This document summarizes key concepts around capital markets and financial instruments:
1. Financial innovation through securitization and bundling/unbundling of securities creates opportunities for investors to form more efficient portfolios. Both institutional and individual investors can benefit from financial engineering that creates new products allowing them to better manage risk.
2. For securitization to work effectively, a market needs a developed legal/regulatory system, banking industry, financial transactions infrastructure, and financial media. These characteristics are found in developed financial markets.
3. Securitization can allow market participants to bypass intermediaries, though the market for securities must be highly liquid. As securitization progresses, financial intermediaries may need to find new
This document summarizes key concepts around capital markets and financial instruments:
1. Financial innovation through securitization and bundling/unbundling of securities creates opportunities for investors to form more efficient portfolios. Both institutional and individual investors can benefit from financial engineering that creates new products allowing them to better manage risk.
2. For securitization to work effectively, a market needs a developed legal/regulatory system, banking industry, financial transactions infrastructure, and financial media. These characteristics are found in developed financial markets.
3. Securitization can allow market participants to bypass intermediaries, though the market for securities must be highly liquid. As securitization progresses, financial intermediaries may need to find new
This document summarizes key concepts around capital markets and financial instruments:
1. Financial innovation through securitization and bundling/unbundling of securities creates opportunities for investors to form more efficient portfolios. Both institutional and individual investors can benefit from financial engineering that creates new products allowing them to better manage risk.
2. For securitization to work effectively, a market needs a developed legal/regulatory system, banking industry, financial transactions infrastructure, and financial media. These characteristics are found in developed financial markets.
3. Securitization can allow market participants to bypass intermediaries, though the market for securities must be highly liquid. As securitization progresses, financial intermediaries may need to find new
This document summarizes key concepts around capital markets and financial instruments:
1. Financial innovation through securitization and bundling/unbundling of securities creates opportunities for investors to form more efficient portfolios. Both institutional and individual investors can benefit from financial engineering that creates new products allowing them to better manage risk.
2. For securitization to work effectively, a market needs a developed legal/regulatory system, banking industry, financial transactions infrastructure, and financial media. These characteristics are found in developed financial markets.
