K. and Tripathi, S.K. 2002. Sediment yield modelling from
microwatershed A review In : Resource conservation and watershed management technology
options and future strategies. Eds. Dhyani, S.K. et.al., Indian Association of Soil & Water
Conservationists, Dehradun, India, 394-401.

21. Hyder, S. S., Said, S., Kothyari, U. C., and Arora, M. K., 2003, Relationship between ERS-2
SAR backscatter coefficient and volumetric soil moisture in Solani river catchment, Symposium
on Microwave Remote Sensing Applications, J anuary 21-23, 2003, I I T Bombay, India, CD

22. Watanachaturaporn, P., Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K., 2003, Land Cover Classification
using Support Vector Machines: Effect of Kernal Functions, presented in 2nd Annual New York
State Remote Sensing Symposium, 17 April, 2003, Rochester, NY, USA.

23. Shah, C. A, Varshney, P. K., and Arora, M. K., 2003, ICA Mixture Model for Unsupervised
Classification of non-Gaussian Classes in Multi/Hyperspectral Imagery, Aerosense 2003,
Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery IX,
Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 5093, USA, 2125 April 2003, 569-580.

24. Ibrahim, M. A., Arora, M. K. and Ghosh, S. K., 2003, Improving the Quality of Remotely
Sensed Derived Land Cover Maps by Incorporating Mixed Pixels in Various Stages of a
Supervised Classification Approach, IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing
Symposium, Toulouse, France, J uly 21 25, 2003, 3447-3449.

25. Chen, H, Varshney, P. K. and Arora, M. K., 2003, A Study of J oint Histogram Estimation
Methods to Register Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Images using Mutual Information, IEEE
International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, France, July 21 25,
2003, 4035-4037.

26. Kasetkasem, T, Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K., 2003, A Markov Random Field Based
Approach for Sub-pixel Land Cover Mapping, IEEE International Geosciences and Remote
Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, France, July 21 25, 2003, 3456-3458.

27. Shalan, M. A., Arora, M. K. and Elgy, J ., 2003, CAFCAM: Crisp And Fuzzy Classification
Accuracy Measurement Software, 7th International Conference on Geocomputation, Sept. 8-10,
Southampton, UK, CD.

28. Shah, C. A Arora, M. K , and Varshney, P. K., 2003, ICA mixture model algorithm - A higher
order statistical approach for unsupervised classification of remote sensing imagery, Western
New York Image Processing Workshop, Oct 17, Rochester, NY, USA, CD.

29. C. A. Shah, P. Watanachaturaporn, M. K. Arora , P. K. Varshney, 2003, Recent Results on
hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Workshop on Advances in Techniques for Analysis of
Remotely Sensed Data, Oct., 27-28, Washington DC, USA, CD.

30. Ibrahim, M. A., Arora, M. K. and Ghosh, S. K., 2003, A comparison of FCM and PCM for sub-
pixel classification, Proceedings of 1
Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Dec. 18-20, Hyderabad, CD.

31. Saha, A.K., R P Gupta, I Sarkar, M K Arora and E Csaplovics, 2004, A GIS-based Statistical
approach for Landslide Hazard Zonation in the Himalayas, Proceedings of Map India 2004, J an.
28-31, 2004, New Delhi. CD.

32. Shuang, Z, Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K, 2004, Improvement in image classification
accuracy in the presence of uncertainty in data, ASPRS 2004 Annual Conference, Denver, USA,
May 23-28, 2004, CD

33. Watanachaturaporn, P. Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K, 2004, Evaluation of factors affecting
support vector machines for hyperspectral classification, ASPRS 2004 Annual Conference,
Denver, USA , May 23-28, 2004, CD

34. Sunderasan, A, Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K., 2004, Robustness of change detection
algorithms in the presence of registration errors, ASPRS 2004 Annual Conference, Denver, USA ,
May 23-28, 2004, CD

35. Ibrahim, M. A, Arora, M. K., Ghosh, S. K. and Chen H. M., 2004, Approaches to Improve
Accuracy of Neural Network Classification of Images Dominated by Mixed Pixels, IEEE
International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, Alaska, J uly, 2004, CD

36. Tripathi, K.P., Tripathi, S.K. Sharda, V. N., Arora, M. K. 2004, Sediment delivery ratio for small
hilly watershed of outer Himalayas, National Conference on Resource Conserving Technologies
for Social Upliftment, Dec. 7-9, 2004, New Delhi.

