Levi Bryant, Nick Srnicek, and Graham Harman (Eds) : The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism
Levi Bryant, Nick Srnicek, and Graham Harman (Eds) : The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism
Levi Bryant, Nick Srnicek, and Graham Harman (Eds) : The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism
izek found at
the end of this collection. While this has been a project of Z
izek draws
on in the aforementioned essay, Potentiality and Virtuality which directly follows
izeks own.
Next is Levi Bryants excellent piece entitled the Ontic Principle: Outline of an
Object Oriented Ontology. In it, Bryant offers a speculative realist position which
is again distinct from Harmans realism of objects and Grants realism of
powers insofar as it takes difference to be the minimal criterion for being
and hence foundational for understanding the being of objects. As Bryant puts the
claim, if a difference is made, then the being is (p. 269). In a proto-structuralist
fashion then, it is relationalityrather than thoughtthat denes the being of
objects for Bryant. The differences that are expressed in the relations between things
are what Bryant calls Inhuman or extra-human as, the being of difference is in
no way dependant on knowledge or consciousness, in other words, for Bryants
realism, difference is, whether or not we are, its existence is, in this way indifferent
to ours (p. 267). The collection continues with essays by Steven Shaviro, Bruno
Latour, Gabriel Catran, Isabelle Stengers, and Manuel DeLanda. Each of which
offers variations on, and investigations of, the themes of Realism and Materialism as
described above.
In all, the essays collected together in this volume offer the readerboth those
looking to understand this movement and those already well-versed in itan in-
depth look at the various, and sometimes conicting ways in which a number of
contemporary thinkers are working to understand, develop, and extend this new
philosophical movement. For anyone interested in this area or more generally, in
new developments in philosophical thinking, either from a critical perspective or a
non-critical one, this is welcome addition. It is, furthermore, open-access and
available for free download at the publishers website which makes it very easy for
anyone to gain access to.
The Speculative Turn 469
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