Halfling Razorback (Prestige Class)

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Cover Design
Andrew Hale and Brad Kelley
Interior Illustrations
Andrew Hale
Layout & Interior Design
Brad Kelley
Benjamin Durbin
Playtesting and Additional Design
Josh Bennett, Matt Bogen, Greg Dinkelman,
Kevin Kulp, and Brian Lasater; with Keith
Pogue, Christine Pogue and Hank Woolsey for
Jellija for Sale
BA03104: Heroes of High Favor: Halflings
ISBN: 0-9720416-4-8
Copyright 2003, Bad Axe Games, LLC
Heroes of High Favor:
A d20 Supplement
by Jeremy Baldridge and Benjamin Durbin
This product is produced under the terms
of the Open Gaming License v1.0a and the
d20 System License v5.0. A copy of the Open
Gaming License may be found at the end of
this book. Open Content consists of rules-
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Sample Pages
Open Gaming Content
26 Chapter 4: Prestige Classes 27
Many civilized halflings have learned to
overcome adversity and limitations with
ingenuity or tenacity. The often ostracized
razorback surmounts those obstacles
through the embrace of primitive impulses
and tapping of internal strength. They
have discovered that rage can
be channeled in productive
and practical ways, and while a razorbacks
methods may lack subtlety, they seldom
disappoint in their effectiveness. They have
a keen understanding of when it is time to
wait patiently and quietly, and when it is
time to tear off the muzzle and flash their
teeth. Few razorbacks exhibit guilt or
regret with the violent and reckless
decisions they make, and have become
grim and taciturn from years of
bottling up the fury that would
otherwise prove fatal
if left unchecked.
26 Chapter 4: Prestige Classes 27 Razorback
Role in Halfling Society
The razorback is admired, feared, and
sometimes even hated, even within their own
clan. The more unhinged and bestial ones
are given the same berth as a wild boar, and
even the ones with wits about them are still
given a margin of mistrust.
Primarily, razorbacks are combat-oriented
infiltrators. Once their more clandestine kin
have gleaned vital information and cleared
the way by unlocking doors and gates and
eliminating sentries, the razorback bursts
through the enemys perimeter and spills
blood with speed and savagery.
When battle is not planned, a razorback
is kept around as a deterrent against
troublemakers, most of whom can neither
outrun or outmatch their barbarous kin.
While the rare disciplined ones can serve as
guards and sentries, most are too stir crazy
to hold watch.
Some razorbacks even become leaders of
bandit operations: groups of halflings who
roam the wilds bordering trade roads and
districts with weak patrols. They boldly
pillage until they are forced to move on
or they are wiped out by bounty hunters.
Others become gladiators, making their
fortune in arenas and smoke-filled dens.
Sometimes even the mention of a halfling
razorback competing will draw a large
crowd of spectators to the bloodsport
Role within the
Adventuring Party
Razorbacks make durable scouts, though
they are usually not the best at sneaking and
hiding. However, they are more fleet of foot
and can deal with conflict once the element
of surprise is lost. Typical rogues must run
away once theyre caught, but a razorback
can stand and fight until the rest of the
party can join the fray.
Most razorbacks dont put much focus on
the finer aspects of being a rogue, such
as disarming traps and picking locks and
pockets. Instead, they concentrate on stealth,
speed, and vicious sneak attacks to define
their role within the party.
If you do not choose Strength as your
primary attribute then you must seriously
consider compensating with feats or magic
items to improve combat effectiveness. You
will be in the thick of fighting once stealth
is over, and must be able to dish out damage
and live to tell about it.
Dexterity will obviously reward a rogue-
barbarian in terms of AC, especially when
coupled with uncanny dodge, as well as
improving your Dex based stealth skills.
Constitution should be the third
consideration. It is always advantageous to
have bonus hit points, and though rogues
make it a point not to get hit in the first
place, a rogue-barbarian is more likely than
most to end up in combat.
Intelligence will definitely fill out your
sundry skills as a rogue-barbarian,
especially if you begin as a rogue. But
in this line of work you should really be
making attack rolls, not skill checks.