37. Said, S., Kothyari, U.C. and Arora, M. K., 2004, Comparison of empirical model approaches for
soil moisture retrieval over bare surfaces, HYDRO-2004, National Conference on Hydrauilcs
and Water Resources, Dec. 27-28, Nagpur, India, (Eds.) P. D. Porey and R. N. Ingle, Elite
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 33-41.

38. Watanachaturaporn, P. Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K, 2005, Hyperspectral Image
Classification Using Support Vector Machines: A Comparison with Decision Tree and Neural
Network Classifiers, March 2005 ASPRS Annual Conference, USA. CD.

39. Chandra, S, Vergeese, G and Arora, M. K., 2005, Coastal Mangrove Management A study
using Remote Sensing and GIS in Tsunami affected Areas, Presented at National Seminar on
GIS for Rural Development with Special Focus on Disaster Management, March 9-11,

40. Watanachaturaporn, P. Arora, M. K. and Varshney, P. K, 2005, Multisource Land Cover
Classification using Support Vector Machines: A case study in Himalayas, Fusion 2005, J uly
25-28, Philadelphia, USA. CD.

41. Said, S, Kothyari, U. C., Arora, M. K., 2005, Soil moisture retrieval from ERS 2 SAR image
over bare and vegetated areas using ANN, 2
Indian International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, December, Pune, 1110-1125, CD.

42. Kanungo, D. P., Arora, M. K, Gupta, R. P.,, Sarkar, S., Landslide Hazard Zonation in GIS
environment using neuro-fuzzy weighting, 2
Indian International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, December, Pune, 1922-1937, CD.

43. Sajith, V. K. and Arora, M. K.,2006, Information extraction from remote sensing data using
evidential reasoning classifier, Paper presented at Indo-Australian Workshop on Information
Technology in Civil Engineering, Feb. 20-22, Roorkee.

44. Kanungo, D. P., Arora, M. K, Gupta, R. P., Sarkar, S., 2006, Fuzzy Gamma Operator for
Integration of Thematic Maps, Paper presented at Indo-Australian Workshop on Information
Technology in Civil Engineering, Feb. 20-22, Roorkee

45. Watanachaturaporn, P, M. K. Arora and P. K. Varshney, 2006, Sub-pixel land cover
classification using Support Vector Machines, ASPRS, 2006 Annual Conference, May 1-5, 2006,
Reno, Nevada, USA, CD

46. Varshney, P. K., Arora, M. K. and Rao R. M., 2006, Overview of hyperspectral signal
processing, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, May 14-
19, 2005, Toulusse, France, CD

47. Kasetkasem, T, Varshney P. K., Arora, M. K., and , 2006, An MRF based approach for
simultaneous land cover mapping and cast shadow removal, IGARSS 06, July 31-Aug.04, 2006,
Denver, Colorado, USA. CD

48. Kanungo, D. P., Arora, M. K, Gupta, R. P., Sarkar, S., 2006, Evaluation of combined neural and
fuzzy approach for landslide susceptibility zonation in Himalayas, Paper presented at Indian
Himalayan Science Workshop, J une 27-28, 2006, Dehradun, India.

49. Gupta, R. P., Arora, M. K., Saha, A. K., Virdi, M. L., Computing landslide safe route in GIS
environment, Paper presented at Indian Himalayan Science Workshop, June 27-28, 2006,
Dehradun, India.

50. Tiwari, K. C., Singh, D. and Arora, M. K., 2006, Detection and estimation of shape of shallow
buried non-metalic landmines using signal and image analysis techniques from microwave
remote sensing data, National conference on Recent Advancements in Microwave Techniques
And Applications (Microwave 2006), University of Rajasthan, J aipur 06 -08 Oct 2006, 298-301

51. Said, S, Kothyari, U. C., Arora, M. K., 2006, Soil moisture estimation from ERS 2 SAR in
Solani river catchment, Asia Pacific Remote Sensing, SPIE, Nov. 13-17, 2006, Goa.

