Evaluation of Evapotranspiration

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 09 | NCETCE-2014 | June-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 43

, K.A.Salunke
, P.PBhangale

Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, MET BKC IOE Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Asstitant professor., Civil Engineering Department, SIEM Nashik, Maharashtra, India
HOD, Civil Engineering Department, S.S.G.B COET Bhusawal, Maharashtra, India

In designation water use by crops, evaporation and transpiration are combined in one term called evapo-transpiration (ET), as it
is difficult to separate those two losses in crop field. Evaporation and transpiration are simultaneously and it is not easy to
distinguish between the two processes. Evapotranspiration is a complex phenomenon it depends on various factors as pressure,
wind speed, temperature, humidity, solar radiation, vapor etc.

Evapotranspiration can be measured by different five principles method viz. lysimeter method, Hargreaves class A pan method,
field plot method, Blaney-Criddle method and penman formula. ET can be measured by all methods above using different
parameters involved. In this paper we discuss about measurement of ET by above all methods using software prepared by us in
visual basic, this software takes the particular input from the user for particular methods and gives the output i.e. value of ET by
that method. It also provides user the flexibility to compare the results of all the method. This provides great advantage by
avoiding tedious calculations, user friendly, and easily comparing the results of various fields by various methods in almost no
time. This software is in compact executable .exe file which avoids the process of installing it.

Different parameter involved in different methods may not be available all time so value of any parameter in any time that is
required for particular method sufficient for calculating ET. Also it can provide the most optimum results.

Keywords: Keyword: Evapotranspiration (ET).
In designation water use by crops, evaporation and
transpiration are combined into one term called
Evapotranspiration (ET), as it is difficult to separate these
two losses in cropped fields. The relative amount of direct
evaporation from land and water surfaces and transpiration
depend on the amount of ground covered by crops.

For most crops covering the whole soil surface only a small
amount of water is lost from ground surface under field
conditions the incoming solar radiation supplies energy for
evapotranspiration process. Usually a close relationship
exists between net incoming solar radiation and
evapotranspiration. In general the factors influencing
evaporation and transpiration also govern the
evapotranspiration process. Both occur simultaneously and
it is not easy to distinguish between two processes. Apart
from water availability in the top soil, the evaporation from
cropped soil is mainly determined by fraction of solar
radiation reaching the soil surface. It decreases over the
growing period of crops as the crop develops and the crop
canopy shades more and more of the ground area. During
the initial stages of crop, water is lost mainly by soil
evaporation but once the crop is well developed and
completely covers the soil, transpiration is predominant

The evaporation plus transpiration from a vegetated surface
with respect to water supply is known as Potential
Evaporation or Potential Evapotranspiration (PE) and it
constitutes the maximum possible rate due to the prevailing
meteorological conditions. The problem of measuring
evaporation from open water surfaces, and transpiration
from different types of vegetation, has been a central
problem in hydrology for many years. In terms of the
hydrological cycle and the water balance, evaporation and
transpiration make up the second largest component. Errors
in estimating evaporative loss, therefore, assume great
significance, for example, in the calculation of groundwater
recharge. Difficulties in understanding the physical nature of
the evaporation process, together with ambiguous results
from the various types of instrument designed to measure
evaporation directly (such as evaporation pans and
evaporimeters) lead to the development of empirical
techniques for estimating evaporation, using generally
available climatic data. These techniques were recognized
and acknowledged to give only approximate estimates, but
in the presence of simple-to-apply, more theoretically and
practically sound methods and comparing all it is possible to
get most appropriate and optimum value of

Robert (2002) has studied crop coefficient and irrigation
scheduling resources. The objective of irrigation scheduling
is to apply only the water that the crop needs, taking into
account seepage, runoff losses, and leaching requirements.
Scheduling is especially important to pump irrigators if
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 09 | NCETCE-2014 | June-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 44
power costs are high [1]. Zhang et al. (2003) studied the
effect of soil water deficit on Evapotranspiration, crop yield,
and water use efficiency in the North China Plain has
founded a new methodology to estimate daily
Evapotranspiration from high resolution remotely sensed
data. It was a modification of the surface energy balance
model simplified surface balance index, which allows the
retrieval of daily Evapotranspiration from the evaporative
fraction and the daily net radiation flux, for which the
relative humidity measured in situ is needed [3]. J.A.Tariq et
al. (2003) conducted a study to investigate the effect of
different irrigation depths on yield of maize, statistical
analysis showed there was significant affect of irrigation
depth on crop yield [4]. Son Hong Vu, et.al (2005) used
FAO-56 for evaluating Evapotranspiration in simulation of
pollutant runoff from paddy rice field in Japan. Applicability
of FAO-56 method in estimation of Evapotranspiration for
the simulation of pollutant runoff from rice paddy field in
Japan was investigated. Crop Evapotranspiration and crop
coefficient recommended by FAO-56 method relative to
those values obtained in the field monitoring for three
Japanese rice varieties, namely, Nihonbare, Mangetsumochi
and Koganemochi during first three growing stages were
compared [5]. Sobrino et. al (2005) have proposed
methodology to estimate Evapotranspiration using the
surface energy balance model S-SEBI (Simplified Surface
Energy Balance Index) and the evaporative fraction. The
method was applicable under the assumptions of constant
atmospheric conditions and sufficient wet and dry pixels
over the image. The model uses remotely sensed parameters
such as albedo, MSAVI (Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation
Index) and surface temperature and emissivity images. The
methodology has been applied over the Barrax test site,
located in the province of Albacete [6]. Quazi.K.Hasan
(2006), ET as a key economical variable calculated at a
Canadian province and provides a simplified protocol for
analysis that can be readily used for Canada and other forest
areas [7]. Dr. Awchi (2007) investigated the potential of
radial basis function (RBF) neural networks for the
prediction of reference Evapotranspiration. That study
showed that the RBF network is seen to emulate the feed
forward-back propagation in its performance and can be
effectively used for Evapotranspiration prediction [8].

