Eddie bought a foot spa for his sister as a gift. The document then discusses common verb patterns used with indirect objects, such as "give something to someone" and "buy something for someone". It provides examples of sentences using these patterns and exercises for the reader to practice rearranging sentences and identifying prepositions. The exercises focus on indirect objects and gifts, asking about last gifts given as well as typical gift-giving customs.
Eddie bought a foot spa for his sister as a gift. The document then discusses common verb patterns used with indirect objects, such as "give something to someone" and "buy something for someone". It provides examples of sentences using these patterns and exercises for the reader to practice rearranging sentences and identifying prepositions. The exercises focus on indirect objects and gifts, asking about last gifts given as well as typical gift-giving customs.
Eddie bought a foot spa for his sister as a gift. The document then discusses common verb patterns used with indirect objects, such as "give something to someone" and "buy something for someone". It provides examples of sentences using these patterns and exercises for the reader to practice rearranging sentences and identifying prepositions. The exercises focus on indirect objects and gifts, asking about last gifts given as well as typical gift-giving customs.
Eddie bought a foot spa for his sister as a gift. The document then discusses common verb patterns used with indirect objects, such as "give something to someone" and "buy something for someone". It provides examples of sentences using these patterns and exercises for the reader to practice rearranging sentences and identifying prepositions. The exercises focus on indirect objects and gifts, asking about last gifts given as well as typical gift-giving customs.
Eddie bought his sister a foot spa. Subject + verb + thing + to/for + person Subject + verb + person + thing a) I never lend my car to anybody. I never lend anybody my car. b) My friends send lots of texts to me. c) I sometimes buy flowers for my mom.
*Common verbs with the pattern verb + thing + to + person: give, lend, offer, pass, read, send, show, teach, tell. *Common verbs with the pattern verb + thing + for + person: buy, find, get, make. You cant use the word order verb + person + thing with certain verbs e.g.: describe, explain, say or suggest. He explained the situation to me. (NOT He explained me the situation.) She said hello to us. (NOT She said us hello.)
Exercises 1) Complete the sentences about last Christmas.
a) Anna: some socks Grandpa Anna gave Grandpa some socks / Anna gave some socks to Grandpa. b) John: an iPod Tony c) Dick: some chocolate Molly d) Sue: a cook book Carla e) Becky: a DVD Eric f) Jimmy: some earrings - Sally What gifts did you give last Christmas?
2) Underline the appropriate prepositions. When is it possible to change order?
a) Could you send the money for / to me? b) We showed pictures of our vacation for / to him. c) She explained the rules for / to them. d) Ian is getting some ice cream for / to us. e) My dad bought this for / to me for my birthday. f) They didnt say goodbye for / to us. g) Ive told that joke for / to everybody! h) I dont want to make breakfast for / to him! i) He described the house for / to her. j) Can you lend your bike for / to Sue?
3) Insert the indirect object in parentheses to complete the questions. When was the last time a) you bought a gift? (a friend) you bought a friend a gift? b) you cooked something? (somebody) c) your bank sent a letter? (you) d) you gave a ride? (somebody) e) you lent some money? (your best friend) f) a friend told a joke? (you)
1) How often do you buy gifts? 2) What was the best gift youve ever received? 3) What kind of gifts do people in your country usually buy?
a) Who was the gift for? b) What was the occasion? c) Where did he go shopping for the gift? d) Did he know what he was going to buy? e) What did he buy in the end? f) How much did he spend? g) Did he buy a card too?
1) How often do you buy gifts? 2) What was the best gift youve ever received? 3) What kind of gifts do people in your country usually buy?
a) Who was the gift for? b) What was the occasion? c) Where did he go shopping for the gift? d) Did he know what he was going to buy? e) What did he buy in the end? f) How much did he spend? g) Did he buy a card too?
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