52. Sajith, V. K. and Arora, M. K., 2006, Deriving classification uncertainty map
in evidential reasoning classifier", Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6405, Nov. 13-17, 2006, Goa.

53. Prasad, G. M. S., Sajith V. K. and Arora, M. K., 2006, An Overview of Modelling and
Visualizing uncertainty in Image Classification, Asia Pacific Remote Sensing, SPIE, Nov. 13-17,
2006, Goa.

54. Gupta, S. and Arora, M. K., 2006, Surface displacement studies using Differential SAR
interferometry, Asia Pacific Remote Sensing, SPIE, Nov. 13-17, 2006.

55. Suri S., Arora, Manoj K., Seiler R., Csaplovics E. (2006), Applicability and performance of
some similarity metrics for automated image registration. In: Smith Sr. WL, Larar AM, Aoki T,
Rattan R (eds) Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology,
Techniques, and Applications, Proc SPIE Vol. 6405 (64052J )

56. Chandra, S. and Arora, M. K., 2006, Forest fire risk zonation mapping using remote sensing
technology, Asia Pacific Remote Sensing, SPIE, Nov. 13-17, 2006, Goa.

57. Kanungo, D. P., Arora, M. K, Gupta, R. P., Sarkar, S., 2006,Remote sensing and GIS-based
landslide risk assessment using a linguistic rule-based fuzzy approach, Asia Pacific Remote
Sensing, SPIE, Vol 6412, Nov. 13-17, 2006, Goa.

58. Tiwari, K. C., Singh, D. and Arora, M. K., 2006, Detection and estimation of depth of shallow
buried non-metallic landmines using signal and image analysis techniques in microwave region
in X band, presented in SPIE Asia Pacific Remote Sensing Conference, Panaji, Goa 13 to 17
Nov 06.

59. Kanungo, D. P., Arora, M. K, Gupta, R. P., Sarkar, S., 2006, A fuzzy concept based landslide
risk assessment in Darjeeling Himalayas, 13
Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee,
December 18-20, 2006

60. Ganesh Prasad, M. S., and Arora, M. K., 2006, Modelling uncertainty in spatial Data: key inputs
to seismic hazard zonation,13
Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee, December 18-
20, 2006.

61. Tiwari, K. C., Singh, D. and Arora, M. K., 2006, Development of polarimetric transforms for
detection of shallow buried non-metallic landmines in microwave X band region, Paper
presented at 3
International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna Propagation and Remote
Sensing held at Jodhpur, from 20 22
December 2006, 149.

62. Shukla, A., Arora, M. K., and Gupta, R. P., 2008, A Multi-source approach for Moraine Cover
Mapping using Artificial Neural Networks. International Workshop on Ice, Snow and
Avalanches, 7-9
J anuary 2008, IIT Bombay, Bombay, India, 144-154

63. Gupta, R. P., Shukla, A., Arora, M. K., and Kulkarni, A. V., 2008, Mapping Moraine Cover in
Himalayas Using IRS 1C- LISS-III data. International Workshop on Ice, Snow and Avalanches,
J anuary 2008, IIT Bombay, Bombay, India, 155-163.

64. Arora, M. K., Shukla, A., Gupta, R. P., and Agarwal, P., 2008, Mapping of Snow-cover from
Coarse Resolution images using Sub-pixel algorithms. National Snow Science Workshop, 11-
J anuary 2008, Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment, Chandigarh, India, 10-11.

65. Shukla, A., Arora, M. K., and Gupta, R. P., 2008, Artificial Neural Network based Multi-source
Classification for Snow-cover Mapping in Himalayas. National Snow Science Workshop, 11-
J anuary 2008, Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment, Chandigarh, India, 12-13

66. Arora, M. K., Shukla A., Gupta R. P. and Agarwal, P., 2008, A Comparative study of Linear
Mixture Modelling and Fuzzy c-Means Clustering for Sub-pixel Snow-cover mapping from
MODIS sensor, Cryosphere & Hazards Workshop for the Hindu Kush, Himalaya & Tibetan
Plateau, 3-6 April 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal.

