SYNOPSIS Hydraulic Crane
SYNOPSIS Hydraulic Crane
SYNOPSIS Hydraulic Crane
Materials used:
8 syringes (radius 1.2cm)
Wooden block 18*5*5 cm
Ply wood(or tin wood block) 2!*3! cm
"ri# tubes
"isco $ubber%&ands
'crews and nails
(a#e and oter adesi)es.
*ircular #ly wood #iece $adius 5 cm
+,tra #ly wood #ieces -or ad.ustment
/rrange te a##aratus as sown in te blue #rint.
1ake sure tat te needle #arts o- e)ery #air o-
syringes are connected using dri# tubes in suc a way
tat te connection is air tigt.
2eedles must be remo)ed -rom te syringes be-ore
setting u# te a##aratus so tat tere won3t be any
1ake sure tat te weigts o- te #ly woods are small
enoug to be su##orted by te syringes.
Water must be -illed into te syringes and dri# tubes
taking care tat tere are no (or )ery little) air
Operation of the hydraulic crane:
'yringes o- te o#eration unit can be used to4
1o)e te arms o- te crane laterally and )ertically
5old te ob.ect to be li-ted
Working principle:
(e working o- ydraulic cranes can be e,#lained
troug Pascal3s law.
6or an incom#ressible -luid te #ressure cange at
any #oint is e7ually -elt (a##lied) at all #oints witout
diminising its )alue.
Other apps of Pascals law:
(e working o- many oter instruments like
s#rinklers and brake systems can be e,#lained using Pascal3s
SPRINKLERS: 9n case o- s#rinklers same amount o- water
comes out -rom all te o#enings irres#ecti)e o- te eigt
at wic tey are situated (#ro)ided tat te oles are o-
te same si:e). (is is because te #ressure is e7ual at all
#oints according to Pascals Law.
BRAKE SYSTEMS:(oil/air): (e brake #edal is attaced to
a le)er wic is -urter connected to a #iston o- narrow
-luid -illed tube. (is -urter leads to a broader tube wit
a larger #iston (connected to te brake #ad). Wen te
dri)er #resses te brake #edal te le)er #uses te #iston
o- te narrow tube tus a##lying a #ressure on te -luid.
/ccording to Pascal3s 8aw tis #ressure must remain
constant e)en in te larger tube. &ut; te area becomes
larger. 'o; to maintain te constant #ressure te -orce
a##lied by te -luid on te #iston o- te larger tube
automatically increases.
9n tis way a gradation o- te -orce a##lied
takes #lace; and te resultant -orce is large enoug to make
te weels sto# rotating. /lso te -orce is not distributed
to te -our weels. 9nstead te same increased -orce is
a##lied to all te -our weels.
Water costs less
Few things are more abundant or readily available than water. As a result, water's costs
are just a fraction of those of conventional hydraulic fluids. Operating costs are lower,
too. Transportation and storage costs are nonexistent. And when additives and
concentrates are needed, their costs are minimal too, because they are used in small
Safety hazards reduced
ater!based fluids are fire!resistant. And pure water is fireproof. hen applications
re"uire additives, the resulting mixtures generally share the same, safe properties of
pure water. ater also promotes safety in other ways# wor$ers do not breathe harmful oil
vapors or ris$ exposure to s$in and eyes.
Lower insurance costs
ater is nontoxic and nonflammable. %o water hydraulic systems can actually lower
industrial insurance premiums. &hances of fire, environmental clean!up and industrial!
related health claims are lessened when water is the fluid choice.
Easy availability
ater is widely available throughout the industriali'ed world. (n contrast, conventional
hydraulic fluids, including biodegradables and non toxics such as vegetable oils, are
dependent upon manufacturers' capacities. As a result, costs can rise in response to the
mar$et's supply and demand.
Disposal costs less
)ecent environmental legislation has changed disposal practices. %ome hydraulic fluids
must be collected and disposed of in a prescribed manner* even those manufactured as
+biodegradable and nontoxic.+ ,isposal costs can be substantial* made even worse
when considering necessary transportation charges. Often, disposal costs are about
e"ual to fluid purchase costs. -ut with water hydraulic fluids, disposal costs are reduced
or, in some cases, eliminated.
Environmental compliance costs less
.egislation will continue to hold companies liable for the burdens they place on the
environment. For companies that do not comply, environmental taxes, clean!up
re"uirements and other responsibilities are li$ely to increase. -ut for companies that
comply with environmental regulations, costs will be lessened. The use of water
hydraulics ma$es compliance easier and less costly.
Reduced product contamination
/roduct contamination is a concern for many industries. &ontamination prevents textiles
and wood veneers from ta$ing dye or stain. (t also discolors paper, alters
pharmaceuticals and causes foods to ac"uire undesirable tastes. &ontamination can
also render some products unsaleable. 0se of approved fluids, even those designated
nontoxic or environmentally friendly, does not necessarily solve these problems.
1owever, if water seeps into products, it is considered far less harmful.
Green image enhanced
0se of water hydraulics helps foster images of good corporate citi'enry. 0sers of water
hydraulics live up to these images# they typically are cost! conscious, sensitive to the
environment and caring about safety issues.