3. Securitization can allow market participants to bypass intermediaries, though the market for securities must be highly liquid. As securitization progresses, financial intermediaries may need to find new
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PROBLEM SETS 1. While it is ultimately true that real assets determine the material ell!"ein# $% an e&$n$my' %inan&ial inn$(ati$n in the %$rm $% "undlin# and un"undlin# se&urities &reates $))$rtunities %$r in(est$rs t$ %$rm m$re e%%i&ient )$rt%$li$s. *$th instituti$nal and indi(idual in(est$rs &an "ene%it hen %inan&ial en#ineerin# &reates ne )r$du&ts that all$ them t$ mana#e their )$rt%$li$s $% %inan&ial assets m$re e%%i&iently. *undlin# and un"undlin# &reate %inan&ial )r$du&ts ith ne )r$)erties and sensiti(ities t$ (ari$us s$ur&es $% ris+ that all$s in(est$rs t$ redu&e ($latility "y hed#in# )arti&ular s$ur&es $% ris+ m$re e%%i&iently. ,. Se&uriti-ati$n re.uires a&&ess t$ a lar#e num"er $% )$tential in(est$rs. T$ attra&t these in(est$rs' the &a)ital mar+et needs: 1. a sa%e system $% "usiness las and l$ )r$"a"ility $% &$n%is&at$ry ta/ati$n0re#ulati$n1 ,. a ell!de(el$)ed in(estment "an+in# industry1 2. a ell!de(el$)ed system $% "r$+era#e and %inan&ial transa&ti$ns1 and 3. ell!de(el$)ed media' )arti&ularly %inan&ial re)$rtin#. These &hara&teristi&s are %$und in 4indeed ma+e %$r5 a ell!de(el$)ed %inan&ial mar+et. 2. Se&uriti-ati$n leads t$ disintermediati$n1 that is' se&uriti-ati$n )r$(ides a means %$r mar+et )arti&i)ants t$ "y)ass intermediaries. 6$r e/am)le' m$rt#a#e!"a&+ed se&urities &hannel %unds t$ the h$usin# mar+et ith$ut re.uirin# that "an+s $r thri%t instituti$ns ma+e l$ans %r$m their $n )$rt%$li$s. Se&uriti-ati$n $r+s ell and &an "ene%it many' "ut $nly i% the mar+et %$r these se&urities is hi#hly li.uid. As se&uriti-ati$n )r$#resses' h$e(er' and %inan&ial intermediaries l$se $))$rtunities' they must in&rease $ther re(enue!#eneratin# a&ti(ities su&h as )r$(idin# sh$rt!term li.uidity t$ &$nsumers and small "usiness and %inan&ial ser(i&es. 3. The e/isten&e $% e%%i&ient &a)ital mar+ets and the li.uid tradin# $% %inan&ial assets ma+e it easy %$r lar#e %irms t$ raise the &a)ital needed t$ %inan&e their in(estments in real assets. I% 6$rd' %$r e/am)le' &$uld n$t issue st$&+s $r "$nds t$ the #eneral )u"li&' it $uld ha(e a %ar m$re di%%i&ult time raisin# &a)ital. C$ntra&ti$n $% the su))ly $% %inan&ial assets $uld ma+e %inan&in# m$re di%%i&ult' there"y in&reasin# the &$st $% &a)ital. A hi#her &$st $% &a)ital results in less in(estment and l$er real #r$th. 1!1 CHAPTER 1: THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT 7. E(en i% the %irm d$es n$t need t$ issue st$&+ in any )arti&ular year' the st$&+ mar+et is still im)$rtant t$ the %inan&ial mana#er. The st$&+ )ri&e )r$(ides im)$rtant in%$rmati$n a"$ut h$ the mar+et (alues the %irm8s in(estment )r$9e&ts. 6$r e/am)le' i% the st$&+ )ri&e rises &$nsidera"ly' mana#ers mi#ht &$n&lude that the mar+et "elie(es the %irm8s %uture )r$s)e&ts are "ri#ht. This mi#ht "e a use%ul si#nal t$ the %irm t$ )r$&eed ith an in(estment su&h as an e/)ansi$n $% the %irm8s "usiness. In additi$n' shares that &an "e traded in the se&$ndary mar+et are m$re attra&ti(e t$ initial in(est$rs sin&e they +n$ that they ill "e a"le t$ sell their shares. This in turn ma+es in(est$rs m$re illin# t$ "uy shares in a )rimary $%%erin# and thus im)r$(es the terms $n hi&h %irms &an raise m$ney in the e.uity mar+et. Remem"er that st$&+ e/&han#es li+e th$se in Ne :$r+' ;$nd$n' and Paris are the heart $% &a)italism' in hi&h %irms &an raise &a)ital .ui&+ly in )rimary mar+ets "e&ause in(est$rs +n$ there are li.uid se&$ndary mar+ets. <. a. N$. The in&rease in )ri&e did n$t add t$ the )r$du&ti(e &a)a&ity $% the e&$n$my. ". :es' the (alue $% the e.uity held in these assets has in&reased. &. 6uture h$me$ners as a h$le are $rse $%%' sin&e m$rt#a#e lia"ilities ha(e als$ in&reased. In additi$n' this h$usin# )ri&e "u""le ill e(entually "urst and s$&iety as a h$le 4and m$st li+ely ta/)ayers5 ill su%%er the dama#e. =. a. The "an+ l$an is a %inan&ial lia"ility %$r ;anni' and a %inan&ial asset %$r the "an+. The &ash ;anni re&ei(es is a %inan&ial asset. The ne %inan&ial asset &reated is ;anni8s )r$miss$ry n$te t$ re)ay the l$an. ". ;anni trans%ers %inan&ial assets 4&ash5 t$ the s$%tare de(el$)ers. In return' ;anni re&ei(es the &$m)leted s$%tare )a&+a#e' hi&h is a real asset. N$ %inan&ial assets are &reated $r destr$yed1 &ash is sim)ly trans%erred %r$m $ne )arty t$ an$ther. &. ;anni e/&han#es the real asset 4the s$%tare5 %$r a %inan&ial asset' hi&h is 1'7>> shares $% Mi&r$s$%t st$&+. I% Mi&r$s$%t issues ne shares in $rder t$ )ay ;anni' then this $uld re)resent the &reati$n $% ne %inan&ial assets. d. *y sellin# its shares in Mi&r$s$%t' ;anni e/&han#es $ne %inan&ial asset 41'7>> shares $% st$&+5 %$r an$ther 4?1,>'>>> in &ash5. ;anni uses the %inan&ial asset $% ?7>'>>> in &ash t$ re)ay the "an+ and retire its )r$miss$ry n$te. The "an+ must return its %inan&ial asset t$ ;anni. The l$an is @destr$yed@ in the transa&ti$n' sin&e it is retired hen )aid $%% and n$ l$n#er e/ists. 1!, CHAPTER 1: THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT A. a. Assets Liabilities & Shareholders Equity Cash ? =>'>>> *an+ l$an ? 7>'>>> C$m)uters 2>'>>> Shareh$ldersB e.uity 7>'>>> T$tal ?1>>'>>> T$tal ?1>>'>>> Rati$ $% real assets t$ t$tal assets C ?2>'>>>0?1>>'>>> C >.2> ". Assets Liabilities & Shareholders Equity S$%tare )r$du&tD ? =>'>>> *an+ l$an ? 7>'>>> C$m)uters 2>'>>> Shareh$ldersB e.uity 7>'>>> T$tal ?1>>'>>> T$tal ?1>>'>>> DValued at &$st Rati$ $% real assets t$ t$tal assets C ?1>>'>>>0?1>>'>>> C 1.> &. Assets Liabilities & Shareholders Equity Mi&r$s$%t shares ?1,>'>>> *an+ l$an ? 7>'>>> C$m)uters 2>'>>> Shareh$ldersB e.uity 1>>'>>> T$tal ?17>'>>> T$tal ?17>'>>> Rati$ $% real assets t$ t$tal assets C ?2>'>>>0?17>'>>> C >.,> C$n&lusi$n: hen the %irm starts u) and raises $r+in# &a)ital' it is &hara&teri-ed "y a l$ rati$ $% real assets t$ t$tal assets. When it is in %ull )r$du&ti$n' it has a hi#h rati$ $% real assets t$ t$tal assets. When the )r$9e&t @shuts d$n@ and the %irm sells it $%% %$r &ash' %inan&ial assets $n&e a#ain re)la&e real assets. E. 6$r &$mmer&ial "an+s' the rati$ is: ?1<<.10?12'E,<.> C >.>11E 6$r n$n%inan&ial %irms' the rati$ is: ?17'2,>0?2>'<3E C >.3EEE The di%%eren&e sh$uld "e e/)e&ted )rimarily "e&ause the "ul+ $% the "usiness $% %inan&ial instituti$ns is t$ ma+e l$ans and the "ul+ $% n$n! %inan&ial &$r)$rati$ns is t$ in(est in e.ui)ment' manu%a&turin# )lants' and )r$)erty. The l$ans are %inan&ial assets %$r %inan&ial instituti$ns' "ut the in(estments $% n$n!