67. Gupta, R. P., Shukla, A. and Arora, M. K., 2008, Mapping of Moraine Cover over Himalayan
Glaciers Using Satellite Sensor Optical Data, Cryosphere & Hazards Workshop for the Hindu
Kush, Himalaya & Tibetan Plateau, 3-6 April 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal

68. Shukla, A., Arora, M. K. and Gupta R. P., 2008, Delineation of moraine-covered glacier
boundaries using combined optical and thermal remote sensing images, Cryosphere & Hazards
Workshop for the Hindu Kush, Himalaya & Tibetan Plateau, 3-6 April 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal

69. Ganesh Prasad, MS and Arora, M. K., 2008, A measure to assess the quality of thematic maps
derived from remotely sensed images, Geomatics 2008, National Conference on Geomatics for
planet earth, Feb. 18-20, 2008.

70. Arora, M. K., 2009, Emerging Trends in Digital Image Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data,
National Conference on Geomatics and Impact of Climate Change, 4-6 Feb., 2009, Dehradun,
India, Abstract Volume

71. Shukla, A., Gupta, R. P., and Arora, M. K., 2009, Estimating retreat of a Himalayan glacier by
remote sensing based studies, National Conference on Geomatics and Impact of Climate Change,
4-6 Feb., 2009, Dehradun, India, Abstract Volume

72. Chauhan, S., Sharma, M. and Arora, M. K., 2009, Application of Logistic Regression for
Landslide Hazard Zonation of Chamoli region, Garhwal Himalayas, India, National Conference
on Geomatics and Impact of Climate Change, 4-6 Feb., 2009, Dehradun, India, Abstract Volume.
Best Paper Award.

73. Chandra, S., Kimothi, M. M., Sinha, A. R., 2009, Monitoring Forest Fires in Uttarakhand using
MODIS and AWiFS data, National Conference on Geomatics and Impact of Climate Change, 4-
6 Feb., 2009, Dehradun, India, Abstract Volume

74. Shukla, A., R. P. Gupta, M. K. Arora, A.V. Kulkarni, 2009, Discrimination of supraglacial and
periglacial debris using combined optical and thermal remote sensing data, International
Symposium on Snow and Avalanches, April 6-10, 2009, Manali, India.

75. Arora, M. K., 2009, Information Extraction from Radar Remote Sensing Data, Radar Remote
Sensing Seminar, IIT Roorkee, Sept, 25-26, 2009.

76. Choudhary, K., Arora, M. K. and Mishra, M., 2010, Population estimation from remote sensing
data, National Seminar on Population, Development and Environment, Feb. 18-20, 2010, BHU,
Varanasi, India.

77. Varshney A., Arora, M. K. and Ghosh, J . K., 2010, Land Use Land Cover Change Detection
using Improved Change Vector Analysis, National Seminar on Population, Development and
Environment, Feb. 18-20, 2010, BHU, Varanasi, India, Abstract Volume.

78. Bhattacharya, A., Manoj K. Arora and M. L. Sharma, 2010, Application of SAR Interferometry
for DEM Generation: Case Studies in Two Regions with Varied Terrain Conditions, Proceedings
of Conference on Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Management, August 10, 2010,
J amia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 1-16.

79. Kumar, K., Manoj K. Arora, K. S. Hariprasad and Agarwal, Astha, 2010, Bare Field Soil
Moisture Estimation from ENVISAT ASAR Data, Proceedings of Conference on Remote
Sensing and GIS for Environmental Management, August 10, 2010, J amia Millia Islamia, New
Delhi, 100-111

80. Chandra, S., Manoj K. Arora and J . K. Ghosh, 2010, Forest Resource Mapping from Remote
Sensing Data using Advanced Image Classification Techniques, Proceedings of Conference on
Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Management, August 10, 2010, J amia Millia
Islamia, New Delhi, 120-129

81. Chaudhary A., Manoj K. Arora and R. K. J ain, 2010, Identification of Most Probable Areas for
Urban Growth in Dehradun city using Remote Sensing and GIS, Proceedings of Conference on
Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Management, August 10, 2010, J amia Millia
Islamia, New Delhi, 130-148.

82. Varshney A., Manoj K. Arora, J . K. Ghosh, 2010, A Modified Change Vector Analysis
Algorithm for Land Use Land Cover Change Detection from Remote Sensing Data, Proceedings
of Conference on Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Management, August 10, 2010,
J amia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 215-226.