In present study an attempt has been made to develop the
software for the estimation of Evapotranspiration under the
Visual Basic environment. Five principle methods are used
for the determination of ET. Software provides flexibility to
use any or all methods of ET and respective results can be
compared thereby achieving accurate results for crop. Study
is conducted in Nasik of sugarcane crop and ET is
calculated for year 2013.

Evapotranspiration (ET) is the process of transmission of
water to environment from plants body and ground surface
together. Methods widely use for determination of ET are
Lysimeter Method, Hargreaves class A pan method, Field
plot method, Blaney-Criddle method Penman formula. Each
method includes different parameters and involves the time
consuming calculation, so the successful attempts made and
Software developed in Visual Basic to calculate ET by any
or all methods and it enables the comparative results.

3.1 Methods of Evapotranspiration
The principle methods of estimating Evapotranspiration are
as given below:-
a. Lysimeter method
b. Hargreaves Class A Pan Method
c. Field Plot Method
d. Blaney-Criddle Method
e. Penman Formula.

3.1.1 Lysimeter Method
Potential evaporation, the evaporation plus transpiration
from a vegetated surface when water supply is unlimited,
can be measured using irrigated lysimeters.

The installations used, shown in following figure, closely
looks like a percolation gauge. The principal difference is in
the operation of the apparatus, with the contained soil being
kept at field capacity (the water content of the soil after the
saturated soil has drained under gravity to equilibrium) by
sprinkling a known quantity of water on the tank when
rainfall is deficient.

Lysimeter equations:-

E R I Q S (1)

ET= Evapotranspiration
Rw= Rainfall Water
Iw= Irrigation Water
QD=Quantity of water drained
s=Surface & Subsurface changes in Storage
Difficulties Involved

One of the disadvantages of these gauges is that the soil
sample is disturbed.

In winter with snow cover and freezing temperatures, certain
difficulties in operating the gauges are encountered, but
discrepancies are not of great importance since evaporation
losses are low and often negligible under such conditions.

Measured values of PE using these irrigated gauges can be
exaggerated in very dry periods and hot climates

3.1.2 Hargreaves Class a Pan Method
The pan is circular with a diameter of 1.21 m and depth of
255 mm which gives it a volume of about 0.3 m3. The basin
is put on a 150 mm high wooden frame due to air circulation
around the basin. The water level is kept about 50 mm
below the rim, due to allowance of percolation and the need
of water. The water level is measured every day, either you
measure the difference between the present and the origin
water level or if you have chosen to obtain the water level in
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 09 | NCETCE-2014 | June-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 45
the pan, you measure the amount of water youve put into
the pan

This equation proposed and established by Hargreaves in

E K E (2)

ET= Evapotranspiration
EP= Evaporation from the pan
K= Monthly Consumptive use of Crop Coefficient obtained
from table A1 in Appendix

3.1.3 Field Plot Method
Measurements of water supplies to the field and changes in
the soil moisture contents of field plots are sometimes more
dependable for computing seasonal water requirement for
crops than measurement with lysimeter which do not
simulate field condition. The seasonal eater requirements are
computed by adding measured quantities of irrigation water,
the effective rainfall received during the season, and
contribution of water from the soil. It is expressed by
following relation-

Field Plot equation-

- -

ET= Evapotranspiration
IW= Irrigation Water
SR= Surface Run-off
DPW= Deep Percolation to Ground Water

3.1.4 Blaney-Criddle Method
Blaney and Criddle (1950) observed that the amount of
water consumptively used by crops during their growing
seasons was closely correlated with mean monthly
temperatures and daylight hours and the length of the
growing seasons. The correlation coefficients are then
applied to determine the ET for other areas where only
climate data are available. Blaney-Criddle formula is one of
the best known procedures for estimating Potential
Evapotranspiration (PET) and is widely used. The
popularity of the procedure is due to its simplicity and its
use of readily available data. It requires the use of only two
factors, namely, temperature which is readily available from
the weather stations and information on daylight hours
which is a factor based purely on the latitude of the place.
Using Blaney-Criddle approach, PET can be expressed as
follows, in metric units:

0.46 ( 17.8)
E P T (4)

ET = Evapotranspiration in mm/m.
P = Percentage of day light in hours in a year.
T = temperature in degree Celsius.