%inan&ial &$r)$rati$ns are real assets. 1>. a. Primary!mar+et transa&ti$n in hi&h #$ld &erti%i&ates are "ein# $%%ered t$ )u"li& in(est$rs %$r the %irst time "y an underritin# syndi&ate led "y FW G$rth Ca)ital. 1!2 CHAPTER 1: THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT ". The &erti%i&ates are deri(ati(e assets "e&ause they re)resent an in(estment in )hysi&al #$ld' "ut ea&h in(est$r re&ei(es a &erti%i&ate and n$ #$ld. N$te that in(est$rs &an &$n(ert the &erti%i&ate int$ #$ld durin# the %$ur!year )eri$d. &. In(est$rs h$ ish t$ h$ld #$ld ith$ut the &$m)li&ati$n' ris+' and &$st $% )hysi&al st$ra#e. 11. a. A %i/ed salary means that &$m)ensati$n is 4at least in the sh$rt run5 inde)endent $% the %irm8s su&&ess. This salary stru&ture d$es n$t tie the mana#erBs immediate &$m)ensati$n t$ the su&&ess $% the %irm' s$ a mana#er mi#ht n$t %eel t$$ &$m)elled t$ $r+ hard t$ ma/imi-e %irm (alue. H$e(er' the mana#er mi#ht (ie this as the sa%est &$m)ensati$n stru&ture and there%$re (alue it m$re hi#hly. ". A salary that is )aid in the %$rm $% st$&+ in the %irm means that the mana#er earns the m$st hen the shareh$ldersB ealth is ma/imi-ed. 6i(e years $% (estin# hel)s ali#n the interests $% the em)l$yee ith the l$n#!term )er%$rman&e $% the %irm. This stru&ture is there%$re m$st li+ely t$ ali#n the interests $% mana#ers and shareh$lders. I% st$&+ &$m)ensati$n is $(erd$ne' h$e(er' the mana#er mi#ht (ie it as $(erly ris+y sin&e the mana#erBs &areer is already lin+ed t$ the %irm' and this undi(ersi%ied e/)$sure $uld "e e/a&er"ated ith a lar#e st$&+ )$siti$n in the %irm. &. A )r$%it!lin+ed salary &reates #reat in&enti(es %$r mana#ers t$ &$ntri"ute t$ the %irmBs su&&ess. H$e(er' a mana#er h$se salary is tied t$ sh$rt!term )r$%its ill "e ris+ see+in#' es)e&ially i% these sh$rt!term )r$%its determine salary $r i% the &$m)ensati$n stru&ture d$es n$t "ear the %ull &$st $% the )r$9e&tBs ris+s. Shareh$lders' in &$ntrast' "ear the l$sses as ell as the #ains $n the )r$9e&t and mi#ht "e less illin# t$ assume that ris+. 1,. E(en i% an indi(idual shareh$lder &$uld m$nit$r and im)r$(e mana#ersB )er%$rman&e and there"y in&rease the (alue $% the %irm' the )ay$%% $uld "e small' sin&e the $nershi) share in a lar#e &$r)$rati$n $uld "e (ery small. 6$r e/am)le' i% y$u $n ?1>'>>> $% 6$rd st$&+ and &an in&rease the (alue $% the %irm "y 7H' a (ery am"iti$us #$al' y$u "ene%it "y $nly: >.>7 ?1>'>>> C ?7>>. The &$st' "$th )ers$nal and %inan&ial t$ an indi(idual in(est$r' is li+ely t$ "e )r$hi"iti(e and $uld ty)i&ally easily e/&eed any a&&rued "ene%its' in this &ase ?7>>. In &$ntrast' a "an+ that has a multimilli$n!d$llar l$an $utstandin# t$ the %irm has a "i# sta+e in ma+in# sure that the %irm &an re)ay the l$an. It is &learly $rthhile %$r the "an+ t$ s)end &$nsidera"le res$ur&es t$ m$nit$r the %irm. 12. Mutual %unds a&&e)t %unds %r$m small in(est$rs and in(est' $n "ehal% $% these in(est$rs' in the d$mesti& and internati$nal se&urities mar+ets. 1!3 CHAPTER 1: THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT Pensi$n %unds a&&e)t %unds and then in(est in a ide ran#e $% %inan&ial se&urities' $n "ehal% $% &urrent