83. Arora, M. K., Chauhan, S., Sharma, M. and Kanungo, D. P., 2011, LaSaRiZ: A Software for
Landslide Susceptibility Zonation and Risk Assessment using Neural Network and Fuzzy Set
Approaches, INDROCK, Third Indian Rock Conference, Oct 13-15, Roorkee.

84. Bhattacharya A, Arora MK, Sharma ML (2011) Detection of Active Landslide Area in
Himalayas using Small Baseline Subset Interferometry. National Conference on Recent
Advancement of Civil Engineering (RACE 2011), Organized by Department of Civil
Engineering, Benaras Hindu University (BHU). ISBN 978-81-921121-0-7, pp. 336-342.

85. Bhattacharya A, Arora MK, Sharma ML, 2012 A study of surface displacement estimation using
Differential SAR Interferometry in the Himalayan Region. National Seminar on Geospatial
Solutions for Resource Conservation and Management on 18-20 January, 2012, KSRSAC,
Bangalore, 387-395.

86. Arora, M. K., 2012, Advances in land cover extraction from remote sensing data, National
Seminar on Geospatial Solutions for Resource Conservation and Management on 18-20
January, 2012, Lead Paper, KSRSAC, Bangalore, 349-359.

87. Prasad Ganesh and Arora, M. K., 2012, Measurement of Thematic Uncertainty: a comparison of
two measures, National Seminar on Geospatial Solutions for Resource Conservation and
Management on 18-20 January, 2012, Lead Paper, KSRSAC, Bangalore, 367-372.

88. Sharma ML, Bhattacharya A, Arora MK., 2012, Convergence rate estimation of Indian plate
using advanced remote sensing technique. International conference of Geospatial Technique and
Application (Geomatrix 12) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on 26
2012, (Presented)

89. Srivastava, M., Arora, M. K., and Balasubramanyan, R., 2012, An Evaluation Technique to
Assess Quality Of Segmentation from Remote Sensing Data, International conference of
Geospatial Technique and Application (Geomatrix 12) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
on 26
February, 2012, (Presented)

90. Gusain H. S., Mishra V. D. and Arora, M. K, 2012, Estimation of Net Shortwave Radiation Flux
of Western Himalayan Snowcover during Clear Sky Days using Remote Sensing and
Meteorological Data, International conference of Geospatial Technique and Application
(Geomatrix 12) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on 26
February, 2012, (Presented)

91. Bansal Shweta, Manoj K. Arora, Bharti Soni, Susmita Harrow and R. Balasubramanyan, 2012,
RX Algorithm for Anomaly Detection from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images, All India
Seminar on Applications of Imaging, Visualisation and Optimisation Technologies, March 2-3,
2012, Dehradun. (Presented). Best Paper Award.

92. Chatterjee, A., J ain, H., Biswas, D., Arora, M. K., and Balasubramanian, R., 2012, Spectral
Correlation Mapper for Classification and Target Detection in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
Images, All India Seminar on Applications of Imaging, Visualisation and Optimisation
Technologies, March 2-3, 2012, Dehradun. (Presented)

93. Srivastava M., Arora M. K. and Balasubramanian Raman, 2012, Fixation of Segmentation
Parameters for Object Based Classification of Resourcesat LISS-IV Image - An Experimental
Study, All India Seminar on Applications of Imaging, Visualisation and Optimisation
Technologies, Feb. 10-11, 2012, Dehradun. (Presented)

94. Arora, M. K., 2012, Advances in Information Extraction from Digital Remote Sensing Images,
Lead Paper, All India Seminar on Applications of Imaging, Visualisation and Optimisation
Technologies, March 2-3, Dehradun. (Presented)

95. Arora, M. K., 2012, Comparative assessment of neural network, fuzzy set and neuro-fuzzy
approaches for landslide susceptibility zonation in Garhwal Himalayas, Session on Soft
Computing in Civil Engineering, 10
World Congress on Computational Mechanics, J uly 8-13,
2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Presented)

96. Vijay S., Arora, M. K., Buchroithner, M. and Kropacek, J ., 2012, Analysis of glacier mass
Balance and Rheology of Kekesayi Glacier using Hexagon KH-9, ALOS-PRISM and SAR Data,
ESA-CliC-EGU J oint Conference on Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science,13-16
November 2012, Frascati, Rome, Italy. (Presented).