3.1.5 Penman formula
Penman(1948) proposed an equation for evaporation from
open water surface, based on a combination of energy
balance and sink strength which is given below with
changes in certain symbols in view of the recent trends.

( ) / ( ) E Q Y E Y
T n A

ET = evapotranspiration form open water surface (mm/day)
EA = evaporation form water surface
= slope of saturation vapour pressure vs. temperature
curve at the mean air temperature ta mm per C.
Qn= net radiation (mm of water)
Y = Psychrometric constant or the ratio of specific heat of
air to the latent heat of evaporation of water.
The value of k is obtained from table depends on type of
crop and particular month in a year.

There are various principle methods namely lysimeter
methods, Hargreaves class A pan method, field plot
method, Blaney-Criddle method and penman formula. These
involving various parameters, various conditions, and
different accuracy so study of all methods is important for
various different conditions, simplicity and optimality. To
achieve this software is developed in visual basic
environment involving all equations. User can give input in
any one or all of the methods and obtain the result of
evapotranspiration by that particular method. This software
is so developed that even a non technical person can use
with ease. It also provides the comparative result of all the
equations to obtain the most optimum value of
evapotranspiration. It is in form of executable format so
problem of installation is simplified. The parameter of
particular field can be obtained by and its case study
regarding evapotranspiration can be done easily by avoiding
tedious calculations.

4.1 Advantages
Easier easy to use understand and handle by the user
extremely easy to give input and obtain the output else the
job would have been tedious. It has extremely user friendly

Comparison of various methods- software provides the
facility of comparing result of all the methods and giving the
most optimum value of all.

Avoiding tedious calculation- all the methods involve
lengthy equations and tedious calculations which involves
waste of time and energy. Now software nullifies the time
and it is saved for more research study.
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 09 | NCETCE-2014 | June-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 46
Easy Installation- It is been modified into an executable file
which need not to be installed and use directly.

Planned irrigation This provides a step further to planned
irrigation and helps estimating the optimum requirement of
water in the field.

The Sugarcane crop grown in Nasik region situated at
latitude 20N by using Blaney-Criddle method consumptive
use of water is calculated of year 2010.

Equation used is as

ET = 0.46 P (T+17.8)

Where ET = evapotranspiration in mm/m.
P = percentage of day light in hrs in a year.

It is obtained from table giving monthly percentage of day
light in hours in a year according to particular latitude and
month. The value of P is directly obtained from software
with giving latitude and month since it is directly
synchronized with software.

T = temperature in degree Celsius

Temperature is obtained directly from GPS system and
mean monthly temperature.

ET is obtained from software by giving input

Input month eg. January
Input latitude eg. 20 N

Table 5.1 Monthly Evapotranspiration by Blaney-Criddle

The knowledge of evapotranspiration has become more and
more important during the last decades because of the
increased use of irrigation on farmlands.

Estimating an exact value for evaporation over an area is
very hard due to the unsecure parameters you have to take
into account. Many models have been made, but most of
them are based on empirical models and are therefore not
very accurate.

So, the software developed calculates the value of
Evapotranspiration, it enables the user to choose the
appropriate method depending on the parameters available
e.g. mean monthly temperature, runoff, etc.
Evapotranspiration can also be calculated by all the
available methods and obtain the accurate value of

The software provides the user the easy handling estimating
and calculating Evapotranspiration.

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[4]. J.A. Tariq, M. J. Khan, Irrigation scheduling of maize
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[5]. Son Hong Vu, Application of FAO-56 for evaluating
Evapotranspiration in simulation of pollutant runoff from
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[6]. J. Sobrino, M. Gomeza, A simple algorithm to estimate
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pp.117-125, Nov. 2005.
[7]. Q.K. Hassan, Estimating daily Evapotranspiration for
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[8]. Donna May, Incidental recharge in the lower Flinth
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Day Light
In Hours
iration In
Jan 20 7.73 134.409
Feb 22 7.26 132.916
Mar 25 8.20 161.441
Apr 28 8.52 179.499
May 30 9.14 200.970
Jun 27 9.22 190.005
Jul 26 9.25 186.369
Aug 25 8.95 176.207
Sep 25 8.30 163.410
Oct 24 8.19 157.477
Nov 22 7.58 138.774
Dec 21 7.88 140.642
Consumptive Use Of Sugarcane Crop
in Nasik In Year 2010
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 09 | NCETCE-2014 | June-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 47
Mata Manish Dharamdas B.E Civil,
SNJBS COE Chandwad (Nashik) India,
M.E. Construction Technology and
Management (Per) at S.S.G.B COET
Bhusawal, Lecturer MET BKC IOE
Nashik, India

Ketan A.Salunke Assistant Professor,
Civil Engineering Department, Sandip
Institute of Engineering & Management,
Trimbak Road, Mahiravani, Nashik

Prof. P.P.Bhangale, H.O.D, Civil Engineering Department,
S.S.G.B COET Bhusawal, India

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