Wisdom and Charisma are mostly trivial
to a barbarian-rogue. They will increase
your Will saves and make you more amiable
when youre not frothing at the mouth and
jumping up and down on your foes corpses.
28 Chapter 4: Prestige Classes
Open Content
Open Content
Wild, swift, and seething with aggression,
the razorback lunges at his foes with the
passion of a berserker but the cunning of a
hardened survivor.
Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Climb: 8 ranks
Hide: 8 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Survival: 8 ranks
Feats: Toughness
Special: rage class ability; sneak attack +1d6
or more
Class Skills
The razorbacks class skills (and the key
ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex),
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle
Animal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate
(Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int),
Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex),
Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str),
Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The razorback is proficient with all
simple and martial weapons, with light
armor, and shields.
Sneak Attack
The razorback gains additional sneak
attack damage every other level. This
stacks with any previous sneak attack
Dangers Path
When making a charge action, the
razorback does not have to travel in
a straight line to reach his opponent.
He may move sideways to avoid spaces
threatened by other opponents or
harmful obstacles, but not backwards.
Evasion (Ex)
The razorback gains evasion, as the
rogue ability of the same name.
Astounding Prowess (Ex)
If the razorback is already raging, he
may expend an additional rage to wield
a weapon one size larger than he could
normally manage. For example, a Small
razorback could wield a Large weapon
in two hands, or a Medium weapon in
one hand. (A Small character normally
requires two hands to wield a Medium
weapon, and cannot wield a Large
weapon at all.)
When the rage is over, the razorback is
fatigued as normal even if he has the
tireless rage ability and must resume
wielding weapons appropriate for his
Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
The razorback gains the uncanny dodge
ability. If he already has this ability, he
gains improved uncanny dodge instead,
and the levels from the classes that grant
uncanny dodge stack to determine the
28 Chapter 4: Prestige Classes
Open Content
Open Content
minimum rogue level required to flank
the character.
Additional Rage
The razorback can rage an additional
time each day.
At 8th level the razorback gains the
tireless rage ability. At 10th level he
gains the mighty rage ability.
Captive Hostility
A raging razorback is extremely
difficult to grapple or restrain. He will
scratch, bite, contort and writhe in
every effort to escape from constraint.
While he is raging, he adds his
razorback class level as a circumstance
bonus to all grapple checks, including
opposed attack rolls as well as Escape
Artist checks.
Ironguts (Ex)
A razorback is accustomed to
unpleasant situations, sights, smells,
tastes, and so on. Beginning at 4th
level, a razorback who would normally
be nauseated by an effect is sickened
instead. The razorback is completely
immune to effects that would normally
leave other characters sickened.
Bloody Gambit
While he is raging, any bonus
sneak attack damage rolls made by a
razorback may be rerolled once each.
All dice used in the damage roll must
be rerolled (for example, if you rolled
3d6 for your sneak attack damage, you
must reroll all three dice). The new
result is final, even if it is less than the
original roll.
Table 1: Razorback
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Abilities Gained
+0 +2 +2 +0 Sneak attack +1d6, dangers path
+1 +3 +3 +0
Evasion, astounding prowess
+2 +3 +3 +1 Uncanny dodge, sneak attack +2d6
+3 +4 +4 +1
Ironguts, additional rage
+3 +4 +4 +1 Captive hostility, sneak attack +3d6
+4 +5 +5 +2
Bloody gambit
+5 +5 +5 +2 Additional rage, sneak attack +4d6
+6 +6 +6 +2
Tireless rage
+6 +6 +6 +3 Sneak attack +5d6
+7 +7 +7 +3
Mighty rage; additional rage
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
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System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson;
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, Rich baker, Andy Collins, David noonan,
Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Heroes of High Favor: Dwarves Copyright 2002, Benjamin R.
Durbin; published by Bad Axe Games, LLC.
Heroes of High Favor: Halflings Copyright 2003, Jeremy
Baldridge and Benjamin Durbin; published by Bad Axe Games,

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