Invited Lectures and Talks

1. Arora, M. K., 1998, Conventional Surveying equipment and their utility, Training on Modern
Surveying Equipment, I I T Roorkee, India, II(1) II(4)

2. Arora, M. K., 1999, Digital Image Classification Techniques, Training for Railway Engineers on
Digital Mapping Techniques, I I T Roorkee, India.

3. Arora, M. K., 1999, Global Positioning System (GPS), Training for Railway Engineers on
Digital Mapping Techniques, I I T Roorkee, India.

4. Arora, M. K., 2000, Principles of GIS, Short term course on A teaching capsule for Remote
Sensing and GIS, I I T Roorkee, India.

5. Arora, M. K., 2001, Sources of errors, propagation and quality control in GIS, Short term course
on Understanding GIS, Department of Continuing Education, I I T Roorkee, India

6. Arora, M. K., 2001, GIS data structures, Short term course on GIS, I I T Roorkee, India.

7. Arora, M. K., 2001, Leveling principles, Short term course for IRCON engineers, I I T Roorkee,

8. Arora, M. K., 2003, Errors in GPS, Sponsored training course on GPS application for landslide
and resource mapping, I I T Roorkee, India.

9. Arora, M. K., 2003, Errors and Accuracy in GPS observations, Short term course on GPS and its
application, I I T Roorkee, India.

10. Arora, M. K., 2004, Digital elevation models and applications, Specialised GIS Training Course
for DST Sub-programme on Bio-Geo Database for Ecological Modeling for Himachal Pradesh,
India, I I T Roorkee, India.

11. Arora, M. K., 2004, Urban feature extraction using non-parametric techniques, PG Diloma
Course on Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun,

12. Arora, M.K., 2004, Digital Image Processing, Landscape GIS/Remote Sensing Course, Ashoka
Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE), Bangalore, Aug. 2-16, 2004.

13. Arora, M.K., 2004, Advances in Remote Sensing, Landscape GIS/Remote Sensing Course,
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE), Bangalore, Aug. 2-16, 2004.

14. Arora, M. K., 2004, Role of Geoinformatics in Hazards, Expert Lecture, Indian Institute of
Remote Sensing, Dehradun, Dec., 7, 2004.

15. Arora, M. K., 2005, Role of Remote Sensing and GIS in water resources studies, QIP short term
course on ground water modeling, IIT Roorkee, Feb. 21-25, 2005.

16. Arora, M. K., Soft Classification and accuracy assessment, Defence Electronics Appliances
Laboratory, Dehradun, J uly 2, 2005

17. Arora, M. K., Ground truth and GPS survey, J uly, 2005, National Institute of Hydrology,

18. Arora, M. K., Soft Classification and Accuracy Assessment, Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna
University, Chennai, Sept. 30, 2005

19. Arora, M. K., Soft Classification and Accuracy Assessment, Space Application Center,
Ahmedabad, October, 2005

20. Arora, M. K., Digital Image Processing, Short Term Course on Geomatics Engineering
Applications, IIT Roorkee, 2006.

21. Arora, M. K., Sub-pixel snow cover mapping from remote sensing data, Short Term Course,
Snow and Avalanches Study Establishment, Chandigarh, May, 2007

22. Arora M. K., Data analysis techniques for hyperspectral data, Defence Electronic Appliances
Laboratory (DEAL), DRDO, Dehradun, May 2008.

23. Arora, M. K., Digital image processing, Short Term Training Course on Remote Sensing and
GIS Applications in Hydropower Projects for NHPC Engineers, IIT Roorkee, Feb. 22 27,

24. Arora, M. K., Advances in Image Classification, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun,
March 16, 2010.

25. Arora, M. K., Advances in Image Classification and Accuracy Assessment of Remote Sensing
Data, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Sept., 13, 2010

26. Arora, M. K., Advanced Hyper spectral Data Processing, CEP Course on Emerging Techniques
for Image Processing, DEAL, DRDO, Dehradun, Oct 7, 2010.