and %uture retirees' there"y &hannelin# %unds %r$m $ne se&t$r $% the e&$n$my t$ an$ther. Venture &a)ital %irms )$$l the %unds $% )ri(ate in(est$rs and in(est in start!u) %irms. *an+s a&&e)t de)$sits %r$m &ust$mers and l$an th$se %unds t$ "usinesses $r use the %unds t$ "uy se&urities $% lar#e &$r)$rati$ns. 13. Treasury "ills ser(e a )ur)$se %$r in(est$rs h$ )re%er a l$!ris+ in(estment. The l$er a(era#e rate $% return &$m)ared t$ st$&+s is the )ri&e in(est$rs )ay %$r )redi&ta"ility $% in(estment )er%$rman&e and )$rt%$li$ (alue. 17. With a t$)!d$n in(estin# style' y$u %$&us $n asset all$&ati$n $r the "r$ad &$m)$siti$n $% the entire )$rt%$li$' hi&h is the ma9$r determinant $% $(erall )er%$rman&e. M$re$(er' t$)!d$n mana#ement is the natural ay t$ esta"lish a )$rt%$li$ ith a le(el $% ris+ &$nsistent ith y$ur ris+ t$leran&e. The disad(anta#e $% an exclusive em)hasis $n t$)!d$n issues is that y$u may %$r%eit the )$tential hi#h returns that &$uld result %r$m identi%yin# and &$n&entratin# in under(alued se&urities $r se&t$rs $% the mar+et. With a "$tt$m!u) in(estin# style' y$u try t$ "ene%it %r$m identi%yin# under(alued se&urities. The disad(anta#e is that in(est$rs mi#ht tend t$ $(erl$$+ the $(erall &$m)$siti$n $% y$ur )$rt%$li$' hi&h may result in a n$ndi(ersi%ied )$rt%$li$ $r a )$rt%$li$ ith a ris+ le(el in&$nsistent ith the a))r$)riate le(el $% ris+ t$leran&e. In additi$n' this te&hni.ue tends t$ re.uire m$re a&ti(e mana#ement' thus #eneratin# m$re transa&ti$n &$sts. 6inally' the "$tt$m!u) analysis may "e in&$rre&t' in hi&h &ase there ill "e a %ruitlessly e/)ended e%%$rt and m$ney attem)tin# t$ "eat a sim)le "uy! and!h$ld strate#y. 1<. :$u sh$uld "e s+e)ti&al. I% the auth$r a&tually +n$s h$ t$ a&hie(e su&h returns' $ne must .uesti$n hy the auth$r $uld then "e s$ ready t$ sell the se&ret t$ $thers. 6inan&ial mar+ets are (ery &$m)etiti(e1 $ne $% the im)li&ati$ns $% this %a&t is that ri&hes d$ n$t &$me easily. Hi#h e/)e&ted returns re.uire "earin# s$me ris+' and $"(i$us "ar#ains are %e and %ar "eteen. Odds are that the $nly $ne #ettin# ri&h %r$m the "$$+ is its auth$r. 1=. 6inan&ial assets )r$(ide %$r a means t$ a&.uire real assets as ell as an e/)ansi$n $% these real assets. 6inan&ial assets )r$(ide a measure $% li.uidity t$ real assets and all$ %$r in(est$rs t$ m$re e%%e&ti(ely redu&e ris+ thr$u#h di(ersi%i&ati$n. 1A. All$in# traders t$ share in the )r$%its in&reases the tradersB illin#ness t$ assume ris+. Traders ill share in the u)side )$tential dire&tly in the %$rm $% hi#her &$m)ensati$n "ut $nly in the d$nside indire&tly in the %$rm $% )$tential 1!7 CHAPTER 1: THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT 9$" l$ss i% )er%$rman&e is "ad en$u#h. This s&enari$ &reates a %$rm $% a#en&y &$n%li&t +n$n as m$ral ha-ard' in hi&h the $ners $% the %inan&ial instituti$n share in "$th the t$tal )r$%its and l$sses' hile the traders ill tend t$ share m$re $% the #ains than the l$sses. 1E. Ansers may (ary' h$e(er' students sh$uld t$u&h $n the %$ll$in#: in&reased trans)aren&y' re#ulati$ns t$ )r$m$te &a)ital "y in&reasin# the %re.uen&y $% #ain $r l$ss settlement' in&enti(es t$ dis&$ura#e e/&essi(e ris+ ta+in#' and the )r$m$ti$n $% m$re a&&urate and un"iased ris+ assessment. 1!<