27. Arora, M. K., Remote Sensing for Land Use Land Cover Mapping, Training Course on
Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Resources Management, May 30- J une 10,
2011, NIH, Roorkee

28. Arora, M. K., Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Disaster Studies, Training Course of SAARC
Countries, Earthquake Risk Mitigation, 6-17 June, 2011, IITR Campus Noida

29. Arora, M. K., Overview of Geomatics for Hydro-power Projects, Training Course on Remote
Sensing and GIS Applications in Hydro-power Projects, June 20-22, 2011, School of Hydrology,
IIT Roorkee.

30. Arora, M. K., Information Extraction from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images, DRDO -
Academia Workshop Futuristic Communication Technologies and Trends for Military
Applications, 15 - 16 February 2012, DEAL, DRDO, Dehradun

31. Arora, M. K., ANN and Fuzzy set based techniques for Earth Sciences Applications, CEP
Course for SASE Scientists, J uly 2-6, 2012, SASE, DRDO, Chandigarh,

Masters Theses Supervision : 50 (Completed) 2 (In progress)

1. Evaluation of Stereoscopic Capabilities of SPOT Imageries (1992)
2. Development of PC Based Software for some Selected Map Projection Systems including Inter
Conversion (1993)
3. A Study of the Feasibility of Selection of Training Data for Image Analysis (1993)
4. Performance Evaluation of Back Propagation Neural Network, Fuzzy c-Means and Statistical
Classifiers for Remotely Sensed Data (1998)
5. A Comparative Study of Linear Mixture Modelling and Maximum Likelihood Classifier for Sub-
pixel Classification (1998)
6. A Knowledge Based System for Classification of Obstacles in War Planning (1999)
7. A Study of Neural Network Parameters affecting Image Classification (1999)
8. A Sampling Design Software for Image Classification Accuracy (1999)
9. Landslide Hazard Zonation Studies in the Bhagirathi Valley Using Remote Sensing and GIS
10. A Fuzzy Image Classification Package for Remotely Sensed Data (2000)
11. Evaluation of Control Establishment using GPS Surveys (2000)
12. Neural Network Classification using Remote Sensing and Ancillary data (2000)
13. Headway Modelling using Artificial Neural Network (2000)
14. Investigations into the topographic effect on classification of remote sensing data (2001)
15. Investigations into the geometric rectification of remote sensing data (2001)
16. Seismic hazard analysis using neural network (2001)
17. Run-off estimation using ANN (2001)
18. Facility based rural road network planning using GIS (2001)
19. Neural Network for landslide hazard zonation (2001)
20. Development of program for image classification accuracy measures (2001)
21. A software for image classification accuracy assessment (2002)
22. Development of a Knowledge-based System for Military Use (2002)
23. Seismic Hazrad Estimation Using GIS (2002)
24. Development of Software for Trip Assignment in Urban Areas (2002)
25. Soil moisture estimation from microwave remote sensing data: some preliminary results (2002)
26. A comparative study of some neural network algorithms for classification of remote sensing data
27. Quality of DEM generation from topographical maps and GPS observations (2004)
28. Accuracy of soft classification in the presence of uncertainty (2004)
29. Techniques for area Estimation for remote sensing classifications (2005)
30. Wavelet based image fusion for image classification problems (2006)
31. Investigations into some automatic intensity based registration techniques (2006)
32. Study of Evidential Reasoning for Image Classification (2006)
33. Investigations into surface displacement estimation using Differential SAR Interferometry
34. A comparative study of some decision tree algorithms for image classification (2007)
35. Conflation of vector data with remote sensing image (2007)
36. Development of some feature extraction algorithms for hyperspectral images (2008)
37. Landslide hazard zonation and risk assessment using Neuro-fuzzy techniques (2009)
38. Oil spill detection using microwave remote sensing data (2009)
39. Visualisation of travel behaviour of people in GIS environment (2009)
40. Population estimation from remote sensing data (2010)
41. Development of region growing segmentation software for object based image classification
42. Assessing land use land cover change using modified change vector analysis (2010)
43. Remote sensing and GIS based landslide risk assessment in Darjeeling hills (2010)
44. GIS based urban growth assessment in Dehradun city (2010)
45. GIS based land use planning in Vizag city (2010)
46. Study and implementation of some feature reduction techniques for hyperspectral imaging,
Roshni Sanyal (2011)
47. Study and implementation of some per-pixel classifiers for hyperspectral imaging, Debojit
Biswas (2011).
48. Development of an algorithm for snow cover reflectance and snow fraction, M Kavita V (2011)
49. An assessment of some anomaly and target detection algorithms for hyperspectral images,
Shweta Bansal (2012)
50. Glacier rheology studies in Kuksai glacier using Terra SAR-X data, Saurabh Vijay (2012)
51. SAR Interferometry for landslide studies, Shreyansh Singh (In Progress)
52. Remote Sensing and GIS for Infrastructural Planning (In Progress)

Ph. D. Theses Supervision 21 (Completed: 14, In Progress: 7)


1. Remote sensing and GIS based decision support system for district level planning, R. D. Gupta
2. GIS-based Study for Route Planning in Landslide Susceptible Terrain, Ashis K Saha (2004)
3. Evaluation of Soft Classifiers for Remote Sensing Data, M. A. Ibrahim (2004)
4. Support vector machines for remote sensing image classification, USA, Pakorn
Watanachaturaporn (2005)
5. Geomorphological and Pedological Evaluation of Interfluves between the Ganga and Ghaghara
Rivers, Satwinder Singh (2005)
6. Soil moisture retrieval from microwave remote sensing data, Saif Said (2006)
7. GIS Based Landslide Susceptibility Studies Using Neural and Fuzzy Approaches, D. P. Kanungo
8. Target detection using optical and microwave remote sensing data, K. C. Tiwari (2008)
9. A neural network based cellular model for urban growth simulation, Sandeep Maithani (2008)
10. Modeling of uncertainty in remote sensing data, M. S. Ganesh Prasad (2009)
11. Remote sensing based glaciological studies in parts of Chenab basin, Himalayas, Aparna Shukla
12. Remote Sensing based forest cover mapping using recent techniques, Sunil Chandra (2012)
13. Estimation of displacements due to earthquakes using SAR Interferometry, Atanu Bhatacharya
14. Derivation of hydrological parameters from remote sensing data, Kamal Kumar (2013)

In Progress

15. Object based image analysis of remote sensing data, Mohit Srivasatva
16. Per pixel and sub-pixel classification of hyperspectral data, N. Prabhu
17. Snow studies using remote sensing data, Heemendra Gussain
18. Remote Sensing Studies in Chhotashigri Glacier, Reet Kamal Tiwari
19. Differential SAR Interferometry for Landslide studies, Manoj Kuri
20. Camouflage target detection using remote sensing data, Deepti Yadav
21. Geo-Ecological Studies in J haria Coalfields, India, Varinder Saini

Ph. D. Theses Examined

1. Mutual information based image registration with applications, Syracuse University, USA
2. Robust transmission of DCT coded images and image quality evaluation, Syracuse University,
3. Application of Independent Component Analysis for hyperspectral image processing, Syracuse
University, USA
4. An integrated approach to large scale mapping using remote sensing and digital photogrammetric
techniques, Anna University, Chennai, India.
5. Landslide studies using remote sensing and GIS techniques, Anna University, Chennai, India
6. SAR polarimetry techniques for snowpack parameters estimation, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
7. Integration of GIS and Artificial Neural Networks to Map the Landslide Susceptibility in Nilgiris
District, Anna University, Chennai, India
8. Studies on sub-pixel classification of satellite images and spectra of landcover components for
improved estimation of the capacity of reservoirs, Anna University, Chennai, India
9. Object based image classification of high resolution remote sensing data, IIT Bombay, Mumbai,



(i) Dr. P. K. Varshney, Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Syracuse University, SYRACUSE, NY, 13244 (USA)
Tel. (315) 443 4013 (O), Fax: (315) 443 4441, Email: [email protected]

(ii) Dr. G. M. Foody, Professor
School of Geography, University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG7 2RD. UK, [email protected]

(iii) Dr. Steve Stehman, Professor
Forestry Faculty
College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry (ESF)
SUNY, Syracuse.(USA)
Tel: (315) 470 6692 (O), Email: [email protected]

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